t*AGE TWO A S tttÀ k ì) bAlLY TIBÍNGS îliursday, November 6. 1024 A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S may be called upon by Congress to make payment toward bead of tide navigation. The schooner was later brought; Roseburg—Work suspended for winter on Roseburg-Diamond Lake its support. ,np. (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) scenic highway. Next season’s This case turned upon legal questions, whether or not In consideration of their services in opening up the' plans still leave 20 miles of heavy P u b lish ed E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by Congress had the power to tax in such an instance and river to navigation and commerce Scott presented the* work to close the gap. THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. whether or not Congress had undertaken to exercise the company with one hundred and sixty acres of his land Sort r . areer „„.............................................. .„ „ .„ „ ..„ ..„ „ E d it o r j power. To both questions the Supreme Court returned the. claim, lying below the rapids, for a town-site. Affairs CHICA'GO, Nov. 6. — O ut of G eo rg e M adden G reen ...........................................................B u sin e ss M an ag er e v e ry 146 hom icides in th e U n ited i affirmative answers. now seemed to call for a more regular organization and O F F IC IA L CITY P A P E R ............I......................?......................T e lep h o n e 39 S ta te s, only one p e rso n p ays th e The question whether or not Congress should attempt a joint stock company was formed and christened the! d e a th p e n a lty , a c co rd in g to F ra n k BLOW YOUR HORN LONG E n tered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o eto ffice as Second C lass Mail M atter to tax American citizens who reside abroad and draw all “ Umpqua Town-site and Colonization Land Company,” E. H a n d , S u p re m e Vice - C hief AND LOUD FO R ASHLAND E v e ry la s t o n e of u s w a n ts to © » • M onth ,...SU^ C.r,.P^ n...1^ 1 .i ’. ..... $ .65|°f their income from activities in other countries, and pay the property to be divided into shares and drawn by lot) R a n g e r of th e In d e p e n d e n t O rd e r see A sh la n d g ro w — h e r in d u s ­ Three, Months .......... —.................................................. 3.75 ” le taxes the countries of their residence impose, is among the original members. They divided their forces' of F o r e s te rs in an a d d re s s h ere. trie s boom an d h e r m a rk e t, ed ­ Six M onths “ In a re c e n t su rv e y of 14 6 ty p i­ u c a tio n a l. re c re a tio n an d social 7.50 altogether different. From the point of view of fairness and aided by Applegate and Scott proceeded to survey; O ne Y e a r .......................................................................................................... fa c ilitie s ex p an d . cal h o m icid e c a se s,” said Mr. B y M all and R ural R outes there is only one possible answer. Congress should not and explore to and through the Umpqua valley. The com­ H a n d , w hose society h a s 165,000 ©Be M onth ............... ..................................................................................... $ .65 E ach one of us, b o o stin g all T h re e M o n th s .......... *.............. ........................................................... ........... 1.95 assess Americans who arc in such a situation. It is their pany was divided into three parts. One set out for the m em b e rs in th e U n ited S ta te s and th e tim e, can , th ro u g h th e 3.50 duty to pay all of the taxes of the country where they Six M onths .............................. ...................................................................... C h in a, “ th irty -tw o w ere classed u n ite d e ffo rts of a ll, p u sh A sh­ ferry on the north branch of the Umpqua; the point 6.50 One Year .... „............................................................................. .... d ste a d ily a h e a d a t an evem conduct their business. .If they are burdened with a fur: where the California trail crossed it. Another party ac­ a s ‘ju s tif ia b le .’ In th e o th e r 114 m lan ore ra p id pace! DISPLA Y ADVERTISING RATES in sta n c e s , c ases of u n ju s tifie d tlier tax on account of American citizenship they are companied Applegate to Yoncalla, where he had located i .30 S in gle In se rtio n , p e r in ch ......... ........................................................ $ m u rd e r, in d ic tm e n ts w ere r e t u r n ­ L ? t’s all jo in in th is m ove­ Yearly C ontracts placed at a competitive disadvantage with citizens of other as hereinbefore told, and the third party left with tlie ed in o n ly six ty -n in e cases, o r m en t and m ak e A sh lan d an .2 7 % • n e in se rtio n a w eek ................................................................. b e tte r city to live in and countries. The concern of the United States should be to schooner. They selected lour town-sites; one at the mouth 60.5 p e r c e n t. Of th e fo rty -fiv e even .25 Tw o in s e rtio n s a w eek ......................................................................... to w ork in. .20 D ally in s e rtio n ........................................................ ................................ encourage its citizens to undertake business activities in of the river was named Umpqua City, and contained 1280 u n in d ic te d cases o n e -th ird of th e j R a tes for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising other countries, not seek to encumber them with handi­ acres, being situated on both sides of the entrance. The a s s a ila n ts re m a in e d a t larg e , F irst In se rtio n , p e r 8 p o in t lin e ......................................- ............. I .10 tw e n ty -tw o c o m m itte d su icid e, .05 ■ a c h su b s e q u e n t In se rtio n , 8 p o in t lin e .................................... caps.—The Nation’s Business. second location was Scottsburg; the third, called Elkton, a n d in e ig h t th e evid en ce w as in-1 1.00 Card of T h a n k s ........................................................................................ First National was situated on Elk creek, at its junction with the Ump­ .0 2 % s u ffic ie n t to w a r r a n t in d ic tm e n t. ‘ O bituaries, per lin e .................................................. ............................ Bank Correct this sentence: “ I heard the story about her,” qua. The fourth at the ferry above mentioned was named "A m o n g th e six ty -n in e in d ic t- ; W H AT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING m e n ts, eleven w e re ‘no t r i a l ’ cases. | “ A ll f u tu r e e v e n ts, w h e re a n ad m issio n c h a rg e is m ad e o r a said the gossip, “ but I hope it isn‘t true.” Winchester, was purchased .from the original locator, John Ashland, Oregon In th e re m a in in g fifty -e ig h t tria ls e e lle e tlo n ta k e n is A d v e rtis in g . “T h ose W ho Save May Have Aiken. This was considered a valuable property. After v erd ict« of ‘n o t g u ilty ’ w e re r e n ­ The No d isc o u n t w ill be allo w e d R elig io u s o r B e n e v o len t o rd ers. R est The World À f f o i d s ” Still, it may be possible that defective glands cause the organization of Douglas county it became for a time d e re d in six te e n cases, o r 27.6 p er DONATIONS the county seat. At the time of this writing the S. P. R. R. c e n t. Of th e fo rty -o n e a d ju d g e d N o d o n a tio n s to c h a ritie s o r o th e rw ise w ill be m ad e in a d v e rtis ­ children to develop into alienists. in g o r Job p r in tin g — o u r c o n trib u tio n s w ill be in cash . company’s road crosses the river at this point and the ‘g u ilty .’ th irty -fiv e se rv e d tim e, It is estimated that 93 per cent of the people never Pacific Highway also crosses here on a magnificent con­ w ith a p p e al p e n d in g in six cases; th re e w e re h e ld fo r new tr ia l, one A REAL BUILDER would have their feelings hurt if they’d stop meddling. crete bridge recently dedicated with lavish ceremony. w as p a ro le d a n d one w as e x e c u t­ A small boy came to The Tidings office Wednesday The entry of this vessel into the Umpqua, the organ­ ed .” morning, stating he wanted to sell some of the extras The bloom of youth is attractive unless it blooms a ization following and the advertising which resulted gave which were issued. While other boys were taking out 20, little higher in one cheek. re d a n d n in te e n w est a great impetus to the settlement of the Umpqua valley c o a O st ne sa h w u n m d ills fo r w eek en d in g 30,10 and more, this youngster said lie wanted only two. and settlers began to crowd over from the Willamette val­ O cto b er 25, m a n u fa c tu re d 102,- Out he went aud in a few seconds back he came. This No use girls, the rouge factories can turn it out fast­ ley and the settlement of Southern Oregon was fairly be­ 679,916 fe e t of lu m b e r; sold 85,- time he took four. He sold these and was soon back, ask­ er fhan you can rub it on. gun. That the Umpqua could be