ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. (International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ASHLAND MAN HOLDS A QUEER RESIDENCE RECORD u -------- 8 W. F. Arent, a pioneer 8 resident of this section. 8 has the unique distinction 8 of having resided in three 8 counties, without moving 8 from the home into which 8 he originally resided. In 8 addition, Arent is the fath- 8 er of three sons, all born 8 in the same house,, but 8 one of whom was born in 8 Lake county, another in 8 Klamath county and the 8 third in Jackson county. Originally, the house 8 8 was in Lake county, and 8 the first son of the family 8 was born in that county. 8 Then the county was divid­ 8 ed, and the house stood in 8 Klamath county, and the 8 second son was born in 8 Klamath county. Finally 8 Klamath county was divid­ ed and Jackson county formed, and the third son was born in the home which stood in Jackson county. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1924 NO. 57 WHISKERS EXPLODED BUT ALMOST SAVE LIFE ---------- « WEST MONROE, N. Y. Nov. 6. — Theodore Mc- Goosh, an onion grower living on the Gayville road, vowed when he started painting his farm buildings that he would I •* not shave until the job ---------- ! » was finished. Then he Ree port to be Made on Books, Five Bombs Explode W ithin Sixty Vote Lead Held by » had three weeks* growth of 8 President Lives His Motto of Plant of Company. Many Structure Followed by Senator Over Rival Can- » beard, matted with much « “ Do a Day’s Work To- Officials Arrive Devastating Fire didate of Bourbons « paint. McGoosh suggested »; day” During Election 8 gasoline to soften the WILL INSPECT PLANT WAS A NEW BUILDING ARE URGING RECOUNT 8 beard, and the family «¡DIRECTOR IS PUZZLED 8 flivver gave of Its life 8 _____ Report to be Made by C om m ittee K ian L eaders S tate T hey H ave R ural D istricts Sw ing E lection to 8 blood for the purpose. 8 j G iv e n F ig u r e s o n B u d g e t, C o o l- to A ll Stockholders, on Con­ K now ledge of Those R espon­ 8 While waiting for the soft­ 8 Iow a Senator A fter C ities id g e F o r g e t s E le c tio n a n d d ition of S hale Oil P lant 8 ening he sat down and 8 sible B ut W ill H andle Case G ive Steck M ajority W o r k s W ith E x e c u t iv e s 8 started to light his pipe. 8 Officials of the Hartman Syn­ FORT WORTH, Texas, Nov. 6. DES MOINES, la., Nov. 6. — 8 There was an explosion, 8 WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 6. dicate today announced that a — A devasting fire, following the beard Due to the closeness of the Sena­ 8 but the matted — On the most momentous day of special meeting of stockholders of explosion of five bombs which torial race in the state of Iowa 8 saved his life. his life Calvin Coolidge was doing the organization would be held had been placed within the newly between Senator Brookhart, Re- 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 the day’s work. in Ashland office of the syndicate constructed Ku Klux Kian audi­ publcan, who now holds the of­ “Do the day’s work” is so truly on Monday, November 10. This torium here today, completely de­ fice, and Dan Steck, his rival who his favorite motto that ten years meeting will also be a meeting molished the structure with a was a candidate for the office on ago he put it in his message to of members of committees from loss estimated to run near the the Democratic ticket, it is like­ the Massachusetts senate when he throughout the state, which have $200,000 mark. ly that an official check will be was elected president o f « that been appointed to inspect the The huge hall covered a block body. necessary in order to determine books of the organization and the in length and almost half a block the winner. And Tuesday he was living the plant here, in order to determine in depth. It was entirely wreck­ According to unofficial returns. motto. the justification of the alleged ed by the powerful nitro-glycerine Brookhart has an unofficial lead In the dual role of president attacks made upon the syndicate bombs w,’ ich explodea, almost of sixty votes, with every pre­ and president-elect of the United by the Oswald West-Black com­ simultaneously. KTan c.Ticials in cinct in the