è * àgk two «S ÁSHLAX’b DAILY TIDING^ C. ’ "• Monday, November 8, Í02Í 4 it £ A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S iart collectio nis estimated to be worth $50,000,000 and will! PROFESSIONAL POWELL— General Trans- ply moisten your comb or a soft fer— Good team and motor) brush with it and draw t h i s , he presented to the public at his death. That will be one;______________ ___ _____ (E stab lish ed In 1 8 7 6 ) trucks. G tod service a t a rwu through your hair, taking one j PH YSICIANS more added to the great American collections formed at) eouable price. Phone 83. P ublished E very E ven in g Except Sunday by small strand at a tim e; by morn- the expense of impoverished European nobility, which DR. H AW LEY— Above Tidings —— — —— ————-—----------- — ing the gray hair disappears, b u t! THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. ¡will be permanently fixed on this side of the Atlantic as office. Phone 91. rEHIGE-ROACH what delights the ladies with! B ert R. Greer ..........................................................................................Editor public property that may not be alienated. Transfer — Express — S to rag e ! W yeth’s Sage and Sulphur Com-I TOMORROW George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager D R . C. W . HANSON Hauling — Dray work of all pound, is that, besides beautifully D en tist OFFICIAL CITY PA PER ................................................Telephone 39 kinds. Quick motor service. Dry darkening the hair after a few The Lincoln-Coolidge-Dawes caravan claims to be the Special attention given to pyor : wood cf all kinds. Phone 410-R Entere«] at th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass Mail M atter applications, it also produces th a tj first of its kind in the history of the county. Nothing o f. rhoea Office upstairs in B ea v e r; ,,jg ß g 112-tf soft lustre and appearance of Subscription Price, D elivered in City 233-tf.j One Month ..................................................................................................... $ .65 the kind A few years ago a caravan of camels paraded; Block Phone*178-J. abundance which is so attractive. I AS YOU PLEASE Three Months ....................................................................................... 1.95 DR. ER N E ST A. WOODS— P ra c -) the country, in spirit if not in body, and now look at the Six Months ...... .......................................... ,............. ............................ 3.75 tlce limited to eye, ear, nose ano : One Year ..................................................................... ........................... 7.50, results. Styleplus Clothes, A m erica's! By Mail and R ural R outes th ro at— X-ray including teeth. foremost style line of Suits and j One Month ............................................................................................ $ .65! Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 te j Over Coats at Paulseruds. 43— tf Three Months ....................................................................................... . 1.96 at the south end. The elevator 5. Swedenhurg Bldg., Ashland. Six Months ............................................................................................ 3.50 gives access to the roof, where Ore. One Year ................................................................................................. 6.50 j fu rth er o^en-air space is provided. Letterhe&as, statem enis, t o DISPLA Y ADVERTISING RATES DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic I t ’s Grandmother’s Recipe to your order at the Tidings Office Single insertion, per inch ............................................................ $ .30 and Electro-Therapy. Office IN TH E COUNTY COURT OF We have a good job printing de­ Yearly C ontracts ASHLAND KIW ANIS CLUB keep her Locks Dark, TH E STATE O F OREGON phone 48; residence 14 2. First One insertion a week ................................................................... .27 Vi partm ent. tf I FO R JACKSON COUNTY Glossy, Beautiful Two insertions a week ...................................................... ............ .2 5 National Bank building. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL Dally Insertion ......................................•...;................................................20 PROPERTY R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising TH E SOUTHERN OREGON The old-time m ixture of Sage In the M atter of the E state of F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. $ .10 CLINIC Tea and S u lp h u r for darkening John W. H errin, deceased. Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................................. -05 1st National Bank Bldg. gray, streaked, and faded hair is NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Medical Card of Thanks ................................................................................. 1.00 Surgical O bstetrical UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, T hat under and by virtue of an O bituaries, per line ........................................................................ .02 Vi grandm other’s recipe, and folks Diagnostic X-ray Eugene, Nov. 3.