h AGE RitfS A shland D àì L y ttíhñgs Tuesday, October 28, 10lU bocal » P ersonal Jiotes A D ally C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, and ev en ts o f local Interest Amnno- those ♦», u made . the tu u ia X f ------------ i ItUiJUJbKY « : Cowan, m anager; Charles Among who ^*«**«3» SUSPECT IS OUT D°yle- secretary; ¿ . A. Seidel, S. trip to Klam ath Falls this noon ! j E - Mollden, E rnst Hoch. • —------- ‘ E. Mollden, E rnst Hoch, William W illiam to attend the m eeting of Aloha EUGÈNE Oct 27 Byron ; W allace and A. W. Jeffries, Jr. Chapter. O. E. S. and aaeist in K. W heeler! Eugene man arrest- The party has had o t t o ' noUMe :: the exemplification of th eir in- ' ed a week a g o to d a y . . 7 „ £ n ’ ¿ Z M- ■ , » ° “ M’ | , itiatory work were Misses Geòrgie ro'bber suspect, held tirs , a t th e vartou stage's »7V e « ‘p “ his for life by r t g h t ^ l o n g and F o r t ^ o 7 " p1“ *™1 Water frd m J Oregon potato yield fid* neaee»hm . - 5 , . _ rt R ck 'a lle y is to be m arket- mated at 3,76(5,000 busheli. peaceable possession, and in his ed in bottled form, for medical determ ination to hold on to pub­ use. »c offlee at any cost, put p „ , f.ia his wlt, wife e lic W office ^ n d i d a V T o " *" ‘“dePC“d Coffee, R uth Osmund, Lydia Me- rCn „ 00t of officers — .. ... ~ „ . ip’ \ en t candidate for coroner TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY request at Auburn, Cal.. Cowan, in speaking of the trip, l Since iosing QUt ,n ; _ , Call, Em ma Jenkins, Elsie Alexan- and la te r on word received from Spends W eekend— Has R eturned— ............... ' der. Mesdames Peterson. Bates, Grace Lum an spen he weekend C. R. Moore, clerk for the ! Brown, Mr. and Mrs. McRae and Woodland, Cal., was released to­ all the. other states along i the s : ! ,ov’ ? ° ie c h“ o u r s e * d is -! ; Dependable s " ™ Contracting ° * ~ ‘ “ “ v n' Committee of the 4 7 -2 - S a t. Tnes. ---------- her 29 failed to recognize Wheel- John Taylor to th a t place. ______________ g i Jackson County Republican Cen- : ---- 1 C liff Payne has Inland ladders. ; er as one of the robbers, although MARCEL AND CURL LAST ■ tral Committee is going to tu rn ! ’ R M T l RE FOR SALE: — ! they said th a t the pictures sent Hallowe’en Decoratio s.— Mc- LONGER a fte r a Golden Glint the case of John Perl, Medford un. I Phone 391_J- 49— 4 Beautify your home Now is 1 to the California town resembled N air Bros. Shampoo. the time to plant all "kinds of the robber and W heeler in per dertaker and chronic office-seek­ FOR R EN T:— Five room fu r­ , ---------- I Nursery stock. See S. Penniston, son looked something like him, er, over to the voters of Jackson T o E ureka— nished house on Mt. avenue. In­ Let us fill your pall wîrh S w ifu j 175 E. Main. 48__tf they declared. F o r ten years John Perl has county. The Committee has no quire at 713 Oak St. 49__2* Theodore Russell left yeäter Silver Lea; lard. Costs less thafi The officers at A uburn tele­ held the office of Coroner of doubt of their decision. FOR R EN T:— A w inter cabin 18 GORE TAKES PLACE graphed a few days ago th a t Jsckson County. In all the p ri­ Publicity Committee, he will bring back a car for a more nutritious. Detricks. an" Or and 30 prov,dcd 100 boxes large Spltzenburg and for ?5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo Mahon as an officer who vigor­ 6.000 m ile.. He spoke of t“ 1 P in the statu tes th a t a defeated 24-tf Newtown cull apples, 50 cents. of course. ously enforces the law, especially early developm ent of Oregon and candidate can not file as an in­ Bring your box or sack. F ru it As­ the prohibition law. then gave an interesting account In A shland— dependent. sociation. » 44— 6 As a citizen who believes in j of th e constitution, its blessings H. H. Schanmel, traveling audi­ Mr. Perl, evidently obsessed the enforcem ent of all law, I and sancticy, which he stated tor for the pacific car demerge Mascabee dance Oct. 29 for shoulà be glad indeed to see Me- Senator La Follette wanted to members and friends at Odd Fel­ bureau and a form er resident of Mahon elected as sheriff of Jack- make of secondary im portance to Sizes Range up to 4G lows Hall. 4 7— 2 Ashland now living in San F ran ­ son county. congress. He said th a t congress cisco. is transacting business for I believe we would find