AsfttÁÑb MAttf » r a “ &■ ■ M M M _ .... high neck, which has become one of the characteristics of the W in ­ ter mode. PHYSICIANS . I t really Is th e logical cOflcliis- C la r if ie d Colum n R ates ion of the long, narrow silhouette OR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings One cent the word each of 1924 th a t extends w ithout a office. Phone 91. time. break from her kneea to the lobes To run every issue for one DR. C. W. HANSON ~ of m ilady’s ears. The chic touch month or more, %c the word of the high-m ounting collar has D entist | CALENDAR OF EVENTS each time. Special attention given to pyor- Tuesday, October 28. Civic Club set women to adm iring and ac­ rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver will g iv e' ladies and gentlemen cepting a fashion which would FOR RENT Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. card party at club house at_eight have been considered very uncom­ i_______________________________ i o'clock. Cards for those who fortable two years ago. FOR REN T:— Garage, new and DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P?ac- to play. Program and re- The new collar, no m atter how excessable. 42 3rd St. 48— tf tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose anu freshm ents. high it is, is not a stiff-boned af­ th ro at— X-ray including teeth. Wednesday, October 29. Past fair. The curved neckpiece but­ FOR R EN T:— Furnished front Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 te i M atron’s Club will meet. Place tons up to the chin, but not tig h t­ room apartm ent. 349 E ast Main ly, so it can w rinkle down in 5. Swedenburg Bldg., A sh lan d ,’ wm be announced later. St. 47— 6 sm art fashion like the old-time Ore. • » • long glove. Stocks are num erous, N intieth A nniversary— FOR RENT: — Cozy 2-room DR. E. B. ANGELL—Chiropractic Mrs. C. T. Payne, Sr., celebrated also, made of supple silk or lame furnished apartm ent w ith kitch­ and Electro-Therapy. Office nlntieth birthday anniversary ribbon, wrapped loosely about the enette and private bath. 357 phone 48; residence 142. First at the home Qf Mr and Mrs. Syl. neck and loosely tied. Madeleine Vista street. Phone 122. 47— tf N ational Bank buUding. | vester P atterson Sunday. The V ionnet is m aking a yoke collar gathering was in the form of a which starts a t the shoulders and FOR RENT— Furnished house, THE SOUTHERN OREGON family reunion and tw enty were is sometimes gathered into a 478 Boulevard. 36— lm o CLINIC present. A delicious two-course corner-knot, w ith a necktie, which 1st National Bank Bldg. FOB SALE M edical Surgical O bstetrical dinner was served by the hostess. ends in a serie3 of points, back D iagnostic X-ray A pleasant afternoon was spent in and front, or a t the side. FOR SALE C H EA P:— Horse, R. W. Stearns, M. D. The organdie collars and cuffs, conversation, a t which tim e Mrs. wagon and harness; also Edison R. E. Green, M. D. which were introduced this Sum­ R. W. Sleeter, M. D. Payne, who is one of the early Phonograph and other articles. m er as the finishing touch for pioneers of this section, told of Office hours 2-5 p. m. Inquire 1116 Oak St. 48— 2 many of the cretonne and crepes Phone 238-R h er experiences while crossing the FOR SALE: — Fresh Cow. plains- w ith an ox team . The | m orning frocks, find th e ir con­ MONUMENTS Phone 14F21, Rosa P etit. East group 9 throughly enjoyed the tinuation in the little w hite collars ASHLAND GRANITE Main. 48— 5* stories, which told of the many which top many of the daytime MONUMENTS hardships which Mrs. Payne suf­ robes for W inter wear. The FOR SA LE:— One Boar Hog, B lair G ranite Co. fered. Mrs. Payne is still able i sm artest of these roll quaintly and one and half years old. R egister­ S. PENNISTON, Manager I to attend to her business in ter­ descend in the front, w here they ed. O. I. C. Inquire of W. K. Mc- Office 175 E. Main ests and is an exceedingly interest­ are knotted together something Clay. One mile N. E. of Talent. like a striped four-in-hand a bit Res. Phone 444-Y ing woman. 48— 6» The house wa3 decorated with feminized. A favorite form is the ("NT GIRL IN TROUBLE— May roses and bouquets of them adorn­ caviller collar, which is some­ FOR SALE:— Late Ford Road­ communicate with Ensign Lee thing like the old B uster Brown ster, fine condition. Robison’s of the Salvation Army at the ed the tables. Those present were Messrs and of several years back, bu t made garage. 48— tf W hiteShield Home, 565 May- Mesdames E. B. B arron, A. R. of lace or organdie and tied fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE: — Dry pine and Brown, Geo. Alford, Sam J o r­ about the th ro a t with a simple oak wood. Phone 447L. 47— 4* don, Dexter P atterson and fam ­ ribbon, instead of inserting inself PLANING MILL ily, C. T. Payne, Mrs. M. J. into the neck of the frock. Most FOR SALE: — 14 inch hard am using is the “ Incroyable” (u n ­ IORDON’8 „ SASH AND CABINET "N Shook, Misses Echo and E thel Al­ believable) collar, th a t is a stock wood, >4.40 tier delivered. Geo. WORKS, Cor. Helman and ford and M arjorie and Elizabeth Yockel. Box 95 B. 47— 3* Van Ness. 1 9 ftf Payne. Mrs. C. T. Payne, Sr., and unattached to gown it firnishes. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester P atterson. The space between the neckline FOR SALE: — Term inal Cafe TRANSFER AND EXPRESS and the ribbon th a t knots the * ♦ * In Stage Terminal Hotel. Owner W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. collar into place high about the C elebrates A nniversary— returning to Alaska. P. O. Box for SERVICE. The seventieth birthday of Mr. th ro a t shows through the thin ma­ 766, Roseburg. 47— 6* Experienced movers and pack­ W. R. Davis of Allison street was terial, often leaving the sides and FOR SALE: — 12-inch body ers of household goods. Deal- celebrated a t his home Sunday back of the shoulder bare, while 1 I fir, >3.50 per tier. Address W. R. ers In coal and wood. Phone with an anniversary dinner. There i the stock descends in front on the W illiams, Rt. 1, Ashland. 41— 10* 117. were fourteen members of th e frock and is fastened th ere in a Office 89 Oak St. near family gathered around the table. form al way. 6-ROOM Modern House, 2 Jeanne Lanvin, is p u ttin g a Hotel Ashland A delicious three-course dinner blocks from H aw thorne school p retty turnover collar on a dress on paved street, well furnished. T. L. POWELL— General T rans­ was served. The members of the of sand-colored kasha, which is family spent the afternoon a t the Lot 80x160. P arty leaving town. fer— Good team, and motor Davis home and Mr. Davis told of distinctive because of its melon­ F or quick saie >3250, on good trucks. G >od service a t a rea- many of his boyhood experiences, shaped sleeves th a t are em broid­ term s at 6 per cent. W. W. Robi­ Houab?e price. Phone 83. in an exceedingly interesting way. ered in a delicate line of black. son, 63 North Main St. 38— tf ■X Mr. Davis is 3eventy years old FEHIGE-ROACH T ilin g s Ads brings results. Bungalowse—Lots but Is still well and happy and T ransfer — Express — Storage planning for another sim ilar din­ I have some fine Bungalows, Houses and 'Building Lots in Ash­ Hauling — Dray w oik of all ner next year. ' * * * land fer sale, will accept good kinds. Quick motor service. Dry wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R Bonds, Notes or M ortages on H alow e’en P arty— 112-tf A delightful party was given ■ payments, and give easy term s on 375 B. St. at the home of Miss Rosina Gal­ balance. Se me before buying a in a hou se is unn ecessary w ith POLITICAL announcem ents la tin of Valley View Saturday home. 9 evening. The evening was spent th e w id e range o f ligh t, airy A. L. LAMB, 178 A St.. w all paper d esign s w e have to G. W . Milam in playing games, singing and Box 422, Ashland. Independent 35— 1 Mo. conversation. At the close d e ­ o ffer you. Candidate for County School licious refreshm ents w’ere served Buy better milk. Phone 257-J Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ by the dainty hostess. The table for it. 38— 1 mo.* ty, Oregon. was decorated in Hallowe’en col­ ors and autum n leaves adorned FOR SALE — or exchange for AN NOUNCEMENT the rooms. >35.000.00. 160 acres, 100 culti­ In announcing myself as an Those present were Misses Hilda vated, free w ater, lot3 of it. 20 head of large size Registered J e r­ Independent candidate for Cor­ and Freda H ansen, R osetta McGee, seys. the finest strain in Oregon. oner for Jackson county;— I do Morea Gilmore, Messrs Georgie 30 head of registered Duroc pigs. so with the firm belief tha» the Lowe, Carl and Oscar Hansen. people do not want m inority rule. Frederick Hansen, Nels Lawson, j 200 W hite Leghorn chickens, team It is proven th a t th e direct Norby, W ertz, Mr3. Lowe, Francis j of Registered Im ported Perctfon prim aries are a failure, only 30 and Rosina Gallatin and Mr. and j the OLD IRON AWAY m ares 1900 lbs. each. About >3000.00 worth of farm equip­ per cent vote was cast a t the Mrs. Gallatin. No m atter w hat condition it spring prim aries. which is not a * * * ments, modern house, large barn is in, or w h eth er it’s an electric voice of the people. In ¿his elec­ P aris Style H int— and other buildings. Will take PARIS, Oct. 28.— Nothing suc­ or n ot, w e w ill m ake an allow - income property up to >20,000.00, tion all parties have the privilege of voting for th eir choice. ceeds like a change when it comes anee o f » 1 .0 5 on each purchase long time on balance at 6 per cent. I need no introduction to the to woman’s dress. The low necks o f a new Courtesy to brokers or agents. J. J. Deakin. Phone 330, Ashland people of Jackson county where worn the past few years h a v e , I have lived for 15 years, and given way to the novelty of the ELECTRIC IRON Oregon. 