t*AG£ THREE A S H L A N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S Tuesday, November 4, 1024 PROFESSIONAL PLENTY OF COAL ON HAND 10 MEET A HARD WINTER THRIFT IM ORCSS AN ASSET If» PERSONAL UPBUILDING FAKE SALTS FOR A tion was the first official endorse-! strument of the Zionist organiza- ment of 2ionism by a world pow- tion. PH YSICIANS C lassified Colum n Rates er. The letter, addressed to Louis _________ Lipsky, chairman of the Zionist! One cent the word each DR. HAWLEY—— Above Tidings 2 y » ' A . s r ft a iz s . time. Organization of America, stated: office. Phone 81. «»•?«»>< A . r . e r U * b f i o c e t / To run every Issue for one • ‘ I. beg to offer my most hearty T r..-,< t DR. C. W. HANSON month or more, He the word m < H E r i« la piani ¿ n D r in k L o ts o f W a te r A ll congratulations on the successes Asliland Women Dentist A each time. j already achieved by the Zionist * ns* D a y L o n g to K e e p fvi lía objee: the CALENDAR OF EVENTS Special attention given to pyor-' llirú. of better etand- movement and my best wishes w ere s u r p r is e d a t th e e ase WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. — If a K id n e y s F lu s h e d Thursday, Nevember 6. The rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver' • :de et d.esa for its future success. Doubtless hard Winter comes it will find FOR RENT a n d p e rfe c tio n w ith w hich Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. Parent-Teacher Council will meet the American people “ sitting among the mec there are dificulties still to be at 2:30 in Library. »f thia country.! Too much rich food forms acids overcome; this is inevitable. But o u r U n iv e rs a l E le c tric FOR RENT— Furnished room, DR. ERNEST A. WOODS—Prac-j Friday, November 7. W. F. M. pretty” with relation to their coal which excite and overwork the iCArs comesi 107 Second St. Phone 313-R. those who, like myself, have a R a n g e d e m o n s tr a to r c o o k ­ tlce limited to eye, ear, nose ano 1 Society of the Methodist Episco- supply, Dr. George Otis Smith. to > in- tr. ! n J i kidneys in their efforts to filter it firm fo u i,’« ".T nave a 50—tf men. from the system Flush ,he kld 1™ ' ““ h the ,uture <" Z1°"- ed all foods. »• ¡Ui tk. throat—X-ray including teeth, pal church will meet at two o’- Director of the United States Geo­ y usn tne them kld- 18m may surely draw great en logical Survey, declared recently. t io n of - t h i s neys occasionally to relieve FOR RENT:—Furnished front! Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc clock at the home of Mrs. G. H. The contributing factors in p‘ro b 'i7 ,'n ‘ i , ? i like y,°" re" eVe the bowels- « - couragement from tho past.” room apartment. 349 East Main ■ 5, Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Yeo. UNIVERSAL bringing about this situation are, Balfour Day was celebrated to- St. 47— 6 Saturday, November 8. College Ore. personal thrift I removine acids* waate and poison, day in 350 cities throughout the ------------------ ------------------------I Club will meet at the home of first, the menace of labor troub­ Satisfaction in dress. These I else you may *eel a duU misery in FOR RENT: — Cozy 2-room DR. E. B. ANGELL—Chiropractic ! Mrs. Victor Sether of Medford. les in the mines has been remov­ are questions of i the kidney region, sharp pains in I nited States in mass meetings furnished apartment with kitch­ the auspices of the is a lw a y s f e lt w h en co o k ­ and Electro-Therapy. Office Saturday, November 8. W. R. ed through the agreements sign­ more im p o r - | the back or sick headache, dizzi-j held under _ S. W . S T R A U S ed by Both the anthracite and enette and private bath. 357 phone 48; residence 142. First C. will give food sale and bazaar. ta n co th a n j ness, the stomach sours, tongue ndni&t Organizatlon of America in g on a n U n iv e rs a l E le c ­ Vista street. Phone 122. 47__tf National Bank building. Monday, November 10. Ladies bituminous producers and miners, j «night seem to be the case at a is coated, and when the weather j and the Palestine Foundation tr ic R a n g e . Art CluJ> will have card party in insuring an uninterrupted supply casuaI glance. It cannot be denied is bad you have rheumatic I Fund. Speaking will report on l’OR RENT—Furnished house, of coal, and second, the increas-j l}lat we are influenced to some THE SOUTHERN OREGON the progress made in the develop­ Civic Club House. 