ÍM day, N’oveiníier 7. lító4 ASttlAND DAILY TIDÎNGS FAGti F d ttt membership lists of all secret so- ' The quintet consists of Paul STLMVLS W INS Home From S o u t h - At Valley View— cieties w ith state officials. The! V. Vernon, violinist and tenor 7. — TOO KATE TO CLASSIFY PIMLICO, Md., Nov. Conductor George Rose is home Mrs. Louis Marcot of Shale court held th a t this wa3 against ' soloist; W illiam Carver W illiams, City is spending the week with from San Francisco where he h a s , Stim uis, owned by M arshall File letter of the constitution violincellist; Lloyd Da Costa Miss Beth Lennox at her home been a representative of the Con- won the historical $50,000 Pim- the FOR EX CH AN G E:— Studebak- a t Valley View. - 'd u cto rs brotherhood in a wage ad-, F u tu rity a t one mile from a which guarantees the liberty of Jone8, second violin; W illiam er Special Six, 1920, fine shape. Cheesman, viola; and Blanche Ford Sedan also, will pay differ­ j field of eleven of the fastest two the people. A H ally C hronicle of those w ho com e and go, and even ts of jq stm en t meeting. Vernon, pianist and accompanist. ence. W hat have you. Box 391, j year olds in the United States to- M istake in Name— local in terest These men are members of the 29 South Pioneer, Ashland. 58-2* i day. Star Lore was second and In the recent article printed F o r Los Angeles DAWES IS GREETED BY Cleveland Byjmphonv O rchestra, I Chhdy Kid third. The time, was » » « > •> ■ Marie lu g g and Hazel' Jlriqk aboyt the city election the name. FRIEXBS AND NEIGHBORS a ,.e hlgh|y lra|ne(, mu6,c|ans. RGOM TO RENT— To a lady, • I To P ortland— of W. H. Hardy should not have son left yesterday for Los Angeles j 1:39 3-5. Mrs. Vernon has enjoyed the in-1 154 B. street. 58 tt Stated Session H arry Silver left last evening been mentioned. J. H. H ardy: where they expect to visit friends (Cointinued from page 1.) struction of some splendid teach-j — P ortland — Q uarter block at H ill ah Tem ple for Portland where he will spend js the man th at was elected' and- relatives. Marie Sugg con­ ---------------------------- FOUND: — Purse containing n f hiN, m n iith hut a rs. and has been organist . in some , money Owner can . have same . by business Morrison and Twelfth sold for tem plates entering a M asonic Hall the corners several days on business. „•uNi.o ot ni3 m otun, um councilman. ith th # lnne-htpr a n d h a ck of the in Central mo ey> at 155, 6th and paying for school in Los Angeles and the two I erection of 4-story hotel. Stated session, Friday even- J never w with the laughter ana naiK . finest . „ churches . calling Illinois and Chicago. St. Helens — Broom factory lng, Nov. 7. Im portant business slapping which so often reveal the We deliver the goods— Detricks I ^ r!s ®xPect to m ake an indefin- 58— t* Tuxedos and serges for dress ad. i opens for business. Investm ent is feelings of victorious candidates. A part of the program is given , 9 4 -tf' i(;e stay in southern California. Masonic Hall, 7:30 o'clock. Re­ wear. P au lseru d ’s. 54-tf i $30,000. The telegraphic congratulations over to Chamber Music; for the FOR SALE: — Tancred— Holly- freshm ents afterw ards. Oregon City— C ontracts let for he read and for the most p a rt laid orchestral parts a small reed or- wood cockerels, pedigreed, dams, P. B. HERMAN, Potentate. Fined— To Play K lam ath— ! paving on three streets, am ount- aside for reply during the quiet gan is used in addition to thè records up to 280, sire record W. H. DAY, Recorder. Robert? Ridell was fined $25 in G rants Pass will tangle with ! ing to $6,056.06. days he plans to spend in Evans- strings; and there are solos for over 270. The male is half your Judge Gowdy’s court yesterd ay . Klam ath Falls on' the high school, Oregon City— Special election ton before going to W ashington all instrum ents, duets, trios, quar- dock. 112 Nutley St. Phone 456J. Goes to Jacksonville- — I for speeding, He was arrested by! gridiron at the Pass Saturday! ! authorizes bonds for $27,000 for next March 4 to be sworn into tets, and some vocal work. G. H. Billings m t ,» a trip to McMahon< 58— tf afternoon at 2:30. This is th e, , municipal building. This will be Jacksonville today o business. I office. There were a few to which game th a t was postponed from i combined w ith previous issue of j