— ¡a ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years r— MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to th e 8eml-W eekly Tidjngs, Volume 43. TH E GOVERNORSHIP HAS ITS MANY ADVANTAGES ARMISTICE DAY PARADE TO BE F E T E FEATURE: XX 8 a ALBANY, N. Y„ Nov. A®-— Governor Smith was given an enthusiastic wel­ come when he returned to the executive cham ber to­ day for the first time since his reelection. His inner office was filled with flowers. As soon as the gover- nor entered his office all the employes of the de- partm ent rushed in to tender th eir congratula- tions. “ I got a kiss from every girl in the office,” the governor said, with a smile after the demon- stration was over. XX XX XX XX XXj 8 XX | xx' ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1924 SNOBI THIS YEAR EARLIEST EVER KNOW N H E R E MBS. WARBEN HARDING IS ILL NO. 60 GOTHAM GIRLS WORK IN BOWLING ALLEYS :: ----------- 8 IS NEW YORK, Nov. 10. 8 — Girls between the ages 8 8 of 10 and 13 are employed 8 8 by golf clubs in the city’s 8 8 outlaying districts as cad­ 8 dies and have been found 8 » XX working in poolrooms, 8 8 racking pool balls and in 8 8 bowling alleys setting up 8 Called “ One of Greatest 8 pins, Mrs. Mary Hamilton 8 Men of Our Time,” by 8 director of the women’s 8 8 bureau of the police de­ 8 President Coolidge 8 partm ent today. 8 8 Mrs. Hamilton announc­ 8 SERVICE OF 31 YEARS j 8 ed th a t a special service 8 Sim ple Funeral R ites P lannedi 8 would be established by 8 From H om e o f Life L ong 8 her departm ent to protect 8 F riend of Fam ily 8 women and girls. One of 8 8 the- problems to be taken 8 8 BOSTON, Mass., Nov. TO. up, she said, was the em­ 8 Plans for a simple funeral, to be 8 ployment of young girls 8 held from the home of William 8 as extras in motion picture 8 Bigelow, life long friend of Sen­ 8 studios in Queen’s. H ato r Lodge’s family, were under 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 SENATOR LODGE LOSES IN L A ST FIGHT FOR LIFE PORTLAND GIRL HELD IN SOUTH BEATING WAY XX Silver Cups to be Awarded XX XX Records of Eighteen Years Winners in Competition XX XX Found Attired in Men’s Show November Snows XX XX at Medford Clothing, Pretty Teddy to be Very Light XX XX Gloss Is Taken XX LIKELY HARD WINTER JUDGES ARE SELECTED XX XX XX F igures Show U nm elted Snow fall HAS PORTLAND RECORD E n tire Day to be Given Over to XX XX in Novem ber, T hroughout K icked Shins of Judge*, K nocked E ven ts of C elebration at A f­ XX XX Years to be Infrequ en t Out Two D eputy S h eriffs, fair Tom orrow XX XX E stab lish es Good Mark XX XX By E. D. 8 MEDFORD. Nov. 10. — Five XX The snow which has fallen in 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 SAN DIEGO, Cal., Nov. 10. __ handsome silver cups have been Ashland during the past week, Admitting th at she had not worn procured by the American Legion covering the city in a blanket of women’s clothing for more than for aw ard to the prize winning white for a few hours, is the first four years, but had paraded fortli floats In the Armistice day par­ th at has fallen this early in the in the garb of mere man, a pretty ade. Mayor E. C. Gaddis, O. O. season since 1898, the year in consideration for Senator Lodge young woman is being held in A lenderfer and C. E. Gates have which the first perm anent and here today. The veteran Senator jail here for beating her way on consented to act as judges and accurate records were taken. was for many years a leader of a railroad train. A fter several will select the w inners in five In 1898, tw enty six years ago, his party, and recognized as one hours of questioning by police of­ divisions: Best float entered by snow fell in Ashland on Novem­ of the abelist Senators to be sent ficials of this city, she adm itteu a fraternal organization; best ber 19 and again on November to Congress from M assachusetts, she was “ Teddy" Gloss of P ort­ commercial float; best patriotic The following year, 1899, the state which has furnished land. W ork to be Started in Near F u ­ 21. float; best decorated out-of- the records show th a t the ground such brilliant statesm en. Lodge tu re. F ederal F u n d s to Aid in At the time of her arrest, Miss town car and best decorated Med­ here was covered with snow which served in the Senate* for thirty- W ork N ear R eservation Glass was attired in m en’s khaki ford car. fell on November 18 and 20. The one years, a record for conserva­ clothing, high heeled cowboy The parade will form a t 10:30 snowfall in the city th a t year was tive service, both in time elapsed Inspiring T alks H elp Make Ses­ shoes and a sombrero. KLAMATH FALLS, Nov. 10. — a. m. and will move east on Main exceedingly light, but the m oun­ and In power ^reilded. He ’ lost sion One o f B est E ver Held street from the W ashington Prelim inary steps tow ard the tains were covered with a heavy PORTLAND, Nov. 10.