478 Boulevard. 36— i m0 CLINIC lng number of people who store i uXtT ? n °Ur juilgnieut of others twinges. The urine is cloudy, full ment of Palestine alonb agricul­ 1st .National Bank Bldg. their appearance. of sediment, the channels often The Ashland coal during the „ Summer season hy For Medical Surgical O bstetrical M issionary M eetin g— FOR SALE example, a young man who get irritated, obliging one to get tural and industrial lines through The Government’s inventory of D iagnostic X-ray is applying for a position will be up two or three times during the the Palestine Foundation Fund, The Woman’s Foreign Mission­ Electric Shop FOR SALE: — Wood, 16 in. R W. Stearns, M. D. coal stocks showed thht the to- i at a great disadvantage If ho is night. which is the chief financial in- ary Society of the Methodist R. E. Green, M. D. chunk fir and laurel. Phone 12F2. 240 East Main SL Church will meet next Friday, tai quantity of soft coal in the slovenly attired or if he is flashily To help neutralize these irrita­ R. W. Sleeter, M D overdressed. It Is not the amount hands of commercial consumers 54— 6* November 7, at the home of Mrs. Office hours 2-5 p. m. on September 1 wa3 about 47,- of money spent on clothes that ting acids and flush off the body’s Phone 238-R G. H. Yeo on Oak Street. Mr. FOR SALE or RENT: — My counts: it is the general impres­ urinous waste, begin drinking 000,000 tons. r Homer Billings will give a report of neatness, cleanliness, self- water. Also get about four ounces home, 29 South Pioneer avenue, CONVALESCENT HOME Retail dealers* stocks of anthra­ sion of the branch meeting. The respect, success, ambition, and re- 4 or 6 rooms furnished close in. Where the sick get well. For a smooth shave cite were 71 per cent larger on speet for the good opinion of oth­ of Jad Salts from any pharmacy, i treasurer would like all who can Call evenings. W. J. Albert. take a tablespoonful in a glass “Sally A nn7 Cottage Plan. September 1, 1924, than they were and quick service go ers, which are conveyed through of water before breakfast for a 53—tf We board and care for invalids to bring their dues. on the corresponding date of 1923.1 the medium of one’s apparel. to the Shell Barber few days and your kidneys may and old people. One of the outstanding charac­ The production of anthracite dur­ Shop. Ladies and th e fa m o u s b re a d w h ich FOR EXCHANGE—Auto Camp. Gives Party Maternity Dept. teristics of the miser Is his sloven­ then act fine and bladder disor­ ing the first eight months of this children get your hair Resort, Store, Gas Station, to­ w ill m a k e y o u r m e a ls m o re Mrs. Frazier, of the Frazier ly, ill-kempt appearance. One of ders disappear. Call 153 year was steady, and during the bobbed and marcel­ gether with fine bungalow and Grocery Store entertained about the predominating characteristics This famous salts is made from e n jo y a b le . Summer months the output flow­ led. MONUMENTS 200 acres, with lots of River fifty of her Sunday School pupils of the spendthrift is his tendency the acid of grapes and lemon juice, Frontage. Light Plant, hydraulic with a Hallowe’en party Friday ed Into the storage piles of pro­ toward flashy clothes. combined with lithia, and has ASHLAND GRANITE W. A. SHELL, Prop. In this day and age of the world, been used for years to help clean water system, etc. Fine location evening. A delightful time was ducers, retailers and consumers. >32 A. St. Ashland, Ore MONUMENTS There are no available, statistics no man, especially the young man Lithia Bakery Crater Lake Highway. Will spent playing games and refresh­ with his hopes -and dreams of and stimulate slug'gish kidneys Blair Granite Co. double In value during next year ments were served at a late hour. on householders’ stocks, but pro­ great success, can afford to neglect and stop bladder irritation. Jad S. PENNISTON, Manager duction figures and retail deal­ • * * i or two. >10,000 including every Office 173 E. Main ers’ deliveries indicate that house­ his personal appearance. Clothes Salts is inexpensive and makes a f lic T id in g’« Ads B ring Result« thing. Will trade for acreage or E n tertain N eighbors— do not make the man, but a good delightful