» tufo ÄÄSUifo THÄkifi H announcements BEAUTY »m s A, lhiH ’WwfiMMÍl of thé wôfst êiplosioûa on Eêcord ing places which hâve bêén mârk- j shift, one shot at a time, the fir- ffilhe crews are allowed to enter. have occurred, largely due to the ed aa being gassy and unsafe to ’ ing would be completed at th at The review also recommended WARMS OF DAMAGE 'accum ulation of gâs during the work in. time. that the areas assigned to fire DONE BY HAIR DYE O. W. Milam night. One fairly frequent cause of Classified Colnmn Rates Monday morning is also regard­ bosses should not be too extensive. Independent CHICAGO, Nov. 3.— Gray-hair-j It is the practice in most mccning explosion;, the report One cent the word each ed by the Bureau of Mines engin­ One explosion which occurred re ­ Candidate for County School ed women who dye their hair are mines, the Bureau states, for fire states, is the leaving of ventilat- time. eers as an unsafe time to enter cently, taking a toll of nearly r> Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ in constant danger from poison-j bosses to make gas exam inations »n S doors a jar duîing the night, ‘ mines. Numbers of disastrous ex- hundred lives, was w ithout doubt To run every Issue for one ty. Oregon. ous chemicals contained in the every morning ‘ before the mine The air current is short-circuited ■ plosions have occurred on th at caused by the evident inability of m onth or more, *4c tho word ANNOUNCEMENT coloring which damage the scalp, i crews enter the pits. Sometimes, thereby, and some w o rk in g will day. These explosions were caused fire bosses to inspect this section. each time. In announcing myself as an im pair the eyesight and p erm an -! : however, owing to the num ber of j receive no fresh air, consequently I chiefly by the stoppage of ventila ; W ell-appointed ventilation Independent candidate for Cor­ ently injure the hair, according to j gas rapidly cojlects, and the first tion fans over the week-end, and doors electiical cap lights, in ­ WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. — If , places to inspect, or the unwill FOR RENT oner for Jackson county:— I do Neal R. Andrews, New York beau­ you -must visit a coal mine don’t - ingness of the exam iner to exam- man with an open light to ap­ the engineers recommended they stead of the old coal-oil lights, and should always he kept working, strict inspection of all electrical FOR RENT: — Four roomed so with the firm belief th a t the ty expert, in an address here be­ go between 6 and 7 o'clock in the ; ine dangerous place3, gas accum- proach sets it off. • In the afternoon and evening and, if stopped for any cause, the house with bath. -Inquire a t 117 people do not w ant m inority rule. fore a convention of hairdress­ m orning and 3 to 7 o’clock in the ulations are overlooked. equipment to prevent short cir­ It is proven th a t the direct ers. evening. . The perjod elapsing betSveen-the many explosions occur. It is no­ mine should be fully ventilated 8th street. 53— 2* cuits which might cause explos­ prim aries are a failure, only 30 “ Mercury, arsenic, lead, com-j A review of 265 explosions, t jme Of an inspection, and when ticeable th a t the num ber declines FOR RENT: -— 3* room furnish- per cent vote was cast at the pounds of silver, pyrogallic acid, • which have occurred in the coal the mine crews enter the mlneg at 4 o’clock in the qfternoon. In and tested on Mondays before4 ions, were also recommended. ed apartm ent. Close in. Phone spring prim aries, which is not a nitric acid and paraphenylene j m ining industry within the last i9 often too long, the Bureau con- mines where the m iners do their 29113. 