l*AGß KÖÜÄ DAM WNÖ3 •; bocal » P ersonal flotes :■ Reduce White Plague Death Rate Sixty-Eight Per Cent. During Seven Years of Framingham Demonstration < ► A D aily C hronicle o f th ose w h o com e and go, and ev en ts o f O j'liecktay, November 4, 11)24 Chamber oí Commerce. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Professor Vining was granted an intervie wwith Mayor Kend-i rick of PhfiaHoinkio u . ’ o X t n . h °_8Cnt h *3 , 1 a complimentary dinner, at which was featured the slogan “For you FOR RENT:— 5 room fu rn ish -1 a rose In Oregon grows.” Sunday. Pro- Im m ediately after this lunch-’ DRESSMAKING and Tayloringi feS8° r a " epte^ an ‘“ S ta tio n to eon, Professor Vining en train ed ' reasonable prices, all work g uar-i ch u rch for Lancaster, in the heart o f ’ ‘ “ teed. Mm. B. Van H a rd en -’ ”P, ’ /r 8P° ke For California— Pennsylvania’s m anufacturing and berS. 147 Central Ave. 55— 1 mo * I of MvIn«- M alta Com m audery No. 4 agricultural section, where he a d -’ ~ ------------------------------- I At Taw anda’ P r e s s o r Vining M. M. Tucker left today for K n igh ts Tem plar i Richmond, Calif., where he will dressed the Lancaster C ham ber! SALE CH EA P:— G e n tle ! was given’ not on‘y tbe key to M asonic H all of Commerce. Im m ediately fol- saddle J)Ony. suitable for children ,be city’ bui was 80 showered with ■ spend several m onths on business. lowing this address,, he left for l° ride‘ Inquire Woods Tire Shop, i ‘“ S ta tio n s to functions, that It Stated Conclave, W ednesday : evening, Nov. 5. Open longi New Yory city, where he renew- 55— 3 was ‘“»possible to accept more LARGE NEWTOWN and POD UATE.----- ---------------------- i fhan a sma11 portion of them. form , with drill. Routine busi­ SPITZ culls 50c, Small Spitz 25c, ed old acquaintances. K SALE: — Cull Delicious From Tawanda. Professor Vin- ness. Dinner at 6:30. All Sir bring your box or sack, F ru it As­ Upon the invitation of Presi­ appies 2.,c a box, bring your ing journeyed to Buffalo for a sociation. 55__6 K nights courteously invited. dent Bullard of the Connecticut boxes. W. F. Rodoff. 447. W alnut short stop, and then stopped in F. H. JOHNSON, E. C., State Chamber of Commerce, h e 's tre e t. 55 5* j A shtubula, Ohio, where he en­ From Hilt— W. H. DAY, Recorder addressed the Bridgeport C ham -! — ------------ Victor Peiffer returned home her, at a special luncheon given ', LOST: — Elk s tooth set joyed a brief visit with his niece, I ll A t H om e— last night from Hilt where he in his honor. During this a d - ' on erescent shape pin. Finder re- Mrs. Charles W ard, form erly Miss B .B . Kellogg,, switchm an for has been working for some time. 55—2* Norma Minkler of this city. Time dress, Professor Vining was ask­ tu rn to Tidings office. would not perm it his accepting an the Southern Pacific is seriously ed to give a W esterner’s view­ LOST: — Brown dog with four invitation to speak at a meeting ill at his home on Fifth street. Jade Salts 85c, McNair Bros. point of why New England was white feet, green collar, answers of the Chamber of Commerce in losing out in her m anufacturing this city. to name of “ B ean” . Finder re- Operated On— Best m ilk— Lininger’s Dairy, and ports Looking over the audience Pro ! T “ H aread ,“e From Ashtubula, Professor Vin­ 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. Johnny GrueHe underw ent an : street and receive rew ard. Phone ing entrained to Oregon, in order 26—tf operation at the Community Hos­ fessor Vining stated th a t his belief 263L. 55— 1 th a t he might arrive in Ashland pital this morning and is doing! of the cause for the loss of pres­ nicely. 111 a t Home— tige of the New England States I LOST:— P air tortoise rimmed In Time to cast his vote. He a r­ w as th a t ™ „ rived in this city late Sunday Miss (Jfracy> Lunian;, clerk at ew England called to glasses, Moose Hall, Thursday, evening. Hoi n— E lh a rt’s is confined to her home r council tables, only the gray Reward. R eturn to Tidings. today on account of sickness. To Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Robert, I beards, who sat in their commit-! 