navigated to Scottsburg 577,101 fe e t; a n d sh ip p ed 88,- TONIGHT is your a, ing for more. Ag; n and again he came back, taking only was heralded over the country and was selected as the 552,605 fe e t. it few each time. point from which supplies co*uld most easily be shipped S lu slaw N a tio n a l F o r e s t h a d 67,- last opportunity to Pioneering in Southern Oregon He was not a gambler, nor did lie want to splurge. into the mines of northern California, which were prov­ 641 re g is te re d v isito rs d u rin g se a ­ However, gradually lie builded on that nickel foundation, see the picture Ash­ by G. B. W atson ing very rich and were more easily reached by the gold son of 1924. adding a little each trip, until when be finally went to seekers of the Willamette valley/ school, he bad quite a little sum tucked away in his pock­ (Continued from November 5) By this time more attention was given by prospectors IN TH E CIRCUIT COURT OF land has pronounced et. E STATE OF OREGON to. the country on the north side of the Siskiyou moun­ TH Again we will have recourse to Bancroft’s works, FO R JACKSON COUNTY the “drama immort­ That boy lias the secret of success also tucked away S u it in E q u ity tain s.-In the spring of 1851, the discovery of gold was speaking of this period he says: “ Under the excitement in bis brain—do not splurge, but make your venture fit A L IA S SUMMONS FO R of gold-seeking and the spirit of adventure awakened by proclaimed at Big Bar on Rogue River and at Josephine PU B L IC A T IO N al” your pocketbook and then build this up gradually. J . W . McCoy, a s liq u id a tin g a g e n t creek. Both of these localities are within the present it, all the great north-western seaboard was opened to fo r th e U n ited S ta te s N a tio n a l settlement with marvelous rapidity. A rage for discovery boundaries of Josephine county. B a n k of A sh la n d , P la in tiff, DEATH AS A FINAL GRACE vs. Packers were now engaged’in transporting supplies V ictoria M ickelson, and prospecting possessed the people, and produced in w idow of Is it wbrth while to live to he 102 years of age? a short time marked results. From the Klamath river to into northern Califcmir. by pack trains over the old Cali­ M ichael M ickelson; E u g e n ia L. No one hut such a man as Cornelius Cole will ever he Puget’s Sound, and from the upper Columbia to the sea, fornia trail, and resting tlieir stock in the beautiful, A tk in so n , w idow o f W . H. A t­ k in so n ; S a ra h R. Fox, F a n n ie able to tell. And bis opinion will he slighty biased. men were spying out mineral wealth or laying plans to grassy and well watered Rogue River valley, through the E . F ox M cM illan, S usie L. A llen, Senator Cole led more years of useful life than any profit by the operations of those who preferred the risks center of which their pack trains were driven. It was a M ary E. O w en, A r th u r H a n k in , P h ip p s, M aud D enny, other Californian. And he lived them with considerable of the gold fields to other and more settled pursuits. In splendid place to rest and recruit after the arduous work E H d e ith rb e rt C rouch, F r a n k C rouch, satisfaction to himself, and to his friends. He lived long I he spring of 1850 an association of seventy persons was of negotiating about 300 miles of rough mountain trail, W illie C rouch, C lyde C rouch, C h a rle s C rouch, N ellie D ickey, enough to see a completion—sometimes perhaps failure formed in San Francisco to discover the mouth of the through a country infested by thieving tribes of hostile S usie K e rv iu , F lo y d D ickey, L o ­ G lenn P ay n e, —in the things he sought. But lie also, perhaps, lived Klamath river, believed at that time, * * * to be in Ore­ Indians. Many small companies were wayltfyed and rob­ F la o r P e a s t y n e O H w ouse, en, G lenn Ow en, 10c & 50c long after it was interesting to him to live, except for the gon. The object was wholly speculative, and included bed, and sometimes slain, of which we will have more to M a rg a re t Ow en S p a rk m a n , L o t­ tie O w en, a n d to a n y a n d a ll curiosity of living. besides hunting for gold the opening of £ road to the say dfiring these narratives. o th e r h e irs , know n o r u n k n o w n Matinee: 1:30; .Evening: S Some of us, even hut a score or two of years* old, have mines of northern California, the founding of towns at of e ith e r sa id W . II. A tk in so n (To he Continued) or M ichael M ickelson, o r of an y no satisfaction in living except this same curiosity. There the most favorable sites