Saturday, N ovem ber H, 1924 ASHLAND D A îtŸ TIDINGS FÀOE fWÔ A C U T A TV n A b li-L A iM U n A T T V U A IL 1 T T n T N C S the Rocky Mountains the states have 60,d00,000 bush- tains, with the consequent rush thereto, prompted the leg ' William Chapman and Robert McGruder be and are here- 1 1 U 111 Lr 0 than lagt year Nevertileiess the country as ajislature to still further extend the organization of conn-1 by appointed judges of elections therefor. One (precinct) ( E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) P ub lished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. G reer~......................................................................................... Editor - - more than .. on the j ay of January, 1852, it organized; whole has somewhere over 30,000,000 bushels Douglas county and five days thereafter, to-wit: January last year. The increase in the wheat crop plainly comes between I2th, 1852, Jackson county was organized, or rather its the Mississippi River and the Rockies. Kansas leads the organization was provided for, by legislative enactment at Jacksonville, to be known as Jacksonville precinct; elections to be held at the Robinson house and that L. A. Rice, H. A. Overbeck and Hiram Abbott be and are here- by appointed judges of elections therefor. One (precinct) O FFICIAL CITY P A PE R .............. ............................................ Tei®p,h,°Jle . ■ ■ to-ed at th e A shland, O regon P o sto ffic e as Second C lass Mail Subscription P rice, D elivered in City Month .. Three Months ....................................................................................... Six Months ............................................................................................ • o e Year .................................................................... - ....................... (To be Continued) than doubled in 1924. The addition to North Dakota’s in­ legislative act creating Umpqua and Douglas counties fixed the southern boundaries thereof an dthe act creat- come will be in excess of $56,000,000. tains a handful of peanuts con- Blessings seldom come singly. Kansas has a goodjing Jackson county embraced therein all of the residue l/[PETAP|AM DICT B y Mail and R ural R outes ) tain more nourishm ent than five Î .65 • > e Month .................................. ...... ................................................ crop, too. Its value would seem to be something like to the state extending to the California line and from the; VLuLInlilnli KJILI 1.96; corn pounds of beafsteak. Three Months ...... 3.50; 1' $114 000,000, or pretty pearly $20,000,000 more than in shore of the Pacific ocean east to the Cascade Mountains. I There is no precaution given tlx M onth. 6. o V One Year The eastern boundary of Jackson county as given in the ) as to eating the raw onions in 1923. the middle of the day. DISPLAY*ADVERTISING RATES act of 1852 is very indefinite, hut was corrected and ex- $ .30 gfngle Insertion, pei- ich .......................................................... Friends are people who offer you sympathy in ex­ tendde hv an act of the legislature at a Special session Yearly Contracts .27% held in 1865 By this Act the boundary of Jackson county • n s insertion a wee! ................................................................... change for the sordid details. .25 Two insertions a wee ...............................................................— • - ■ - — - - was extended eastward to embrace what is now Lake and CHICAGO, Nov. 8.— Take somej .20 Daily insertion .......................................................... ...................... R ates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising The league may maddle with all domestic matters ex­ Klamath counties. This territory was taken from Wasco crushed raw w heat, oats or rye, 1 m ilk; some nuts drenched F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. » .10 county, that by the act of 1856 embraced all of the terri­ with .05 cept the little matter of unpaid loans. Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................................. in honey, a vlass of orange juice, i 1.00 Card of Thanks ................................................................................. tory eastwardly from the summit of the Cascade moun­ plenty of raisins, some raw o n -' .02% Obituaries, per line ........................................................................ Many oldtimers went West- on a galleon; some mod­ tains, to the summit of the Rocky mountains, and south­ ions and spinach, lettuce and to- j WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING erly from the Columbia liver to parallel 42 of north lati­ matoes, or cabbages and carrots; i “All future events, where an admission charge is mad« or a erns go West on less than a pint. tude, being the north boundary line of California and throw in half a cauliflower for di- j NILES, O., Nov. 7. — Troops »1 lection taken is A dvertising. vertissem ent; divide these ingred­ here today dragged Mosquito No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. Any free citizen can do as he pleases, except for his Nevada. ients into three portions and serve DONATIONS conscience, his wife, his landlord and the neighbors. By the Act of 185.. the north boundary of Jackson for breakfast, lunch and dinner, locate bodies reported thrown into No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ was the south boundary of Umpqua and Douglas counties; and in six or seven years th a t bald the w ater during Saturday's Ku er job printing— our contributions will be in cash. It doesn’t follow that a man is standing for the right its southern boundarv was the north line of California,; head will bear a crown of glor- Klux K lan-anti-klan riot. Reports its western boundary was the Pacific Ocean and its luxurious, strength-begetting had been current th a t men were LA FOLLETTE’S PARTY ¡because he won’t stand for the extreme left. The election, combined with the preceding facts of eastern boundary the Cascade mountains, embracing pi a t - Dr gt Loui3 Estes, vice-presi- bodies spirited away, colonel l . his political career and his age, may definitely end the The. saying that occurs to one who studied the polit tically all the territory now constituting Coos, Curry, dent of the Internationa Society S. Connelly, in charge of Ohio active political career of Robert La b ollette. Just how Seal situation is that old classic, “ Let us pray.” Josephine and Jackson. By the Act of 1865 the territory Of Applied Psychology and pre- guardsmen still here, ordered the of Jackson was greatly extended east of the Cascades, but sident of the American Society creek dragged. much effort will be put by him into the formation ol the new party he has discussed remains to be seen. prior to that time its territory rad been greatly curtailed a Pioneering in Southern Oregon The vote given to him, although he has carried no by the organization of other counties, to-wit: by the act lectures, to be delivered in Chi- A num ber of loaded pistols, by G. B. Watson state but Wisconsin, is by no means inconsiderable. Its of December 22nd, 1853, Coost county was organized; by cago soon, advocating the use shotguns and rifles and a quan- weakness as a basis for the formation of a party is that act of the legislature, December 18th, 1855, Curry county of the above recipe, in proper) tity of ammunition, which author- to restore health to ities believe were Intended for use it is a vote given to La Follette personally rather than was created and by the act of June 22nd, 1856, Josephine proportions, (Continued from November 6) any ailing body and grow hair on here Saturday, were seized by the from any party consciousness of men and women asso­ county was provided for. For more specific description any shiny, bald pate. ‘ m ilitia in houses and shanties in In thé fall of 1851, James Cluggage and J. R. Poole, ciating together for public purposes. To regard the lead­ of the boundaries of these various counties reference is A testim onial. “ I did it, and McDonald, a steel town two miles ers of the railroad brotherhoods and the farmers, either in who were running a pack train from Scottsburg to Vreka, made to the Session laws of the territorial legislature that others can do the same. I was east of here, today. The raiding North Dakota or in California, who have regarded them­ stopped at an inviting cove in the western part of Rogue created them. It will be seen that for so large an area sickly and bald, but by adher-' party also procured inform ation to this diet for seveq years which is expected to uncover more .valley, to rest up J lor a few 1 _ days and while giving marters must have moved in a very * lively * manner. The I ing produced selves as aggrieved by certain political actions as working River 1* • 1 "1"1 • il A * J _ _ _ V — ~ 1 « z l _ a healthy crop of hair firearm s and am m unition and re- together for constructive political results under the ban­ their animals needed rest in the splendid natural meadows earliest settlement south of the Callipooia mountains was^ an(j won a swimming champion-) suit in fu rth er arrests, ner of anyone than La Follette is an absurdity. No other where the town of