PAGE F ö t R ASHLAND DAlLŸ TTDÍN09 Iu A shland— b o cal 5 P e rso n a l J^otes A D aily C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, and even ts o f local in terest Missionary Meeting— The W om an's Missionary So­ ciety of the C hristian church will meet at the church parlors at 2:30 tomorrow (F rid ay ) a fte r­ noon. Mrs. J. V. W right will be leader. The m eeting of the study M entho-Sulphur O intm ent 60c, class has been postponed from to­ morrow night to Friday, November McNair Bros. 14, owing to the absence of Rev. Allison. P ain tin g Office— The office of the Pacific Tele­ Complete line of Ashland Can­ phone arid Telegraph company is ned Goods a t Detricks. 94-tf being painted with another coat of green. This adds greatly to Has Operation— th e appearance of the place,. Helen Detrick underw ent an operation for the removal of ton­ Best m ilk— L ininger’s Dairy, 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. sils this morning at the Medford 26— tf hospital. H unting— George Schafer and Phil and Gus W olcott spent Monday and Tuesday hunting in the Klam ath Lake region. They returned with a num ber of ducks. Stop Over— , , n- -r Born—» To Mr. and Mrs. J. A. b eak in a t R. W. Price of the C rater Lake Hotel, who has the lease on the the Community Hospital yesterday new hotel here is in town for a a ten pound son. Mother and few days on business. son are doing nicely. Cliff Payne makes chair rock­ ers. Club Member— Word has been received here For Portland— th a t Donald W right of this city J. H. Fuller will leave to n ig h t1 has been elected a member of the for P ortland where he will spend Mandolin club a t O. A. C. a pro­ a few days on business. gram is being prepared for radio broadcasting from the college sta­ Benefit Dance— tion and one is to presented be­ at the I. O. O. F. Hall, Friday fore the student body soon. Nov. 7, by the E ntertainm ent Committee of Odd Fellows. Pub­ To E u gen e— lic invited. Admission fifty cents, Rev. V. K. Allison left yesterday each person. Light refreshm ents. for Eugene where he will spend 57— 2 several days on business. Dance Jackson Hot Springs Sat. L eave F o r P ortland— Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cooper night. Metropole Orchestra. 57— 3 of M anzanita street left yesterday Here Tuesday— for Portland and Eugene. At P o rt­ Charles Stinger, assistent gen­ land Mr. Cooper will en ter an eral passenger agent of Portland open air sanitarium where he was in town visiting the local hopes to benefit his health. Southern Pacific offices. Special Auto Accident Policy for >5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo Don’t forget Dance of course. - 24-tf Springs Sat. Nite. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. P ark stop­ ped in Ashland for a short time last evening with Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Mills. They are on their re tu rn to San Francisco after spending some time in the north. In D unsm uir— Lynn Slack was a visitor a t the Hot 57— 3 division officers in D unsm uir the first of th e week. at M oves To M edford— IzCave Track— •» M arshall Barber, who is w ork­ A carload of potatoes left the ing in the Twentieth Century track at the Pilot siding and held Grocery at Medford moved to th a t up the train s for a few hours Tuxedos and serges for dress place today. Monday. wear. Paulserud’s. 54-tf You are welcome to compare A nother big public dance, Mem­ my Automobile rates w ith any orial. H all, F ri. N ite. Y ou ’ll be V isitin g H ere — Mrs. Susanne Homes C arter othdr rates in Jackson or Jose­ surprised. 