A shland D aily T idings ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten nf asthma. This is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Seml^Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. WATCHMAN S VIGILANCE POOLS TURK EY TH IEVES AUTO PL U N G E IS FA T A L TO? PORTLAND B 0 Y --------- MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 7, 1924 NO. 59 T " 1 ■____ — - G IV E S PRINCIPLES 0 F WORLD PE A C E PLAGUE IS NOW i a - L. M ARRIED 2 « YEAR « W IFE SE EK S DIVORCE TERRIFIC WIND STORM WASTES PORTLAND CITY «I 8 ------- 8 8 AUBURN, Cal., Nov. 7. 8 It was made public here 8 — Asserting th a t after 8 yesterday th a t on Sunday .8 twenty-eight years of m ar­ 8 8 night a wholesale theft of 8 ried life her husband’s 8 « turkeys from the Spencer 8 conduct h a; become so un­ ♦♦ 8 ranch of the Napa Stifte 8 ♦♦ F ederal bearable she can no long­ 8 8 Hospital was attem pted. 8 er live with him, Mrs. 8 8 That the robbery was not 8 o fficia ls ! 8 carried out was dua to 8 Urie Seifert of Roseville m ay rule Car Hurtles Over Grade » t h e ' vigilance of Jam es 8 yesterday filed suit for 8 arried Coolidge Advised by Head th a w t om m divorce against Peter 8 Light Poles Blown Down by Near Chehalis, Wash., on 8 McCafferty, watchman. en on Pneumonia Epidemic Is Said u 8 of Legion as to Rules for 8 Seifert of Roseville. 8 Wet Pavement 8 75 Mile Gale Which Late at night a motor 8 F ederal to be in Check by Universal Peace 8 Chief among the many 8 truck, on which an im­ 8 payrolls Strikes City Physicians 8 accusations made by the 8 YOUTH WAS SPEEDING » mense coop had been built, 8 DRAFT LAW IS BACKED m u st u se ---------- I » drew up before the ranch 8 th eir NO DEATHS REPORTED 8 8 plaintiff to prove th a t liv­ 8 COLUMBIA IS CLOSED M. Sm ith Is Found Dead by 8 house, and the driver, 8 U n til R ules Observoii T hroughoutl ing with her husband is 8 h u sb an d s’ A u to ists W ho R ush to H is Aid 8 alighting, began recon- 8 impossible are these: No New Cases R eported to A uthor­ 8 Bar at Mouth of R iver too Itoug] 8 W orld, D efen ses o f Country nam es to 8 A fter F ifty F oot P lu n ge 8 for Ships to P a ss O ver. Boats “ He propped the screen itie s D uring Past F orty-eigh t 8 noitering the turkey pens 8 c o lle c t their Must be K ept, Sayg Drain 8 doors open to let the flies Are Lying O utside Hours in Los A n geles 8 where 600 birds are being 8 ---------- I « sa la ries, but 8- in when he knew she was 8 CHEHALIS, Wash., Nov. 7. 8 fattened for the holiday 8 em an cipated WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. — All S. M. Smith of Portland was kill- 8 dinners of the employes 8 LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 7.— 8 trying to keep them clos­ 8 PORTLAND, Nov. 7. — T erri­ w ives w ill the fundam ental principles, both 8 ed. ed Instantly today at the west 8 and patients of the in­ 8 fic gales, which swept the n o rth ­ The epidemic of pneumonia pla­ 8 continu e economic and political for which 8 “ He spit tobacco juice approach of Riverside * b rid g e,! 8 stitution. gue, which has taken a toll of west coast of Oregon, together 8 8 the American Legion has been to use Chehalis, when his automobile 8 8 with the entire W ashington coast, 25 lives in the Mexican q u arter 8 on the stove and floor. When McCafferty step­ 8 striving in an effort to establish th e ir m aiden skidded and went over a high 8 ped into view the driver 8 ‘‘He threatened to kill 8 moved inlaud last night, s trik ­ here since October 19, was declar­ 8 a lasting peace throughout the nam es Just, 8 him self.” tiestle. Mr. Smith was traveling , 8 beat a hasty retreat, gain­ 8 ed last night to be virtually un­ 8 ing Portland and the surrounding world, were outlined to President th e shine, 8 westward a t high speed. J u s t ' 8 ed the truck, and drove 8 The complaint filed with country a t an early hour this der control. W ith the announce-! 