)*AOB FÒpit ASHLAND ÔAILŸ TIDINGS BÊS Monday, November 8, 11MÍ4 will do what he is draw ing his records up to 280, sires records Address on Book»*— For Conn oilmen: R. L. Burdic, In observance of this week a9 salary for, Mao is the man to elect. over 270. The male Is half your Jr., R. E. Detrick, J. H. Hardy, B etter Book Week, Miss Blanche On the other hand, if they wish flock. 112 Nutley St. Phone 456J. S. A. Peters, Sr., E. E. Phipps, Hicks will give an address to the a man for sheriff who will simply 54— 1 S. D. Taylor, Thornton S, Wiley, Civic Club concerning new books, sign a receipt for his pay check H. G. W olcott, W. M. W right. A Dally Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of FOR S A L E :— Wood, 16 in. especially those is the juvenile each month and apologize for do­ F o r City R ecorder: G ertrude local Interest departm ent a t the regular Civic ing his duty by handling crim­ chunk fir and laurel. Phone 12F2. Biede, Hazel Emery. 54— 6* Club meeting tomorrow. The inals with kid gloves, they bet­ F o r City T reasurer: G. G. Eu­ Ashland Music Study Club will te r count Joe out. It up to you MEDFORD VETERINARY HOS­ banks. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS have charge of the first p art of November 4. For Park Commissioners: PITAL, Dr. E. C. McCulloch, grad­ and say it with our3. ALPHA CHAPTER the meeting followed by Miss Respectively yours, F ran k Jordan, S. A. Peters, Jr. uate veterinarian; office consul; Everything in the Greenhougg Hicks’ address. Everyone who Is No. 1 C. P. TALENT, In addition to the above candi­ tation free; Office phone 369, Line . State Traffic Officer. Res. Ph. 833W; Corner Grape and dates, there are seven m easures interested in beter hooks is cor­ O. E. S. Hiclass Designiqg (Paid Adv. 54-1) dially invited to attend Misses Fifth Sts., Medford Ore. 54— 5* referred to the people by the leg­ Stated communication tom or­ “ HATCHER THE FLORIST” Blumenfeld, Grace Cham berlain islative assembly, or placed on the row (Tuesday) evening, Nov. 4, 1070 Boulevard Phone 118 and Mrs. C hattin will be hostesses. BOOSTER CARAVAN LOST: — 26-inch black silk ballot through Initiative or refer- 8 p. m. Reames C hapter No. 66 Open on Sundays We Deliver VISITS IN ASHLAND tassle. Reward. Miss W attenburg. rendum , to be voted upon. These guests. Visitors welcome. By or­ 40 G ranite Street. 54— 1 are: Arrested— der of W orthy Matron. Visits in Ixirella— t L. C. Lyons of Central Point (Continued from page 1) Voters Literacy Amendment, FOR R EN T:— Garage, new and LEAH M. CALDWELL, Secy. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hayes of was arrested by C. P. Talent and 300 yes; 301 no... This is an this city visited Mrs. C. Morten fined $25 by Judge Gowdy for fore all of the civic and county accessable. 42-3rd street. 12— 2 am endm ent to the constitution To Kirk— and Jay Hayes of Lorelal last driving w ithout brakes Sunday. organizations in the cities visit- FOR SA LE:— L ate Ford R oad­ requiring th a t voters shall be able Mrs. C. H. Holmes and small week. Mr. Lyons, it was alleged, was 'ed. W hile in Ashland, Mr. G elatt ster, fine condition. Robison’s to read and w rite the English child left Sunday for K irk where driving down the Siskiyous oper­ presented a le tte r to m ayor Pierce Garage, 52— 2 i language. ahe will make her future home. Order your Thanksgiving suit ating his car w ithout brakes and from Governor Jam es A. Scrug- Public Use and W elfare Amend­ C. H. Homes is working on the at Paulserud8. 