fM S W itff- ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1924 ELECTION NO. 55 REPORTED THE PEO PLE TO RECEIVE THIS IS CERTAINLY A PL EA SA N T THOUGHT RETURNS IN ASHLAND U « ----------- 8 ---------- « « :: WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. Ashland people will be 8 fairly well supplied with :: — Between 500 and 1,000 » the' returns of the elect­ » I lepers are abroad in com­ 8 ion, this evening, with « m unities throughout the 8 several m erchants, and 8 United States, according 8 » publishing bulletins giving tt 8 to an estim ate made by tt the results of the national, tt tt the Public H ealth Service 8 state, county and city bal­ « tt recently. 8 8 loting. ---------- ------------------------------------- tt, . ---------- Except dread disease «1 tt 8 At the Civic Improve­ « President of State Chamber tt be in its most acute stage, ** Labor - Socialist C a b i n e t F air W eather Causes Rejoicing Among Leaders of All Klamath Falls Aghast at Ac­ Chicago Scene of F irst Elec­ » m ent Club, the Kiwanis tt the average person infect­ ~ »I of Commerce Speaker at tion of Hotel Man—Bank Quits Following Defeat tion Day Riot. Gangs Parties. Democratic Cohorts Say Election Will De­ tt Club will receive the re­ tt ed never recognizes he is tt Forum Luncheon Robber in Big Election Fight at Polling Place tt tu rn s over a radio set in­ tt tt a victim, the announce­ 8 pend upon Strength of La Follette. Heavy Vote Is - - - # :: stalled there. At the t? tt m ent declared, and dis­ 8 Predicted for Precincts in Ashland. W IFE DECEIVED 7 YRS. PARTY LEADERS FIGHT 8 Elks Club, the retu rn s tt EXPLAINS CONDITIONS tt covery is only brought 8 TORIES NOW CONTROL 8 Will be coming in during tt I nderworld Associations Excite Man Principal Speaker tt about in the m ajority of 8 M akes F ou rth M inistry to Contro B itter F igh t on in Illin o is City Is 8 the night, and it is ex­ tt A shland NEW YORK, Nov. 4—With fair weather reported 8 cases through an infected tt Suspicions; Loot Relieved to A ffairs o f E ngland Since at Many C om plim entary A f­ C ause o f Shooting. Stabbing tt pected a larg e num ber of tt 8 person applying for medi­ for all parts of the country, the American voters, in num­ 1 m * Invested in Realty tt Close o f the W ar fairs D uring Trip and K idnapping A ffrays a “ Bills” will g ath er there t: tt cal treatm en t for other 8 bers never before equalled in any poll taken in the world, tt to get th eir inform ation. tt 8 tt ailm ents or diseases. KLAMATH FALLS, Nov. 4.__ ‘ The only way to advertise the CHICAGO, Nov. 4.— One man L ondon , Nov. 4. — E ngland’s are making their quadrennial* march to the polls today, tt R eturns will also he 8 8 Persons who have con­ tt Klamath Falls today was trying W est to the East, is by connect­ was shot to death and two others « bulletined at N inlnger’s 8 8 first Labor-Socialist governm ent j where thev will register their preference for the Presi- to piece together hit? of fact and tracted leprosy have been tt ing the problems of the E ast with passed out of existence this even-1 i I <• , . i -x x-c- ■ i seriously wounded, one man was « pool room and from the » conjecture and rum or in an effort those of the W est, and showing tt known to live in commun­ 8 ing, when Prem ier MacDonald dency, and tor countless state, county and city officials. stabbed and another kidnapped, 8 8 1 office of the Tidings. 8 ities for years before be­ tt Leaders estimate that at the fewest, thirty millions to find a solution for a human the residents of the East the man­ went to Buckingham Palace and a polling place was burned, and « At the Vining Theatre, ttl 8 ing recognized as such. tt ner in which the We3t has solved tendered his own resignation of voters and perhaps thirty-five millions, will register enigma, William P. Richards, out­ nearly a dozen armed gunmen « the retu rn will be flash­ tt:I tt Few people other than 8 along with a blanket resignation wardly a prosperous and success­ problems closely akin to those were rounded up here today at the their preference. Either figure mentioned will establish ful ed on the screen th ro u g h ­ tt 8 8 physicians ever see a case tt proprietor, who today lies list­ covering the members of hl3 encountered in the E ast.’ heat of a bitterly contested elec­ a new record for popular suffrange, not only in the United out the two shows. The 8 8 cabjnet. of leprosy. tt lessly in a Sacramento jail, a con­ W ith this short