8 Coolidge today in a letter from says R uth after he had passed the driveway 8 away before his identity 8 County Clerk A. 8. Flem ­ 8 morning. This storm is the most m ent th a t there had been no new ‘‘ Colonel Drain, national command­ H ale, noted leading from the trestle his au- j 8 could be learned. Officers 8 j cases yesterday ar.d no deaths for 8 ing says the couple have 8 terrific (o yet hit the state, and er of the American Legion. This fem in ist. more than 4 8 hours, Dr. W. M. ** seven children, two of 8 the wind which accompanies the tomobile skidded on the w e t1 8 w orking on the case have 8 tetter was in reply to a recent No s e lf, planking, tore down the guard I 8 so far been unable to get 8 whom are "minors. Divis­ 8 rain has done a great deal of dam ­ Dickie, secretary of the state communication from President resp ectin g railing for a distance of 50 feet 8 any clue th a t will lead to 8 Coolidge, suggesting th a t the Leg- |- ion of the community pro­ 8 age in this section. health board and director of the • w ife, sh e before it went over the side. Pass 8 the identity of the would- 8 perty is asked by the plain­ 8 Ships were being held outside anti-plague committee, said that! ion place the need of a universal declares, ers by who saw the accident h u r­ 8 be robber. the situation was well in hand. I ** tiff. 8 peace above everything else In the I 8 the Columbia River bar last night, w ill consent ried to Mr. Sm ith’s assistance, 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Research work by the city i 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 W 8 8 due to the violence of the wind, observance of the sixth annual to any such only to find him dead in the which made a passage up the river health departm ent developed to ­ Armistice Day. which will be cele­ lo ss o f wreckage. A P ortland mortician day th a t the epidemic did not in j exceedingly dangerous. The wind brated throughout the country on id en tity. arrived this afternoon and re tu rn ­ was blowing at the rate of 76 this case originate from ground | November 11. ed with the body to th a t city. miles an hour, and whipped the squirrels. A Mexican, Jesus ‘ The enactm ent by Congress of Early this m orning near the w ater over the bar Into a fury. Loupon, whs found to be infected a universal d ra ft law, by which scene of Mr. Sm ith’s death, by a The wind blew at the rate of with the bubonic plague, which i the manhood of the country can coincidence, another man of that 26 miles an hour here this m orn­ usually proceeds the pneumonia be mobilized w ithin a few days, name, Frank Smith, postm aster form of the disease, and was plac.j ing. Southwest storm w arnings the establishm ent of a ‘‘compet­ of McCormick, went through the have been put up along the epast, ed in the isolation ward of the ent world co u rt” and fu rth e r dis­ guard rail. His machine plunged general hospital. and-the w eather office in Portland arm am ent conferences, such as V ice-P resident Elect Quiet off the trestle In the darkness and W. B. Sm ith D ies o f H eart F a il­ the one held In W ashington last H it states it looks as though the storm Twenty nurses and a corps of Many M essages o f C ongratu­ ure Today A fter Illn ess of he narrow ly escaped death. Severe would continue over the week-end. physicians entered the infected year constitutes in the opinion of Year lation s Pour Into Home bruises were the only injuries he area today and made m inute su r­ the Legion, the essential steps to suffered. I. Scluiavely, engineer, and N. veys of the conditions. At the be taken In direction of a lasting CHICAGO, Nov. 7.— The Ameri­ Beny, firem an, are believed to W. B. Smith, aged 77, died of peace. same time a ra te exterm ination Sherril M. Smith, who was kill­ heart failure at his home on Har- Until these actions have been M ost o f Senators A re N ot Certain Great F uture B u sin ess Prosperity campaign, made possible hv a can electorate, by their votes, have been killed when a steam gadine about ten o’clock this ed yesterday in an automobile $25.000 appropriation by the city have called into public service shovel hurled them down a seven­ to Run W ith Party Except in taken, and universally accepted, Is A ssured, D eclares H ead of morning. Smith has not been very ty five foot embankm ent into the wreck at Chehalis, Wash., was the council, was started at the h a r­ again Charles G. Dawes P rogressive -Work the Legion believes the American S teel Corporation Elected to the vice-presidency Bull Run river east of here last son of Blaine R. Smith, prom in­ well for about a year and has land, air, and sea defenses should bor and eventually will be carried after having three times served night. A seventy foot construc­ ent in Portland m anufacturing been subject to h eart attacks. He be kept up to the standards of to a large part of the city. NEW YORK, Nov. 7. — Wall in public capacity and at a time tion tow er was blown over here. wa3 taken ill suddenly last even­ circles and a nephew of Amedee every other nation in the world. WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. — ae- street