55__3» October 29, a boy at the Commun-' tee rooms, prom ulgating a philos ,, , . . ... , One totvn In th e U nited S tates D on’t m iss th e election returns ophy of “ thou shalt not” . He di­ - o sp ita l. M o th er a n d son a r e ' h a s succeeded in reducing red u cin g its SWENNING & GEAR a t N ln ln ger’S ton igh t. 55— 1 doing well. tuberculosis d e a th ra te 68 p er cent, rected attention to the N orth­ Dependable C ontracting Painters in only seven years. I t h a s a c ­ west, where the vigorous young and Decorators. Phone 408J. com plished th is a t a cost w hich is Tuxedos and serges for dress T o G ra n ts -Pass— 1 îanhood, with progressive ideas, 47— 2-Sat. Tues. i not prohibitive. F ra m in g h a m , 54-tf w ear. Paulserud’s. H arry Silver of the N a tu ra l M assachusetts, h a s d em o n strated is asked to sit in council with the Carbonic Gas Company made a tbat public health Is purchasable gray beards, and where a philos- business trip to G rants Pass to i and that the returns are more than In Town — ( Phy of “ thou shall” is advocated, then started for Tawanda. Penn­ p u ra iu s i ass to -co m m en su rate wlth cost. On J. N. Pace of T ent was m a^" end stating th a t unless New Eng-| sy‘van*a - ‘n the heart of the most the basis of this demonstration, town this morning n business, iand gave her young men a beau‘U“ ‘ district in Pennsylvania, — tuberculosis, which until recently headed the list of death causes, Mr. Pace is the towi marshall of V’iited Parents__ chance, Oregon’s invitation would ^ ere be delivered an address at i i „., j _ m ay be definitely classed am o n g be irrisistable, th a t the branchi — -------- ------- ---- —___________ Talent. DICING ROOM Lloyd Bryant of K lam ath Fails the controllable diseases. was in Ashland over the week-1 T he d e a th ra te from tuberculosis m anufacturing plants, establish-! CHUDREHJr C A M P in F ra m in g h a m , since J a n u a ry 1, i See P aulserud’s special on two- end visiting with his parents. j ed on our coast, under the sup F i r e insurance 1917 h a s declined from 121 p e r , successfully, to prevent th e dls- pants-sults, all wool, $23.75. 54-tf And the improvement was re­ ervision of young blood, would 100,000 population to 38 p er 100,- ease, an d to build up u n d er local flected not only in the tuberculosis W. L. DOUGLAS F ro m Schoo!— is only one of the 000 in 1923. ¡leadership, ad eq u ate h e a lth m ach- death rate; the deaths among bab­ soon become the dom inant power B est election returns tonight in the countrys m anufacturing, Mrs. Inex Bryant, who teaches! How it was done is, o r should be, j inery fo r a tow n of th is size. m a n y valuable ies were reduced 40 percent, dur­ a t N inlnger's. 55— 1 school on the Dead Indian road! int1erest to evbry community in F ro m th » beginning th e people ing the period of the demonstra­ and th a t the plants of the East forms of protec- T TIV 1*1 of F ra m in g h a m have show n a n in- tion. Framingham is a better wou‘d soon become but m em ories.' IS in Ashland for a few days as! This first great health demon- 1 ion offered bv creasin g conviction of th e value of place to be born an d a b e tte r place From Portland— her school was dismissed on ac- stration, under the auspices of the disease preventive m easures. The ! to live th a n it used to be D ur- This speech waa featured through-J 1 • agency. • * this Ray Minker of Portland, fornj- count of election. STYLE and QUALITY National Tuberculosis Association, B oard of H e a lth h as expanded its in g 1922 a n d 1923 th e people of out the papers in the New England was made possible by an appro- activities along in fa n t w elfare a n d j th e tow n cheerfully sp en t six tim es states, and aroused much favor-' er Ashland resident, is in Ashland « priation of nearly $200,000 by the tuberculosis prevention lines. T^he for a few days on business. Mr. m e vv. R. c. will give a food . Metropolitan Life Insurance Com­ local school authorities have great­ as much for health work as was aide editorial comment, Estab. 1883 Minker was form erly In the dry sale and bazaar Saturday Nov. pany. . Framingham, a town of ly expanded medical, nursing, den­ available prior to the dem onstra-,' R eturning to New JYork City. tion. 17,000 was selected in 1916 as a goods business here. tal, clinical and health education 8th in room next to E lh a rt’s on M any o th e r cities a re taking! Professor Vining was entertained Main St. . 