PA öb -Hrftteß Aim*» Mitt while the bridesmaid’s flowers Misses Esther Counter, irmi hairs. Long sabls scarfs will were in pink aad apricot shades. Bess, Margaret Deugh«r<, Is» h®Ver go out of fashion, for those Rev. Lawrence of Medford was belle Silver, Allee R«W > Vlr- who can afford them, and chin-' 19f8 1924 PHYSICIANS the officiating clergyman and ginla Jones, Ruth Aitken, Edith chilla and ermine will swathe the Claxnified Column Rates spoke the simple hut beautiful Dodge, Mra. G. R. D. Jonas and throats in the evening as usual.; One cent the word each DR. HAWLEY-—Above Tidings the hostess, MfS. Elwood Hed- words of the ring ceremony. time. office. Phone 91. s. J'r-'fc----— ... ii —______________ _ After receiving the joyous con-! burg, To run every Issue lor one DR. C. W. HANSON gratulatlons and good wishes of month or more, He the word Dentist BARTLETT, the Furrier their friends and admiring the Patts Style H int— AT each time. Special attention given to pyor. OBEEN OBOW THE BASHES, O! many presents received, the de­ PARIS, Nov. 7.—« r sr y saasbn, • New Theater Building -J rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver (By Robert Burns) lightful wedding breakfast was when the weather man begins to FOR RENT Green grow the rashes, O Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. served at small tables each dec­ nip the nose and bring thoughts Medford, Oregon Green grow the rashes, O- FOR RENT: — Furnished 5- DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac- The sweetest hours that e’er I orated with a bronze and apricot of warmer clothing, women begin chrysanthemum. room house. Inquire Plaza Meat to turn to fur for trimming and, spent tlce limited to eye, ear, nose ana Following the breakfast the principally, for a warm scarf about Market. 59— 3* Were spent among the lasses, throat— X-ray including teeth. bride and groom drove to this the neck— the only rival of the O! Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to ROOM TO RENT— To a lady, 9:30 TO 11:00 A. M. city where they took the train to silk one which has been so popu­ I 154 B. street. 58— tt 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, San Francisco. On Wednesday lar. STREET STUNTS There’s nought but care on every chilblains, frostbite—just rub Ore. they will said for Mazatlan on the FOR RENT— Furnished room. on soothing, cooling, healing The animal that makes your han’, A Laugh in Every Block Mexican coast, there to Spend a fur scarf will depend upon the 107 Second St. Phone 313-R. DR. E. B. ANGELL—Chiropractic In ev’ry hour that passes, O; 11:00 A. M. 50— tf and Electro-Therapy. Office What signifies that life o’ man, honeymoon amid tropical scenery. color of your Fall costume. But TWO MINUTES OF SILENCE The couple are very well known it is ten to one it will be a fox, ▼ V a p o R ub phone 48; residence 142. First An’ ’twerena for the lasses, O. O ver 1 7 Million Jara U sed Yearly in Northern California and South­ In Honor of the Soldier Dead National Bank building. FOR RENT— Furnished house, The warly race may riches chase, for it is this wily creature which ern Oregon and have the best 11:02 A. M. seems to be king of the furs this And riches still may bly them, 478 Boulevard. 36— Imo wishes of everyone for a long and season. There are many lovely THE SOUTHERN OREGON O; DEMONSTRATION BY 0. N. G. CLINIC FOB SALB kinds, the most notable aristocrat, An’ tho’ at last they catch them happy life. 1st National Bank Bldg. They Guarantee a Big Noise of course, being the silver fox. Surgical Obstetrical fast, FOR SALE:— White Leghorn* Medical 11:05 A. M. Entertained Friends— Diagnostic X-ray Their hearts can ne’er enjoy He grows his silver right into his Cocks and Cockerels, pedegreed Mrs. Allle Rhodes charmingly pelt and has a snow-tipped tail, R. W. Stearns, M. D. GRAND STREET PARADE them, O. from over 250 egg mating, cheap R. E. Green, M. D. I entertained at Sunday dinner for which makes the price worth men­ Bigger and Better Than Ever if taken at once. Mrs. W. D. R. W. Sleeter, M. D. But gi’e