he dictated immediate responses Cliff Payne makes truck bodies. iast Saturday on account of t h e : To the Editor, &35.000 for city hall. The W. R. C. will give a food • including# ones from his running ---------- rain, which had soaked the field Ashland Tidings aale and bazaar Saturday Nov. Expected Today— m ate, President Coolidge, and j and had also made traveling con- W ith your permission I desire LAW AIMED AT KLAN 8th in room next to E lh a rt’s on from his dem ocratic opponent, ; Mrs. May, secretary for Dr. ¿¡dons poor between G rants Pass to express through these columns UNCONSTITUTIONAL ¿ h~a r,eS w . “Bryan! Main St. 54— 6 Jarvis is expected* to arrive in an(j K lam ath Falls. A much faster my deep appreciation of the con- THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL Ashland today from San Francis- field will be found tomorrow a n d ; fidence reposed .in me by the vot- BUFFALO, N. Y. Nov. 7. — LYCETTM NUMBERS ARE AR­ Visits Friends— co and spend several days here the locals are expecting to show ers of Jackson County in my re- The W alker Law, aimed to wipe Mrs. Louis Dodge spent the on business. RANGED BY COMMITTEE some real football. They defeat-, cent election as Sheriff. I know out the Ku Klux Kian in New day in Medford and Eagle Point ed K lam ath Falls in the first game full well the responsibilities at- York, and passed recently by the with friends. i LARGE NEWTOWN a n d by a 13 to 7 score.— G rants Pass tendant upon the office and I ap-i s ta te Legislature, is unconstitu- SPITZ culls 50c, Small Spitz 25c, Courier. proach the perform ance of th e se ' tional, according to Red Pepper Rub, 60c, McNair bring yOUr box or 3ack, F ru it As-1 duties with real pleasure and handed down here today by the to aid in the great movement to Bros. gociation. 55— 6 Visiting at M edford— w ithout the slightest malice to- Supreme Court. - Mrs. E. L. Kincaid and daugh-j w ards those who did not support T o M edford— To Falls— ter, Charleen, are spending t h e , my cause as well as w ith deep! Mrs. Grace Andrews made a Ray Minkler made a trip to weekend at the home of C. B appreciation of the efforts of those trip to Medford this morning o n ^Kianiatb Falls yesterday retu rn - Howard of Medford. who did. I will need the friend­ business. I ing this morning. He reported • ---------------------------- ly cooperation of all classes and will appreciate this w ether it it ---------- I th at there was a large fafll of For P ortland— Complete line of Ashland C an-. snow On the mountain. E. Leer left last evening! comes from those who were with 94-tf ned Goods at Detricks. those who were for Portland where he will visit me or from against me in the campaign. N oth­ A nother big public dance, Mem­ for a few days on business. ing aids law enforcem ent more orial H all, F ri. N ite. Y ou’ll be DI at Hom«'— than friendly, sensible and con­ R eiurns to Ashland— Clarence Lane is ill at his home surprised, Mrs. M. Coovert returned yes­ structive assistance from the pub­ on the Boulevard with intestinal i V isits Here— terday with her son, Lynn Coovert lic whose interest is to be served. flu. Signed: RALPH JENNINGS ______ J. W. Scott, general freight and and his wife from San Francisco Special Auto Accident Policy passenger agent and J. H. M ulkeyJ and Berkeley where they visited for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo also general freight and passenger for some time. Mrs. Coovert is NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD 24-t.f agent for the Southern Pacific connected with the Skyline Mine. MEETINGS of course. __ j were in Ashland yesterday from ---------- Road D istrict Number 2, Jack- Steal P ears— son County, Oregon. I Portland. In A shland— Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hill are in j Notice is hereby given th a t in J. W. Fitz Gerald, superintend- ---------- recipt of a le tte r from th eir son,! pursuance of a petition duly and out for the S. P. of Dunsmuir was! Best m ilk— Lininger’s Dairy, Ray, of Salt Lake City, stating legally signed by more than three In Ashland yesterday visiting the 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. the safe of the E astern and W est-' free holders and legal voters re- 26— tf local yards. ern Lum ber Company was blown siding in Road D istrict Number open recently and the robbers took 2, Jackson County, Oregon, and Fancy Outing Flannel 36 in. width See P aulserud’s special on two-¡M oving— six Rogue River Valley pears th a t duly and legally presented to the and good quality, 41-2 > ds. $1.00 C. A. Malone w'ill move from pants-suits, all wool, $23.75. 