>AOß W iStttASt) BAttV TflitÄÖS T h u r s d a y , O c tO b e f ¿ 6 , From Talent— Local « P ersonal flotes A Dally Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of local interest Moving To Ranch— R eturned To Ashlnd— D. P. Blue is moving from his Mr3. G. D. Mason arrived in home on 500 Ashland street to Ashland this m orning from Los his ranch on the Pacific Highway, j Angeles where she has been for south of Ashland. Mr. Blue ex- the past month attending to busi- pects to go into the chicken rai3- ness m atters. Ing business. Follow your favorite candidate Styleplus Clothes, Am erica’s at N ininger’s Tuesday night where forem ost style line of Suits and j full reports will be posted. 51— 5 Over Coats at Paulsc uds. 48— tf ¡n Ashland__ MARCEL AND C RL LAST Mra. Linzy E. Garten of Port- LONGER a fte r a G den GHnt , iantj jg viSiting here for a couple Shampoo. of weeks w ith her brothers, O. H ere L ast Night— H. Johnson of this city and Mr. Mr. Tourtellotte o£ the firm of Johnson of Medford. T ourtellotte & Hummel, archi­ tects for the new’ to u rist hotel was in Ashland yesterday from Portland. Election retu rn s a t N ininger's Tuesday night. 51— 5 Follow the crowd Jackson Hot To whom it may concern: Springs Sat. Nite. 50— 3 Joe McMahon has been one of Let u» fill your pall with Swifts the young men whom I have Silver Lea; lard. Costs less than known for the la3t tw enty years, shortening. Gcr- farth er and . is Our first acquaintance beginning m ore nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf in Chicago where he worked u n ­ R eturns Home— der my supervision as street car Mrs. Emma Beeler returned conductor for three years. I have home Monday from M inneapolis,' always found him to be an honest, w here she wras called by the ser- conscientious young man, doing ious illness of her daughter, Mrs. his work w’ell and a credit to the Peterson. Mrs. Peterson return- company. Since coming to Ore- ed to Ashland with her m other gon we have renewed the ac- and will remain here indefinitely.! quaintance and I find he is still We deliver fhe goods— D etrick s' holding the record made by him 94-tf in Chicago, and I believe will Are you all set for the H a llo -; continue to do w hatever work is w e’en M asquerade and Hard Time entrusted to him with the great- Ball Friday at Jackson Hot est loyalty and consideration for Springs. Bulowski Orchestra. his associates. 50— 3 , J. P. HOLLMEYER, A Visit to the Ashland Laundry j Ashland, Oregon. would interest you. We will bej (Paid Adv.) 51 glad to show you through. T h e , Ashland Laundry company. 51-1 Brow er Speaks— I Dr. Brower of this city made a trip to G rants Pass Monday evening and in the absence of the speaker, who was to appear be-1 were surprised at the ease fore an audience of La F ollettei and perfection with which supporters, filled in. He gave a our Universal Eleet rie talk on the campaign issued and Bange demonstrator cook­ explained the aims of the party. Best m ilk— L ininger’s Dairy, ed all foods. 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. 26—tf The coroners duty calls that officer from the highest moun­ tain sides to the bottom of the is always felt when cook­ rivers and lakes. Is this a posi­ ing on an Universal Elec­ tion for a man or a lady? Think it over and vote for H. W. Con­ tric Range. ger. 51— 4 Deserving of their popularity. W ith well dressed men are these new est models in suits. Paulser- J uds. 48— tf Dance Jackson Hot Springs. 240 E ast Main St. Sat. Nite. 50— 3 In Southern Oregon— Aaron F rank of the firm of Meier and F rank of Portland is spending several weeks on the Rogue River fishing for steel­ heads, according to ’he Grants Pass Courier. He i: camped at the H. L. Lewis plac at Galice. F astest election report service a t N lninger’3 Tuesday night. 51— 5 for winter use . It may Complete line of Ashland Can­ save the. purchase of a ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf new battery later. No agent in Southern Oregon can w rite b etter Auto insurance o r a t low er rates than th e Staples Agency. Special Auto Accident Policy for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo for every make of ear. of course. 24-tf Sweet cream for whipping and coffee— also fresh milk, always • a ice at the Plaza. 