state accounted for. R eligiou s E ducational Body W ill States he was the most equable mission, appointed by Governor H old A nnual M eeting in Med­ this section state that dozens of Since the official returns will not man in the White House. Pierce. ford all Day Tom orrow witnesses who were in the vicin­ be known for several days, there Not one thing, not one person Members of the different com­ ity at the time of the election, can be no action until the state was allowed to disarrange the mittees have already started to Below is given the program for regular routine of the president's declare the building was practic­ officials return their decision. arrive here, and the time between ally wrecked before the flames The Progressives, whose candi­ Jackson County Council of Re­ day. His hair was slick, his today and November 10 will be permeated the ruins. date ran a poor third in the race, ligious Education at the thirty- always moderate gesticulation was spent in the inspection of the Game to be Played at H igh School Seeing that the auditorium was are urging an official counting, third annual county convention, unflustered and his voice was low plant of the syndicate near here. Grounds. W ill be First T u ssle completely destroyed, the entire charging that the Progressive at the New M. E. church, Medford. pitched, his utterance slow and A report will be drawn up by the of Season for Fizzs , fire fighting force of Fort Worth challengers of the votes of several Friday, Nov. 7, 1924. One day. even and his words clean bitten. members of the various commit­ Forenoon Session ' which was called out immedlate- hundred voters, were not allowed Brigadier - General Lord, direc­ tees and presented to the stock­ Headed by Coach Walt Hughes, . ly after the explosion, concentrat- 9:45. Devotions, Dr. E. E Oil- tor of the budget, came out of the to watch the count at the polling holders at the meeting November the Ashland Lithians football ed its attention upon keeping the places, but were locked ont while bert. president’s office 3ort of goggle- Countess Sehonborn-Franco, a member of the Frasso family, 10. Included in the report will squad will take the field at the ¡fire in check, and succeeded in 10. “The Church School Or- the Republican political leaot-rs eyed about the image of equan­ cu e. of the oldest and most powerful in Italy, who separated two be a statement of the financial High School grounds for their , keeping the conflagration from vears ganlzed for Service,” Rev. Jasper, imity he just had left. ago from her husband, Count Schonborn, reputed to be the were allowed to enter the polls standing of the company, and the first game here Saturday after-1 spreading to nearby buildings, wealthiest man in Italy, and who has stepped with many of he,- gen­ and keep a close watch over the Portland, council representative. “I can’t understand it,” he said, dondition of the plant, and an ap­ noon with the Roseburg Elks as | Almost every window In the eration from the Austrian court, is amused to find herself manager counting. 10:20. “The Cradle Roll and and waggled his head and threw praisal of the value of the works, their opponents. stores in the downtown section of a fashionable gown shop ir. New York City. The countess, im­ From early returns, it was be­ its Possibilities,” Dr. Eva Carlow. up his hands. pressive looking, yet vivacious, receives her “guests” in the public to be made by the committee The Lithians have been prac-j were broken by the jar of the show rooms, and speaks often in French, Italian, German or English, lieved that Brookhart had been 10:40. The primary dept., Mrs. “No sir, I can’t understand how men. ticing for the past-m onth, and explosion. F. R. Leach. * of the “old times when a woman was ashamed to work." defeated, but with several of the a man in a three-cornered fight The report will be presented Coach Hhghes has put them No theory as to who Is respon- 11:00. Junior boys and girls, such as the president is fighting rural districts going strongly in to the stockholders Monday even­ through some pretty tough train- [gible for the explosion has been favor of the Senator, he overtook Ashland worker. can. concentrate on budget prob­ ing, and