Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 05, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    Í»AGÉ fcöüfc
.......... ................. ...... .*> j invilir TDi i c
i; b ocal ; P e rs o n a l Kotes H. VlnlliU I l LL j
A D aily C hronicle o f th o se w h o com e and go, and even ts o f
local Interest
M alta Com m andery No. 4
K nigh ts Tem plar
M asonic H all
Stated Conclave,
W ednesday
evening, Nov. 5.
Open long
form , w ith drill. Routine busi­
ness. Dinner at 6:30. All Sir
K nights courteously uvited.
F. H. JOHNS N, E . C.,
W. H. DAY, Reeordt
For C alifornia—
M. Rl. Tucker left today for
Richmond, Calif., where he will
spend several m onths on business.
SPITZ cfills 50c, Small Spitz 25c,
bring your box or sack, F ru it As­
55— 6
President of State Chamber
of Commerce Speaker at
Forum Luncheon
A shland Man Principal Speaker
at Many C om plim entary A f­
Victor Peiffer returned home
fairs D uring Trip
From H ilt—
last night from H ilt where he
111 At Home—
been working for some time.
B. B. Kellogg,, switchm an for
‘«The only way to advertise the
th e Southern Pacific is seriously
W est to the East, is by connect­
Jade Salts 85c, McNair Bros. ing the problems pf the E ast with
ill at his home on Fifth .street.
those of the W est, and showing
Best m ilk— Lininger's D aky, O perated On—
the residents of the E ast the m an­
Johnny Gruelle underw ent an ner in which the W est has solved
16c quart. Phone 39641 and 369J.
• *
26— tf operation at the Community Hos­ problems closely akin to those
pital this morning and is doing encountered in the E ast.’
111 at H o m e -
W ith this short statem ent, P ro­
Miss Qracje Lum an, cl,erk at
fessor Irving E. Vining explain­
E lh a rt’s is confined to her home Bon»—
ed thoroughly his rem arkable suc­
To Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Robert, cess in telling the E ast about
today on account of sickness.
October 29, a boy at the Commun­ Oregon, during his five weeks tour
D on ’t m iss th e election returns ity Hospital. M other and son are following his attendance at the
a t N ininger’s ton igh t.
55— 1 doing well.
convention of State Presidents of
Chambers of Commerce a t P itts­
Tuxedos and serges for dress To G rants P i
burg. Professor Vining gave an
H arry Silver of the N atural account of his trip, a t the regular
w ear. P aulserud’s.
Carbonic Gas Company made a Forum luncheon of the Ashland
business trip to G rants Pass to­ Chamber of Commerce a t K the
In Tow n —
J. N. Pace of Talent was in day..
Hotel Ashland today.
town this morning on business.
Vining’s first speech, following
Mr. Pace is the town m arshall of Viited Parents—
his arrival in Pennsylvania, was
Lloyd Bryant of K lam ath Fallis delivered at a banquet tendered
was in Ashland over th e week­ him in Pfttsburg. He cho&e as
See P aulserud’s special on two- end visiting with his parents.
his topic, “ H istoric Shrines of
pants-suits, all wool, $23.75. 54-tf
Pennsylvania.’’ and during the
From School—
course of liia speech he explained
B est election returns tonight
Mrs. Inex Bryant, who teaches to his audience the m anner in
a t N in in ger’s.
55— 1 school on the Dead Indian road which Oregon was draw ing her
is in Ashland for a few days as! visitors. He declared th a t Ore­
From Portland—
her schoal was dismissed on ac­ gon’s campaign was an appeal to
Ray Minker of Portland, form ­ count of election.
the average m an’s love for out of
door life. He stated th a t Ore­
er Ashland resident, is in Ashland
for a few days on business. Mr.
The W. R. C. will give a food gon advertises “ the h e a rt’s de­
Mlnker was form erly In the dry sale and bazaar Saturday Nov. sire.” He indicated th a t although
8th In room next to E lh a rt’s on Pennsylvania did not have the
goods business here.