effervescent * lithia - Res. Phone 444-Y holders’ stocks are normal. Ashland town property. Four- appearance is part of one’s equip- water drink which millions of men Hon. and Mrs. George Dunn Over the country as a whole in­ .msnt for the battle of life. Site Realty Agency. Medford, Ore- IN If GIRL IN TROUBLE— May entertained a group of neighbor­ and women take now and then to dustrial concerns had a fifty-six Any movement now in progress help prevent serious kidney and fon. 53- communicate with Ensign Lee hood friends at their home on day’s supply of bituminous coal on which has for its object merely of the Salvation Army at the Granite Street Friday evening. September 1. The reserves vary making people spend more money blrtdder disorders. FOR SALE:—Simmons white By all means, drink lots of good WhlteShleld -Home, 565 May- The time was spent in playing with the distance from the mine for clothes is economically un­ enamel bed and springs and Sani­ games and at a late hour a delic­ fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. tary couch, used only five months: and the character of the coal us­ sound, but any educational move­ water every day. Have your ious two-course luncheon was © V M A .O .O O ment which seeks legitimately to phys.ician examine your kidneys at dining table, six oak chairs; chif­ ed. The figures indicate that New encourage PLANING MILL served. sensible practices In fonier; phonograph and records; England, Wisconsin and the up­ these matters is- worthy of praise. - least twice a year. The guests were Misses Linda 75 well-bound reading books; lORDON’S SASH AND CABINET The desire for fine clothes and Oeder, Edna and Ora Wilson, per Peninsula of Michigan and three-burner oil stove; 9x12 Con WORKS, Cor. Helman and Georgia the northern Rocky Mountain re­ the ambition to dress better than Richardson, Silvora goleum rug; o f f i c e chair; Van Ness. 19^tf Hatch,Thelma Perozzi, Elizabeth gion had a ninety days’ supply, others has proved the secret of /■V fíT s' rocking chair, h e a v y o a k ; and that New York, New Jersey many a person’s downfall. But It Stearns, Zlpora Blumenfeld. Ethel TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Dayton computing scales; bicycle and the CaroHpas had better than Is within the meaning of good , M OTOR Wheeler and Messrs Wilson Tor­ thrift to dress sensibly.. Money Whittle Transfer & Storage Co and other miscellaneous articles. a sixty-day supply. O IL spent to maintain such standards rence. Worth Gruelle, Joe Con­ for SERHCE. 144 Fourth street. 52—3* The railroads have a supply of IR U > » OM c M S' « * O V * C D is not wasted. C O O N » * |. I Experienced movers and pack ley, Barney Miller, Wilfred Wag­ coal to last them forty-four days, WOOD FOR SALE:—Fir and NEW YORK, Nov. .4. — Lord ers of household goods. Deal ner, Loyd Hatch, Elmer and Auten while electric light companies Spruce, 16 inch 88. Hard wood Balfour, author of the Balfour Bush and Horace Dunn. *>rs In coal and wood. Phon* have supplies to last them fifty- • ♦ ♦ 16 inch 812. Delivered. Fountain Declaration, which definitely com­ 117. eight days, and manufacturing gas Feul Co. Siskiyou or leave orders' Surprise Birthday P a r t y - mitted the Government of Great Office 89 Oak St. near plants had a ninety-day reserve. at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. Britain' to work for the establish­ Miss Edith Brookmiller was the Hotel Ashland Production of bituminous coal 50—1 mo.* ment of the Jewish Homeland in honor guest at a surprise party is averaging around 40,000.000 Palestine, has written a letter to at the home of her parents. Mr. r. L. POWELL—General Trans­ B ungalow s— L ots tons per month, while the output and Mrs. Geo. Brookmiller, Sat­ American Zionists on the occasion fer—Good team and motor Ease you tight, aching chest. I have some fine Bungalows of anthracite is slightly beyond urday evening when a group of trucks. G tod service at a rea Stop the pain. Break up the con­ of the seventh anniversary, to- Houses and Building Lots in Ash­ 7,000,000 tons. her friends were bidden for din­ gestion. Feel a bad,cold loosen u p 1 day’ of the PubIication of the de- souab.’e price. Phone 83. land for sale, will accept good ner. At a dinner prettily decor claration. He expresses his sat­ in just a short time. Bonds, Notes