me a cannit hour at e'en, a group of her friends yesterday tioning. In fact, the price very on cold mornings, replace your 2:00 P. M. Office hours 2-5 p. m. Booth. Phone 257Y. 59— 2 old Spark Plugs, with a set of Phone 238-R My arms about my dearie, O; at her home on Eighth street. A often depends upon the humber of new A. C. or Champion Plugs, sumptous chicken dinner was BASEBALL CONTEST FOR SALE: — Five 540 egg An’ warly cares, an’ warly men, they will save your battery. little flecks. CONVALESCENT HOME served by the delightful hostess, For Boys at the Football Field incubators in good condition, May a* gae tapsateerio, O. Then, the little red fox has Where the sick get well. followed by a pleasant afternoon. cheap if sold at once. Mrs. W. D. 2:30 P. M. Milwaukee Timers, I The complimented guests were oom« out of his hole and will be Cottage Plan. Booth. Phone 257Y. 59— 2 K-W Coil Points For you sae douse, ye sneer at the favorite of many a smart wo­ MEDFORD-ASHLAND GAME We board and care for Invalids Mrs. Gasper and three children, installed free this, man this Winter. It makes a splen­ and old people. FOR SALE: — Tancred— Holly­ The Biggest Football Game of the Season Dorothy Rhodes, A. P. Rhodes Ye’re nought but senseless as­ did finish to the neutral brown Maternity Dept. wood cockerels, pedigreed, dams, 8:30 P. M. and the hostess, lira. Allie ses, O; costumes and goes well with the Call 153 records up to 280, sire record Rhodes. The wisest man the warl* e ’ev saw, ARMISTICE DAY DANCE J - ................ !'. W W sunburn and tan (natural or un­ fir over 270. The male is half your I I ! ..I'. U H L . ■ MONUMENTS He dearly lov’d the lasses, O natural) brought back from the At the Beautiful Oriental Gardens flock. 112 Nutley St. Phone 456J. Entertain With Party— seashora thia year. There are 12:00 MIDNIGHT 58— tf ASHLAND GRANITE Mrs. O. R. Kluth was the hon­ Auld Nature swears, the lovely «orne handsome red fox skins this BOULEVARD aud SHERMAN or guest at a charmingly appoint­ MONUMENTS “ A NIGHT IN PARIS” WOOD ~FOR SALE:— Fir and dears year, very thick, long and silky Blair Granite Co. ed party given by the Ladies Aux­ Dancing and High Class Vaudeville Spruce, 16 Inch 38. Hard wood Her noblest work she classes, and with admirable «hading«. S. PENNISTON, Manager iliary to the Brotherhood of 16 inch 312. Delivered. Fountain O; The bine fo t, ones very popu­ Office 178 E. Main Railway Trainmen at the home Feul Co Slskiyon or leave orders Her ’prentice han* she tried on lar, in a Mt in the background, Res. Phone 444-Y of Mrs. Hitchcock on Oak street, at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. man, but sometimes setting off a 60— 1 mo.* a N y g ir l I n TROUBLE— May An’ then she made the lasses, Friday evening. A pleasant even­ striking gray or dull slate cos­ ing was spent with needlework O. communicate with Ensign Bungalows— Lota and conversation occupying the tume- Bine fox also blends well • »' • with beige and brown tones. of tiie Salvation Army at the I have seme fine Bungalows, time. At the close of the even­ CALENDAR OF EVENTS we have the following Black fox Is always attractive, WhReShleld *Hoirie, 565 May- Houses and Building Lota in Ash­ ing daintily prepared refresh­ Monday, November 10. Ladies especially with blaek or white fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. winter automobile land fer sale, will accept geod ments were served. Bidden Art Club will give card party in costumes. This year there Is a Bonds, Notes or Mortages on specialties guests were Mesdames Guy Carter, PLANING MILL Civic Club house. novelty of gold -flecks hers and payments, and give easy terms on Annual Roll call for member­ Houschke, Carey, Deer, M. W. there at the ends of the longest balance. Se rue before buying a JORDON'S SASH AND CABINET Armour’s Anti-Freeze ship in Ashland Red Cross starts Smith, Jack Dunn, Miss Clara! BW home. WORKS, Cor. Helman and Tuesday, Nov. 11, last all week. Huck and Mra. Hitchcock/ A. L. LAMB, 178 A St. • • • Van Ness. 1 9 ftl Windshield Wipers Tuesday, November 11. W. C. Box 422, Ashland. Entertains— T. U. will give a social meeting TRANSFER AND EXPRESS 35— 1 Mo. Rear-View Mirrors One of the prettiest affairs of Whittle Transfer A Storage Co. at the home of Mrs. Leavitt on the week was given Saturday; Buy better milk. Phone 257-J Chestnut street. All members for SERVICE. Windshield Rubbers evening honoring Miss Virginia for it. 33— 1 mo.