Main St.
54— 6 outstanding appeal of the great
outdoors, the state was replete
Let ue fill your pall with Swifts
with w onderful historic shrines.
liver Lea; lard. Costs less than
C. R. D. Jones, who underw ent G ettysburg, Valley Forge, Inde­
kertenlng. Got«« farth er and Is
nutritious. Detncks.
94-tf an operation in San Francisco re­ pendence Hall and F o rt Dusquene,
cently is much improved and is to which the to u rist could be a t­
C om plete electio n returns to­ now at his home on Mountain tracted. This speech of Vining’s
was radioed throughout the coun­
n igh t
N iningnr’s.
P rivate Avenue.
try, and drew much favorable edi­
leased w ire in th e sto re w ill give
comment from the leading
com p lete electio n service. 55— 1
Complete line of Ashland Can­
of the state.
ned Goods at Detricks.
Following his speech in P itts­
New straig h t English models in
burg, Vining delivered the prin­
Overcoats, a t P aulserud’s. 54-tf H ears T alk—
The last campaign speech of cipal speech a t the convention of
A rrives Tom orrow —
Calvin Coolidge w-as heard by a' Presidents ^nd Secretaries of the
J. E. T ourtellotte will arrive in large num ber of people in Ash-| State Chambers of Commerce, in
Ashland tomorrow to help lay out land last night broadcasted over Pittsburg. Im m ediately follow­
th e new tourist hotel building, of the radio from W ashington D. C. ing this speech, Vining was de­
which the firm of Toulrtellotte It was relayed about 27 times. luged with requests to speak in
and Hummel is doing the archi­ Millard Grubb also heard Mr. various cities throughout the
tecture work.
Davis speak in P ittsburgh, Penn. country, but because of the sched­
He reports th a t both speeches ule which had been arranged for
the trip, it was impossible for him
We deliver the good« -Detricks came in very clear.
to accept more than a small part
of them . Professor Vining states
Special Auto Accident Policy
A ttended Game—
for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo he was lavishly entertained while
Jim Bowers and.
r. and Mrs. of course.
24-tf in Pittsburg. He was shown
through the Mellon Bank, the
Pflymate spent the week-end in
model bank of the country,
rjù a and
Roseburg and Eugene, attending
nills at
the Ashland-Roseburg game and R eturns H om e—
then going to Eugene to attend
Gebrge Brookm iller has re tu rn ­
W hile in Pittsburg, Vining or­
th e U. of O-W ashington gim e.
ed to his home here after having
worked the past few weeks out iginated a slogan for the city
A private telegraph operator of K lam ath Falls w ith his South­ w'hich has been adopted as the
most suitable ever coined.
w ill be at N ininger’s ton igh t to ern Pacific gang.
receive th e com p lete election re­
coal fields and iron deposits near
tu rn s.
E verybody w elcom e to On B usiness—
at hand, was “ Pittsburg, Pennsyl­
liste n to th e retu rn s.
55— 1
Wm. D. Bennett, secretary of
vania’s pulse of power.” He com­
the Hartma/n Syndicate, is ex­
O rder your Thanksgiving suit pected in the city in a short time pared P o rtlan d with P ittsburg,
a t Paulseruds.
54-tf to spend a few days on business. inasmuch as Portland has a gia-
gantic reserve of hydro - electric
power, as yet undeveloped, and
A rrived Y esterday—
Q uite Sick—
w onderful forest reserves lying
Mr. and Mrs. H arry Morris and
Eugene Canasto is quite ill at
ost ^within her back yard, and
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Morris arrived the Community Hospital with
Vining stated th a t the
in Ashland yesterday from Klam­ effects of the flu.