Jacksonville now stands, varied the one, in 1847, perhaps a dozen in 1848-9 with a rush in ¡s h ip !” That, according to Dr. I Lazo Demir was arrested and i charged w ith illegal possession person could have offered them such empty promises with monotony by prospecting the stream that ran through the 1850. The'"discovery of gold at Jacksonville in the fall Estes Dr. Estes is a vegetarian. He . such a glittering hope of fulfillment. So La Follette, in meadow. As a result they discovered rich placer deposits of 1S51 preceded .my settlements south of the Umpqua adX ate, no meat of any kind of weapons and insubordination. was seen to leave a train with tliis sense, has been the whole strength of his party. But in what was afterwards called Rich Gulcli . They were county, yet during the following year the influx was so and no cooked vegetables, no pep- a He rifle and was followed home, his personal weaknesses, his so frequent “ falling down” joined by James Skinner an d ------- Wilson and proceeded great that a cry went up to tlie legislature, “ give us a gov-1 per, no salt and no alcoholic the raids resulting. at the critical time for himself and his movement, spells to open up their claims which proved to be very rich. ernment,” and the act creating Jackson county followed beverages, tobacco, candy or other More than 50 witnesses have sim llar Indulgences. been examined by the m ilitary This discovery precipitated another mining rush and it the final break-down of his career. within five days after the act creating Douglas county. hoard of inquiry into Saturday's The prescribed foods and the This pathological feature of the career of Robert La was only a short time until the mountains surrounding The territorial legislature names James Clugg, Natli- prescribed dont’s constitute hi3 rioting. Eight arrests were made Follette, the reason in fact which caused such Progres­ Rogue River valley were filled with miners and prospect- aniel C. Dean and Abel George, commissioners to organize) simple avenue to health and today, a m ajority for carrying sives as Gifford Pinchot in the East and Chester H. Rowell ors. weapons. Jackson county. They met at Jacksonville on the 7th day plenteous hair. in Jlie West to abandon all effort to use his leadership in of March, 1853, and proceeded to discharge their duties. And some day, when the food I rh e Tiding*» A ds B rin g R e su lts 1911 anld 1912, was expressed specifically by a California By following them briefly for a time the reader will he has become irksome, ju st step out I nn CHAPTER FIVE into the air, skip breakfast or newspaper in 1917, a paper which during the last few the better able to appreciate the rapidity of the settle­ lunch; go out and take a deep months has been supporting his candidacy. This paper The dicovery of rich placer gold deposits in the Siski­ ment in this, so recently, a country occupied by savages breath. You’ll be surprised at the said in 1917: results. At least, th a t is the ad­ you mountains b’ordering upon Rogue River valley, and on only. “ The man (La Follette) has lost his brains. The iron the Klamath river and its tributaries, just across the line As I have said the Commissioners met at Jacksonville vice of Dr. Estes. has entered his soul. Disappointment and possibly envy in northern California produced a re-enactment in this on the 7th day of March. 1853, and were sworn in by the And furtherm ore, he says, nuts vegetables are far more have turned him away from a path whereon in former region of the exciting inrush of gold-seekers of two years Postmaster, David M. Kenny, there being no other person ; and n o u rish in g th à n meat, He m ain.! years he did such splendid work.” before in the Sierras of California. In an incredibly short qualified to administer an oath. James Cluggage was Fine Mirrors And in another place: time hundreds of mdn with pick, shovel and pan, were elected to act as President of the Board of Commissioners. Ruhberset Brushes “ This is no time for hitter denunciation and reviling gathering at the new discovery on Rich Gulch and Jack- Dr. C. E. Alexander was appointed Clerk. Dr. John W. excoriation. Robert La Follette, according to all accounts son creek, while hundreds more were seeking out every McCully was appointed a Justice of the Peace. The exe- Swaty Hones even of his personal friends in Wisconsin and Washing­ stream in the Siskiyou’s in their mad search for the yel­ gencies of the situation seemed to require more than one Tory Razors ton, is not wliat he once was. The iron of disappointment low metal. The Applegate and its branches, Sucker Justice, so Hiram Abbott was appointed a Justice of the CALIFORNIA has entered his soul, if not injured his brain. No man who creek and its tributaries, the Illinois river and valley and Peace. They at once gave bond for faithful performance Gem Razors ...........