53— 2 voice of the people. I d this elec- 4 diamene, according to a re c e n t. fifteen years, disclosed th a t the tInue8. and a working place which own shot-firing, or when it is done lion all parties have the privilege bulletin issued by the American • m ajority of the disasters occurred may bp free of mine gas wben by shot-firing foremen during the FOR RENT — Ten acres of of voting for th eir choice. Medical A ssociation” , said Mr. | during these periods. According examined may refill with gas dur- ground for small grain. Mr. Cros- I need no introduction to the Andrews, “ are among the chemi- i to the review completed by en- ing the intervening period. by, end of Indianna SL Phone people of Jackson county where cals which form the ingredients gineers of the Bureau of Mines of .. , ,, x . 434J. x, ~ . x . . . , ..I Many of the accident in the 51— 3* I have lived for 15 years, and of many commercial h air dyes. the D epartm ent of Interior, the , , , . . , , . . ,xl . .. coal-mining industry., the report “ The mo3t dangerous is para­ danger of gas igniting in these FOR R E N T - -F urnished room, given the be3t of mv life, time and money for the upbuilding and phenylene* diamene. France, Ger­ intervals is g reater than at any states are often caused by care­ 107 Second St. Phone 313-R. less m iners, who disregard work- 50— tf betterm ent of the entire commun­ many and A ustria recognized its other time during the day, hing­ TOMORROW ity. destructive character and years ing upon the practice of shot-fir­ FOR REN T:— Furnished front I have been assistant to the ago prohibited its use. B ut they ing in the evenings. room apartm ent. 349 East Main present coroner for eight years have not hesitated to m anufacture F or a smooth shave Of the 256 disasters studied St. 47— 6 and understand every detail of it for expert to America, where by Bureau of Mine? engineers, i t ' and qu’ck serviep gn _______________________________ ! the wrork, therefore I am compet­ to th e Shell B arber FOR RENT: — Cozy 2-room ' ent to hantHe the affairs of the it is widely used for hair and fur was found 4,413 men were k ille d - AS YOU PLEASE Shop. Ladies and dyes. Placed in contact w ith the and 570 others injured. As a re ­ furnished apartm ent with kitch-1 office. children get your h a k enette and private bath. 3 5 7 i Yours for clean, progressive skin its poisonous properties im­ sult of the study the Bureau urg- ' m ediately m anifest them selves.” bobbed and marcel ed th a t extra vigilance be exer- ; Vista street. Phone 122. 47— tf I and efficient women and men in cised in coal-mining operation»' led. E v e r y D a * FOR RENT— Furnished house, office in Jackson county. You are welcome to compare during these danger periods to N ELLIE M. PERL. . W. A. SHELL. Prop. j 478 Boulevard. 36— Im o nreyent unnecessary loss of life. ; my Automobile rates with any >32 A4 St. Ashland, Ore • P articu lar care should be taken ANNOUNCEMENT other rates in Jackson or Jose­ FOR SALB ASHLAND KIWANIS CLUB in morning, it states, when most County Coroner phine Counties; you can be the FOR SALE: — Newtown and •In announcing my candidacy Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. Spitzenberg cull apples 50c box. for thq office of coroner, I feel 30— tf Bring boxes. 125 Scenic. 52— 2 that I am no stran g er among you, 3L JT-'Z -u - I POLITICAL DOCTOR Classified C olum n MINE F VOTE VOTE BUT VOTE FOR SALE or RENT: — My as I was duly nominated at the home, 29 South Pioneer avenue, j May prim ary on the republican 4 or 6 rooms furnished close in. j ticket for which I am thankful. And I hold out the same belief Call evenings. W. J. Albert. 53— tf now as then th a t the m ajority should and m ust rule and am at FOR EXCHANGE— Auto Camp, all tim es willing to strictly abide R esort, Store, Gas Station, to­ by th eir decision. R egarding the gether with fine bungalow and office for which I aspire, will say 200 acres, with lots of River th a t I still hold out the belief Frontage. Light Plant, hydraulic that the office should not continue w ater system, etc. Fine location for the fifth term under the same C rater Lake Highway, > W ill m anagem ent however efficient it double in value during next year may be, and should it be placed in o r two. $10,000 including every­ my charge I shall surely exercise