54-tf ran into cattle belonging to Mr. ham of Nevada and a letter from VOTERS WILL CHOOSE m ent: 302 yes, 303 no. Under this N atron Cut-off and she will join Mayor E. E. R oberts of Reno, Barron. LEADERS TOMORROW! am endm ent waterways could be him there. president of the exposition. Save 110.00, walk upstairs to (Cointinued from page 1.) condemned for example, by log­ The 1926 celebration will m ark Orres tailor shop. 17— tf Moving to Medford— ging companies for transportation Elys Cream Balm. 60c. McNair For County Commissioner: ' purposes and rights of way for Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Shelby of the opening of the first tra n s­ Bros. At. Grant« Pass Saturday— 187 Iowa street are moving their continental highway from New Victor Bursell, F ran k E. Upton. I irrigation and drainage could be F o r County C lerk: Delilia sim ilarly acquired. R. C. Lee of this city was look­ household goods to Medford where York to the Pacific Tide w ater To Jacksonville—• and will be the occasion for th e Stevens. ing after business m atters in they will make th eir fu tu re home. . .B onus A m endm ent: 304 yes; J. O. Rlgg Journeyed to Jac k -' G rants Pass Saturday. opening drive of thousands of For County Sheriff: Ralph 305 no... This am endm ent extends eonvllle Friday evening and gave tourists to the various scenic Jennings, J. J. McMahon. Moves— th e present state bonus and loan a talk there in the interests of F o r County Assessor: J. B. The W. R. C. will give a food Dale Young has moved from points in the West. law in particulars fully set out th e Democratic party. In addition to to u rist develop­ Coleman. sale and bazaar Saturday Nov. the B utler A partm ents on G ranite F o r County Superintendent ofr 8th in room next to E lh art's on to the Vista A partm ents on Vista m ent the purpose of the ‘ exposi­ Fine Stationery. McNair Bros. Main St. tion will be to m aintain a per­ Schools: Susanne Homes C arter, 54— 6 street. m anent exposition in Nevada J. W. Milam. Hunt Ducks— which will become an educative F o r County T reasurer: A. C. F astest election report service Changes Residence*— C. F. Carlson, Howard Oden, a t N lninger's Tuesday night. reflection of the progress and W alker. F ran k Shafer of the Twentieth A rthur Edwards, and George King F o r County Surveyor: T. Grif­ 51— 5 Century Grocery has moved from possibilities fo r developm ent in made a trip to the Hopkins ranch th e 11 W estern states which will fith Cowgill. Terrace street to Granite. on lower Klam ath Lake and hunt­ To Eugene— participate in the celebration. F o r County Coroner: H. W. TOMORROW ed ducks during the weekend. Conger, Nellie M. Perl. Chester Woods, Charles Tilton, K R EISLER ’S PARIS They returned with 42 ducks and George V irgil G illette and Marcus POPULATION OF OREGON For Constable, Ashland Justice DEBUT CALLED OFF 18 geese. SHOWS BIG INCREASE D istrict: J. W. H atcher. Woods spent the weekend in Rose­ F o r M ayor: O. H. Johnson, C. burg and Eugene and witnssed PARIS, Nov. 3. — The recital Follow your favorite candidate the games played there. The (Continued from page 1) H. Pierce. a t N ininger’s Tuesday night where Woods boys visited Harvey Woods by Fritz K reisler at the opera’, set AS YOU PLEASE for November 11, which was to G rant ........... .... 5,496 5,496 ’ full reports will be posted. 51— 5 at the University of Oregon. have been his after-w ar debut in H arney ....... .... 3,992 4,500 France, has been cancelled owing Hood ‘ River .... 8.315 8,724 Ì R eturn From Europe— Pay your election bets with a to the agitation against the ap­ Jackson ....... ...20,405 27,250 Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Swedenburg hand tailored suit or overcoat at 3,211 j returned home Saturday morning Orres tailor shop upstairs. 54-1* pearance of a form er enemy in Jefferson ..... .... 3,211 the state th e a te r on Arm’istice Josephine ... .... 7,655 11,480 from a three m onth’s trip in E ur­ day. K lam ath ..... ...11,413 15,103 ■ TONIGHT ope. They visited Berlin, Vienna, Sweet cream for whipping and The prom oters said they had Lake ............ .... 