or Mortages on isfaction at the progress Zionism ated with a profusion of Hallo­ “Red Pepper Rub” is th cold FEHIGE-ROACH payments, and give easy terms on Physician’s Gland is making. The Balfour Declara- we’en suggestions a bounteous re­ remedy that brings quickest re­ Transfer — Express — Storage balance. Se me before buying a Experiments Astound lief. It cannot hurt you and it I flauling — Dray work of all past was spread for the pleasure home. of the guests. Miss Brookmiller Scientific World certainly seems, to end the tig h t-; kinds. Quick motor service. Drj A. L. LAMB, 178 A St. ness and drive the congestion and wood of all kind3. Phone 410-R received a number of presents. Box 422, Ashland. Wonders have been worked in soreness right out. 112-tl Her guests were the Misses Mary 35—1 Mo 375 B. St. Galey, Ruth Olsen, Lorraine and the rejuvenation of youth and Dinginess Nothing has such concentrated, Betty Brookmiller. v Buy better milk. Phone 257-J vigor by glandular treatment In penetrating heat as red peppers, for it. 33—1 mo.* Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brookmiller one of California’s State Institu­ and when heat penetrates right in a house is unnecessary w ith were host and hostess. tions. This “Scientific magic” down into colds, congestion, ach­ th e w id e range of ligh t, airy FOR SALE — or exchange for * * * has been performed by the head ing muscles and sore, stiff joints w all paper design s w e have to 835.000.60. 160 acres. 100 culti­ Friends and Neighbors in Ash­ offer you. Dinner Sunday Noon— physician and surgeon who re­ relief comes at once. vated, free water, lots of it. 20 land Will Show You a Way The moment you apply Red Mrs. Tresa Low entertained at ports success in 90 per cent of head of large size Registered Jer­ Get at the root of the trouble. her home yesterday afternoon and 1000 cases treated. Pepper Rub you feel the tingling seys, the finest strain in Oregon. Rubbing an aching back may at dinner in honor of her sister Hundreds^ of men and women heat. In three minutes the con-' J. O. RIGG 30 head of registered Dnroc pigs. relieve it, are now turning to glandular gested spot is warmed throughi and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs 200 White Leghorn chickens, team But won’t cure it if the kidneys Earle Walker of Klamath Falls, treatment to help regain lost and through. When you are suf­ of Registered Imported Perchon are weak. who were spending the week-end strength, vigor, vitality and fering from a cold, rheumatism, mares 1900 lbs. each. About You must reach the root of It— backache, stiff neck or sore mus­ here with relatives. At noon she health. 83000.00 worth of farm equip­ the kidneys. Glandogen, the new scientific cles, Just get a Jar of Rowles Red served a three course chicken ments, modern house, large barn Doan’s Kidney Pills go right at dinner. Her guest list includ­ gland tonic, prepared in tablet Pepper Rub, made from red pep- and other buildings. Will take ed Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sackett, form provides a simple method of Pers* at any drug store. You will Income property up to 820,000.00, It; Reach the cause; attack the Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Abbott and taking glandular treatment. have the quickest relief known, long time on balance at 6 per cent. IB«-* pain. daughter Mis3 Etha Abbott, Mr. Glandogen, for men and women. Courtesy to brokers or agents. Are recommended by many Ed. Lowe, Ronald Lowe, and Mr. Is obtainable at East Side Pharm- J. J. Deakin. Phone 330, Ashland Oregon. 33—1 mo Ashland people. Ask your neigh­ and Mrs. Earle Walker. After ary, will supply you. Mail orders bor! spending the major portion of the accepted. MISCELLANEOUS afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Walker de­ Mrs. Sarah Boots, 338 B. St., parted by motor for their home WANTED: — Nursing. Will Ashland, says: “I was in a bad in Klamath Falls, planning to go condition with kidney and blad­ consider house work. Am a post after this week to their former der trouble and became so weak graduate of N. W. school of mas­ home in Bly, Oregon to spend sage and electro-therapeutics. and run down I could hardly sometime. Mrs. Leighton, 153 Granite or walk a block. My back ached con­ » ♦ • | REASONABLE — HOMEUKE | Phone 153. 