MOS ïnRBE ■¡Ma Republican Ticket and Platform * The Jackson County Republican organization is composed of fifty- six precinct committeemen, an executive committee of eleven members, a women's advisory committee of eleven members, one woman member of the state execu­ tive committee, a state committee­ man, a congressional com m ittee­ man, making a total of eighty- one members who are the law­ fully constituted representatives of the republican party in Jack- son county. These men and wo­ men believe in party governm ent, party responsibility, and party discipline, for no political organi­ zation can long endure, nor can it be of any great force or effect in elevating our standards of pub­ lic service unless it is willing to assume full responsibility for its acts and stands ready to enforce discipline and demand leyalty when the m ajority Speaks. The organization is in politics only from the standpoint of better gov­ ernm ent. The following resolution was unanim ously adopted at our m eet­ ing on October 7th. It is both a pledge and a platform : Under the election laws of the state of Oregon, a county com­ m ittee is elected by the people at the prim ary at the same time the candidates are nom inated, and this committee is given full authority to take charge of the campaign for election. This committee is made res­ ponsible for the coaduct of the cam paign; it is empowered to levy assessm ents on the candidates and to otherwise raise funds for prop­ er and legitim ate campaign ex­ penses. The powers of this com­ m ittee given both by law and by implication are alm ost unlim it­ ed. Therefore, be it Resolved, th a t the Jackson County Republican C entral Com­ m ittee exercise in every ju st and reasonable way in this campaign the full powers given them by law. Believing in party government and party responsibility, we there­ fore pledge to the people of Jack- son county th a t if they see fit to elect our candidates on the 4th day of November, then this or­ ganization will get behind these county officers and encourage and support them in every way, so long as they conduct their respec­ tive offices in an able, economical and honest m anner, and if they prove unw orthy in t h e . conduct of th eir offices, and should charges of inefficiency or dishon­ esty be preferred against any such "officer and If upon investigation are found to he true, then this committee pledges the people of Jackson county th a t we will ask for the resignation of any such officer, and. if necessary, take steps to remove him. F urther, if these candidates are endorsed a t the polls this fall, then this committee is resolved to see th a t harm ony is brought Into the court house at Jackson­ ville and th at all of these officers pull together for efficiency in our county government, to the end th a t the burdens of the taxpayers may be relieved to as great an extent as possible. We fu rth er pledge ourselves to see th a t unnecessary deputies, special police and other special officers and anv unnecessary mem­ bers of the clerical force not ab­ solutely necessary for the effic­ iency conduct of county business, shall be cut off. w tfiTj Kt) DAttf Tifittö« enwa (Utuni*», November Í, itfai T t N ebraska Vs. M issouri ai L in -w au k ee. Môûtgômery. W ith this understanding and The sm aller portion of the Over. lin t a t Chapel Hin. CorSEil vs. Colttffibia a t Ithaca. I 80ln. J, N orth fiakoto Aggies vs. North pledge we subm it for th e consid­ $400,000,000 is candidates Elec­ ftiee vs. Teia9 at Houston. Florida Vs Southern at Galnee- eration of the voters of Jackson tioneering expenses. Boston College vs. H askell at i Detroit vs. W. a h d . J* at fie- Dakota a t Fargo. Vanderbilt vs. Alabama Poly at vllU county our ticket nom inated by M Boston. troit. Oklahoma Aggries