registered its approval to ­ when he had cast aside all Trees were uprooted, .and tele­ ing hut fe lt b etter this morning M. Smith, M ultnomah county com­ tu rn s from the country wide elec­ day of the results of Tuesday’s thoughts of office, Mr. Dawes yes­ phone and flag poles were toppled until about nine-thirty when he missioner. tion of Tuesday show th a t al­ election by pouring an avalanche terday read the returns and set in the storm. Electric lights were The auto victim was 20 years again became ill. His death oc­ though the Republican party will of buying orders into the stock about arranging his m ultifarious put out all over the city. The old and lived with his parents at curred within a few minutes. have a clear m ajority in both m arket, which carried nearly two P affairs so as to heed the call wires are down, and it is diffi­ Smith is known very well in Andover place, Garthwick, near houses of the sixty ninth Con-j score issues to new peak prices Ashland as he has lived here sounded Tuesday at the ballot cult-to determ ine when they will the W averley golf links, at P o rt­ gress, close scrutiny discloses th a t ‘ for the year on net gains th at boxes of the nation. be replaced again, in order to land. Young Smith was alone In since 1905. He has been retired th e m ajority of the Republican j ranged from 1 to 3 1-2 points Mr, Dawes did not expect to be supply the city with the electric­ his machine at the time of the ac­ for the past few years but was party members are absolutely de- ’ Total sales, which approximated nominated for the vice-presidency ity necessary for the operation cident, being en route to Doty, form erly a p artn er of Mr. Wick in pendable only in w hat m ight be nearly 1,750,000 shares, were the last June, but once nominated, he of the many motors and lights the Ashland F u rn itu re Company. W ash., to transact business for his described as “ progressive causes.” i largest for any single session in Many of the young people of He was a member of the Methodist did expect to be elected because within the city limits. father. To this extent. Senator La F o l-, about two years. All the organizations in the city Ashland will visit Medford this as he told his associates, many church. The w eather disturbance, a l­ lette. Wisconsin solon, defeated • While the m arket was w ithout A week from next Sunday Mr. are uniting to present a course evening and tomorrow, in order times he regarded the cause for though it ranges all over the in the Presidential race, along J definite inform ation as to the com- and Mrs. Smith would have cele­ of musical attractions for the sea­ to be in attendance at the C rater which he was the principal spokes northw est, is severest over the with his followers will remain po-I plete makeup of the next con- brated their fifty-sixth wedding son w’hich will ra te higher in tentially powerful factors in both Lake Union of Christian E n d e a -.man a ’ one th at would appeal to northw estern section of Oregon gress. Indications th a t President vor Societies, which will present the m ajority of the American and the central and southern sec­ quality and draw ing attraction anniversary had Smith lived. houses of the Congress. Coolidge would probably have a people. Smith was born in Findley, than anything heretofore present­ tion of W ashington. According to retu rn s now in, working m ajority in both the sen­ a program tonight and tomorrow. ed in this line. Ohio. He is survived by his wife, The program follows: * The vice-president-elect accord­ The Womens Civic Club, the the Senate will be composed of ate and house stim ulated the buy­ Mrs. W. B. Smith and his son, Friday, Presbyterian Church ingly last night and today accept­ Music Study Club, the Kiwanis, fifty-five Republicans, forty Dem­ ing of all classes of stocks. Rails ed the m ounting count of ballots Everett Smith. 7:00 P. M.— R egistration (Fee ocrats and one Farm er-Laborite. were particularly strong on the The funeral services will be schools, Chamber of Commerce, 50 C ents). for President Coolidge and him­ In the House of Representatives. speculative theory that failure of P aren t Teachers, Churches, Llth- held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 7:40P. M.— Praise and Pray­ self in a m atter of fact way. He LOS ANGELES, Nov, 7. — A from the Smith residence. A r­ ians and others have appointed the Republicans will have 2 4 7 the radicals to obtain a dom inat­ er Service. Rev. F. Gordon H art. was calm er by far last night than conference at which Rear-Adm iral rangem ents w’ere in charge of J. members of a general committee seat3, the Democrats 184, with ing position assured the safety 8:00 P. M.