* ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii (he rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. (International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Saccesaor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. PEACE TALK IS DELAYED AFTER WOULD FORCE PENSIO N ON AB LE BODIED MAN ------------- « General Wu Declares Fight « Is His Only Present * » Program « ---------- READY FOR » ASSAUI « « « F orces H eld in North by Clashes W ith O ther L eaders are Called t t in by W u for new er C am isiign » a HORNELL, N. Y. Oct. 30. — For the ninth time in thfe past few years Edw ard M ullander has scorned a pension. Mul- lander, born in Sweden, served In the Spanish- American W ar. He con­ tracted a disability and asked a pension. By the time it was offer­ ed him ha had recovered. At regular intervals the papers are sent on again and he is told to sign them and get his pension. When the last installm ent came M ullander retu rn ed it. ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1924 D E SE R T SH IRK S USE - - LIZZIES, NOT ST EED S ANOTHER DEAD FOLLOWING GAS ! FUEL TRYOUT u -------- a LONDON, Oct. 30. — Rom antic flappers, who have visions of gallant sheiks galloping across sandy stretches on fiery steeds are all wrong. Lord Thomson, form er Air Min- ister, who has ju s t retu rn - ed from Irak, dispels the illusion. “ Many shieks run F ords,” said Lord Thom- son, “and they get th eir petrol supplies along the desert roads, from English organizations.” a oi — T O PARTY WINS RECOMMENDED IN BRITISH POLL BY CRAZED MAN THREE K ILLED I a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Highways in Northern End « ' Ethyl Lead Gas Exposure Is a R u n s Amuck a a a of State Would Material­ Liberal Party Practically Dissolved, Laborites Are Out Woodsman Fatal to Fifth Following Refusal of Girl a a a of Power, With Goveramnet Ready to Resign. Stan­ ly Help Oregon Victim to Marry Him a a a ley Baldwin, Tory Leader, Is Picked as Next Premier a a « i DRIVES THEM INSANE WOULD COST MILLIONS bf England. THEN KILLS HIMSELF a a! a at H undreds o f W orkm en a t E liza­ a a Body R eports Favorably on Sev­ W ash., Scene o f Tripple a LONDON, Oct. 30—Unofficial returns from the B rit­ B4*ai*dan, a a a a a a a a a a a a a eral N ew R oads W hich W ould beth are in P an ic F ollow - K illin g and Suit ide W hen Un­ a A ssure G reater T ravel D eath o f M any Men ish election yesterday indicated fliat the Tories had rolled balanced Man K ills Three a a a a a a a a a a a a1 up a majority in the House of Commons, with 392 seats in Five new highways, which will ELIZABETH. N. J „ Oct. 30.— REARDAN. W ash., Oct. 30.— directly affect Southern Oregon, their possession at the present time. Returns coming in Ethyl lead gas poisoning, which Velma Beeman, 19; Dow Lath- are now being contem plated for from outlying district! indicate the Tories are still going drives its victims mad before k ill­ rom, 2" and J. S. Delbert, 30, all ing them, today claimed its fifth construction in N orthern Califor-! 6( r o llg > w i t h *a possibi itv that their majority will be much of this city were shot and killed PEKING, Oct. 30. — Efforts to arrange a peaceful understand­ ing between General Wu Pei-Fu, deposed m ilitary head of the Pe­ king governm ent, and General Feng Yu-Hsiang, the “ Christian general” , were reported being made today by friends of General Wu, but the prospect of success was considered doubtful. President Tasso Kun was said Storm S ignals Indicate W ind and to have sent word to General Wu ! Rain H urricane W ill Strik e W ithin F ew Hours th a t General Feng, who deposed W u, w anted to talk, not to fight. - _____ _ General Wu replied th a t he PORTLAND, Oct. 30. — A new was willing to talk peace after he storm from the sea, headed in- had resum ed control of affairs at land, should strike the Oregon and W ashington coasts this after­ Peking. Form er Prem ier Chang Shao- noon, the w eather office announc­ Tseng took a hand in the negotia­ ed here