3,991 ASHLAND KIWANIS CLUB 3,991 Venice, Rome, Paris, London and coffee— also fresh m ilk, always no Idea of propaganda In a rran g ­ Lane ............ .....36,166 54,040 m any places in Sweden. They left en Ice a t th e Plaza. 239— tf ing the affair, but they had re ­ Lincoln ....... .... 6,084 9,695 th e ir daughters, Misses Genevieve ceived so many protests th a t they Linn ........... ....¿4,550 35,899 and E leanor in a girls school at Changes Residence— would change the date, p articu lar­ M alheur ....... ....10,907 REGULAR ADMISSION 10,907 G ottenburg, where they will spend Mr. Curtis of the Tavern Cafe ly as K reisler him self had tele­ Marion ....... ...47,187 60,000 and several years. The Swedenburgs has moved from the Nininger re­ graphed to them to the effect th a t Morrow ....... .... 5,617 5,617 report a wonderful trip. REGULAR TIME sidence to 217 North Main street. he thought the objections were M ultnomah . ..275,898 334,547 well-founded and th a t Armistice Polk ........... ....14,181 15,713 Best m ilk— Linii 3r’g Dairy, Say This Fast— TOMORROW, W ED­ day was a tactless choice. Sherman ..... ..... 3,826 3,826 10c quart. Phone 39 and 369J. is a big word, and when Orres Cleans Clothes Cleaner Tillamook ... .... 8,810 THURSDAY 10,493 NESDAY, 26—tf used in connection with than hny Cleaner th a t cleans U m atilla ..... ....25,946 27,302 PAY NO ATTENTION clothes clean. 54-1* bread is a very important Union ........... ....16,636 19,209 It is only natural that Charge of Gardening— CAMPAIGN SLANDERS W a llo w a ....... .... 9,778 one, too. 9,778 from the life of the great­ George Mason of Ashland, a t­ Spends Weekend— W a sc o ........... .....13,648 15,625 est man America has pro­ tending O. A. C., is one of those The Republican campaign com­ W ashington ....26,376 Miss Mildred Stevens spent the 27,712 in charge of vegetable g a d e n in g duced should come its, refrained W heeler ....... .... 2,791 weekend in K lam ath Falls with m ittee has carefully 2,791 for the ninth annual H orticultur­ her parents. from personal attacks upon our Yamhill ....... ...20,529 24,475 greatest picture. Here is I al show. The show this year will opponents. W hen m ention has the sweetest love tale ever be the largest production of its B uttons made at Orres. 54-1* been made of them , we have Totals ..... ..783,389 955,662 kind staged by students in the is wholesome and will prove a told—the strangest drama For Pleating, see Orres, up­ quoted from the official records, delightful addition to your country. Flowers, vegetables, ever lived—the biggest TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY stairs. 54-1* giving them ample tim e to ans­ menu. canned goods and fru its of all wer or refu te the charges if they kinds will b e.on display. There LOST:— Dog. All brown except picture ever inspired! could. Went Throuyh — will be exhibits from the d epart­ m arked with white under throat. It has been six m onths since Captain W ard M. Ackley stop­ m ents of pomology, floriculture F ro n t legs white with brown spots. Entertain m e n t ped over in Ashland Friday even­ the prim aries and, if our oppon­ for all— a drama and horticulture. Mr. Mason is a Bobbed tail. L eather collar with ing and visited old school friends ents could have shown th a t any for the ages of serlon in the school of agriculture. brass tacks and small padlock. here. He attended high school of our candidates were unw orthy the man of the ages. or unfit in any way, they have Answers name of “ Beans” . R eturn The coroners duty calls th at here, was* captain of the 91st di­ 332 H argadlne street. Receive Re-_ had ample time in which to do officer from the highest moun­ vision and is now a captain in ward. 54— 3 this. the army. tain sides to the bottom of the BEWARE OF LAST MINUTE WANTED: — Protect yourself rivers and lakes. Is this a posi­ CHARGES AND ACCUSATIONS. against the uncertainties of win­ Special on