p io t e r o t t e ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS I 1 Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of local Interest J W. B. RICHARDS AND I No. 2937 Dayton street, St. Louis; COLORED MAN HELD Frederick M. Ryals, Greenfield, TA l / l l l n u r nm n irn F 0R BANK ROBBERY first altern ate; F ran k P. McAr- = nil I ||MJ- \ j j j WOODLAND, Cal., Nov. 8— W .‘ th u r, No. 3509 Jefferson avenue, IlILL . UHL vULDILIl P. Richards, form er K lam ath Kansas City, tecond alternate. Falls,. Or., hotel- man, and Jo e' . New Ham pshire — Woodbury Duncan, negro, his form er cook, S. Adahis, P o rtsm o u th ,-'first al- were each held undeir $25,000 ternate. H ere for W eek-end— bond to answ er to superior court I New York — John J . Dorsey, PEKING. Nov. 6. — Eight m il­ . Miss Ruby Derrick is spneding R eturns to South— here on charge« of bank robbery No. 526 61st street, Brooklyn; George Evans who has been lion rounds of am m unition to kill the week-end with her parents xv j « xv • l today by Justice R. W. H arrison, H arrison S. M arkham, No. 424 from Eagle Point, where she is visiting at the honie of his par­ ,, three thousands of the enemy 13-.,,. , W est ö ls t Street, New York, first the record of the Government i ‘ h T ? teaching school. | ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Evans, ______ _ (having held up the local branch alternate. for som? tim e has returned to' troops after a m onth’s fighting' ' ' UP 10 !°a k ,a a d ’ has Raleigh. Tuxedos and serges for dress Form al Open In Pennsylvania — W illiam R. 54-tf paper facetiously suggests th a t the ,nai e a pairtlal confession but G rant, No. 307 E ast G irard ave­ The formal opening of the wear. P au lseru d ’s. troops be equipped with blank both men wlare represented by G rants Pass high school to public _ attorneys today and indicated nue, Philadelphia; Edward W. Cliff Payne makes Cedar cartridges or fire crackers, which Inspection will be held next F ri­ would make as much noise as, and tkat tbey w°uld fight the charges Hake, No. 6345 Overbrook road, Clfests. day evening, November 14. On Philadelphia; John L. Cretin, No. be le^s expensive than, the dis­ against them. th a t occasion, every patron of the 525 South 57th street Philadel­ F or F r is c o — charge of a ton of lead to kill one school district will be Invited to phia, first altern ate; A lbert Per- W. H. Frulan, conductor for enemy soldier. the high school to look over the rella, No. 4807 Springfield ave­ Despite the poor aim, the troops the Southern Pacific left yester­ nue, Philadelphia, second a lte r­ building which was completed at day for San Francisco w here he do get killed, and, with the deep- j SAY IT W ITH FLO W ERS nate. th e beginning of school this fall. will spend a short time on busi­ ly rooted Chinese respect for their j W yoming — Charles S. Allen, AND SAY IT W ITH OURS. A musical program wijll be pro­ ness. dead, the problem of burying j Casper; Timothy A. Moynihan, vided for the occasion with plenty them in a fitting m anner is very W heatland; Harold C. Duncan, of time allowed for the visitors Holiday Suits and Overcoats, absorbing. The Liengyih Bene­ Everything in the Greenhouse Sheridan, first altern ate; F red W. t o see the building from base­ hand tailored to fit. You can’t go volent Association of Shanghai Line Pifer, W heatland, first altern ate; ment to balcony. — G rants Pass has opened a campaign in which wrong if Orres takes your meas­ Coleman H orton, Terrington, sec­ Hi-Class Designing Courier. ure. 59— J* coffins, nails and lime are solic­ ond altern ate; H arry W. Helm- ited. These m aterials for the dead R ------------ - ti “H ATCHER TH E FLO R IST” quist; Rawlings, second alternate. Special Auto Accident Policy New straig h t English models in are then carried to the front, and 1070 Boulevard Phone 118 fe r $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo Overcoats, a t P aulserud’s. 54-tf those giving up th eir lives in the of course. 