PAÖfc títfü jg Friday, November 7, 11)24 the meeting. Mrs. L, N. W ood-! a Wfcrning hot« again« camdti- ; side delighted the audience w lth fla g e . A fair title did not ab PHYSICIANS two vocal selections, sang in her Ways mean fair subject matter, international disputes, drafted by! C larified Column Rates ____ gasoline ■which she had mistaken usual inimitable manner. ' Suggestions were made in juven- the assembly of the league of n a -' One cent the word each OR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings ------------- --------- — f° r k_erosene. At a late hour lovely refresh- i Ue selection, and suggestive lists tions at its last session, has been time. DALLAS Ore Nov 6 — Mr. i - daughler saved n office. Phone 91. ments were served. I were given for adults, many of signed by Paraguay, it was an-! E. C. Boardman wife nf M ! ther 8 llfe b>' wrapping her To run every Issue for one Election returns were heard them by authors and critics. One, nounced at league headquarters mill operator atA irH e is in’ th e I DR. C. W. HANSON ChHd al8° month or more, the word throughout the evening and caus­ offered food for thought in that pc.aiur ai Airne, is »a the: guished the flames that had been Dentist each time. today. ed much conjecture. CALENDAR OF EVENTS L ..° t P ?’ t6rribly burned a s . sorted in the house by the ex- but four books of those« named Special attention given to pyor­ .More than a dozen states haue the result of an explosion of a plosion. * * * Saturday, Nov. 8. College Club , were fiction and one of those rhoea. Office upstairs In Beaver FOR RENT 1 will meet at the home of Mrs. Entertain At Dinner written twenty years ago. It was signed the protocol but thus far Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. Victor Sether in Medford. A delightful dinner party was a very helpful hour FOR KENT:— A winter cabin. Saturday, November 8. Daugh­ held Wednesday evening at the At the close of the business Furnished for housekeeping. Clean DR. ERNEST A. W’OODS— Prac­ tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano ters of the Nile will meet in Ash­ home of Walter O’Donahue on meeting, in which reports were and cozy. >13 per month. Light throat— X-ray including teeth. land. Sixth street. An old fashioned given and announcements were and water paid. Call 153. 57— 1 Saturday, November 8. W. R. Turkey dinner was served at six made, one of which told the net Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc FOR RENT:— Large front bed­ 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, C. will give food sale and bazaar. o’clock by Mesdames O’Donahue results of the card party last AT , I room, with heat. Ladies only. Call Monday, November 10. Ladies and Frulan. Ore. Tuesday 542, and the other, given 325-R. 57— 3 Art Club will give card party In to The evening o was pleasantly by Mrs. G. G. Eubanks, t related ” u iU v C U LU DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic Civic Club house. spent playing cards and conver-4 tb® coming series of entertaln- FOR RENT:— Three room A p t.,1 and Electro-Therapy. Office Tuesday, November 11. W. C. sing. ments. the president called on Call 187J. 56— 3 tf bars White Wonder Soap ................... 25c phone 48; residence 142. First T. U. will have a social meeting Those present to enjoy the de­ Mrs. A. J. Stone, a former presi­ National Bank building. at the home of Mrs. Leavitt on Heinz Apple Butter, regular 6 5 c .............. 4qr ♦ lightful affair were Messrs Ray­ dent and active worker in the FOR RENT— Furnished room, from Chestnut street. All members and mond Ruger, Devlin, Howard club for many years to address Gallon Mazola Oil .............. < i1 ♦ 107 Second St. Phone 313-R. THE SOUTHERN OREGON their friends are Invited, the club. Mrs. Stone was the fifth Campbell’s Pork & Beans .........................* t Hobson, Barton Frulan. Dean. CLINIC 50— tf ♦ • « --------------------------------- - , 1st National Bank Bldg. president of the organization, and Monte Frulan and Leslie Heer. Ivory Soap Flakes ................ ....................... * FOR RENT:— Furnished frontI Medical Surgical Obstetrical C hapter Entertains— * * * she related some of the difficul­ Albers Flapjack F l o u r ..........• • - 23^ room apartment. 349 East Main j _ __ Diagnostic X-ray Alpha Chapter, No. 1. O. E. S ties that beset the pathway at Dinner Party— W. Stearns, M. D. 47— 6 entertained Reames Chapter No. Mrs. Fred Cushing charmingly that time, congratulating the club R. E. Green, M. D. Phone 155 — oni „ . _ ' 66 at their regular meeting Tues­ - ................................... . . . . 201 M a in SL B R. W. Sleeter, M. D. ! entertained at dinner at her home in the progress made in acquir­ FOR RENT: — Cozy 2-room day evening. Reames Chapter Office hours 2-5 p. m. on North Main street Tuesday at ing the beautiful Club home. She furnished apartment with kitch­ will make vour Sunday Phone 238-R put on the initiatory work for five o’clock, in honor of her expressed her pleasure in it ana enette and private bath. 357 the local chapter. A large at­ dinner more enjoyable. CONVALESCENT HOME Vista street. Phone 122. 47— tf birthday. Before the dinner the in being again with friends and tendance from Medford was pres­ Where the sick get well. group were entertained by the former co-workers. Mrs. Stone is ent and the meeting was altogeth­ FOR RENT— Furnished house, Cottage Plan. wonderful picture “Abraham Lin­ a guest of Mrs. H. Q. Gilmore at 478 Boulevard. 36— im o We board and care for Invalids er a very successful one. A pleas­ coln” which was being shown at the Columbia. WITH ant evening was spent following the Vining. A sumptuous four- Mrs. Chattin, Miss Chamber- and old people. FOR SALE I.. • Maternity Dept. course dinner was served to tha lain and Miss Blumenfeld were the hostesses for the afternoon, Call 153 FOR SALE — Superior Model delight of the guests. and at the social hour which fol­ Chevrolet Touring car very reas­ The table was exquisitely dec­ MONUMENTS onable. Exceptional good mechan­ orated with pink rosebuds and lowed the program hour, tea was ical condition. See it at Ford Miss Chamberlain and pink mints In place baskets of served. ASHLAND GRANITE Garage. Harrison Bros,. 57— 2 Mrs. Chattin presided at the tea- the corresponding color were at MONUMENTS You can get beiter meats^ and the rugs and car­ table, with its cheery bowl of gay each place. Blair Granite Co. FOR SALE: — Showcases. Ash •I pets arc clean. Do Guests of the occasion were Mr. chrysanthemums. The executive PENNISTON, Manager for land Furniture Co. 56— 4 Mrs. Borden Has Used It and Mrs. De Buque of Centra! board meeting was held at the not continue the old Office 175 E. Main close of the afternoon’s session. For Years In Treating Point, Louise Ridley, Mr. Hearst FOR SALE: — Cull Delicious Res. Phone 444-Y back-breaking carpet and. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cushing. NEW MEXICO FOR COOLIDGE apples, 25c a box, bring your ' • , «m ■■ Patients. eleaning m e t li o ds boxes. W. F. Rodoff, 447, Walnut ’ G lil L TROUBLE— May * * « ALBUQUERGUE, N. M. Nov. 6. when such a small in­ eomnidDicate with Ensign Lee street. 55— 5* “From my long experience a3 Civic Club (Continued)— •That the Coolidge landslide of the Salvation Army at the' vestment in a Beevac a professional nurse, I do not The following was omitted from I might even extend to New Mexico FOR SA L E :— Wood, 16 in. WhlteSbield ’Home, 565 May will m a k e carpet hesitate to say I consider Tanlac yesterdays Civic Club report. was believed today when a major­ chunk fir and laurel. Phone 12F2. tolr Ave., Portland. Oregon. Miss Hicks stressed the im­ ity of 32 counties gave the presi­ the most efficient and natural eleaning a pleasure. 