— Plans have been order of the Hon. G. A. Gardner, are again using it to keep their Stearns, M. D. WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING completed and ground will be Judge of said Court made and R. W. R. E. Green, M. D. hair a good, even color, which is “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or a broken for the new $200,000 dated November 1st, 1924, I, the R. W. Sleeter, M D. quite sensible, as we are living in i> S,XK*-'Y— J'-ss L.avs. Mon- O licdience to All Laws collection taken is Advertising. undersigned, as adm inistrator of DoUrnbecher Memorial Hospital Off'ce hours 2-5 p. m. R ailw ay ami H ighw ay to C oast. RediicCon o f Taxes, i No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. the estate of John W. H errin, de an age when a youthful appear­ Phone 238-R for children to be constructed on ceased, will, on the premises on Eighth Representative District .la c k son ance is of the greatest advantage. DONATIONS x the campus of the University of and a fte r December 2nd, 1924, FOX V3 LESCEXT HOM E VOTE 5li X Nowadays, though, we don’t No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ Oregon school of medicine on proceed to sell at private sale fo,.- W here the sick get well. in g or job printing— our contributions will he in cash. have the troublesom e task of Démocratie Progressive, Practical, for all the cash, the real property belonging Marquam Hill, Portland. The Cottage Plan. g a th erin g the sage and the niussy to said estate, and described as people $200,000 gift was made to the follows, to-wit: We board and care for invalids m jx in g a t hom e. All d r u g s to re s WHERE WILL YOU BE University school of medicine in Beginning a t Ih e southeast cor­ and old people. (Paid Adv.) ' ell the read-to-use product, im­ “ The prize fool of America is the man who goes to i honor of the late Frank B. Doern- ner of th e N ortheast Q uarter of M aternity Dcpt. 1 proved by the addition of other Section 33, Twp. 38 S. R. 1 E tlie golf links instead of to the polls on election dav, and, becher by a daughter, Mrs. e . w . of Call 153 ingredients, called “ W yeth’s Sage W. M. in Jackson County, Ore­ who when asked if lie will vote, 7 replies: ‘ W hat’s the use’.” Morse’ and Edward Doernbecber’ gon; Thence North on th e section rn d Sulphur Compound.” It is A i i q a a nn MONUMENTS son. line between Sections 33 and 34, very popular because nobody can —Saturday Evening Post. The new hospital will be one 60 rods; Thence W est 40 rods; ASHLAND G RANITE discover it has been applied. Sim- There js no golf links in Ashland to attract the voter of the most modern and complete Thence South 60 rods; Thence MONUMENTS of its size and kind in East 40 rods, to the place of be- from the poll tomorrow, but there are sufficient other at­ hospitals B lair G ranite Co. * , . i R ioting, containing 15 acres, America. The site of the struc- J there being a sma'll house on the PENNJSTON, Manager tractions if the voter is even slightly inclined to be slug­ ture will be east of Mackenzie land, 11 acres improved and 4 Office 175 E. Main gish and wants to sidestep his duty on election day. hall, the present main building acres untillable, of which he is R es. P hon e 444-Y He can say he is too busy; he can say it^woukj not of the school of medicine group, the owner in entirety in his own right. iN Y GIRL IN TROUBLE—3 l a y m atter anyway ;he can let some trivial m atter take him and will front on Marquam Hill A one-eighth interest in: The Road. It will be approxim ately NW 1-4 of Section 8, Twp. 35 S. communicate w ith Ensign Lee out of town, or he can do any one of a hundred other a sixty-bed hospital. R. 2 W. of W.M., containing 160 of th'e Salvation Army at the things or use one of a hundred other excuses to explain 'T 'T IE will to help is the test of The general construction of the acres. TOMORROW W hlteShield 'Home, 565 May- A one-eighth interest in all the his failure or inability to vote, and thus attem pt to ease building will be a reinforced con­ following described property, the character, not only of men, bat fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. crete fram e veneered with brick liis conscience same being situated in Twp. 38 S. of institutions. This hank has the PLANING MILL and trim m ed with te rra cotta to R. 1 E. of W.M. in Jackson Coun­ And, since the women have been given equal rights unqualified will to he of help to harmonize with the other stru c­ ty, Oregon: JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET with the men at the polls, this applies equally to them. tures in the group. The building The S 1-2 of NW 1-4, the SW everyone of its customers and to 1-4, and the W 1-2 of the SE 1-4, W ORKS, Cor. Helman and In fact, the women are naturally more inclined to permit is ell-shaped with the long leg Section 2, containing 320 acres. the community in which we live. AS YOU PLEASE Van Ness. \ 194tf of the ell containing the p atien t’s something to prevent them from voting, as they do not The S 1-2 of th e NE 1-4, the room running north and south, SE 1-4 of th e NW 1-4, the N 1-2 T R A N SFE R AND EX PR E SS have to be down town on election day, as the business or of the S 1-2, the S 1-2 of the SW and the sh o rt and extending to. professional or la oring man does. The housewife really the east. To conform with the 1-4, and the SE 1-4 of the SE 1-4, W hitiie T ransfer & Storage Co. for SERVICE. 