24-tf useless struggle are properly in­ Open on Sundays We Deliver P u ttin g up Signs— terred, or sent to their native V isitin g Here— The post office is engaged in places. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore of For the living there went up N EA R EA ST RELIEF W ORKER putting up Christm as signs p rin t­ Long Beach are in shland visit­ These notes are w ritten for ed in Spanish, Italian and Scan­ the appeal for um brellas, since TO SPEA K IN CITY TOMORROW7 ing at the home of (rs. Moo re’f th is paper by m em bers of the dinavian. These signs are to the it has rained considerably during parents, Mr. and journalism cla ss at th e local •s. Sanford. (Continued from page "One) effect th a t it is advisable to mail the Avar. Thousands of these Mrs. Moore was form erly Miss , h igh school Christmas packages early. The have been hurriedly purchased been in this county since he was Irm a Sanford. They are also vis­ American signs will not be put up and sent to the front about Shang­ 17 years of age, is thoroughly ac­ iting the C. R. Moore family in for some tim e yet as it is not nec hai. The troops leaving Peking quainted with the conditions in COPY OF IN D EPE N D EN C E OF Medford. essary to mail packages in the for the w ar against M anchuria, Armenia. He was driven out by DECLARATION PR E SE N T E D I. nited States as soon as those however, are not to be caught the Turks when he was very A fram ed copy of the Declara­ In A shland— unprovided, for each soldier has to foreign countries. young, following a massacre in tion of Independence was given W. M. Howard and Mr. Peter an um brella, encased in coolie which thousands of his country­ to the High school by V. O. N. ■on of Medford were in Ashland Save $10.00, walk upstairs to cloth, slung over his back. Smith. men were killed. Thursday on business. Goggles for protection against Orres tailor shop. 17__ The speakers will appear a t a It is an exact copy of the world- the dust are another necessary num ber of churches here tom or­ famous document, th a t was the St. Jacobs Oil, 35c.— McNair es Ores remodels garm ents p art of the equipm ent of the row. H andsaker will speak a t the foundation of o ur liberties. Broa. for men and women. 59__1* Chinese soldier in the north, the Episcopal church in the morning, It is tru e of this copy, as in possession of which m arks him as a t the Presbyterian Sunday school the original, th a t the King of See Paulserud’s special on two- Moves H ere— well prepared for battle. and at the M ethodist church in England would not need glasses pnnts-suits, all wool, $23.75. 54-tf Foreigners here were greatly Mode Page and famiSy moved the evening. Paranogian will to read the signature of John to Ashland yesterday from Sur­ impressed by the success of Mar­ speak at the Congregational Hancock. Hunting— prise Valley and wilt m ake their shal W u’s arm y in loading camels church in the evening, while Mrs. Fred Taylor and E arnest Bid­ future home here. Mr. Page ex­ on flat cars and, transporting them en of Medford are m aking a trip pects to work on the tourist hotel. several hundred miles to th e front Rambo will speak a t the C hrist­ A N NIV ERSARY PLAY ian church in the m orning and TO BE GIVEN SOON to Tule Lake today and will They have moved into the G. G. w ithout accident. It is a com­ the B aptist church in the even­ »pend several days hunting. mon sight to see a string of fifty ing. The anniversary play, “ The Ogg house on Bush street. cars, each carrying some twenty Charm School,” is being conduct­ Ladles A rt Club Card Party ed under the guidance of Miss Sweet cream for whipping and camels, rolling along behind a Monday Nov. 10, 8:00 p. m. at puffing engine. Ethel W heeler, English instruc­ •offee— also fresh milk, always Civic Clubhouse. Bridge and 500. to r of the high school, and is fast in ice a t the Plaza. 239__tf T or reservations call Mrs. Sam taking on dram atic aspects. It McNair or Mrs. Schwein. R efresh­ Home for W eek-end__ was hoped th a t the play might m ents. Bring fancy work if pre­ be presented before Thanksgiv­ Mrs. L etta Eastburn and Miss ferable. 