then will be made pub­ ing sessions in order to get them ( advanced by the police, but Kian 11:20. Young people, Mrs. Jean lems the way he did during the Steck, and was finally given ills lic over the signature of the mem­ into the best shape possible for leaders here state they have defi- Johnson, Portland. narrow plurality,. last hour. The particular phase bers of the committees. their games this season. Several nate information as to who plac­ 11:40. General conference. Dr. of the budget which was submit­ This work is being done in members of the championship high ed the bombs in the auditorium Milliken, Portland ted to him involved a most intri­ order to give the stockholders an j school grid squad of a few sea- but refuse to divulge the names 12:00. Apointment of commit- cate detail of matters of policy lees. absolute report on the condition sons ago are out in suits with the of the guilty parties, stating they I’m switched if there were not of the plant, and in order to re Lithians every night, and will will care for them themselves. Noon R ecess points which the president de­ fute the Oswald West-Black com­ tangle with their opponents from 1:00. Meeting of nominating tected that I had failed to see. mission report.. At the present Roseburg Saturday afternoon. committee and other committees. He looked over papers containing B an dits Connected W ith $ 2 ,0 0 0 ,- M ojave P low s Through le e W itli FUNERAL SERVICES time, the syndicate has a $300,- The Roseburg gang is reported 2:00. Devotions. OOO Train H oldup at H ondout, nothing but figures and he readily P rovisions for People of le e Another of the splenaid pro FOR MRS. RHODES 000 damage suit pending against as being a heavy, shifty outfit, 2.15. Report of county officers. 111, Go on T rial T his P. M. grasped them and seemed to en­ Bound City grams planned for the meetings BE HELD SATURDAY the commission. 2:30. Report of nominating joy them.” with plenty of football experience. of the Civic Club was given Tues- A few weeks ago, the Ashland They have taken the Marshfield CHICAGO, Nov. 6. — Two hun­ Funeral services for Mrs. Emma DUTCH HARBOR, Alaska, Nov. day, at the Club house. These committee. (1) Election of of­ district stockholders expressed and Salem town teams into camp Rhodes, who died Tuesday night dred and fifty-six witnesses, said 6* After cutting through ice of meetings are not for the club ficers. (2) Adoption of budget. NEAR EAST RELIEF complete confidence In the offic­ already this season, and have as will be held at two o'clock Sat­ to be the largest number ever; the Arctic ocean 10 miles to de- membership alone but invitation (3) Program of activities for the WORKER IN ASHLAND ials of their company, at a meet­ yet to finish on th$ short end of urday afternoon from Stock’s un­ called in a criminal court tr ia l1 liver 36 tons of provisions, the is given for those interested in coining year. (4) Instalaltion of ing held here. the score. The Lithians, christ­ dertaking parlors. in the local federal district court, United States coast guard cutter the topics under discussion to officers. Mrs W. E. Rambo, field work­ Committees will attend the ened the “Cardinal Tornado” by 3:15. “Oregon’s Task In Relig­ er in Oregon for the Near East Mrs. Rhodes underwent an op­ have been notified to appear to- Mojave saved the people of Teller, come and enjoy the afterfnoon meeting here from Portland, an ardent grid fan, are determin­ ious Education,” Dr. Milliken. relief, arrived in Ashland this eration six weeks ago and had morrow, when the government 60 miles northwest of Nome, from with them. Amity, Albany and other points ed to knock them over for the Portland. will open its case against 11 al- starvation. morning to complete details for practically recovered when she Since “ Better Book Week” is throughout the Willamette Val­ first time this season. 