— Teddy Mrs. W arren G. H arding, wife of the ¡late President H arding his stubborn fight against death in This Section school to Riverside, startin g at grading and surfacing of a road b ljp k et of white. shortly before m idnight last from Chiloquin to Beatty, a dis­ is seriously ill at Oak Hills, country home of the late General Saw­ Gloss, arrested in San Diego to­ 11:05 o'clock. All organizations Again in 1900, snow covered yer, personal physician to President H arding. Mrs. H arding has night. tance of approxim ately 30 miles, of m ilitary origin, and their aux­ MEDFORD. Nov. 10.— Satur­ day, gained notoriety here last the lower hills of the Siskiyou’s, been in poor health for the past year, but it is thought this latest Unyielding will, a will which have been initiated by Fred A. year, when she knocked out two iliaries, will form in front of w ithin view of the city. This attack was brought on by th e sudden death of G eneral Sawver n showed its m ettle by dom inating day proved a very busy day for Baker, superintendent of the deputy sheriffs who were taking life-long friend of the H arding family. y ’ City P ark ; fraternal orders are the young people of the C rater tim e / the snow came on Novem­ Senatorial affairs for many years, K lam ath Indian reservation and ---------------------------------- 1 ______ - -______ • her to a state training school for to form on South Oakdale, and Lake Union in their convention, ber 16. Then for a stretch of six kept the Senator alive after the county court, according to girls following her conviction of the Red Cross, Salvation Army. beginning at 9:45 a. m. and last­ years, or until 1906, no snow stroke of paralysis which he suf­ announcem ent today from the breaking windows in this city. Boy Scouts and Y. W. C. A. will ing till late in the evening. was seen in the city earlier than fered on November 5. county engineer's office. She also kicked the shins of form in front of the Public Li­ The outstanding features of December. Then in 1906, on No­ Senator Lodge has four more Recently, B aker approached County Judge Cross of Oregon brary. Civic organizations and vember 21, a light snow fall was years of his present term to serve. the day’s work was the careful City when she appeared for sen­ the county court about the pro­ high school m archers form on American history contains no more planning for the year’s activities tence before him on another posed road. It is said th a t B aker recorded for the city. North Oakdale. The fall this year, in addition dram atic character than the feud ahead. Miss Mary Guiley of E u­ charge. She is known as a “ wind. All commercial floats will form gave the county court to under­ to breaking all records for early which was waged betwen Lodge gene, state president of the Chris­ Incorrigible g irl” by officers of on Laurel street, headed by the stand th a t sufficient federal funds fall, breaks the longest stretch and the late President Woodrow tian Endeavor societies, presided this section. It is stated that she city fire departm ent. Decorated were now available for the grub­ of early snow since records have Wilson. Lodge was a bitter op­ over the conference time. automobile« form on Main street bing, clearing, survey and grad­ been kept. F or eighteen years, Rev. J. J. H andsaker S tates Or- R am sey R e-arrested on Charge of “ Value of Young People’s Con. is sixteen years of age, and has ponent of the League of Nations ing of the right-of-way. The res­ phan C hildren M ust be H elp­ west of Laurel. Floats entered B urglary in C onnection W ith ferences” was fittingly brought a deep love for animals. no snow’ has fallen in November, which Wilson championed. ervation superintendent requested j ed This W inter by organizations which also have /Robbery a t E nders Store according to w eather records. President Coolidge said today out by the Rev. Monroe G. Ever­ m archers in line, are expected to- the county court to instruct the Now, following the dryest year on in a formal statem ent, th a t Lodge ett, student pastor of O. A. C. POEMS OF ASHLAND “ The face of the Near Ea3t has accompany the m archers, instead county surveyor to make a su r­ record, the snow