ASHLAND GLI m A t Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. Thia is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years J MALARIA GERMS ' Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. (International Newa Wire Service) VOL. XL¿VIII. Sacceesor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ,’ETER AN, “K IL LE D ” IS NOW BACK ABSENT VOTERS : TO CAST HEAVY POLL IN CITY HOME -------- a a NO. ASHLAND, OREGON, FR1DAŸ, OCTOBER 31, 1924 ship aground : CHICKENS “CHAWIN’ ” •TO PRESERVE HEALTH -------- a NEW YORK BODY P NOW IN FAVORu OF JOHN DAVIS LIMIT P L Â CED ON R 0 ADWAYS NEAR ASHLAND SEATTLE, Oct. 31. — 8 The tobacco habit for 8 8; chickens has been recom- 8 81 mended by Professqr John 8 a : G uberiet of the University 8 a j of W ashington zoology de- 8 a , partm ents as an effective 8 a j way of com batting a des- 8 8 tructive intestinal worm of 8 8i Regulations for Win­ which he has ju3t complet- 8 Labor Organization Swings a Schooner Reported to be in Railroad Men and Nation-Wide Straw Vote Shows President Is Leading Weight ter Are to go Into E f­ ed an investigation of five 8 From La Follette to no Danger, Crew Is Clerks to Take Advantage Rest of Field Over Half of Total Vote Cast in His years’ duration. 8 fect Saturday Democrats Taken Off of Absentee Law He said: 8 Favor. La Follette Is Leading Davis by Narrow " I ’ve found th a t a 8 MEMBERSHIP IS 700,000 16,500 POUNDS IS LIMIT Margin of Votes. STORM H A S BROKEN LAW MISUNDERSTOOD « pound of tobacco fed to 8 ---------- ¡ « Com m ission Orders Surfacing of 100 chickens is a good 8 Claims Independents Have No Storm W hich H it N orthw est is Ballot Lim ited to P our C lasses By If presidents were elected by straw votes, and the SO M iles of Roadway in means of preventing the 8 Chance, While Coolidge is C onsidered to H ave Spent in I-nws o f O regon. Many W asco County d e v e l o p m e n t of the 8 Literary Digest straw vote was taken as official, Presi­ Opposed to Labor F orce in Oregon Apply for B allot worm .” -. 8 dent Coolidge would be returned to office by the most PORTLAND. Oct. 31.— Thirty 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 NEW YORK, Oct. 31.— B rush­ PORTLAND, Oct. 31. — The W ith hundreds of railway men, overwhelming majority ever accorded a president, that is miles of The Dalles-California ing aside the "result of all straw mail clerk and members of other a a a a a a a a a a a a a steam schooner Acme, owned by the percentage of the total vote east. • highway in Wasco county were votes, polls and other pre-elect­ the Moore Mill and Lum ber Com­ professions who will be forced to ion pointers, which strongly indi­ Of the 2,386,052 1 allots east in the Digest poll, Cool­ ordered surfaced by the state pany of San Francisco, is ashore he out of the city on election cated the re-election of President idge received a total of 1,348,033, as against 508,410 re­ highway commission yesterday. near Bandon, Oregon, according day, next Tuesday, taking advant­ When surfaced this will complete dbolidge next Tuesday, th e Demo­ to a report received here by the age of the absentee voters law, ceived by La Follette, and 505,410 received by Davis. Here the highway in th at county. This crats today started m aking a tre ­ M erchants Exchange early today. Ashland will be the scene of a section is from W hite River to mendous eleventh hour effort for is what the Digest says on their poll: The rep o rt stated th a t the crew’ very heavy absentee voting cam­ Cow canyon. The work was the electorial vote of New York “ Briefly. Mr. Coolidge receives more votes than all of the vessel had been taken off paign, according to all indications. awarded Josiln & McAllister of and New Jersey. | by ships which were standing by, A large num ber of requests for his opponents pi t together, and Mr. La Follette receives: Spokane at $138.4 00. Twenty The results of the Democratic and th a t the vessel was reported th e absentee voting privilege have a slightly larger popular vote than goes to Mr. Davis.” Man Thought to be Implicated in bidders competed for the award. drive were first seen in the su r­ to be in no im m ediate danger. already been received from this D’Autremont Holdup Has The air is full of conflicting “ straw s” and phophecies W ith Saturday the weight reg­ prising about th e race executed city, and it is believed th at be­ Special Prem ium A w ards W ill l>c The report says the Acme went Case Thrown Out of Court by the New York Central Trades Given to E xhibitors at today as it was when The Digest began its big poll, nearly ulations for the w inter months ashore in the heavy fog. fore Tuesday the num ber will be will take effect. The commission and Labor Council which changed No word has been received here P oultry Show swelled to alm ost double th at two months ago. placed a maximum lim it of 16.