ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. Thia is a proven fact. MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years = (International News W ire 8ervice) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. TAXES ARE INCREASED 178.8 PER CENT STATE P R O H IS L E U T H ADMITS d r in k in g HAI KLAMATH FALLS, Oct. 29. — W. E. Wolfe, state prohibition officer was a r­ rested here late yesterday charged with driving an autom obile while intoxi­ cated, and also on a charge of reckless driving. He pleaded guilty to the reck­ Advance in State Prom 1917 » less driving charge. The to 1922 Computed by 8 intoxication charge will Commerce Dept. a be tried Thursday. Wolfe a told Justice of the Peace DEBT NOW $40,876,118 Em m itt he had taken only a drink or two.” Business and Non-Business Li- I n 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8*8 » censes C onstitute 8».5 per cent of 1023 Revenue ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER, 29, 1924 ¡'ACTO RS PAID FOR CALLING SAYS S C R IB E NO. 50 AT LAST WE HAVE HER, THE FEMALE “ DEACON POLITICS ARE CAUSING SCANT ! INTEREST HERE H French Slayer Acquitted FIRST RI 0 T IN BRI T I S II POLL ISR EFO R TED NEWARK, N. Y., Oct. 29. — Mrs. Emma Iredale, wife of the Rev. John Iredale, pastor of Tyre M. E. Church, is the first woman ordained to the deaconate in Central New T o rk Methodist Episcopal Conference. She qualified Made Third Party Excitement Being Increased * by four years’ study. She 8 Car Stoned by Mob Near Heads Before Trip to as Election Day Draws :: has been ordained by 8 London, in Opening Battle White House Bishop Adna W right Leon­ Closer of Election ______ _ i 8 ard. SAYS RECEIVED $50,000 This is the first year of MANY OFFICES OPEN n CHAUFFEUR INJURED 8 Methodism when a woman G. O. P. Leader Admits R ailroad i Election to Fill City Offices Tak-i 55 could be ordained to the O bservéis Predict V ictory for P ares W ere Paid by Money of deaconate, under the title ing Rack Scat as Presidential ** Tory Party; N othing Is Ap­ Campaign Funds Finals Get A ttention jn of local deacon, and having parently K nown WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 29. ______ ¡ 8 all privileges of a fully or­ WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.. — .A The departm ent of commerce Interest is Increasing in p o ii-! ** dained m inister, except LONDON, Oct. 29.— The first visit made by a group of actors, announces th at the total payments 8 voting at the conference. tics and before the six day3 in­ serious disturbance of the British such as those who called upon for expenses. Interest, and out­ tervening between now e!ec- 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 election taking place today was President Coolidge a t the W hite lays for the state government of tion next Tuesday, it is predicted reported here when an autom o­ House recently, was “ offered” to Oregon for the fiscal year end­ quite a little excitement will de­ bile, flying the Union Jack, and the La Follette-"Wheeler, presi- ing September 30, 1923, am ount­ velop in politics in general. bearing a num ber of young chil­ " i dential campaign committee for a ed to 120.523,191, or >25.02 per ni.vr.or sum „„„ There are four interesting parts dren was attacked and stoned by capita. Of this total >9,876,375 C luunbrr lu.u.1, W ork o f Aab- W ashington newspaper corres- to the election next Tuesday. a mob of unidentified people. The represents the expenses of oper­ land Man First, the presidential and state chauffeur of the car was severely pondent told the Senate investi- ating the general departm ent? of candidates; second, the county bruised by the stoning and was gating committee here today, fol­ the state governm ent; >8582, ex­ That the East recognizes the lowing questioning by th a t body candidates; third, the city candi­ j removed to a hospital near here, penses of operating the public ability of Professor Vining of this dates and fourth, the measures but the children, occupants of the in connection with his knowledge service enterprises; >2,543,084, city, now in the East, boosting referred to the voters by the gen­ automobile, were uninjured. A of campaign expenditures by the interest on debt, and >8.095,150, Oregon, and