VAGE TWÔ WtftÀSfe M i t t fifeifö i Thnrsday, October SO, 1024 ASH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S Republican Ticket and Platform irritation, tha« oft2700 ponsible for the conduct of the ful prescription known as MOAVA ,Tif kets wJ11 be on sale Monday, October 27th, at Palmer's to like it. Music Store. Prices 75c. 61.00. 81.50, war tax ¿xtra. ; on good terms. See W. W. Robi­ campaign; It to empowered to levy SUPPOSITORIES for a moderate ANNOUNCEMENT ' on the candidates and price on the money back If dis­ It would be very hard indeed, Of the books that Issue today1 son, 63 N. Main. 50— tf assessments County Coroner to otherwise raise funds for prop­ satisfied plan. to imagine any Ashland bujiness from our industrious presses, as In announcing my candidaey and legitimate campaign ex­ WOOD FOR SALE:— Fir and er man, a stockholder in a private free from their product as a You’ll be amazed to see how for the office of coroner, I feel penses. The powers of this com­ corporation, the expenditures cf spawning carp, it is not likely Spruce, 16 Inch 88. Hard wood mittee given both by law and by quickly it acts. Blessed relief that I am no stranger among you, which yearly totaled well in the that a greater percentage will out- 16 inch 812. Delivered. Fountain implication are almost unlimit­ often comes in an hour; even in as I was duly nominated at the ed. Therefore, be it billions of dollars, ever missing live the day than outlived yes- Feul Co. Siskiyou or leave orders Resolved, that the Jackson cases of long standing with pro­ May primary on the republican at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. a stockholders’ meeting, or los- terday. So really there Is no County Republican Central Com­ fuse bleeding ireally wonderful tleket for which I am thankful. 50— 1 mo.* mittee exercise in every Just and results have been accomplished. And I hold out the same belief ing an opportunity to cast his vote point in patronizing the late Miss reasonable way in this campaign in order to determine thj policy Libbey, who after all scribbled FURNITURE FOR SALE: — the full powers given them by East Side Pharmacy. Mall orders now as then that the majority accepted. should and must rule and am at of that corporation. and scribbled to quite as much Phone 391-J. 49— 4 law. all times willing to strictly abide But with an opportunity offer- purpose. She gratified the need Believing in party government WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION ACT FOR SALE: — Fresh Cow. and party responsibility, we there­ ed them to select leaders for a I of the moment, and one read her by their decision. Regarding the fore pledge to the people of Jack- Phone 14F21, Rosa Petit, East office for which I aspire, will say still larger corporation, the an- . novels very much as a hungry Main. 48— 5« son county that If they see fit to that I still hold out the belief tivities of which overshadow any-¡man eats carrots, because they elect our candidates on the 4th that the office should not continue day of November, then this or­ thing carried on by any private are handy. We speak now of the FOR SALE:— One Boar Hog, for the fifth term under the same concern, the Corporation of the elect, of the literati as distinguish­ one and half years old. Register­ ganization will .get behind these 1 county officers and encourage and management however efficient It riX E S ALL RATES United States, a gre: number of ed from her followers. For have ed. O. I. C. Inquire of W. K. Me- support them in every way, bo may be, and should It be placed In them decitole to ca a ballot. her followers she did. Back hurt you? Can’t straight­ Clay. One mile N. B. of Talent. long as they conduct their respec­ 2. To provide rules, classifications my charge I shall surely exercise ___________ _ and rates of pay- Why, no one know: but the And site bequeathed them, 48— 0* tive offices in an able, economical en up without sudden pain, sharp the same judgment and efficiency ment by employers and employees, according to the degree^of and honest manner, and If they truth of the above statement is a wittingly or otherwise. All those aches and twinges? Now listen! ^ « « e r in the different occupations. The commission would FOR SALE: — Terminal Cafe prove unworthy In the eonduct That’s lumbago, sciatica, or may­ which alone has brought about proved fact. be the sole judge of