- Bernard La Chance, who for a its early endorsem ent of LaFol- of the schooner Trinidad, believ­ which now exists. There are plenty of prophets 500 pounds on the following W ith the large num ber of rail- Advance publicity m atter for ed to be drifting helplessly with time was sought with the D’A utre­ lette to a m anifesto appealing to rea(jy tQ pre(jict th a t the Presi­ roads. road men eligible for the a b se n t, the W inter F air has been issued a broken ru dder off Coos Bay. m ont brothers for the Siskiyou its membership, which totals over dent will have a “ walk over” and M e d fo rd -C ra te r la k e , A sh lan d - voters privilege, it is believed from the Chamber of Commerce The schooner has no radio, and train robber of October 11, 1923, 700,000, tp vote for Davis in the there are still plenty of others K la m a th F a lls, R o o sev elt coast th a t the big percentage of the office here, while the premium no reports have been received when four were killed, yesterdey coming election. "| who declare th a t Mr. Davis is h ig h w a y , Coos B a.y-R oseburg. T he document said th a t La ^ pre-election vote here will be cast lists are being made up, and sev­ from any ship which has sighted lost his 3iiit against the Southern situated much as Mr. Wilson was C o rv alis-N ew p o rt. Alcea, McMlnn- Pacific for $7500 dam ages for F allette had no chance of being for La Follette. The railroad eral w orkers are soliciting Med­ her. in 1922, when a split Republican ville. Tillamook, Mount Hood alleged defam ation of character. elected, and th a t a vote for Coo­ The storm in this district is be­ men throughout the country have ford and Ashland for special pre­ party threw victory to the Demo­ loop, W allam ette, McKinzie, W il­ indicated their intentions of cast­ miums to be awarded poultry ra is­ lieved to have broken, although The case was throw n out of court lidge and Dawes is a vote for c ra ts at the last moment. There lam ette Valley-Florpnce. K lam ath- ing th eir ballots for the Inde­ ers who exhibit th eir birds here the center has shifted to Van­ on a directed verdict for th e de­ the enemies of l$bor. Davis is is also a wide report of a “con­ C rater lake. The Dalles-Califor­ pendent candidate, and from all this year, it was announced at couver, B. C., where a violent fendant, Federal Judge Bean hold­ m aking a closing /argum ent here spiracy” between followers of La nia in Klamath county. Klam ath th a t can be learned here, it i3 the Cham ber of Commerce office snowstorm is reported. W indows ing th a t such notices as were sent tonight, and Secretary of State Dan C. Freem an Starts Cam paign Follette and Davis to throw the Falls-Lakeview, Prineville-Lake­ have been broken, and tree3 up­ out were privileged and within Charles E. Hughes, and Secretary to Stop B u yin g of W ares thought Ashland will be no ex­ this morning. election into Congress with the view. Andy McCallan and J. Larkin rooted by the terrific w indstorm th e rights of the defendant com­ of the Navy, W ilbur will Btump ception. From H aw kers cliance th a t a m inority candidate, These regu’ations will contin­ pany. for Coolidge. Many persons, not fam iliar with Grubb have been w orking through which accompanied the storm. even one of the Vice Presidential ue until April 1. They are the The court held th a t the com­ In the Coos Bay district, th<| Oregon’s absentee voting law. and out Ashland on th r special PORTLAND. Oct. 31. At the candidatcs. may reach the Presi- custom ary w inter regulations, de­ pany was m orally bound to make not entitled to vote in this m an­ awards, while Mr. Fram e and Mr. gale which is raging has put the suggestion of Dan C. Freem an, I Cental chair. signed to prevent roads from be­ ner, have sought ballots in vain. W illit have been at work in Med­ telephone lines out of commis­ every effort to apprehend the rob­ m anager of the Associated In d u s -! On th e basjs of tbe present Di- ing cut to pieces by the ordin­ Voting in advance, before leaving ford. These men report splendid sion. The streets of Raymond, bers and th a t no tim e could be tries of Oregon, the association gest pon even allowing the ary maximum weight loads of ! lost. It appeared, the court W ashington, are flooded. support from the m erchants