comes earlier Virgil Ramsey and Fred Mer­ has been “ one of the great men at Corvallis. He pointed out WRITER APPEAR IN vey of the proposed project. changed entirely In the last three of forming with float section. many instances where these con­ than ever. of our tim e.” The President ritt, arrested in Sacram ento re­ As soon as the w eather clears LITERARY MAGAZINE American Legion men will be All these figures, obtained years,” declared Rev. J. J. H and­ cently on a charge of stealing an designated Secretary of W ar ferences had been the means of sufficiently, Joseph Jenson, as­ saker, regional director of Near stationed at section points to help putting marny a young person’s Mrs. Blanche Logan O'Neil of automobile owned by Oscar Tut­ Week to represent him at the sistant county engineer, will make from Louis Dodge, w eather ob­ E ast Relief, in addresses at the expediate the form ation. It is life into active channels of C hrist­ server, mean snow which rem ain­ this city has w ritten several tle of this city, were returned to funeral of the veteran statesm an, a thorough reconnaissance of the hoped by the committee in charge ed on the ground as unmelted Presbyterian, B aptist and Episco­ Ashland Saturday afternoon by stress of immediate business pre­ ian work. In brief, it gave many poems which have appeared in project and later a survey. pal churches yesterday,. of the parade th a t all will be in young men and women a blue­ magazines and newspapers over Two routes are contem plated, snow. D uring several years in Sheriff Terril. They were taken venting the President attending “All the orphan children are readiness to s ta rt the parade print of their life, th a t they might the country. In the Friday, No­ according to Jenson. One leads the instances mentioned, snow to the county jail a t Jacksonville personally,' out of Turkey and safe from m as­ prom ptly after the sound of taps know God’s will and purpose in vember 7 issue of the Portland tow ards K irk for several miles be­ has fallen, but either melted as and held there until this morning sacre for they are under the a t 11:02 a. m., the bugle call leading them into active paths Oregonian one of her poems is fore swinging direct tow ards fast as it fell, or rem ained on when they were given th eir pre­ m arking the end of the two min­ friendly flags of Russia, Greece, of Christian service. It was at printed and in the November is­ Beatty. The second, which is the the ground but a few minutes. lim inary hearing before Judge MRS. HARDING BETTER utes silence for the soldier dead. England and France; In Armenia such conferences as these that sue of the L auriate four of her SAYS BEDSIDE REPORT According to all “ oldest inhabi­ Gowdy. most direct route, follows up they are under Russian control, The line of march will include a John R. Mott, R obert J. Speer, poems appear. Mrs. Logan has tan ts" Interviewed, an early snow Sprague river. MARION, Ohio, Nov. 10.— Mr3. The boys were released under large num ber of m archers and in Syria under French and in Pal­ and many others were led into w ritten a numbpr of poems which The understanding is th a t the means a long, hard, cold w inter. H arding, widow of the late P resi­ $500 bond, which was furnished floats and m ilitary precision is ex­ estine under English. For the Christian work, and become world have been published by the local county and federal governm ent co­ W ith snow falling earlier than dent Harding, rested com fortable by th eir parents. Im m ediately pected to m ark the proceedings. first tim e in th eir lives they know renowned men. paper, one of which deserves much operate in the construction of the ever this year, indications are for after being released on the charge last night and her condition is The procession will be headed by w hat it is to be r,id of fear.” Rev. F. Gordon H art of Grants a heavy snowfall throughout the mention was w ritten at the time road in much the same way as Turkey has a t last succeeded of stealing the automobile, Ram ­ slightly improved, following her Pass brought out many valuable of Mayor Loomis' death. the D. O. K. K. band, followed they joined hands on the Agency w inter. by the G. A. R., W omen’s Re­ in her 500 year effort to drive the sey was re-arested by Chief of operation of Saturday night, ac­ aids and suggestions in building and Chiloquin road. In other C hristians from h er border ana j Pol,c® George McNabb, on a cording to an announcement made up active service in the Christian lief Corps, D. A. R., D aughters