3:45. Round table discussion or the Near East relief Field Day Members of the crew of the Mo- from the 8th to the 15th of No­ wa3 taken suddenly ill Tuesday leged robbers concerned in the ley. address, Week-Day Bible, Dr. which will be held in the churches Coach Hughes has not definite­ and only lived a couple of hours. Rondout, 111., $2,000,000 mail jave, which arrived here today, vember, Miss Hicks, our librarian Thomas Young. ly picked his starting lineup, but She is well known here and a train robbery. here on Sunday. brought the news. j presented “Better Books,” and 4:15. Report of enrollment has a number of candidates work­ member of the Rebekahs and Wo­ The confession made a few days It has been announced that J. worldt *7 ic e ’ the Ashland Music Study Club committee by schools. ing out In each position. It is man’s Relief Corps. She is sur- ago by Willie Newton, one of the J. Handsaker of Portland, Direct­ A fternoon R ecess probable that the entire squad will j v .ved by ber bugband Sam M five Texas brothers, has been a portation, the people of Teller and gave the first part of the pro- or of the Near East Relief in the .u x i « » ix • o*am, under the direction of Mrs. 7:30. Devotions. get into the mix before the final ¡Rhodeg of the Park Hotel, state of Oregon, will arrive here great help to the governm ent.' vicinity faced winter without s d f.1 E. A. Woods. The musical pro­ 7:4 5. Inspirational address, Dr. tomorrow. Accompanying Hand­ gun pops, for the Lithian mentor Newton was shot by the leader ttcient provisions because of the wants to get a line on the ability of the gang over some trivial dis­ failure of the gasoline schooner gram featured two songs and two Thomas Young, state worker. saker will be M. B. Paranogian, The words of the first 8:15. Song; general offering. of his outfit. regard of orders and his capture Apollo to reach the Alaskan vil­ duets. a young Armenian, who is recog­ 9:00. Adjournment. Manager Jim Bowers of the gave the government its first lage on account of ice late last song were written by Grace E. nized a9 a very able speaker. He Hall, Portland, “Woods in Au­ Lithian squad announced today will deliver an address upon his working clue. Other members of summer. Word was sent overland BOSTON, Nov. 6. — Senator that he had lined up several other the gang wanted to kill Newton to Nome but no way seemed pos- tumn,’’ and the second by Richard KANNASTO DIES AT experiences in Armenia during the Lodge, senior Senator from Mass­ tussles for the local squad. A re­ Posey Campbell, Ashland’s poet, days of the massacres by the LOCAL HOSPITAL AT and leave him on the spot, but sible to relieve the stricken area! achusetts, is in the shadow of turn game will be played with until t»,« J ¡ “What If Our Dreams Came Turks. his brother, Willis, defended him, until the coast guard cutter ar- SIX THIS MORNING death in a hospital, following the Roseburg gang on the Rose- True.” For each of these, Mrs. and this delay gave the govern­ rived at Nome. complications which attended an lot wb,le game8 are 8ched. Eugene Kannasto, 15, died at ment its chance. Newton was shot The Mojave was on her way to Woods had written the music. operation setback which he re-1 uled with the Grants Pass Cave­ Mrs. Fred Neil sang both, to Mrs. the Community Hospital this three times with a heavy caliber attempt rescue of the gasoline ceived. Senator Lodge recently i men and the Klamath • Falls morning after an illness of several pistol and his survival is not short schooner Silver Wave which had With only 12 precincts out of underwent two operations for the (Continued on Page Four' days, and after effect of the flu. eleven. 56 missing, including two from of a miracle. For weeks he was been given up for a total loss, her removal of an obstruction of tb» an attack of which he suffered The teams will line up for the Medford and with Ashland com­ hovering between life and death. crew of five having tramped to bladder, from which he was said opening kickoff at 2:15 Saturday from six weeks ago. Kannasto at­ He has shed his atheism and pro­ safety over the frozen ocean. The to be recovering when a setback afternoon. It is expected that a plete, Chaney was leading Bor- tended school here and has many fessed religion. “The odds against Silver Wave was caught in the , den for district attorney by 344 occurred. friends who grieve his loss. He is big gang of Lithian boosters w’» j roteg> and Jennings was leading my living were too great for hu­ lee and drifted northwestward. Shock, along with the compli­ be on hand to