54— 6* if you order early portance of the right sort of stomach medicine and tonic to be PLANING MILL dent a slight lead, indicating his WOOD FOR SALE:— Fir and had. It is undoubtedly nature’s books for children and sounded. plurality to be more than 1000 Spruce, 16 inch >8. Hard wood JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET most perfect remedy,” is the far- WORKS, Cor. Helman and reaching statement given out for 16 inch 612 Delivered. Fountain Van Ness. 194tf publication recently; by Mrs. I. Feul Co Siskiyou or leave orders for and weekly payments at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. A. Borden, Seattle, Wash., a grad­ TRANSFER AND EXPRESS 50— 1 mo.* uate of the National Temperance Suggestions Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. Hospital Chicago. Bungalow»—Lots for SERVICE. “I have used Tanlac exclusive­ I have some fine Bungalows. Experienced movers and pack­ ly for 7 years in the treatment Houses and Building Lots in Ash­ ers of household goods. Deal­ of my charity patients,” said Mrs. land for sale, will accept geod ers in coal and wood. Phone Borden, “and my experience had Bonds, Notes or Mortages on N. Main 117. Phone 107 Bring in your window sash—we do the glazing free been that for keeping the stomach, payments, and give easy terms ob Office 89 Oak St. near liver, kidneys and bowels func­ balance. Se me before buying a Hotel Ashland tioning properly, and for toning home. up the system in general, it has A L. LAMB. 178 A St. T. L. POWELL—General Trans- no equal. Box 422, Ashland. tor— Good team and motor ‘‘About a year ago I had a lady 35— 1 Mo. trucks. O >od service at a rea- patient who could not keep a sonab?e price. Phone 83. Buy better milk, Phone 257-J ¡ thing on her stomach fifteen min­ for it. utes, not even water, I prevailed 83— 1 mo.* FEHIGE-ROACH on her to try Tanlac and after FOR SALE — or exchange for __ Transfer — Express — Storage the sixth bottle she could eat ab­ 535,000.00. 160 acres, 100 c u ltl-; Hauling — Dray work of all solutely anything she wanted va»ed, free water, lots of it. 20 kinds. Quick motor service. Dry without the slightest bad after­ head of large size Registered Jer wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R effects. My confidence in Tanlac Beys, the finest strain in Oregon. 375 B. St. 112-tf is unlimited.” ! The superior values of- 30 head of registered Duroc pigs, Tanlac is for sale by all good 200 White Leghorn chickens, team ASHLAND PAINT CO druggists. Accept no substitute. fered on this page merit of Registered Imported Perchon Dependable Over 40 million bottles sold. mares 1900 lbs. each. About Painting Contractors & Decorators the careful attention of 53000.00 worth of farm equip­ SWENNING & GEAR * Tanlac Vegetable Pills recom- T h e exclusive F ry e process of curing ments, modern house, large barn Phone 408-J every thrifty shopper. 1 mo> , mended by the manufacturers of and other buildings. Will take in hardw ood sm oke preserves and im­ Tanlac. 4 ^ Income property up to 520.000.00, Look them over and long time on balance at 6 per cent. proves the mild, ric h flavor and retains Courtesy to brokers or agents. you’ll realize how much the fine natural juices th a t m ake F ry e’s J. J. Deakin. Phone 330, Ashland Oregon. 33— 1 mo. you can really buy for “Delicious” H am so unusually savory. l\ MISCELLANEOUS a dollar at the PROFESSIONAL Classified Column A Delicious Cake SATURDAY S P E C IA L S I SCHUERM AN GROCERY : The Franklin Bakery A Few Minutes Work Phone 199 A Beevac Vacuum Cleaner P W TANLAC Phone Us $5.00 Down Swenson-Peebler Furniture Company Eagle M arket Dollar Barga Rye’s Delicious Ham If y o u r boy is hard on clothes ? Rut him in WANTED a good and reliable man or women to demonstrate and sell the Electro Magnetic Blankets In Ashland and Vicinity. A good clean and growing busi­ ness that has increased over two hundred percent In the last year, for full particulars, Address Po Box 452 Eugene, Oregon. 55— 6* L e v ,S trauss B IB Overalls j B U IL T ’ OR H A R D W E A R ; TWO-HORSE BRAND WANTED: — Nursing. Will consider house work. Am a post graduate of N. W. school of mas­ sage and electro-therapeutics. Mrs. Leighton, 153 Oranite or Phone 153. 