Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 05, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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    t»AGE TWO
Ex-Senator James A. O’Gorman got $65 an hour as referee of the Calipooia mountains commenced to receive home-!
(E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 )
*n t l l e
estate accounting. With an 8-hour day and ¡seekers. In 1847 Warren N. Goodall located a donation
a 300-day year he’d get an annual $156,000.
¡claim on the’present site of Drain, at a point where the!
P u b lish ed E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by
The trouble with the folks Who loudly proclaim that-present S. P. railroad crosses Elk creek. In 1848 Levi;
“ no man can earn $100,000 a year” is that they don’tjScott settled in Scott valley near the month of Elk creek,!
B e r t R. G re e r ...................................................... ...................................... .....E d ito r
mean that at all. They mean that any man can live on and his two sons, William and John, settled near by in
G eorge M adden G reen .....................................................„ ...B u s in e s s M an ag er
less than that.
Yoncalla valley. In 1848 Jesse Applegate, J. T. Cooper
O FFICIAL CITY P A PE R ................................. ...........T e le p h o n e 39!
Af,-,,, 4- c
c x
i n
, j
B ntered a t th e A shland, Oregon P oetoffice as Second C lass Mail M atter
Most of US do. In fact, only „,35^ persons reported a n d ------- Jeffrey settled in the same vicinity. The dis-:
of $100,000 or over for 1921. But what a man coyery of gold in California in 1848 had attracted great
Subscription P rice, D elivered in City
One M onth
$ .65 earns and what he needs are two far-apart amounts. Most attention in all parts of California and Oregon, and in-H
Three M onths
..... ......................................................................................
1.95 of use feel that we earn more than we get, and perhaps
duced ail increase in the travel over the California trail:
Six M onths ................................................................................
One Year ..........................................................................................................
7.50 need even more than we earn.—The Nation’s Business.
in great numbers, of which we will speak more particular-:
3 y Mail and R ural R ou tes
ly presently, and new settlements were begun in the
O ne M onth .............. ......................................
» .65
T h re e M onths ......................................... ........................................
The man of means used to have a den. Now he is Umpqua valley.
Six M onths ...................................................... ........
more likely to have a love nest.
Bancroft says: “ The immigration to the Pacific coast
One Year .............. ................................................
in 1850. by the Overland route alone, amounted to be-'
Single Insertion, per inch ................................................................... $ .30
The destructive instinct remains. The old fashioned tween thirty and forty thousand persons, chiefly men.
Y early C ontracts
girl used to break hearts. The modern girl breaks records. Through the exertions of the Oregon delegate in Congress!
One Insertion a w eek ..........................................................................
Two insertion s a w eek ..................................
about eight thousand were induced to settle in Oregon.” !
D ally insertion ................................................'........................................
With.the yearly increase since the large immigration of!
R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertising
F irst insertion, per 8 point lin e ...................................................... » .10
that immigration isn’t America’s private business.
1843 with eight thousand added in 3850 Oregon was secur-i!
Bach subsequent Insertion, 8 point lin e ....................................
ing a population able to cope with emergencies as they
Card o f ThankB .........................................................................................
O b itu a rie s , p e r lin e ................................................ ..............................
.0 2 %
We must keep the national sport free of the Rational, arose and were no longer uncertain as to their national
status, having been given a- territorial government in
“A ll f u tu r e e v e n ts, w h e re an a d m issio n c h a rg e is m ad e o r a
co llectio n ta k e n is A d v e rtisin g .
The discovery of gold in California in 1848 produced Abraham Lincoln (George Billing) m i kls Family
No d isc o u n t w ill be a llo w e d R e lig io u s o r B e n e v o len t o rd e rs.
