AsMtASb DÀttf ïtt&'ôS Wftancsdaÿ, Ôctobêt ¡2Ú, lftU .................................................. ♦•»«««♦................ « Return Prom Lake— Y m , U, Tel, Uin, Vistiera Qual Henry Enders and Fred Neil ity Breed, from the, oven over by section® {rom standpipes, about 1 aerg strawberries, and black­ returned ■ last evening ' from the the counter, 8 and 12c. 31— 6’ berries and orchard of all kinds Lake of the Woods. They report­ of fruit.. Balance in alfalfa and ed that there was a cloud* burst A Dally Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of garden. Well located and a beau­ there Monday and the lake was TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY local Interest tiful home. Will sell for what beginning to fill. They had a ft would cost to build the house hard return trip, due to the FOR RENT— Furnished room, alone, and give terms. E. E. snow. 107 Second St. Phone 312-R. Medford Visitor— In Town— Phipps, Read Estate Broker. 50—tf Homer Barron of this city was 50— 1 Roy Hail of Klamath Palls is Biggest in life's time Hallow­ In Medford Monday transacting in Ashland for a few days and e'en Masquerade and hard time FOUND — Monday morning on business. S O C IE T Y will move his family over to that Ball at Jackson Hot Springs Fri­ highway east of Ashland, one pair Place to make their future home. day, Oct. 31. Wear either mas­ spectacles. Call W. B. Beebe, over­ Styieplus Clothes, America’s 50__1 (Continued from »page 1) querade or hard time clothes. 6 head crossing. foremost style line of Suits and Deserving of their popularity. prizes 6. Bulowski’s Californians. The committee in charge of WOOD FOR SALE—Fur and Over Coats at Paulseruds. 48—tf W ith well dressed men are these Nuf sed. 47__3 Spruce, 16 inch >8. Hard wood arrangements for Friday night are newest models in suits. Panlser 16 inch >12. Delivered. Fountain Mrs. Marie Gorman, chairman, Cliff Payne makes ironing uds- 48—tf To Portland— Feul Co. Siskiyou or leave orders Mrs. Dan Matcher, Mrs. Bess Calla- boards. Mrs. L. M. Goodwin, who has at Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. Visitor Y esterd ay - been visiting her sisters, Mrs. 50— 1 mo.* Played For Dance— Honorable Robert Booth of Hargrove, Mrs. Neil and Mrs. Ralph Qill and Domino Pro- Eugene, well known figure in Glenn, returned to her home in FOR RENT:—Farming land on to st Journey to Medford last even­ state affairs, was an Ashland visi­ Portland this morning. Mrs. share of crops—one and a half ing and played In the orchestra tor yesterday on business. Goodwin was called here on ac­ miles from city limits. Call G. for the Elks dance. 50— 3* count of the sickness of Mrs. S. Butler. Dance Jackson Hot Springs, Glenn. FOR SALE:— Another bargain, MARCEL AND CURL LAST Sat. Nite. so—3 6-room modern house on paved LONGBR after a Golden Glint Save >10.00, walk upstairs to street; lot 50 by 120; good side­ Complete line of Ashland Can­ Orres tailor shop. 17__ tf walk; all the furniture goes with, If your nostrils are clogged, oed Goods at Hetricks. 94-tf home. Price for quick sale, >2700,~ your throat distressed, or your Follow the crowd Jackson Hot Much S n o w - on good terms. See W. W. Robi­ head is stuffed by nasty catarrh 8prings Sat. Nite. 50—3 Arrived Yesterday __ 50—tf or a cold, apply a little pure, an­ Residents of this city were son, 63 N. Main. Al W. Thompson of Dunsmuir greeted with a large fall of snow tiseptic, germ destroying cream Elk« arrived in Ashland yesterday and on the surrounding hills upon FOUND:—Owner can have a into your nostrils. It penetrates There will be an Elks dance will visit for a few days with arising this morning. People who lost overcoat (boy’s) by proving through every air passage, sooth­ at the hall tomorrow ^vening. friends here. made the trip over the Green property and paying for this ad. ing inflamed, swollen membranes Carl Loveland’s orchestra will 50— 1* and you get instant relief. Spring highway and Siskiyous re­ — Billings Office. play and a good time is anticipat­ No agent in Southern Oregon ported