on the route, with other enter­ of th e D e fe n d a n ts, a n d a s to a n y a n d a ll p e rso n s o r p a rtie s is nothing that we want to do. There is no longer, even, prises In May thirty-five of the shareholders and some g a n y rig h t, title o r in ­ NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING any instinct that we want to satisfy, no craving for sen­ others, set out in the schooner “ Samuel Roberts” to ex­ . . . ^ T I£'E IS H E R E B Y G -V E N to th e leg al v o te rs of School Dis- c te la r e im s t in in a n d to th e p ro p e rty FRIDAY and d e scrib ed in th e c o m p la in t, sation that we have any prospect of filing, no matter how plore t¿ie coast near the Oregon boundary.” A/iicv'rrKrr.5 Z ^ 3? " Couuty> s t a t e of O regon, t h a t a SCHOOL D e fe n d an ts. M E E T iN G of sa id d is tr ic t w ill be h e ld a t C ity H all, A sh lan d , on th e SATURDAY long we may live. T O M aud D enny, F a n n ie E. But three of the outfit had any knowledge of seaman­ 1 8 th d a y of N o vem ber, 1924, a t 2 :0 0 o ’clock in th e a fte rn o o n fo r th e F :— o x M cM illan, . S usie K erv in , We are merely curious. We want to know what will ship, while the rest were mere adventurers without the p u rp o se of d isc u ssin g th e b u d g e t h e re in a f te r se t o u t w ith th e levying A r th u r H a n k in , W illie C rouch. oo&ra. happen. There are friends and acquaintances whose lives experience of such a life as they were embarking on. They C lyde C rouch, C h a rle s C rouch, T li® to ta l a m o u n t of m oney n eed ed by th e sa id school d is tric t M ary E. O w en, F o re s t O w en, will turn one way or the other. And our minds reach out were a roystering, jolly lot of fellows bent on having a i n r fiscal y e a r b e g in n in g on J u n e 30, 1925, a n d e n d in g J u n e G lenn O w en, M a rg a re t Owen to know what will occur to them. We get the same sort good time at all hazards. They had an abundance of pro­ ¿0, 1926, is e s tim a te d in th e fo llo w in g b u d g e t a n d in clu d e s th e , S p a rk m a n an d L o ttie O w en, of a m o u n ts to be receiv ed fro m th e c o u n ty sch o o l fu n d , s ta te s c h o o l! n am ed D e fe n d an ts of interest out of life as on the turn of a card, in a game. visions, and two surveyors with their instruments were on fu n d , e le m e n ta ry school fu n d , special d is tr ic t tax , a n d a ll o th e r IN th T e H above E NAM E O F T H E STA TE We have become spectators of life, we gossip of neighbor­ board, with several who boasted as college graduates and m oneys o f th e d is tr ic t: O F O REGO N, You a re h ereb y su m m o n ed a n d re q u ire d to ap­ Budget ing affairs, or of state or nation, in the same way. We men of parts. They missed the mouth of the Klamath and p e a r a n d a n sw e r th e c o m p la in t of ESTIM ATED E X PE N D IT U R E S th e P la in tif f on file w ith th e are doorkeepers in the Temple of Great Aaffairs, or not finally sighted the mouth of Rogué river. A boat with PERSO NAL SERVIC E: C le rk o f sa id C o u rt a t J a c k s o n ­ No. S a la ry p er even doorkeepers—just peepers. year T o ta l I ville, O regon, w ith in SIX W E E K S six men was sent to explore the entrance hut was over­ 1. S u p e rin te n d e n t .................. 1 $ 3000.00 3000.00 fro m th e d a te of th e f ir s t p u b lic a ­ What the most of us want is not long life, but the turned in the surf and two were drowned, the rest were 2. P rin c ip a ls tio n of th is S u m m o n s as re q u ire d S e n io r H ig h ....................... 1 abundant life—that was a phrase used by a thoughtful rescued by the Indians who pulled them ashore and strip­ 2200.00 2 2 0 0 .0 0 by th e O rd e r of th e Ilo n o ra b le C. J u n io r H igh ....................... 1 1750.00 1750.00 M. T h o m as, J u d g e of sa id C o u rt, man when the simple life and thè strenuous life were, on ped them of their clothing. Those on board the schooner H a w th o rn e .......................... 