ASHLAND CLIMATE M ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. Ih is is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland s Leading Newspaper Far Nearly Fifty Years (International News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume BALDWIN MAKES P M NAM ES OF M INISTERS' MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. ASHLAND, OBEGON,. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 1924 ’s L CONGRESS ffllL GIVE ATTENTION TO FARM NEEDS NO. ELECTIO N K E SU L T PL E A SE S STANLEY BALDW IN. ASHLAND MAN KILLS S E L F IN C O U N T Y JA IL WHAT A DIFFERENCE 13 YEARS DO MAKE STATE HOLDERS OF POLITICAL JOBS W ILL GO TOKIO, Nov. 8. __ Rihei Okada, who cut the • ARDMORE, Okla., Nov. American flag from the t 8. — Thirteen years ago flagstaff in the grounds 1 two callow Oklahoma of the destroyed American t youths, visiting Washing- embassy on July 1st, last, I ton for the first time, was yesterday sentenced to i were arrested by an irate six m onths’ imprisonment. t policeman for climbing a His two accomplices i statue In front of the Winston Churchill Chosen were sentenced to four and Commission Appointed to Union station to obtain a New Exchequer Chan- I two months, respectively Alex Hall Dies After Shoot­ better view of the capitol. Investigate Conditions on cellor Kay’s Election to Office with a suspension of sen­ ing Self in Head. Was Today one of the American Farms Held to Indicate Changes tence for two years, which trusty in Jail youths, Wayne C. Bayless king approves NAMES « means th a t if they are of Which Are to Come of Claremore, was found CALIFORNIANS CHOSEN good behavior during th a t N ew P rem ier L oses no Tim e in « TAKEN FROM ASHLAND to be the w inner in the NO SHAKE-UP LIKELY period they will go prac­ W esterners P redom inate C om m it­ A n nouncing Nam es of Men congressional race In the tically unpunished. J a ilo r ’s PLstol U sed for Self D es­ te e W hich Is to M ake Report State Bourtl, H ow ever. W ill Have first Oklahoma district to M ake up M inistry The judge in announc­ tru ction by Inm ate o f Jail. to C ongress and will make a more dig­ Two to On,» R epublican ing his decision, said th a t W as Said to be Good nified entry into the capi­ LONDON. Nov. 8. _ Stanley M ajority the unselfishness of mo­ tal. WASHINGTON, Nov. 8.__The Baldwin, the new prime minis­ tives prom pting the deed Alex Hall, convicted on a charge 1 XX farm ing industry in the United Bayless’ ability as an ter, lias lost no time in draw ing SALEM. Nov. 8. — Although justified the suspension of of bootlegging, in this city, and I XX States will receive considerable orator, m arked even then, homas B. Kay, successful can­ up the list of his new cab in e t,' v-‘ the sentences. M serving a term in the county jail j » attention from Congress in its released them from the which was subm itted to and ap­ didate for state treasurer at Tues- Okada cut down the at Jacksonville died late yesterday! 8 clutches of the law, a c ­ forthcoming short sessioq, accord­ dqfys general election, has an­ proved by the king tonight. The flag during the demon­ afternoon, after shooting himself tX cording to the story told ing to Indications made public king will hold a privy council at „ strations held throughout nounced that he has no desire to in the head earlier in the day. » today by his companion in Buckingham palace tomorrow fo r, 8 Japan in Ju n e and July ! here today. indulge In a *‘hou3e cleaning” of Hall was a trusty a t the jail, Plans toward this end are being the escapade, W. H. Cates, the tran sfer of the seals of office, 8 as a protest against the I state employes under the ju ris­ and was engaged in cleaning up Claremore newspaper man. ..... Ä from the old to the new m inis-'8 American' im m igration act, 1 worked out. following the crea diction of the state board of con­ • M M one of the corridors, when the « X X 8 8 8 8 8 8 XX 8 8 8 tion by President Coolidge of a ters who will take the oath and | 8 trol, it was reported here today XX excluding O riental imml- J Federal commission, which will jailer was forced to leave his of­ th at the change in the political comply with other necessary form- j t$ XI g rants from the United 1 study the needs of American ag­ fice to take some incoming pris­ alitles. ' n complexion