58— 2 ing, but due to the late start, Mildred Beeson are in Ashland this may prove impossible. spending the week-end from Cen­ A t Jack son ville— The “ Charm School” is one of tral Point where they a re employ­ Numerous Ashland residents. the most popular plays on the ed in the schools. Including Chief of Police McNabb, stage today and where ever it has journeyed to Jacksonville yester­ been 3hown has attracted large Let Sunday be a holiday. Take day as witnesses in the Black di­ ROME, Nov. 7. — Benito Mus­ crowds. Several of the cast and your wife out to Sunday dinner solini s power undergoes another vorce suit. the director have seen It played at The Plaza, 75 cents, Turkey test today with the convoking of elsewhere on the stage, and with Dance Jackson Hot Springs Sat. and Chicken. 12 to 8 P. M. 59-1 the Chamber of Deputies. this as a good background, they For several months past there D’ght. Metropole Orchestra. 57— 3 assure the people of Ashland a Oi*der your Thanksgiving suit have been unm istakable signs th at semi-professional stage product­ at Paulseruds. 54-tf Fascism was struggling against Do you live your wife? Of ion. Course you do. You can make a waning strength. The present R eturns H om e— her love you too— for th a t C hrist­ session of Parliam ent may bring Football Mr. Schidler of K lam ath Falls about either a complete reversal m as gift, let her put on a beau This weeks football practice has tiful F u r Coat. You can see the returned home last night after for Fascism or it may mean a been given to preparation for the finest selection at prices way be­ spending a few days in Ashland strengthening of its grip. , 1 Medford game, which falls on on business. low retail prices and every coat The Opposition is determ ined Tuesday, November 11 a t Med­ fully guaranteed. Walk upstairs to absent itself from the Chamber ford. We deliver the goods— Detricks of Ueputies, leaving the Fascist to Orres tailor shop. 59— 1* An offensive drive is being de­ 94-tf Government with a cham ber com­ veloped th a t will be hard to F ish in g — posed only of a m ajority, which ---—-• -1 ----- 'iz beat. The line is working better Bert Moses and John Hughes Your wife deserves a rest on m ajority consists of straight-line than it has all season, and it is Of this city mad« a fishing trip to Sunday. Give her a tre a t by bring Fascists and those co-operating ***** Mrs. W. E. Rambo, Near E ast going to take some mighty g o o d ! the Rogue river this morning. ing her to the The Plaza for Sun­ members of non-Fasci3t parties. Relief w orker, who will sp eak , backs to make a hole in it. The Opposition is of the opin­ » day dinner, Turkey or Chicken, here tomorrow. Mrs. Rambo re- Coach Hughes expects a hard Don’t forget Dance at Hot 75 cents, 12 to 8 P. M. ion th a t’ by its abstention from 59__1 cently returned from Armenia,) tussle w ith the Medford team as Springs Sat. Nite. participation in the work of P ar­ 57— 3 w here she spent a num ber of j a t present Medford le&ds the liam ent it will be dem onstrating H ere— years w orking in the interests o f j league w ith all victories, while W aterm an Fountain Pens, Mc- W aldo Anderson and wife of it belief th a t the nation is being the Near E ast Relief which cares Ashland is in second place with K air Bros. Albany are spending a few days ruled j n an unconstitutional man for refugee«^ driven out of their only one defeat. The Ashland and th a t the fre<* will of the um ui men in Ashland and K lam ath Falls ner boys are try in g to gain top hon­ people is suppressed' C0Untrï by “ *e Turklsh arm les‘ Kent Property— visiting with relatives. ors by w inning this game. Lynn Coovert of the Skyline Mussolini’s course of action is Captain Melvin Borah ha3 quit being anxiously awaited. He may 1’ine has rented The W atson school and is w orking on his farm. Delicious Turkey or Chicken on decide to ask the m ajority to give house on Straw berry Lane and Is His job of tackle is being filled the Sunday dinner menu at The him virtual powers of dictorship, Bioviug in with his amijly. by our new boy, Gillette. Plaza confectionery, 75 , cents in order to govern w ithout a P ar­ 59__1 liament. There is,‘’however, a sec LARGE NEWTO VN a n d from 12 to 8 P. M. F ootb all Boys Make Speeches ‘ITZ culls 56c, Small Spitz 25c, tion of the m ajority composed of WASHINGTON, NoV. 6.