thing. Will trade for acreage or the same judgm ent and efficiency Ashland town property. Four- which alone ha3 brought about Site Realty Agency. Medford, Ore­ my success as an undertaker. Trusting th a t by your voice at gon. 5 3— 3 the election polls I may be plac­ FOR SALE:— Simmons white ed in a position to be of greater enamel bed and springs and Sani­ service. ta ry couch, used only five m onths; I tru ly rem ain, dining table, six oak chairs; chif­ H. W. CONGER, fonier; phonograph and records; Medford, Ore. 75 well-bound reading books; Pd. Adv. Medford. Ore. three-burner oil stove; 9x12 Con- goleum rug; o ffic e chair; rocking chair, h e a v y o a k ; Dayton computing scales; bicycle and other miscellaneous articles 144 F ourth street. 52— 3* WOOD FOR SA LE:— F ir and Spruce, 16 inch $8. H ard wood 16 inch $12. Delivered. Fountain Feul Co. Siskiyou or leave order-i at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. 50— 1 mo.* FOR SA LE:— One Boar Hog, one and half years old. R egister­ ed. O. I. C. Inquire of W. K. Mc- Clay. One mile N. E. of Talent. 48-—6* VOTE VOTE Have Your BATTERY Overhauled BUT VOTE j *-. ä . for winter use . It may save the purchase of a new battery later. E X ID E Batteries for every make of ear. Murphy Elec. Co. Our Phone 82 Main - P la za Ashland T h ’s is th e best tim e in the year to have your FORD CAR, TRUCK or TRACTOR TOMORROW AS YOU PLEASE •’-? Miug, SU2 pure as a snow-flake sw eet with, creamy richness z It’s Nesde’s ALPINE thoroughly looked over and fixed in first-class shapg for w inter use. Our mechanics are all Ford specialists; they work on Ford cars, trucks and tractors a l­ most exclusively; they give you ju st the service your Ford requires. Bungalows— Lots I have some fine Bungalows, Let us prove to you that ASHLAND K IW ANIS CLUB Houses and Building Lots in Ash­ gen u in e F ou l Service th r o u g h ­ out is th e best land for sale, will accept good Bonds, Notes or Mortages on 1 payments, and give easy term s on consider house work. Am a post H A R R IS O N balance. Se me before buying a graduate of N. W. school of mas- 1 Brothers, Garage home. sage and electro-therapeutics. A. L. LAMB, 178 A St. Mrs. Leighton, 153 G ranite or F o u l, Lincoln, Fordson D ealers Box 422, Ashland. Phone 153. 33— 1 mo.! 35— 1 Mo. Buy b etter milk. Phone 257-J for it. ’ 33— 1 mo.* FOR SALE — or exchange for $35,000.00. 160 acres, 100 culti­ vated, free w ater, lots of it. 20 head of large size Registered J e r­ seys, the finest strain in Oregon. 30 head of registered Duroc pigs, 200 W hite Leghorn chickens, team of Registered Im ported Perchon m ares 1900 lbs. each. About $3000.00 w orth of farm equip­ m ents, modern house, large barn and other buildings. Will take Income property up to $20.000.00, long tim e on balance at 6 per cent. Courtesy to brokers or agents. J. J. Deakin. Phone 330, Ashland Oregon. 33— 1 mo. MISCELLANEOUS LOST: — Bunch keys on ring. Name E. N. Butler. Finder leave a t Tidings office. 53— 2* WANTED: — Nursing. Your Children’s Health Builds the Nation.—Use H IT THE WORLD'S G R E A T E S T B AKIN G POWDCB G iv e T h e m L i g h t - Sweet—W holesome Food SALI& >*/» TDtES THOSE OF ANY OTHER BR A N D Will» uickestand best hot breakfast New Style H’O 1 : : : i. i,. - >• >. ' T ’HE only oats that cook into granular oatmeal. JL Nothing else like it. Meaty granules stimulate digestion. Never cook sticky or pasty. Wonderful flavor. More than a new, oatmeal—a n e w cereal. Energy-building corbohydrates, tissue-building pro­ teins, a wealth of vital minerals. And New Style II-O takes only 2 to 3 short m inutes to cook —the quickest cooking cereal—quick a s a fla sh ! Now Regular -O O a t, 5 Í 1— — * — H — w vx.j two kinds j New H -O Oats (Q uick) Standard fu ll sise and weight pkg.—weight, 1 lb , 4 ox. Protect your home and pocketbook and keep the price of butter down by voting 307 X No Cookift to 3 mùnto Pure M argarine Products Committee My F . J. B la k e le y , C hnlrntan (Paid Advertisem ent)