words, the governm ent undertakes more than a million, robbed of | ch arS® of breaking into E nders’ by physicans here this morning. Endeavor societies which will in­ of V eterans, Spanish W ar Vet­ the clearing, grubbing, grading everything they possess have been s to r® here »bout October 15, and erans. the American Legion. spire the young people in attend­ and prelim inary survey work and American Legion Auxiliary and driven from home, with great loss removing a quantity of clothing. ance at the convention to return the county surfaces the road. National Guard. Then will come of life, the rem nant finding refuge When picked up by the Sacram en­ to their various societies filled B aker is anxious to complete to authorities, Ramsey had in his in Greece.” th e Salvation Army, Red Cross. with a keen desire to put things prelim inary wdrk on the new road possession a num ber of articles 41107461 ; ________________________ : over. Y. W. C. A,., Boy Scouts, Knights "Greece, in all her heroic his­ as soon a3 possible in order th a t of Pythias, Odd Fellows, Elks, tory, never did a g re a te r;. deed of clothing, which Henry Enders Jam es H enrikson. vice-presi­ actual construction may sta rt as alleges are the same as those Redm en, W. O. W., DeMolay, High th an when she adm itted these dent of the C rater Lake Union, soon as posible, it is said. Outplayed in the first three refugees, many of them people taken from his store. School, Parent-Teachers council, Chairman of the convention ac­ The game for which both the q u arters of the game, th e Rose­ with no more claim on her than Ramsey was taken to the Jack- Business and Professional Wo­ tivities, carried the activities of MARSHFIELD YOUTH Ashjland and Medford High School burg Elks took a new lease on on any other of the allies. Twen­ sonvile jail on the second charge, m en’s club, G reater Medford the program through In an in­ DROWNING VICTIM life in the final canto, and by a ty-eight per cent of her popula­ while M erritt, who wa3 absolved club. Cham ber of Commerce, CONCRETE, Wash., Nov. 10. spiring and energetic m anner teams have been pointing through­ series of line bucks, coupled with tion today are refugees and she of any connection w ith the burg­ — The citizens of Concrete feel Many delegates were in a tte n d ­ out. the season, the big game of Llthlans, C rater club, Rotary and MARSHFIELD, Nov. 10.—-Rob­ Kiwanis clubs. end runs, pushed the pigskin over is spending more money on the lary of the store, was released. th a t the call made by the sheriff’s ance from outside points, such the year, will be staged a t Med­ e rt W elling. 13, a ju n io r high Seven m otor companies have The boys will be arraigned be­ officers upon the Governor of as Grants Pass, Klam ath Falls, ford tomorrow afternoon, then school lad, was drow ned today the final chalkm ark for the only refugee problem than on all other signified their intention of having fore the superior court, M erritt W ashington, for troops, to aid in Merrill, Rogue River, Ashland, the two high school elevens tro t in Coal Bank inlet while paddling touchdown of the tussle, and governm ental agencies combined, entries in the pageant, including on a charge of complicity in the m aintaining order in the strike Phoenix, Jacksonville and Med­ out upon the field for their an­ except the arm y and navy, and handed the Ashland L ithians’ a canvas canoe. Children who had Riley Motor company, Medford nual clash. The game will be a th eft of the autom obile, while now being carried on by four ford. far more than all American and seen him on the inlet could not team a 6-0 trim m ing at thé high Auto company, H ittson Motor Saturday evening at 6:30 a part of the Armistice Day cele­ British relief agencies are spend­ Ramsey ’will face two charges, one hundred members of the I. W. W. give any description of the acci­ school field Saturday. company, C. E. Gates company, of stealing the automobile, and against construction work on the large banquet was enjoyed by the bration to be staged in Medford. During the early periods of the ing.” dent. The body was later taken C rater Lake Auto company, Mason the other of burglary. Although on comparative scores "Although hundred^ of thous­ Bak River w ater project was un­ delegates and the evening was contest, th e game was a see-saw from the w ater. Motor company and P atton & Rob­ given over to talks by Miss Mabie ands have been absorbed into the the Medford gang is rated an easy necessary, it • was The boy was the son of M H. affair, with the