$1.00 OREGON POWER knows Robert La Follette believes otherwise than that nearly every bar on Rogue river were soon occupied. The of their duties. They »then appointed Morgan W. David Rexall Shavjng Lotion he is still an lion» t man who, in his twisted mentality, startled Indians looked on in amazement at what appear­ and M. C. Kennedy constables who at once filed their COM PANY thinks he is doing exactly the right thing at exactly the ed to them a crazy rush for something that had no appeal 60c 'Preferred Stock yields bonds and entered 'upon the discharge of their duties, for right time. His condition is such, however, that he is an to them. Jacksonville precinct.. These appointees were so appoint­ object of pity rather than of hatred. ’ ’ The climate, fertility and beauty of the Rogue River ed to serve until their successors were duly elected and It is this weakness of La Follette, a weakness which qualified. They now adjourned until the 4th day of April, has made him a good servant for Wisconsin in the nation- valley that had so strongly appealed to those who had ask any when they convened to further proceed with the county 2»« Sforv f tl business, but which has made him a weakness of every passed through it, now became doubly enticing as a land member of our organization. for home-building, farming and fruit-raising, and men aganization movement of which he was a part if he could not dominate with families began to select their lands in the valley and The first business at this meeting was to receive and it, that will probably make ineffectual his proposals to to commence improvements of a permanent character. The accept the resignation of Dr. C. E. Alexander, Clerk, and establish a third party But wholesome progress in political affairs does not mines promised them markets for their produce and the the filling of the vacancy by the appointment of C. S. magnificent hunch-grass ranges invited to stock-raising, Drew, (who had been acting as deputy clerk), to the posi­ depend upon the purposes of any one man. perhaps no valley on the coast filled more rapidly than tion of Clerk. They then appointed E. H. Blanchard Elis- WHIZ ANTI-FREEZE did Rogue River valley. This was very disconcerting to er, who should act until successor (a shreiff) should be SOUSA 70 YEARS OLD It is hard to realize that John Philip Sousa was 70 the natives who, from times immemorial had wandered elected and qualified. They then proceeded to the crea­ , AND years old Thursday* He has been so persistently young in over this beautiful country in enjoyment and savage lux­ tion of election precincts, the very naming of which will TIRE CHAINS his influence on music in the United States that he should ury. Frequent councils were held among them in an effort indicate how rapidly the country was being settled over to devise methods to save their country and homes which extended areas. It was necessary that they should name never be old. And yet the most of us have a hard time the places for holding elections and the judges of election. Two essentials for Winter Motoring to remember hack to any period when Sousa was not a they plainly saw slipping away from them. 1 will copy from the journal kept by this Board which I So rapidly was this influx of people, embracing all band leader of note. ■ . All over the United States, there will be observations kinds and classes that they soon felt the necessity of or have before me, as follows, to-wit: Valvoline and Genuine Pennsylvania Lubricants. “ One (precinct) at Emery and Co.’s Saw-Mill and to made of the attaining of the Biblical three score and ten ganization under the law for protection against the ag­ gressions of that lawless element, that in the very nature be known as Ashland Precinct. Elections to he held at by the “ March King.” He was a teacher of music at 15 and a conductor at of the case, make for disturbance among a mining popu­ the house of Eber Emery, and that Eber Emery, John OESER’S ASHLAND SERVICE 17. He played first violin in Jacques Offenbach’s orches­ lation. Gold was discovered in the fall of 1851 and when Gibbs and Patrick Dunn, be and they are hereby appoint­ STATION tra when that musician was in America. From 1880 to the territorial legislature met in 1852 the machinery was ed judges of therefor. One (precinct at Dardenells, to he known as Dardenells precinct. Elections to be held at 1882 he was a