Í 4 £ 4 1»»-* » > » > » « ♦ •♦ » « ♦ ♦ » ♦ » » » •» l« A shland D aily VOTE Tomorrow! VOTE Tomorrow! The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Serai-Weekly Tidings, Volume 4 3. ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1924 •i « NO. 54 VOTE TOMORROW! Vote As You Please-But Vote! VOTE EXPECTED TO ESTABLISH HIGHEST M A RR T H EA TR E MANAGER IN JA IL TO SPIT E J U D G E ¡ » :: » tt :: :: » :: :: :: M anagers P red ict Vote of i :: « T h irty M illions fo r « Tom orrow |8 P A R T IE S CO N FID EN T j« « Independent Hope for Hubstantial » V ote Around W hleh to B uild « New Perm annet Party » « NEW YORK, Nov. 3.— Accord­ » ing to all indication, tom orrow ’s « march to the polls will be the tt greatest electorial trek the world » has ever witnessed. Unless ¡num­ tt erable party m anagers and can­ tt didates are badly off in their es­ tt ----------- NEW YORK, Nov. 3.— E arl Carroll, theatrical producer, is in jail today w aiting trial on a charge of exhibiting lewd and im­ moral pictures before his th eatre here, at which he is staging a musical com­ edy revue. He was locked up in the city prison when he refused to furnish the |3 0 0 bond set by Magis­ tra te Moses R. Ryttenberg. Carroll was arrested October 7th and three pic­ tures* in the lobby of this th eatre were confiscated. The m agistrate declined to consider testim ony of a r­ tists as to the aesthetic quality of the pictures. Refusing to furnish bond. Carrol said he would re- main until his case is call­ ed. tttttttttttttttttttttt IN VESTIGATING CONDITIONS 0 F RAIL ACCIDENT u tt :: » :: » :: tt :: tt :: tt :: tt tt tt tt « 8 Coroner Says L iquor W as tt tt Cause of C rash in tt Chicago » tt » T H IR T Y -T H R E E ; 1SS» will choose HORSE ELECTROCUTED BUT R ID ER IS UNHURT ----------- tt HHRT1» » T ow ennan A d m its T ak ing D rinks tt B efore G oing on D uty; B oot­ tt legger B ein g Sought tt GARDNERVILLE, Nev., Nov. 3. — Dexter Kaiser, an Indian, m iraculously escaped death yesterday when his horse came in contact with a live elec­ tric wire and was in- stantly killed. K aiser was knocked unconscious, but soon recovered from the shock. • The wire had evidently been blown down by the high wind and struck the horse on the head. Had it been a few inches high­ er K aiser would have re­ ceived the full force of the current. tt{ ttt» » tttttttttttt tt T : COAST STATES! tt tt POPULATION OF BIG INCREASE Gain Since 1920 Census Is 8! Flood Danger in Oregon Is E stim ated a t N ineteen P resid en tial F ig h t O vershadow s Local Issues for V oters Past for Present Say P er Cent 8 Officials Today. E n tire New Set of Officers to be Selected. a _____ L eaders of M ajor P a rtie s Claim V ictories fo r T heir PO PU LA TIO N IS 955,602 « WILLAMETTE IS RISING P arties. a Jackson County Show s Increase o f a V oters W ill H ave Rainy Day Upon 3)1 Per Cent for F ive Year a W hich to Cast Ballot; Is Opin­ With the hottest Presidential fight seen in a number Period Since 1020 a ion o f W eath er E xperts of years overshadowing local issues, voters of the city of n PORTLAND, Nov. 3. — Ore­ a PORTLAND, Nov. 3. — W ith Ashland and Jackson county will go to the polls tomor­ tt CHICAGO, Nov. 3. — Five t t investigations, three by officials the acute flood conditions reliev- row to vote upon a set of officers who are to govern them gon’s population has increased i ed Sunday in w estern Oregon by for the coming four years. With three major parties in 19 per cent since 1920,'according and two by private parties which a census conducted by the Ore­ ! the passing* of one rainless day. are interested in the affair, open­ the field for the Presidency, state, county and civic office to gon state cham ber of commerce ed today in an attem pt to fix the i the w eather bureau officials here compared with a gain of only responsibility for the death of were today w atching anxiously seekers have received but slight attention. Coolidge, Davis or La Follette, who shall it be? This 16.4 percent in a period twice as the progress of another low pres­ ten persons, and the injuring of tim ates. and they are usually cor­ th irty three others, three of who sure area, which pressages the seems to be the question uppermost in the minds of every long, from 1910 to 1120. The rect, fully thirty millions of citi­ were perhaps fatally h u rt, when arrival of another severe storm voter. With the possibility of a deadlock in the final federal census gave Oregon a zens of the United States will population of 783,389, while the a crowded street car w'as run off the Oregon coast, within a few fight, voters throughout this vicinity have taken a keen state cham ber estim ates this visit the polls and ballot, exceed­ hours. down by a heavy freight