—^Welcotning Ad- many of his neighbors and friends J. K. Robison, ex-chief of the navy P. Dodge and Sons. and this committee has a rra n g ­ four seats scattered among minor ef the transportation act of 1920, dresses (three m inutes). L. G .1 who gathered at his home In facl’- ftated the consumm ation of T. liman, Verl W alker. Responses: Evanston to receive the re tu rn s 1 engineering bureau, dram atically ed for four stellar attractions for political parties. several railroad m ergers now Mabie Trott, Mary Goilay. Music. — and today he went about on hla appealed to E. L. Doheny, oil mag­ the season.’ The first num ber of pending and improved the possib­ nate, for aid to the government this course will be Paul Vernon BRAZILIAN CREW DES MOINES, la.. Nov. 7. — A 8:25 P. M.— Rev. Monroe G. usual course, much as If nothing TAKES OVER BOAT ility of increased dividend pay- Uverett, Student Pastor O. A. C. had happened. in the construction of the Pearl and his Cleveland Symphonic check of the vote cast In Iowa’s i ment3 on some of the high grade H arbor, Hawaii, fuel oil storage Quintet, made up from members 8:50 P. M.— “The Dignity and The only events th at different­ senatorial race today showed th at BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 7.— The 1 ¡89ueB( notably New York Central base, wa3 described in federal of the Fam ous Cleveland Sym­ Im portance of the C hurch,” Rev. iated today for Mr. Dawes, from Senator Brookhart,' incumbent court here today by the naval of­ phony O rchestra. The date for crew o f. th e Brazilian destroyer and Atchl8On. cu rren t earnings of W. E. Babbitt, Klam ath Falls. any of the quiet days he planned Republican, had piled up a lead Goyaz m utinied yesterday and which are well above present divi­ ficer, testifying for the defense this attraction is November 21. 9:30 P. M.— Social Half Hour. for himself after returning from of 1,156 votes over his Demo­ BOISE, Idaho, Nov. 7.— W ith at the trial of the governm ent’s On December 9 will appear “ Flo- sailed the vessel outside the h a r­ dend requirem ents. Assignments. (E ntertainm ent on i hi« reparations work in Europe cratic opponent, Steck. the entire republican national, su it against the Pan-American tow Opera Co., In the Opera *‘L’ bor to join the m utinous battle­ These figures are not final, and the H arvard Plan.) last spring were a deluge of con- congressional, judicial and state Petroleum & T ransport company Ombra.” On Jan u ary 15 the won­ ship Sao Paulo, according to ad­ the outcome of the race will not Saturday, C hristian Church gratulatlons, w ritten and spoken. ticket re-elect in Idaho at the vices received today from Rio for cancellation of oil leases and derfully popular play ‘‘The Cin­ 9:45 A. M.— Devotional Ser- He acknowledged the spoken ones be known until the canvas of the statew ide election, it appeared to contracts valued at $100,000,000. derella Man,” will be presented Janeiro. It was said, however, vice. Rev. D. J. Howe. with a funny little smile about state by the executive council. be but a m atter of what final to­ “ I told him (Doheny) our aim and the final num ber of the th a t/th e destroyer later su rren d ­ This canvas wl’.l take place on 10:15 A. M.— Address, “ The tals would be. President Calvin ered to the governm ent forces. was to prevent the possibility of course, the Fenwick Newell Com­ (•Contlnud on page Four) November 24. Young People and the C hurch,” Coolidge and Charles G. Dawes, The garrison at Pernambuco, an Invasion of our west coast,” pany will be presented Jan u ary It Is believed th at Brookhart Rev. V. K. Allison, Ashland. republican candidates for presi­ Brazil, had revolted, according to Rear-Adm iral Robison, visibly af­ 27. will be returned to office when the 10:45 A. M — Conference Hour. dent and vice-president, respect­ La Nacion’s Montevldio corres­ Taking th eir final practice to ­ fected by emotion, declared upon W hile the character of the pro­ council holds their check, since Miss Mary Goilay, Eugene. ively, swept the state. But the th e witness stand. “ I appealed to gram s is higher than the usual pondent, quoting a dispatch from night, the Ashland L ithians will his lead, although the lowest ever 11:45 A. M.