54-tf were in the safe and left $150. County Court of Jackson Coun- ¡638 Boulevard to the Loveland The popularity of local pears has' ty, Oregon, a d istrict road meet- Ladies A rt Club Card P arty house at 790 Iowa street tom or- always been recognized, bu t this ing of the legal voters of said dis- Monday Nov. 10, 8:00 p. m. at row. is the first time it has been r e - jtr ic t num ber 2 will be held at Civic Clubhouse. Bridge and 500. ______ corded th a t robbers preferred the County Poor F arm in said F or reservations call Mrs. S am , Let ue fill your pall with Swifts them to money.— Medford Mail D istrict, in Jackson County, Ore- McNair or Mrs. Schwein. Refresh- Silver Lea: lard. Costs leas thaD gon on the 25th day of November, Tribune. m ents. Bring fancy work if pre­ shortening. G o t -« fa rth e r and is 1924, at the hour of-2:00 o’clock ferable. 58— 2 aaore nutritions. Detricka. 94-tf P. M. on said day for the purpose R eceive Slag— Several car loads of crushed j of levying a special road tax not From P o itlan d — For P ortland— slag from sm elters at K innet were! to exceed 10 mills on th e dollar Rev. Mr. Paranaugian of the Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Humphrey , receive(j jn the local S. P. yards on all taxable property, w ithin N ear E ast Relief is in town today anfj son, Francis, left last eve- yesterday to strengthen the bed said road D istrict for the special In the interests of his business. . ning for^Portland where they will un(j er the track about the round improvement of the roads in said spend the next few days on busi- house. l Road D istrict and for any other IN VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS $3.4ft values in Canton Crepe, Satin back B e n e fit Dance— ness. They expect to attend the ___ $2.50 all Wool Crepe, now C antor $3.35 extra heavy Crepe de Chine, purposes which may seem proper a t the I. O. O. F. Hall, Friday, Pacific International Livestock R eturns to Work- Ladies’ Brown H eather, Derby $3.48 Satin faced N iagara Crepe, $3.48 Spiral to come before said meetings. rib cotton hose, all sizes, pair Crepe, at, yard Nov. 7, by the E ntertainm ent 8how. Mr. Y arian, assistant tr a c k , Dated a t Jacksonville, Oregron, I'om m ittee of Odd Fellows. Pub-j 49 c foreman for the S. P. was back to this 5th day of November, 1924. lie invited. Admission fifty cents,! tan, brown, navy C hildren’s Derby rib, wool mix­ $2.95 Poiret Twill, 44 inch, 1 New straig h t English models in work Thursday for the first time i G. A. GARDNER, ed brown heather Hose, pair , yard and black, now at «ach person. Light refreshm ents. Overcoats, at Paulserud's. 54-tf following a two months sickness Crepe, $5.00 County Judge. $3.85 Satin faced Doveskin 49c 57— 2 1 brocaded Spiral Crepe a t at the hospital in San F ran cisco .! VICTOR BRUSSEL, C hildren’s 85c Wool Hose No License P lates— County Commissioner. A tten d M eeting— 75c E. H. Keen of this city was H ere Thursday— GEO. ALFORD. 75 quality 50 ¡nell Tricotine, $3. W omen’s $1.19 to $1.25 H eath­ W. W. Robison, Dr. Gregg, fjne quality F. meeting in Medford today. $1.25 $2.25 Crepe de Chine now 1 Save $10.00, walk upstairs to W omen’s Umbrellas, fast col­ Dance Jackson Hot Springs Sat. Orres tailor shopL 17— tf ored “ Gloria” $3.50 values Hight. Metropole Orchestra. 57— 3 54 inch Chiffon Broadcloth, $4.00 va,lue in $2.98 F irst Snow — black, brown and navy good shades O ne-quality Crepe de Chine in Same in C hildren’s sizes T o C onvention— The first snow of the season fell for underw ear and dresses $2.35 Miss Ramona V ise, Mr. (.aley ■ about noon today. The w eather W omen’s w intef weight cotton and John Galey are among those became steadily colder during the union suits from Ashland who will attend the morning and about noon it be­ Wool Coatings up to $6.50 at 3 4 'to 38 sizes Satin Bengfile, a new knitted silk with C. E. convention in Medford dur- gan to snow, keeping it up until satin face, $2.35 value $1.19 Ing th e week-end. two o'clock this afternoon. 