P ortland would soon
a th Falls where they have been
be, “ Portland, the Pacific’s pulse
visiting for several weeks. Mr.' Operated Y esterday—
and Mrs. H arry Morris live in
Mrs. Learned of Medford un­
Pittsburg, Professor Vin­
derw ent an operation at the hos­ ing journeyed to H arrisburg,
pital here yesterday and is do­
Sweet «ream for whipping and ing as well as couth! be expected. where he was the guest of the
Pennsylvania State Chamber of
eAWee— also fresh m ilk, always
Commerce, and was taken for a
•a lee at the Plaza.
239— tf R eturns H om e—
trip through the battlefield of
Mrs. E. T. Allen ,who has been Gettysburg.
N eglected Concert—
at the Community Hospital for a
Leaving H arrisburg, Professor
In th e article about the su r­ few days having medical tre a t­ Vining visited Philadelphia, where
prise party for Mrs. K atherine ment, returned to her home yes­ he was the guest of the Manufac­
Morrison a m istake in the pro­ terday.
tu re r’s Club of th a t city. Upon
gram was m ade and the excellent
his arrival he was tendered a
radio concert th a t was given by
luncheon by fifty of the prom in­
Elgin — Macadamizing of im­
Mr. E lm er Morrison on his set
ent m anufacturers of th a t city,
portant north side m arket road
was not mentioned.
which he gave the principal ad­
to begin a t once.
dress^ T hat evening he spoke in
Sava $10 .00, walk upstairs to
N orthw est Philadelphia to a group
Medford— New store building
Orre® tailor shop.
17— tf
of about 800 leading m anufactur­
under construction.
ers of th a t district, Philadelphia’s
C hildren’s Books, McNair
h eart of the weaving industry.
Medford— C raterian th eatre is
The next day Professor Vining
completed a t cost of $175,000.
was given a special luncheon at
the Union League Club in P hila­
To F u rn ish
delphia, and later was taken to
The American Legion, post
Valley Forge. That evening he
No. 15, Medford, feeling th a t the
spoke at a banquet of 1000 of the
rem arks of N ational Commander
leading autom obile and banking
Jam es A. Drain are Imperative to
industry officials in N orthw est
th e w elfare of the whole Ameri­
can pubflic, and being desirous
The following m orning he was
of cooperating in the effort to
breakfast guest of the Phila­
bring out a one hundred per cent
vote, w ill open its headquarters condition of Mrs. H arding, wid-l delphia Cham ber of Commerce at
during the voting hours and will ow* of the late president, w as’ the Union League Club. A t noon
have cars available to carry vot­ somewhat better today, her physi-i he was the guest of honor a t the
ers to the polls, regardless of cians stated to newspaper m e n 1 annual luncheon of the trades
politics.— Medford Mail Tribune. here. They said she has spent a committee of the Philadelphia
Cham ber of Commerce.
fairly restful night.
Mrs. H arding is seriously ill i Professor Vining was granted
WANTED a good and reliable with kidney trouble. H er inabil- i an intervie wwith Mayor Kend­
man or women to dem onstrate ity to take food is disquieting to rick of Philadelphia, who sent hi3
and sell the Electro Magnetic her physicians, who have express­ greetings to Oregon.
B lankets in Ashland and Vicinity.
Im m ediately after this lunch­
ed fear th a t her h eart may give
▲ good clean and f owing busi­ out under the strain of abstaining eon, Professor Vining entrained
ness th a t has increa ed over two from nourishm ent.
for Lancaster, in the h e art of
hundred percent in t e last year,
Pennsylvania’s m anufacturing and
for full particulars, Address Po.
ag ricultural section, where he ad­
Box 462 Eugene, Oregon. 55— 6*
Classified Ads Bring Results
dressed the Lancaster Chamber
Wednesday, November 5, 1024
of Commerce. Im m ediately fol- her race with Hazel Emery. Mice I UKIAH
I A. M. Today, R ^ u b lic a n leaders ' cceded.