Pioneering in Southern Oregon
a remarkable situation wherever the news spread. Per­
by 0. B. Watson
At the VINING Today, Tomorrow and Thursday
No d o n a tio n s to c h a ritie s o r o th e rw ise w ill be m ad e in a d v e rtis-
haps no where else in the world was there wrought a great­
o r Job p rin tin g — o u r c o n trib u tio n s w ill be in cash .
er spectacle than in Oregon. These pioneers who had just
(Continued from November 3)
arrived and yet hardly settled on the lands chosen by them
The uncertainties involved in the ultimat esettlement of were violently taken with the lust for gold so soon as the
In spite of the intensive campaign waged bV The
the Oregon question, brings the Southern trail into news was fully confirmed and verified that the reported
Tidings, by the Kiwanis Club, and by many other organ­
discovery was not a hoax, the greatest excitement prevail­
more general consideration.
izations and business films in the city, there were hun­
ed. We will let Bancroft paint the picture for us. He'savs:
The year of 1846 was in many ways a year presenting
dreds of citizens in Ashland today who refused to accept
“ No one doubted longer; covetous desire quickly in­
By D. H. OTIS. Director, Agricultural Commission
their right of franchise, and who failed to visit the polls. many serious questions. The settlement of the “ Oregon creased to a delerium of hope. The late Indian disturb­
American Bankers* Association
On the other hand there were those who realized the Question,” was the most pressing of all subjects for pub­ ances were forgotten; and from the ripening harvests
Farmers, like other business men, frequently need to
wonderful opportunity give nthem, and who did their duty, lic and private discussion. 4n the case of war between the the reapers without compunctions turned away. Even jboriow
money. Business men furnish their bankers with
voting, no matter who for, or how they voted, for the United States and Great Britain, it was seen that there their beloved land-claims were deserted; if a man did not a statement. Why should not the farmer? In order to
right of selection is their own. But the idea is, they vot­ must be some route to and from the “ Oregon Country,” go to California it was because he could not leave his fam­
1 safeguard the depositors’ money which he
loans out the banker needs full information
ed. Under which classification do you fall. In the “ I other than that which followed the Hudsons Bay line of ily or business. Some prudent persons at first seeing that
the borrower’s financial condi­
dids” or the “ What difference will it make” category. ' trading posts an dforts, over which up to this time, the provisions and lumber must rapidly increase in price, con­
tion. Many farmers are entitled to better
A month, a year from now, these same “ slacker” cit­ immigrants found their only route to travel. The United cluded to stay at home and reap the advantage without in­
credit standings which such credit state­
izens, who today failed to cast a ballot, will be the ones States would not be likely to select a line already occu­ curring the risk; hut these were a small proportoin of Mie-
ments will give them. These statements
will also tell the farmer whether his busi­
who will most loudly bemoan our “ inefficient” govern­
able bodied men of the colony. Far more went to the gold
as a whole is a going concern.
ment. It will be they who complain of high taxes, poor forces were to be sent out. Hence, this southern route mines than had volunteered to fight the Cayuses; farm­
It is not such a difficult task to make out
management, slack law enforcement, and tlie dozen other was anxiously looked upon as the most available for the ers. mechanics, professional men, printers—every class.
a statement at least once a year. The first
D. H. Otis
future needs of the country.
wails of the discontented and disconsolate citizen.
year will be the hardest. After that it will
Tools were dropped and work left unfinished in the shops.
come easy. The statement should include the value of
The new route was not, in every respect as good as it The farms were abandoned to women and boy nil x
But by what right do they wail?. We deport undesir­
ian(j anj buildings, the value of the crops on hand at tha
able aliens for just such actions. Ship them hack to the was hoped to find, but it was believed that with more inti­ newspapers, the Oregon Spectator and Free Press, held beginning of the year, such as received during the year and cash
country from which they came for criticizing the govern­ mate acquaintance it would be found „to present less of out, the one till December, the other till the spring of grain, hay, fiber crops, fru its and paid out during the year.
vegetables, etc.