3, containing 400 acres. has more of an e> use than the men have, but she should hillside location, the wing to the Section Lots 1 and 2, the S 1-2 of th.e Experienced movers and pack east, which is of three stories, NE 1-4, the SE 1-4 of th d NW not let anything event her from voting, either. ers of household goods. Deal­ 1-4, the diagonal NE 1-2 of the More agencies this year than ever before are attem pt­ fronts on a lower level than the NE ers in coal and wood. Phone 1-4 of th e SW 1 - 4 ,'and the north and south wing. The third 117. ing to get out a representative vote, and they are to be floor of the east wing coincides SE 1-4', Section 4, containing 378 Ashland, Oregon ASHLAND K IW ANIS CLUB acres. Office 89 Oak St. near congratulated for doing ibis splendid work. For instance, with the I6vel of the first floor The diagonal NE 1-2 of the Hotel Ashland NE 1-4 of Section 9, co n atin in g , the Kiwanis club of this eitv, lias pasted stickers every­ of the north and south wings. The entrance i3 on the first 80 acres. • where, and the members of.the club are using the stickers The NE 1-4, the NW 1-4, th el floor of the east wing on the road on their mail and store packages, urging everybody to leading to the Multnomah County diagonal NE 1-2 of the NW 1-4 j of the SW 1-4, the E 1-2 of the) vote. hospital, which is on the medi­ SW 1-4 a n d ,th e N 1-2 of the SE ; This is good work and the citizenship should respond cal school site. • On the first floor 1-4, Section^ 10,' containing 500 acres. and make the vote this year more "representative than is the space devoted to the dis­ The N 1-2 of the NW 1-4, the and the steam disinfector. SW 1-4 of the NW 1-4, and the | » ever before, for speakers for each of the three presidential pensary The second floor houses the ad ­ NW 1-4 of the SW 1-4, Section i l , and the three vice-presidential candidates are hurling m inistrative offices, the kitchen, containing 160 acres. The NE 1-4, the E 1-2 of th e' charges and counter-charges, many of them threatening and the observation wards. The NW 1-4, the SE 1-4, and the E third floor of the east wing, dire ruin and disteser if the opposing candidates should 1-2 of the SW 1-4, Section 21, which is also the first floor of containing« 4 80 acres. be elected. the north and south wing, con­ NW. 1-4, the SW 1-4, the The people should answer these charges and settle tains the surgical departm ent; W The 1-2 n* the E 1-2. SP 1-.il them at the poll, registering their choice from the candi­ the X-ray departm ent, a ward for of th e N E 1-4, and th e E 1-2 of the SE 1-4, Section contai.. -I dates of the three parties, and register this so emphatic­ miner surgical cases, such as ton­ ing 520 acres. : sil and adenoids; living q u arters The NW 1-4 of the NE 1 4 , and ally that the results tomorrow will not be uncertain, hut fqr the internes, the superinten­ the N 1-2 of the N 1-2 of the NW ( as definite as a monstei vote will make it, regardless of dent of the hospital, and the sup­ 1-4, Section 27, containing 80 ! whether it is in favor of the Republicans, the Democrats erintendent of nurses; the din­ acres. And the NE 1-4 of the NW 1-4 i ing room for the staff and n u r­ and th e N 1-2 of the NE 1-4, Sec­ or the Progressives. A N EFFO RT is being made to wreck Oregon’s existing Workmen’s Compensation Law ses, and a few private rooms. tion 28, containing 120 acres. through the initiation of the so-calied Compulsory and Constitutional Amendment to The second floor of the north — either as an entirety or in p ar­ MIDDLEMEN COMMIT HARI-KARI cels to suit the purchaser,— the the Workmen’s Compensation Law. This amendment was initiated by a small group of and south wings contains a clini­ Profits are an interesting and necessary object of cal lecture room and space for term s of the sale to be cash or at professional agitators of Portland and appears on Tuesday’s ballot under Nos. 310 and 311. 'least half cash and the balance our activities A wage that meets only the barest neces­ patients divided ‘ into wards of secured by a first m ortgage on t h e ! This astounding measure boldly demands th at Oregon’s working people and her indus­ pr7perty s°ld. Any sale made is sities and leaves nothing over for sickness or a rainy four beds each assigned to bovs J ! subject tries shall surrender their basic American Rights of fair hearing and appeal to a jury. In to confirm ation by the day is unsatisfactory from even' point of view, and a busi­ and three private rooms. This Court. its place it creates a super-government of three men, with powers to force Oregon’s farmers floor has a solarium at the south Dated : November 1st. 1924. ness enterprise that does not as a usual thing have some­ end. The third floor of this wing to contribute to the state accident fund, and submit to the dictation of this super- E. D. BRIGGS. thing over at the end of a year is surely headed for the contains the babies’ ward and the A dm inistrator, commission which would have FINAL authority, and from whose