ASfcLAND CLIMATE Without the U8e of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. Thia is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings * The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. < International N b w r W ire Service) VOL. X L v n i. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. PORCUPINE Q V IIJ. IS LA FOLLETTE CLAIMS SLUSH CHARGES T R UE 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ---------- 13 Believes Investigation Has 3 Proved Correctness of » His Claims » ----------- 3 STATES HE WILL WIN » _______ ! 3 P rogressive C andidate W ill Close* 3 C am paign T onight W ith 3 C leveland Speech 3 3 CLEVELAND, Nov. 1. — The 3 testim ony given by witnesses, un­ 3 der oath, before the Borah com­ 3 CAUSE O F MUCH G R IEF ----------- 3 FOR JONES, Cal., Nov. 3 1, — When George W right F o rt Jones rancher, sw al­ lowed a porcupine quiil as he drank from a spring in Scott m ountains recently, he nearly lost his life by strangulation a3 a result. W right was rounding ut) his cattle in the moun­ tains and, caught by night­ fall, he made camp. Growing th irsty during the night, he made for a, near­ by spring and drank from the edge of it w ithout a cup. A porcupine quill, float­ ing on the surface, slipped into his mouth and lodg­ ed in his throat. Before W right could reach medical aid the fol­ lowing day a t F ort Jones, he was alm ost strangled and it required more than an hour for the physician "Ho dislodge the quill. «Í 3 3¡ 3; 3 3¡ 3 ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1924 SALE OF DEATH DEALING FU EL IS P R 0 HIBITED Cotton Show Delegate 3 3 Gotham Commission Bars 3 “ Looney Gas” From 3 New York 3 3 CLAIM AN ANTIDOTE 3 3 G asoline C ontaining T etra-E thyl Not to be U sed in City, Says 3 Hoard of H ealth 3 3 3 NEW YORK, Nov. 1. — Gaso­ 3 line contaihlng tetra-ethyl, the 3 m ysterious “ looney gas’’ com­ 3 pound, may no longer be sold in 3 New York city. The hoard of 3 health today adopted a resolu­ 3 tion prohibiting its sale, after 3 the death of the fifth of the 33 3 laborers affected by the fumes 3 while experim enting with the NO. 53 W ATER, TEN MILLION YEARS OLD PR ESE R V E D 3 ----------- 3 3 CHICAGO. Nov. 1. — 3 Drops of w ater more than 3 10,000,000 years old, pre­ « served in quartz since an 3 age before life began to 3 appear on earth, will be 3 exhibited in the Field 3 Museum here. 3 The \yater was obtained 3 in South America by O. Measures to Discredit May­ 3 C. Farrington, head of or Said to be Main 3 the m useum 's departm ent Object of geology, who found It 3 3 imprisoned in crystal BONE BILL SUPPORT _______ 3 quartz taken from rock form ations at BoBn Jesus S eattle O fficial H ere Says In v e s-1. « dos Melra3, Hahi, Brazil. tigation B ein g Condurteli Is ’ « The estim ate of Its age M erely P o litica l Work 3 _______ 3 was based on the fact th a t SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 1.— 3 the rock form ations were When the Seattle city council ef­ j 3 of the archan age, assert­ ficiency committee resumes its ! 3 ed by some scientists to airing of municipal scandals F ri­ 3 have existed 550,000,000 day Ralph Nichols, the committee 3 years ago. The w ater is clear and chairm an, expects to produce more 3 SEATTLE PROBE HEED POLITICAL BY OFFICIALS STATE T R OOPS OUT T 0 QUELL KLAN DISORDER Forty Klansmen Arrested in Niles During Riots Streets TWO MEN ARE KILLED Pitched Buttle» B etw een K ian and Anti-Klun Force* K ills and Injures Many NILES, Ohio, Nov. 1. — The Governor of Ohio this afternoon ordered the 1 45th regim ent of the m ittee which was investigating ; 3 Ohio National Guard to mobilize, *• the source of campaign c o n tri-, 3 and to proceed to Niles, w here butions of the three parties now ! 3 m artial law has been declared. in the field, "has confirmed by ! 