The sta te m e n t
These various item s can be ar-
ment. Have these so called citizens, who failed to vote, hardships than the Snake and Columbia rivers route. Be­ 1849, when they were left without compositors and sus­ should
also include the num ber ranged in tabulated form, aud the
any more right to criticize our city, state and national gov­ sides Oregon would be reached earlier in its Southern val­ pended. No one thought of the outcome. It was not then and value of the different classes figures indicating the am ounts in*
ernment, than the latest foreigner to pass the authorities leys, that were in some respects more inviting to the known in Oregon that a treaty had he ensigned hv the of livestock, including horses, c a t­ volved placed opposite each item.
hogs, poultry, bees, etc.
at Ellis Island? They are both in the same class. The weary immigrant. When these first pioneers had seen United States and Mexico, hut it was believed that such | tle, it sheep,
should also show value of A copy of this credit sta te m e n t
should he preserved for use iu m ak­
alien who lias no vote, and the citizen who fails to exercise Rogue River and Umpqua valleys, they ceased not to dis­ would be the result of the war; hence the gold fields of crop machinery- dairy equipm ent, ing out next y e a r’s statem en t, and
his. The alien is blameless, for it is not yet his privilege cuss their desirability when'they had reached lhe settle­ California were already regarded as the property of ure
P°uU vehicles,
ry equipuientl
harnesa- pleas also for purposes of com parison
power m achinery, etc. when two yearly sta te m e n ts have
to vote, but the citizen who failed to vote has no one to ments of the Willamette, and many of them in subsequent Americans. Men of family expected to return; single men Under o ther asse ts should be in- been compiled. T his com parison
I eluded
cash . on
blame for mismanagement of the government hut him­ years returned to make their homes there.
thought little about it. To go and go at once was the >
,, hand or in "bank, will give the farm er an Idea as to
Jealousies between the various missions and the var­ iu cl idea. Mam .who .Lad not the means were fitted out able. cash value of insurance poll- bow his business is going. It will
be In the natu re of an Inventory,
But in all probability, the “ slacker” ciUzen we will ious denominations that fostered them produced dissen- by others who took a share in the venture; and quite dif- cies’ 8tocks and bonds. United and will furnish abundant food to r
S ta te s securles and o ther m iscella­ thought. It the practice is per*
always have with us. No matter how much publicity is tions, that were carried into polities in the early efforts to ferent from those who took like risks in the east, the trusts neous
assets, not included in the sisted in for a series of years it
given the matter, it will always be impossible to get out establish a provisional government, which added to their reposed in men in Oregon were as a rule faithfully carried above.
will be of untold value to the
The financial sta te m e n t should farm er In studying the business
100 per cent of the vote, hut we can say to these non-voters other embarrassments, and discredited them in the eyes out.
also list liabilities, such as m ort­ m anagem ent of his farm .
“ you failed to do your part, so forever keep your peace.” of the Indians who soon were made aware of the situation.
(To be Continued)
gages, both real e sta te and chattel,
Business men find It absolutely
The Missionaries soon became discouraged in their efforts
notes due bank, notes payable to necessary to tak e inventory and
others, accounts or bills due oth­ prepare financial statem ents. Such
to “ Christianize” the Indians and lost morale when they
lan d . I t w ill c a rry fu el fo r 1,300 ers. prem ium s on life insurance, in­ practice has not been so general
Hurrying hoi e^in order to arrive in time to cast his discovered the difficulties that confronted them.
fly in g m iles. I t w ill a lso c a rry a te re s t on taxes, etc.
with the farm er.
H ere lies an
The net worth may be d eterm in­ open door of opportunity. T he
It is not strange that under the circumstances stimu­
ballot, Professor .wing E. Vining, Ashland citizen, and
w irele ss set, w eig h in g only h a lf
ed by taking the liabilities from the
president of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, lus was added to the efforts of those who championed the
a p o u n d , fo r th e re c e p tio n of total assets, if th ere are any con­ financial sta te m e n t is the first ste p
tow ard reliable farm accounting.
w e a th e r re p o rts .
tin g en t liabilities they should also Once the farm er gets started in
slipped into the city Sunday evening, unattended and al­ Applegate route. Bancroft says: “ In May, 1847, Levi
in k th a t I h a v e a good be listed.