57— 2 was in Ashland today visiting with phine Counties; you can be the friends and attending to. business Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. Iyeaves T onight— 30— tf matters. V. O. N. Smith will leave this evening for P ortland to attend Let ue fill your pa, with 8wlft> V isits Tuesday— the Pacific International Live­ Silver Leai lard. Ct -.ts less than Mr. Richardson, assistant pas­ stock Exposition. shortening. Goc« tt her and is senger agent for the Southern ■ • r e nutritious. Det .cks. 94-tf Pacific from San Francisco was A nother b ig public dance, Mem- in Ashland Tuesday on business. orlai H all, Fri. N ite. Y ou’ll be M oves to Mine— Mr. and Mrs. Clem Anderson See P aulserud’s special on two- have moved to the Skyline Mine pants-suits, all wool, >23.75. 54-tf where they will spend the w inter. Mr. Anderson is employed a t the Left This Morning— mine. J. N. Perry and family and A. E. McNeeley and family left this New straight English models in m orning by auto for Englewood, Overcoats, at Paulserud’s. 54-tf California, where they will make their future home. surprised. 57— 2 For Portland— Wm. Brigg3 and Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Briggs left this m orning for Portland where they will m ake a short business-trip. They expect to retu rn to Ashland Sunday. Metropole Orch. at Jackson Hot Springs Sat. Nov. 8. 57— 3 A free lecture on C hristian Science will be delivered a t the Church edifice on South Pioneer Im proving — Johnny Gruelle, who underw ent Avenue Thursday, November 6th an operation at the Community at 8 o’clock P. M. 56— 2 Hospital Monday is doing nicely. To Mine— ■William K err made a trip to the Skyline Mine yesterday where he will work for several days. We deliver the goods—Detricks 94-tf sired. Completely furnished ex- ’ songs, so sym pathetically pre­ linen, rooms sented by singer and accompan­ newly papered and furnished prac­ ist. Two duets, by the Misses tically new, ideal location, 5 m in­ Marian Leach and Ram ona Wise, utes walk from business center, i brightly played, brought hearty Phone 445-R. 57— 2 I applause. FO R SALE — Superior M odel, Miss Hicks had planned an ex­ Chevrolet Touring car very reas­ hibit of books and intended hav­ onable. Exceptional good m eehau-1 ing catalogs to' give those who leal condition. See it at Ford' contem plated buying books for Garage. H arrison Bros, 57— 2 Christm as but th e ' m aterial did FOR R EN T:— Large front bed­ not arrive in time. However, the room, with heat. Ladies only. Call: exhibit of books will be given at 325-R. 57— 3 the library soon and she will have catalogs for those planrt;ng to FOR R EN T:— A w inter cabin. Furnished for housekeeping. Clean and cozy. >13 per month. Light and w ater paid. Call 153. 57— 1 C. E. Van Gorder moved to Ash­ land Tuesday from Eugene and will make his home here. He ex­ pects to work on the new hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Coovert of the Skyline Mine returned to Ash­ land today from San Francisco where they have been visiting, hoping to benefit Mr. Coovert’s health. ASHLAND PA IN T CO D ependable Sunday school convention all- day session held a t New Metho­ dist church, Medford, Friday, Nov. Order your Thanksgiving suit 7. 57— 1 at Paulseruds. 54-tf H ere Y esterday— A. J. Vance of Portland was in Ashland yesterday looking over general business conditions. He is with th e Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. A rrives Today— Mrs. Clara Engle will arrive th is evening from Berkeley to a t­ tend the funeral of her m other- in-law, Mrs. Emma Rhodes, who died here Tuesday evening. A free lecture on C hristian Science will be delivered a t the Church edifice on South Pioneer Avenue Thursday, November 6th at 8 o’clock P. M. 56— 2 Sweet cream for whipping and cetfefe—also fresh milk, always • a ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf used in all of our brake lining. i