— The? M°nday m orning when school non-Fascist co-operators, who are Ing your box or sack, F ru it As- Arrives H o m e - names of 28 additional candidates was cai,ed Mr. Forsythe asked fheiatiou. 55— 6 Miss Helen Sanford arrived opposed to such a course, and they will undoubtedly demand th at and altern ates for admission to eacb member of the football here from Sacremento W est 'Point on July 1, 1925, were team for a speech on the Rose Ladies F u r Coats at cloth coat evening to spend a few ^ays with Mussolini first make overtures to She is attending the absentee Opposition. W hether made public by the W ar D epart burg-Ashland game of Friday. All frfces at Orres Tailors. Figure on her parents. the boys fully emphasized the fact • n e for your Christmas shopping Healds Business College and is such negotiations would succeed m ent as follows: A rkansas— Melie J. Coutlee, Hit. 59— 1* doing excellent work there. She is doubtful. Malvern. If Mussolini makes overtures will retu rn to the south W ednes­ Illinois— Hugh M. N orth, C ar­ to th e absent Opposition it Is pre­ day to resum e her work. t>> T o w n - pared to demand guarantees for terville; D eW itt Twente, No. 712 Glen Hale, who is teaching a retu rn to Constitutionalism and C enter street, Cairo, first a lte r­ School at Applegate, is in Ash­ In Town— norm al government. There are nate; John F. McCartney, Ben­ Mrs. F. H. Johnson of Medford land visiting with his parents. was in town this m orning intro­ doubts w hether Mussolini can af­ ton, second alternate. Indiana — Harold W. Murphy, ford to negotiate on such a basis. Best m ilk— Llninger’s Dairy, ducing Monroe G. E verett, student ithin his own party there are Brownstown; Lorenzo Z. Kidder, lie quart. Phone 396R and 369J. pastor at the Oregon A griculture W factions who Insist upon Fascism Milan, first altern ate; R obert E. 26—tf College. carrying on with no change in pol­ Chandler, Madison, second a lte r­ nate. icy. ,$ For S o u t h - Your wife gets older ever b irth ­ K entucky— Roy S. Thompson Mussolini’s power is certain tc Mrs. G. H. Yeo will leave this day— m ake her feel young and be tested, as well as his control No. 5J5 Dixie Highway, E rlanger happy this birthday with a fine evening for Santa Anna where over the more extrem e members Missouri — George H. Eastin F u r Coat at Orres tailor shop— she will spend about three weeks of his own party. His ability to Greenfield; Samuel Rubinstein priced from $65.00 up to $1200. visiting with relatives. steer a middle course which will TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY They are beatutles too. 59— 1* bring peace will be tried to the At .Ashland— FOR RENT: — Furnished 5- W illiam Rush of Albany, for­ utm ost, and if he veers either to. S lig h tly Im proved— room house. Inquire Plaza Meat the rig h t or the left he*ls very mer Ashland resident, Js in town B. B. Kellogg, who is seriously M arket. 59— 3* for a few days visiting old-time apt to bring, a t least, political up­ I’l a t his home on Fifth street friends. He is on his way to heaval. FO R SALE:— W hite Leghorn w as reported last night to he Nevada. The adds are slightly in favor Cocks and Cockerels, pedegreed »lightly Improved. of Mussolini. He has faced crises from over 250 egg m ating, cheap before and surm ounted them, and Go Hunting— if taken a t once. Mrs. W. D. he has an adaptability to condi­ Let u» fill your pall with Swifts Booth. Phone 257Y. 59— 2 Irving Vining, Mr. Myers and Silver Leaf lar«L Costa less than J. H. McGee left this morning for tions which will serve him in good FOR SALE: — Five 540 egg r Morten ing. Goc« farther and is the K lam ath Lake where they stead. incubators in good condition » Mere nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf will spend the weekend hunting. cheap if sold a t once. Mrs. W. D. j You are welcome to compare Booth. Phone 257Y. 59— 2 my Automobile rates with any W hich do you prefer, turkey From C o r v a llis- or chicken? We have both of Cleon Caldwell who is atten d ­ other rates In Jackson or Jose­ WANTED: — Tractor plowing them on our Sunday dinner menu. ing O. A. C., returned home yes­ phine (bounties; yon can be the and harrow ing by day or acre.— $5 cents. The Plaza confection­ terday and will spend the week Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. H enry Gibson, R t.* l, Box 133, e ry . 12 to 8 P. M. 59— 1 in Ashland with his mother. 30— tf Ashland, Ore. 47— 3-Sat. Ashland Hi Notes Speaker Here TEST OF POWER AS FDR WEST POINT 5 Saturday, November ft, 1021 th a t if they had had p ro p ellers1 The Girl Reserves are work­ As practice, an impromptu de­ and rudders they could have play­ ing on two plays to be given for bate was given on “ Resolved. That ed b etter football than they did. i a leap year party a t the Parish summer is jollier than w inter.” Mr. Hughes, the coach, was call-! House some time in December. The negative, supported by Eveyln ed upon last and he told of t h e 1 The two short plays to be given Taylor and Ellen Galey, won. The Oregon-W aahington game and ad­ are “ Train To M auro” aud “ Way affirm ative wae supported by Mar­ ded details to the statem ents of Down E ast.” ian Leach and Everett Redifer, the boys. Evelyue Taylor is m anager and Roland Parks gave a speech sup­ playw right, and Mrs. Howell is porting the Income Tax and was School Straw V ote the club's advisor. F u rth er no­ answered by Francis Fall. Mr. Hughes took a straw vote tices will be made later. A certificate has arrived sta t­ in his history classes and in his More Senior R ings ing, th at Marion Costley, John Civic classes November 3rd. The A sample set of senior class Galey, B arnard Joy, Earl N utter total votes cast were 79. Coolidge rings has been received by Mr. and Roland Parks, the members received 38, La Follette 34, and Forsythe and tjarned over to Ri­ of the last year’s debating team, Davis 7. This shows th a t a straw ley P ittenger, senior class presi­ were awarded the Debate Cham­ vote in school will show approxi­ dent, for examination and com­ pionship of the Southern Oregon m ately how the vote of the town parison. District. will go. These rings are much cheaper This certificate has been fram ­ There was a m ajority of 4 votes than any before examined and a ed in a small black fram e about for Coolidge in the school straw selection from among their num ­ 8 by 10 inches and is now hang­ vote, while in the regular election ber should please all concerned. ing in Mr. Forsythe’s office. there was a m ajority of 3 votes W ednesday evening the Ash­ The honor comes as a rew ard for Coolidge in Ashland. land School Band, m et and had for perseverence and hard work. a good practice. The band boys H ubert Gilmore, of Iowa street, hope to enter the state band con­ and a junior in the Senior High test at Corvallis this year and are School, is confined a t his home w orking hard on overatures, with a sprained ankle. He was marches and popular music. playing handball Tuesday and The band this year is large and slipped and turned his ankle. He w’ell balanced and the practices is much better and expects to re­ are attended faithfully by the turn to school soon. members. The girls sewing classes (fresh­ The boys hope to make the trip m an) are beginning the second to Medford on Armistice Day. Mr. A careful exam ination of your problem in sewing. They are m ak­ Briscoe is trying to engage a property may discover risks ing cotton dresses now, having truck for the band so tran sp o r­ that m ay be readily elim in a t­ eti w ith a corresponding reduc­ completed the undergarm ents tation will be provided for all. tion in your fire insurance which were their first assignment. W edensday night those interest­ prem ium s. The second issue of the high ed in debate met in the library Our insurance service includes cchool paper, “ The Rogue News,” ] of the high school. There was aid in d eterm in ing avoidable and unavoidable* fire hazards. came out Wednesday. It contained some discussion on the question a good account of the games with for debate this year. Roseburg and Myrtle Creek, and; Estab. 