54__e typical, American industrial com­ services. The leading Industries th e ir cue from F ra m in g h a m . W h a t by the New York State Chamber munity. Since then, through the have encouraged the periodic Let u? fill your pall with Swlftk aid of local health and medical health examination of workers and h a s been done can be done. If, of Commerce at a luncheon, and Silver Lea: lard. Costs .less than H om e From South— agencies, and commercial concerns, facilities for their care. 4J1 this F ra m in g h a m ’s lesson Is well le a rn ­ ed tuberculosis m ay before long be • ShorteulDg. Goc« fa rth e r and Is C. R. D. Jones, who underw ent every effort has been made to find has resulted In the prevention of definitely ran k e d a s one of tb s * * r e nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf an operation in San Francisco re tuberculosis cases, to treat them illness and the prolongation of life. diseases u n d e r com plete control. cently is much improved and is C om plete election returns to ­ now at his home on Mountain th e local university, a t a mass COOLIDGE URGES n igh t at N inlnger’s. P rivate Avenue. m eeting this afternoon, voted un­ UNIVERSAL PE4CE A WIDE VARIETY OF leased w ire in th e store w ill give animously to cancel the schedul­ com p lete election service. 55— 1 Complete line of Ashland Can- ed contest as a resu lt of the a o Continued from page One awl Goods at Detricks. 94-tf tion Stanford and the University New straight English models in of California in refusing to m eet' activities of the outside world Overcoats, a t Paulserud's. 54-tf Hears Talk— Die-stamped in eolorrç and beautifully en­ NILES, Ohio, Nov. 4. — W ith U S. C. in athletic competition “ When, by common consent, The last campaign speech of about 25 persons, members of the a lte r this year. ved sentiments. Armistice Day was added to our A rrives Tom orrow — * Calvin Coolidge was heard by Ku Klux . Kian, and of the Announcement of the action was calendar of memorial dates, it J. E. T ourtellotte will arrive in large num ber of people in Ash­ K nights of the Flam ing Circle,, made by Ned L ew is,p resid en t of! took its place as the one in whose That Will Please Y oh Ashland tomorrow to help lay out land last night broadcasted over th eir sworn foe, Make your selections as soon as jTossible. under arrest, the Associated Student Body celebration we will always be th e new tourist hotel building, of the radio from W ashington D. C. charged with inciting a riot The cancellation of the Stan­ draw n closer to other peoples who which the firm of Touirtellotte It was relayed about 27 times. order has been restored in Niles and Hummel is doing the archi Millard Grubb also heard Mr. today under the m artial law pro­ ford game is considered a protest stand for liberal institutions. following the split of Stanford and tecture work. Davis speak in Pittsburgh, Penn. clam ation of g o v ern o r A. V. Don- C alifornia with U. S. C., over the VINING TELLS OF He reports th a t both speeches ahey. charge that Bill Cole, sta r U. S. C. JOURNEY THROUGH EAST Druggists Stationers We deliver the goods— Detricks came in very d e a r. “ I expect to w ithdraw most of player, was paid for coaching the N. Main Phone 107 94-tf the troops today,” General Ben­ Santa Anna High School team. (Cointinued from page 1.) Special Auto Accident Policy son W. Hough, commander of the Action of the local university! 77T. ~ ----------------- ----- A ttended Game— for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo Ohio National Guard, said. students who returned from the F° rg e' ThOt e’'e" in8 he Jim Bowers and Mr. and Mrs. of course. “ Local au thorities should be game w ith California Saturday a t ® °!