t*AGR tÖRKR Classified Column AtftttAftb ftA ttf ttfffiro s Baita U fil MW IS READY III I PROFESSIONAL C larified Column Rates One cent the word each time. To run every Issue for one month or more, Vic the word each time. PHYSICIANS PR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. ¿ss» Tidings DR. C. W. HANSON Dcntist A NOON SONG Church of Christ WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. — Like Special attention given to pyor-' There are 8OQgs fQr U e mornlag Large and attentive audiences doctor8 watchlag over a convale9. rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver and songs for the night. were 1« attendance at both ser- cing patlent the flnaDCial phy. FOR RENT 233-tf. Block. Phone 178-J. For sunrise and sunset, the I vices last Sunday. . cjans Of tjje world are breathless- ROOM TO RENT— To a lady, DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ stars and the moon; Nexf Sunday the morning ser- j checklng the gold pulsebeat of 154 B. street 58— tt But who will give praise to the mon will be “The Prayer That tice limited to eye,’ear, nose ann Germany, av/aiting- a favorable fullness of light, Works.” Bible school at 9:45 a. throat— X-ray including teeth, sign of ultimate recovery to pour FOR RENT:— Large front bed- And sing us a song of the glory m. Attention Is especially called room, with heat. Ladies only. Call; Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc millions of dollars info that enig­ of noon? to the evening service when Mrs. ma nation, that again she may 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, 57— 3 325-R. Oh, the high noon, and the clear W. E. Rambo, for many years a Ore. stand among the world’s greatest noon. missionary in India and -since the commercial powers. FOR RENT— Furnished room,' The noon with golden crest; OIL E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic war, a worker in the Near East 107 Second St. Phone 313-R. That Is the substance of confi­ When the sky burns, and the sun relief, will speak. She, with her dential information in the hands 50— tf i and Electro-Therapy. Office turns, husband spent two or three years of the United States Government. phone 48; residence 142. First FOR RENT:— Furnished front With his face to the way of the In Armenia shortly after the National Bank building. The Vanguard ot trusted agents V*-' room apartment. 349 East Main west! World War. Hear her message of American bankers and invest­ St. 47— 6 " the S outhern O regon at 7:30 p. m. ment brokers has already invaded clinic How swiftly he rose in the dawn V. K. Allison, Pastor. FOR RENT: — Cozy 2-room 1st National Bank Bldg. Germany, to study the economic of his strength; Surgical Obstetrical furnished apartment with kitch­ Medical “Comeback” anticipated follow­ How slowly he crept as the Diagnostic X-ray ’ Trinity Episcopal Church enette aud private bath. 357 ing the acceptance of the Dawes morning were by; Vicar the Rev. P. Kr Hammond report of the successful flotation Vista street. Phone 122. 47— tf R. W. Stearns, M. D. R. E. Green, M. D. Ah, steep was the climbing that Holy Communion at 8 a. m. of the 2200,000,000 loan. R. W. Sleeter, M. D. FOR RENT— Furnished house, led him at length Church Service at 9:45. Morning Office hours 2-5 p. m. The United States, having sub­ 478 Boulevard. 36— Imo To the height of his throne in Service and Sermon at 11. Even­ Phone 238-R scribed 2110,000,000 of the loan, the blue summer sky. ing Service and Sermon at 7:30. will be Germany’s biggest cus­ FOR SALB CONVALESCENT HOME Oh, the long toil, and the slow Everyone cordially welcomed. tomer as the result of the indus­ Where the sick g e t well. toil, FOR SALE: — Tancred— Holly­ trial development expected to Cottage Plan. The toil that may not rest Church of the Nazarene wood cockerels, pedigreed, dams, come, according to Government We board and care for invalids Till the sun looks down from his Morning service, Sunday school records up to 280, sire record economists. Great Britain, with and old people. journey’s crown, 9:45 a. m. Preaching, 11:00 a. m. over 270. The male is half your her 270,000,000 subscription, Maternity Dept. To the wonderful way of the Evening, Young people service, flock. 112 Nutley St. Phone 456J. stands second as a prospective Call 153 58— tf ■ I . U . J I L ___ LSI1 west! 6:15, Preaching 7:15. ...I.1 J. Jl ? I 'I ■ . ,1.