bAOË TWÖ ASHLAND DAILY* tlD ÎN Ô 4 t i May, October 31, 1024 ASHLAN^,LÍIIEL TIDINGS RXdpTatío™ket 'CooiMöeleads in Digest Poll Published Every Evening Except Sunday by THE A 1HLAND PRINTING CO. This is Ashlands- Place To Find W hat It W ants To E at Sunday M arket Basket A Feature Page For Telling the Cooks About the Good Eatables The Jackson County Republican ( Continued from page 1) ited to Mr. Davis. Virginia, North ,___ _____ _____ ________ ’_____I organization is composed of iifty- B ert R. Greer ..........................................................................................E ditor si* precinct committeemen, an Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, George Madden Green .........................................2...........Business M anager1 executive committee of eleven j Wisconsin candidate, and th ere­ Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, fore, in 3pite of the fact th a t the n ~ „ ■ _ - -------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- members, a women’s advisory Kentucky, Mississippi, A rkansas, OFFICIAL C IT Ï PAPER ..................................................... Telephone 39!oom m ittee of eleven members, one present vote is 76,730 for Presi­ E ntered a t th e Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mail M atter! woman member of the state execu- dent Coolidge to 65,169 for Sen­ Louisiana and Texas,, cast a total » « a n » » tt » » » » n u w ater. Let cook thirty or forty Directories Out— tive committee, a state committee­ Subscription Price, Delivered in City a to r-L a Follette, the State is of 139 electoral votes. G ranting 8 FAVORITE RECIPES » m inutés. Remove and let cool. I man, a congressional com m ittee­ One Month ..........................................................................................$ .65 man, making a total of eighty- m arked in the doubtful section. Mr. Davis the doubtful states of The November telephone d ir­ Remove the napkin from the Three Months ......................... .....................................................~ Oklahoma, W est Virginia, and 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 | one members who are the law- North and South Dakota, where Maryland, the Davis total would Six Months ...................................................................................... pudding and roll in powdered 1 ectories a te at the local office and Treacle Pudding 0 fully constituted representatives the Non-partizan League had its One Year ................................................................................................ sugar. Cut into slices and serve. I will be mailed within the next ‘ of the republican party in Jack- be 165 votes. PARIS, Oct. 31.— Women who By Mail and Rural Routes i son county. These men and wo- origin, are also put into the doubt­ two or three days. Everyone is The same table shows, that, ding, although an English dish, One Month ............................................................................................ * men believe in party government, ful column because of the La Fol­ asked to be sure and throw away Three Months ....................................................................................... 1.95 party responsibility, and party lette strength shown there. W hat­ granting Mr. La Follette the pleases many French gourmets. Left Gut Constable__ Six Months ...................................................................................... the old ones, so that m istakes in State of Wisconsin together with Prepare the dough as follows: 3.501 discipline, for no political organi- One Year ............................................................................. The Daily Tidings in its article ' numbers will not be made. Miss 6.50R atio n can long endure, nor can ever argum ents the Democrats the other states in which hi?, P u t one-half pound of flower on ! it be of any great force or effect have advanced for considering strength Is considerable, North a table, and make a little well W ednesday relative to electio-n and O tterdale, m anager, states th at DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES in elevating our standards of pub- fay?rs R epub,i; ¿ ¡ k o i l South DakoTa, Nevada"and in the center. Into this break three candidates, neglected to mention the directories this month are Single insertion, per inch ............................................................ $ 30 lie service unless it is willing to can aspirants would apply, of the candidate for constable in the best th a t have been put out for „ Yearly Contracts California, his total electorial vote whole eggs, adding a spoonful of assume full responsibility for its One insertion a week ................................................................... .27% acts and stands ready to enforce course, quite as well to La Follet­ this, the Ashland Justice, district,) would am ount to 39. The elec­ bu tter and salt. W ork well until some time and are as nearly cor­ Two insertions a week ................................................................... .25 te. and in adm itting th at La Fol- torial vote of Mr. Coolidge, ac- the dough is soft and smooth. w-ho is J. W. Thatcher, R epub-' discipline and demand layalty Daily insertion ................................................................................. .20 rect as possible. lican. when the m ajority speaks. The le tte ’a showing makes the vote R ates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising cording to these calculations, Powder the table well with organization is in politics only . a l o rn , a , »T eva a and . North ; woui^ F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. $ .10 represent the difference be- from the standpoint of b etter gov­ Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................................. .05 “ ¡ l , , 1S? uî?. D‘ k° t a , •»■"«■'h.t eween the lotal DaV(,.La Po| lelto flower, and roll out the dough to ernm ent. about one and one-half inches in Card of Thanks 1.00 ¥0(e The following resolution was doubtful. The Digest 1. following vote, an„ 1362726844778 O bituaries, per line ............................................. .......................... .02% unanimously adopted at our m eet­ » Po'