1883 the progress of the anniversary R epresenting th e play. Much credit is due the joke INSURANCE COMPANY OF editors for the assortm ent of good jokes. NORTH AMERICA Marian Leach and Ramona Wise “ The Oldest American Fire and were excused the seventh period Marine Insurance Company” Tuesday to play at the Civic Club, I Founded 1792 the duet they played was called! ‘‘Over Hill and Dale” and the en­ core was “ The Electric Gallop NOVEM BER 9th , ’24 F lash.” The Junior class of Ashland High School had a pie sale at 12 to 2— 6 to 8 11:45 Tuesday, November 4. About th irty pies were sold at 10c a cut. The money will go to. PRECAUTIONS v ard financing the Junior-Senior F ruit Cocktail picnic to be held next May. The SOUP sale netted over seven dollars. Weed De Luxe Chains Cream of Celery The high school girls have FO B EVERY CAR RELISH started basket ball practice for Sweet Pickles Olives th e class games which will be Cel< ry > Strömberg Windshield scheduled soon. Roast Young Hen Turkey Wipers with Four brave girls arrayed in Dressing and C ranberry Sauce FOR EVERY CAR football clothes gave a dem onstra­ tion of how to tackle, block and Mash<*d P otatoes Creamed C auliflow er Whiz Anti-Freeze fall on the ball Tuesday evening FOR EVERY CAR at the Forensic Society meeting, j H ead L e ttu c e w ith French Dressing A fter being instructed how to tackle, block and recover the ball. I PIE the fair ones tried to h u rt poor Apple Banana Cream Ole, who had to stand their f e r - ; Coffee Tea Milk ocious attacks. The greatest hon- i ors went to Lorraine Sparr w h o 1 We apologize for the fact th at Across from the New was very brave and did her p a r t ' our turkey was exhausted last Sunday; but this Sunday we have 9 Story Hotel of the dem onstration better than arranged for a much larger many boys could have done it. supply. , The other fair players were Letha ! Miles, Elizabeth Stearns and i Thelma Harvey. A debate and a series of re­ ports on football subjects were ent. the other num bers of the evening which were enjoyed by all pres- Fire Prevention and Fire Protection Billings Agency A s h la n d H otel S u n d a y D in n e r Winter Driving $1.00 LEEDOM’S TIRE Hü USE Make Your Buying Begin at Home It’s annoying to say the least, to have .to wait your tu rn in the bath­ room. An additional bathroom, or even an extra toilet and washroom, would prevent much of this annoyance; and is in­ expensive to install. Private toilet facilities in the guest room show refine­ m ent and hospitality. Is is probably so that some things cannot be bought in Ashland But nineteen out of twenty of your wants can he supplied best by local merchants. When imying, make your slogan, “ Try Ash­ land First.” It will pay 1 • « von. First National Bank Ashland, Oregon Let us plan these extra^con­ veniences for you, economical­ ly. 5 t Jerry O’Neal Phon e 138 Banking Friendships That Encircle This Section” 2 0 7 E. Main Paj amas bu w « ejn-jh - ■ .th a t will m a k e your f^leep more comfortable. In a variety of weaves and weights Priced within Reason Did Your Roof Leak? ----- We presume so. It is annoying to find that your supposed-good roof has leaked during the night. If you have a flat roof, try some roof putty with asbestos fiber. We handle damp-proof roof paints, roofing, shingles. . ' • * There will still be nice days this fall. Why not put on a new SHINGLE ROOF CALL UK UP Mitchells Next to the Postoffice Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. “In the H eart o f T ow n”