„ A M m bÁítt m m » W ednesday. October 21), 1024 PROFESSIONAL Classified Column C larified Column Rates One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one m onth or more, H e the word each time. Republican Ticket and Platform PHYSICIANS OR. HAWLEY— Aboye office. Phone 91. evening. The group brought filled Putm an home a t 329 Beach ( we’en party. _ _ Mesdames Mark Y ear’s party with the baskets and took possession of the .stre et, from 2:39 men as fIV® t h , SmIih’ Jam es Morgan, Gene Har- hosts, happy couple. The evening was afternoon, at which time the ris and Roy G earhart, the h o :- : spent in playing games and con- ' cradle roll the68 and tb eir j tesses, are planning many e n jo y -; (Continued on Page Four) versing. Those present were i m others and Messrs and Mesdames E. F. S m ith ,) under six and their moTheT, win abl\ th *ngS f° r th eir youthful ; Tidings The Jackson County Republican organization is composed of fifty- six precinct committeemen, an Bert Smith and son Jonnie, A. be the guests guests of o d e , , . R. r> l , . I ° u est8 - DR. C. W. HANSON of M Mesdames executive committee of eleven B ert Freem an and M arjorie and Burdic, Jr., Verne Hastings, V. ' T h e event exciting the great- Dentist members, a women's advisory! CALENDAR OF EVENTS Johnny, F. F. W hittle, Clinton K. Allison, Fred Penniston, Lloyd ®St interest is th ,Jln. Mira Elsie Crowson and HE depositors are the real L g y p t i a n com bed co tto n ed. Therefore, be it home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sugg Í! ed. O. I. C. Inquire of W. K. Mc- W hiteShield 'H om e, 565 May- cord, highly tested ru b b e r! 1 • builders of this bank. They Resolved, th a t the Jackson Monday evening. The rooma were the hostess, Mrs. Heer. 3 bey are h a n d b u ilt—cured Clay. One mile N. E. of Talent. • * * fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. County Republican C entral Com­ on a i r ! make the bank possible and there 48— 6* m ittee exercise in every ju st and beautifully decorated In Hallow­ Hallowe'en Parties— PLANING MILL reasonable way in this campaign e’en colors and refreshm ents ap­ T heir v massive non-skid is iio success for this hank which Many and varied are the H al­ FOR SALE:— Late Ford Road­ the full powers given them by propriate for this time of year treads auord surprisingly does not depend upon the success lowe’en affairs planned by the long w ear—g n d safety! ster, fine condition. Robison’s JORDON'S SASH AND CABINET law. were served by the dainty hos­ Believing in party government Social Activities com m ittee of the of its depositors. garage. 48— tf WORKS, Cor. Helman and and party responsibility, we th ere­ tess, Mrs. Sugg. The evening Van Ness. 1 9 Ítf fore pledge to the people of Jack- was spent in dancing and playing Church of Christ. Heading the FOR SALE: — Dry pine and son county th a t If they see fit to games. A num ber of out-of-town list is the party at the Floyd oak wood. Phone 447L. 47— 4* TRANSFER AND EXPRESS elect our candidates on the 4th guests were present. Miss Jane Whittle Transfer <& Storage Co. day of November, then this or­ FOR SALE: — 14 inch hard ganization will get behind these Sugg announced the dinner by for SERVICE. blowing the bugle. She was p ret­ wood, $4.40 tie r delivered. Geo. Experienced movers and pack county officers and encourage and support them In every way, so tily dressed in costune. At a late ! I brought a truck load of bar- ' Yockel. Box 95 B. 47— 3* t CORDS a c d BALLOONS ers of household goods. Deal­ long as they conduct th eir respec­ hour the guests adjourned all de-j gain counter goods from Port * [without rim or wheel change) ers In coal and wood. Phone tive offices in an able, economical FOR SALE: — Terminal Cafe d a rin g th a t they had had the i land last week, all of which : Ashland, Oregon and honest m anner, and if they 117. In Stage Terminal Hotel. Owner will be sold accordingly. Auto prove unw orthy in the conduct best of fun. Office 89 Oak St. near returning to Alaska. P. O. Box » * • Robes, Wade Dragsaw, Halt­ of th eir offices, and should 766, Roseburg. 47— 6* Hotel Ashland charges of inefficiency or dishon Anniversary Dinner— ers, and lots of army goods. esty be preferred against any such The fifteenth wedding anniver­ Come in early while they last. FOR SALE: — 12-inch body r. L. POWELL— General T rans­ officer and if upon investigation sary of Mr. and Mrs. Elm er Smith fir, $3.50 per tier. Address W. R. fer— Good team and motor are found to be true, then this was celebrated by a surprise Williams, Rt. 1, Ashland. 