239— tf Visit ô e f ë ^ I Y s s , ü , T e l, U m , K i s t l e r s Q u a l Cliff M t. a n d M rs . J . L . P l u m m e r i t y B r e a d , f r o m tfco o v e n o v e r of T a l e n t w a s in A s h ­ c h e s ts . land today on business. of Los Angeles were in Ashland the counter, 8 and 12c. 31— 6 last evening and visited Mrs. Ella I Kotex 65c-—McNair Bros. Mills. This is N ational V isitors’ Week in the Laundry Industry. Come in F.OR SALE OR LEASE — and see how we handle your r in a- house is unnecessary w ith Highway Service Station in Med­ clothes. The Ashland Laundry the wide range of light, airy ford. Inquire a t once. 51-3* company. ‘ 51— i. wall paper designs we have to o f/er yon. FOR RENT — Ten acres of ground for small grain. Mr. Cros­ by, end of Indianna St. Phone 434J. 51— 3* FOR SALE— Chrysanthem um s — Phone 359R, 519 Palm Ave. 51— 3* LOST— Airdale dog, 1 year old, silver studded collar. Answers to name of “N u tt” . Finder Phone Paul Guiley. Reward. 51— 2* FOR RENT — 3-room outside furnished apartm ent. Phone 40 or 432y. 51— tf SHAVING Necessities Fine Mirrors Rubberset Brushes Gem Razors ............$1.00 Rexall Shaving Lotion 60c McNair Brothers Zkvg Staro { The Ashland Electric Shop Murphy Elec. Co. Beautify your home. Now is the tim e to plant all kinds of Nursery stock. See S. Penniston, 175 E. Main. 48— tf Our Phone 82 Hain - Plaza Ashland A gift that lasts The approaching holi­ day season suggests gifts —gifts to the home as well as to each other. If you give yourselves a modem sanitary bath­ room, you’ll enjoy a gift that lasts for years and years. And, with each year, you’ll get increased pleasure a n d oomfort from it. You’ll profit by our service. Radiator Covers Jerry O’Neal Plumbing Phone 188 Heating 2 0 7 E. Main CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER CO M P A N Y ‘Preferred Stock yields 7.14% ask any member ot ur oiganizati n I t s N e s t l e A L P IN E are disappointed e a c h week because they delav ordering. Phone us for your Friday Fish. E xtra Heavy and TOUGH WEARING QUALITY OVERLAND Shoe Shop Don’t let your radiator freeze when a little pre-’ caution will prevent this heavy expense and incon­ venience. LEEDOM’S _ TIRE HOUSE For Quick Starting on cold mornings, replace your old Spark Plugs, w ith a set of new A. C. or Champion Plugs, they will save your battery. Milwaukee Timers, K-W Coil Points installed free W. & N. Service Station BOULEVARD and SHERMAN Eagle Market VINING N. Main I- 9 I ’t e ß pnwen-N» i . L Ford, Lincoln, Fordson Dealers auppsrrtnocnt -úeiw WALLACE BEERY. ROCKUFFE , FELLÚWES, FRANKIE QARRO Dir ected by CLARENCE BROVN VKlVimSAl. JEWEL fj Paulserud’s 25c Bottle Tincture I o d in e ___16c 25c Aromatic Cascara .............. 16c 25c Pkg. Alum Powd..................16c 25c Castor Oil ............................ 16c - - 25c - Rubber Goods Toilet Goods Regular $2.00 Hot W ater Bottle, 2 quart ..............$1.29 $3.25 Combination fountain syringe and hot water bottle, 2 quart, special at ....................................... $1.79 75c regular household rub­ ber gloves, special ............59c 10c H air Nets, double mesh, 4 for ......................................25c $1.00 Luxor Vanitay Compact with Puff and Mirror . . . . 69c $100 Size Toilet W ater ...........69c 50c Vanishing Cream ............ 35c 25c Lip S t i c k ................... 16c 59c Rouge ....................................35c Before Investing KODAKS FILMS SUPPLIES Bring in your Films to be developed; all work’ guaranteed • W hether you know ju st w’hat you want to buy, or simpily have so much money to in­ vest, we can give you the ben­ efit of our experience and fa­ cilities for obtaining inform a­ tion and advice, oftentim es through channels not. ordin­ arily open to the individual. BLANKET WEATHER IS HERE and with plenty of good warm, downy blankets, yon will w el­ come it. An im partial opinion has frequently resulted in avoiding loss, both of capital and in ter­ est. Your investm ent prob­ lems can safely he brought to us. There is no obligation and the strictest confidence is pre­ served. Our line of cotton blankets is of the very best. The warp is heavy and the cotton nap is long. First National Bank Ashland, Oregon .