statem ent, P ro­ tion fight burst into the flames a last show will run until tt 8 ö « » » ö ö ö » « i : r r States, but in the entire world fessed and for a time successful fessor Irving E. Vining explain­ These resignations were Im­ of violence this morning. a after m idnight, with late tt ed bank bandit. m ediately accepted by King thoroughly his rem arkable suc- Leaders of all the principal parties found satisfaction The fatal shooting followed a a retu rn s being flashed after tti no answer was forthcoming j cess in telling the E ast about George. It is believed th a t Stan. running gun battle between the a t in the fair weather reports over the country. Both Cool- to But the completion of the tt give the public an insight into Oregon, during his five weeks tour occupants of two autos through a picture. hey Baidwin, former Fremicr, and j anq Davis, the Republican and Democratic c.andi the mental tt workings of this, mod­ following his attendance at the the streets of the city. In this a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 convention ern Dr. Jekyll and 5Jr. Hyde. tion m which the Labor-Socialist I d a t e s s l)o k ? J a s t m8ht over the radio, urging a visit to of State Presidents of fight, John Mackey wa3 killed, Seven months ago Mr. Richards and Liberal parties were driven polls, joining ill all appeal to the public that they Chambers of Commerce a t P itts­ and Claude Maddock was ser­ breezed into Klamath Falls burg. Professor Vining gave an from power, will form a new Tory ' cast their ballots. iously wounded. breathing prosperity and ready cabinet. account of his trip, at the regular E arlier In the day, gunmen Democratlc leaders throughout money. With a partner he bought Forum luncheon of the Ashland The MacDonald m inistery has shot and seriously wounded An- the country say the whole ques­ the Lake hotel for which he paid been in power in England since Chamber of Commerce at the tone Rudzinski as he left a poll­ tion of today's election simmers Militia Called Out W'hen O utbreak $12,000 in cash. This was ln Jan u ary 22, succeeding the Tory Hotel Ashland today. ing place. Moris Spagit. Demo­ down to “ how strong is La Fol­ Takes on Serious Aspect. M ar­ April. Just a short time after he V ining’s first speech, following m inistery, of which Baldwin w a s’ cratic captain in the T hirtieth le tte ” . This is the great enigma shall Refuses to Move is said to have robbed a bank at his arrival in Pennsylvania, was Prem ier. The Baldwin govern- ■ W ard of this city was stabbed, of today’s election. W hoever can Lincoln, Cal., of thousands of dol­ m ent was ln power but a fe w ! delivered at a banquet tendered but not seriously wounded, fol- supply the answer to this question lars. HERRIN, 111., Nov. 4— Glenn montll8 lowing an argum ent with Herman s}ta „ iey Robinette One of Number! him ln P ittsl,urg. He chos« as can predict the outcome of to During his residence here Rich­ his topic, “ H istoric Shrines of Young, leader of the W illiamson i The early Tory governm ent w a s1 Schmidt, Republican worker. day’s balloting. Given Guns W ith Which They county Ku Klux Kian today the regnJt of the overthrow of the ards made numerous friends. He Pennsylvania,” and during the This is the first outbreak re­ ----------» Won National Title'’ clashed with a special deputy Un-, Libera, gevernmGnt> of which wa®. a likeable chap of the go-get­ course of his speech he explained ported In the country during the PORTLAND, Nov. 4.— Despite ter type. But instead of allying ited States M arshal Jeffrey at one David Lloyd George was Prem ier C. P . H urley D row ned W hen H url­ to his audience th e m anner in early morning hours of^the elect­ rain indications today were that himself with decent business in­ PORTLAND. Nov. 4. — In re­ ed into W ater by Log Room j qpbe Lloyd George m inistery was ion, although it is reported th a t cognition of the fact th a t the Ore­ which Oregon was draw ing her of the polls here. an extremely heavy vote would terests he directed his attention Young, according to th e reports ln office for six yearj and c a r. C apsizing T ug Boat a num ber of gunmen have con­ gon national guard rifle team de­ visitors. He declared th a t Ore­ ho polled in the northw est. The to th at uncertain portion of the gregated in H errin, in anticipa­ feated all opposition, including the gon’s campaign was an appeal to of the clash, ordered Jeffrey away^ ried, on the governm ent through- j storm here checked early voting city “ south of K lam ath,” where BANDON, Ore., Nov. 4.