‘e 24-tf “ ’’ ""'.’o' 1000 "" Pllymate spent the week-end in amply able to take care of a n ^ -..tt. . . . . leading autom obile and banking Which the split was announced.I Roseburg and Eugene, attending sporadic • outbursts th a t may in Northwest w ere incensed at the action of the - Philadelphia, the Ashland-Roseburg game and R otarus H om e— come.” northern schools. , ,, then going to Eugene to attend Five hundred guardsm en were | H ie following m orning he was George Brookm iller has re tu rn ­ the U. of O-W ashington game. WeFf 125 V6Xed at a breakfast guest of the Phila- ed to his home here after having! still patrolling the streets and •h d- t W X n d tb n ° nv f d b m " d6lphia Chamber of Commerce at worked the past few weeks out the m ilitary was assisting local of­ A private telegraph operator of K lam ath Falls with his South­ ficials In gathering evidence to around the Berkeley am pitheatre the Union League Club. At noon w ill be a t N inlnger’s ton igh t to ern Pacific gang. present to the courts against those announcing the action. It woul£ h e waa t he guest of honor at the receive th e com p lete election re­ charged w ith responsibility for the nave been much more polite to ' annual luncheon of the trades tu rn s. E verybody w elcom e to On B u siness— outburst of racial hatred which re ­ withhold announcem ent of the de- committee of the Philadelphia Kiddies Kreepers (khaki and den­ Kiddies Koveralls, blue or denim, cision until the end of the present! ” * <- *■*"- 1 y j - 1 - liste n to th e returns. 55— 1 W m. D. Bennett, secretary of sulted in 13 persons being wound­ season, local supporters d eclared.’ ______ im), sizes 0 to 4, Sizes 1 to 8 the Hartma/n Syndicate, is ex­ ed Saturday, one of whom may O rder your Thanksgiving suit pected in the city in a short time die. at Paulseruds. 54-tf to spend a few days on business. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS and say it with ours. A rrived Y esterday— local in terest For YOUR Protection Ilpliday Dress SHOES a Billings Agency OVERLAND Shoe Shop 25 UNDER ARREST MEATS PERSONAL GREETING CARDS Foi Xi nas and New Years gin McNair B rothers . Eagle Market Useful Articles Priced lor QUICK SELLING Q uite Sick— Mr. and Mrs. H arry Morris and Eugene Canasto is quite ill at Mr. and Mrs. Sim Morris arrived the Community Hospital with In Ashland yesterday from Klam­ effects of the flu, ath Falls where they have been visiting for several weeks. Mr. Operated Y esterday__ and Mrs. H arry Morris live in Mrs. Learned of Medford un­ H ornbrook. derw ent an operation at the hos­ pital here yesterday and is do­ Bweet cream for wl pplng and ing as well as couild be expected. «•Wee— also fresh milk, always •a Ice at the Plaza. 239— tf R eturns H om e— 55c 98c Kiddies’ Kite Kuts, blue or khaki, Sizes 1 to 4 ........................... $1.25 Sizes 4 to 7 ........................... $1.35 Sizes 8 to 1 2 ........................... $1.50 S P ACCUSED OF 1 M c M innville , N ov . 4— Thom- is Gregory BHigh, Salem ‘theatre and hotel owner, an-d J. C. Davis, a carpenter in his employ, were killed shortly before noon today three miles west of New Grande on th e Tillamook highway when their autom obile skidded and overturned. Davis died instantly and Bligh lived half an hour. I^ligh was dead when brought to McMinnville. His chest was crushed. Davis’ back was brok­ en. The car was turned complete­ ly around and was a mass of wreckage. W hich man was driv­ ing was not ascertained, but it Is presumed th a t Bligh was at the wheel. Bligh and Davis were re tu rn ­ ing to Salem from Neskowin. Davis had been w orking on cot-! tages owned by Bligh a t th e ' beach resort. The bodies are a t th e W. T. Macy undertaking parlors here. Coroner Glenn Macy held the deaths were accidental. Everything in the Greenhouse Line Hi-Class Designing SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 4. ‘‘HATCHER THE FLORIST” Roe H. Baker, president of the 1070 Boulevard Phone 118 State Federation of Labor, today filed a com plaint with the state Open on Sundays We Deliver railroad commission against the Southern Pacific R ailroad com­ pany asking investigation of the Mrs. E. T. Allen ,who has been alleged discharge of more than N eglected C o n c e r t - a t the Community Hospital for a 500 shop mechanics In the em­ In th e article about the su r­ few days having medical tre a t­ ploy of th a t company at Sacra­ Sandit prise party for Mrs. K atherine ment, returned to her home yes­ mento. Morrison a m istake in