rulings our farmers, Ashland, Oregon. rocks. A good time to investigate the possibility of a busi­ wards for girls, with a solarium 54-4 Mon working people and industries would have NO APPEAL. Furthermore it would practically V 0 T E VOTE BUT VOTE PLANS COMPLETED FOR CONSTRUCTION FOB REPRESENTATIVE E. II. Hurd, The W ill to Help V O T E V O T E BUT V O T E The Citizens Bank of Ashland Oreqro/fc workmen, Farmers and Manufacturers NEED YOUR ness yielding profits instead of life-sapping deficits is before you enter it. How far there were advance investigations of probab­ ly profits before the project for a farm ers’ cooperative company to operate terminal grain elevators does not appeal. Now that the project is launched, however, the Federal Trade Commission announces it will investigate the margins and profits of terminal grain middlemen, adding an intimation that the results will he interesting to the farmers. It seems a bit rough on the middlemen, though, for them to have to divulge the facts of their affairs for the benefit of folk, however worthv in them- selves, who are chiefly interested in putting the middle­ men out of business. W RECK th e present good law, and nullify the many years of earnest constructive endeavor. Help defeat the Compulsory Am endm ent to the Workmen9 s Compensation Law H ere care a fe w th in g s th a t w o u ld h a p p en if this reactionary a m e n d m e n t passes uIf a Printing Concern lias ‘more than one price—if any of its cus­ tomers are given printing for less than what is charged other ILLITERATE MISHAPS Belief in signs is not likely to protect motorists who can’t read. But even the man in the street, who 'usually must run if he reads, need not be literate to take lieed from the autographs on the highways and byways— where accidents are daily written in blood and battered iron. Illiteracy as a cause of automobile accidents is to be appraised in count :tion with the conference on street and highway safety, le 1 by Secretary Hoover. I t does seem that a man should lay hold of some use­ ful words of warning and direction before laying hold of a steering wheel. And, surely, not even the glowing eager­ ness of the “ go-getters” would be permanently dimmed with a timely slow or stop. There’s no novelty in indi­ cating the need for teaching English to the foreign bora— as some of the reports to the conference do—but there may he novelty in the teaching. Deleware and Connect­ icut, the reports disclose, have made promising begin­ nings at the determination of illiteracy as a cause of mis­ haps involving motor cars. Motorists are licensed. They should he lettered. ALWAYS IN THE LIMELIGHT Prince Felix Youssopoff, slayer of Rasputin, is in the spotlight again in a new character. He is trying .to re­ claim two Rembrandt paintings valued at $350,000 which he sold to Joseph E. Widener of Philadelphia . W idener’s customers—someone pays too much.” No matter who you are or what the conditions may be, the price for a printing order is the same to you as it is to everybody else at O regon’s 47,000 farmers could be forced to com e under the com pensation law and would be compelled to pay into the State Accident Fund and submit to its arbitrary dictation. A three-man political com m is­ sion would be created with legis­ lative, judicial and executive powers, that would be above the law—answerable to no other authority—the only judge and jury of its ow n actions. T his fi­ nality of power would take from the working men, farmers and in­ dustries- their basic rights o f appeal and of fair hearing before a jury. It would wreck the present good compensation law, which guar­ antees every working man spe­ cific compensation and proper care, when injured, replacing this certain protection with the arbitrary rules of three men, who could as easily be unfair as they could be ju s t 6 It would again mark the return of ambulance-chasing and shyster lawyers, who prior to the opera­ tion of the present compensation law, waxed fat on the misfor­ tunes of the laboring man. I t could make its compensation awards to injured m en as little as it pleased, arbitrarily raise farm ers’ and workm en’s rates or refuse to extend medical treat­ m e n t N o appeal to an American jury from such action could be taken by either. It would take from the state legislature all power to correct any evils in jth e law. It would give politicians such dangerous powers that conditions could easily be made intolerable for our working people, our farmers and our industries. I t would automatically create a state medical affd hospital trust because the amendment forces the injured man to receive treat­ m ent from doctors and at hos­ pitals of the com m ission’s choos­ ing, or go without such treat­ m ent. There is no need for the amend­ m en t The present law is a good law. Everybody knows that the rates for compensation are now specifically fixed by law, and unfair treatment can be dealt with by an appeal to a jury. 8 OREGON INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT COMMITTEE Portland, Oregon T h o r» is o n /y one w ay to eave Oregon a n d h e r worker», fa rm e r a n d in d u atriea fro m th ia m enace The Tidings WN the Compensation Amendment PRINT SHOP 3