T hese would include m aking sta te m e n ts It will stim u­
Scott led a pariy of twenty men destined for the States LOND’ON, N ov . 4. — G r e ttir ch a “ n I ce th of
most, unobserved, but we hasten to add, not forgotten.
su c ce e d in g in re a c h in g endorsem ents on notes of others, late him to keep m ore records, to
For the work Mr. Vining lias done for Oregon will over the Southern route, and also guided a portion of the A lg a rsso n , y o u n g Ic e la n d e r ex­ th e p o le.”
security or bondsm an for others, study m ore closely and m inutely
leases or contracts, judgm ents or his business and to ascertain the
live forever Taking the East by storm, Mr. Vining, immigration of the following autumn into the Willamette p lo re r, w ho re c e n tly to o k a n ex­
suits pending.
sources of his profits as well as
wherever he snpoke, left an impression of a Greater Ore­ Valley by this road, arriving in good season and good con­ p lo ra tio n p a rty to th e A rc tic C ir­ C liff P a y n e m a k e s fo rm s.
Other Information
factors th a t m ake up his ex­
gon, along with a feeling of comradeship for Hie North­ dition, while the main immigration, by the Dalles route, cle, a n n o u n c e s t h a t n e x t y e a r he
In addition to the above, gen­ penses. W hen these are know n
sa tio n a l
eral Inform ation could be given on ways will be suggested as to how
west, never before felt in these Eastern states. Mr. Vin­ partly on account of its number, suffered severely. This p o n ro e p -m o se a n s d to a sh m fo a k r e th a e N s e o n rth
P ole
B ro g a n — C a rlo a d of D elicious the cash value of life insurance a s­ to increase receipts and reduce
ing’s eloquence, coupled wilit liis wonderful personality, established the reputation of tlie Klamath Lake road; and in a low -p o w ered a e ro p la n e fro m a p p le s sh ip p e d a t f. o. b. p rice of sets pledged as collateral or insur­ expenses. T here are both sa tis­
ance carried on buildings, insur­ faction and profit In following up
formed a combination which immediately forced the East the legislature this year passed an act for its improve­ a s m a ll b a se-sh ip 600 m iles aw ay. »23 5 6 .5 0 .
ance carried on live stock, insur­ from year to y ear th ese • cred it
to recognize Oregon as the “ coming” state of the Union, ment, making Levi Scott Commissioner, and allowing him He w ill s a il fro m L o n d o n a b o u tl
carried on m achinery or Im­ sta te m e n ts and the farm records
May 1 In the e lg h ty -fo o t ste a m
K la m a th F a lls — U. S. b u re a u of plem ents, taxes for the year, cash th a t necessarily go with them .
and made the people of those states realize the possibilities to collect a small toll as his compensation for his services. drifter
Aduna th e F a ir a n d w ill e n to m o lo g y w ill w age f u r th e r w ar
of this section.
The troubles with the Cayuses which broke but in the carry, b e sid e s th e a e ro p la n e in on
p in e b e e tles.
Tidings classified do the business
And more. Cutting short liis stay in the East, declin­ winter of 1847, and which, but for Oregon volunteers, w h ic h h e p ro p o se s to m a k e h is
ing invitations to speak, which would have occupied his would have closed the Snake route, demonstrated the wis­ a tte m p t, a sm a ll la u n c h , sle d g e s,
attention for months, Professor Vining hurried horn to dom of its explorers in providing the mountain-walled a n d s c ie n tific in s tr u m e n ts w o rth
110 0 ,0 0 0 .