of the home county or by mailing has started a campaign intended critics their claim for a consid- 22,000 pounds. found, th a t th ere was some one’s ballot is restricted in Oregon both cities, and it is expected th a t to discourage the purchase of erabie margin of error, which The highway commission is not to four classes. These are s tu ­ the best list of prizes ever offer­ STORM CAUSES WATER ground for the belief th a t La goods from itinerant peddlers and may or may not be proved, it w ill' prepared to wipe out the last of ptqp AT SEASIDE Chance might have been impH* WASHINGTON. Oct. 31. — hawkers. dents attending institutions of ed at the W inter F air will be i n be seen th at the totals seem to the grade crossings on the Paci­ 1U m o t n i o cated, because of the fact th a t he President Coolidge will say his learning at distant points or mem­ competed for this year. Action at this time has been point to tbe probability th a t Mr. fic highway. The four overhead Many requests for entry blanks SEASIDE, Oct. 31. — A ten- lived w ith the brothers in a log- last words in his campaign for precipitated by the developm ent: Coolidge will receive the elector. bers of their families, railroad crossings in Douglas county will employes, bona fide traveling have been received from growers foot tide, backed by a stiff south- ling camp a short time before and the Presidency in 1.924 next Mon­ th a t peddlers have been allowed al votes of a sufficient num ber be started as soon a3 the county salesmen and employes oi the j throughout the state, and it is | east gale, today sent spray flying because of a m ysterious telegram day night, according to announce­ privileges of soliciting from em- j of s ta te s to insure his reelection, can finance a percentage of the governm ent or the state. | expected th a t the largest entry oyer the prom enade along the that he had received. m ents made from th e W hite ployes in local m anufacturing and ; Tbere are strong claims th at Mr. cost. These over-heads are at To obtain dam ages because of House this morning. Oregon voters who are to be list on record will be surpassed ocean beach and sent waves th u n ­ industrial plants. The Associat- La p on ette will carry both Min­ Oakland, W ilbur, Sutherlin and dering against the concrete wall. the poster th a t was sent around in some other country than their this year. A rrangem ents are being com­ ed Industries contends th a t goods' nesota and Iowa, but The Digest Shady. All are bad grade crossings own on election day may vote the Rain continued to fall and the asking for his apprehension, La pleted for the P resident to deliver purchased from such sources | figureg do ro t indicate th a t Min- particularly the one at Oakland. Necanicum river rose until a foot Chance would have to show malice a radio address on th a t night, m ight b etter be purchased from nesota’s ballots have shown a national and state tickets if they Cost of the overheads is divided carry with them a certificate of and one-half from the floor of on the part of the company and which will be received throughout local retail stores, and th a t they consistent m ajority, of consider­ between the Southern Pacific rail­ the Hippodrome dance hall and no such malice had been shown, the United States. A hookup, sim­ should be so purchased, giving able th eir registration. In th is case m argin, for Mr. Coolidge road, the state and the county. sent occasional splashes of w ater the court held. they vote where they happen to ilar to th a t used for his speech the preference to Oregon m anu­ throughout the balloting. Iowa be and this is not classed as ab­ onto Broadway. accepting the RUbublican nom ina­ facturers. , seems to be even more strongly Eighteen inches of w ater was j sentee voting, w’herein the elec­ tion, which waB boardcasted Local m anufacturing plants are for the President. California TROJAN GRID STAR A musical program , featuring reported over the Tillamook road , to r’s ballot is received and count­ throughout the country, will be being urged to close their d o o rs, however, has. from BARRED FROM GAME the first, in one spot about six miles south j against itinerant haw kers o f ! sb(,wn a strong sentim ent for the ed in his home county. used for his radio speech Mon­ a q u artette composed of Henry BERKELEY, Oct. 31.