today. High winds, ac­ tion for peace when he came here companied by a driving rain. Is from Tientsin and made sugges­ expected to sweep the two states The tions to the “ Christian general,” according to indications. as a representative of the adher­ w eather bureau officials here in­ dicated th a t the storm would be ents of General Wu. The suggestions were re je c te d 1 a severe one. Storm w arnings along the coast have been chang­ by General Feng. Mukden troops have occupied ed to the southwest. The lum ber schooner Trinidad, Lwancho, a fte r surrounding a large num ber of Chihli forces. in tow of the tug Douglas, 50 miles The rem aining Chihlis, retreating, i off Coos bay, following the break- took up fresh positions on the , ing of the rudder on the Trinidad yesterday, is reported to be m ak­ L utsi Canal. Lwanchow is a city approxi­ ing good progress, and may ba m ately fifty miles southw est of able to m ake port before the Shanhaikw an, scene of the recent storm breaks, officers of the fighting between the Mukden sol­ Trinidad indicated in radio dis­ diers of Chang Tso-Lin and the patches received here. Chihli troops attached to the com ­ mand of Wu Pei-Fu. TO BE HEADED THIS WAY E E E 0 F3 CENTS ANNOUNCED nia by the State of California a c j k r th ftn f i r g t cording to inform ation received 1 The returns give the Laborites from Sacramento. I the party now in power, 150 seats. A committee, composed of nine The Liberal party has been prac­ Surplus Supply in C alifornia Is prom inent citizens of California tically wiped out, having only 39 G iven as R eason for Cut in formed a body which inspected seats. The Tories gained 130 P rices on Coast road conditions in the state, and seats, while the Labor party lost reported favorably on the several 34. The Liberals were the big In line with a general price re­ roads in the northern end of the ! losers in the election, 100 mem­ duction on gasoline throughout state which a re badly needed in bers of the party In the House the Pacific Coast states, officials order to more closely align Cali­ j of Commons being removed from of the gasoline companies, operat­ fornia with Oregon. j th eir seats. ing filling stations in Ashland, The new roads will greatly af­ Mayo Says W ashington Snrrem l- Unless Lloyd George, leader of announced a reduction here of ered Control of P acific in fect the prosperity of Southern the Liberals, Is able to bring his three cents par gallon on gasoline Arm s Conference Oregon, for w ith the highways in party together it is probable that and distillate. The new price on operation, g reater to u rist travel the Liberals will be forced to gasoline is tw enty cents, which CHICAGO, Oct. 30. — The dissolve, as a party. This would through th is d istrict will be as­ includes a three cent state tax. United States paid an enormous the certain doom of Lloyd All the companies doing busi­ sured, while the business dealings price to bring the W ashington mean George ag a nationa, flgure and which are carried on between ness in this territo ry are rep re­ disarm am ent conference to a sue- „ probable th at hp wJU do sented in the uniform reduction. residents of the two states will cessful conclusion, said Rear Ad- it is everything in his power to reor- The Standard Oil company, the be greatly facilitated. contem plated m iral H - T- May°- retired, in an i ganize his party. The new roads Union Oil company. Shell com­ ' address prepared for delivery yes- j The Labor government, under pany, and Associated Oil company for N orthern California, and terday before the Chicago Assoc­ Prem ier MacDonald is expected which will cost millions to con­ all made a uniform reduction fol­ iation of Commerce. 1 to resign, following the display struct, are as follows: lowing the announcem ent of a de­ “ We surrendered command of ! of popular opinion through the Crescent City to Oregon Line— cline in the basic price in Cali­ This highway is asked to connect the W estern Pacific to Japan, i pleN1on. Stanley Baldwin Tory fornia. DALE IS RELEASED which is now in absolute m ilita ry -leader is plpked by ,eaderg ,n Falling of demand, due to the the Redwood Highway in Califor FROM JAIL AFTER C .