the degree of danger; It may fix the V ic to r ia n romantiscists be­ of their offices, and should Ashland may be taken as a typ­ queathed their partisans, or rath­ In 8tage Terminal Hotel. Owner charges of Inefficiency or dishon­ be from a strain, and you’ll get my success as an undertaker. J-ates of payment according to its pleasure, and change them Trusting that by your voice at likewise. The menace to workmen and employers is equally ical city of the United States and er that self-perpetuatlug aentl- returning to Alaska. P. O. Box esty be preferred against any such relief the moment you rub your the election polls I may be plac­ S h S u i i t h e r may be favored or penalized, according to the t6 6 , Roeeburg. 47— 6» officer and If Upon investigation back with soothing, penetrating Oregon. In the last presidential • ment which begs not so much for inclination of the commissioners in power and their view as to ed In a position to be of greater, are found to be true, then this election, that of 1920, there werej fact as for fancy, and not so the needs of the state fund. There is no limit, maximum or FOR SALE: — 12-lnch body committee pledges the people of St. Jacobs Oil. Nothing else takes service. minimum, and no rule of fairness or uniformity which the 54,165,905 citizens in the United much for truth aq for dream ful- fir, 88.50 per tier. Address W. R. JackBon county that we will ask out soreness, lameness and stiff­ I truly remain, commission must observe. It may favor one class of employ­ States eligible to vote. Of this fillment. Miss Libbey’s feminine Williams, Rt. 1, Ashland. 41— 10* for the resignation of any such ness so quickly. You simply rub It H. W. CONGER, officer, and, if necessary, take on your back, and out comes the ers or workmen, and penalize another, as flagrantly and as number, 26,646,237 cast a bal­ readers used to sniff vinegar for steps to remoye hftn. Medford, Ore. often as it sees fit; and there Is no redress. lot. Less than fifty per cent of their asthma while they tripped Further, if these candidates are pain. It is harmless, and doesn’t Fd. Adv. Medford. Ore. I have seme One Bungalows, endorsed at the polls this fall, burn the skin. the eligible voters of the country — in fancy— lightly over the lead, Houses and Building Lots in Ash­ then this committee Is resolved Limber up! Don’s suffer! Get a elected a president to govern one with the fascinating stranger in to see that harmony is brought small trial bottle of old, honest You are welcome to compare land for sale, will accept geod hundred per cent of the eligible pursuit. And her masculine Into the oourt .house at Jackson­ my Automobile rates with any voters. In 1896, eighty per cent readers, they forgot their obvious Bonds, Notes or Movtages on ville and that all of these officers St. Jacobs Oil from any drug other rates in Jackson or Jose­ payments^ and give easy terms on pull together for efficiency In our store, and after using It just once of the eligible voters of the coun­ liabilities, and conversed — in Medford Industrial Accident Comniiitpc. try went to the polls and voted. fancy— with elegant distinction balance. Se me before baying a county government, to the end you’ll forget that you ever had phine Counties; you can be the that the burdens of the taxpayers home. backache, lumbago, or sciatica, Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. In 1900, seventy-three per cent. And all went well, eventually, may be relieved to as great an A. L. LAMBL 178 A St. 30— t f * because your back will never hurt, extent as possible. cast their ballot, in 1908, sixty-six and that sort of thing. To whom Box 422, Ashland. We further pledge ourselves to or cause any more misery. It never per cent, in 1912, sixty-two per did they bequeath their following see that unnecessary deputies, disappoints, and has been recom­ 8 5— 1 Mo. cent, in 1920, less than fifty per you ask? Why, presumably, to special police and other special Buy better milk. Phone 357^1 officers and any unnecessary mem­ mended for 60 years. eent. in 1924, what? Harold Bell Wright, In 1920, Oregon had 450,567 for it. 38— 1 mo,* bers of the clerical force not ab­ solutely necessary for the effic­ citizens eligible to vote. Of this IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF iency conduct of county business, FOR SALE — or exchange for number, 237,007 took advantage THE STATE OF OREGON shall be cut off. 835,000.00. 