jj ■ , J Coats, Furs and Dresses Our racks present beautiful assortm ent of the most fashionable gar­ ments obtainable. Coats of style and warmth. Colors soft and harmonious. Lined or unlined, as vou like them, fur trimmed or plain. Any size from 16 to 52 is here. They are priced within reason, considering the garments in every way. You will he more than pleased with these, good eoats for Civic Club Has an Interesting Meeting Continued from page One TOO LA TE TO CLASSIFY Woods' accompaniment. It was a privilege th a t the listeners appre-: FURNISHED APARTMENT for d a te d , to hear these beautiful ren t to anyone desiring a change of rooms or location for the win­ ter, we offer a cozy 3-room apartm ent, bed room, large living room, kitchen, bedroom, pantry, bathroom and basem ent, can be adapted for 2 bed rooms if de- $16.50t0 $60.00 S torage ; It's Good Business The store th at provides m odern, sanitary to ile t and w ashroom fa c ilitie s for its pa­ trons is su re to in crease its good w ill. H ow ever, th e fixtu res m ust be m odern and in v itin g ly clean . T he public resents old, w orn-out w ater clo sets and ru st-streaked lavatories. P h on e 188 Furs are in great demand this season. We stock the famous Benioff Line—known from Alaska south—on the Pacific coast as the lead­ ers in the fur game. Our stock on hand shows some beauties in Stone Martin, Fitch, Squirrel, Beaver, Marmot, Oppossum, Fox, Manchurian Wolf and each fur is a genuine,, guaranteed hide, full pattern and beautifully marked. They range from P H IL C Q Diamond Grid Batteries $ 5 .5 0 $ 5 0 .0 0 Will give you splendid service for w inter driving SPECIAL Ford Batteries . . . $15.50 and batteries for all other cara a t reasonable prices W e sh all be ghul to in spect your p resen t facilities. Phis is the season when an extra new dress in either silk or wool is always liandv. PHILCO RADIO BATTERIES 2 0 7 E . Main The Ashland Electric Shop ■ ■ ™ «re, - h f u .• i t •'PJ*' H - M Vri 1 240 E ast Main St 'S on must surely see the new numbers that have just arrived, and perhaps the dress vou have wanted so badly is here. Our line is very com­ plete and the colorings and trims are perfect. All sizes to choose from and the prices are from $7.751 $50.00 are always duie to faulty ad­ justm ent, which may be ag­ gravated by heating. Correct this by letting us make the proper adjustm ent. Raybestos Brake Lining THE SEASON IS RIPE FOR Painting C ontractors & Decorators SWENNINO & GEAR Phone 408-J 57-1 mo.* Jerry O’Neal D R A G G IN G BRAKES buy books for children so those private school bill in the State interested may got them a little of W ashington was defeated by a later. vote of 1931. Precincts, standing 179,676 against and 121,270 for the bill. DAVIS TO TAKE TR IP LOCUST VALLEY, L. I., Nov. 6-— John Davis will take a long Reedsport — W alker two-story ocean voyage as a “vacation” and building to be finished in De­ will probably go to the Orient. cember. “ I want to rest and play golf,” Davis said today, “ I ’ve had enough A free lecture on Christian politics to lis t me a long tim e.” Science will be delivered a t the Church edifice on South Pioneer SCHOOL BILL DEFEATED Avenue Thursday, November 6th SEATTLE, Nov. 6. — The anti- at 8 o’clock P. M. 56— 2 cept bedding and M oves From E u gen e— R eturn H ere— Thursday, November 0, 1924 GOVERNMENT COATS New Get your eoat, fur and new dress at Made of Gaberdine and first class khaki cloth; make good work coats, or shooting jackets, etc. ' Just like finding them. Small sizes onlv, price $1.00 « Orte « The Army Goods Store Biggest Little Store in Town C a m p a n y •Where Your D ollar H as More C ents’ B e H ere Tom orrow— Mrs. Ida Tobish of San F ra n ­ cisco will arrive in Ashland to­ morrow to attend the funeral of her old time friend, Mrs. Emma Rhodes. * WM Miles on a VtSalionJ/ Save >10.00, walk upstairs to Orrea tailor shop. . 