- I..C beneficiary of rehabilitated Ger­ Prayer meeting Wednesday MONUMENTS man commerce. FOR SALE: — Showcases. Ash­ Then a quietnes» falls over mea­ evening, 7:20. The 2110.000,660 subscribed land Furniture Co. 56— 4 ASHLAND GRANITE dow and hill, Young people prayer meeting by American bankers to put Ger­ MONUMENTS The wings of the wind In the Friday evening. All are cordially FOR SALE: — Cull Delicious man currency on a gold exchange Blair Granite Co. forest are furled; Invited to attend all of these ser­ apples, 25c a box, bring your basis and to establish basic cred­ PENNISTON, Manager The river runs softly, the birds vices. boxes. W. F. Rodoff, 447, Walnut its abroad, 1 b the forerunner of Office 175 E. Main are all still. O. R. Reeder street. 65— 5* possible hundreds of millions that Res. Phone 444-Y And the workers are resting will flow Into the great industries FOR SALK:— Wood. 16 in. all over the world. First Congregational Church 1ÄY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May of that nation as soon as her re­ chunk fir and laurel. Phone 12F2. Oh, the good hour, and the kind W. Judson Oldfield, Minister communicate with Ensign L^e covery becomes apparent, Federal 54— 6* hour, Boulevard and Main street. of the Salvation Army at the experts asserted. The hour that calms the breast, Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with J WOOD FOR SALE:— Fir and WhlfeShletd "Home, 565 May- “Germany Is certain to become Little Inn half-way on the road of classes for all grades and ages. Spruce, 13 ‘r.ch 18. Hard wood fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. an Insistent market for American the day. Bring your Bible. Morning ser­ 16 inch 1 12. Delivered. Fountain capital in years to come.” said a PLANING MILL Where It follows the turn to vice at 11; Subject "The Source Feul Co Siskiyou or leave orders statement issued by one Govern­ of the Churche’s Power.” junior the west! at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. ment department. “Germany mifft — Henry Van Dyke Christian Endeavor at 4 p. m. 50— 1 mo.* fORDON’S SASH AND CABINET have eredit to obtain the vast sup­ WORKS, Cor. Helman and « • « Christian Endeavor at 6:30. ply of raw materials to keep her Van Ness. 10Àf Bungalows— Lota CALENDAR OF EVENTS Evening service at 7:30. The Industries going.” I have some fine Bungalows. Monday, November 10. Ladles speaker for the evening will be TRANSFER AND EXPRESS The greater portion of the cred­ Houses and Building Lota in Ash­ Art Club will give card party in Rev. M. B. Paranogian, an Ar­ Whittle Transfer A Storage Co. it granted from the United States land far sale, will accept good Civic Club house. menian representative of the Near will go to German firms now do­ for SERVICE. Bonds, Notes or Mortages on Tuesday, November 11. W. C. E ast‘ Relief. This is aq oppor­ ing business with thia country, Experienced movers and pack­ payments, and give easy terms on T. U. will give a social meeting tunity to attain information firBt- either as Importers or exporters. ers of household goods. Deal­ balance. Se me before buying a at the home of Mrs. Leavitt on handed. Prayer meeting every Already the potash fertilizer in­ ers in coal and wood. Phone Chestnut street. All members home. Wednesday evening at 7:30. The terest, dye and drug producers, 117. A L. LAMB. 178 A St. and friends are Invited. subject to be under consideration both of which export tremendous Office 89 Oak St. near Box 432, Ashland. Tuesday, November 12. P. E. for next week is “The Presence quantities of goods to the United 35— 1 Mo. Hotel Ashland O. will meet at the home of Mrs. of the Father. Son and Spirit States, and a string of German Buy better milk. Phone 257-J T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ B. M. Shoudy on Helman street. Through Obedience to the Com­ cottonhave been financed exten­ Tuesday, November 13. O. E. mands of Christ”. The public is for It. 33— 1 mo.* fer— Good team and motor sively in this country, it was learn­ S. Embroidery Club will meet. cordially invited to all these ser­ ed. trucks. G >od service at a rea­ FOR SALE — or exchange for Thursday, November 18. Ladies vices in the Congregational sonable price. Phone S3. The Government regards the 135,000.00. 