In him could easily by overriding the de­ a few days in Ashland. F rom M edford— an officer who would conduct the cision of the suprem e court decree Miss Claudia Klum was in Ash­ no more elections should be You are welcome to compare office of Sheriff in an efficient j land from Medford last evening and economical manner. , held, thus m aking themselves au­ and visited friends. Miss Klum m.v Automobile rates w ith any tocratic, they could order all peo- ALBERT C. JOY. other rates in Jackson or Jose­ is a form er Ashland resident. • Pie to worship one religion and Liberty Six phine Counties; you can be the do most anything else they wanted Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. In Tow n — to if La F o llette’s idea of letting Mitchell Touring .. . $ 75 30— tf Major W aller of Salem was In : Congress be the supreme umpire Ashland yesterday inspecting the ---------- prevailed. Reo Speed Wagon . .$350 local Coast A rtillery. Major Wal- ' ,,rse R eturns Horn, • Jeffries, who nominated Charles YOUR CHOICE ler is senior instructor of the C. Mr8‘ Emraa McKibben, who has Ford Coupe ........$375 ______ , G. Dawes at the Cleveland con- A. C. and attended the Lithian been taking a three months trip j Prohibition enforcem ent expen-' vention’ paid a glowing tribute feed which was held at the Nelda ln the east’ 8Outh and California Ford Roadster ........$225 Dawes, as wel1 well as to has returned to h er home In Ash- d itures in Jackson county for th e ' I to fighting Dawes’ Cafe last evening. land. She reports th a t she is very lnonth of October, totalled 9931.82' sterllng worth of Calvin Coo- glad to retu rn . according to the records of th e ' 7 dge’ and said now was tl»e time H. W. Conger was nominated Quick Service on Rnyl>estos county clerk’s office. This is the ,•?, 7. ~ the support of Coo- by fair means for Corner. W ill B rake L in in g highest of the year. The pay. ! lidge and Da™ 8- He made a very Did you visit The Ashland you have this nom ee for th a t interesting talk of 30 minutes. office, or continue r the fifth Laundry today? Visitors are wel­ ments were as follows: s: B. Sandefer .............. H 8 3 82 „ , T° d a y ” arked the clg,,,,, WMk term with the preser incum bent9 come— The Ashland Laundry. S. B. Sandefer. , alary ' ! ? h' 2*” ’ “ , ‘ ‘° ” r '™ m P l^ 49— 2 Vote or Conger. 49— 2 advance ......... 150 »„ ,h ’ Yern ,o n t. <« o r « " - O u r M eat t has won many new cus­ tomers who know market it is tiip best the market affords. E agle M arket N. Main Phon e 107 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ One Special Shipment of L adies B rushed Wool and A ngora Y arn SWEATERS Both straight and tailored sleeves; single and double breasted with and without pockets. CAR BARGAINS Colors — Harding Blue, Orange, Jade, Silver Leaf, Penny, Tan and Brown. PROHIB EXPENSE A New Lot of A rrives H ere— Biggest in life’s time Hallow­ e'en M asquerade and hard time Ball a t Ja c k so n Hot Springs F ri­ day, Oct. 31. W ear either mas­ querade or hard time clothes. 6 prizes 6. Bulowski’s Californians. Betft m ilk— L ininger’s D a lry J • 47— 3 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. I ™ ‘ atrons Club— 28__tf ae as^ M atrons Club m eeting, has been changed from Wednes day evening to Friday evening, on In A shland— C.H. H arrison, joint superin- account of 80 many going to I tendent for Congregational I aniatl* Falls to attend the meet- churches In Oregon and southern ° tbe Aloha Chapter there. _ T h p fln h xUI The club n will meet Friday even­ Idaho, Is in Ashland today con ing *at the home of Mrs. A. E. ferrlng w ith the local church in Kinney. regard to plans for the year. L. L. Jensen, forem an for the architect of the new tourist hotel arrived in Ashland last evening from M arshfield and is ready to begin w'ork. Save 910.00, walk upstairs to 100 boxes large Spltzenburg and Orres tailor, shop. 17__tf Newtown cull apples, 50 cents. B ring your box or sack. F ru it As­ sociation. 