train, ing by four millions, the record traveling at high speed, here Sun­ W. P . R ichards C on fesses to Rob­ I F u rth er storm w eather through­ interest in the national race, slighting local polities in a state’s present population at vote of 1920. The attitude of the 955,662. day. out the entire state may result majority of eases. bing Bank at three m ajor parties, tw enty four Joseph Brgfre, a one arm ed to- from the falling barom eter, which And even as the national campaign has overshadowed The state cham ber’s census, it W oodland hours In advance of the decision was explained yesterday by A. 8. werman who Ys in charge of the has been steadily on the decline the local fights, so have the county battles pushed the city Dudley, of the people, might be describ­ executive secretary, was signals a t the crossing where the since early this morning. SACRAMENTO, Nov. 3. — W. ed thus: accident occurdd, is being held in P. Richards, apparently prosper­ The W illam ette River at Al­ issues*into the background. With hot fights on in the made through the aid of the 4 7 The Republicans are supremely Pneumonia Deaths Are Checked Cu8tody of the sheriff of Cook ous business man, who was a rre st­ bany rose 4 1-2 feet during the campaign for sheriff, district attorney, county judge and constituent organizations in the by C losing o f Mexican Quar­ and vociferously confident th at county. It is believed th a t Brahe ed by Sacram ento police officers night and early morning hours. coroner, the apathetic campaigns waged by the candidates state of a careful and conserva­ ters in Los A n geles Coolidge and Dawes will roll up tive estim ate, based on such re­ will be indicted to crim inal negli­ here early Saturday, confessed There is little danger of a flood at for the office of mayor and for the six seats in the city an unprecendented m ajority, while liable factors as the num ber of gence in the case. several hours later th a t he, with present, but should there be an­ LOS ANGELES, Nov. 3. — No the Democrats are quietly hopeful A saloonkeeper, whom Brahe Joe Duncan, negro, now under other storm of the severety of the council, and for the office of city recorder, have been but custom ers for gas, telephone and for the candidacy of Davis and additional deaths or new’ cases named as the man who sold him electric energy, and the enroll­ a rre st a t Woodland, held up and one which has ju st passed over, slightly noticed. D ryan, I Coming back to the Presidential ment in schools. W here other in­ were reported today from the p e - .a “ couple of drin k s” ju st before it is feared the river will leave The Independents arc m ilitant- culiar type of pneumonia which }je took up his duties in the tow- robbed the Bank of Italy bank’s its banks and flood the district race. Each campaign m anager form ation was not obtainable, the branch at Woodland several weeks ly expectant of a big popular vote, caused the death here of Mrs. Lu- ( er Sunday, was ordered and held j in O rego^ claims victory for their I estim ate of rural districts was immediately surrounding It. around which they hope to con­ cinana Sam arano on October 19. in connection with the accident ago. More than 18000 w as'found candidate. Statem ents made by made on the basis of one addl- Rainfall Is predicted for Oregon in R ichard’s automobile, most of struct a new and perm anent third and since th at date has claimed these m anagers claim a victory tional family in the country for and W ashington for election day. The coroner expressed his be­ it in silver. party in American politics. the lives of 20 others. in Oregon for each man, by at every two new families in the It is feared by political leaders lief thatA iquor was the cause of R ichards was identified as a Although every surface indicat­ Nine persons are reported to be ( fatalities. He stated th a t he town or city. least 15,000 plurality. hotel proprietor of K lam ath Falls. th a t damp w eather will prevent ion, throughout the country, suffering from the disease. Seven believed Brahe was intoxicated Eight counties of the state fail­ a large tu rn o u t of voters on th at I. L. Patterson, Republican points to the election of Coolidge, had died by late Saturday night, j when he took up his duties, and He also is said to own a large day. ed to give estim ates of present state chairm an states “ I feel safe the Democrats place hope in the while the other victims are not tb at jn jjfg condition, did not give ranch near Yuba City, Cal. From the community lying be­ in saying Coolidge will carry Ore­ population, and for these coun- A fter he had confessed the rob- “ great, silent vote” , th a t does not expected to live. j th e correct signals but flagged bery tween Eugene