1 1500.00 1500.00 d a te d O ctober 10, 1924, an d if 3. T e a c h e rs everybody’s lips. you fa il to a p p e a r a n d an sw er seeing the plight of their comrades ventured the entrance 1 1950.00 1950.00 w ith in said six w eeks, th e P la in ­ The abundant life is a matter of ratio. Length is a and succeeded in passing id. It was high tide and they 1 1600.00 1600.00 tif f w ill ap p ly fo r th e re lie f d e­ 2 part of it. The vitality within us is fitted; to last! over a noticed that the shore was swarming with Indians. Tlie 1500.00 3000.00 m an d e d in said c o m p la in t, to -w it: 11 1350.00 14850.00 T h a t a d e c re e be e n te re d q u ie t­ number of years. It is a waste of this vitality if life ex­ shout of relief as they entered the river was answered by <6 1300.00 6500.00 ing th e title in th e P la in tif f to a 19 pires before these years are numbered. Within this span yells from the Indians, who at the earliest moment board­ 1200.00 22800.00 s tr ip of lan d 25 fe e t in w id th by Janitors 1 1200.00 1200.00 173.3 fe e t in le n g th ly in g p a r a l­ of years, time is of no value, unless they contain action, ed the ship. The men feigned indifference and proposed 2 1000.00 2000.00 lel to a n d 20 fe e t 6 Inches d is ta n t Clerk and sentiment, and some degree of introspection, some to trade for furs. After they had secured all the peltries from th e s o u th lin e o f L o t 8 in S a la ry a n d E x p en se ... 1 B lock 1. in th e C ity of A sh la n d , 500.00 500.00 self consciousness of usefulness to self and to others as possessed by the Indians, who had nothing else to bart­ 6. S te n o g ra p h e r ................... 1 750.00 750.00 J a c k s o n C ounty, O regon, a n d th a t well. you a n d e ach of you be b a rre d er, they began their filching of whatever they could find T o ta l ..........................................................................$63600.00 fro m c la im in g o r a s s e rtin g an y Senator Cole was a wonderful old man. But even lie loose. In the meantime the tide had gone out and left M ATERIAL AND SU PPL IE S: in te re s t, title o r o w n e rsh ip in 1. F u r n itu r e (d e s k s , stoves, c u rta in s , e tc .) .............«....$ 2300.00 th e sa id s tr ip of lan d , a n d fo r lived till death became a grace, rather than a terror. the ship high and dry. They had to await high water to FEW S U M HANGED Abraham Lincoln 2. S u p p lie s ( c h a lk , e ra s e rs , e tc .) ....................................... 1550.00 3. L ib ra ry books .............. 450.00 get away and in the meantime were kept busy trying to 4. F la 8 s ......................................................................................... 25.00 ENCOURAGING BASER ELEMENT protect their property from the thieving natives. They 6. J a n i t o r ’s su p p lie s ............................................... 667.50 7. f uel .................... r.............. - ................................................... 2900.00 An editorial ii the Polite Magazine in New York re­ maintained good humor, however, and did not provoke 8. 1 J8h t ........ 720.00 marks : » hostilities and when the tide arose finally made their es­ 9. W a te r ................. 100.00 10. P o s ta g e a n d s ta tio n e ry ........................................... ;........ “ The most common manifestation of insipid senti­ cape to sea. 219.00 mentality is found in the expressions of a certain type of They pursued their course up the coast passing Coos T o ta l ....................................................... .................. $ 8931.50 person when some notorious law breaker gets his just Bay, which on account of failure of the wind they could M AINTENANCE AND R E PA IR S: S e n io r H ig h b u ild in g an d g ro u n d s ..................... .•................$ 725.00 deserts. It would seem, too, that the greater the offense not enter and while becalmed they were approached by a J u n io r H ig h b u ild in g an d g ro u n d s ......................................... 600.00 committed, the greater the outcry in behalf of the offend­ canoe containing Umpqua Indians who offered to pilot H a w th o rn o b u ild in g a n d g ro u n d s .......................................... 650.00 er. The murderer is*often regarded by this type as a hero them to their river, the Umpqua. Their offer was accept­ T o ta l .......................... ................................................. $ 1 975.00 rather than a social menace.” IN D EBT ED N E SS: ed and they reached the entrance on the 5th of August. 1. B onded, a n d interest, t h e r e o n ........................................$ 1 0000.00 Is that not a fact? On the 6th, the schooner crossed the bar, being the first How many times, even in the history of Oregon, have vessel known to have entered the river in safety. They T o ta l ..... . . . / ..............................................................$ 1 0000.00 there been just guch displays of silly heroics in behalf of rounded into a cove, since known as Winchester Bay, and INSURANCE: $600.00 some hardened an’d brutal slayer; who had shown no were surprised to-meet a party of Oregonians, consisting T o ta l ....... .