pa g e TTfREfi Classified Column Classified Column Rates . Ona cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, %c the word each time. FOR RENT FOR RENT:— Three room Apt., Call 187J. 56— 3 FOR RENT:— 5 room furnish­ ed house. Phone 427Y. 55— 3* FOR RENT— Furnished room, 107 Second St. Phone S13-R. 50— tf FOR RENT:— Furnished front room apartment. 349 East Main St. 47— 6 FOR RENT: —— Cozy 2-room furnished apartment with kitch­ enette and private bath. 357 Vista street. Phone 122. 47— tf FOR RENT— Furnished house, 478 Boulevard. 36— lm o FOR SALE FOR SALE: — Rhode Island Red pullets or fryers. Mrs. Oskar, 83 Morton. • 56— 2 FOR SALE: —- Showcases. Ash­ land Furniture Co. 56— 4 FOR SALE CHEAP:— Gentle saddle pony, suitable for children to ride. Inquire Woods Tire Shop. 55— 3 FOR SALE: — Cull Delicious apples, 25c a box, bring your boxes. W. F. Rodoff, 447, Walnut street. 55— 5* FOR SA L E :— Wood, 16 In. chunk fir and laurel. Phone 12F2. 64— 6* FOR SALE or RENT: —- My home, 29 South Pioneer avenue, 4 or 6 rooms furnished close in. Call evenings. W. J. Albert. .53— tf WOOD FOR SALE:— Fir and Spruce, 16 inch 68. Hard wood 16 inch 612. Delivered. Fountain FeuI Co. Siskiyou or leave orders at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. 50— 1 mo.* Bungalow»—-Lots I have some fine Bungalows, Houses and Buiidiag Lots in Ash­ land fer sale, will accept geod Bonds, Notes or Mortages en payments, and give easy terms on balance. Se me before buying s home. A. L. LAMB. 178 A St. Box 422, Ashland. 35— 1 Mo. Buy better milk. Phone 257-J for it. 33— 1 mo.* FOR SALE — or exchange for 635.000.0V. 160 acres. 100 culti­ vated, free water, lots of it. 20 head of large size Registered Jer­ seys, the finest strain in Oregon. 30 head of registered Duroc pigs. 200 White Leghorn chickens, team of Registered Imported Perchon mares 1900 lbs. each. About 63000.00 worth of farm equip­ ments, modern house, large barn and other buildings. Will take Income property up to 620,000.00, long time on balance at 6 per cent. Courtesy to brokers or agents. J. J. Deakin. Phone 330, Ashland Oregon. 33— 1 mo. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED a good and, reliable man or women to demonstrate and 3ell the Electro Magnetic Blankets in Ashland and Vicinity. A good clean and growing busi­ ness that has increased over two hundred percent in the last year, for full particulars, Address Po. Box 452 Eugene, Oregon. 55— 6* WANTED: — Nursing. Will consider house work. Am a post graduate of N. W. school of mas­ sage and electro-therapeutics. Mrs. Leighton, 153 Granite or Phone 153. 33— 1 mo. MEDFORD VETERINARY HOS­ PITAL, Dr. E. C. McCulloch, grad­ uate veterinarian; office consul­ tation free; Office phone 369, Res. Ph. 833W; Corner Grape and Fifth Sts., Medford Ore. 54— 5* ■WANTED: — Protect yourself against the uncertainties of win­ ter, We can _ assure you a good position in your own county, that will pay you well. Write us at once. Nogar Corporation, 301 Couch Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 54— 18 LOST:—»Pair tortoise rimmed glasses, Moose Hall, Thursday. Reward. Return to Tidings. 55— 3* DRESSMAKING and Tayloring reasonable prices, all work guar­ anteed. Mrs. B. Van Harden- berg, 147 Central Ave. 65— 1 mo.* Letterheads, statements, t o your order at ths Tidings Office. We have a good Job printing de­ partment. tf PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS DR. HAWKEY— Above office. Phone 91. SAYS KIDNEYS CLOG Tidings Drink Water Freely and Often, Also Take Salts if Back Hurts I WASHINGTON, Nov. 5. — A conference at which six of the largest women's organizations of CALENDAR OF EVENTS Friday, November 7. W. F. M. the country will be represented i Society of the Methodist Eplsco- will be held here January 18 to When your kidneys hurt* and i pal church will meet at two o’­ 22, to determine a cause and cure your back feels sore don’t get clock at the home of Mrs. Q. H. for war, it was announced today scared and proceed to load your by the General Federation of Wo­ tlce limited to eye. ear, nose ann stomach with a lot of drugs and Yeo. men’s Clubs. Saturday, November 8. Col­ throat— X-ray including teeth. excite the kidneys and irritate Organizations who will send lege Club will meet at the home Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc the entire urinary tract. Keep representatives to the conference of Mrs. Victor Seiher in Medford. 