160 acres, 100 culti­ Elks Club will meet at the club church. first indications from Germany vated, free water, lots of it. 20 rooms. FEHIGE- ROACH are favorable. head of large size Registered Jer­ * • • Missionary Baptist Church Transfer — Express — Storage seys, the finest Btrain in Oregon. During the past year the new Kiwanis Club Entertains—• At the Lyric Theater 30 head of registered Duroc pigs, Hauling — Dray work of all rentenmark has suffered little The Kiwanis club celebrated Eldar ldai T. E. Griffith will preach 200 White Leghorn chickens, team kinds. Quick motor service. Dry ladies Tilght at the Civic Club fluctuation. The German budget Saturday evening at 7:30. Sub­ of Registered Imported Perchon wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R house Tuesday evening with a ject, "The Security of the Be­ according to the official report, 112-tf mares 1900 lbs. each. About 375 B. St. dancing party. A pleasant even­ liever” or “Can We Fall From Is fairly well balanced, with a 23000.00 worth of farm equip­ ing was spent dancing, talking Grace.” Sunday at 11 o’clock, small surplus in the past year. ASHLAND PAINT CO ments, modern house, large barn and listening to election returns, “The Church”, by Eld. C. E. Hunt The surplus was employed to take Dependable and other buildings. Will take off the market an outstanding which caused muh excitement. A Income property up to 220,000.00, Painting Contractors & Decorators large number were, present. At a of Sisson, Calif., 2 P. M. Sunday. mergency bond issue, cutting down Preaching Sunday eve. 7:30 P. M. SWENNING & GEAR long time on balance at 6 per cent. late hoiir refreshments were serv­ Mr. Griffith. Subject: “ Is Modern the Governments obligation to Phone 408-J 57-1 mo.* Courtesy to brokers or agents. that extent. ed and after a few more dances Healing Scriptural?” J. J. Deakln. Phone 330, Ashland Officials said that they have rea­ the group adjourned to their re­ Oregon. 33— 1 mo. son to believe Germany will con­ spective homes. Methodist Episcopal Church • • • tinue to balance her budget and S. J. Chaney, Minister MISCELLANEOUS Royal Neighbors— The Sunday School will meet strive for surplus to meet out­ FOR EXCHANGE:— Studebak- The Royal Neighbors held their at 9:45. Classes are provided for standing emergency obligations. er Special Six, 1920, fine shape. regular session Wednesday and all ages and all are welcome. The export of 2110,000,000 Ford Sedan also, will pay differ­ balloted on several candidates. A There were 250 present at the capital from the United States to ence. What have you. Box 391, ---------- large attendance was present and Sunday School hour last Sunday. Germany should not only make Kidneys cause backache! Noi l pleasant time was spent. 29 South Pioneer, Ashland. 58-2* The pastor will speak at the Germany the market for heavy Your backache is caused by him-; convention of this morning church services and additional loans, but should stlmr 1UB WANTED a good and reliable bago, rheumatism or a strain and lodge will be held on Wednes­ the quickest relief there will be special music by the ulate American foreign trade, ex. man or women to demonstrate ;, pene- day November 12th at the Moose chorus choir. “What Do I Need ports are dieted. It was pointed and sell the Electro Magnetic Jacobs Hall, beginning at one-thirty. The out that the actual gold does not Blankets In Ashland and Vicinity. it right Supreme Supervisor, Mrs. Ida To Do To Be a Christian?” is the leave the United States, but Is topic for the Epworth League A good clean and growing busi­ Del illf 111 mv. instant-j Handlen will be present. The meeting at 6:16 Sunday even­ kept here by the German “gold ness that has increased over two soreness, banquet will be served at six- ing. A representative of the Near bank of issue,” to establish hundred percent In the last year, 3 and lame- thirty. All Royal Neighbors are East Relief will be the speaker for, full particulars, Address Po. I 1 sappears. invited to attend the convention. at the evening church services. Box 452 Eugene, Oregon. 