— William clothing, underw ear, hosiery, furs, day night. Enders, V. D. Miller, H arry Tom- of the city. Some automobiles (Continued on Page Two) Cole, University of Southern Cal­ According to the announce­ jewelry and what-not. ilson and Carl Loveland, with passed through th e section. BODY OF MISSING ifornia tackle was today declar­ ments, the P resident’s speech will WOMAN IS FOUND Johnny Gruelle as pianist, sing­ ed ineligible to compete in the be absolutely non-partisan, Coo­ ing num bers composed by Gruelle WEATHER OBSERVER C. OF C. INVITED TO BASEBALL OFFERED game against California here to­ lidge devoting himself entirely to ATTEND STOCK SHOW REPORTS RAINFALL HILLSBORO, Ore., Oct. 31.— and Loveland, and a cello solo by AS CONTEST PRIZE Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hannah and urging the citizens to go to the morrow, due to professionalism. -------- | OF OVER 2 INCHES The body of Mrs. Sadie Newby, Loveland, were the features of th eir little child R uth are visit­ polls on election day. This speech Cole is reported as having accept­ J. H. Fuller, secretary of the ; ---------- who had been missing since yes­ the Kiwanis Club luncheon held A fungo hittin g contest, in ing w ith the F ro st family at is a p art of the campaign now Ashland Cham ber of Commerce < Over two innehes of rain has ed money for coaching a team in terday at noon, was recovered at the Hotel Ashland today. tfhich the boy batting the long­ W imer Heights. Mr. H annah is a being waged throughout the coun­ received a telegram recently ask- fallen in the Ashland dltsrlct Southern California. A committee was appointed to est fly will be aw arded a base­ today from Rock creek, about boyhood school m ate of Mr. try in an endeavor to get the ing th a t he send the names of all since the sta rt of the present It Is reported th a t $100,000 has four miles north of Hillsboro, by investigate the condition of the ball autographed by Babe Ruth F ro st’s. They are on th eir way been wagered in Los Angeles on largest tu rn o u t possible for for members of the local booster or-j storm , according to an announce- Bob Meuse, ig tQ one o{ Limber. She was believed to have C hautauqua building, and to re- , to California for an extended mo­ the game. The reports state th a t ganization who would attend the ment made this morning by Louis eyent3 Qn thg Amerlcan Le- tor trip which will take them this election. been a victim of an attack of des­ port any means possible to put it j International Livestock Exposi-? Dodge, w eather observer. A total even money prevails. pondency. Y esterday she told her into condition. T h is c o m m itte e ¡on>prOgra m ¡n Medford on Arm-j through many states before they tion, to be held in Portland. No- of 1.81 inches was reported here husband she was going to visit consists of Dr Wood, chairm an, I * istice Day. The X ithian3 of Aflh. retu rn to th eir home near Scio. MAN BURNED vember 1-8, and the probable t ’me during the twelve hour period he MACHINERY FOR ROAD some neighbors. Because of the H. B. H urst, Mr. Fuller, V O. land have been asked to enter a EUGENE, Oct. 31.— John Good­ H annah told of a fight he had tween six o’clock yesterday a fte r­ WORK IS BEING MOVED of th eir arrival in Portland. N. Smith and G. H. Billings. storm her failure to retu rn did not boy in the contest, and a com- with a buck deer near W iiderville, man, 73, of Coburg, was burned to noon and six o'clock this morning. A nother committee, to work cause any worry until this morn­ m ittee has been appointed to se Josephine county. He and Mrs. death yesterday when he is be­ Sixty tons of contractors and A considerable am ount of rain GAS K ILLS OLD MAN ing. The body was discovered with the program committee, in lect the youngster for the con­ H annah were w alking along a lieved to have fallen in a faint road building equipment are be­ has fallen since early morning, PORTLAND, Oct. 31.— W illiam after a search. Mrs. Newby is su r­ deciding the sort of party to be test. private road looking for a dog while standing by an a ir tight ing moved from the C rater Lake Smith, 71, died here today, as a and it is certain the m ark has vived by her husband and two given the night of November 4, they had lost when they heard a stove. The stove was knocked was appointed. Two plans have, LUMBER MILL DESTROYED bell tro ttin g after them. It came ¡over, setting fire to the house, result of inhaling carbon mon- been placed well over the figure highway to the Ashland Iron sons. W orks by the W hittle Transfer. been suggested and from th e s e , PUYALLUP, W ash., Oct. 31.