lowing this address, he left for Biede has been running well ahead
1 in the state conceded her elec­
The Tammany machine showed
New Yory city, where he renew ­ in most of the precincts, although
th a t it was still as
ed old acquaintances.
she is,-behind in two, by only a
sweeping Its en­
Upon the Invitation of Presi­ slight m argin. Unless a slide oc­
Banks— Portland-A storia mar- tire , state ticket into office, in
dent Bullard of the Connecticut curs In favor of Miss Emery, it
1 ket road through northern W ash­ spite of the fact that the State
State Chamber of Commerce, he is probable th a t Miss Biede will
ington county to Columbia river, voted solidly Republican on all
addressed the B ridgeport Cham­ be' returned to office.
ber, at a special luncheon given j Most of the precincts will have
to be surveyed and laid out for national m easures. The strong
Tiger machine, built up within
in his honor. During this ad­ completed counting th eir ballots
the city of New York by the
(Continued from page 1.)
dress, Professor Vining was ask- by nine o.’clock this morning, al-
Democratic leaders, quickly wip­
ed to give a W esterner’s Tiew- though there are one or two which
out the puny lead piled up by
point of why New England was I will require a longer tim e to de-
Republicans, and swept their
losing out in her m anufacturing cide. An extrem ely heavy vote,
candidates into office by a m a­
and ports.
coupled with the long ballot, made
jority as large as was ever re­
Looking over the audience, Pro- the counting of the votes a long
by a Democratic candidate
lessor Vining stated th a t his b e lie f; and tedious task, and has delay-
of the cause for the loss of p re s -! ed retu rn s throughout the city.
believed th a t Al Smith
tige of the New England S tatesj
prim aries, and in most instances,
would be enabled to carry the
waa th a t New England called to .
even w ithout the aid of
her council tables, only the gray
Hall cohorts, but
(Cointinued from page 1.)
beards, who sat in th eir commit­
were tabulated,
tee rooms, prom ulgating a philos­
solidly Republican in the Presi-I it was found the popular “ wet”
ophy of “ thou shalt no t” . He di­
things were different. “ Ma” was dential election, swung entirely candidate would require the aid
rected atten tio n to the N orth­
opposed by the Ku Klux Kian ele­ into the Democratic line when the of the New York City organiza­
west, where the vigorous young
ment, which 3he had roundly votes for the governorship w e re ! tion. It is a wonderful tribute
manhood, with progressive ideas,
denounced in e ^ r y one of her tabulated. The personal popular- j to young Roosevelt th a t he led
is asked to sit in council with the
speeches, by a group of ity of Governor Smith, one of t h e 1 hi# opponent in the outlying dis­
gray beards, and where a philos­
(Continued from page One)
Democrats, and by most popular governors New York trict. and Republican leaders were
ophy of “ thou shall’’ is advocated,
and stating th a t unless New Eng- ported, have turned in th eir re ­ another group of politicians who has ever had, was too great for considerably cheered by tlie re­
stated th a t it was their belief the Republican machine, headed sults of the balloting.
Zand gave her young men a sults.
a t no woman w-as fit to hold of­ by young Roosevelt to overcom e.1
chance, Oregon’s invitation would
Missouri and Oklahoma, two fice in Texas.
It has been estim ated 3»y po-i
be lrrisistable, th a t the branch of the states placed in the doubt­
The la tte r group carried Mrs. litical leaders here th a t a Re­
m anufacturing plants, establish­ ful column before the balloting,
Ferguson’s nom ination into the publican candidate for any State
ed on our coast, under the sup­ swung into line for Davis.