° T mand in LhOSe 7 a„tte rs - able t o , polities here,* as the next premier. DEPOSITING BAIL approaching w inter months, to-; n il. w ith the R oojevelt Highway take possession of Guam w h e re , The Tory vjctory in all prob- getber w ith the piling up of la rg e ; which Oregon is building down we undoubtedly sbould have a j ability sounds the death knell of surplus stocks in the C alifo rn ia! the coast. Victor Dale, who was placed in strong naval base, and the Philip jail yesterday, following charges district, is given as the basis fo rj "Y .eka to K lam ath Falls— T h i s pIne'~ i8iands," wherever such a c -' mBikAe i r ? o ^ Uff7 c rth e <>naw el)Ut| ” of appropriating _ ..___ , the reduction, which in Califor-1 inter-state g o~ o v ._ ern m en t; highway is a s k e d 'tion sppms ndvisflb1p tn hpr » h e ' for reparations awes p an property from the Armory here, | nia embraced a two cent cut, sometime in the future, to provide said. was released upon furnishing i which was led by the Standard a w ater level road from the sea “ Our country never has been, ' $100 bond. i Oil company. The three cent cut to K lam ath Falls. is not now, and never will be un­ Dale has signified his inten-1 in Oregon and W ashington is due ABANDON ATTEMPT TO A lturas to Oregon L ine— This der any m ilitarism th a t will men­ tions of pleading not guilty to t h e ! to the fact th a t w ater transpor- highway is in much the same cate­ SAVE ARCTIC FORCE ace the liberties of the country. I charges against him, and ha3 been tation for the gasoline is possible. gory as the Crescent City-Oregou Our arm y is practically disarmed NOME, Alaska, Oct. 30.— The held over for a m ilitary trial. w hereas in California it is n eces-. u ne road. Oregon is building a today— reduced almost to a force c u tter Mojave of the United States It has been discovered th a t sary to move the gasoline to t h e ' ma{n highway south from Bend sufficient only to be a police ---------- In a divorce suit filed in the 1 ORTLAND, Oct. 30. — The coast guard, which attem pted to cjrcujt court Tuesday Minnie Dar‘- i Dale> on a recent visit to Portland distributing centers by means of, through Lakeview to the state force for our possessions, but we penetrate the Arctic ocean to modv charges th a t Ralph Dar- 1 did not make the trip to sell the rail transportation, i have not seen other nations re- |week starting next Friday will bf line. i officially celebrated as apple week rescue four men from the gaso­ mody, her husband, both residing articles it is alleged he took from Yreka to Alturas— This road is, ducing their arm ies.” . in Portland and Oregon. Markets line schooner Silver Wave, which ' in Ashland, called her “ vile and the Armory, but went to sell some asked for a far-north cross state; was carried away locked in ice, mean nam es,” and “ hit, slapped,' rea' estat® which he owns in Ash- RAINFALL FOR TEAR are accum ulating Increased stocks lateral in California. DEAD. MAN has turned back, according to kicked and abused the defendant.” t land- apples against the unusual de­ FAR BELOW NORMAL A lturas-K lam ath F a lls— This WOMAN IS FOUND DYING of word received here today. mand th at it is expected will be No date has been set for Dale’s These incidents, th e com plaint A total of 8.28 inches of rain road would connect K lam ath The Majove, which went from I ge(g forth occnrred {n the p re s. trial, since it has been impossible made for them because of the ANACORTES, W ash., Oct. 30. FaT.ls with A lturas, and with the advertising and general publicity here to Bering strait, forced h e rj enpe Qf others and Mrs j ?a-nie ' to thus far make arrangem ents has fallen in Ashland since Jan u ­ — Mrs. Freem an Thorburn. 