and M arshfield gon by a substantial m ajority, the ties the state cham ber used the Woodland bank. Rich- R cno P eople P ass Through A sh­ size of which will depend u p o n ' figures of the 1920 census. All the persons who attended , the engineer of the freight tra in ; express itself in straw votes and came the report th at a total of A land on Canadian Trip to advance predictions, but which Mrs. Sam erano’s funeral are dead, indicating th a t the crossing was ards, also known as H arry W alsh, 12.19 inches of rain had fallen how complete a vote is cast.” “ The striking fact revealed by the new under which name police Officers B oost H ighw ay Exposition carries candidates into office on including the priest who conduct- open. The engine thundered there during the past six days. La Follette-W heeler ticket w ill! census is that not a single county said he served a term in San a wave of last m inute effort. ed the service. The bodies of the ¿ own on the crossing at full ---------- win in Oregon by a plurality of among these reporting liaj suffer- Quintín prison, was identified as victims are being burned, w ithout s>peed, and rammed the center W ith signs blazoning a welcome nQt Jess tban 15 000” , is the for- a decrease in population, whllo the bandit who last sum m er held religious services. Of the street car, tipping the light- to Reno, Nevada, in 1926, a giant casj oj Ernest Kroner, state man-, increases range as high as 65 per W IF E TH R O W S AC TP up and robber the Railroad Na­ The infected area, which is con- er Ca r over on Its side. The en- 16 passenger W hite stage carry- agpr j.Qr La p oj,e tte. Dr. p . j . cent, this figure being attained A T R IV A L IN LOVE tional bank of Rooseyille, Placer fined to the Mexican q uarter herej gine w’as derailed, the engineer ing a Nevada delegation headed gmRh, Democratic state m anager by Curry county, TACOMA, W ash., Nov. 3. - t is under rigid quarantine, but b e -' and firemen killed, while a brake- county, California. by Wally Gelatt, directoi goneial wag taken ¡ jj yesterday while pre-, Jackson county was well in the In a fit of jealous rage because cause of the mode of living of the man who was riding on a car of Nevada's Transcontinental paring h is statem ent, but in ear- fore of the counties which re- her husband persisted in daily residents of this section, it is e x -, near the engine.w'as seriously ln- Reno- jjer statem ents he has been claim-j P°r t®d gains, with a 33 per cent SALEM, Nov. 3. — The state Highwaysx Exposition, calls at the apartm ent of another trem ely difficult to keep up the jured. that Oregon will be carried increase for the five year period highway commission announced 1926, passed through Ashland woman, according to her admis­ quarantine, and It is believed that Sunday night enroute to the Can- by Dav|s due to tbe vote La Poj_ estim ated upon. In 1920, accord- today th a t the slides on the Coos sion to the police, Mrs. Pearl Viz- unless drastic m easures are taken adian border stopping at all the lette will draw from Coolidge in ln« ‘o the Federal census figures. Bay and Roseburg highway had zard, 23, today threw a vial of immediately, many more dea‘hs principal cities in Oregon and the Republican party. i there were 20,405 residents of been cleared end the entire high­ carbolic acid into the face of will ensue from the effects of the W ashington. Jackson county. This num ber will way between Roseburg and Both the Republican and Demo­ Camile Young. 30, proprietor of a dread malady. In company with Mr. G ellatt is have increased to 27,250 by Jan u ­ One of the best attended Cham­ Myrtle Point was open. Traffic is cratic County committees claim a hotel. Joseph H. Hutchinson, former ary 1, 1925, an increase of 6,- ber of Commerce luncheons held blocked between Myrtle Point and certain victory for the tickets en-' The police were called and Miss AGED E X SEN A TO R governor of Idaho and director of 84 5 residents. here this year is expeted tom or­ Coquille. Pacific Highway travel tered by them. The Republicans Young taken to the county hos­ r ganization of the exposition | The tabulated returns of the IS DEAD IN SOUTH row, when Professor Irving E. has been directed by way of Al­ claim they will sweep their en pital, where her burns were tre a t­ ho with Mr. Gelatt will talk be- > cham ber census follow: Vining, who returned home yes­ bany, Corvallis and Junction City; tire ticket into office by a com­ ed. They were not serious and LOS ANGELES. Nov. 3. — Ex. j 1920 1925 terday from his eastern tour, will due to th e discontinuance of the! fortable m ajority, while the Demo­ (Continued on page 4) she later returned home. Mrs. Senator Cornelius Cole, one of the The Jackson County H ealth As­ give an account of his activities | Census Estim ate H arrisburg ferry during the flood i crats claim their ticket will be Vlzzard was arrested. t Benton ............. 