of the board probably XX States. - j oners to their cells. Hall slip­ W inston Churchill will be' riculturists, and work with the would result in the discharge of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJ idea of m aking recom m endations 5 « ped into the ja ile r’s office, and chancellor of the exchequer. Other at least two and probably three obtained a revolver with which he to Congress when it convenes next Oí definite cabinet selections were: appointees 6f the present adm in­ shot himself, the bullet entering month. istration. Secretary for India, earl of Birk­ his head slightly above the tem ­ Form er Governor Carey of W y enhead; colonies. Colonel L. C. The state board of control as ple. A doctor was called, but oming will be chairm an of the M. S. Amery; foreign secretary, now constituted is composed of Hall died about an* hour after commission which has been ap­ Governor Pierce and State Treas­ Austin Cham berlain; president of th e shooting. pointed. Ralph P. M erritt of the council and leader of the urer Myers, democrats, and Sec­ The dead man was arrested for C oolidge G ets More Than' AH Fresno, California, m anaging d ir­ Stanley ßaldwla, Tory leader, and one of the rich a «» i. c— retary of State Kozer, republican. house of lords,- m arquis of Cur- Und. is shown with Mrs. Baldwin in Ü»ï gardai « Î En* bootlegging in tb e city about two O ther Candidates, Country ector of the Sun Maid Raisin On January 1 Mr. Myers will be zon8 privy seal, m arquis of Salis­ London, elated over the recent general election hn?le neajr months ago by Federal Prohibi­ R esu lts Cnchang,Hi Growers and Fred Hixby, of Long succeeded by Mr. Kay, with the bury; lord chancellor. Viscount B -id .ln » N o . 10 Dowolo» S U « tion officers, working with Chief of result that the board again will Cave; home secretary. Sir W il­ Form er Member o f S ta ff in Near Beach, California, president of Police George McNabb. He was KLAMATH FALLS, Nov. 8. __ have a republican m ajority. the A m erican. Live stock associa­ liam Joynson Hicks; agriculture, East to Give Talk on N eeds o f convicted on the charge and sen­ W ith complete unofficial re­ tion are also members of the One of the first changes th a t Edward Frederick Lindley Wood; People to C hurchgoers tenced to serve a term at Jackson­ turns from ail of the 36 precincts commission. These men are will be made following reorgani­ first lord of the adm iralty. W il­ ville. He recently was made de­ of Klam ath county tabulated. among the forem ost au thorities zation of the state boa.*l of con­ liam Clive Bridgem an; war. Sir The American people are fac­ fendant in a lawsuit, the plain­ President Coolidge got more than trol probably will a.fect the sec­ Laming W orthington-Evans; air ing the Near East problem square­ on agricultural needs in the tiff claiming his land was dam ­ all other presidential nominees retary o[ this body. This office is ministry. Sir Samuel J. G. Hoare; ly in the face, much as they did T nited States, and th e ir suggest­ aged by H all’s bootlegging activ­ combined. The complete tabu­ ions will be seriously considered now held by W. A. Dalzlel of health, Neville Cham berlain; la­ the Red Cross problem during ities. by Congress. lation made no changes in the Klamath Falls, who received the bor, Sir A rthur Steel-M aitland; the war, and even though their Hall Is survived by bis wife and county ticket, nor In the road President Coolidge has te n ta ­ appointm ent from Governor board of trade. Sir Phillip Lloyd- contributions are sm aller than two small children, all .of this bond issue, which was passed by Pierce and State T reasurer Myers, Greame; education. Lord Eustace during the w ar period, they are tively suggested November 17 as city. a vote. after R. B. Goodin, ex-secretary Percy; secretary for Scotland. Sir giving in substantial am ounts to the date fo r the first m eeting of H igh School B oys, P la y in g Prank M ultnom ah Station In stitu tion Is The complete tabulation for this of the board, had been tran sfer­ the commission, which will prob­ on T ourists, A re Taken for H eld up by Thugs. Escaped John Gilmore; attorney-general. the Near E ast relief fund.” W ith BANDON POSTM ASTER county shows: ably be held In W ashington, al­ H ighw aym en red to Portland and put in charge Sir Douglas M. Hogg. Convict Is Suspected these few words, Mrs. W. E. though it has been rum ored th at BANDON, Nov. '8. — H. Mc- P resident of the Oregon employment insti­ Mr. Baldwin’s official position Rambo, field w orker for the Near oiarm id, form er postm aster of Coolidge, 2.785; Davis. 