35, way many miles through five-1 B ruennlng a n d ’ E iizabeth’ Gagnon ! with the m ilitary authorities who ary 1, 1924, according to Louis?; aid oi the Yreka to A lturas road. was found dead in bed and her that will be made a part of the Dodge, w eather observer. This Klam ath Falls with Yreka. inch Ice, it was stated, but was of Ashland are named as eye wit-1 w' 1! tr -v tbe case- husband, 45, a cod fisherm an, was week’s activities. total is 6.49 inches below norm al i unable to approach the point 80 nesses. Last April, Mrs. Darmody The Portland Cham ber of Com­ found lying on the floor with a PR E SID E N T VOTES for the year, to the present d a te ,' miles north of the stra it where departed fron, the home, the com­ merce is stim ulating - interest in bullet wound in his head when , WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.— The according to Dodge. the Silver Wave was last seen, plaint states, and has not re tu rn ­ PLEDGES officers this afternoon entered the 1 e greater consumption of apples President and Mrs. Coolidge, to ­ At this date in 1923, a total after being caught in the grasp ed. TO CONTINUE WORK; Thorburn home. Physicians said next week ln a num ber of ways day, as citizens of M assachusetts, of nearly fifteen inches of rain of the ice as she was hurrying j Thorburn could nob recover? j ^ bG ^ n *on Pacific Railway m arked their ballots for Tuesday’s had fallen. The extrem e dryness WASHINGTON, Oct. 29. — If! A neighbor was attracted tn the 'Company has issued a booklet of back from the last trip of the WILL TRY TO PROVE election and mailed them to North of this season has been severly e l e c t e d . President Coolidge season on her mail run into by the crying of the 14- 150 apple reciP«« th at w ill be RAILROAD LABOR IS Hampton. The voting took place felt throughout the country, and pledges th a t he will “ continue home Kotzebue sound, an arm of the month-old child of the Thorburns. ’ distributed to »hose asking for HELPING SENATOR on the W hite House lawn, b e fo re ' the Ashland district is not the those policies which have brought Arctic. __________________ them at the trade and m arketing a battery of moving picture cam­ only one to feel the effects of the peace and prosperity to the n a­ departm ent of the cham ber of CHICAGO, Oct. 30. — Wey­ eras. dry year. tion,” he told a group of 45 ad­ commerce on the sixth floor of mouth K irkland, counsel for the The present storm , all indica­ vertising men who had breakfast the Oregon building. Republican National Committee, tions should boost th e total for a t the W hite House with him this Hotels and restaurants, includ­ today asserted it was his purpose the year somewhat n earer normal. morning. T ie guests were mem­ ing railroad dining car3, will fea­ to prove to the Borah Senate cam­ Reports from northern districts bers of the Coolidge - Dawes Na­ ture apple dishes during the week. paign fund investigating com­ indicate th a t a severe storm is tional A dvertising League, sup­ Civic organizations In Portland m ittee th a t thé Progressive cam­ headed this way, following the porting the President and hly run­ are cooperating with th e chamber paign was virtually subsided by ; rain and wind storm which struck ning m ate in th eir campaign for ______ in stim ulating interest in the the railroad labor federations, and here last night. i election. AVON. Calif.. Oct. 30. - a ' ■‘’ » ''- • " ’'•k The A» e' ub th a t the money revealed John YREKA, Cal., Oct. 30..— J. C. chock la being made of np-rlver * " u " 'b w ’‘ovelty t . Nelson as having contributed to i i i t , at lts regular luncheon meeting PORTLAND, Oct. 30.