resident of Washington and a leader in the set on foot for the organization of Jackson county. In the preceding chapter I have recorded the en­ the house of William Lawless, and that the said William United States marine band. Then he organized his own large group of expert musicians and toured Europe, and trance into the Umpqua river, of the schooner Samuel Lawless, J. W. Patrick and Isaac Woolen be and are here­ later went around the world. During the war Mr. Sousa Roberts, and the exploiting and settlement begun in the by appointed judges of elections therefor. One (precinct) enlisted in the United States navy and helped in organ­ Umpqua valley; the laying out of towns and the coming at Perkins old ferry on Rogue river to be known as Per­ izing military bands. lie has decorations from foreign in of settlers. Due to the activity of Jesse Applegate and kinsville precinct; elections to be held at the house of governments. In addition to the popular marches for Levi Scott, the Territorial legislature had passed an act Benjamin Holstead, and that the said Benjamin Holstead, which he is famous he has composed orchestra suites, January 1851, organizing Umpqua county, and embrac­ William Rose a n d ------- Brown he and are hereby ap­ “ Te Deums,” songs, waltzes and light operas, from all of ing therein a large part of the Umpqua country including pointed judges of elections therefor. One (precinct) at the mouth of the river. Douglas county was created by an Grave creek to he know nas Grave Creek precinct. Elec­ which he has received large royalties. Music, just like the other arts, must have its super­ act of the legislature Jenuary 7th, 1852 and Jackson tions to he held -at the house of Bates & Twogood, and ficial changes in form, just as in spirit it has its eternal county was created bv an act of the legislature January that A. S. B ates,------- Rice and Thos. Raymond be and are hereby appointed judges of elections therefor. One purposes, and in technic it must attain to a universal 12th, 1852. It will be seen from this that settlement had begun (precinct) at Cow creek to be known as Cow Creek pre­ foundation. The differences between the “ waltzes that made Vienna and swept the world,” the Sousa marches with force in the country south of the Callipooia moun­ cinct; elections to be held at the house of Hardy Elliff and Many Beautiful Designs from which that enspirited a generation that is now grey headed and tains, which is properly designated “ Southern Oregon.” that said Elliff, ------- Wiley and John Fortune be and the jazz of the present day are mainly differences in years. The settlement of the Umpqua country was greatly stim­ are hereby appointed judges of elections therefor. One! to select. Order now to avoid delay. (precinct) on Applegate creek to be known as Applegate ulated by the entry of the schooner Samuel Roberts and In each of these generations the new music was frowned on by the “ classic” lovers of the time. And each of them the temporary organization of the “ Umpqua Coloniza­ precinct; elections to he held at the house of Dr. Edward has acquired depth and culture as well as popular approv­ tion and Land Company,” while at the same time hun­ Sheil and that John Gun, William Thompson and ------- dreds of prospectors were seeking for gold amftng its hills Hart he and are hereby appointed as judges of elections al without losing any of its spirit.- and along its streams. The access of such a population therefor. One (precinct 1 on Illinois river to be known WHERE THE “ SHOWERS OF BLESSING” FELL prompted the organization of Umpqua county in 1851, as Canon Creek Precinct; elections to be held at the house j Wheat blessings appear to concentrate, and the cen­ which in turn till further stimulated the rush, not only of of Miller & Co., and that Samuel Mooney,------- Miller ter of concentration is somewhere in Kansas, although gold-seekers, but of home-seekers as well, and eligible a n d ------- Rhoda be and are hereby appointed judges of there is a pleasant degree of concentration as far north as lands were sought out and located. In the fall of the same elections therefor. One (precinct) on Althouse creek, to North Dakota. East of the Mississippi River the country year, 1851, the dicovery of rich placers at Rich Gulch, be known as Althouse precinct; elections to be held at the has 50,000,000 husl ¿Is wheat less than last year. West of (now Jacksonville,) and elsewhere in the Siskiyou moun- house of J. C. Anderson & Co., and that said Anderson, J 2 2 “ 7.50 APOSTLE DECLARES A i i SHAVING Necessities 7.14% McNair Brothers CHRISTMAS CARDS THE ASHLAND TIDINGS