vs. Oklaho- Nashville. Candidates* expenses are Loyola Vs. Mercer at New Or­ the republicans in the May p ri­ N orthw estern vs. tûdiana at Ina a t Stillw ater. Carnegie Tech vs. Weatern m aries: t strictly regulated by law, and if Baylor vs. Texas Aggies at leans. For R epresentatives 8th D istrict— i he goes beyond th e figure he is Maryland a t Pittsburgh. Evanston. ■ South Dakota State vs. South ‘Waco St. Edw ards vs. Louisiana Tech JOHN H. CARKIN Arizona vs. New Mexico a t Tue- ; Dakota a t Brookings. Georgia vs. Tennessee at Ath- at Austin. R utgers vs. F. and M. at New ' legally entitled to spend he is RALPH P. COWGILL son. ■ W ashington vs. Kansas a t St. ; ens. • liable to very severe penalties Brunswick. * Virginia vs. W. and L. at Char- For District A ttorney— Montana vs. Gonzaga a t Mis- Louis, which are often enforced. NEWTON C. CHANEY Vermont vs. Holy Cross at Louisiana State vs. A rkansas nt lotteville. For County Judge— soula. - South A candidate in a city constitu- Burlington. Shreveport. W est Virginia vs. Bethany at W. J. HARTZELL Stanford vs. Santa Clara at Lehigh vs. M uhlenberg at Alabama vs. M is^ssippi at : ency is allowed to »K&d ten cents i North Carolina vs. South Caro- i Morgantown. For County Commissioner— I per voter in actual electioneering I Bethlehem. Palo Alto. VICTOR BURSELL B utler vs. De Pauw at Indian­ , expenses, while in a ru ral coji- John Hopkins vs. Loyalo at Bal­ For County Clerk— D E L IL IA ST E V E N S apolis. | 3titutionency he is allowed to tim ore. For Sheriff— spend fourteen cents. Ohio State vs. W ooster at Col­ Bowdoin vs. Maine a t Bruns­ J. J. McMAHON The num ber of voters in British wick. umbus. X For Assessor— is slightly in excess of 21,000,000. Coe vs. Grinnell at Cedar Rap­ Bucknell vs. Third Army Corps J. B. COLEMAN For School Superintendent— The total num ber of candidates a t Lewisburg. ids. SUSANNE HOMES CARTER — Liberals, Conservatives and Kansas Aggies vs. Iowa State Catholic University vs. Mary­ For T reasurer— Laborites— is expected to be al­ a t M anhattan. land at W ashington. A. C WALKER most 1,500. This means, rough­ M arquette vs. Creighton at Mil- For Surveyor— W est . T. G RIFFITH COWGILL ly, th a t approxim ately th irty Illinois vs. Iowa a t Urbana. For Coroner— cents is allowed by law to be spent C alifornia vs. Southern Cali­ H. W. CONGER on each elector. So th a t candi­ fornia a t Berkeley. Signed: JACKSON COUNTY R E ­ dates are allowed to lavish about N otre Bame vs. Georgia Tech PUBLICAN COMMITTEE $7,000,04)0 on the electorate in a t South Bend. (Paid Adv.) 45— 10 the direction of mall charges and Chicago vs. P urdue a t Chicago. literatu re only. Minnesota vs. Michigan a t Every candidate m ust deposit Minneapolis. $750 with the Nominations Offic­ Oregon vs. W ashington at E u ­ er on his nom ination. If he fails gene. to secure 25 per cent of the to ­ w ill be th e R i& lt • tal vote polled he forfeits this o i E q u ip p in g Y o u r > sum. C ar w ith a y -5 The two w ealthiest parties are St. Jacobs Oil stops any pain, the Conservatives and the Liber­ Some Men Guess— and rheum atism is pain only. als, while the poorest is the Labor Not one case in fifty requires Party. and Trust to Luck internal treatm ent. Stop d ru g ­ I t’s funny how a man who ging! Rub soothing, penetrating knows his p articu lar line— St. Jacobs Oil rig h t into your Silver m aking goods or selling thiem, Silverton Blowpipe sore, stiff, aching joints, and re­ farm ing, building, a profession Company contracts for three large lief comes instantly. St. Jacobs factory buildings. or some other specialty— is sometimes so ready to invest Oil is a harm less rheum atism lini­ his money in securities about m ent, which never disappoints, M ore P o w e r lie has lived in .Jackson County 10 Years, Forest Grove — Masonic Tern-' which