55— 6* stay crip- ♦ « * pled! Get a 35 WANTED: — Nursing. Will cent bottle of St. To Meet Thursday— First Church of Christ, Scientist consider house work. Am a post The Parent-Teachers Associa­ Jacobs Oil from Pioneer Avenue South your druggist. A tion will have a combined meet­ graduate of N. W. school of mas­ Sunday service.at 11 o’clock. moment after it is ing of the three circles at the sage and electro-therapeutics. Subject of lesson “Adam and Fal­ applied you’ill won­ Mr«. Leighton, 153 Granite or der what became Junior High School Thursday, len M an/’ Sunday School at 10 Phone 153. S3— 1 mo. of the backache or lumbago pain. November 13. At this meeting the o'clock. Wednesday evening meet- In use for 65 years for lumba­ delegates who attend the^ conven­ MEDFORD VETERINARY HOS­ go, backache, sciatica, neuralgia, tion held In Corvallis will give ins' at 8 o’clock. Reading room open dally from PITAL, Dr. E. C. McCulloch, grad­ rheumatism or sprains. Absolute­ report and some topic will be 2 to 5 P. M., excepting Sundays uate veterinarian; office consul­ ly harmless. Doesn’t burn the ’ covered by each delegate. This and holidays. tation free; Office phone 369, skin. , __ . . — is given in the evening so that Res. Ph. 833W; Corner Grape and the men will have a chance to at- Fifth 8ts., Medford Ore. 54— 5* To Medford— tend. After the program a social Oregon City— Contracts let for Twelve local De Molays journ-, hour will be held and refresh- WANTED: Protect yourself paving o.n three streets, amount­ ing to 26,056.06. against the uncertainties of win­ eyed to Medford Thursday eve- ments will be served, ter. We can assure you a good ning to a venison feed in honor position In jfour own county, that of the local çhapter. About one Will give you splendid service will pay you well. Write us at hundred were present and the for winter driving once. Nogar Corporation, 301 Ashland chapter was delightfully SPECIAL entertained. BARTLETT, the Furrier Couch Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. 54— 18 Ford Batteries . . . $15.50 New Theater Building and batteries for all other DRESSMAKING and Tayloring cars at reasonable prices Medford, Oregon the famous bread which asonable prices, all work guar- P H IL C O R A D IO will make your meal» more iteel. Mrs. B. Van Harden- enjoyable. B A T T E R IE S rg. 147 Central Are. 55— 1 mo.* L RUB BACKACHE A W .< 9 P H IL C O Diamond Grid Batteries “Sally Ann” You are welcome to compare y Automobile rates with any her rates in Jackson or Jose- ilne Counties; you can be the idge. Pfaowe 21. Yeo, of course 30— tf z Lithia Bakery on cold mornings, replace your old Spark Plugs, with a set of new A. C. or Champion Plugs, they w ill s a w your battery. There is wisdom In reading ads Dinginess For a Bmooth shave and quick service go to the Shell Barber Shop. Ladies and children get your hair bobbed and marcel­ led. Norman Kerry *** Constance Benngtt W. A. SHELL, Prop. here»,* t 582 A. St, Ashland, Or« For Quick Starting in a house is unnecessary with the wide range of light, airy wall paper designs we have to offer you. X o. RIGG Milwaukee Timers, K-W Coil Points installed free 1 • W. & N. Service Station BOULEVARD and SHERMAN The Ashland Electric Shop 24» East Mala SL Saturday, November 8, 1924 5 ^ credit. i America, or one and one-half; the railroads of the country.” The Average business man In times the number of battle casual-' The prevention of bathing acci- the United States and in Germany ties suffered by American troops dents and the instructing " of a has not realized to what extent at the front. The Red Cross is welltrained volunteer life-saving German credit has been impaired, seeking to reduce these losses and corps also was enumerated as one according to governmental infor- offers its course in first aid to of the activities of the Red Cross matlon. j railroads, factories, mines and which was energetically develop- The rehabilitation of Germany various industries— to schools and ed during the year. New raem- wlll be directed by S. Parker G il-( groups of people everywhere. bers numbering 18,000 were ad- bert, former Under Secretary of MMore than half a million rail- ded to the Red Cross's Life-Sav- the Treasury, as Agent-General road employes during the last ten i lng Corps, increasing the person- of the Reparations Commission. years have been given Red Cross' nel to 50,000. The German “gold bank of issue” first-aid instruction, and the re- will have charge of the 8200,- suits have plainly shown its val- --------------------------- 000,000 loan obtained for that Ue. The experience of the Red Tidings Ads brings results. nation. This "Sank does not have C/?ees shows that the accident direct contact with German in-i rate among industrial workers dustry, but maintains the same j who receive this instruction was relation to it as does the Federal 75 per cent less than among the Reserve Bank to American in- uninstructed. dustry. “During the year 14,000 per- I sops completed the Red Cross; we have the following | course in first aid, 4,000 more winter automobile i than In the previous year, and specialties 146,000 were reached with dem-' onstrations by the First Aid Car,1 which traveled 9,646 miles over Arm our’s Anti Freeze YES E Windshield Wipers Rear-View Mirrors WASHINGTON, Nov. 8.