realizes the Value of N am es of P rom inent Farm Lead­ squad of policemen drove off the eral assembly. three parties now In the field. outlays for perm anent improve­ the work being done by him, is e r s Proposed to F ill Vacancy G ardner’s statem en t followed h ,fi * F ren ‘;h ci511 eniPlo>ei who shot and killed The three-cornered contest be- attackers, but were unable to ob­ m ents, including those for pub­ conclusively proved by a letter . b . J i s r l o . u r . J o ,b e c o m m i t t e e ^ in Cabinet tain the names of any of the par­ lic service enterprises. In 1922 received by William A lbert of this by R hitander Waldo, president of b rr th an I r e n e s love. „ iT ’X A S T ? ’. ‘ K S S F T L '!? ' PrMia<‘nl,al »' course ticipants in the riot. the total payments for the state city, from George H. Mosser, m an­ the Coolidge-Dawes, non-partisan Deaf‘*»ing applause greeted th e veidict, for popular public senti- 18 holdlllg the center of WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.— The the po­ Good w eather today brought were >28,563,652 and in 1917 aging director of the Indiana league, th a t the actors were paid i?ent w? s H «-ave«rt, who fought with die arm y of litical stage. In Oregon, it is attention of President Coolidge out a heavy vote. The outcome >4,379,689, a per capita of >35.31 State Chamber of Commerce. for th eir v is,, by ? ¡ ï Æ S t generally conceded th at Coolidge was turned yesterday to the va­ of the election is shadowed in and >5.82, respectively. The to ­ In this letter, Mosser states, “ I ! fund committee. and Dawes wifi be the high can­ cancy in his cabinet caused by doubt, despite the claims of the tals include all payments for the ju st got back the other day from ted to the investigating commit­ didates, although of course the the death of Secretary W allace of rival camps of victory. Many year, w hether made from current a trip to P ittsburg, where Irving tee th a t more than >1,000 was Democratic and the Progressive the departm ent of agriculture by im partial observers, included in revenues or from the proceeds of E. Vining, president of the Ore­ spent in paying the acto r’s rail­ leaders are both m aking claims. receipt of several messages asking which are several experts who bond issues. gon State Chamber of Commerce road fares from New York to Oregon is a Republican state and consideration of various persons have forseen the outcome of al­ The total revenue receipts of i spoke to other presidents and sec- W ashington in order th a t they the Republican leaders feel cer­ for the office. It was made plain most every British election for Oregon for 1923 were >17,485,- retaries of the State Chambers. tain th a t Coolidge and Dawes will a t the W hite House however th a t the past tw enty years, looked for m ight visit Coolidge, and express 037, or >21.31 per capita. This Vining is one of the mo3t eloquent win the Oregon electoral votes. j be wou,d Kive little consideration a Tory victory. The Labor Party their sum pathies for his cause. was >5,056,996 more than the men I ever heard, and I ’ve heard Locally, it i3 adm itted on all ( to the appointm ent, at least until of which Prem ier MacDonald Is total payments of the year ex­ most of the good ones in the coun­ ______ , 8ides th&t La F ollette will re- after today, when burial services a leader, must get a m ajority in clusive of the payments for per­ try. He made Oregon look so ScMttio ritr vvn. d —— ceive a splendid vote in this city will be held for Mr. Wallace at today’s election for the Prem ier at le C itj Head W ill R esign if P endleton Scene o f O peration for and the stronge m anent improvements, but >3,- good, th a t I felt like leaving my to rem ain in power. jst La Foleltte fol­ Des Moines, la. Committee Signifies That Is 038,154 less than the total pay­ job and moving out there. I Big Still With Capacity of 80 While an early selection is ex­ lowers are making predictions th a t T heir Pleasure m ents including those for perm a­ heard him four or five time, d u r­ Gallons every 24 Hours Ashland will be carried by La pected to be made by the presi­ LOCAL MEN ATTEND nent improvements. These pay­ ing our various conferences, and dent, in view of his proposal to Follette. BANKERS