he knows nothing! and cannot burn the skin. pie to be finished ready for dedi-1 H e’s willing to guess, and lie lias practiced Law in Oregon 11 Years. a n d P ep Lim ber up! Quit complaining! cation early in November. tru st to luck! And— oftimies WITH INCREASED MILEAGE Get a small trial bottle of old, all he gets is a lot of nicely AND EASY STARTING engraved paper— worthless! honest St. Jacobs Oil at any drug Portland — Oregon’s share of When you are seeking in­ store, and in ju st a moment you’ll national forest receipts for 1924 vestm ents, this bank’s special­ be free from rheum atism pain, will be $176,943. B u ilt S p ecia l for ists are a t your service. There- lie is Honest—that comes first in Efficiency. soreness and stiffness. Don’t will be no guessing— every E very Car bond we offer is carefully in­ suffer! Relief aw aits you. St. Jackson County is said to be the “ D rvest” Countv in Oregon. vestigated before we approve Jacobs Oil Is ju st a3 good for WHY! it. sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, back­ Tt was not necessary to make one Arrest on Jackson County ache, sprains. Vote For Newton W. Borden for E ACHING 101 N ew S tr o m b e r g C arburetor D IS T R IC T A T T O R N E Y B e c a u se 1. YOU KNOW BORDEN: 2. L E ast Yale vs. Army at New Haven. Navy vs. Penn State a t Annapo- lis. Syracuse vs. Pittsburgh a t Syra- I cuse. LONDON, Nov. 1.— It is esti- Pennsylvania vs. Lafayette a t wated th a t the general election Philadelphia. Princeton vs. Sw arthm ore at just completed, will cost the coun­ try, directly and indirectly, fully Princeton. $400,000.7)00. This means that H arvard vs. Boston University B ritain has spent approxim ately at Cambridge. D artm outh vs. Brown at Han- $1,200,000,00 in election during the past two years, or enough to have solved its unemployment problems three times over. THE GARMENT The greater amount of this tre ­ form erly mendous sum is loss due to in­ THE LA FRANCE FUR terruption and uncertainty of MFQ. CO. business during the election. It is Now located 175 Park, Corner Yamhill, kitty-corner estim ated th a t during the time Stage Term inal. Portland between a Dissoluation of P arlia­ WE SPECIALIZE in ment and an election there is a REM ODELING OF FU R S. daily loss to the countrv of at RAW SK INS TANNED, D R E SS­ ED , PLUCKED and DYED least $30.000,000 through this cause. First National Bank Ashland, LEEDOM’S TIRE H USE TIRES OregoD AND REPLACEMENTS For Every Car 1“ ENGRAVED P E R S O N A L G R E E T IN G CARDS We have two of the most exclusive .work of this kind. agencies for BORDEN IS EFFICIENT: F air Grounds this year. WHY! He Prosecuted more Criminals than any -predecessor in the same length of time. He secured 134 Convictoins against 18 Acquittals or 88 per cent Convictions. He has established the first set of permanent records for that office. 3. BORDEN COMMANDS CONFIDENCE: Of the Courts. Of All Honest Law-enforcing Officers. Of All Good Citizens and Business Men. Several H undred Samples; beautiful engraving on the best gradv card stock— The a rt work excells anything previously shown— Prices very reasonable. Place vonr orders earlv Toilet Goods— Drug Sundries at vour stationers CHART'S Jackson County Democratic Committee. V O TE FOR B O R D E N Books and Stationery (Paid Adv.) Ralph Jennings w as elected sheriff of Jackson connty in nineteen hundred and sixteen, and he held the office until he resigned io enter the military service. z He gave a clean-cut business administration. Z He enforced all law s iearlessly and impartially. His qualifications and experience are assets which the citizens of Jackson county should utilize. Vote 64 X RALPH JENNINGS RALPH JENNINGS All Experienced, Efficient and Courteous Officer FOR SHERIFF v This advertisement paid for by friends of Ralph Jennings