33— 1 mo. Sutherlin — City authorizes partial reconstruction of electric lighting system. Pendleton — State pays first 520,000 on 535.000 farm of 670 acres for state hospital food farm. For a smooth shave and qu’ck service go to the Shell Barber Shop. Ladies and children get your hair bobbed and marcel­ led. R iiS W. A. SHELL, Prop. $32 A. St, Ashland, Ora GOLDEN RULE STORE WHITE OUTING FLANNEL -and Frye's “Delicious" Bacon is just as good as Frye's “Delicious" Ham. yards for . . . . . . $1.00 36 inches wide, a good heavy weight Frye'« “ MEAT OVIDS” 27 INCH GINGHAM Bleached Linen finish crash toweling • R m I K K «S m i T tmmwt « 8 yards f o r ........... $1.00 J & B COATS CROCHET THREAD tested recipes. Send 2c fo r postage to F ry e Seattle, and get your fre e copy. T H E R O O M JS NEEDED BU TTO N S R IV E T E D O N T O S T A Y ON ANEW PAIR FREE ,F PLAID DRESS GOODS A Co., TH E Y R IP 'H E w ell dressed A man of today is the successful man of KOVERALLS Keep Kids Klean £ The Ideal Play Suit for Children ( Buy Hams and You’ll find thorn * an unusual degree of satisfaction; smart style, good fit, fine appearance and long wear. They are the choice o f well dressed men. The new line offers mi unrestricted seleo bon o f dependable all wool fabrics. It will afford us great pleas- ure to show them to you. caumcj Y non-surgical, soothing treatmem ' for Piles and other Rectal and Co- ion disorders is given persons from two i to over eighty years of age, M R My new Seattle offices are now prepared rug b & _______ _ Columbia Districts/ Said today for FREE booklet. MJ 36 inch, part wool dress goods 1 p air f o r .............$1.00 36 INCH HOPEDALEMUSLIN Blue Denim and Khaki FANCY PURE LINEN TOWELS 2 fo r ............. .........$1.00 Bath Towels in fancy plaid and stripes patterns pink, blue and gold LADIES’ BLACK SILK AND WOOL HOSE Perfect Digestion Means a C lea r C om p lexion Men, Women and Children Treated BOYS’ COVERALLS 2 f o r ...................... $1.00 ?l £ nx oi PAULSERUD’S hythis 1-25 Jyjp? g £ 10 spools f o r ....... $1.00 FANCY BATH TOWELS RELIABLE MEBCHANOISE SINCE 1SSS THE WORLD'S G R E A T E S T A K IN G IM M im a - a » A lw ays Produces Foods That Are Easily Digested **'”■ Wms nM a n t other brand - 2 yards f o r ........... $1.00 yards for ALSO M AKERS OF 'I CRASH TOWELING 4 yards f o r ........... $1.00 cutting o f meats o f every description end 1 9 0 CUT FU LL W H E R E . DRESSMAKING and Tayloring ' t O m O I T O W . reasonable prices, all work guar­ - Clothes Tailored to anteed. Mrs. B. Van Harden­ berg, 147 Central Ave. 55— 1 mo.* Measure by B om give Grants Pass — Road work be­ ing done on A street, and work will continue all winter. Frye s Delicious” H am s com e from th e m ost carefully selected of young ten d er grain-fed porkers, and th e per­ fect cleanliness and up-to-the-m inute m ethods in th e g reat Frye P lant are assurance of p u rity and uniform ity. Many pages 0 / correct in/orm atien on the choice MEDFORD VETERINARY HOS­ PITAL, Dr. E C. McCulloch, grad­ uate veterinarian; office consul­ tation free: Office phone 369, Res. Ph. 833 W; Corner Grape and Fifth Sts- Medford Ore. 54— 5* WANTED: — Protect yourself against the uncertainties of win­ ter. We can assure you a good position in your own county, that will pay you well. Write us at once. Nogar Corporation, 301 Couch Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. 54 is - all over th e Store P a i r ...................... $1.00 LADIES’ BRASSIERES 3 fo r ............. $1.00 Fancy Brocaded Brassiere, sizes 36 to 42 MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS 2 p air f o r ............. $1.00 all sizes J & P COATS SEWING THREAD 24 spools f o r .......$1.00 CHILDREN’S HOSE 4 p air f o r .............$1.00 MEN’S WINTER UNION SUITS 1 p air f o r ............. $1.00 MEN’S FANCY GARTERS 2 p air for ..............$1.00 B'ack and Brown, all sizes MEN’S LISLE SOX 4 p air f o r ........... MEN’S WOOL SOCKS 2 p air f o r ............. $1.00 Golden Rule Store Phone 3 ASHLAND, OREGON Elk’s Building