ball w orking back • J: declared here inson, Inc. Galey of Ashland on “ California economic life of Greece, there are victory, dope cannot be depended today by leading citizens of the and forth between the locals and W elling, a local tailor. MANY ARE FINED IN Christian Endeavors.” and by Miss city. upon in a tussle such as this. the Roseburg gang. The Ashland still at least 400,000 homeless and JUSTICE COURT FOR Mary Guiley of Eugene and Rev. among these are no fewer than More often than not, the pre­ outfit kept the ball in Roseburg A hundred arm ed guards are SEATTLE PIONEER TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS Gordon H art of G rants Pass on 25,000 children, many of whom game predictions are spilled, when giving protection to eighteen men DIES IN SUMNER territo ry throughout the early will die this w inter unless help “ IJortland International Conven­ the team rated as easy victims, final SEATTLE, W ash., Nov. 10.— cantos, but lacked the Many arrests, principally on the not at work on the power project. tion, 1925.” is sent.” turns on their rivals and tu rn s in Sheriff Conn of Skaggit county sm ash in g . power to push over a John A. Woolery, 59, son of the charge of speeding were made "In an effort to lift the bur­ a win. Such a thing happened and his entire crew of deputies Two great chances late Abram H. Woolery, pioneer touchdown. over the week-end, L. C. Decarlo Contract let for $138,400 for den of caring for the children when Oregon and W ashington of 1853 and himself a member I to score in the early periods went of this city was fined $26 by. are on the scene of the strike, macadamizing last unit, 30.7 from the American public we dis­ of the W ashington state pioneers i flooey when the L ithian’a outfit Judge Gowdy for speeding on the and according to officials reports miles of W hite River-Cow Canyon met two weeks ago. Such a thing charged 14,000 children from the association, died yesterday a t his | failed in the pinch. Pacific highway between here and from the sheriff, are “ sitting on link on The Dalles - California happened when St. Mary’s and orphanages last year. Medical care University of Southern California • | home a t Sunday. Time after time, with the ball Phoenix. H arry L. H art of Arizona the lid ” of the strike situation. In o rd er th a t employees and> His widow, seven sons, two in the m iddle of the field, the given to 16,000 children prevent- was said by McMahon, state tra f­ Three companies of state militia highway. tangled Saturday, and such a en blindness for this vast throng. business men may be enabled toi daughters, three grand children, Ashland backs would pierce the thing may happen at Medford to­ fic officer, to be traveling in ex­ were mobilized Sunday afternoon “ The N ear E ast Relief is cen­ a t E verett, but were dismissed j enjoy the Armistice Day celebra-j three brothers and two sisters heavy Roseburg line, but with a morrow. cess of forty miles an hour on ^ terin g its whole energies on the during the evening, when it was tion a t Medford tomorrow, stores; survive Coach W alt Hughes of the lo­ the highway near Ashland and score in sight, the power w asn’t problem of the children, all we determ ined th a t their help would and business houses throughout cals has been polishing off the was brought into this city and there, and the locals lost the batll can do for adults is to furnish the city will close afc/ipou tom or­ rough spots for the past couple of fined $25. Twenty-five dollars was not be needed -in putting down on downs. clothing and this was done last any violence in connection, with row, it was announced Were this weeks, and now has his outfit also forfeited by Claud M. Buck­ The Roseburg gang lived up to year to more than 500,000 many the strike. morning. A ' <______ I working like a well oiled machine. their reputation as being a fast, of whom had lived in com fort­ ler for speeding yesterday. H undreds of Ashland people Joyce L. Fox, taxi driver of C rater National Park with its j The boys know their stuff, and shifty team , with plenty of able and some in luxurious homes arte planning on journeying to northern * California was sum­ RESCUED WOMAN T« present m antle of deep snow is . are determ ined to wipe out pre- weight. The team averaged 190 until three years ago.” Medford tom orrow, in order to moned appear in court today DISCOVERED DYING totally isolated from the outside I season defeats by trouncing the pounds, including the backfield, “ Well known Oregonians like join in the celebration, which