17— tf Automotive Shop C hevrolet and D odge S ales and Service N ot Im p o ssib le Back in Office— FORD NEWS O ffic ia l A. A . A . T e s t ; Lydia McCall has resum ed her duties in the postoffice after a m onth’s vacation spent in Ash­ land and K lam ath Falls. Ford Touring Car e q u ip p e d w it h ST R O M B E R G CARBURETOR ■ i an d HOT SPOT LARGE NEWTOWN and SPITZ culls 50c, Small Spitz 25c, bring your box or sack, F ru it As­ sociation. 55— 6 M ade T h is G reat R ecord M ore P o w $ r ~ Q u ick er G et-A w a y too,ooo S a tis fie d U sers Purchases Property— Wm. Baldwin of the car shops has purchased the h uses stand­ ing on the box faett *y site and has moved them to lots on Cali­ fornia street where he will re ­ furnish them for rent. S e e U s an d S a v e M o n ey LEEDOM’S TIRE HOUSE The W. R. C. will give a food ■ale and bazaar Saturday Nov. 8th in room next to E lh a rt’s on TIR ES Main St. 54— 6 AND DETROIT, Mich., Oct 21, 1924— Sales of Ford cars and trucks in the United States alone for the first nine m onths of 1924 reached the enormous total of 1,500,905, the greatest retail delivery in the history of the Ford Motor Company for a sim ilar period of months. It represents an increase of 11 per cent over the record of 1,353.918 cars and trucks sold during the same m onths in 1923. D ealer reports from practic­ ally ajll parts of the country show increases over last year, so th a t all are sharing in the general prosperity. J Ford, L incoln, F ordsou D ealers For Every Car Holiday Dress SHOES VS Ashland Lithians Honest Io Goodness Man- Sized Teams STATIONERY DRUGS 60c Irish Lawn Pound Paper 50c Box S ta tio n e ry ................ 15e Linen Envelopes, 2 for .. 25c G lycerine................................ 16c 25c Castor Oil ............................ 16c 25c Aromatic Cascara ......... * 16c 25c Camphorated Oil .................16c SOAP 7 bars Crystal W hite ..............25c 10c Creme Oil, 2 f o r ..................H e 10c Shaving Soap, 2 f o r ............11c 10c Palm Olive, 2 for ..-..........11c 25c Velvitina Shampoo Soap 2 for ..............-........... 26c- Saturday, Nov. 8 Toilet 25c Aspirin T a b le ts ............... 16c Borden’s Malted Milk contains all Shoe Shop That are serviceable and stylish Fall and W inter 4 Admission 50c * High School Students 25c Models Reason in a house is unnecessary w ith th e w id e range of ligh t, airy wall paper d esign s w e have to offer you. High School Athletic Field A ably Priced j 1 M i t c h e l l ’s T he M en’s Store By th e P o sto ffic e The Ashland Band W ill Play the richest Goods - $1.00 Luxor ■ comp..........59c $1.00 Bath Salts . . . 59c -30c Sta curl 29c 2:15 P. M. OVERLAND J. O. RIGG We Sell It For Less the nutritive elements of STYLE and QUALITY Dinginess PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS Roseburg Elks a W. L. DOUGLAS East Side Pharmacy FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS H A R R IS O N Brothers, Garage REPLACEM ENTS * See Ex-Champion Football Stars in Action 50c 50c 50c 50c Velvitina Vanishing Cream Almond Cream ............... Garden Court Face Powder Colonial Shaving Cream . 29c 29c 29c 29c cows’ milk, 50c and $1.00 sizes 25c Eagle Brand, two cans . . . 45c 50c bottle pills, Cathartic comp. 29c 50c hottie Cascara tablets, 5 grs. 29c $1.00 Genuine Russian Oil ....6 7 c $1.00 size Olive Oil ..................67c $1.00 Emulsion Cod Liver Oil .. 67c Miss Tippett of Portland will he her re Friday and Saturday dem onstrat­ ing the Belcano beauty toilet goods. These Demonstrations are FREE to you in balcony of drug store all day Friday and Saturday.