- tion of an outbreak In th a t city crack regular arm y team s, and the overage m an’s love for out of from the polling place, b u t Jef-1 out th e w ar successfully. The P ’ but R i§ expected th a t the poll will painted women liold forth in sor­ Young racks of the post-war period were! Hurley, president of the C. and which is expected to come during won the national infantry trophy door life. He stated th a t Ore­ frey refused to move. he very heavy before closing. did shacks at night. He organiz­ gon advertises "th e h e a rt’s de­ threatened violence to th e en tire the cause of the wreckage of th e,C . Cedar company of this city, was the day. B right sunshine brought out ed and operated a taxie service. at the recent shoot held at Camp sire.” He indicated th a t although city unless Jeffrey got out of Liberal P arty, and the Tories went drowned early today in the Co- the voters A |, po„ ing p,acea re Perry, O., the members of the LEXINGTON, Tex., Nov. 4.— Pennsylvania did not have the town, but the m arshall refused to into power. The Tory government quille river and two other men port th a t there are waJt|ng HneB He bought property in large quan­ team were presented with the outstanding appeal of the great move, stating to bystanders th a t was short lived, the Labor Social- had a narrow escape from drow n-, aince the polla opened The com. tities and at the time of his a r­ C. Bartholowew and W. Rogers, rifles with which the match was outdoors, the state was replete he had been stationed at the poll- ists replacing them very soon! ing when a log boom broke, cans-, pu]8Ory public 8chool attendanCe rest was planning a roadhouse on election judges were killed and won at a ceremony to be held at one of the macadam highways out­ with w onderful historic shrines. ing place in order to cope with »ny a fte r th eir election J. Bartholowew was seriously in­ Then the ing the tugboat on which th e y ; bll, ia being b itte r,y fought the local guard arm ory last night. side the city. Gettysburg, Valley Forge, Inde­ rioting which m ight take place Labor Socialists were defeated a . were w orking to capsize. jured in a riot at the polls here Officers, of the team were pre­ _. .. .. x j v » - » j . i E arly balloting indicated a In a modestly furnished cottage pendence Hall and F o rt Dusquene, today. Dan Powers, farm er and The situation created by Jef- few days ago, and now the T o ries' The men aboard the tugboat, beavy sented with pistols. to which the to u rist could be at- tre y ’s refusal to obey Y oung’s I are back in power, m aking four in addition to Hurley, were Harold ette valley and also a heav * vote on North Ninth street the disillu­ Republican is charged with the Plans for the celebration, which tracted. This speech of V ining’s • command is very tense. A la rg e ; district governments which have W hitsett and Harold McCue. They ¡n c e n tra l Idaho * V° * sioned wife of the hotel man-hank shooting. The trouble started wa3 for national guardsm en only, robber is planning to go to her was radioed throughout the coun- num ber of gangsters are said to, been in power during the past succeeded in reaching the shore,; when Powers appeared at the* ______ were arranged by a special com- husband’s defense. polls, dem anding th a t the ballot m ittee consisting of Captain L. R. aided by pieces of driftwood, but 7 7 * faVorab,e edi' be pouring - into H errin In res- year, KANSAS CITY, Kan., Nov. 4. box be turned over to him ,stat­ MHnn. H urley was unable to 3wim and Milner, Captain Ray F. Olson and torial comment from the leading ponse to Young’s call. Machine — Incomplete official returns from newspapers of the state. ing th at he had been duly named went 'down. guns have been mounted on the Captain George M. Dannals. 37 precincts in W yandotte coun­ CAR STOLEN FROM Follow ing his speech in P itts­ city hall- by a troop of m ilitia, in j an election official. An argum ent About two million feet of cedar LOCAL GARAGE AT , . . . xv v x Major Fred M. W est of Port- ty gave Coolidge 1,279 votes, burg, Vining delivered the prin- case severe rioting breaks out. ensued and ended by the shoot-1 . „ , . . . x. « logs, valued at $100.000 had been _ I land was captain of the Oregon MIDNIGHT MONDAY Davis 451 and La Follette 292.' ing of the three men. Powers es­ ... . .. . . . xx cipal sPeecb a t the convention of More troops are said to be on caught and held in a boom on the rifle team on its victorious trip .... - „ . . . , In the three cornered gubernator­ caped in an auto. n ..