Ashland in order that he might cast his ballot in today’s valleys of western Oregon with another means of ingress “ T he m a in o b je c t o f m y ex p e­
election. That move, even without his brilliant record, or egress than the Columbia river; their road today being d itio n is to d isc o v e r isla n d s h e lie y ­
would mark him as a remarkable citizen. Here, hundreds incorporated in some way with some of the most import­ ed to e x ist b e tw e en S p its b e rg e n
a n d F r a n z J o s e p h L an d . T h is w ill
of citizens elect to turn down their right of franchise, ant highways of the country.”
u n d e rta k e n by th e ship, w hich
while Professor Vining elects to turn down, what surely
“ In June, 3847, a company headed by Cornelius Gil­ be
I s h a ll leav e w h e n a b o u t six h u n ­
would have been a tour of triumph in order that he might liam set out with the intention of exploring the Rogue d re d m iles d is ta n t fro m th e N o rth
cast hie vote This sort of man is a credit to any city, River and Klamath valleys, which from this time for­ P o le ,” A lg a rsso n sa id In a n In­
and we are more than proud to have him as neighbor, as ward continued to be mentioned favorably on account of terv iew .
“ T h e a e ro p la n e w hich I pro p o se
a citizen of Ashland.
their climate, soil and other advantages.
to u se is a d e v e lo p m e n t of th e
“ In 1849 Jesse Applegate removed to tlie Umpqua sm a ll, h ig h -p o w e re d m a c h in e s now
valley, at the foot of a grassy butte called by the Indians b e in g e x te n siv e ly used In E n g ­
W hat’s a man workt? There isn’t any answer. When ‘Yone-calla, or eagle-bird,’ which use has shortened to
Will Hays left the Cabinet and took the task of straight­ ‘Yoncalla’ near Elk creek close to which the railroad
ening out tangles in the motion picture industry, it was now passes. His brother Charles settled near by him; apd
believed and not doubted that he was to get $ i(X ),0 0 0 a Lindsey Applegate somewhat later made himself a home Faith - - - Without Works
year. Those who know say that he has saved his employ­ on Ashland creek, where the town of Ashland now stands,
P re a c h in g th e gospel of op­
ers many times that amount in countable cash by tlie mere and directly on the line of the road he helped to establish.” tim ism is a m ig h ty good th in g
r a s it goes.
I t do/is
prevention of lawsuits alone .
“ Uncle” Lindsey Applegate told the writer fifty h — e lp so d f a ire
c t th o u g h t th e r ig h t
Another report is that Secretary Hoover was asked to years ago that after he had received his first view of w ay. B u t o u r id ea of th e tru e
is th e p ra c tic a l one—
help the citrus fruit industry in Florida to organize for Rogue River valley on that memorable trip of 1846, he o th n e tim p ism
e rso n w ho ACTS a s if he
better marketing, and that $200,000 was to be his yearly had declared a vow that he would sometime make a home believed th o th in g s h e ta lk s
u t a n d h o p es fo r a re going
wage. Again much money; but if a man can save millions, here, and up to the date of his death he considered Rogue a to b o com
e to p ass. P u ttin g o p ti­
m ism to w ork is th e w ay to
can you measure his worth except in hundreds 6f thou­ River valley the gem of* the Pacific coast.
m u ltip ly its v a lu e .
The year 1846 was a memorable one in the annals of
t’s n o t only k e e p on lo o k ­
Someone not long ago put before the legislature the Pacific coast, the treaty with Great Britain was rati­ in g L e on
th e b rig h t sid e : l e t’s
of the state of New York a proposal to limit the salaries fied, fixing the boundary line at the 49th parallel north. c o n tin u a lly be d o in g so m e­
in g to m a k e it b rig h te r. A t
of life insurance president. The New York Insurance Re­ This gave the U. S. all that territory known as Old Ore­ th
th is b a n k w e believe in o u r
ro o tin g Is so m eth in g new com e to th e W hite H ouse an d tw irlé r replied,
‘m y fingers restio«
port for 1923, covering the business of 1922, gives Haley gon, extending from the Pacific ocean to the summit of c o u n try , o u r city , o u r n e ig h ­ In Silent
b rin g his a th le te s w ith him . At here a n d ---------
b o rs a n d o u rse lv e s.