44-6 Much R ain— A large am ount of rain fell d u r­ ing the night and this morning, In Town— R. P. Burkehead of Portland, am ounting to 1.01 precipitation representing the John C. W ins­ according to w eather observer, ton textbook publishing company Louis Dodge. This is the first has been visiting in Ashland for real rain of the season and is a few days and called upon Geo. greatly appreciated by all. A. Briscoe, member of the text­ 8weet cream for whipping and book commission for Oregon. He coffee— also fresh milk, always left this m orning for Marshfield an Ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf and reported th a t he enjoyed his stay here very much. Yes, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual­ Choice Holland bulbs, Darwin ity Bread, from tho oven over 31— 6 tulips, best standard varieties, the counter, 8 and 12c. 75c dozen; daffodils 75c dozen; narcissus 40c dozen; jonquils 40c R etu m ed H om e— dozen; hyanclnths, all colors, 10c Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dodge and each; Chinese lillies, 15c each. Mrs. B. R. Greer returned home Ashland Greenhouse. Phone 120. Sunday evening from the Parent- Following 47— 4 Teacher Convention. the convention Mr. and Mrs. G rants P a ss D efeated— Dodge made a business trip to The Medford high school foot­ Portland and Mrs. Greer visited ball team defeated the G rants with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Steven­ Pass high school team 27-0 Sat­ son of Eugene, form er residents urday afternoon, and eliminated of Ashland. th e ir strongest contender for the southern Oregon chambionship. NOTICE The visitors were outclassed in Preaching every evening a«, all departm ents, and their high-! 7:30 p. m„ a t Lyric th eatre, by ly touted aerial attack was stop­ Eld. T. E. G riffith, Missionary ped in its tracks. The defeat B aptist.— Public Invited. 48— 3* was a b itte r disappointm ent to G rants Pass, who had directed all th e ir efforts tow ards the defeat Many Cars Off Road— During th e rain of Sunday of Medford.— Medford Mail Trib­ many cars were seen off the high­ une. way where they had skidded into the ditch. N ear Cottage Grove one C andidate Here— accident occurred which nearly V ictor Bursell, a t i esent mem-1 A car of Eu- her of the Jackson c unty board: resulted fatally ______ of commissioners and the Repub- gene People went over an em liean candidate for re-election, bankment in attem pting to miss was in Ashland this m orning a cow- One woman suffered a greeting his m any friends here, i broken arRt and the driver was Mr. Bursell Is one of the most alm08t killed by the weight of the successful farm ers in this re g io n .' car wbicb rested on his head. Passing m otorists helped take out the occupants and rushed the in­ Styleplus Clothes, A m erica’s jured woman to Cottage Grove forem ost style line of Suits and for medical attention. __ G rants Over Coats at Paulseruds. 48— tf , Pass Courier. THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL TODAY, TOMORROW and THURSDAY (A* < Gloria r a QanuKHul &iduv ALLAN DWAN Chevrolet, and D odge S ales and Service — ------- - — •w here Your D ollar H as »fore C ents’ Look at our line of Dresses $6.50 Up I C h iffo n V e lv e t’D resses $19 f t v t n U A by Ad o 1 ph Zulior •AN Automotive Shop Junior Misses Hats Just in $2.25 and $2.98 75 PRODUCTION Society isn ’t easily shocked, but the Colbert affair rocked it like an earthquake. “ A braham L incoln” October 4, 5, 6 A free ticket is waiting at the box office for anyone who knew LINCOLN Sizes, 16 to 40; Colors, Black and Brown vahie °Y n°f Til ^3rgeS* ^ ew York dress •»»uses conies this wonderful dress u wdl marvel that such pretty velvet dresses can he sold at $19.75 -o- -o- SILK DRESSES $16.75—$19.75 -o- FLANNEL DRESSES $19.75 Two lots that contain some ex­ Plain botany flannel and stripe ceptionally good, dresses. fancy flannels. -o- The Rialto Theatre MEDFORD W ednesday N ight, O ctober 29tli a t 7:30 P. M. A Wonderful Presentation of the Greatest Political Motion Picture of the Campaign “T h e S p irit of 1924” Address by Hon. Albert L. Johnson Nephew of U. S. Senator Hiram Johnson One of the Greatest Orators of the West Admission free—Adults only “ -O - SILK DRESSES $ 2 4 5 M 2 9 .7 5 Two popular priced lots of fine street and afternoon dresses. -o- -o- TWILLEEN DRESSES $19.75 Similar to Charmeen -o- Finer Wool dresses from SILK DRESSES $34.50—$44.50 Exquisite materials and clev­ er designing in these better dresses that when it comes from this L „ , „ ............ iou.uu ated. The personnel of the party R ucker-T axi ^company .... 97.50. was; A. W. Jeffries, John P. Mtl* j $24.50 to $44.50