MEETING SEATTLE, W ash., Oct. 29. — m ents in excess of revenue re ­ did not know he came from Ash­ get under way in the near future PENDLETON, Oct. 29. — A There is very little interest in John J. Johnson, Ellis K night A fter issuing a statem ent last • m onster still that, had a capacity ceipts were m et from the proceeds land until I got back home. I Local hanker: and directors a t­ and John Totten of Klam ath Falls week in which he named a com- of 80 gallons was seized and five the contests for the state and sen­ an investigation of agricultural of debt obligations. thought he was from one of the conditions it is not considered tended a meeting of The South­ atorial offices. It is rare that In Oregon property and spec­ larger cities like Portland. I un­ were arrested by game wardens m ittee of 32 prom inent citizens men were arrested Saturday night one hears anybody talking of any ' the choice will be made ern Oregon B ankers’ Association ial taxes* represented 45.3 per derstand th a t for a year, he has P arr and Go’.eman Sunday, Octo­ to conduct an investigation of city near Tollgate, in the Blue m oun­ of these candidates. The ra c e ' hefore «lection, a week from yes- at G rants Pass last night. A t­ cent of the total revenue for been giving a Tot of time to boost­ ber 26 at P o tte r’s Mill. Jenny affairs, Mayor Brown today fol­ tains, by W. F. Hoskins and Leo terday. torney Allen of Grants Pass spoke for U. S-. Senator is certain to he 1923, 41 per cent for 1922 a n d ’ ing Oregon. We tried tó get him Creek. Johnson was arrflfeted on lowed it up with an announcem ent Reiden, state special agents. The The name of Frank O. Lowden, on the various am endm nts which between Senator McNary and the charge of killing a female th a t he *o u ld reaign it jjj €4 7 per cent for 1917. Tfjp q « ill t o V ftW r t r t r t t t f c X (Lor and was t a k e n t o K l a m a t h him » n e tte d w e p u t t sritsl M ilM JL MITI». N è à l,c „ MU BY EASTERN LEADER OF NEW SECRETARY MONSTER STILL IS UDII AS MAYOR OF ',5 MEN ARRESTED FOR vik tVx© H TTioYint o f J - (sr s talli in infltmiioiu on lilt p ro p erty w a v b a c k , b u t th o s e e a ste r n c it ie s and special taxes collected was have tied him up. His work is F alls and fined >50. T otten and K night < ./ m itte e req u ested It. and h l3 so n , K en n eth S m ile y , h a s b een h ea rd a s to th e ra ce fo r “I have placed my3elf and the Henry Young. Frank Estoupe and congress in this district. ww th e fir s t The today. ûî i m t o to C o o l l d « « j a n d su g g e ste d everybody John Lee Coulter of the ’ cuasion. jo in e d These who in th e d is - attended w ere ar­ affairs of the city in the hands 178.8 per cent from 1917 to 1923, w orth thousands of dollars in ad­ Duck Lawler. All five men are race for state treasu rer between North Dakota A gricultural and ifroni As hland were. V. O. N. Smith but there was a decrease of 0.6 vertising the beauties and re ­ rested for having female deer in of this com m ittee,”' the mayor held in jail in lieu of >750 bonds Thomas B. Kay and Jefferson Mechanics college, and Samuel | and Fred Ingall, of The Citizens per cent from 1922 to 1923. The sources of hist state, and I ’m in their possession. They plead said. “ I am willing to do w hat ( i th a t were required of each in Myers is the most interesting state Adams, editor and ex-president of. Bank; J. W. McCoy, G. H. Wen- guilty at the court ,, . 10 K lam ath th e com m ittee th in k s b est even ju stice of the nence nmirt per capita property and special a work th a t enable me to know r, contest. The other state contests the American A gricultural Edi­ ner and C. If. Vuipel of The F irst re sig u in , tu rn ov„ taxes were >9.65 in 1923. >9.85 ju st w hat such service is worth. FalU and were held pending a de- have not created any excitement to rs’ association were other names National Bank and G. G. Eubanks cisión of the game commftsion. in 1922 and >3.79 in 1917. to it any evidence I have. ’ j outdone tales of moonshining In locally. I wish we had him here in In ­ mentioned. of The Ashland State Bank. Earnings of general d epart­ dianapolis.” The evidence referred to w asj m ountains in the south. The full The most warmly contested race