41— 10* trucks. G »od service at a rea- committee pledges the people of Jackson county th a t we will ask chi/irivairi at th eir home Monday souab.’e price. Phone 83. for the resignation of any such Bungalows— Lota officer, and, if necessary, take I have some fine Bungalows. steps to remove him. FEHIGE-ROACH Houses and Building Lots in Ash- F u rth er, if these candidates are land fer sale, will accept geod ; t j a u l i n g ^ press Storage endorsed at the polls thia fall, Dray w o rk . of all then this com m ittee is resolved — Mortages on Bonds, Notes or t^nds. Quick m otor service. Dry to see th a t harm ony is brought payments, and give easy terras on into the court house a t Jackson­ balance. Se me before buying a wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R ville and th a t all of these officers 375 B. St. 112-tf pull together for efficiency in our home. county government, to the end A. L. LAMB. 178 A St. th a t the burdens of the taxpayers POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Box 422, Ashland. may bo relieved to as great an 35— 1 Mo. extent as possible. G. W. Milam We fu rth er pledge ourselves to Buy better milk. Phono 257-J Independent see that, unnecessary deputies, for it. 33— 1 mo.* Candidate for County School special police and other special Superintendent of Jackson. Coun­ officers and any unnecessary mem­ bers of the clerical force not ab­ FOR SALK — or exchange for Headaches and dlzcincsa are Na­ ty. Oregon. solutely necessary for the effic­ Note how clear the water $35,000.60. 160 acres, 100 culti­ ture's warning of a disordered di- ien cy conduct of county business ' U ignored, chronic ill is after cooking Fontana’s vated, free water, lots of it. 20 shall be cut off. ANNOUNCEMENT follow. Avoid this by M acaroni, Spaghetti, or head of large size Registered J e r­ taking TANLAC, the world’s great- W ith this understanding and In announcing myself as an eat digestive medicine. TANLAC Noodles. T hat proves seys, the finest strain in Oregon. Independent candidate for Cor­ pledge we subm it for the consid­ w i l l tone up your stomach, cleanse the absence of unplea 3. Pay you $50 per month for life; and On November 4th Vote Down This Selfish that the office should not continue • tidti, soothes and heals the ecze- 4. Pay $5,000 to your beneficiary when you die for the fifth term under the same . ma right up and leaves the skin Un-American Legislation 5. If disability involves loss o f limbs or sight as a re­ m anagem ent however efficient i t ! e'ear and smooth. Protect Your Home and Pocket Book sult of accident, the company will pay you $5,000 may be. and should it be placed in j It seldom fails to relieve the tor in cash, immediately, in addition to all other benefits. my charge I shall surely exercise, ment and disfigurem ent Suffer- P U R E M A R G A R IN E P R O D U C T S CO M M ITTEE (In case of temporary disability as a result of either sick­ the same judgm ent and efficiency j ers from skin trouble get a little ness or accident, the company will pay you $25 per week which alone has brought a b o u t; j a r of Rowles M entho-Sulphur By F. J. BLAKELEY, Chairman tor a lurnt of 52 weeks.] my success as an undertaker. , from any good d n ist flnd iPdU Advertisement J Trusting th a t by your voice at lt n k e a coid cream ”A Service T h a t E n duret’* the election polls I may be plac­ AND ed in a position to be of greater service. I tru ly remain, INSURANCE C O M P A N Y H. W. CONGER. hohc orncc-SAM riuNascg Medford, Ore. (O pportunity available to experienced Life Pd. Adv. Medford, Ore. Insurance salesm an as D istrict M anager)’. The Depositors T The Citizens Bank of Ashland LEEDOM’S TIRE H USE P E IL ’S CORNER Dizzineu Is Nature’s Warning TANLAC ypwpwnjutffynent O le o - M a r g a r in e h o ld s d o w n th e P ric e o f B u tte r Just a few reasons why the Anti- Margarine Bill M ust Be Defeated FIERY, ITCHY ECZEMA HEALED BIDHI DP DY § £ O nn $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 Andirons W est C oast L ife Fire Screens Simpson’s Hardware W inchester Store L etterheads, statem ents, t o ! your, order a t the Tidings O ffice.' of head or chest are more easily treated externally with— V JC H S ▼ O p t V A F » O R U i3 IT MHHon J a r , Y ear’? CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Ere/irredStoékyìM 7.14% ask mem our caganization W est C oast L ife I nsurance C o • o * M a r t « S o m , S u i Fraocteao Q e u le m r n :M W i< M « t • M ifo s im en (end me more ¡^formation. N«me. A«Ure D a n a f BtrtX. • • 168-45