charged with having no speedom­ WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. — which is about twelve to fifteen world at present, as since the re- Medford outfit. Mrs. C(. S. Jackson of the Oregon promises to be one of th e largest W ith -the treasury tax reform pounds heavier than any college Journal, Miss Cornelia Marvin, eter on th e car. According to J.. • VICTORIA, B. C„ Nov. 10. — cent big storm there th e tele­ In K aster and Gandee, Hughes program shaping into definite aggregation on th e coast. They State L ibrarian, Dr. J. R.W ether- J. McMahon, Fox has been w arn­ An unidentified woman about 48 phone line which connects the has a pair of backs who are liable affairs ever staged in th a t city. The regular edition of the Daily form, it was indicated today th a t have a couple of games under bee and Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Coe ed several times, bu t has disre­ years of age died in a hospital park with this city and with to get away for good yardage at Tidings will go to press a t noon, it may be posible to slash a hun­ their belts, having trim m ed the of Portland and Mrs. Louisa K el- garded the w arning and continu­ here today after being taken Klam ath Falls has been down. any time. These men have play­ and will be delivered to subscrib­ dred million dollars off the gov­ Salem and Marshfiefld town team s, lems of Eugene who visited the ed driving w ithout a speedometer. from the w ater at Cadboro bay. For several days now Superin­ ed consistent football throughout W hen discovered her feet were ers soon after, in order th a t em­ ernm ental income for 1926, and while Saturday’s tussle was the N ear East last year have re tu rn ­ A nother fine of $25 was levied tendent Thomson has been unsuc- the season, and upon them will tied with a rope and h e r mouth by Judge Gowdy yesterday when ployees of the,T idings may attend yet to m aintain a few million dol­ first for the L ithian’s outfit. i cessfully trying to get into tele­ depend much of the work of ad- ed to urge Oregon to continue her N. W. Mills of Portland was was burned f”om powerful acid. lars surplus in the treasury. The the fete. A retu rn game, to be staged in efforts, declaring the work to be P on' ( communication with the^vancing the ball. brought before the court on a She wore a long grav raincoat. park. real drive for tax revision is an­ The last heard from th e re : Hughes has his line charging Roseburg this week-end has been some of the finest they had ever charge of speeding. ticipated to take piac^ a t the seen.” was the letter received two days well, and on defense, the boys put scheduled. The local outfit will HOLDUP NETS $3000 Visiting Here— opening of t i e coming session of Addresses were also delivered leave Saturday for th e struggle, SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 10.— ago from Ranger Oard, telling of up a stubborn fight. The outfit The Misses Salentine of P o rt­ the sixty ninth Congress. in the Methodist, Nazarene and Name Omitted— and are confident of knocking Approximately $3000 was obtain­ the severe storm and the snow, j realizes what it is up against, and land are in Ashland for a few Secretary Melon will recom­ Christian churches by Mrs. W. The name of MrB. Jim Cook was ed by robbers who held up the which was then 5 feet deep a t 1 this very thing may result in an days visiting with friends. They mend to Congress th a t tax the Antlered herd over in this E. Rambo and in the Congrega­ omitted in. the article about the F irst National bank at Minidoka. Anna Spring camp and much Ashland victory. Coach Hughes will give his have been in P ortland where they changes, sim ilar to those dlsre- mix. . tional by Rev. M. B. Parounagian. It Is death of Mrs. Kincaid Saturday. Ida., late yesterday afternoon, ac­ deeper at the lake rim. » » '* •» » « » ‘»1» The game will get under way at expect to locate and are on their garded a t the last aession o[ th e [ char«e8 Mrs. Jim Cook of this city is also thought th a t it has snowed since 2:30 at the High School grounds board, he passed. I week' ,n d ptfll‘ h u|> the cording to word received here way to Carmel-by-the-Sea. Tidings Ads brings results. a daughter of Mrs. Kincaid. spots on the eleven. in Medford. F u rth er details were lack in g .1 ^ a t Ume.— Mail Tribune. BEATTY IN KLAMATH PEOPLE ENJOY G08D I DE G M ED ALONG' DN THEFT CHARGE F 1RIM LOCAI OUTFIT 6-0 IN GRID GAME HIGH TEAMS ABE ID TANGLE TOMORROW STORES WILL CLOSE F MELLON SAYS TAXES ARE TO BE REDUCED OFF BY HEAVY SNOW