the pro­ terday. B aker in his complaint alleged gram was m ade and the excellent th a t the men were dropped “ with radio concert th a t was given by the object of influencing the votes, Elgin — Macadamizing of im­ not only of the said employes so Mr. E lm er Morrison on his set portant north side m arket road discharged, but of the employes w as not mentioned. to begin a t once. generally of the said defendant, and of inducing the said discharg­ Save $10.00, walk upstairs to Medford— New store building ed and other employes by a veil­ Orree tailor shop. 17— tf Many housewives are tak­ under construction. ed th re a t of unem ploym ent to ing advantage of our cast th eir votes for Calvin Coo­ C hildren’s Books, McNair Medford— C raterian th eatre is Bros. lidge for president, regardless of rough dry laundry service. completed a t cost of $175,000. the preference of such em­ ployes.” T o Furnish Cars— It is difficult to get clothes There is wisdom In reading ads The state public utilities act The American Legion, post empowers the commission to or­ No. 15, Medford., feeling th a t the dry by hanging outdoors der an investigation of such rem arks of N ational Commander heaviest vote in charges. at this season of the year. Jam es A. Drain are im perative to HISTORY PR EDIO TED At the offices of the Southern th e w elfare of the whole Ameri­ Pacific sweeping denial was made can public, and being desirous Continued from page One of the charges. Send your clothes to us; of cooperating in ’ the effort to President W illiam C. Sproule bring out a one hundred per cent we will wash’ them and Since a large num ber of ballots declared the layoff was a season­ vote, will open its headquarters al one and in no way .connected are cast in the early evening, it during the voting hours and will OLYMPIA, W ash., Nov. 4— Ar­ return them rough dry at have cars available to carry vot­ is believed the to tal num ber cast with politics. A statem ent was to ticles of incorporation are being ers to the polls, regardless of in Ashland will total nearly 65 or be issued by his office, it was said. a very nominal cost, which drawn up for th e Pacific W ilder­ politics.— Medford Mail Tribune. 70 per cent of the to tal possible, which Is a w onderful p ercen tag e.! ness Olympian association, upon will make housekeeping considering the low ebb to which j authorization of a conference of WANTED a good and reliable the percentage has fallen in the! representatives of 12 of the Olym-’ more pleasant. m an or women to dem onstrate past. pic peninsula cities and towns to! and sell the Electro Magnetic The long ballot will m ake the be filed in th e near future. B lankets in Ashland and Vicinity. counting of the vote a tedious job, The plan contem plates a per­ A good clean and growing busi­ and It is probable th a t many of the form ance lasting probably four LOS ANGELES, Nov. 4— The ness th a t has increased over two precincts will not complete th eir days and to be repeated as a con­ hundred percent in the last year, county until the early morning University of Southern Cajlifornia tinuous perform ance during the for full particulars, A ddress Po. hours, especially those In which will not meet Stanford university period of about four weeks in 81 W ater St. in football Saturday. Phone 165 Box 452 Eugene, Oregon. 55— 6* J a heavy poll has been cast. The Associated Student Body of Jn u ly and August. 98c Girls’ Sateen Bloomers, all sizes, 75c Girls’ pleated Wool Skirts, bodice attached, all sizes, priced at Hang Your Clothes on Our Line GREAT B B l IS CANCEL GAME AS PROIES! MEASURE Girls’ Middies, White Soisette, “ Jack Tar Make,” Sizes 6 to 16 Ashland Laundry $1.98 All wool Middies for both girls and big girls. One-Third off All Genuine Lingette Slips in while, pink, orchid, tan, brown, navy and black $1.98 Nainsook Chemise, Feather stitch trim, priced a t ............................... 75c Crepe Bloomers, full size, reinforced, Priced at 89c Heavy Outing Flannel Night Gowns, all sizes $1.35 SHOP AT Big line of Ladies’ Wool Hose, priced at $1.25 to $2.98 • New Line of Plain and fancy hats for street and dress wear $1.98 to $7.95 C n m p a r tL j ■Where Your D ollar H as More C ents’