Supreme C ourt of Texas on the office, m ust go into Gotham with
ervision of young blood, would
Nebraska, home state of Charles rro u n d s th a t it was unconstitu­ a lead of a t least 150,000 before
soon become the dom inant power W. Bryan, Democratic candidate
in the countrys m anufacturing, for the Vice Presidency, early tional for a ’ woman to hold the he can be assured of election. In
and th a t the plants of the East swung over to the Republican < ¡Tice of governor in Texas, but the race today, Roosevelt, the Re­
Die court ruled in favor of Mrs. publican candidate had but one
would soon become but memories. column, a ndcontinued to keep In
The men of this group, tenth of th at lead, and as soon
This speech was featured through­ line for Coolidge throughout the
powerful politicians, as his m ajority in the outlying
out the papers in the N ey Bngland retu rn s which kept trickling in.
they would swing sections was determ ined, the elec­
states, and aroused much favor­
On th e W est Coast, Coolidge th eir support to Mrs. Ferguson’s tion of Governor Smith was con-
able editorial comment.
carried W ashington, Oregon and opponent on the Republican tic-
R eturning to New Y ork City, California, w ith Davis running a
i ket.
Professor Vining was entertained poor second, and La F ollette pull­
In spite of the Kian opposition,
F i r e insurance
by the New York State Chamber ing up in the re a r with a vote
which in Texas is a powerful fac­
is only one of the
of Commerce kt a luncheon, and which surprised political experts,
tor, in spite of the opposition of
a com plim entary dinner, at which who predicted th e W isconsin Sen­
in a n y valuable
the disgruntled Democrats, and in
was featured the slogan “ For you ato r would wage a hot b attle in
forms of protec­
spite of the opposition of the
a rose in Oregon grows.”
th a t section. It is believed Coo­ group of politicials, Mrs. Fergu­
tion offered bv
The following day, Sunday, Pro­ lidge’s m ajority in Oregon will be
son yesterday started early to
this agency.
fessor accepted an invitation to nearly 20,000 w ith his m ajority
roll up a m ajority which by mid-
occupy the pulpit of the Presby­ in C alifornia and W ashington
j night, assured her election to the
terian church, where he, spoke m ounting even higher th an th a t
, office from which her husband
Estab. 1883
upon “ Planes of Living.”
m ark. Summ arizing th e election, was dishonorably removed. The
At Tawanda, Professor Vining from all indications, Coolidge car­
voters, rallying to the slogan
was given, not only the key to
ried New England, the A tlantic ‘ Me for Ma” carried every dis­
the city, but was so showered with Seaboard states, the Middle West,
trict of the state, and by two
invitations to functions, th a t tt
Wis<.o n tin ,
was impossible to accept more , he N„ rlllwese. the southw est.
than a small portion of them.
with the exception of Arizona, and
From Tawanda, Professor Vin­
the Pacific Slopes states. Davis
ing journeyed to Buffalo for a
carried the Solid South, and Mis­
short stop, and then stopped in
souri, Arizona and
A shtubula, Ohio, where he en­
while La Follette, in all probabil­ A WIDE VARIETY OF
joyed a brief visit w ith his niece,
ity, will receive electorial votes
Mrs. Charles W ard, form erly Miss
from only his state, Wisconsin.
Norma M inkler of this city. Time
__ _
A conservative estim ate of the
would not perm it his accepting a n , , .
4 ,
Die-stamped in color^ and beautifully en­
. ....
, .
electoral College votes to be receiv
invitation to speak a t a meeting
graved sentiments.
ed by the candidates would be.
of the Cham ber of Commerce in
Coolidge, 342, Davis, 186. and
this city.
La Follette 3.
From A shtubula, Professor Vin­
Make your selections as soon as possible.
That Will Please You
ing entrained to Oregon, in order
th a t he m ight arrive in Ashland
in Time to cast his vote. He a r­
rived in this city late Sunday
Holiday Dress
Billings Agency
Shoe Shop
Foi Xmas and New Year
Eagle Market
BUENOS AIRES, N ot. <. —
Two hundred revolutionists In Ih i
state of Rio G rande Do Sul, Bra­
zil, were killed, wounded or made
prisoners when the revolutionary
forces suffered a reverse a t the
hands of the governm ent troops
at A legrete, according to a dis­
patch to La Nación from Paso De-
Los Libres, on the A rgentine-
Brazilian frontier.