40 to 44 sizes k o e a l; P erso n al ilotes j licq - ¡NGST FT? Ç7I W 'W T I T W T ^ 1 YZ Lot of Our Stock Must (io During November S ales. WOOL DRESS GOODS November Sale NOVEMBER SILK SALE $1.98 $2.95 S2.4S $3.49 $2.49 $2.50 $2.49 Don’t forget Dance Springs Sat Nite. M eet A t H all— at Hot i 57— 3¡ Sweet cream for whipping and coffee— also fresh m ilk, always on Ice at the Plaza. 239— tf Members of Hope Rebekah ! Lodge No. 14 are to meet at the! Here from Pascc O. O. F. Hall a t one o’clock! J. C. Allen of Pasco, W ashing-! Saturday, Nov. 8., to attend the ton, arrived in Ashland yesterday! funeral services of Sister E m m a ! and is spending a few days h e r e . M r., Rhodes from Stock’s U ndertaking visiting w ith old friends. Allen is on his way to San Jose,' parlors at tv o o’clock. where he will visit with h is ( By order of the Noble Grand, MABEL A. ROBERTS, Secy brother. See Ex-Champion Football Stars in Action I. A nother big public dance, M em­ Order your Thanksgiving suit!] orial H all, F ri. N ite. Y ou ’ll be at Paulseruds. 54-tf | surprised. R7— - I T houghtfulness an d loving consideration are the foundation stones on which we conduct our business. When the final parting comes, it is of inestim­ able comfort ta know that our loved ones are being taken care of with the utmost tenderness and in surround­ ings which are safe. We offer you the fullest possible service in our work and our fire proof slumber room is the only one in the state. No charge is ever made for the use of our chapel. J. P. Dodge & Sons Funeral Directors Day P h on e 2 1 2 — N ight P h on es 25 5 -R , 282-J Mr; . L ouis D odge, Lady A ssistan t Roseburg Elks VS Ashland Lifhians Honest Io Goodness Man- Sized Teams Saturday, Nov. 8 2:15 P. M. High School Athlelic Field Admission 50c High School Students 25c The Ashland Band W ill Play $1.95 $2.95 $1.35 $3.49 $1.25 Wool Coatings up to $5.00 at W omen’s wool union suits, sleeveless, ankle or knee length $2.49 $2.49 A table full of wool goods th a t have been selling at $1.49. but which includes goods th at form erly sold up to $3.00 a yard, ajl now at, yard $6.75 November Sale Dresses Chiffon Velvet Dresses in black and brown, beautiful styles, won­ derful values at .............. $19.75 $24.50 Dresses at $19.75 made of twilleen, in navy and new shades of tan, some splendid values at $19.75 $19.75 values in dresses are now $16.75 $16u5 values in dresses are now '$15.75 One lot misses’ and ladies coats and dresses These are a few carrieid'-overs but all are good staple styles and will make someone very com fortable and happy for the savings are w orth while. Sport shades in wool middies Reuben’s in fan t’s vests on sale Hailf wool special Mallinson’s black Silk Chiffon Velvet, 40 inch w idth, beautiful quality as M allinson’s goods .always are. $6.00 quality $7.50 quality $2.98 $3.95 $1.25 $5.00 W omen’s fine silk and wool union suits, $3.75 quality at 50c $1.98 $S.5O Brocaded Georgettes $6.95 $2.25 Silk Shirtings, going at $1.49 3C inch flesh color radium silk $1.45 All wool special $3.48 quality printed Silks 98c $2.95 Infants’ K nit sweaters, toques, Sweater sets all reduced November Sale of Sweaters $16.50 Brushed Mohair Sweaters $11.75 $12.50 Brushed Mohair Sweaters $9.75 $8.75 Brushed Mohair Sweaters $7.45 and other prices in proportion CHILDREN’S SWEATERS $2.85 to $3.45 Two big lots of eoat and»elip-on stvles for girls from G to 12 years old November Sale on Blouses November Sale on Skirts November Sale on Underwear November Sale on Hosiery November Sale on Furs $2.50 to $2.95 quality printed Silk $1.98 ( OATS AND SUITS in a November Sale! Choose any suit on our racks at ONE-HALF price Mild fall w eather lias forced us to give you D ecem ber p r ice « in Novem ber on coats ami now. «‘Very «•«►at is repriced $16.75 ( ’oats $19.75 ( ’oats $24.50 ( ’oats $29.75 Coals $34.50 Coats $39.75 Coats $44.50 Coats $49.75 Coats $54.50 Coats $64?50 Coats $69.75 Coats and all the every at .................. $15.75 at .................. $16.75 nt ...................$19.75 at .................. $24.50 at .................. $29.75 at .................. $34.50 at .............. $39.75 a t .................. $44.50 a t ...................$49.75 at .................. $59.75 at .................. $64.50 way up the line— coat reduoed. CHILDREN’S COATS ALL MARKED DOWN