„ ~. . xv x p I Presidents and Secretaries of the th eir way here. lower river. They were thought An automobile belonging to Os­ east. O ther officers of the t e a m Ox„,„ /-.v « ial fight W illiam Allen White, T T * . State Chambers of Commerce, in sate, but early this morning the were. M ajor Leo J. x A. Pironi , of Pittsburg. Im T m ediately ji x , - ow- Em piria editor and avowed enemy car T uttle of Orange Avenue was fol h i)m broke, the logs floating out CASE TO BE TAKEN Clackamas and Captain Ralph {no. • „„„„ . . j of the Ku Klux Kian was running stolen about m idnight last night. ~ -ii . « j . j . ,ng th ,s speech, Vining was de- to sea. H urley had taken p erso n -; TO CIRCUIT COURT Cowgill of Medford. Shooting x , 'second to Paulen, a Republican. The thief unlocked the garage - j »1 charge of the effort to hold the ---------- members of the lean, were: M ajor » 't h requests to speak in door, took the car and relocked Following a verdict In favor ot p ,ronj Clackama>. Lieutenant! ’ " * , " the General gasoline, which is so lcRB and had worked continually MEMPHIS, Nov. 4. A near the door, escaping without be­ the plaintiff in the case of W alter , a do„ s p d I ™ untry. hut because of the sched- favorably known to the people for two days and nights when the i election riot occurred today when ing apprehended. It is the op­ B lalr. plaintiff against John N-1 gea „ ,s Henry Thomas. Chester E .1 h , of Southern California and in the accident occurred. federal officers placed six Demo­ inion of Chief of Police McNabb Newell, defendant, the attorney McCarty Rober, A rrh„ Jarkson ‘" p . it wan .mposstble for him Hurley had been in the lum- State of W ashington where It has cratic election officials under a r­ that some one well acquainted for the defendant motioned to „ v tl. v to accept more than a small part The open season for shooting recently been Introduced, will be ber business for manv years and rest. charging “conspiracy to de-l with the property took the car. carry the case to the circuit c o u rt, _ , o „ „ j T « of th em - Professor Vining states China pheasants, Bob W hite available to the* m otorists of Ash- for a long time was connected with feat by a fair ballot.” It was yesterday when the case was tried iand . , „ g ..... . „ „ |U e ^ as lavishly entertained while quail, blue grouse and n a tiv e , land by February first accord the Moore Mill and Lum ber com-; Miller of P ortland; Ser- . « ... , TT before Judge Gowdy. justice o f . staniev A Robinette A sh-' Pittsburg. He was shown pheasants is at an end for thisj Ing to an announcem ent by H. O.j DanY until he organized the C. i charged th at they were driving YOUNG ROY ESCAPES ihe Republican w atchers away The trial was for re- 7 ” Stanley , ' r i 7 n n h th ro u Sh the Mellon Bank, the year, except in Hood River co u n -1 Frohbach who is associated with and C. Cedar company. He FROM STATE SCHOOL the peace. Ti leaves ‘ land; Sergeant Clyde R. Rich- from the polls. ______ covery of money for goods and.) Medf Jr“d. A lternates were model bank of the country, and ty, where it has not yet begun,j J. W. Judy, in the wholesale dis-' a wife and three children Word was received here today L atest reports from the scene WASHINGTON Nov 4 m erchandise purchased about j i Sergeant Hal F. W est of Albany through the giant steel mills at In th a t county these birds may b e : tribution of gasoline and lu b ri-' Presi- froni Salem th at a hoy by the Braddock and Homestead, shot from November 1 to 15. Scants m anufactured by the Gen- said the body had not yet been d .nt Coolidge Ju n e 1, 1924 from Reno, Nevada. Î and Sergeant John Heim of Port- I ' told W hite House name of Irwin, 15 years old had i W hile in P ittsburg, Vining or­ From reports received by S ta te ' eral Petroleum Corporation. I recovered W illiam Briggs was attorney E land. ■ callers this afternoon th at he be- escaped from the state training iginated a slogan for the city; Game W arden B urghduff it i s . This gasoline will be sold oni> j for the plaintiff and Rawles — lieved he was assured of at least school Sunday evening and was which has been adopted as the reasonable to- suppose th a t th ere; through Independent dealers as Moore of Medford represented the R eturns H om e— 343 Electorial College vote« as on the way to Mexico by