33— 1 mo. given the best of my life, time and money for the upbuilding and W e w ill a lso allow $ 1 .0 0 on M ISC E L LA N EO U S betterm ent of the entire commun­ For a sm ooth shave any old coffee pot or perco­ ity. *■ and quick service go lator In the purchase o f a new WANTED:— Good young ho^se; I have been assistant to the to th e Shell B arber E lectric P ercolator. w eight about 1500 lbs.,»to work present coroner for eight years Shop. Ladies and single. Also one horse wagon and and understand every detail of children get your h a k harness. M. E. Bond, Ashland, the work, therefore I am compet­ bobbed and m arcel­ Oregon. 47— 3* ent to handle the affairs of the led. WANTED: — Nursing. Will office. Onr Phone 82 Yours for clean, progressive W. A. SHELL, Prop. consider house work. Am a post Ifain - P laza A shland and efficient. women and men in >32 A. St. Ashland, Ore graduate of N. W. school of m as­ sage and electro-therapeutics. office in Jackson county. NELLIE M. PERL. Mrs. Leighton, 153 G ranite or Phone 153. 33— 1 mo. ANNOUNCEMENT Classified Column Tuesday« October SÄ, 1024 M M M H Ato PROFESSIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET «• Legislative and County FOR COUNY COMMISSIONER— FOR REPRESENTATIVES— Victor Bursell John H. Car kin Ralph P. Cowgill They have had experience. Their work has been satisfactory. The) should be re-elected . Successful as farmer and business man. Will give bis best efforts to the business interests of the county»- Vote for Victor Bursell Vote for Uarkin and Cowgill FOR COUNTY CLERK— FOR COUNTY JUDGE— Delilia Stevens W. J. Hartzell Fifteen years in Jackson countv. Successful both as a farmer and as a business man. Strongly endorsed by his neighbors. A heavy taxpayer and consequent­ ly vitally interested in the reduction of taxes. Pledg­ ed to co-operate with representatives of the differ­ ent road districts tor -an equitable distribution of county road funds. Pledged to abolish unnecessary expense for law enforcement. z Deputy County Clerk for the past five years and thoroughly familiar with the duties of the office. Vote for W. J. Hartzell Don’t Throw Murphy Elec. Co. County Coroner WANTED— Work by dompetent In announcing my candidacy experienced janitor. All or part time. W ill do anything. Refer­ for the office of coroner, I feel ences 218-Y. 32— tf th at I am no stranger among you. as I was duly nominated a t the Goats Bred by registered May prim ary on the republican buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, ticket for which I am thankful. low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 And I hold out the same belief u iie s south on Pacific Highway now as then th a t the m ajority 14— 1 mo.* should and m ust rule and am at all tim es willing to strictly abide by their decision. Regarding the office for which I aspire, will say th at I still hold out the belief th at the office should not continue for the fifth term under the same m anagem ent however efficient it may be, and should it be placed in my charge I shall surely exercise the same judgm ent and efficiency which alone has brought about my success as an undertaker. Trusting th a t by your voice at RESPONSIBLE FOR ILL HEALTH the election polls I may be plac­ D IL E 6 or other rectal or colon ed in a position to be of greater 4 disorders may be responsible service. for your general ill health. I truly rem ain, My non-surgical tTcatfncnt o f these dis­ H. W. CONGER. orders has been taken by thousands of Medford. Ore. men, wom en and children from all parts Pd. Adv Medford. Ore. o f the W est, my unprecedented success enabling me to confidently G U A R A N ­ TEE to cure your Piles or refund your fee. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine Send today for my FREE book on Rectal and Colon disorder». Every sufferer should have it. both local and internal, and has beer j Newton C. Chaney Pledged to economy and the enforcement of the law. Judge Beall, 32d judicial district, Texas, writes: “ While I was district judge of this judicial district I had the opportunity to know and observe the abil­ ity and efficiency of the Hon. Newton C. Chaney during the period of time in which he served as county attorney of Mitchell county. His practice before this court was performed in a most creditable and efficient manner. He discharged the duties of county attorney with credit to himself and the county and was at all times trustworthy and ethical in his’ profession. HIS CONVICTIONS WERE BETTER THAN 85 PER CENT OF THE CASES TRIED.’’ Vote for Newton C. Chaney successful to th e treatment o f Catarrh :o r o v kr 40 years. Sold by all druggists | i - o m s i r t COURT HOUSt F. I. C H E N E Y o l C O -.T o le d o . Oh'n j DEAN. M.PInc The T id in g ’s Ada B ring R esu lts Letterheads, statem ents, t o your order at the Tidings Office. FOR SHERIFF— Vote for Susanne Homes Carter FOR COUNTY TREASURER— A. C. Walker On the job all the time. A faithful guardian of the county’s money. Vote for A. C. Walker Vote for T. Griffith Cowgill J. J. McMalion An efficient, active and courageous officer. He is uncompromisingly opposed to special ofticers, ex.