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, your kidneys clean like you keep are the National League of Wo­ Saturday, November 8 .¿Daugh­ ®re. your bowels clean, by flushing ters of the Nile will meet in Ash­ men Voters, National Youhg Wo- Dlt. is. B. ANQBIX—Chiropractic ’ them wlth a mlld’ harmleB“ salt’ land. , men's Christian Association, Wo- and Electro-Therapy. OHlce whlcl1 hel,>’ *® ren“’’ c ' he body 8 Saturday, November 8. W. R. j men’s Christian Association, the phono 48; residence 142. plr8, urlnons waste and stim ulate, them C. will give food sale and bazaar. Women’s Christian Temperance K. .. . „ , . .... I to their normal activity. The Monday, November 10. Ladles Union, American Association of _________________ ____________ • function of the kidneys is to fil­ Art Club will have card party in University Women and the Coun­ ter the blood. In 24 hours they T11E SOUTHERN OREGON cil of Jewish Women. Civic Club House. CLINIC strain from it 500 grains of acid I • * » The proposed meeting is the 1st National Bank Bldg, and waste, so we can readily un­ | Give Dinner— result of steps taken at the con­ edicnl Surgical Obstetrical derstand the vital importance of Diagnostic X-ray vention of the League of Women The members of the Christian keeping the kidneys active. R W. Stearns, M. D. church had a basket dinner there Voters in Buffalo last Spring. At Drink lots of good water— you R. E. Green, M. D. last Sunday. A lovely dinner was 1 that time a committee represent­ R. W. Sleeter, M. D. can’t drink too much; also get served followed by a business ing the several women’s organiza­ Office hours 2-5 p. m. from any pharmacist about four meeting in the afternoon. A tions was formed. Mrs. Carrie Phone 238-R ounces of Jad Salts; take a table­ large sum of money has been Chapman Catt later appealed to CONVALESCENT HOME spoonful in a glass of water be­ raised for the building of. an ad­ the General Federation of Wo­ Where the sick get well. fore breakfast each morning for dition on the church. J. M. Mor­ men’s Clubs for co-operation in Cottage Plan. a few days and your kidneys may gan of Mountain Avenue gave an anti-war crusade. ! board and care for inval then act fine. This famous salts 6200 to furnish a room in honor and old people. is made from the acid of grapes of his son, Ray Morgan, who was Maternity Dept. and lemon juice, combined with killed on Armistice Day In Call 153 lithia, and has been used for France. This room will be de­ years to help clean and stimulate MONUMENTS voted exclusively for use by the clogged kidneys; also to neutral­ young people of the church. ize the acids in the system so they ASHLAND GRANITE * » * are no longer a source of Irrita­ MONUMENTS Give Food Sale— on cold mornings, replace your tion, thus often relieving bladder Blair Granite Co. old Spark Pings, with a set of The W. R. C. will give a food weakness. S. PENNISTON, Manager new A. C. or Champion Plugs, sale and bazaar at the room next they will save your battery. Jad Salts is inexpensive; can Office 175 E. Main to Elhart’s Saturday. The com­ not injure; makes a delightful Res. Phone 444-Y mittees are working hard and Milwaukee Timers, effervescent lithia - water drink, everything is in readinesd for a VNY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May K-W Coil Points which everyone should take now installed free communicate with Ensign Lee and then to help keep