800; La tution for the adult blind. ALBANY, Nov. 8.—A fter be- . will be th a t of prim e m inister. East relief, and form erly a mem- because of the W estern mem ber­ PORTLAND, Nov. 8, — i n the Bandon, was today found guilty Follette, 1,563; Johns. 19. ship. there was a likelihood of the It is said that Mr. Dalziel was first lord of the treasuiy i d lead-j her of the American staff in the ° mC6r8 oth er «mployes a rob- of ... the . . . . m, misuse of $2,000 of Ban- I nited S tates Senator m eeting being held in San F ran ­ b i « h ^ n l .Z‘|nn7 " ' * " ' A ,ban^ be.r the Multnomah Com- don pontoftlre (nuda, by a Fed active in behalf of State T reas­ ed of the house of i-T B o n s . Near East, summed up the situa- funds this attèrnoon McNary. 3,069; Coulter, 610; urer Myers during the la tte r’s cisco. in order th a t the members » w T L W “ S 8“ Ot, merC1* ' 4 S“ ’ lng3 b“ " k « court Jury here It Is understood th a t this list of tlon in the drive for funds with Ln, e , a r a r t i 8Ta i " " ‘Ì ' ' A " ° mah 8“ tto" 8hOr* ^ « « « "°»n following 20 h o u r, dcnberaUou Miller, 879; Robinson. 113. campaign and made numerous 19 m inisters constitutes the cabi-' which to carry on the work oi m ight more easily attend. Congress trips to various sections of the .b e ? , a 8 ‘ yostenla>'. ,o r“ d th e teller into The verdict carried with It the net, although It is officially an- furnishing food and clothing to Sinnott. 3,180; Graham, 1,176. state in Mr. Myers’ interest. L _ . req" lred ,h ree 8t,tches ' he ’ «> « “ 0 « -t> '-d with about recommendation of e i're m e leni' nounced th at it is not necessarily’ the hundreds of children and Secretary o f S ta te to close. Governor Pierce and Mr Dal­ complete. The other m inisters adults who have been driven out >1200 In cash and $6050 in ency. Kozer, 3,500; Hembree. 795; ziel have been close friends for The Incident arose through in­ bonds. and under secretaries will be nam ­ of their homes in Armenia. Francis, 263. form ation given by a California many, years and it was rumored ed later and the governm ent Is The outlaw fled tow ard P ort­ Mrs. Rambo, Is in Ashland S tate Treasurer tourist who called the officers land in a stolen car, was forced to here recently th a t the excutive not likely to be completed until 11 where, together with J. J. Hand- Kay, 2,730; Myers. 1.461. upon his arrival here from the abandon the machine because of desired an opportunity to advance next week. The cabinet minis- ( saker, head of the N ear East re ­ Suprem e Court north. He told Night Officer lack of gasoline, prom ptly stole him to the office of state super­ fers, however, will be able to fol-J lief fund organization in Ore- n c it. 2.231; Coshow, 1,519; intendent of hanks to succeed Chandler and City Traffic Offic­ low custom and attend the lord g°n. and M,. B. Paranoglan, well another automobile and made his Kelly, 1,429. er Lillard th at as he had stop­ way into the city. Frank Bramwell, now in charge m ayor’s banquet Monday in their known Armenian m anufacturer A ttorney G eneral ped to pick up an automobile tire of the departm ent. As Mr. Kay. official capacity. On william M. Crosby, holdup- of Salem, she will speak in the Van W inkle 2,348; Adams, by virtue of his election as state n ear the city lim its, he saw in CHICAGO, Nov. 8. — Snow fell man and desperado who escaped churches of this city tomorrow 614; F uruset, 448. treasurer, also will be a member in the interests of the Near East in Chicago today, and freezing the darkness two or more men j from the state p e n ite n tia r7 T u e a S tate Senator of the state banking board, Mr. tem peratures were recorded d u r­ partially concealed by the road- day. officialdom was half inclin relief fund. ’ Burke, 2,480;' Upton, 2,218. , . PORTLAND, Nov. 8. — Dr. J. side. I Bramwell is assured of being re­ I k L . ! lame .fOr the rob: Borders Portland dentist, who was ‘‘Although most of the refugees ing last night. The w eather is Results in the county ticket tained in his present position. A short tim e ago the to u rist extremely cold, but the cold wave of the Near East have been taken said he had been held up by ban-1 h o ld u p so n P ortland S treets Wed- ch“ rged wi,h a comPlaint sworn to follow: out of their country, and placed is expected to brief. - D istrict A ttorney d ^ s who employed a sim ilar ruse. ! nesday night and was identified by his wife, in which it was s ta t­ in camp3 where they are at least Brower .......... .......................... 