160 acre». 100 culti­ FOR JACKSON COUNTY With this understanding and of their franchise, and aided in vated, free water, lots of It. 20 Suit in Equity pledge we submit for the consid­ selecting a president. The aver­ ALIAS SUMMONS FOR eration of the voters of Jackson LEAVES YOU FOREVER head of large size Registered Jer­ age for Oregon was little better PUBLICATION seys, the finest strain in Oregon. county our ticket nominated by than the average for the country. J. W. McCoy, as liquidating agent the republicans In the May pri­ 30 head of registered Duroc pigs, maries: Deep Seated Uric Acid De­ Let us make 1920 the turning f for the United States National 200 White Leghorn chickens, team Bank of Ashland, Plaintiff, For Representatives 8th District— posits Are Dissolved and poin t In that year a minority of vs. JOHN H. CARKIN of Registered Imported Perehon the voting public elected a presi­ Victoria Micketoon, widow of maree 1000 Ibe. each. About the Rheumatici Poison RALPH P. COWGILL Michael Mickelson; Eugenia L For District Attorney— dent. This year, Ashland has lo­ Starts to Leave the Sys­ Atkinson, widow of W. H. At­ 8'3000.O0 worth of farm equip­ NEWTON 0. CHANEY cal and state officers to elect, as kinson; Sarah R. Fox, Fannie ments, modern house, large barn For County Judge— tem Within Twenty-four well as national leaders. Let’s E. Fox McMillan, Susie L. Allen and other buildings. Will take W. J. HARTZELL Hours. Mary E. Owen, Arthur Hankin income property up to 820,000.00, For County Commissioner— get back to the old order of Every druggist in this county is Edith Phipps, Maud Denny VICTOR BURSBLL things, when the right to vote Herbert Crouch, Frank Crouch long time on balance at 0 per cent. For Connty Clerk— authorized to say to every rheu­ meant something. On November Willie Croqch, Clyde Crouch Courtesy to brokers or agents. DBLILIA STEVENS matic sufferer that if a full pint 4, Vote, votie as you please, but Charles Crouch, Nellie Dickey J. J. Deakin. Phone 880. Ashland For Sheriff— bottle of Allenrhu, the sure con- SuBie Kervin, Floyd Dickey, Lo­ Oregon. J. J. McMAHON VOTE! 38— 1 mo. querer of rheumatism, does not la Payne House, Olenn Payne For Assessor— Forest Owen. Glenn Owen, J. B. COLEMAN show the way to stop the agony M ISCELLANEOUS Margaret Owen Sparkman, Lot For School Superintendent— reduce swollen joints and do away tie Owen, and to any and all SUSANNB HOMES CARTER LAURA JEAN LIBBEY with even the slightest .twinge WANTED:— Good young horse For Treasurer— other heirs, known or unknown PASESS of either said W. H. Atkinson weight about 1500 lbs., to work of rheumatic pain, he will glad­ A. O, .WALKER or Michael Mickelson, or of any single. Also one horse wagon and For Surveyor— ly return your money without of the Defendants, and as to One of the last of the elder T. GRIFFITH COWGILL comment. any and all persons or parties harness. M. E. Bond, Ashland For Coroner— romanticists passed in the death Allenrhu has been tried and Oregon. 47—4)* claiming any right, title or In H. W. CONGER of Laura Jean Libbey. Only hler terest In and to the property tested for years, and really mar­ Signed: WANTED: — Nursing, WU own generation knew why the described in the complaint, JACKSON COUNTY RE­ velous results have been accom­ Defendants. consider house work. Am a post PUBLICAN COMMITTEE plished in the most severe cases papers found space to print it. TO:— Maud Denny, Faanie E graduate of N. W. school 0« mas­ (Paid Adv.) 46— 10 For she was one of those who where the suffering and agony Fox McMillian. Susie Kervin, — a • sage and eieotro-therapeutlos. linger on the very boundary of Arthur Hankin, Willie Crouch. was intense and* piteous and where Clyde Crouch. Charles Crouch. Mrs. Leighton, 152 Granite or oblivion, and are summoned back the patient was helpless. Mary E. Owen, Forest Oweni Phene 153. 