3 sparkling. It will rem ain The 14 5th is composed of about inform ation and gossip specially I , charges th a t those who expected in its crystal container, 1600 men and officers, aud is r» designed for immediate political { to be benefited by a Republican as removal may result in cruited from districts lying in effect. The recess clearly m di-j election, and those who were ex­ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 its evaporation. southern Ohio. cates the desire of Nichols to m ixture in the Bayway, N. J. lab­ pecting special privileges, were 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Forty K11 Klux Kian "police­ bring along the fu rth er ‘ revela­ the chief contributors in the col­ oratories of the Standard Oil com­ men’’ in the full regalia of their tions’’ he has in mind a t the last lecting of a hugh slush fund, pany of New Jersey? order, were arrested by the Nile» possible moment before election The health board also made which was collected with which police officers as they marched day. it a m isdemeanor for anyone to to buy the election of Coolidge through town today. Most of the The purpose of the efficiency' use the gasoline in motors in the and Dawes in doubtful states," men taken by the police were committee investigation is politi city. Senator La Follette, Progressive armed, but during the arrests, no cal. The wetness of Seattle, the In addition, the officials au ­ candidate for the Presidency ’ resistance was offered by the pa­ prevalence of vice, the extravag­ thorized H ealth Commissioner stated in his speech here today. rading Klansmen. ance in various city departm ents Monaghan to m ake a thorough La Follette's attack upon the Previous to the arrests, two and other instances of misgovern- Republicans was coupled with his R ealize V alue of S ta te’s 4 5 E lec­ investigation of the elem ents in klansmen were beaten, and badly rm ent have been carried along as t o r a l V otes in D eciding Is­ the m ysterious death-dealing gas prediction th a t the Progressive sideshow features. But at every R attle A gainst H oof And Mouth injured, whilq two anti-klansinen su e o f Campaign and seek a mode of effective tre a t­ ticket would be returned victor­ D isease Cost S tate $1 0 ,3 0 5 , were killed in the riots which session of the committee the in­ ious in the Presidential election ment for its victims. A ccording to F igu res have been raging here. The cli­ Miss Edith Shinn, above, a native daughter of the common- quiry has been steered by Chair- NEW YORK, Nov. 1.— Accord­ H erbert Fuson, 29, of Elizabeth, w ealth sung about as "T h a t’s where the tall corn grows,’’ is the! man Nichols toward the main oh poll on Tuesday. The Wisconsin max of the riot came early today, Senator stated th a t the Progres­ ing to all political history, the N J., was the fifth man to sue- sole delegate from Iowa to the N ational Cotton Exposition now in SALEM, Nov. 1— Members of when, what was practically a jective of discrediting Mayor sive influence was sweeping the Empire State’s great block of 4 5 cumb to the gas poisoning, which I session at Waco, Texas. the state emergency board held pitched battle bet wen Kian and Governor N athan E. Kendall named her for a four-fold reason, Brown and stim ulating prejudice a brief meeting here and approv­ entire country, and despite the votes in the Electoral College is • has made its victims insane. He anti-K ian forces, took place in the against the so-called power trust. swing of the Labor organizations the hinge upon which Tuesday's died at R econstruction hos-pital he says— because she is an up-and-coming farm girl, who will bring ed deficiency appropriations ag­ outskirts of the city. back an inform ative report on cotton; because she is a good politi­ Captain E. F. Chase of the Se­ It explains early today, confined in a straig h t- cian end a friend of the Governor; because he believes in giving from his support in New York election will tu rn . gregating $13,876.76. So desperate had the situation attle city streets departm ents, in state, his party would carry th a t why the m anagers of both Coo­ jacket, a few hours after the women due recognition, and for the last and vastly im portant reason, become, before the m ilitia was Of this' am ount $10,395 was to charge of the division of sanita­ r of Standard Oil physicians th a t Miss Shinn is representative of the Juuoesque, regal type pro- state with a com fortable' m ajor­ lidge and Davis have chosen to corps tion, who was in Ashland last care for claims resulting from the ordered ou t* that automobiles m ake New York City the final and s c io lis ts seeking c «nccess-1 d'ttced by generations of a corn-raising, corn-fed people, ity. night on hia way to California, activities of the state veterinar­ could not be driven through the t of she baffling ma-1 - J-U8t to show Texas she has nothing against the cotton industry, It was announced at the speech battleground of the 192 4 cam -j ful treatm en . . Miss Shinn says she is taking along twenty-seven new frocks— all where he will study sanitary de­ ian and state livestock