that there was a large fall How good it feels. Your nos­ ed. WANTED:— Clean rags, will pay can write better Auto insurance of snow and the roads were ex­ trils are open. Youjr "bead (g 5c lb. Automotive Shop. 50— 1 or at lower rates than the Stapler ceedingly slippery. This is the clear. No more hawking, snuffl­ Let nt fill your pall with Swift» Agency. A HOME BARGAIN, Six room ing, dryness or struggling for first real snow of the season. dver Leaf loM. Costs less than bungalow, concrete foundation, all breath. Get a small bottle of Ely’s Gc«* farther and Is Special Auto Accident Policy Sweet cream for whipping and built in effects, modern, station­ Cream Balm from any druggist. nutritious. Detrek«. 94-tf for >5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo ary wash tubs;, sleeping porch, Cold3 and catarrh yield like ma­ of course. 24-tf ceffee—also fresh milk, always garage, barn, woodshed, 1 % acres gic. Don't stay stuffed up. Re­ ®a lea at (he Plata. 239—tf Return from Klamath— land, piped so you can irrigate lief is sure. Glenn Gulley, Fred Kruggel In Town— and Floyd Place returned last Mrs. Susanne Homes Carter, Fi:id3 Gun— evening from Klamath county candidate for re-election for coun­ Last Sunday when Chief of Po­ with three muletail deer. They ty school superintendent was in lice McNabb was making the reported a fine trip and are much Ashland today on business. Mrs. rounds of the hobo “Jungles” in elated over their success. Carter has done such excellent town as is customary every day work during the past few years or so, he found a Martin Auto­ We deliver the goods— Detricks that she has been indorsed by both matic shotgun in the tall grass on 94-tf the Republicans and Democrats. the Carter ranch on Mountain Avenue near the railroad tracks. This Is National Vi tors’ Week Did you visit The Ashland The gun showed signs of having We have two of the most exclusive agencies for in thé laundries. Com in and see Laundry today? Visitors are wel­ been there several months and work of this kind. •a. The Ashland Lau ry. 49—2 come—The Ashland Laundry. was rusted some but the numbers 49—2 are plainly visible and when Several Hundred Samples; beautiful engrav;ng or 2.00. This merchandise certificate is good for its face value in our store. You can buy with it anything you want here. Come and see how lucky you are. J. C. B R IL L $14.60 Furnishings, Shoes, Etc. The immensity arid importance of this Quit Business Sale and what; it means in actual saving to you, is beyond your comprehension, there is not enough ink to Successor to The Peerless Clothing Co. OC OaO V Men’s khaki Pants, medium weight. Smooth material, well made, regular $1.85 Value Sale Price ...................... LOT NO. 2 $25.00 Values Men’s Hats, splendid quality, all good styles in black and brown. Sale P r i c e ___ Our Entire Stock of High Grade Mens’ Clothing, OwC $12.95 J *| yQ M>O-OO Men’s Dress Shirts of fine madras and percale material. Value run­ ning to $1.75. Q K f* Closing out P r i c e .......... LOT NO. 1 $22.50 Values Shoes. Men’s Union Suits. Wool good winter weight in all sizes. Sale Price Men’s 16 inch Redwing High out, solid leather throughout of best grade. Sells regular for Q f? $11.60. Sale P r i c e ........ We quote here only a few of our many bargains MEN’S OVERCOATS CO. One lot of Alen’s Dress Black and brown, 20c val- ue. Sale Price ................ Men’s Wool Sox, medium weight in grey only. Regular 25c kind. Sale Price .. ■ LOT NO. 5 $45.00 Value $32.85 LOT NO. 7 $58.00 Value $39.85 C L O T H IN G Forced Men’s Work Shirts. Good heavy Charabray, $1.00 Value Sale Price .................. $23.60 LOT NO. 6 $50.00 Value $36.40 PEERLESS One lot of Handkerchiefs worth 10c.. Sale Price . . . . LOT NO. 3 $35.00 Value • . i . Chaney. n p a n y . C. B R IL L , S u c c e s s o r to LOT NO. 1 $25.00 Value ky fair means for Corner. Wil you have this nominee for that dfflce, 01 continue for the fifth term with the present incumbent? Vote or Conger. 49—2 Xlamath Falls were in Ashland Bunday and Monday and visited