give the gang a McM^bon by U 0 9. j survived by his father and mother, man help,” he said. “God spar­ The Mojave got to within 10 miles cations are responsible for the little vocal encouragement, and Mr. and Mrs. John Kannasto of ed me for some reason best known of the vessel but was forced back, The vote: NEWPORT NEWS. Vr„ Nov. 6. gravity of the Senator’s condition ! ' 155 Eighth street and several it is hoped to have the band out Borden .............. to himself and I shall come clean i Captain R. W. Dempwolf of the 3244 — Only four of the 15 persons in St present. He was unconscious; brothers and sisters. for the tussle. in this affair.’’ Mojave said the fresh water tanks Chaney .............---..................... 3588 a bus struck by a Chesapeake & this morning, following a night I Funeral services will be held All the persons indicted are of his vessel froze while in the Jennings ............................... ....4315 of intense pain. from Stock’s Undertaking Parlors Ohio passenger train late yester­ in custody or under heavy, nprth and the decks of the ship Dr. Cunningham, attending the! GRADE SCHOOL U . McMahon ..................................3206 , now Sunday afternoon at two o’clock. day at a blind crossing in North­ bonis Brent Glasscock, captured ( wfre covered with ice. The fuel WASHINGTON. Nov. 6. — A | hampton remained alive today, Senator, said that even if Lodge j TO PLAY MEDFORD Income tax repeal: 3044 a week ago in Michigan, with $35,-' oH, he related, got like glue Yes reduction of the surtax upon big and only one of those, an infant, survived this illness, he would be 000 in diamonds and many thous-] On arriving at Teller, Captain BORAH TO BE NEXT No ...............................................<875 incomes, bring the tax down to was thought to have a fair chance A football team picked from left a hopeless paralytic. LEADER OF SENATE ande in cash, is believed to have | Dempwolf said that people were twenty five per cent will be recom­ Repeal majority, 1169. of recovery.^Eight were dead be­ players in the grade and junior I been the leader of the gang hysterical with joy. mended to Congress next m onth’ WASHINGTON, Nov. 6. — Wil­ fore rescuers arrived and three high schools of ' Ashland will Oleo* bill: TWO ACCIDENTS 1823 The Mojave will leave Dutch by President Coolidge, it was tangle with a grade school eleven, Yes ....... liam Borah of Idaho will be the others died shortly afterward. OCCUR AT TALENT consisting harbor tomorrow. 3225 learned , by lh e treasury depart The bus’ was struck squarely of the pick of the Lin­ No ......... _ Republican leader of the Senate Oleo loses by 1402. g in the center and demolished. coln, Washington and Roosevelt ment today, following an an-, & t next election and even lf he A serious accident was narrow­ Compulsory compensation: nouncement by Secretary Mellon. ly averted last night near Talent schools of Medford, at the Holly tries to escape the responsibility, Bodies of the dead and injured Street grounds in Medford, Sat-'Y es ............................................ 1143 This reduction was one q,f the when Mr. Ditsworth, who lives his natural succession to the lead- and fragments of the wrecked car No ...............................................3873 features of the original Mellon urday afternoon. on the car belonging to Mr. , a . , . „ . . ership appears Inevitable. Senator were scattered along the tracks Defeated by 2730. plan turned down by Congress last c( Ma88ach„Mtt, l8 now lhe for several hundred yards. Ashland and Talent tried to pass Jennings carried Ashland. 933 The dead are: W o ’- . .... “ , ,. Republican leader of the Senate a wagon in his car and met head j to 810, a majority of 123, and his GOLD HILL. Nov. «.