sanitary city in safety. In one instance, today, th a t La Follette would paign. lady had announced their quest ( Of >em 8iik vices being installed by cities of board in the - campaign against three occupants of an automobile make his final speech of the cam­ The rival m anagers have tacit- successful. that state, echoed the statem ents the foot and mouth disease. These! were iPJured when a ’»oh. con- paign here tonight. He will then ly agreed upon ' Andy Gump’s A few hours after Fuson’s to the Kre£®ted on the streets, fired into made in Seattle, th a t the cam­ claims were presented return to his home in Wisconsin, statem ent, "as New Yoik goes, so death 11 more gas-crazed men board by Dr. W. II. Lytle, state the car as k Passf*d - paign being waged against Mayor were taken to Reconstruction and aw ait the returns, which he goes the N ation.’’ Brown is purely a political one. veterinarian. At a previous m eet­ M athematically, it is possible hospital. This brought the total stated will “sweep the P rogres­ Chase claims th a t Chairman ing of the b^ard Dr. Lytle was BOY DROWNS WHEN sive ticket into power by a huge for the Democrats or Republicans of those affected to 33 out of the Nichols is a leader of a political instructed to exert every effort EOAT OVER TURNS to put their candidates into office 45 who were employed in the lab­ m ajority.’ organization which has always to prevent the foot and mouth w ithout the aid of New Y ork’s oratories experim enting with a been opposed to Brown, and th at j disease from entering this state, SOUTH BEND. Nov. 1. — 4 5 votes, but it is extremely im­ m ixture of tetra-ethyl and gaso­ as chairm an of the committee, j George Uee, 14, was drowned in with the understanding .th a t any probable. Wilson, the Democratic line in an effort to add power to has steered the investigation i n ! W illapa harbor tonight when a claims incurred by his departm ent candidate, won the election in the fuel and elim inate knocks in W u N am es C o n d it i o n s U p o n A shland Man W ill T ell of Reeep- such a m anner as to cast reflect- i boat in which he and a compan­ would be approved. 1916 w ithout the aid of New m otorcar engines. W hich P eace in China W ill j (ion G iven H im at B ooster ions upon the character of the S e -, ion, Oliver Back, 13, had been The hoard approved $3000 to Y ork’s votes, but he was return- Announcement at the hospital be S ettled . . ? Convention K attle mayor. duck hunting, sprang a leak and cover tlie expenses of circut ed to the Presidency that year by (b a t an antidote had been dis- sank. Back swam ashore. The judges while acting In an official the narrow est of m argins. An- covered for the ga3 brought hope TIENTSIN, Nov. 1.— -W Wu u Pei- Pei-! R eturning home after an ex- accident occurred about a quar­ capacity outside of their respec­ other proof of the power of New to the families of the sufferers, Fu, deposed Chihli w ar chie|, who tended to u r of Pennsylvania, dur- te r of a mile west of South Bend. tive districts. York in presidential elections whose alarm earlier in the day is m arching on Pekin to regain Ing which he has been "selling" The tide was running out rap­ was dem onstrated that year, when ’ bad been heightened by the death his lost position, declared to in- the state of Oregon to Pennsyl- A deficiency appropriation of LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 1. idly, making a rescue impossible. the election was practically con-j Of W illiam Kresge. 29. Dr. Max- terview ers today th a t he was will- vanlans, Professor Irving E. Vin­ $481.76 was approved for the — Secrecy m aintained relative to Six parties were searching for the ceeded to Hughes when it w a s ; jm in Touart w^s given credit for ing to sta rt peace negotiations on ing, President of the Oregon State payment of salaries of district the first governm ent contract en­ I body tonight. determ ined that he had carried t j,e discovery, which was said to a statu s quo basis, providing for Cham bere of Commerce will be j attorneys. tered into with the Pan-American ROSEBURG, Nov. 1— W illiam. appropriation of $200 re- New York State. j involve the injection of hy p o -1 w}tb drawa*l of Chang Tso-Lin be- feted a t the Ashland Cham ber of Petroleum & Transport company, Burch, aged; 23 years, employed quested by the district attorney ; sulphate of soda into the veins yond the great wall. Commerce Forum Luncheon next involving the construction of fuel i of the sufferers. Chang Tso-Lin, m ilitary die- Tuesday, according to plans now by the state highway commission, 0, Multnomah county to employ oil storage space at Pearl Harbor, in clearing drainage ditches and an assjata nt to handle juvenile That th e federal governm ent ta to r Of M anchuria, is believed t o , form ulated. 