Overcoats at Orres. tion for a man or a lady? Think 54-1* Republican Campaign Committee. ter. We can assure you a good it over and vote for H. W. Con- (P aid Adv. 54-1) position in your own county, th a t ter. 51— 4 Here— will pay you well. W rite us at Classified Ads B ring Results Mrs. Nellie M. Perl of Medford once. Nogar Corporation, 301 Tuxedos and serges for dress was in Ashland today In the in­ Couch Bldg., Portland, Oregon. wear. Paulserud’s. 54-tf terests of the office of county SAYS M ’MAHON IS 54— 18 coroner. Here Saturday— A REAL OFFICER W ANTED:—-F o u r $100.00 per J. J. McMahon, who is conval­ week men to sell BEST Ford Oil Cliff Payne makes forms. To the E ditor: Young and old — each escing from an stack of flu and Gauge made. Automobile fu r­ find something different I would like to state for the C. P. Talent, both traffic officers benefit of yie voters of Jackson nished. Standard Products Co., in it to admire and ap­ of the state were in Ashland Sat­ Here Today— W. J. H artzell, candidate for county my tru e opinion as to the 1886 Broadway, G ranville,. Ohio. plaud. urday tatending to business m at­ 54— 2* county judge was In Ashland to­ qualifications of Joe McMahon for ters. day in the interests of his cam­ sheriff. F rankly speaking, I never FOR SALE: — Tancred-Holly- paign. really knew Mac very well until wood cockerels, pedigreed, dams See P aulserud’s special on two- I entered the service of the state pants-sults, all wool, 323.75. 54-tf Complete line of Ashland Can­ traffic departm ent, and w hat I ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf thought I knew was not In liis Let ue fill your pail with Swifts favor. B ut I m ust adm it after Hirer Leai lard. Costs less than Visiting at Falls— becoming really acquainted with Shortening. Gtxa farther and la Mrs. Grace Becktell, who is his work from personal observa­ mere nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf employed a t the Oregon Hotel, tion I found I was all wrong, and has gone to K lam ath Falls where am more than willing to adm it he To G et Bridge—- TUESDAY 7:15 and 10 she will visit with her son. She has proven himself one of the most The tax budget for 1925 pro­ left Saturday evening. efficient officers I have m et since vides for a levy of $16,800 for Election Returns During entering the service, and will say th e building of a bridge on the TbftrredStodkyields the Show Special Auto Accident Policy fu rth er as to his using rough Pacific highway across the Rogue for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo tactics with the many different riv er a t Gold Hill, long a bane of course. WEDNESDAY, THURS­ 24-tf classes of people w ith whom we to autolsts.— G rants Pass Courier. are obliged to deal. I have never DAY, one show only, be­ known him to a rrest a violator Here on Business— ginning 8 sharp. who did not deserve arrest, nor J. E. Jones of Oakland is in Greeting Cards.— McNair Bros. Ashland for a few days on busi­ speak in a harsh m anner unless 10c & 50c all three days organization ness. Mr. Jones is a form er Ash­ the violator first tried to razz Loans Property— him. If the people of Jackson land resident. J. A. Van Hise, and brother and county w ant a man for sheriff who sister, who are touring the coun­ Stop Here — try from New Mexico, and were Reverend F. L. Moore, who has arrested in Ashland Saturday been pastor of the Methodist gave a loan on th eir property to church at K lam ath Falls for the th e Red Cross, who paid the fine past two years stopped in Ash­ so th a t they m ight continue their land and visited w ith friends Journey. If the mone is not pay­ here. He is on his way to Spring- ed in thirty days the ] ’operty will field to take up his duties as pas­ go to the Red Cros , tor. to say the least, to have to wait your tu rn in the bath room. New straight English models in An additional bathroom , or even an extra toilet and wash­ Overcoats, a t P au lse.u d ’s. 54-tf From H ilt— room, would prevent much of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. F oster of EXEMPLIFY THE FINEST IN this annoyance; and is inex­ H ilt were in Ashland Saturday Election retu rn s a t N ininger’s pensive to install. TAILORING AND MATERIALS Tuesday night. 