— Announcements. standardbearer in the fight was Melo, near the Brazilian frontier. tro t onto the gridiron at the high him for help in accomplishing the Lyceum Course presented in pre- given a senatorial contestant in W illiam E. Borah, United States school grounds tomorrow after- Appointment of Committees. security of this country. I told him j vlous years, and the committee this state, is large enough to al­ 2:00 P. M. — Song Service. Senator, who was easily le a d in g ; noon for th eir first tussle of t^e of the necessity for action, but I has been able to arrange for a BLACK BEAR ROPED most insure him of re-election. 2:15 P. M.— “Value of the all republican candidates in the BY TWO COWBOYS season with the Roseburg Elks. didn’t give him all the inform a­ popular schedule of prices, these Pledge,” Ted Cramer, Grants victory. His plurality will be • WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. — Dip­ ---------- I Coach Hughes has put his boys tion I had by any means. Pass. well up in the thousands, ahead i will be announced later. lomatic tension is increasing be- NICARAGUA CITY PAISLEY, Nov. 7. — When a through plenty of hard scrim- ’T didn’t let go until he, red­ ‘of the pluralities of all other c a n -’ The committee is asking the SUFFERS TYPHOID 2:35 P. M.— “ The Christian En-j tween the W ashington and Te- eyed and white faced, Baid ‘all support and co-operation of the small black bear wandered on the ' mages during the past few days, deavorer and His Bible,’ Edsum | baj-an governm ents over failure didates r MnnrA «rnvArnnr h-i« hppn en t*re community in endeavoring( preny ses t4le Jam es Small , a nd most of them aie in great right, g o ’ahead. You’ll get one MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Nov. 7. re elerted A count of 106 789 to furnish entertainm ent of a high ' ™nCh at the head ° ' Sumer L ake- ' «hape. A lot of weight has been Randall. of the Persian authorities to bid and. one th a t will not involve — A severe epidemic of typhoid 3:00 P. M.— “Value of Young carry out sentence of death re-elected. A count of 106,789 cbaracter two vaqueros of the Chewaucan added to the line by the addition a cent of profit for me’.” fever and measles has broken out. People's Conferences,” F. Gordon against all three of the men found votes tabulated up to a late hour | arranging the prograjn f o r ; Land & C attle company, who hap- Of a few Ashland huskies, and in Granada. last night from all counties in the the Cleveland Symphonic Q uintet, I penjedj t °1be_neaf a t th ® tim e’ 8UC? this additional weight will be us- H art and M. G. Everett. guilty by a Persian m ilitary court The city has a population of 3:30 P. M.— Sight-seeing trip. state, out of a possible 140,000 or of the m urder of Robert W. Im- in the ceeded in roping and capturing e d to good advantage KIWANIANS HEAR which will be heard in concert 6:30 P. M. — Ranquet 150,000 votes cast, gave Governor brie, American vice-Counsul at 15,000 and there are 1500 cases the anim al. I tussle tomorrow. on November 21, three points were TALK ON TRAVEL 7:30 P. M. — Business and So­ Moore a safe margin over his Teheran. Recent advices reach­ of infectious diseases among chil­ _______ __ _ of the F o r some tim e the riders were Jim Bowers, m anager kept in mind. F irst of all, the ing W ashington show th a t while dren alone, due to unsanitary con­ THROUGH EUROPE nearest com petitor, H. F. Samuels, music selected is such as ‘w ill ”b e , U“ aWe t0 g6t a rope t0 stay on Lithian club announced th is cial Hour. Talk: “ California C. E .,” Mabie the execution of Morteza, a pri­ ditions and contam inated water. 1 or a plurality of 6348. comprehensible to every member i the bear, as he would claw off the afternoon th a t the game would vate soldier in the Persian army of the audience: second, it is good Iar,at as 8000 as 14 « K e en e d oh be pulled off according to sched- Galey. Ashland. Dr. F. G. Swedenburg, who re­ Talk: “ Portland. 1925“ , Mary transport corps, was carried out STRIKERS ARE HELPED LABOR SECRETARY TO music which is worth the h e a r - ? * “ ’ A fter a num ber of attem pts ule, rain or shine. cently arrived in Asjiland after with due form ality, Seyid Hussein, BY MEX GOVERNMENT liad i Goilay, F. Gordon H art. VISIT ____ S. AMERICA ing; and third, compositions h a v e ! the/ , * u“ eeded in ‘‘8t’’etchinJ hil" The Roseburg . a several m onths tour of Europe, Sunday 'onvicted ringleader of the mob WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 7. been chosen which fairly repre-i 0U4’ The bear has been chained several games already this sea was the principal speaker a t the MEXICO CITY, Nov. 7.