'Hawaii, and the leasing of land I will take a hand in the investi­ be on his w>ay to Pekin to nego-’ In a letter to J. H. Fuller, sec- removing glides on the Coos cases was rejected by the hoard, in naval oil reserve No. 1 of Cali­ gation was revealed by an an ­ tiate peace between the central retary of the local Chamber, Vin- ; Bay l‘lK*»way, was killed yester-j fornia. was linked yesterday in ­ nouncement that experts of t h e . goyernm ent there and the th re e ing 3tated he will arrive in A sh -, day m ornk'K- Burch, who 13 a,' OFFICE IS BUILT directly with the lim itation of I bureau of mines will study the eastern provinces (M anchuria), land Tuesday. F u ller immediate-! resident of camas valley, was arm s conference held in W ash­ ON HOTEL GROUND VANCOUCER, B. C., Nov. 1. ; nature of the gas. Well informed circles, learning ly wired Vining, asking him if working at the base of a high ington. (to n ig h t of General W u’a peace possible to arrive in time to speak bluff, When a huge boulder roll-j i Construction work on the Llth- -On a theory th a t an explosion I : The defense, opening upon its The county court at a session testicony a t the trial in federal which occurred in a Canadian Pa- j RACE DRIVER ba8*8, expressed the opinion th a t at the Forum luncheon. ( ed down, the rock striking him jan j j otej will get under way with court here of the governm ent’s 1 cific railway car W ednesday at SUING FOR DIVORCE k would not be accepted by th e ; It is planned to make the Forum on ^ e head and killing him in- a few days according to E. L. W ednesday raised the bounty on suit for cancellation of contracts Farron, B. C., killing eight and ______ M anchurian governm ent. ' j luncheon an impressive affair, and stantly. He is a member of a j\,IcNell of the firm of Hoover aud predatory creatures of the brush. Dispatches from the north re- it is hoped th at all members of prom inent family of Camas val- MPNeil, in charge of the general The residents of the wide open and leases with the Pan-Ameri-j injuring 11, was the result of a LOS ANGELOS, Cal., Nov. 1. can, brought out through the tes- bomb being set off inside it, an J ,.R arney.. oM field, form er star of ceived tonight indicated th a t the the body will* be present on t h a t , ley, where he was born, and construction work. Already the spaces are being pestered nigh tlmony of Dr. H. Foster Bain, dir- inquest was opened a t G r a n d j a u t o m o b i l e race tracks, to- !four Chihli divisions routed by the day. i leaves his parents, two brothers contractors are erecting an office unto death by the varm ints, who Vining received ovations in and five sisters ector of the bureau of mines, th at Forks today. W itnesses te8tified | day „ „d e r his tru e name of V erna p ®»»tIen (M anchurian) second; on the premises, and It is believ­ are killing off the chickens and Oldfield, brought suit for di- arm y.w hen it captured Lwanchow,! every city in which he spoke d n r - i ----------- the order of secrecy had been is­ th a t tanks containing illum inât-, ed forms for the foundations of the turkeys, and the yearlings, men in ing ‘he his principal tour. sued by Theodore Roosevelt, as- • ¡ng gas for lighting and the floor again8t his wife Rebecca, never rallied. The ______ (he building will be constructed and it is figured th a t more re­ „ the A» , jjg VALERA IN JAIL m uneration will increase the in­ sistant secretary of the navy, ! Of the car were seen intact before , a neged Mr3 .O ldfield spent his divisions scattered, some wander- cities of Pennsylvania were visit- FOR SPEECH MAKING within a short time. terest in hunting, and the num ­ the holding of fjre consumed the ruins. At first ______ coincident with ___ money faster than he could make ing across the country tow ard ed during the trip, and men welj ber of hides brought to the coun­ the arm s conference. it was believed that the gas tanks it. The Oldfields were m arried Pekin, while others managed to Informed In the line of work BELFAST. Nov. 1. — Eamonn ty cleik. T hat he should treat all m a t- ;bad exploded. January 7. 