13,744 16,690 oldest men in the city of Los sociation again wishes to remind , while in the East, to the mem- conditions. returned to office, especially to Baker ..................17,929 •Angeles, and one of the most fam ­ parents 'of all crippled children , hers of the local booster organi­ 20,730 those offices where the fight has Clackamas .........37,698 ous characters in early Califor- who are in need of medical at- 40,752 zation. been the hottest. Clatsop ............. 23,030 nia history, died at his home here! tention th a t there is to be a clinic 26,023 Vining w ill.explain conditions Voters of this section will bal-! CoIumbia .......... 13 9C0 for children under 16 years of as he found them throughout the 19,686 today at the age of 102 years. lot tomorrow upon the follow- Coos ..................22,257 Cole was the last man alive who age at the Baptist church in Med­ East, and will explain the feeling 30,010 ing candidates. 4,000 Crook ............... 3,424 had served in Congress when Lin ford on November 5. of the eastern states tow ards the F or E lectors o f P resident and C urry ............... 3,025 5,000 The services of skillful physi­ coin was President. N orthw est and tow ard Oregon In V ice P resident of the U nited Deschutes ........ 9,622 13,590 cians who are connected with the particular. Vining was guest of DISON, Wisconsin, Nov. 3. — S tates, D aniel Boyd, J. O. Stearns? Douglas ............. 21,332 27,688 Shriner’s hospital in Portland honor at num erous luncheons, Ten Sr., M. C. George, A. W. G ow an,'0J1,iam PORTLAND, Nov. 3. 3,960 4,100 have been secured, and there will banquets and civic gatherings d u r­ Back among his home folks, Sen­ NEW YORK. Nov. 3. — Four 1 be no cost in connection with an ing his trip, and is well prepared ato r La Follette, Progressive can­ thousand children rushed the H arriet Lane Richards, for Coo- (Continud on page Four) starving sailors, who said they i exam ination and diagnosis, to- to 'g iv e the views of the eastern didate for the presidency today gates at the Pacific International iidge an(1 Dawes; Celia L. Gavin, Livestock exposition Saturday, W illiam A. Johnson, Robert A. issued a final appeal to the Amer, had been shanghaied into the rum I gether with possible free treat- people. lean people to “sweep the progres­ swarmed through the pavilions Miller, Richard W. Montague, R. row service, compelled a reluct­ ment in eith er the Shriner’s or Special farm events, featuring sive- ticket into the office tom or­ and piade the opening day ef the. R Turner, for Davis and Bryan; an t Bkipper to surrender to the The : * h°_a i eJ apple week? which is now . being (WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. row” . La Follette charged th at 14th annual show an emphatic Gugt Anderson. J. D. Brown, E. coast guard cutter Gresham to­ senate committee which investi-j unahle to bear the expenses of observed throughout the country, both old parties were now co n -! success. j. Ellingson, Ernest Kroner, Peter day the natty tw o-m aster Dorothy gated the use of money in the hospital service. will- be given at th e luncheon, ac­ trolled by “ the private monopoly Steady rainfall failed to daunt j 2 immerm an, La Follette and M. Sm art of Newfoundland and presidential campaign today de- The school nurse from the lo- cording to J. H. Fuller, secretary system ” and declared th th a at t the the spirit of the youngsters, who . w heeler; Charles Bearman, A. her cargo of brandy. clined to assume the responsibil- ca^ schools will take six pupils of the local Chamber of Coir.- only relief would be the election began to arrive before the ap- Hoglund, Axel E. Lundell, Carl Michael Gillan of Halifax was ity of the eve of presidential elec-1 ^roni the grade schools of Ash- of his ticket, since the P rogres­ pointed hour in the morning. By ( y godderback and O. Strom quist the skipper His crew was Louis tion for any conclusions based land. and about twelve from the i merce. sives would restore the govern­ 10 o’clock distracted m others be- for Jobns and Reynolds, Coccini, m ate, and A lbert Edouard upon evidence thus far gathered, j Medford schools. If any child has PORTLAND, Nov. 3. — The gan to tell of lost children, car- p o r U nited S ta tes Senator in m ent to the people. B urgom aster, cook, both of New “ There will be no report from been overlooked, parents are urg- STUDENT SHOT BY lower Klam ath Lake drainage dis­ 1 penters and the last decorators (\»ngress: F. E. Coulter, Charles York and Henry A Gillis of Perth the com m ittee” Senator Borah. e