beating most suitable ever coined. He was quite an increase in all of the General Petroleum Corpora- defendant. Mrs. Stratton, m other of Mrs. the result of today's balloting. j trains. explained th a t Pittsburg, with her these game birds this year. tion does not install service sta­ Percy S tratton who has been coal fields and iron deposits near Every ad has a message tions. The corporation liberally visiting at N orth Bend with her One of the heaviest polls in the ., . . « «x xx at hand, was “ Pittsburg, Pennsyl- advertises its products and the sons, Lloyd and Rex Stratton, re- . , , , ,, TT history of Ashland will be cast , , , vania’s pulse of power. He com- dealers who distribute same. turned home last week. Mrs. today, if the voters continue to pared Portland, With P ittsburg, The quality of the gasoline is Percy Stratton, who was injured stieam to the polls during the inasmuch as Portland has a gia- th e outstanding feature and the in au automobile accident, is able gantic reserve of hydro - electric late afternoon in the same man­ m otoring public has been quick to sit up p art of each day. ner as they did in the morning and power, as yet undeveloped, and to recognize this advantage. The WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. — up to two o’clock this afternoon. wonderful forest reserves lying . 1 slogan which tells the- story is Approximately fifty per cent of MARION, Ohio, Nov. 4 The «.p in up your ta n j( and ¡et your Dedication of Armistice Day, No- alm ost w ithin h er back yard, and ; vember 11, to the establishm ent, the po&sible vote ln the city had condition of Mrs. H arding, wid-^ eng,ne d ecld e /. Professor Vining stated th a t the of Perm am ent peace and the out- been cast by two o’clock, almost slogan for P ortland would soon ow of the late president, was, rpbe wh 0lesa.le h ead q u arters will TIENTSIN, China, Nov. 4. — lawry of war, is suggested by the same percentage as was cast be, “ Portland, the Pacific’s pulse somewhat b etter today, her phyffl- be Jn Medford where storage fac­ Peace negotiations are proceeding BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 4. — , President Coolidge, in a letter here during the entire election of of power.” c cians ia li siaieai stated) to newspaper men men jutiea ,lltlea will wI1, be be available. avaiiable . One One of io newspaper of T a in loon n • the» »s , between General Feng Yu-Hslang, Two hundred revolutionists in the Thev said sne she nas has spent snent n . . , , ,. . t addresesd to Jam es A. Drain, na- 1920. It . is possible th a t > the hot , the Christian « x. From Pittsburg, Professor Vin­ here nere. xney saia a tb e owners of the local distribut- , . . ,, . « « »x . genera . .’ . and , Gen- state of Rio Grande Do Sul, B ra-t , tional commander of the Ameri- fight on for several county offices, ing journeyed to H arrisburg, fairly restful night. j jng concern, H. O. Frohbach, is eral Wu Pei-Fu. zll, were killed, wounded or made) Victor Dale, arrested several where he was the guest of the can Legion. as well as the interest stirred up Mrs. H arding is ser!ou|jy ill wen known In Ashland, he hav- An arm istice has been a rra n g ­ prisoners when the revolutionary daya a gO> Upon a charge of ap / ‘Growth of sentim ent for the by a third presidential party in forces suffered a reverse at the o p iatni„ governm ent property ^ ennsylvan,a ®tate Chamber of ¡w ith kidney trouble. Her inabtl-’ Jng been a resident of this city ed and fighting has ceased. . . , trnniw ProPlatn ,h governm ent property, com m erce, and was taken for a ity to take food is disquieting to for ten vears ud to seven years outlaw ry of war from this e arth .” the race this year, may account Defeated Chihli troops are com­ nccordUg to a di’ - '".“ " I . " '. ! ''? ? '" i'‘lp t.h r0" eh ,h. e » ', her physicians, who have elpresa- ag„. J . w . Judy was (or a n u m -' Mr Coo" dee 8ald’ " haa bee“ *" ,o r lhls '"rreasod inlerest. ing Into Tientsin. impressive fact of recent times. Gut of a posjrlble num ber of bal- , at a sum m ary court m artial, held Gettysburg. Tangshan, 82 miles northw est patch to La Nacion from Paso> D e-, before cap tain J. Q. Adams at the Leaving* H arrisburg. P ro fe sso r! o u t^ in d e ^ th e ^ T ra te oV abTtelfing S t e n d i i r o V V o ^ 6mPl° ye °* Men and women everywhere have lots of approximately 2314, at two Los Libres, on the A rgentine- Armory laat night been giving their best thought to o’clock this