$600.00 mercy and was deserving none, yet in whose behalf great­ of Levi Scott, Jesse Applegate and Joseph Sloan, who MISCELLANEOUS: er efforts were put forth than if he had been a martyr to were themselves exploiting the valley of the Umpqua for T elep h o n e, te le g ra p h , fre ig h t .................... .................................$512.50 some holy cause? a purpose similar to their own. A boat was sent ashore Total ...................................... .............................. ;$512.50 And in the recent Chicago murder trial, the nation and a joyful meeting took place in which each party prom­ EM ERGENCY: $150.00 witnessed the sad spectacle of the judge on the bench per­ ised mutual assistance to the other. It was found that mitting his own innate sense of what was right and just Scott had already taken a claim about twenty-six miles T o ta l .............!................................................................ $ 1 5 0.00 to be lulled into the commission of a gross wrong by just up the river at a place which is now known as Scottsburg T o ta l e s tim a te d ^am ount of m oney fo r alJ p u rp o se s a foolish sentimentalitv. d u rin g th e y e a r ....................................................................$ 8 5769.00 and which was destined to have quite a history in the ESTIM ATED RECEIPTS early development of the country. Scott, Applegate and F ro m c o u n ty school fu n d d u rin g th e co m in g school y e a r ....$ 1 3 5 0 0 .0 0 ro m s ta te school fu n d d u rin g th e com ing school y e a r......... 2400.00 TAXES THAT TRAVEL ABROAD Sloan had come down to the mouth of the river in ex­ F F ro m e le m e n ta ry school fu n d d u rin g th e co m in g school y e a r 7200.00 Americans abroad, even with their permanent domi­ pectation of meeting the U. S. surveying schooner, Ewing, E s tim a te d a m o u n t to be receiv ed fro m a ll o th e r so u rces d u rin g th e co m in g school y e a r ......................................... „ 3100.00 cile in r foreign country and all of their property there, in the hope of obtaining a good report of the harbor. But must pay income tax to the United States when Congress on learning the designs of the California company, a T o ta l e s tim a te d re c e ip ts, n o t in c lu d in g p roposed ta x $ 2 6200.00 so decrees. This was the declaration of the Supreme Coyrt hearty cooperation was offered upon the one part and, T o ta l e s tim a te d e x p e n se d RECAPITULATION fo r th e y e a r .......................................$ 8 5 769.00 in May, when it passed upon the protest of an American accepted by the other. It seemed that the Indians of the T o ta l e s tim a te d re c e ip ts n o t in c lu d in g p ro p o sed ta x ......... 2 6 200.00 citizen who had become domiciled in Mexico and drew Umpqua had become peaceable and was no longer a men­ B alan ce, a m o u n t to be ra ise d by d is tr ic t ta x ................... $ 5 9 569.00 all of his income from activities and property in Mexico. ace to the contemplated settlement of the country which D ated th is 2 4 th d ay of O cto b er, 1924 A tte s t * The federal government has power to levy a tax upon had already begun as shown in prior pages of this history. F . S. E N G L E , ROSA DODGE G A LEY an American citizen wherever he may be found, is the On the morning of the 7th the schooner proceeded up­ D is tric t C le rk B o ard of D irec to rs. 46— 2 F rid a y s theory the court 'upheld. The legal view is that an Amer­ stream and the bluffs on either hand echoed the joy of ican citizen, wherever he may choose to reside, receives the happy party. They ran aground on a sand bar and benefits from his American citizenship and, consequently, had to await the tide, hut finally reached Scottsburg, the CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS su ch o th e r re lie f as to th e C o u rt m ay seem p ro p e r. D a te of f ir s t p u b lic a tio n : Oc­ to b e r 1 6 th , 1924. T im e to a n s w e r e x p ire s: N o­ v e m b e r 2 8 th , 1924. BR IG G S & BRIG GS, By E. D. Briggs, A tto rn e y s fo r P la in tiff. P o sto ffic e a d d re s s : P io n e e r B lock, A sh la n d , O regon 38— 6 th u r A VÍCTOR FLEMING » r m v c t iim SPECIAL PRICES! To reduce our stock of Heating Stoves we are of­ fering special prices, come while we-have a full as­ sortment and select the one you want, if not quite ready for it a small depos­ it will hold it for you? J. P. Dodge & Sons Reliable House furnishers ■