The rebel forcea were proceed­
ing from U ruguayana and were
nearing Alégrete when the state
forces, num bering about 1800 a t­
tacked them . The rebels fled and
cavelry pursued them back tow ard
U ruguayana.
The governm ent troops are said
to be about 30 miles from U rug­
uayana, over which town airplanes
have made reconnaissances. It is
reported th a t the rebels have re ­
ceived a large quantity of rifles,
am m unition and w ar equipm ent
over the U ruguayan border.
• ♦ ♦ ♦ •
Continued from page One
hot fighting was waged.
Northw est,
N orth and South Dakota, Min­
nesota, M ontana, Idaho and Wy­
oming showed th a t the tu rnout
in th a t section indicated an un­
precedented percentage of the
possible voting power of the sec.
tion visiting the polling places.
On the Pacific Coast. W ashing­
ton, Oregon and California re­
ported exceptionally heavy ballot­
ing, especially in Oregon, where
State, county and civic m easures
stirred up even more in terest th an
than m anifested in the national
election. In California, expected
to be the scene of one of La
F o llette’s stands, the vote was
uniform ly heavy over the entire
state, with N orthern California
slightly in th e lead in the per­
centage of voters who tu rn ed out.
More to come— ..............................
(Continued from page I) ,
Phone 107
N . Main
♦ » » ♦
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Useful Articles Priced for
Kiddies Kreepers (khaki and den­
im), sizes 0 to. 4,
Kiddies Koveralls, blue or denim,
Sizes 1 to 8
K iddies’ Kite ifuts, blue or khaki,
Sizes 1 to 4 ............................. $1.25
Sizes 4 to 7 ..................... .$1.35
Sizes 8 to 1 2 ............................. $1.50
G irls’ Middies, White Soisette, “ «Jack Tar Make,’’
Sizes 6 to 16
G irls’ Sateen Bloomers, all sizes,
Sene/ it
G irls’ pleated Wool Skirts, bodice
sizes, priced at
Hang Your Clothes
on Our Line
i n
Many bouse wives are tak ­
The open season for shooting
C hina pheasants, Bob W hite
quail, blue grouse and native
pheasants is a t an end for this i
year, except in Hood River coun- :
ty, where it has not yet b e g u n .!
In th a t county these birds mtfy be
shot from November 1 to 15. ;
From reports received by State
Game W arden B urghduff it is
reasonable to suppose th a t there
was quite an increase in all of
these game birds this year.
JWeNair B ro th ers
All wool Middies for both girls and big girls.
One-Third off
rough dry laundry service.
All Genuine lingette Slips in white,
pink, orchid, tan, brown, navy
and black S1.98
It is difficult to get clothes
dry by banging outdoors
at this season of the year.
Nainsook Chemise, Feather stitch trim , priced a t ........>......................
Send your clothes to us;
we will wash
Crepe Bloomers, full size, reinforced, Priced at
return them tougli dry at
a verv nominal cost, which
Heavy Outing Flannel Night Gowns, all sizes $1.35
will make housekeeping
more pleasant.
the three low candidates o ccu rs,!
they will be assured of election, j
G ertrude Biede, Incumbent in
the office of City Recorder is 31 W ater 8 t.
practically assured of election in
P h on e 105
New Line of Plain
and fancy hats for
Rtreet and dress wear
$1.98 to $7.95
Big line of Ladies’
Wool Hose,
'J flC
priced at
$1.25 to $2.98
e ra m p a n p
I o
I °
-W here Y our D ollar H as M ore C ents’
4 - 4 *-«■ ♦ 4 4
4 -4 «
♦ ♦ •-» *-«
4 4 4 -4 -4 • • » » » 4 4 4
» 4 4 4 4 4 4 ♦ » ♦ 44