— right up to them and they be- Goodman was alone at the time oxide gas while working on his given in the report, This equipm ent is being th o r­ car, in a closed garage. Smith h a d ; The storm was worth thousands Albany — New general hospital two plans, will be selected the * W ind-fanned flames today des­ gan to pet it, when suddenly it oughly overhauled and put into left the engine running while of dollars to the Ashland district, approaching completion, to be one which the committee believes troyed the $250,000 p lan t of th e attacked H annah knocking him COMMITTEE ADJOURNS shape for use next year. working on the car, and the fumes Falling as it did, steadily through- to be most feasible. The com­ Sun Down Lum ber company here off th e road, As he got up it dedicated in November. CHICAGO. Oct. 31. — The ses- m ittee appointed consists of V. i last night. All the buildings and made another lunge h itting him sions here of the Borah campaign overcame him. He fell unconsc- out the night, most of the w ater D. Miller, Ben Forsyth and J. H. machinery were ruined, hu t there in the solar plexis and whirled investigating com m ittee today ad- ious but appeared to rally later, was absorbed by the land, ln- but died eight hours afterw ard, stead of running off in small Hardy. was little lum ber in the yards. him around. It then started for Journed Indefinitely, w ithout re- stream s as is the case when the Two candidates for the city The fire threw seventy-five men Mrs. H annah, when H annah grab- ; vealing anything sensational or w ater comes down in torrents. council, W irth W right and J. H .; bed it by the horns. The deer surprising. Senator Borah, chalr- out of work. The w ater level in the reser­ H ardy, expressed th eir views on which was a forked horn, and big man of th e committee, said the voir formed by the Em igrant the duties of a councilman, i n ' for his age, jum ped and to sse d , hearings had failed to develop any Creek dam, recently completed short speeches ju st before the I I and kicked and struck with all considerable amound of violators will rise rapidly with this storm close of the meeting. 1 the strength it could m aster and of the “ slush fund” charges, thus assuring an adequate w ater 'all H annah could do was to hold ( Borah Is going on to W ashington, DES MOINES, la., Oct. 31.— EUGENE, Oct. 31. — Tunnel ORPHAN FAMILY REDDING, Oct. 31.— The storm supply for the district. on for his life. W ork as hard as W hile all Des Moines paused re ­ work on the Eugene-Klam ath of yesterday and the day before SUES FOR DAMAGES he could and use all the tricks F o e R oseb u rg-— verently in his memory, the late Falls line of the Southern Paci­ The football boys left early this sent Clear Creek higher than it he knew, he could not overcome secretary of agriculture, Henry LA FOLLETTE SAYS NEW YORK, Oct. 31.— Twelve fic will be well under way with the deer. He fought the deer f o r , m orning for Roseburg w here they has been for eight or nine years. ■ C. Wallace, was buried in Wood­ PROGRESSIVES WIN in 30 days, said John G. McFee of orphaned children s it in the some th irty m inutes and seeing will tangle w ith the Roseburg The great rise in the stream was land cemetery here Wednesday. the firm of Henry & McFee, which queens suprem e court today at he could not hold out longer, sent team this afternoon. As Ashland not due to the rain th a t fell in ABOARD THE LA FOLLETTE Officials of the government in SEATTLE, W ash., Oct. 31.— has the contract for the building the trial of their $100,000 dam-? his wife a q u arter of a mile for won from Myrtle Creek by a large this p art of Shasta County, but SPECIAL, enroute to P ittsburg W ashington and of the state to­ of 17 tunnels in the Cascade age suit for the death of th eir “If you had a flying machine you help. She got a man who came score and Myrtle Creek defeatedi to the trem endous downpour on 31 _ Senator La Fon ette said gether with countless friends of m ountains southeast of Eugene. father, John Dugan, a grocery couldn’t even get into the sub­ with a line and tied the deer up. Roseburg, it is hoped th a t Ash­ th e Trinity Divide, near the I in his speeches enroute today th at the secretary here, were present Mr. McFee reported th a t w ith­ clerk, in an automobile accident. cellar of my intellectual process,” H annah had a gun strapped land will carry off th e - honors. source. he was confident th a t the Pro­ at the simple services at the W al­ in 15 days the Kelly & Sullivan Their m other died soon after the wa3 one of the answ ers made by around him but would not use it At Horsetown, where there- is gressive ticket would be swept lace home on I.yndex road and at i Mayor Brown to Chairman i on a pet. He has the scars on contract for