A nd we
One of th e persons in W ashing­ t h a t
Fiske as the highest paid life insurance president in the the Rocky mountains, and from the 42nd to the 49th par­ b elieve in p u ttin g o u r f a ith in
th e
P resid en t
“ At th is point th e C hief E xecu­
ton m ost In terested In th e g re a t proved to th e ball players th a t he tive took th e ball a n d proceeded,
United States, and lists his salary as $133,000 a year. Who allel of north latitude. This removed the menace of war o u r d a lly b u sin e ss p ra c tic e .
i show ing m ade by th e A m erican h a d closely followed th eir d e te r­ to im itate th e Jo h n so n grip. W a lte r
L eague tea m re p re se n tin g th e C ap­ m ined fight fo r th e p en n an t and grasped his o p portunity.
doubts that Mr. Fiske could show a legislative commiUee that had so long hung over this region, and gave the anx­
L e t’s a ll be o p tim is ts a n d n o t
ita l h a s been P re sid e n t Coolidge. urged them to b r in g , a p en n an t
l e t ’s
bo o st
A sh-
“ Will you a u to g ra p h th a t b a ll? ”
that he earns many times that each year?»
ious settlements promise of speedy protection under the p a e n s d sim an is d ts —
N ever h a s h e raised h is voice in back w ith th em a t th e close of he asked.
n o t k n o c k — p u sh fo r­
ra u c u s o u tcry a g a in st h a lf-w itted th e season.
There are consciences that are shocked by the $750,- stars and stripes. The same year saw California a pos­ w a rd ratheT th a n p ull back.
No sooner said th a n done, a n d
decisions by e a rn e st u m p ire s; nor
In th e above p ictu re th e P re si­ now th e ball p lay e r h a s th e P re s ­
000 counsel fee in the M. K. & T. reorganization. Emi­ session of the United States, an unbroken coast line from
h a s h e sh o u ted h is advice to s tra in ­ d e n t is sta n d in g w ith M anager
id en tial sig n a tu re on h is fa v d rita
in g base ru n n ers, b u t h is silen t H a rris
(le ft)
W a lte r Jo h n so n plaything.
nent lawyers have testified that it wasn’t too much. Mexico, at the head of the Gulf of California to the 49th
“ p u lling” h a s helped m ak e th e (rig h t) a n d C la rk Griffith, ow ner
once-despised S e n a to rs t h e m oat of the club, to th e rig h t of J o h n ­
Samuel Unterm ye in his biography in Who’s Who (and degree of north latitude. The immigration was increas­
fe a re d baseball te a m in th e League. son. In W a lte r Johnson, p itching
i ou a re w elcom e to c o m p a re
First National
these are mostly t itobiographies) says that he got $775,- ing each year at a rapid rate, and an added impetus was
They say so, anyway.
ace fo r eighteen years, th e P re s ­ my A u to m o b ile r a te s w ith any
Stanley “Bucky” Harris, m an­
000 as a fee for consolidating Utah Copper with Nevada given by this new assurance of protection.
ager o f the W ashington team — id e n t w as p a rtic u la rly Interested o th e r r a te s in J a c k s o n o r J o s e ­
Consolidated and Boston Consolidated. Time says that
From this time on exploration of this immense em­ Ashland,
w ho by th e w ay is the youngest a n d ask ed him how he pitched his ph in e C o u n tie s; you can be th e
Oregon team
director in either m ajor fam o u s fa s t curve.
fu d g e. P h o n e 21. Yeo, of course.
Levi Mayer, of Chicago, got at least one fee of $500,000. pire of territory went on rapidly and ¿he country south
league—recently WM invited tQ ^»*1 JUold it this way,” the fiant
Washington Baseball Club Visits
The President A t The White House,
Johnson Given Autographed Ball
3 0 — tf