1741 ed he committed a statuatory of­ DETROIT, Nov. 8.— A belated The officers accompanied th e . yesterday through his rogues gal- safe from the Turks, they are Ganong ..................................... 3024 fense involving Mabel Vanarnam , still in need of clothing and food cold snap blanketed N orthern to u rist to the place and found iery photograph by three victims. three boys hiding behind a fence, i if the man did commit the crim e’ ' I;? offlc®.assistan*’ today demand to carry them through the w inter, i Michigan with from four to six Ganong’s m ajority ............. 1283 cd a prelim inary hearing, and was These people will have to be car inches of snow last night, necessi- • Acc°r ding to the officers, the boys deputy sheriffs and the police say, released from jail, after posting County Com m issioner ed for, together with the fe w ; tatin g storm signals being placed ' supposed by them to be men, he had confederates who supplied Short ...........................................2807 MEDFORD, Nov. 8.— Tuesday, ... , . . $500 bail, and assuring the court over the upper G reat Lakes. The ! bolted and refused to stop when . , L regarding an ld d |„ on wbu]d Underwood ............................... 2295 November 11, sixth anniversary rem aining members of th eir race, m ercury has dropped tw enty-nine ordered to do so. Each officer fir- bank and who stole the aato -; w p08ted tonight. of the ending of the W orld war, for a few years lin g e r, or until degrees during the past tw elve| ®d twice. mobile to r his use In the ro b b er,. j Vanarnam „ they are able to get upon a sub­ Short’s m ajority ................. 512 will be celebrated in Medford TIENTSIN, Nov. 8— Because of hours. L ater it was discovered th a t the The hank raid w a, committed ip de(auR pf „ b a|, Mra stantial economic basis, and then S heriff with one of the most compre­ excesses of 5000 Chensi provlnco tire had been placed in the road w ith a daring unequaled In local Borders ch> ed ber busband dls. Hawkins .............. *....2793 troops, part of the army of Feng hensive Armistice day program s the aid of the Near East relief by boys who had attached a s trin g , crime annals, The bank is th e ' Low ............................................. 2483 Yu-Tsiang, the new m ilitary yet attem pted by the American fund will be no longer needed,” placed her as m istress in her | to it and were w aiting for pass-' typical small Mrs. Rambo claims. Legion post of th a t city. From ' h ° me- with Miss V anarnam , and chief of the Pekin government, ersby to attem pt to pick It up Mrs. Rambo worked with the Young Zimmerman wa« to b o n 1 tlon, * a * main ° y’ a an ing charged they lived together with H aw kin’s m ajority ............. 310 now In Tientsin, Yang I-Te, tho 9:30 in the morning, when a lo u n g Timmerman was ta k e n , room separated by grilled work County Clerk series of street stunts will be refugees of the N ear East for a nv i w L. > i Mrs. Borders being forced to do police commissioner has resign­ to a hospital last night but left * from the lobby, offices for execu- ___ . , num ber of years, returning to this DeLap ........................................ 3020 staged, until two o’clock the next a. housework for the couple this morning. ed. He said he was willing to tives and, in the back corners, a i __________________ Van Riper ............. 1971 morning, there will be something country last year. She was in­ take the repossbiiluty of protect­ vault. strum ental In bringing over three doing all the time. ing the city from demoralized Two men are usually on duty DeLap’s m ajority ............. 