— The Windshield Rubbers American Red Cross Is prepared to extend quick and effective aid Hood and Dash Covers • Guaranteed to keep anywhere in the United States in times of epidemic, disaster, or Weed Chains—all sizes war thfough the medium of a wel- Y o u r F e e t W a rm a n d D ry equipped nursing corps numbering 40,000, according to excerpts from H A R R IS O N the yearly report of the organi­ Brothers, Garage zation made public today. Ford, Lincoln, Pordaon Dealers The work with which the or­ ganization has engaged itself with­ in the last year has been the conversation of life against the ravages of disease, and accidents in industry. To this end first- aid instructors and lectures were sent throughout the country disseminating information to help check and eliminate this strain FO B N E X T W E E K ONLY upon the nation’s greatest re­ Rebuilt Underwood ............................................$55.00 sources— its manpower. Rebuilt R em in g to n ............................................. 50.00 “This corps of 40,000 qualified Almost New Remington ................................... 60.00 nurses forms a nursing reserve which, 13 immediately available Corona Portable ................................................. 35.00 to the Government in time of O liv e r.................................................................... 25.00 epidemics, disasters, or war,” the report states. “The assignment of WE RENT TYPEW RITERS public health nurses to communi­ ties having no oth er public health agencies is a part of the Toilet Goods— Books and Drug Sundries Red Cross program. During the Stationery year 1,000 of these nurses car­ ried the message of health to the people in a3 many localities. In addition, five nurses, maintained by a fund bequeathed by Miss Jane A. Delano, war-time director of the Red Cross Nursing Ser­ vice, are on duty in remote and THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL isolated sections of the country— FINISHING TONIGHT one on islands off the coast of Maine, one in Idaho, one in Vir­ ginia, a fourth in Alaska, and with Rod LaRoque the fifth in the mountains of North Carolina. Seek to Reduce Accidents “During the ninteen months of the war with Germany,” the re­ port continues, “125,000 persons in were killed by accidents Boots and Shoes OVERLAND Shoe Shop T Y P E W R IT E R B A R G A IN S E LB ART’S uThe Code of the Sea” Have Your BATTERY Overhauled for winter use . It may save the purchase of a ew battery later. E X ID E Batteries Cytherea. the Spirit of Love, the Goddess at whose shrine all maids and men worship. A picture aglqw with the glamorous spirit of love and romance. TOMORROW and MONDAY for every make of car. C O M IN G T U E S D A Y Murphy Elec. Co. MARY PICKFORD in “Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall” O u r P h o n e 82 Main - Plaza Ashland ■ ? a u . .— fc-i.-g g 1918 1924 ^C E LEB R A TE USED CAR ARMISTICE DAY B A R G A IN S Two Dodge Tourings 1918 Dodge, good condi­ tion 1922 Maxwell Touring Ford Coupe Reo Truck Chevrolet Sedan Chevrolet Coupe e— e— o— o AT M EDFORD Bigger and Better v- C7 Than Ever Before 9:30 TO 11:00 A. M. ST R E E T STUN TS A L a u g h in E v e r y B lo ck 11:00 A. M. Instant Service on Rav- hestos Brake Lining T W O M IN U T E S O F S IL E N C E I n H o n o r o f th e S o ld ie r D e ad 11:02 A. M. Automotive Shop Chevrolet and Dodge Sales and Service * D E M O N S T R A T IO N B Y 0 . N . G. T h e y G u a ra n te e a B ig N o ise 11:05 A. M. GRAND ST R E E T PA RA D E B ig g e r a n d B e tte r T h a n E v e r 2:00 P. M. Army Goods Brand Waist Overalls E x t r a W id e B e lt L o o p s — D o u b le S tr e n g th C ro tc h Built especially for us and guaranteed the best on the market, at a price lower than cheaper gar­ ments. T h e Armv Goods Store B ig g e s t L ittle S to re in T o w n B A SEB A LL CO N TEST F o r B o y s a t th e F o o tb a ll F ie ld 2:30 P. M. M E D F O R D -A S H L A N D G A M E T h e B ig g e s t F o o tb a ll G am e o f th e S e a so n 8:30 P. M. A R M IS T IC E D A Y D A N C E A t th e B e a u tifu l O rie n ta l G a rd e n s 12:00 MIDNIGHT “ A N IG H T IN P A R I S ” D a n c in g a n d H ig h C lass V a u d e v ille