51— 5 shopping and visiting friends. bocal 2 P erso n al fiotes la the title. public. Oleom argarine and Condensed Milk BUI; 30« yes, 307 no... This is a referendum by petition of a bill- passed by the legislature. A “ yes” is a vote to prohibit the sale and m anufacture of nut m ar­ garine in Oregon. A vote “no” is to defeat the bill and perm it m anufacture and sale to continue. Naturopath Bill, 308 yes, 309 no. It offers certain advantages to professional practioners of n a tu r­ opathy but none to the general Workmen’s Compulsory Com« pensation Law, 310 yes, 311 no. This is a constitution amendm ent putting artibrary and dlctorlal powers over employes and employ­ ers into the hands of a politically appointed commission. Income Tax Repeal, 312 yes, 313 no. As this is a repeal meas­ ure— th a t is to say a bill to des­ troy a law, a yes vote disapproves the income tax, a no vote approves It. Cranberries from the Ban­ don Marsh The Best Ever 25c a lb., 2 lbs. for 45c Fancy Delicious Apples, packed ready to ship Large Brazil Nuts, 20c lb., 2 lbs. 35c, 6 lbs. $1.00 New Walnuts, 30c lb. New Soft-Shell Almonds, 25c lb. Smyrna Figs, 5 lb. box $1 Fancy Figs, 2 lbs. 25c Cook’s Stuffed Figs, 65c box Andirons AND Fire Screens Simpson’s Hardware Winchester Store Plaza Market VOTE VOTE BUT VINING VOTE ^Lilies of the Field’ Wholesomeness SUPERIOR Bread H. A. Stearn s VOTE Then Aller TOMORROW VOTE YOU VOTE AS YOU PLEASE but 61 N. Main take a little time to VOTE shop around Ashland Kiwanis You will find manv very worth-while reasons for BUYING AT NOVEM BER SALE COATS DRESSES SUITS SKIRTS SWEATERS BLOUSES HOSIERY UNDERWEAR GLOVES SILKS DRESS GOODS Franklin Bakery SUITS Phone 199 half price OUR FIRST ANNUAL Stock Reducing Sale Buy Your Winter Needs Now! WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON CALIFORNIA Readv-to-Wear Dress Goods; •f OREGON POWER COMPANY Silks, Wash Goods, Domestics, Curtain Materials, Blankets, 7.14% Comforts, Hosiery, Underwear,- askaxy memberefour Gloves, Corsets, Umbrellas, Hand BajjS’ Ribbons, Laces, etc. It’s annoying A I • < • Surprise Bargains Each Day Ed V. Price and Co. Not Advertised Overcoats and Suits Daily Specials-1 Day Only Finds Location— The postoffice sub-atation No. 1 began functioning this morning in Medford in the Deuel store, and did a big business from the start. The station wa9 moved over night from the Medford Pharm acy, which has been its home for years. — Medford Mail Tribune. R eturns H o r n e - Mrs. C. L. Smith retu rn ed this m orning to her home in Keno after visiting for a week with her m other, Mrs. Ellen Lum an, who has been quite sick. To Livestock Show— J. R. McCracken of Valley View left Saturday evening for the Pacific International Livestock We deliver the goods -Detricks show in Portland. He will be •4-tf gone for about a week. Tuesday, Nov. 4th Wednesday, Nov. 5th TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE Ladies’ Handkerchiefs—pure lin­ en, in colors, with embroidery in corner, 20c regularly. Each Ladies’ Silk and Wool Hose, in colors, $1.25 regularly. P air We will be glad to take your measurements 15c 94c P rivate toilet facilities In th e guest room show refine­ m ent and hospitality. Let us plan these extra con­ veniences for yoy, economically Jerry O’Neal Phone 188 807 B. Main M IT C H E L L S The Men’s Store By the Post Office ( < '■"“S , 8l“ “ Sale Price $1.25 Each E. R. ISAAC & CO. “The Qua,,ty stopc” Pure Linen Crash Toweling Sale Price 16c yard