85— 1 n o . for a single fleeting instant, and Mr. Janies H. Allen, of 26 For­ Glenn Owen, Margaret Owen PRIMERS AND ESSAYS WILL BE COLLECTED ON NOVEMBER 1ST, BY then for evermore are dead, bes St., Rochester, N. Y„ the dis­ Sparkman and Lottie Owen, of WANTED—Work by ¿ompeteu: the above named Defendants quit» dead, in a literary way. But coverer of Allenrhu, who for many experienced janitor. AH or part in her time, Miss Libbey tapped IN THE NAME OF THE STATE time. Wifi do anything. Refer years suffered the torments of OF OREGON, You are hereby acute rheumatism, desires all suf­ as many tear ducts as the best of summoned and required to ap­ onces 818-J. >2— tf ferers to know that he does not them, or the worst, and was per­ pear and answer the complaint of Goeto Bred by regtotered Drink Lots of Water, Also want a cent of anyone's money j haps the darling author of more the Plaintiff on file with the Clerk of said Court at Jackson­ buck, with 6 1-2 qta. milk strata, Take a Little Salts if unless Allenrhu decisively con-1 hired girls than anyone else ever ville, Oregon, within SIX WEEKS tow charges. Goat Storm 8 1-2 quers this worst of all diseases, j captivated. You have to glance from the date of the first publica­ Back Harts MEDFORD, OREGON «Rea south on Pacifie Highway and he has Instructed druggists tc j at the titles of her bo >ks, “When tion of this Summons as required 14— 1 mo.* His Love Grew Cold, “A For­ by the Order of the Honorable C No man or woman can make guarantee It as above in every M. Thomas, Judge of said Court, bidden Marriage.” a mistake by flushing the kidneys instance. dated October 10, 1924, and if East Side Pharmacy is my ap­ occasionally, says a well-known Ah, what a company they were, you fail to appear and An a war pointed agent in your city. If you authority. Eating too much rich those peers and contemporaries of within said six weeks, the Plain­ tiff will apply for the relief de­ food creates acids, which excite live out of town I’ll gladly send Laura Jean Libbey. And they had manded in said complaint, to-wit: the kidneys. They become over­ you free particulars. little competition, save Dickens That a decree be entered quiet­ worked from the strain, get slug­ and the poets, who could not pos ing the title in the Plaintiff to a strip of land 25 feet in width by gish and fail to filter the waste Gas On Stomach May ■lbly minister to the growing 173.3 feet in (length lying paral- and poisons from the blood. Then craving for something to read, lel to and 20 feet 6 inches distant Cause Appendicitis we get sick. Rheumatism, head­ for anything to read. “The from the south line of Lot 8 In Constant gas causes inflamma­ aches, liver trouble, nervousness, Duchess,*’ who was an Irish giej, Biock 1 in the City of Ashland, Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis, sleeplessness and urinary disord­ tion which may involve the ap­ Jackson County, Oregon, and that Margaret Hungerford; Mrs. E. D. you and each of you be barred backache, stiff neck, sore muscles, pendix. Simple glycerine, buck­ E. N. Southworth, E. P. Roe, and from claiming or asserting any strains, sprains, aching joints. ers often come from sluggish kid-, thorn bark, etc., as mixed in Ad- neys. Mary Jane Holmes. They wrote interest, title or ownership in When you are suffering so you lerika helps any case gas orf the The moment you feel a dull prodigonaly and with unflagging the said strip of land, and for can hardly get around, just try such other relief as to the Court ache in the kidneys, or your back stomach in TEN minutes. Most romanticisms, and some of that may seem proper. Red Pepper Rub. inrts, or if the urine is cloudy, medicines act only on lower bow­ which they write was very pass­ Date of first publication: Oc­ Nothing has such concentrated, offensive, full of sediment, lrregu- el but Adlerika acts on BOTH up­ tober 16th, 1924. able literature. Mr. Roe’s nov­ penetrating heat as red peppers, ar of passage or attended by a per and lower bowel and removes Time to answer expires: No­ eto seem to have been deservedly and when heat penetrates right sensation of scalding, begin drink- all gaB and poisons. Excellent for L A 0?18,.!13*; intO ^ranu^ar oatmeal. vember 28th, 1924 popular, while the prolific output down into pain and congestion, ng a quart of water each day, also obstinate constipation and to BRIGGS A BRIGG8, KnJ|hilNi e se llkeiitLiAf £ ranu,es Stimulate By E. D. Briggs, of Miss Holmes found favor to relief comes at once. get about four ounces of Jad Salts guard against appendicitis. T. K. M N 2 7 Cook sticky or pasty. Wonderful the extent of 2,000,000 purchased Just as soon as you apply Red from any pharmacy; take a table, Bolton, druggist. flavor. More than a new jo a tm ea l-a n e w cereal. copies. She wrote, you recall, Pioneer Bdock, Pepper Rub you feel the tingling spoonful in a glass of water be­ JSiT&L'buil