1049 The big parade is scheduled to hundred children, who were at the soldiers but not from units of the a t the bank, E. E .Fitzw ater, cash­ s ta rt at 11:05 a. m., immediately mercy of the Turk3, out of their government forces. ier, and I. W. Nichols, teller. a fte r two m inutes silence has been own country, and Into sections The army of Chang Tso-Lin, Mrs. Ophelia Jan e Kincaid^ 71, Prom ptly a t noon yesterday, In observed throughout the city, a n d , w^ ere they would be safely cared the M anchurian leader, continues well known pioneer of southern accordance with established cus­ the blowing of taps. Scores of for, fed and clothed, until such a to pour through the city on its Oregon died suddenly a t her tom, Mr. Fltzw ater left the bank floats and decorated cars have time as they were able to again way front Shanhaikwan, th e scene home on Neil Creek a t eight o’- x WASHINGTON, Nov. 8. — A to go to lunch. Nichols was alone CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. been pledged for the parade and care for themselves. ’ clock this morning. of its recent successes over the in the banking room. complete new adjustm ent of lines Paranoglan, alth o u g h he has re- Senator Lodge’s condition fraternal and civic organizations army of Wu Pel-Fu, to Machang, She has been in the best of w ithin the Democratic party was mained unchanged since m idnight will be in the line of march. south of this city. (Contlnud o$ page Four) health until the tim e of her death. The mining industry, especially forseen by its leaders here toda^ at which time he took some light At two o’clock will be staged She stated yesterday how well as a resu lt of the crushing defeat One of these units this a fte r­ NATIVES MUST PAY nourishm ent, and later relapsed th at portion of It dealing with the batting contest among school she was feeling and was out doors Southern Oregon, wlW be the noon looted a train packed with SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8. — of its candidates in th e election. into a state of comma. A bulte- boys under thirteen years of age. this morning and suffered a fit m ilitary stores bearing notices chief topic for discussion at the Californian’s will pay more for Friends of John W. D a v i^ a re tin last night, issued by his phys­ the w inner to be awarded a base­ of (apoplexy, dying withiji the openly b itter at w hat they believe i t'ie^r turkey dinner this year than icians, held out »light hope for next Forum luncheon of the stating it belonged to the head­ ball autographed by Babe Ruth hour. Chamber of Commerce, to be held quarters of Tuan Chi-Jui, ex­ was the failure of some of t h e 1 last was Predicted here today, his recovrey. and Bob Meusel. No sooner will Mrs. Kincaid was born in Iowa head of the Anfu m ilitary party, form er leaders of the party to ' due to the falling off in produc- this event be out of the way on The physicians attending Lodge November 11. and has lived here since 1860. contrlbute any aid w hatever In th e ! ii° n * However the Increase over L. R. Van De Bogart of Gold who has been mentioned as the the Holly street athletic ffield, are amazed a t the veteran Senat­ She Is survived by her husband th irty cents, the dressed price of Hill, a mining expert, who re­ next president of China. campaign. They are certain th at than the annual football game be- o r’s vitality. Dr. Cunningham, BUFFALO, N. Nov. 8— A and twelve children, Mrs. Irene the court of the ballots proves last year may not be large. tween Ashland and Medford high , . . his personal physician said he ex­ cently returned from the Mining Avent of Mississippi, Mrs. N attie w . « tu notice of an intention to appeal th a t not everything possible was SEN A TO R RECOMMENDS school gridiron squads will be-, pected Senator Lodge to live to­ Congress session In Sacramento, from th e State Supreme Court F ru it of McMinnville, Mrs. Maud done in his aid and th a t in some will report on some of the discus­ WASHINGTON. Nov. 8.— Sena­ night and probably tomorrow, but glB, at the same place. OREGON HIGHWAY SURE Henderson of Alaska, Mrs. Daisy vital sections he was even “double Justice Pooley’s decision, which tor Smoot, senior senator from sions concerning shale oil and In the evening the annual Arm­ PORTLAND, Nov. 8. — That would not state th at he expected other minerals, which took pjace' Idaho, called upon President Coo W hitney of Seattle, Mrs. B ertha crossed,” by those purporting to k « i « yestierday declared the W alker, or istice day ball will be given by Blackabre of Ontario. Mrs. M a r / be bla frlonda. 