* Experienced movers and pack­ and friends are invited. Tuesday, November 11. O. E. Jones, whose engagement to Mr. Hood and Dash Covers ers of household goods. Deal­ MISCELLANEOUS S. Embroidery Club will meet at Alfred Stroud of Tennant has been S c ie n c e h a s n o t p r o d u c e d o n e ers in coal and wood. Phone announced. The party was given Masonic Hall. Weed Chains—all sizes WANTED a good and reliable 117. th a t is a n y m o r e p u r e o r e f fic ie n t Thursday, November 13. Ladies at the cosy home of Mrs. Elwood man or women to demonstrate Office 89 Oak St. near Elks Club will meet at the club Hedburg, sister of the honored for winter u«e . It wmy and sell the Electro Magnetic Hotel Ashland guest. SALES 3*/x TIMES THOSE OP ANT OTHER BRAND rooms. H A R R IS O N Blankets in Ashland and Vicinity. A jolly evening was spent play-j save the purchase of a * • • A good clean and growing busi­ T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ Brothers, Garage Ing card games and talking over new battery later. fer— Good team and motor Beautiful Wedding— ness that has Increased over two Ford, Lincoln, Fordson Dealers Springbank Orchard, near Tal­ former good times. trucks. G >od service at a rea­ hundred percent in the last year, At a late hour the guests were ent, the residence of Mr. and Mra. sonable price. Phone 83. for full particulars. Address Po. H. S. Gleim was the scene of a ushered into the dining room and Box 452 Eugene, Oregon. 55— 6* very pretty autumn wedding Tues­ seated at a table beautifully dec­ FEHIGE- ROACH ♦ orated with pink and white can­ WANTED: — Protect yourself Transfer — Express — Storage day, November 4th. for every make of ear. dles, nut baskets, place cards and j against the uncertainties of win­ In the presence of a few in­ Hauling — Dray work of all a lovely pink and white shade, ter. We can assure you a good kinds. Quick motor service. Dry timate friends and relatives Miss over the lamp. Delectable re­ position in your own county, that wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R Madge de Lano and Harry N. freshments were served by the will pay you well. Write us at 112-tf Gleim were united in marriage. deft fingers of the lovely hoa-. once. Nogar Corporation, 301 375 B. St. The homelike living room of Onr Phone 82 Couch Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Springbank Orchard, was simply toss, and after wishing Miss Jones ASHLAND PAINT CO Main . Plaza Ashland 54— 18 decorated with masses of scarlet every happiness the guests de­ Dependable sweetbriar and tall ferns, with two parted. The invited guests were DRESSMAKING and Taylorlng Painting Contractors & Decorators large vases of William Waite — 11 ii SWENNING & GEAR reasonable prices, all work guar­ Large investors look 57-1 mo.* chrysanthemums in tones of anteed. Mrs. B. Van Harden- Phone 408-J bronze and apricot at each side for a diversified field berg, 147 Central Ave. 55— 1 mo,* of the large east window. z At the appointed moment the bride, preceded by her bridesmaid W hat about the sm aller investor — the man or Quartzburg — Good showing in Mrs. Edgar Shoupe and matron crosscut in ore in Equity mine. woman who seeks the same safety for a few hun­ AND of honor, Mrs. John Masson, en­ Good ledge struck in Juniper dred dollars in idle cash, or from five to fifty dollars tered from the right being met claim of Standard group, also a month? by the groom and his brother, rich ore in Midnight lease. Mr. Will Gleim as best man. Two essentials for Winter Motoring The bride carried white chry­ Valvoline and Genuine PeousylvatMa Lubricants. McMinnville — Walnut plant santhemums and snapdragons, If your nostrils are clogged, handles four tons of English wal­ 2 Lap Robes, all wool 60x80 inches nuts dally. Nuts are sorted and your throat, distressed, or your HEAVY packed for market, under four head is stuffed by na3ty catarrh $6.00 value, only ..............................................