afternoon a total of of Tientsin, was reported quiet. Dale w as( v in ln g visited Philadelphia, where ■ from nourishm ent, Brazilian frontier. bring this end into full realiza- 1013 had been cast throughout Shensi troops, unfriendly to Wu, found guilty of stealing govern-; he was the guest of the Manufac- havo been w ithdrawn by arrange­ The rebel forces were procee - ,nent faiiure to tu rn in govern- tu re r’s Club of th a t city tion. the city. In Town— Upon piN E D $50 ON CHARGE “ The inclusion of Armistice Precinct No. 7. Southeast Ash- m ent, and the town is occupied ing from U ruguayana an ment property, failure to turn in his arrival he was tendered a Mrs. Ellla Rice of Portland, who OF BEING INTOXICATED i by M anchurians. nearing Alegrete w en a t government property which had luncheon by fifty of the promin- has been taking a trip to Califor-' Day in the list of date3 commem- land, located at 356 Avery street, The naval commanders at Tien­ forces, num bering about 1800 a t­ been checked out and failure to nia, is in Ashland for a lew days orating great events in our na- was leading with a total of 130 ent m anufacturers of th a t city, Charles Foster, a cook in a local tsin held a conference today and tacked them. The rebels fled and attend drill. at ¿which he gave the principal ad­ restau ran t, imbibed too freely of visiting with h er m other, Mrs. j tional history.” the l ; ‘ter said, cut of a possible 230 ballots c a s t.; decided not to let further m ilitary cavelry pursued them back tow ard . Dale was fined $25 and was dress.. That evening he spoke in the cup th a t cheers last evening, Mary Dunn, before retu rn in g t o / ‘m arked a significant change in Other precincts follow: No. 1, ‘ noTiA. . Thev determined U ruguayana our world relations. Prior to ihat Ashland Boulevard, 153 out of a 1 p • Ian aaid placed on Probation, probably for N orthw est Philadelphia to a group j ftnd a8 a re8ult was picked up and h er • home. first arm istice day. which Ameri- possible 400; No. 2, Ashland E ast to remove thoMi a lr«ady in P°r t - The governm ent troops are to bV about 30 miles from U ru < -ith e remailldei ot the time be re-; of about 800 leading m anufactur-1 laced ¡n tbe city over n jgb t ca greeted w ith such enthusiasm . Central, 106 out of 270; No. 3,j There is a tremendous influx to be about 3fl• mites from, Lru , m ains with the N ational Guard ers of th a t district. Philadelphia’s Thia ninrninfr hfi h«. V isitin g H ere— This m orning he appeared be­ our historic anniversaries had all Ashland W est C entral 126 out of °f Chinese refugees into the for- uayana, over which town a irp la n e s. company heTe heart Q{ the weaying indu8try. Mrs. O. J. Stone of Portland, fore Police Judge Baughman, who have made reconnaissances. It is __ TT v been of exclusively national char- 280; No. 4. Ashland Oak, 144 out; e ’gn ('once88ion9' 20,000 In the reported th a t the reb el, have re- . Ho" " J .8, ° ' I T he, n e it day P ro' e»aor V1“ '" e fined him $50 and allowed him a form er Ashland resident is a acter. They recalled events, of of 344; No. 5. North Ashland, 105 Br,tish concession alone, and her of the National Guard com- was given a special luncheon a t to re tu rn to his work. guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Gil­ suprem e importance In our na- out of 227; No. 6, E ast Ashland thousands pouring into the Jap- ceived a large quantity of rifles, more a t th e Columbia Hotel where 1 tion’s life, but of small value as 108 out of 247 and No. 8, N orth- nnese concession, which adjoins am m unition and w ar equipm ent pany, was found guilty on a; the Union League Club ln Phila- charge of failu re to attend drill. delphia, and later was takèn to Oregon City— Parish house of they have taken q u arters for th e 1 the city. Japanese have been over the U ruguayan border. links between th a t life and the .west Ashland, 147, out of 316. He was released upon payment St. M ark’s Episcopal church al­ wlqfter. Mrs. Stone 'h as maliy guarding the approaches with m a­ t of a $25 fine. friends here. (Continud on page F o u r) most ready for service. (Continud on page Four) (Continud on page F our) chine guns, searching incomers. Classified Ads Bring Results I. VINING TELLS ABOUT JOURNEY ! THROUGH EAST ONE IS RILLED TH REE HURT IN POLLS RIOT ROLE OF THIEF BY FALLS SHOCKS PEOPLE ■IOÜT OF POWER E RIFLES AS TROPHIES REBELS ROUTED IN F IE R C E IE FOUND GUILTY IT F FIRM KILLED BY FEES PEACE ESSEJES