clearing the right fath er was killed. K lam ath Falls — Bond issue to a dredger, th a t machine was hid­ - into power next Tuesday. He stat­ the family plot in Woodland, Mary Dugan, 20, is the oldest Nichols a t today’s sh o rt session his hands and rips in his tro u sers, be voted upon to build $155,000 den by the flood, hut no damage of way would be practically com­ ed th a t the “ Republican propa­ where the final rites were spoken. pleted and th a t the tunnel bor­ child, the youngest being one year ; of the council efficiency commit- to prove his story. was done. The flood subsided school house. ganda concerning prosperity falls Throughout the m orning Mr. old. Mary earns $21 a week and tee, which is investigating muni- in an hour or so. There is only ing would be under way. 1 on deaf ears in New England.” W allace’s body law in state in the j The firm expects to employ be- is the main support of the fam- - cipel affairs. The m ayor’s re­ a little accumulation of sand and ; “W idespread unemployment since rotunda of the capitol and th o u s­ sponse to nearly every question Afween 900 and 100 men beneath (ly. debris to be removed. Coolidge became president has ands in all walks of life filed sil- carried a*challenge of the com- th e ground, said Mr. McFee, and DUNSMUIR. Oct. ,31. — The convinced the w orkers th a t noth- ently by as a United States soldier 1 m ittee’s authority. about 300 outside. If they c a n * FAMOUS AUTHOR IS first snow of the reason appear- ing can be gained by a Republi- a sailor and a m arine held guard get the underground work s ta r t­ DEAD IN NEW YORK “You are tr ying t0 make this Precinct District Voting Place ed on the hills surrounding the can election, over this em inent son. an impeachment proceeding,” he ed before bad w eather s ta rts in j The flag of the nation stood at Ashland Boulevard Library town on W ednesday morning. 1 F ra n c e s I declared, “ w ithout any a u th o rity . No they can accomplish much this NEW YORK, Oct. 31. STEAM ER DISABLED his head, th a t of the state at his This is earlier than usual. Ashland E. Central Hodgson B urnett, au th o r and , from the council to impeach or City Hall w inter, he stated. PORTLAND, Oct. 31. — The feet, and heaped high above the Of the 17 tunnels to be con-, play-w right, known particularly even lay the foundations for im- Ashland W. Central McCarty Bldg. WEED, Oct. 31. — The tem ­ Steam er Saginaw bound from enclosure where the casket stood structed by th is firm the longest’ for her novel and play, “ Little f peachm ent." Mayor Brown, his Writtle Transfer Ashland Oak Puget Sound to San Francisco, were floral tributes from adm ir­ perature a t Weed dropped well be­ is 2400 feet and the next is 2100, Lord Fauntleroy,” died today at private secretary, H. G. Dahlby, broke a steam pipe off the mouth ers high and low in the social North Ashland Stone Bldg. low freezing Tuesday night. There feet. The firm has six steam ber home, Plandome P ark at his confidential stenographer. Miss of the Columbia river today, and was ice on pools. Snow is very scale, sent from all parts of the ehovels at work. During the sum- Plandome, L. I. Constance Baxter, and Chief o f 'N o . 6 Fourth St. Engine Room East Ashland is being towed to A storia for re-1 country. low on Mount Shasta and there m er building wagon roads and ? ghe was 75 years old and had Police Severyns were the only I ? S. E. Ashland --------------------------- . 356 Averv St. appears to be a large am ount of pairs by the coast guard c u tter camps took m ost of the tim e of the been in poor health for sev eral' witnesses before the committee N. W. Ashland Junior High School snow on Mount Eddy. Algonquin. There is wisdom in reading ads. men employed by the contractors, months. today- •N o ‘ 8 H arry H. Kent, a veter- an of the W orld W ar, who was reported killed in the Meuse-Arggone drive, is in Sacram ento assuring his friends there was some m istake in the casualty lists. Many form er service men in Superior California who were members of Company D, 363rd Infan­ try, N inety-First Division, believed K ent dead, for he wras carried off the field and believed to have died later. 'K ent entered the service from Modesto. He was a sergeant in the service. IN BAD STORM! NEAR B A N DON ; IN DIGEST POLL LA CHANCE IS LOSER I IS SENT THE WINTER FAIR COOLIDGE WILL MAKE ANOTHER RADIO TALK MUSIC IS FEATURE VISITOR HERE TELLS OF BATTLE WITH DEER TUNNEL WORK WILL BE STARTED ON NEW RAILWAY LINE SOON FRESHET AT SHASTA SEATTLE MAYOR IS DEFIANT AT PROBE ASHLAND POLLS LAID TO REST IN