— Efforts ¡th e Independent cause, was only boats, bound for Sacramento, fo l-1 nuxt „ * wgpk , legislative board of the B rother a small part of the am ount being ' w*^ be made to increase the MUSIC STUDY CLUB HAS MEETING MONDAY lowing the report made here th a t ! ’______________ hood of Locomotive Engineers and j gpent t o b r jng abou‘t La F o llette’s! m em bership of the American Le- six men are missing, following| FFFT qTnANTE chairm an of the La Follette " * for — election. gion in Oregon to 10,000 by a big an explosion and fire at the pier 1 ä i h ä x JhJhluo The first program of the Ash­ "Adieu, ’Tls Love’s Last G reet­ President Siskiyou county com­ membership drive to be conducted of the Associated Oil company land Music Study Club was given ing,” delightfully given by Mrs. m ittee, is the first man in Siski­ PANAMA, Oct. 30. — An earth throughout the state. The drive DEATH EXAGGERATED "yesterday. It is reported th at Monday evening a t the Library, P. S. Provost. quake of slight intensity was felt you county to cast his vote in the some of the men were picked up KELSO, Oct. 30. — W. Slagle, will begin on Armistice day and as announced. There was an ex­ here yesterday, the disturbance presidential election. At the close of Mise W allace’s by a passing boat, and have not until recently a resident of Port- end December 15. cellent attendance, notw ithstand­ appearing to be centered about Fidler is an active locomotive division, Mrs. Henry reviewed a Plans for the state-w ide effort yet reached a port from which land, today learned of th e- fears engineer in the employ of. the felt th a t he had been burned to! arp being made by a special corn- ing the inclemency of the w eather num ber of' chapters, followed by 200 miles from the canal zone. they can give inform ation of their Southern Pacific Company and death in thé $40,000 fire here ' m ittee beaded by H arry N. Nel- and a num ber of new names were Mrs. E. O. Smith and Miss E stel­ The shock caused no damage. escape from death. under the construction of the yesterday. Slagle’s automobile | 8On added to the roster. le Jones who closed tha.discussion. Portland, ex-state a d ju tan t Company officials today placed _ . A A -r\ n * v o sta te law a railroad . man may vote Miss Imogene W allace, Mrs.j Each of these speakers had given the damage caused by the explos- j . . . parked across the street from the > legion. Other members of ONE- ten days before eleefo n day by , ,,,e com m lttM . a r e . p red E . Kid- W eston H enry, Mrs. E. O. Smith l thoughtful preparation to their ion on the tanker Anderson, as TENTH COUNTY TAX visiting the clerk of the county' , and Miss Estelle Jones presented i topics and presented the subject 600 feet of warf, a quantity of oil. i 6 .. ... . authorities thought Slagle had die of Island City, ex-state com- in which he resides at the county . . . . ... , * ° According to an announcement m ander; .Harold J. W arner o f , th e book review on Finck's m atter as given by the au th o r in and a gas and oil barage, valued . . . . . . . . . lost bis life in the fire seat and casting his ballot in the Pendleton; A rthur A. Murphy of “ Musical Progress.” The musical comprehensive, entertaining way. at a million and a quarter d o llars.' by County Asse«sor J. B. Coleman usual m anner. Portland; Carl Y. Tengwald, Med- num bers, in illustration.’ were The listeners felt th a t the work so The entire loss is covered by in-1 a search of his rftcords reveals tha S ixty M iles B efore B reakfast ford, Charles J. Johnson of Sil- given by Mrs. P. S. Provost, Mrs. ¡delightfnll presented, surely would surance. according to the offic-; fact th a t the O. A C. Railroad in CIVIC CLUB CARD Fidler drove sixty miles before verton and Jam es R. Bain of Port- H nry Reid, Miss Lolita Pierson , be well w orth the w inter’s study ials. It is believed the explos-; Jackson county pays taxes on an PARTY ON TUESDAY breakfast Tuesday to reach the and Mrs. H. S. Aikins. ' ; Plano selections were given by ion was caused by a marine assessed valuation of >2,949.928. WAS BIG SUCCESS! land. office of W. J. Nellon, clerk of At the opening, with the presi- Miss Lolita Pierson, who played storm. The 1923 taxes of the railway ^Three prizes, will he given by dent, Mrs. J. H. F u ller in t h e ! a ‘. ‘ Polonaise” and a ‘'M azurka ln am ounted to a total of >114,546. Siskiyou county, when the la tte r The card Party which was giv-j the 40 and 8 to help create inter- or a total of 9 3-5 percent of all opened the