their kid­ very successful sale. All sorts of the Salvation Army at the neys clean and active. Try this; of fancy work and hand work for WhlteShiold ‘Home, 565 May- also keep up the water drinking, use this Christmas will be for sale as well as candies, cakes and fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. and no doubt you will wonder other foods. what became of your kidney PLANING MILL • • » trouble and backache. By all Entertain Friends— JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET means have your physician ex­ BOULEVARD and SHERMAN Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Angwin were WORKS, Cor. Helman and amine your kidneys at least twice gracious host and hostess te a Van Ness. 19^tf a year. number of friends last Saturday evening at their pleasant home on TRANSFER and express Bush street. The rooms looked Whittle Transfer A Storage Co. lovely with their warm autumn for SERVICE. decorations. The evening was Experienced movers and pack­ spent listning to the, radio and ers of household goods. Deal­ playing games which’ had been ers in coal and wood. Phone thoughtfully planned by the hos­ 117. tess. The event was given to cele­ ' f o r t h is z ie h Office 89 Oak St. near ZXxQk, carried»f a brate the 24th wedding anniver­ Hotel Ashland sary of Mr. and Mrs. Angwin. De­ e v e r y d ish . ~ ~ licious refreshments were served I When you are suffering with Iftlfcsd Ä , A IH NE fer— Good team and motor rheumatism so you can hardly get at a late hour by the hostess. Those present were Reverend trucks. G >od service at a rea- around just try Red Pepper Rub and Mrs. S. J. Chaney, Messrs and souab?e price. £hone 83. and you will have the quickest Mesdames G. H. Yeo, H. H. Lea­ relief known. vitt, Eric Weren, E. O„ Smith, FEHIGE- ROACH Nothing has such concentrated, Transfer — Express — Storage penetrating heat as red peppers. Frank Dav^s. C. F. Tilton, A. C. Hauling — Diay work of all : Instant relief. Just as soon as you Crews, H. R. Anderson, Reed, kinds. Quick motor service. Dry apply Red Pepper Rub you feet the Davis, Allen Autrey. John Mills, Thurlow, Caroline wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R tingling heat. In three minutes it Mesdames Deer, C. V. Cary, Van Fossen, 37 5 B. St. 112-tf warms the sore spot through and Misses Jean Anderson, Clara Huek, through. Frees the blood circulation, breaks up the Isabelle Wattenbarger and Mr. Jenkins. congestion — and the old rheu­ * * • matism torture is gone. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made 8 FAVORITE RECIPES 8 from red peppers, costs little at ikanv any drug store. Get a Jar at 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 member cfour Poached Eggs Olga once. Use it for lumbago, neuritis, PARIS, Nov. 6.—-For “Poached backache, stiff neck, sore muscles, Eggs Olga’’ poach six eggs in the colds In chest. Almost instant re­ usual manner. Drain and arrange' lief awaits you. Be sure to get each one upon round tartines o f ' the genuine, with the name Row­ buttered bread spread with a; les on each package. paste made with beef marrow and a spoonful of chopped onion browned in butter and bound with Says Piles Heal Up and a good meat-juice. Disappears Forever Nap the eggs with a paprika- sauce. Garnish the centers with Seldom Fails To Give Absolute a thin layer of mushrooms cook­ Relief from AU Pain and Suf­ ed in butter. Put each roudelle fering. Guaranteed by East upon a small escalop of calves’ Side Pharmacy and All Good brains breaded in butter. Druggists. DR. C. W. HANSON Dentist Special attention given to pyor­ rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. For Quick Starting W. & N. Service Station 1,1 k F C A L IF O R N IA OREGON POWER COMPANY r^mdStoäiyidds Í Says Allenrhu Surely Conquers W. A. SHELL, Prop. 