— F o r­ to finish on I 7:00 A. M.— Snnrise Prayer th at beat Im brie to death in a n v y. 80n> a nd have yet Kiwanis luncheon held at the — Secretary Davis of the labor sent the various types of m u sic .)an e ' i h 7 short end’ of the score. The ! Meeting, Presbyterian Church ho.pital, has been granted clem eign or non-union laborers will Hotel Ashland today. Dr. Swe­ departm ent, will leave Saturday I Paul Vernon, director of t h e 1 ency by* the Persian cabinet. His not be perm itted to work as strik e­ 1 M arshfield and Salem town team s Rev. R. W. Nelson. denburg gave an account of his ! fOr an extensive* trip through quintet, has th a t unusual g ift in , .‘ o u n c e îb y husky 8:00 A M.— Breakfast, in sentence was commuted to life breakers in the Corona company’s travels, emphasizing especially! South American countries, musicians, the ability to give, in Church. RESULT OF WOUNDS m embers of the Roseburg “ A ntler imprisonment, as was th a t of a oil fields, the federation of labor the condition of the various coun- He will retu rn to the United an effective way, interesting bits 9:45 A. M. -Bible Schools. third an convicted and sentenced is assured by President Obregon. tries in which he visited. States early in January j of inform ation regarding the se- LEXINGTON, Tenn., Nov. 7.— h erd ” , and they expect to tak e the' The federation had protested 11:00 A. M. — Preaching Ser-j to death for the crime, M. B. Paranogian of Salem, who I lections and th eir composers, Professor W. W. Rogers, wounded L ithians into camp tomorrow vices. All Chucrhss. the president against an alleged | State departm ent officials have TO PLAN NEW LAW Is in Ashland in the Interests of I which make a program much yesterday when he attem pted to afternoon. plan of the company to import 3:00 P. M —Consecration Ser- had no statem ent to make on the WASHINGTON, Nov. 7.— The more interesting and enjoyable ad ju st a disputé between G. W. the F ar East relief fund, gave the w orkers from Holland. vice, Presbyterian Church. Rev. cases since they made public some K iw anians a short talk on t h e , investigation of the expenditures ( than when the music is not fam- Bartholomew, 70, and Dan Pow­ LODGE NO BETTER Monroe G. Everett. . time ago a detailed report of the ROSEBURG MAN PROMOTED work of his organization. 1 of the Pcesidential campaign will n iar BOSTON, Nov. 7. — Senator ers, 50, at a polling place a t Mid­ 6:30 P. M.— C. E. Prayer M eet-' execution of Morteza. It is known PORTLAND, Nov. 7. — George F . H. Goddard, mayor elect of not be resumed until after Con- The quintet was organized with dleburg, Tenn., yesterday, died Lodge’s condition was said to be ing. Christian Church. Miss Mary in diplomatic circles, however th at Neuner,, form er district attorney K lam ath Falls, spoke on the r e - , gress convenes next month, Sen- the definite purpose of present- last night. unchanged a t 2 o’clock this a fte r­ Goiley. the procrastination and delay of of Roseburg, who prosecuted Dr. lat ion ship of each city in South- ato r Borah, Idaho, chairm an of lng tbe begt in muaica| a rt in such Bartholomew and his son, J. L. noon. He ha*s been unconscious 7:30 P. M. — Song Service, i the Persian authorities In bring- Richard Brumfield, will be nam ­ ern Oregon to every other city the Investigating committee an- a way t bat jt can be enj oyed by Bartholomew, 40, also were kill- for more than forty eight hours, j i ngtallation of new officers. In- ing Im brie’s m urders to Juatice hi this district, and praised the nounced today. The committee an f and especially by those who ed. during which tim e he has been 8pjra tiOn addresses. Rev. Monroe in an adequate way is causing the ed United States district attorney work of the cities in their co-op- ’ plans to d ra ft a legislation lim it here to succeed John Coke, re­ without food. He was stricken : 0 Everett. »Christian Citizen-! W ashington government serious signed, according to well founded eration work,. ' for fu tu re expenditure. (Çontinud on page F o u r) with paralysis Wednesday. ¡ship,” Rev. F. Gordon Hart. 1 concern. Classified Ads Bring Results rumor here. ~ *^f 1 • * - I n apa , cai., Nov. 7.— Wants Maiden Name IN C A LIFORNIA DAWES IS GREETED VERY SUDDENLY AT TEN O’CLOCK TODAY E CLEAR MAJORITY IN | AS RESULTS OF POLL S E N A T E « HOUSE ARE FINALLY KNOWN ARE ARRANGED BY IGHT El VOTE CHECK S M S BROOKHART ELECTED IN SENATORIAL RÀDE BORAH PROVES HERO OF IDAHO IN EIGHT ELKS, LITHIANS TO TOD SLOW FÜR 0 S