- cept federal agents, with whom he pledges fitll and complete cooperation. He is in thorough accord with both the letter and spirit of the prohibition laws and pledges active and untiring efforts in their enforcement. FOR CORONER— H. W. Conger Qualified hv his profession as an undertaker and with the necessary equipment to'properly fulfill the duties of the office. Wk Conger Vote for J. J. McMahon Vote for H. The attention of voters is called to the follow­ Editorial from Ashland Tidings, Oct. 25 ing resolution unanimously adopted at a meeting of the Republican County Central Oct. 7. Committee, held z Believing in party government and party re­ sponsibility, we therefore pledge to the people of Jackson county that if they see tit to elect our can­ didates on the 4th day of November, then this or­ ganization will get behind these county officers and encourage and support them in every way, so long as they conduct their respective offices in an able, economical and honest manner, and if they prove un­ worthy in the conduct of their offices, and should charges of inefficiency or dishonesty he preferred against any such officer and it upon investigation are found to ho true, then this committee pledges the people of Jackson county that we will ask for the resignation of any such officer, and, it necessary, take steps to remove him. For full m/onrwuion about A e * and otlttr j G. N. Kramer, Local Agent. Her conduct of the office for the past four years has been marked by courtesy, efficiency anti hard work. Endorsed by both parties. All Republican candidate? have endorsed this resolution and agreed to abide by it. Phone 14 or 43 Susanne Homes Carter T. Griffith Cowgill i Make all your going away plans to take advan* I tage of these low round trip fares. Southern Pacific Present Assessor. One of the most competent offi­ cials in the state of Oregon. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR— ■ We further pledge ourselves to see that unnec­ essary deputies, special police and other special of­ ficers and any members of the clerical force not ab­ solutely necessary for the efficiency conduct of countv •» business shall be cut off. round tn p fo r a «MM wmcM e widi J. B. Coleman FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT— Benefit by low week-end fares now in effect, on sale Friday, Saturday and Sunday—return limit following Tuesday. Or i$’day fares, on sale any day—return limit 15 days, with stopover at any point enroute. , FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR— FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY— Further, if these candidates are endorsed at the polls this fall, then this committee is resolved to see that harmony is brought into the court house at Jacksonville and that all of these officers pull to­ gether for efficiency in our county government, to the end that the burdens of the taxpayers may he relieved to as great an extent as possible. to P o r t l a n d and return Vote for Miss Stevens Vote for J. B. Coleman Dinginess J. O. RIGG • Republican County Central Committee—(Pd. Adv.) Loyal and partisan only as long as the officers deserve loyalty and support is a policy which The Daily Tidings can endorse regardless of which po­ litical party puts forward this kind of a policy. In the current issues of »The Tidings is an ad­ vertisement which is signed by the Republican can­ didates and the Republican county central Com­ mittee in which this policy is advocated. It de­ serves the consideration of every voter; for, just as soon as an officer becomes inefficient, then no longer does he deserve the further endorsement of those who supported him in the election. In this same advertisement are two other statements which The Tidings desires to emphasize. The first of these is that the candidates and lead­ ers will see that harmony exists in the county court house and among the county officials. Where harmony does not exist among county officials, in the great majority of cases, it is the re­ sult pure and simple of petty jealousies and petty controversies in which the votetrs have no interest whatever. It is said that harmony is not universal in the county court house at present. This can have only one result—extra expense and decreased return in governmental values which puts an extra burden onto the taxpayer, who is absolutely innocent, hut must pay merely to gratify the wish of the officials who might he staging the fight among themselves in the conduct of their offices. This should he elim­ inated and those who disrupt harmony in the county court house should he reprimanded, as they usually are. The other feature of the Republican resolution which The Daily Tidings admires is the pledge of the candidates to see that “ 'unnecessary deputies and clerks and expense in the conduct of the county government he cut off.” It is mighty easy for office holders, when a small amount of extra work devel­ ops, to feel that extra help should he hired, thus in­ creasing expenses and taxes. The voter should he vitally interested in any­ thing which will make for better and more efficient, hut not just merely cheaper, government.