1907, and separated reach the railw ay where they se- claim V ining’s efforts have been DeValera, leader of the Irish The varm ints have increased in ters concerning the Pearl H arbor , According to a report receiv- July 20. 1923, according to the cured train s for Tangshan. ■ w orth thousands of dollars to the Republicans, today was sentenc- ■ project in a confidential m anner | ed b er^ from D. C. Coleman, vice- population by leaps and hounds, Some Tientsin papers su g g est-! state. ed tQ 8erve a month in jall> f o r : complaint filed here. ed to serve was first called to his attention pre8ident on the Canadian Pacific and are active. Besides howling ed today “th a t General Wu had 1 in! addition to V ining’s ta ’k . ! entering Ulatru to make political! tnrough a le tte r drted December; western division, an alarm clock around night3 they raid hen worn out his welcome in T ie n tsin ., F u ller announced th a t a sp ecial, speeches after being warned to re- ! 9, 1921, sent from Roosevelt t o ; witli p art of a dry battery was It was declared th a t Wu and his ¡program , featuring Apple Week. main away. Ralph Jennings, the Democratic houses, pig pens, and corrals, and Edw ard C. Finney, first ass’stant found in a torn satchel in the arm ies had become a menace to j which is now being observed • ! candidate for sheriff in this coun­ make themselves a general all -+■ the city, and th a t he should be • throughout the country, would b e 1 secretary of the interior, Dr. Bain ru | n3, of the car. ty, was in Ashland today m eet­ around nuisance. The bounty in­ testified. . I In the coach at the time of the ordered away by the foreign mili- presented at the luncheon ing the voters and explaining his crease is figured to inspire the The communication, the wit- explosion were 21 persons, in- tary com m andants here. hired man and the farm hoy to : position in the present race. ness stated, ordered th a t since the cluding p eter Veregin, British Forces loyal to Wu Pei-Fu, who Mr. Jennings made the follow- unlim ber their arsenal in leisure plans to recapture the city of Pe­ ASHLAND HI TRIMS fuel storage project was a war Columbia Doukhober leader, who j ing statem ent to The Tidings moments and slay the coyote, and defense plan all m atters relative was kin ed. i t was rum ored th a t kin from Feng Yu-Hsiang who has ROSEBURG, 14-7 while at this office: "Being a the wolf, and cats— wild and bob. been in power for a week, con-! to it should be m arke.’ “confi- tbe expiosion was a plot to des- ! GRANTS PAS.S Nov. 1 The bounty Is effective at once, candidate for sheriff of Jackson i Living up to predictions, the tinued to reach here today. dential.” . ! trov Veregin. and is as follows: ,tecord th a t will probably stand fcr county at the coming election, ) Ashland High Schdol grid war- Dr. Bain pre” iously had te s ti-1 The body of John Mackie, Wolves, $20. half from the 1 sometime in the am ount of rain ---------- November 4, if elected, I promise j riors journeyed to Roseburg ye3'- fled th a t a t tho request of Albert u r jtish Columbia legislator of falling in a single day was re- NEW YORK, Nov. 1.— The a c - ,to rigidly enforce all laws and county and half from the state. REPORTS SAY COLD 1 terday, and handed the N orthern B F all, ex-secretary of the in- Grand Forks, was found dead 50 Coyotes, $5. was $3 for males, j corded between 3 o’clock Thurs-i SNAP HEADED HERE city gang a 14-7 spanking. Al­ tive campaign of John Davis, will refer any one to my record terlo r he worked with the navy ieet from the wreck. Democratic candidate for the as sheriff during 1917-18, and $4 for females. No sex discrim in­ i day afternoon and 1 o’clock yes-! though it, was believed before departm ent In the form ulation of j --------------- - --------- t h i ' ^ f r o m ^ 6 game th a t ^ a l squad Presidency reached its final stage e8pecially to the enforcem ent of ation in new bounty. : terday, when 4.44 inches of rain • P° ? plans and the solicitation of b id s ; g N Q W A T p AgS p^JTS fell, over half as much as had. w eether, headed s«uthw ^ would win by a much h u g er score, here today, with the Democratic tbe prohibition laws. I will always W ildcats, $4, was $2.50. for the Pearl H arbor project, HALT TO RIVER RISE fallen in the first nine months of Canada, is expected to Pen^ / a ^ th e Roseburg gang put up a stub- nominee in person launching a bave three things in view.