BOY “ PIONEERS” ments, or compensation for ser­ th a t which Brown collected in his crew consisted of five men, and in county politics is between J. ANOTHER HERD IS vices rendered by state officials, HOLD ROUND-UP streetcar investigation, and some» two of those are said by officers J. McMahon, Republican, and REPORTED AFFECTED represented 6.9 per cent of the Monday evening ’ he three Pio. of which is said to support t h a ; t o have been on outpost guard Ralph Jennings, Demortrat, for total revenue for 1923, 6.4 per statem ent of E. B. Minich, ex- duty. They were arm ed, and deer sheriff, which is certain to be a HOUSTON. Tex., Oct. 29. — An neer CTubs of the city under» the cent for 1922 and 10.6 per cent secret investigator for Mayor ( hunters have reported to officers boss _________ ____________ outbreak of foot and mouth dis­ race." Both candidates are leadership of Mills. Galey and Van Brown now testifying against Wm.i th a t they were ordered ftt the j generally known, and hav for 1917. ease was discovered today in a Poyant met for the first of m a n y 'th a t certain labor leaders « . l d T . T ° raerea 106! 8*,,eriUiy KI,own- anu nave serv- Business and non-businessi li­ planned m onthly round-ups. The I „ „ t to the ,ra‘ dou X p a n y “ " a “ ‘ "7 ‘0 ' ‘ hI“ capa,' l“ es' 80 thP herd of 300 cattle belonging to censes constituted 29.5 per cent SEATTLE. Oct. 29. — The city J. M. Catquard on his ranch about Charged with stealing equip­ affair took oh the tid e of H a llo -!,he sale of the “tree? “ " nwil(inKly » 1 - have a busi, of service upon j council committeemen inve3ti- of the total revenue for 1923, we’en Partv The evening w aa' * « 7 I ra ilw a y , proached the still. Henry Y oung.1 which to pass judgm ent three miles north of Alvin In 25.4 per cent for 1922 and 11 ment from the Armory here, Vic- w een i a n y . in e evening was system. Brown refused to tu rn O ther offices which have more BatiRg the widesPread ramiflca- Brazoria county. ^>ne of the five men arrested, was per cent for 1917. Receipts from i tor Dale of this city was lodged spent in ‘bobbing for apples” , this* evidence over to Ralph Nich- bv officpr_ hnvo 1 than one . undidate seeking elec- j tion of municipal affairs, includ­ This is 25 miles from the place business licenses consist chiefly in the city Jail this rooming? on nigar baby and other games. ols, councilman and chairm an of ed when he was taken ing the conduct of the m ayor’s where the infection was first dis- tion are: County judge, W. J. * 7 tk of taxes exacted from the insur-! a larceny charge by Chief of Wet heads testified to the sue- the city council efficiency com -' mu office, received its first setback i covered and is the first outbreak cess of the various contestants L i t t e . L the « o u h d Z t N i r t X 1 .a The " '° ’ ” Bh' ne m anufactured iu H artzell. Republican; „ William ance and other incorporated com-1 Police McNabb. in "bobbing" . b i l e the "n ig er" ™ " X S T . e^o u rt^ to £ ' , 7 7 “ ‘d WaeJ- 1 U lrk h ' dem ocrat; County ------ com- today when Corporation counsel ¡n Texas outside of H arris coun- paniea, and of sales tax on g aso -: 11 13 alle6e40,876,118. or record was >1,139,430; Klam ath can, Nellie M. Perl, Independent; >49.82 per capita. The per capita a checkup was made in the equip­ to useful acts if they would and Falls, >1,485.566; Salem, >1472., Miss Delilia Stevens, Republican, net debt for 1922 was >46.40 and m ent of the local unit of the Na­ still receive as much as enjoy­ 935. has no opposition for county ment. tional Guard. for 1917 66 cents. KELSO, Oct. 29.— Fanned by clerk, while the following were HOOD RIVER, Oct. 29. — In Dale will be arraigned before a high wind, fire caused ^bout endorsed by both Republicans and a memorandum decision forw ard­ Police Judge Baughm an tom or­ >50,000 damage to west Kelso Democrats, J. B. Coleman, coun­ ed to attorneys here today, Circuit row m orning for his prelim inary WORLD PLANES ARE early today, and may have caused ty assessor; A. C. W alker, coun­ Judge Wilson of The Dalles an­ hearing. It is believed he will TAKEN FROM DUTY the death of A. W eist, of Portland. ROSEBURG, Oct. 29. — O. ty treasu rer; T. G riffith Cow- nounced granting of a plea of the be bound