1 ‘he bi" the old Oreg<,n- any fu rth er length of life after at the meeting of the Congress, j 1,dge today, and recommended .he legion men at the N atatorlnm «“ ' ' K l.n law constitutional, was o - . i Tr®il as a national highway, will th at time. Howard of Medford, Mrs. E tta filed here today by attorneys of Since the shale oil Industry has that the President appoint Frank Some of those who stood by be passed the first io e k of tbe startin g at 8:30. The dance ends Morris of Ashland, Mrs. Mabel Davis throughout h i, difficult, comlng Mssloa 0( c „nere88. wa8 great possibilities in this section,! Kvans of Salt Lake City as suc- the Ku Klux Kian, who said they at m idnight and then will be MILK PRICE WILL BE Corbett of Sacramento, Denver this meeting of the Chamber of ce8S° r to the late Secretary of “ ed . i ‘m. ,h e P f« ll« o d by Senator McNary. 8cn- staged also at the N atatorium , the m eant to carry the question to the INCREASED IN NORTH Kincaid, Archie Kincaid and E l­ United Press learns, th a t the least ior Oregon Senator, who left last Commerce should be especially A griculture Wallace. climax of the celebration, “A United States Supreme Court if m er Kincaid all of Ashland. necessary. he can do is to “even the scales N ight in P aris.” Sixteen profes­ njght for W ashington. SEATTLE, Nov. 8.— It was an-* interesting to everyone in South­ Funeral arrangem ents will be with his enem ies” before he loses ern Oregon. TURKEY HIGH The law requires the registra- sional entertainers, including a nounced here today by officials of announced later. Interm ent will hold upon the leadership. They CHICAGO,, Nov. 8. — Your girls* orchestra, and singers and ^ on m embership lists of incor- the leading dairy firms in the i be in the mausoleum. w ant him to strik e back. Thanksgiving Turkey will cost MRS. HARDING IS dancers will entertain, the spec­ poratedi secret organizations with city, th a t milk would go up o n e ; TIGER TOPS They do not think Davis could the same this year as last, ac­ IMPROVING HEALTH cent a q u art here, starting No­ tato rs dancing between numbers. the Secretary of State of New H ere Today-— CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 8.__ cording to Chicago produce and have won under any circum­ This feature is scheduled to end York. Mrs. Mary Swigart and son, stances, b u e y do feel he could MARION, dhio, Nov. 8— The vember 16. Before a crowd of 55,000 partisan commission men. In face of a The decision first handed down at two o’clock. H arvard spectators, Princeton to­ report from the E ast th a t a drop by the Supreme Court was th a t Farm an and daughter, D r/ Leslie ! have made a showing twice as condition of Mrs. W arren G. PORTLAND, Nov. 8.— No in­ the law was unconstitutional, but Kent of Eugene were in Ashland strong if all th e elem ents in the H arding is improving steadily, It crease In milk prices is contem- day simply bowled over H arvard, from pre-w ar prices was immin­ winning 24-0. H arvard, a two ent, a Chicago m arket firm quot­ P ortland— P arkrose w ater dis­ later the court reversed its de­ today on business. Mrs. Sw igart party had worked as they would was said early today a t W hite plated here for the present, the to one favorite did n o t’ have - ed Turkey at from 35 to 40 cents trico asks for bids for 500,000 cision, and declared they had de­ was a form er Ashland re s id e n t. have in an ordinary campaign, Oaks farm . Dr. Carl Sawyer, her Oregon Dairy Council stated fol-J chance before the slashing P r ln -’ per pound, and Dr. K ent is a well known sur- i . ______ _ physician, probably will have a gallon Steel w ater tank. cided the law was constitutolnal. geon of Eugene lowing a special m eeting held here ceton attack which scored th r e e ' Tidings Ads brlngB results. formal atatement later In the day? today. touchdowns and a field goal. ‘ Every ad has a message. IRSI OFFICIAL VOTE IN KLAMATH FALLS IS FINALTTCOMPIEIE NEAR EAST RELIEF W POLICE OFFICER COLD WEATHER HITS IS RELEASED FROM ARMISTICE m FE1E III MEDFORD WILE BE BIG EVENT THIS TEAR TRAIN AT TIENTSIN POLICE CHIEF DOITS DIES SUDDENLY AT NEIL CREEK HOME DAVIS CONDEMNS ‘ PARTY STACKERS KEAN ID APPEAL ON