— ef- Bobcats, $4, was $2.50. which included the exchange of the year. This brings the aver-, W ashington and Oregon J » ltb a i born defense> and a 9even point final drive in which he hopes to ficjency, courtesy and economy.” crude oil for fuel oil in storage. GRANTS PASS, Nov. 1.— The ^fr Jennings was elected age for the present storm to 7.92 the ;ne»1 J o » * m argin was all the Ashland out- capture the vote of greater-N ew L. S. J. U. UNIVERSITY The w itnesses was a9ked what downpour> which has continued flood danger which has th reat- “ '*v' i York, and with it to carry th e sheriff before the w ar, but re- inches, or over four tim es the CO-EDS SMOKE LESS companies other than the Pan- t iQr 8everaj day8 with only a slight ened th e entire state, during th e . Com °tiveU8CoreB indlcatéd a 's ta te . signed and entered the arm y in American were the plans for the jn terru p tion last night, continu- October average. There had al­ abnorm al rainfall of the Pa8t ; one.&lded a{fajr 8jnce the localBJ The swing of the labor organ!-, j 9 i 8> serving until the end of, STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Cal. first P earl H arbor project s u b -! ed thrOughout the day, adding ready fallen 1.89 inches during w eek' u t , trim m ed Myrtle Creek, 65-0 while- zatioos of th i" fU te tO * * D*m0'i h08tiliti<* ‘ He r*P°rts very fav'N o v . 1.-R e s o lu tio n s asking th a t .69 inch to the total of 2.82 the present month, brining the m itted to. Meanwhile the storm w arning y the cratic ranks has given the Dour- orable support in all sections Of drlnking among studentg of s ta n . to 9.81 “ The Standard Oil, the Asso­ inches of the previous two days. October precipitation has continued to fly over all Ore-, _ _ K... bous much cncour. gement. and the county and stated he was con- ford unîver?ity be 8tamped ont Indications are th a t tne ciated Oil company, the Union There was no sign of a letup inches. rainfall will go over 10 inches gon and W ashington coast points ! weQt w Rosebur’g fQr tfae tu8Ble they believe they will easily carry fldent that he would be elected wherever it may be found and Oil company and the General Pe here late tonight. The rise of The southern Oregon rainfall the state. th a t the drinking sources be sum ­ «troleum corporation,’’ Dr Bain 1 the rivers has been cut short by before m idnight, m aking the rain- for the last three days has been, stated it was a hard fought affair Davis* will make the closing THRRE MORE DEAD m arily dealt with, were adopted the fall of snow in the higher !^ak ^or that month the great- heavier than any during the en-' throughout, w ith neither team speech of his campaign tonight in replied. LOS ANGELES, Nov. 1. today by the Associated Women having a decided advantage. altltufles. The rainfall is the est eon record f<* th a t month, tire m onth of October on record. Carnegia Hall here. In speeches J Three additional deaths here to- j stu d en ts of the university in a rainfall is the heaviest of recent The* rainfall during the past 22 M arshfield reported 8.48 inches here today, he pledged himself, if day from pneumonia, am ong' meeting here i hours has also been the greatest years. L eave F or N orth— and Roseburg 7.14 inches during t t t t t t » » « 3 3 3 t t « 3 » ; elected, to do all in his power to m ourners who attended the fun- A nother resolution commended ________ _________ j for a single day since the reco rd s1 the th ree days which the storm Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Grubb left » Tw o section s — E igh t 3 open the m arkets of the world for eral services on October 19 of coeds for cutting down their Medford — New Cooley b u ild -; have been kept here. In Janu- raged. th is m orning for W oodburn, Ore- 3 pages In Todays Issue of 3 American products, in an a tte m p t: Mrs. F. Sam arano, brought the smoking last season and urged » T he T idings. gon w here they will make their | Pg completed, with theatre, four ary, 1909, the precipitation was 3 , to bring added prosperity to the total of deaths np to twelve per- th a t there be a still fu rth er de- slightly over 15 inches. stórse aud offices. future home. Thera Is wisdom In reading ada j 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 country. sons. creaBe Jn thelr UBe Qf tobacc0 ,GO PTO MAKE N YORK LAST state ftppmiœ T CHINESE WAR CHIEF VINING WILL SPEAK SAYS HE IS READY , FOR PEACE TERMS T DOHENY TAKES THE STAND TO TESTIFY IN SELF DEFENSE ON ALL PREDATORY BEASTS BY COUNTY IS BLAMED ON BOMB IS ESTABLISHED BY 4.44 IN. DOWNPOUR EFFORT 10 CAPTURE