doors for the d a y s ^ en by tbe civic clu b ladies a tje s t in the campaign. A prize of chair, a short business session was B flat by” Chopin brilliantly, and taxes paid in Jackson county. work. their clubhouse Tuesday evening $100 will he awarded to the team ] held, followed by a roll call of Mrs. H. S. Aikins, who closed the LA FOLLETTE LEADS Fidler had been at Dorris, near was a great success in every w ay.! obtaining the largest Increase of item s of in terest to musicians. program with a bright number, FIELD IN BALLOT the Oregon line last night cani- Eighty-four people were present) new m embers in percentage over Miss W allace, chairm an of the pleasingly interpreted. TAKEN IN ASHLAND PRICE SET ON HEAD B rahm ’s most beautiful cradle paigning for La F ollette and made and gpenX the evening playing ) the previous year. A prize of >60 evening’s program then took -------- OF CHINESE LEADER La Follette was given a la rg e ' ______ the drive, startin g at daybreak, j bridge and fjve bundred M r s w ill be awarded to the team which charge, giving a survey of the first song was given so tenderly by ‘You don't have to ask me A. E. Kinney and Mr. H. K. Tom­ obtains the greatest num ber of seven chapters of the book. From Mrs. P. S. Provost during the vote in the straw vote conducted 1 PEKING, Oct. 30. — A price of the first chapter, “ Mixing Music j evening. Mrs. Dix accompanied a t The Army Goods Store in this $50,000 was today put on the whom I voted for,” Fidler smiled linson took th e bride prizes and old m em bers to pay th eir dues with B rains” , to the conclusion Mrs. Provost and Miss Wallace city, according to the returns, j head of Wu Fu, who until a week as he walked out of the court­ Mrs. Mitchell and Mr. B. F; Storm based on percentage o f previous of her section, the speaker gave, accompanied Mrs. Reid. While the vote was small, the pro-: ago was China’s most powerful house. year. A prize of $35 will go to the 500. • in interesting fashion, interspers­ “ La Follette Is gaining daily. Ai the close of the program, portion was : boat three to one in, w ar Lord. Feng Siang, the Christ- The Hallowe'en motif was car­ the post which attain s the la rg -' He is certain to carry C alifornia.” ed with pertinent comment, the Mrs^ Fuller made a num ber of au- favor of La Follette o v e r ian General, form erly aiding Wu. est increase of new members in program s were Coolidge. Davis was given only and who is at present endeavor- His ballot cast. Fidler proceed­ ried out in menu and refresh­ percentage over the previous year. au th o r's views anent the differ­ nouheem ents; ed with the less Im portant busi­ ments. The evening was complet­ Folders outlining suggestions ent phases of the subject under given out, and attention called three votes, a very small propor- ing to w rest the capital from W u’s ness of eating breakfast before ed with dancing and singing. ! control, offered a rew ard of >100,- to the November m eeting in tion of the votes cast. for conducting th e drive, describ- discussion. The social committee for the I ing what the legion has done and m otoring to his home at Duns­ At this point, two vocal num­ charge of Mrs. E. O. Smith. The Some hum orists or adm irers of 000 for the capture of Wu alive, year, which were in charge of t h e ; givjng reasons why every veteran bers were given; a Scotch love general topic is “ The American local people cast their votes for lan d another rew ard of >50,000 m uir. affair are Mesdames P. S. .Provost, ghould to thflt organlxaUoll( song, “ W e’d B etter Bide a W ee” , Prim a-donna,” by Mrs. E. O. various local people. i for him dead. A storia— Plans made for 200- chairm an, V. D. MIH st , Frank bave been printed and sent out sung sym pathetically by Mrs. Smith, who will make the assign­ (oot bridge on Brownsmead road. Dilard and Johnny Gruelle. to every legion post in the sta te.1 Henry Reid, and Schubert’s ments. There la wisdom In reading ads Tidings Ads brings raeults. life when H erbert Fuson, who was exposed