over to the superior gill, county surveyor; rep resen -! Palm er, wood cutter, charged with Apple Growers' association to re­ SAN DIEGO, Oct. 29. — The The fire started in the Longview court, since he has signified his tative, two be elected, J. H. i improper relations with his two strain Raymond M. Wood from arm y fliers, cafe in the Cox Building, and des­ intentions of pleading not guilty round-the-world troyed the entire business block. Carkin and R. P. Cowgill, Repub- daughters, attem pted to commit the sale of the apple crop of a headed by L ieutenant Lowell H. to the charges. W elst’s car was found, badly iican, and E. H. Hurd, Democrat; suicide in jail here today by cut- large west side orchard place Smith, landed at Rockwell field burned, parked across the street D istrict attorney, N. W. Borden, j ting his throat with a razor. Al- through any other source than here today from Santa Monica, , DAVIS SAYS HE IS from the W est Kelso Hotel. W eist dem ocrat and N. C. Chaney, R e-, though weakened by the los9 of the association. PORTLAND, Oct. 29. — Port- BOISE, Idaho, Oct. 29. An TO AID THE FARMER California. has not shown up, and it is fe a r-’ land continued today to be the publican. 1 blood, Palm er is expected to re- No local fruit litigation has ever The three airplanes used by the attem pt was made this morning on . In terest in the city election i s , cover. _____ ___ _____ he may have lost his life in center of a center coast-wise storm aroused keener interest, as the NEW YORK, Oct. 29. — The f,,ers were turned over to arm y the life of Dr. C. S. Allen, Boise not yet aroused very strongly, j Mrs. Palm er walked the floor case involved construction for the authorities here and no longer f ir® ’ sin® e all records of the which last night swept the entire physician, in his office in the Mc­ restoration of norm al living con­ hotels have been destroyed, th ere state of Oregon, and p a rt of W ash-j The main contest, where in the in her home all night in a crazed first time in a membership con- C arthy building by Mrs'. O. O. ditions of the farm ers of the coun- will be used for aviation. is no means of checking upon ington, causing severe damage in interest which has been condition. She may be examined tract of growers affiliated with the (N ellie) Robins, 55. Only her j try is the outstanding economic is- biro. several localities. aroused is centered, is the race for her sanity, as it is alleged cooperative sales agency. The poor aim saved the physician. The sue in th is presidential campaign, for mayor and for city recorder, sh« endeavored to sm other one association’s complaint alleged ** - y h e North Head w eather sta- bullet passed so close to his head John Davi3, Democratic nominee with the la tte r probably causing of her small children. j th at the defendants, O. B. Nye, GERMAN ASTRONOMER tion, a t the m outh of the Colum- th a t a powder burn was left on lor th a t office declared here to- the most discussion. ’_______________________ ¡his wife, and Mr. Wood, had con. FINDS SKY PROWLER bia river, reported a hurricane, the tem ple above the left eye. in the second pre-election I O. H. Johnson and C. H. Pierce ------------------- spired in the m atter of the con- ---------- i blowing a t the rate of TO miles Mrs. Robins was arrested im- statem ent which he has issued, are the m ayorality candidates, " e G' G Eubanks ha3 no op-' tract in orlk a ,l°" » ' "J" cartridges in her handbag. Fifty! NEW YORK, Oct. 29. — Two Vancouver Island d u rin g 'th e past Its position a t 7 o’clock tonight went out a t Roseburg a choice o , men. as „ is [or ,he p„ bll ’ “ " ‘and“ i i a „ 7 ^ 7 w "„ m ore dynam ite caps were la te r men are dead and three are con­ two nights, according to radio is given as rig h t ascension 2 1 1 R eports from La Grande and stood all of the candidates are for rOad2000. work for him at one time. is held responsible. J • — - ’’ J ¡ UV JIII p t J I I M U I ■torm. • Ith compensation law for hazardous which totalled 1.43 inches. positions on the w ater board, occupations. There is wisdom in reading ads. j SEATTLE COMMIÏÏEE VICTOR DALE JAILED radw«j 77" KELSO, WASHINGTON SEVERE STORM HITS STATE, DDES MÜCH IT AT BOISE, IDAHO. M. DDE TO ARRIVE IN MAKES SUICIDE TRIAL