33— 1 mo. stantly and my kidneys acted too frequently. My limbs and feet Entertain With Banquet— 1055 PIN E S T „ SAN FRANCISCO LOST: — 26-lnch black silk were swollen and I had dizzy The Auxiliary to the. Trinity On YOU R taBsle. Reward. Miss Wattenburg. headaches and nervous spells. 1 Guild entertained very delight- 40 Granite Street. 54— 1 used different remedies but did fully with a banquet Monday even Casolin^jBills ing at the Parish House in honor MEDFORD VETERINARY IIOS- n’t get any better until I tried of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hammond, PITAL, Dr. E. C. McCulloch, grad­ Doan’s Kidney Pills. They soon T h is c a n b e o b t a in e d b y Just recently uate veterinarian; office consul­ helped me and I felt like a dif­ who w e r e in c r e a s in g y o u r m ile a g e married, and Miss Roberta tation free; Office phone 369. ferent person.” a fte r in s ta llin g a N ew 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Mil­ Ward and Roy Rebb, whose Res. Ph. 833W; Corner Grape and engagement has been an­ Fifth Sts., Medford Ore. 54— 5* burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. No. 39. nounced. Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Hammond and Miss Marguerite WANTED: — Protect yourself Hammond were special guests. against the uncertainties of win­ Letterheads, statements, t o At seven o’clock the party sat f o r w in te r u se . I t m a y ter. We can assure you a good your order at the Tidings Office. position in your own county, that We have a good job printing de­ down to a sumptuous turkey din­ sa v e th e p u rc h a s e of a E a sy S t a r t in g will pay you well. Write us at partment. tf ner, with cranberry sauce and the n ew b a tte r y la te r. M ore P o w e r a n d P e p The diversity* of our Classified Advertisements once. Nogar Corporation, 301 wonderful things that accompany such a dinner. Couch Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B e t t e r P e r fo m a n c e The evening was spent playing 54— 18 makes them read by almost every reader of our card? and dancing and at a very B u ilt Special for WANTED:— Four 8100.00 per late hour the guests wended their paper. week men to sell BEST Ford Oil E very Car wax homeward, wishing the two Gauge made. Automobile fur­ f o r e v e ry m a k e o f c a r. couples much happiness. nished. Standard Products Co., The parish house was tastily 1886 Broadway, Granville. Ohio. decorated with flowers, ferns and • 54—2* 1 or the person who is looking to buy or sell any- ivy, forming an exquisite back­ ground for the thirty-six auxiliary Our Phone 82 thing—and who isn’t in this crowd—the classified ladies and their husbands who TIRES AND REPLACEMENTS Main P laza A shland Men, Women and Children Treated were present. Classified Column E HOTORNATES ö AT BALFOUR PRAISES ZIONIST MOVEMENT RED PEPPER HEAT ENDS CHEST COLDS Sustain© Quality GO RIGHT AT IT Associated Oil Company NORTON H O S P IT A L Have Your BATTERY Overhauled • 25° Strömberg Carburetor E X ID E Batteries Murphy Elec. Co. For Every Car Y non-surgical, soothing treatmeni Tidings Ads brings results. for Piles and other Rental and Co- j ion disorders is given persons from two to over eighty years of age, thus proving , the mildness of my methods, j My success in treating thousands of men, women and children enables me to con­ Each ingredient of thia stan­ fidently G U A R A N TE E to cure any dard family remedy is a recog­ case o f Piles or refund the patient’s fee. nized healing medicine for coughs and throat irritations, My new Seattle offices are now prepared to care for patients from Reaefib fiefJh dUUrea and, let Sound and British Columbia Districts. Send B e S u re lt* e M CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER ~ COMPANY TfoftrrtdStolkyieltli 7.14% ask any member or our caganization LEEDOM’S TIRE HCUSE which would stretch across the continent. StapsTSmr COUGH WHITE HIPAC » The all-rubber hunting boot, which is ideal for hunting this kind of weather. Hood Rubbers today for FREE booklet. are made of the best quality materials CMTtOW TR D COUGH REMEDY The Array Goods Store CONTAINS NO NARCOTICS S o ld E v e r y w h e r e Used a n d recom m ended since 1872 pages ot The Tidings present a bargain counter f . B ig g e s t L ittle S to r e in T o w n The Ashland Tidings Phone 39