to the gas recently, died in a hospital here. Fuson became violently insane yesterday, and was placed in a straig h t jacket in the hospital to prevent his injuring some of the other inmates. Scores of other w orkers in the Standard Oil plant here are under observation for the effects of the gas. which phy­ sicians know little about, except th a t It is slowing toxic and the effects of which are cum ulative. A reign of terro r has spread among the homes of other w ork­ ers in the plant when it was real­ ized th a t Fuson was not consider­ ed seriously ill whpn first taken d’wn with effects of the gas, but who continued to grow worse, after being taken to the hospital. It is feared th a t several more em­ ployes of the Standard Oil com­ pany have been exposed to the gas here. SERTS f ISLANDS A T . WILL IVORCE SUIT FILED HERE LA FOLLETTE CHIEF FIRST MAN TO CAST T APPLE WEEK IS 10 BE FEATURE SOON LEGION WILL START E 10 FIND MEN LOSE this afternoon by Ray Sperry, 4 5, a woodsman, who also took his own life. The girl was said to have rejected Sperry’s attentions. No theories have been advanced as to why he killed the two men. Stephen Lathrom , father of Dow ^Lathrom, was slightly in­ jured by the bullet which pierced his son’s heart. Sperry, who had lived here for many years, had been keeping company with Miss Beeman for about a year until recently, it was said. He returned a few days ago from a logging camp where he had been working, and tonight walked to the Charles Travis home, where Miss Beeman was working. When she opened the door to his knock, he shot her in the head with a small caliber pistol. From the Travis home he went to the residence of Steven Lath ron<, a few blocks away, shot Dow Lathrom through the heart when he opened the door, the bullet also wounding the boy’s father in the abdomen. Then Sperry made his way to the Dueber m otor sales company and asked for the manager. H ear­ ing tbe request, Dueber turned toward him and was shot through ‘lie left temple. Sperry then made his wav through a nearby store and into an alley where he shot and killed himself. DAVIS DENOUNCES ALL TARIFF LAWS NEW YORK. Oct. 30.— Brand­ ing the Republican tariff laws as instigators of financial panics, John Davis. Democratic candidate for the presidency, today announ­ ced the Fordney-McCumber act as a “ robber m easure.” Davis pledged himself, if elect­ ed, to take the League of Nations issue out of politics while endors­ ing the Democratic proposal for the League referendum . INCOME TAX TEST CASE TO BE MADE WASHINGTON. Oct. 3O ._A t- torney General Stone today an­ nounced that he had asked “ sev­ e ra l” United Stiftes attorneys to present suitable cases against newspapers within their Jurisdic­ tion, charging them with the publication of the recently issued income tax lists, “ in violation of the law” . A test case will be tried, from the reports received from these attorneys, Stone said. CASE TO TEST TAX PUBLICITY LAW TO BE FILED IN COURT W ASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 30. — A fter a meeting of the cabinet today, A ttorney - General Stone said a general agreem ent had been reached on the question of pub­ lication of income tax retu rn s and indicated th a t such publication was regarded a3 in violation of the law. Mr. Stone announced th at the departm ent of justice would have “ an appropriate case presented !n the courts” to obtain a judical construction of the law. The attorney - general declin­ ed to indicate w hat procedure would be followed in the case or what newspaper, editor or pub­ lished would be selected as de­ fendant. In a long statem ent Mr. Stone pointed out th a t the effect o? one section of the law was to allow general Inspection of the income tax retu rn s, while on the con­ tra ry side 3tood a section speci­ fically prohibiting their “ publi­ cation.” He said publication of this inform ation “ in new spapers” was nowhere specifically provid­ ed for by the law, and he was i not clear w hat purpose congress I had in mind.