■■«gBHMg* Our line of woolen blankets the best that pure virgin wool is known all over the world as can be woven into, Copyright Oregon City Woolen toiilä -H E L M E T S - Made by Western Electric Co., to Government speci­ fications. Fine for truck drivers, motorcycle riders, hunters, etc. - I < I T H E OREGON CITY LIN E The Armv Goods Store The cotton blankets vary in size from 54 inches wide at $2.45 a pair r I 'HE Clothes Tailored to Measure by B om are produced by special* ists—men who have made a life study of the clothes*m aking art. B om value is made possible only by the m anufacturing effi* ciencies conducive to the p rod u ction o f high quality clothes. You get the most for your clothes dollar when you trade here. Drugs 4 Cans Old Dutch Cleanser - Biggest Little Store in Town wise man to* day depends upon specialists, whether it be in business, law or any other vocation. We sell it for less S :1 ou t is tlie best H A R R IS O N Brothers, Garage ■> - H wrffi an Let us prove to you tliat genuine Ford Service th ro u g h ­ ’ T 25c Licorice Powd........................16c 25c Rochelle Salts .................... 16c 25c Box Aspirin tablets ...........16c 50c Pine Tar Cough Syrup . . . . 33c 50c Milk Magnesia .................... 33c 50c Bottle Witch Hazel .......... 33c 50c Laxitive Liver S a l t s ...........33c $1.00 Cod Liver Oil .................. 69c $1.00 Russian Mineral Oil ----- 69c 2 cakes stork castile 25c ' Y g ffia Y A L L U w "W * $ 3.00 Lunch Kits $2.19 $1.50 Bottles 98c S t- e r r in g Our mechanics are ail Ford specialists; they work on Ford cars, trucks and tractors a l­ most exclusively; they give you ju st the service your Ford requires. I There is nothing m o r e refreshing than hot coffee with a cold lunch. Quick Service on Rayhestos . B rake Lining This is the best tim e in the year to have your L Thermos . u Ford Roadster ....... $225 Chevrolet and Dodge Sales and Service z -k 2 cakes shaving- soap, 2 for 11c Creme Oil Soap special 2 for 11c Ford Coupe .-...........$375 Automotive Shop -«.-w FRID AY AND SA T U R D A Y SPECIALS High on a m ountain trestle, over a chasm th a t yawns, a run- •away tra in crashes to th e rocky floor be- low! Hissing steam , Twisted steel! Splin­ tered wood! Nothing you have ever w it­ nessed on the screen has ever thrilled and amazed you as will this great climax in this sensational melo­ dram a ! _ > ? * V Estab, 1883 Real E state & Real Insurance 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 0. H. JOHNSON. Phone 107 Pilone 51 Reo Speed Wagon . .$350 thoroughly looked over and fixed in first-class shape for w inter use. The fu rn itu re in your home cost a great deal of money, and it should be insured as well as the house itself. Many a man forgets to protect all his pos­ sessions, and his carelessness costs him heavily in case of fire. Adequate insurance on your property means freedom from worry about possible loss. Make certain th a t you are completely protected; talk with our insurance experts. The advice of this agency lias saved many a property owner from loss. Why not let us help you, too? Respectfully, East Side Pharmacy TOMORROW and SATURDAY CAR BARGAINS FORD CAR, TRUCK or TRACTOR W ERE THESE THINGS EXPENSIVE? I have always stood with the Christian and moral people cn these questions— ‘ having done all, to stand"— I am say­ ing nothing against Mr. Pierce. I am simply stating for those who may not know’ and refer them to those who do knew that I am for progress all the time, but progress does not rest on wide-openness or special privilege, but rath er on decent, moral conditions and unanimous effort. TONIGHT A SOCIETY SCANDAL For Every Car B illings Agency a n d , p u r e i n th is handy tin x J. O. RIGG For Every Car Have Your BATTERY Overhauled E X ID E Batteries Converse Rubbers Supplem entary to my form er statem ent as appeared in this paper under date of October 21st and 22nd., I wish to say, or repeat more em phatically, th at if elected to the office of Mayor, I will stand (as I have stood for the past 35 years), for law enforcement and a clean city. Mitchell Touring ...$ 75 Whiz Anti-Freeze Save $10.Oil, walk upstairs te l Pumpkins for Hallowe'en at O r r e s t a i l o r shop. l? —tf McNairs. TO THE VOTERS AND CITIZENS OF ASHLAND Liberty Six FOR WINTER cedar Dinginess Swaty Hones Tory Razors makes MANY WHO WANT TAX) LATE TO CLASSIFY Ashland Women UNIVERSAL Satisfaction Payne G le n n M ill i& lM to 66 inches wide at $2.95 a pair All colors and full double. Senviee T h a t In s p ire s Confidence I «> The all-wool line is full size 70x84 and 72x90. They come in plaids, plain and stripe—Pink, Rose, Orchid, Green, Red, In tlieir hour of bereavement grief-stricken relc|iv/os