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore _ Thursday, November d, 1924 In spite of Chinas« laws that, Hood River — Apple shipments retard the introduction of the ra- to October 31 estimated at 2,000 dio, China has already 34 broad-1 cars TORONTO, Ont., Nov. 6. — All casting stations, 11 of which a re1 - _______ records for domestic financing in controlled by Japan and 23 by Canada were broken when, three American investors. hours after the new $50,000,000; Dominion refunding load was placed on the market here, books Albany — Chamber of Com­ were closed on account of heavy merce raising fund to advertise over-subscription of the issue. The 1 Albany and Linn county. sales opened at 9 o’clock in th e 1 morning and closed at noon. No canvassing for large sub­ scriptions was carried on previous to the public offering, as has been the case in previous issues. The new loan yields 4 1-2 per cent, F i r e insurance with a twenty-year maturity. The is only one of the number of small subscribers was larger than in any previous loan. m a n y valuable Have Your BATTERY Overhauled for winter use . It may save the purchase of a new battery laUr. Stop drugging! Rub soothing, penetrating St. Jacobs Oil right into your sore, stiff, aching joints, and relief comes instantly. St. Ja­ cobi Oil is a harm- 1 e s s rheumatism liniment w h i c h never disappoints and cannot burn the skin. Get a 35 cent bottle of St. Ja­ cobs Oil at any drug store, and in a moment you’ll be free from pain, soieness and stiff­ ness. In use for 65 years for rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains. E X ID E Batteries For YOUR Protection forms of protec­ tion offered hv this agency. Billings Agency Estab. 1883 for every make of car. Murphy Elec. Co. Our Phone 82 Main - Plaza Ashland H O R TO N H O S P IT A L | R E A SO N A BLE-H O M ELIK E ) 1055 P!N£ ST.. SAN FRAU Cl SCO 8AY IT WITH FLOWERS AND SAY IT WITH OURS. E v e ry th in g in th e G re e n h o u se L ine H i-C lass D esigning "HATCHER THE FLORIST’’ 1070 Boulevard Phone 118 Open on Sundays We Deliver omi _ . _ away T h is is P L A Y - T I M E in S u n -s w e p t C A L I F O R N I A MANY WHO WANT Four RED PEPPER HEAT fine trains daily over the scenic S h a s ta Route are disappointed e a c h week because they delay ordering. Phone us for yo»ur Fridav Fish. Eagle Market N. Main Phone 107 GO THERE this season. Enjoy the most delightful winter you ever experienced. Warm, sunny beaches—comfortable, flower-decked hotels — welcoming cities—healthful outdoor recreation— these invite you. And low winter excursion fares make this attractive winter vacation easily available. For full information communicate with Southern Pacific G. N. Kramer, Local Agent. n ask aganization 7.14% Many sufferers from Piles or Hemorrhoids have become des­ pondent because they have been led to believe that their case was hopeless and that there was noth­ ing In the world to help them. To these people we say, "Go to Mr. James H. Allen, of 26 your druggist and get an original Forbes St., Rochester, N. Y., suf­ fered for years with rheumatism. box of MOAVA SUPPOSITOR­ Many times this terrible disease IES.’’ One of these inserted Into left him helpless and unable to the rectum according to dlrec- • tions will be found to give lm work. He finally decided, after years;sourc® of the trouble and by theii of ceaseless study, that no o n e i3OOthin£ healing antiseptic ac- can be free from rheumatism J ^on allay the pain and sore- until the accumulated im purities/ Qe3s and then by direct contac, commonly called uric acid depos­ with the ulcers and piles cause its, were dissolved in the joints them to heal up and disappear and muscles and expelled from forever. It’s simpljr wonderful how the body. speedily they act. Blessed relief With this idea in mind he con- suited physicians, made experi- °^ten comes in two days. Even in ments and finally compounded a cases that have steadily resisted prescription that quickly and hnown treatments, marvelous results have been obtained. MO­ completely banished every sign and symptom of rheumatism from AVA is one of the wonderful dis­ coveries of recent years and any his systenv He freely gave his discovery, sufferer from Piles or Hemorr­ which he called Allenrhu, to oth­ hoids who is disappointed with its ers who took it, with what might use can have their money refund­ be called marvelous success. Aft- ed. East Side Pharmacy will sup­ er years of urging he decided to ply you. Mail orders accepted. let sufferers everywhere know ; very soothing after shaving, about his discovery through theI 1 i 1 ■ newspapers. The blessed relief this mar-; an quickly gives is always an annoyance; has made for it thousands o f ! worse when it afflicts you friends,’ ’says East Side Phar-j in the night, preventing macy, who has been appointed sleep. You can stop it agent In your city. It is Mr. A l-• quickly with len’s own discovery. Chicken in Half-Mourning PARIS, Nov. 6. — "Chicken in half-mourning’’ gets its name from the white mushrooms and black truffles that go Into the making. A tender hen, or young chicken, may be used. Cook in a quart of bouillon for about thirty or forty minuteB. Pass the bouillon through a linen cloth, and with this make a good cream sauce. L«t it cook slowly for twenty minutbs and bind with the yolks of two eggs and onefourth pound of double cream. Let cook over a hot fire for a few minutes and then pass it through a fine Bieve. Add one-half pound of very white mushrooms, cooked with lemon and cut into small slices, as well as some black truffles, also cut up. Remove the chicken and cut into small portions. Arrange upon a platter and nap tyth ths sauce. • VITAL GLANDS SAVE LIFE That the important glands of the human body are necessary to maintain life is a well-established scientific fact. It is stated by Dr. Serge Voronoff, who has devoted years of study and experiment to organotherapy, that every organ of the human body depends upon the glands for proper function­ ing. Glands that function perfect­ ly are responsible for desired qualities which should exist in every normal man or woman. Glandogen, the new scientific gland tonic, prepared in tablet which puts a soothing, healing coating form provides a simple method Portland — West Coast Mort- J on the dry, inflamed throat mid stops of taking glandular treatment. gage Company contracts for 400 the irritating mucus that causes the Glandogen, for men and women, Lldci6 * modem bungalows to be built on ___—a.____ . . . . . . is obtainable at East Side Pharm­ Sandy boulevard. 1 acy. Mail orders accepted. CKLING THROAT i r Í For a smooth shave and quick service go to the Shell Barber Shop. Ladles and children get your hair bobbsd and marcel­ led. aanAwfl DAttt Ttfityos CANADA SETS RECORD ' IN QUICK BOND SALE WOMEN WILL SEEK CURE ALL FOR WAR ---------------- C H A M B E R L A IN ’S C O U G H R EM ED Y CHANGE TO ZEROLENE WINTER LUBRICANTS Long startin g sessions in th e m orning w ith your car are neither safe nor neces­ sary. T 'H E w ell dressed man of today is the successful man of tomorrow. Clothes Tailored to Measure by B om give an unusual degree o f satisfaction; smart style, good fit, fine appearance and long wear. They m e the choice of well dressed men. The new line offers an unrestricted selec* tion of dependable all wool fabrics. It will afford us great pleas* ure to show them to you. Y ou n eed Z e ro le n e low “cold-test” oils th a t flow freely in spite of th e cold. Since they w o n ’t congeal, th ey don’t let cylinder w alls or bearings get scored, nor cause crankcase dilution, nor m ake you over­ w ork your sta rte r an d battery. T h e Zerolene C orrect L u ­ brication C h art tells you th e r ig h t oil to u se in your car over th e w inter. H ead for th e Zerolene sign a t dealers, garages or S tand­ ard Oil Service Stations and m ake the change to w in te r lubrication toda^. STANDARD O IL COMPANY (California) i? R Phone 14 or 43