$3.49 or a cold, apply a little pure, an­ size grades. Petite Prunes tiseptic, germ destroying cream The California Oregon Power Company 7% Pre­ into your nostrils. It penetrates 4 lbs. for 25c ferred Stock (yielding 7.14% at its present price of through every air passage, sooth­ Walnuts, lb., .............30c $98 a share) earns its dividends from w id ely di­ ing inflamed, swollen membranes Large Brazil Nuts and you get instant relief. versified sources. 6 lbs. $1.00 How good it feels. Your nos­ 20c lb. trils are open. Your head is Its income of nearly a million and a half a year Cranberries clear. No more hawking, snuf­ 25c lb., comes from many thousand homes and establish­ 2 lbs. 45c fing, dryness or struggling for ments in Oregon and California. Cream Cheese, lb. ...30c breath. Get a small bottle of S P E C IA L Ely’s Cream Balm from any drug­ ; Hydro-electric power from its 9 power plants gist. Colds and1 catarrh yield Large Yellow Denver supplies the needs of mills, mines, farms, factories, like magic. Don’t stay stuffed Onions up. Relief is sure. industries and stores of every kind. Copco electricity and as a Classified Column PROFESSIONAL C E I. E B R A T E ARMISTICE DAY M EDFORD Bigger and Better Than Ever Before C" V I C K S APPED HANDS • • « For ‘ Quick Starting IV. • • « N. Service Station YES You can’t buy a leavener that will be more satisfactory than C H U U IT THE WORLD'S GREATEST Have Your BATTERY Overhauled E X ID E Batteries Murphy Bfec. Co. BAKING POWDER EACH SHAR is a diversified investment END A HEAD COLD QUICKLY; JUST USE T WHIZ ANTI-FREEZE TIRE CHAINS 14% from POWER OESER’S ASHLAND SERVICE STATION For Colds, Influ enza li Preventive^ -r-r. Take Laxative Brom Quinine tablets The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet Proven Safe for more than a Quarter of a Century. The box bears this signature Price 30c. For a smooth shave and quick service go to the Shell Barber Shop. Ladies and children get yeur hair bobbed and marcel­ led. W. A. SHELL, Prop. 112 A. St. Ashland, Ore Letterheads, statements, t o your order at the Tidings Office. We have a good job printing de­ partment. tf Eugene — Grading to be begun on Maple Creek-Fiddle Creek road, to cost 315,000. 8 lbs. 25c, 35 lbs. $1.00 100 lbs. $2.50 lights the lamps of your home, of your neighbor’s, and of thousands of other homes you’ve never seen. Potatoes of Quality and lowest prices \ z Plaza Market H. A. Stearns Ol N. Mate 19 MONTHS to PAY WMGLEV5 ¿After every meal A p le a s a n t tnd a g r e e a b le i sw eet and n 1 -a -s -t-l-n -g b e n e lit ns w d l. B AND M a k e s tb e l n e x t e lg n r l ta s te b e t t e r . Fire Screens f// For information as to how you can buy Copco 7 % Preferred Stock o n payments as low as £5 a month, ask any member o f our organization, or clip and mail this coupon— today. Utmost protection against weather and fire! Andirons G ood lo r tee U i, b r e a th a a d d ig e s tio n . W hether you own one share or a hundred, each single share of Copco Preferred Stock is a thor­ oughly diversified investment. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY O matter what the architecture of your home, if you want to protect it to the utmoat, «elect Carey Aabeato« Slate Shingle«. Carey Asbestos Shingles carry the Class B Underwriters’ Label, Fire-resisting, durable, economical, attractive, practical. Three colors: blue-black, red and green. N O ffice!: Roseburg OREGON Medford Grants P om KLunath Falls DEALER'S NAME its P u rity P ackage Simpson's Hardware Winchester Store T H E CALIFO RNIA OREG O N P O W E R COMPANY MEDFORD. OREGON PROGRESS any member 44-F .y °nM b0° about Your 7% Preferì. Stock and spec»! partial payment plan. SLATE SHINGLES Ashland Lumber Co. ¿paH tk ù epufion N am e.