— The city ¡ ---- ----- Floyd Insley, Albert Furman, on with the car belonging to Mr. . \ ’ but even If death does not over- majority In the county will reach contest at Gold Hill, one of the nounced today that he would re- . , , . Gilbert Insley, William Forrest, BURLINGTON, Vt., Nov. 6. Deardorf of this city. Both cars , , _ take him before the opening of over 1200 at the present ratio. main In the cabinet as Secretary nM, Marc„ „ „ bitterest bafttles ever fought In William Moyers, Ku Klux Kian David Hopkins, E. Forrest, J. F. were badly wrecked and taken to ot the Treasury during President hcr<, d() n0, , agal„ Furman, Miss Mary E. Dixon and the .political hotbed, was finally Kleagle, confessed here today to the garage In Talent but fortun­ 4 I 4 I 1 won by W. H. Miller, who repre-' breaking into Saint Marys Cathed­ ■ Coolidge’s administration. There 4-year-old Mary Dixon, all of East assume the Senate seat which he ately no one was hurt. had been some talk about the sented the socalled law and order ral, a Catholic church here, and INCOME TAX LAW IS Another accident occurred at has held for more than a quarter Messick, near Hampton, and Mrs. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 6.— Capital that he had intended to ticket, while the liberal forces committing much damage, to the J. S. Cowherd and 4-year-old Vir­ CERTAIN OF REPEAL Talent last evening when Max The election of Mrs. Nellie T. of a century. resign next March, in order to ginia Wade of Hampton. were led by Silar Fleming. The I interior church furnishings on the Bowman of Talent ran Into the Ross, Democrat, widow of the late PORTLAND, Nov. 6 — The in- final count was Miller 130, Flem-j night of August 8. attend his private banking inter- ESTIMATE nOOTTBOF. The injured are R. M. Rand, Jo­ car driven by Joseph P. Brown Governor Ross, to the governor-' come tax law In Oregon seems to ing 104. j In his confession, which as ests ELECTORAL VOTE TO seph Huggett, Mrs. William Dix­ of Seattle. Brown had parked the ship of Wyoming was conceded be certain to be repealed, the pres- In the /a c e for recorder, Merritt made before the grand Jury, BE OVER 300 MARK on and Louise Dixon. All these car on the highway without a tall yesterday afternoon by the Wy­ ent majority being 11,791 for the Herriman defeated H. C. Reed, Moyers implicated Gordon Wells TORY CABINET FOR ENGLAND are from East Messick. Rand is light burning. The cars were oming State Tribune. repeal. Multnomah county voted 133 to 94, and with the exception; and William McCreedy, alleged Nov. 6. — WASHINGTON. suffering with a fractured skull. LONDON, Nov. 6. — The new taken to the Talent garage to be Mrs. Ross will, with Mrs. Fer­ to appeal the bill by a majority of Martin Johnson, the old city Kian members, who In earlier con- British cabinet was announced to- Earlier Electoral College esti- Huggett has internal injuries and repaired. guson of Texas, be the first w o -( of 19,854 council was re-elected. J fessions stated they were Moyer’s day by Tory Premier Stanley mates of 379 votes for Coolidge Mrs. Dixon has a fractured skull. man governor in the United i Judge Belt and Justice Coshow ■ • .............— ■ ’ tools in the crime, stating they Baldwin. Minston Churchwill will were unchanged by late returns Little Louise Dixon escaped with Portland — German motorship States. Under the election law s,' won out in the race for the su- Jordan Valley — Feeder Canal were forced into the affair. be chancellor exchequer and the today. From all indications Davis severe bruises and cuts. She is Isis will bring cargo of European- the successful candidate will take preme court seats, defeating Judge j being repaired and out In order foreign secretary will be Austen will have 134 votes and La Fol- the onlv one of the victims of the made toys and take An foodstuffs office as soon as he or she quali-. Kelly the other candidate for the for 1925 water season. About 500 Capitol Hill — Four rooms to Chamberlain. It will be entirely lette 13, these coming from his accident considered to have more flea. | offices. for Antwerp. be added to present school build- a Tory cabinet men on construction work. home state, Wisconsin. than a fighting chance for life. STOCKHOLDERS OF SYNDICATE MEET MONDAY AUDITORIUM OF KLAN WRECKED BY EXPLOSION Leaves Title for Work BROOKHART IS : LEADING STECK I IN IOWA R A C E: COOLIDGE CALM IN TURMOIL OF BALLOTING DAY s * COUNCIL TO GIVE PROGRAM FRIDAY ELKS GRID TEAMS 10 TRILL OF MEN IN SAVES ALASKA CITY TO BEGIN TODAY LODGE DEATH AS RESULT OF • OPERATION SETBACK L I. RACE FOR SHERIFF ONLY 4 STILE LIVE F L IN GOLD HIEE RACE K1ANSMAN ADMIS z\ < z l m p x-a * z— m zl a » tr y » try z-v * * M y-a