Pate ASfctÀtëft bAítí? mÖiöS ASH LAND D A IL Y T ID IN G S (E stab lish ed in 187A) NAME OF P T A IS Published Every Evening Except Sunday by Republican Ticket and Platform THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. RED PEPPERS STOP IE. Tuesday, öetoW »8, iftäl bladder irritation. By all means W artz had. Foster-M ilburn have your physician examine your Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. kidneys at least twice a year. CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY The Jackson County Republican organization is composed of fifty- B ert R. Greer ...................................................................................Editor six precinct committeemen, an ' The heat of red peppers tak vworg© Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager executive committee of e le v e n !., p pp taxes members, a women’s advisory j e uc^ from a sore, lame 2 ÎT Î5 IA V . ? « ? ........ ................................... „ ...... Telephone 8 9 1 otKaniza(fon Known as i committee of eleven members, one back. It can not h u rt you, and atared at the Ashland, Oregon Pootofficc as Second Class Mail Matter woman member of the state execu- it certainly ends the to rtu re at When Will Ashland People Learn Oregon C ongress o f P a ren ts "Preferred Siodkyields tive committee, a state committee- once. Extra Heavy and TOUGH and Teachers Subscription Price, Delivered in City The Importance of It? man, a congressional com m ittee­ O b « Month ... $ .65 B a c k a ch e is o n ly a sim ple th in g __ ____ of _ eighty- When you are suffering so you WEARING QUALITY man, m ___ aking _ a total Three Months 1.95 i The name of the P arent Teach-i one at first; members who are the law- can hardly get around, ju st try sta Months .............................................................. ....... .T75 But if you find ’tis from th ej 7 50|e r s Associations was changed to: iu l,y constituted representatives '• Red Pepper Rub, and you will O b « Year the Oregon Congress of P arents tbe r ®Pukl^ an Pai'ly iu Jack- have th e quickest relief known, kidneys; By Mail and Rural Routes ask any son c o u n ty .’ These men and wo- That serious kidney troubles Three Months ..................................................................................... N o - &Dd te a c h e rs at th e annual con-i men believe in party government, N othing has such concentrating, member cfour • • — • ......................................... ........................................................................................ vontinn , q i s jast v e n tio n i held last week a t Cor- C o r-¡p party arty responsibility, and party penetrating heat as red peppers. may follow; Six Months ......................... * 1’95 oiganization 3.50 That dropsy or B right’s dis­ Ju st as soon as you apply Red This change was made in 1 discipline, for no political organl On« Yöar ........................................................................................6*50 v allis .. , ,, zation can long endure, nor can ease may be the fatal end. ♦-♦♦♦♦ < . g 1 le name in line it be of any great force or effect) Pepper n . Rub you will feel the ting- DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES You will be glad to know the In th ree m inutes it with that of the national o rg a n -[ in elevating our standards of pub-, g neat. “ ■lad- j ed. Therefore, be it text in grade schools rath er than Resolved, th a t the Jackson game ? der, w’here it may rem ain to ir-I baker’s bread now. The one-half the amount of fuel to heat the Home. adoption of a new one a t the reg­ County Republican C entral Com­ rita te and inflame, causing a problem is to select the He wandered into the salesroom of an automobile ular time for a change. Others m ittee exercise in every ju st and , Use your Credit scalding sensation, or reasonable way in this campaign | t)urninS store. Though his eyes were blear and red and dim, though favored increased appropriations the full powers given them by setting up an irritatio n at the best baker’s bread, is a bread that will please his clothes saw their best in a decade gone, though his for the work of the Oregon Social law. , neck of the bladder, obliging vou Hygiene society th a t its activities ? î lieyin g i n pafty . governm ent I to seek relief two or three tim es even the most exacting shoes offered a standing invitation to the rain to come m ight bet extended mcfrje tully and party responsibility, we th ere­ during th e night. The s u ffe re r: in and he right at home, there was yet a certain jauntiness into the work of th e schools; co­ fore pledge to the people of Jack- is in constant dread; the w a te r' housewife. Reliable House furnishers son county th a t if they, see fit to about the old ma operation with th e O.A.C. school ! elect our candidates on the 4th passes sometimes with a scalding of November, then this o r­ sensation and is very profuse; ♦» » « « « ♦♦» ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ The generous alesmen, used to having the type wan­ of forestry in reforestation work, day ganization will get behind these and increased support of the hu­ again, there is difficulty in void­ der in on them, fc.gan to get» their dimes ready. officers and encourage and mane education in the public county them in every way, so ing it. But he did not ask for money. “ Where is th e _____ schools. Still another favored support Bladder weaknesses, most folks long as they conduct th eir respec­ hotel?” he asked with all the assurance in the world. weekly religious instruction. tive offices in an able, economical call it because they can’t control - honest m anner, and if they urination. W hile it is ex trem e-1 — It took a directory and a round robin to get the informa­ Two others which received ap­ and prove unw orthy in the conduct Tires for every car tion, and then only after he had explained that it was a plause from the delegates when of th eir offices, and should ly annoying and sometimes very read advocated the ^repeal of the charges of inefficiency or dishon­ painful, this is often one of the Replacements for every car place where he could live for 50 cents a day. present section of the anti-cigar­ esty be preferred against atiy-such most simple ailm ents to .over- Sudden Service for every car It is the temptation of youth to twit bleared old age. ette law perm itting the sale of to ­ officer and if upon investigation j come Begin drinking lots of soft are found to be true, then this i x , The ancient sport was asked if he ever took a drink. bacco to a minor on presentation committee pledges the people of. wa^e r> also get about four ounces To be effective, it must be These insure a better working automobile during “ Try me,” he proposed succinctly. “ I drinks anything, of a w ritten order, and denounced' Jackson county th a t we will ask ' of Jad Salts from your pharm a- j dependable. the rainy, cold days of winter. for the resignation of any such j cist and take a tablespoonful in a represent the oldest Amer­ hut rubhin’ alkyhall is n.y favorite. Pizen? Nary a bit of the practice of telling offensive officer and. if necessary, take glass of w ater before breakfa9t. We ican fire and m arine in su r­ stories from public platform s to remove him. i .. . . . . ance company, which has met it. It contains 75 per cent pure grain alkyhall that never which make light of the m arriage steps F u rth er, if these candidates ard Continue this for two or three its obligations prom ptly and days. This will help neutralize endorsed a t the polls this fa! hurt no one, and what else it has doesn’t make no dif­ relation fairly for 132 years. Miss Theodora F. Elwell with ihen ?°™m ittee ’3 resdlved the acids in th e system so they We can give you practically ference. In this country the majority rules.” - — - - ■ ’ - - to see th a t harm ony is b ro u g h t; ionger are a source of irrita- every form of dependable into the court house a t Jackson- .. . . . . . . . It was suggested that he might get into jail. “ Jest! a talk on th e work of a visiting ville property insurance. and th a t all of these officers ^ion ^ae bladder and urinary teacher, aroused the keen interest out this morning,” he said. “ But I made a mistake. I of the delegate» at this sssion. pull together for efficiency in our organs, which then act normal governm ent, to the end .again. gave the jedge a song and dance and he let me off. I Miss Elwell is stationed in one of county th a t the burdens of the taxpayers Jad Salts is inexpensive, and is slnul a-stayed in. I heered afterwards they had good the schools In Eugene as a dem­ may be relieved to a3 great a n ! made from the acid of grapes and as possible. Estab. 1883 eats and only an hours’ scrubbin in the morning. That’s o n strato r of the work supported extent lemon juice, combined with lithia, We fu rth er pledge ourselves to by funds provided by the will of! Representing the see th a t unnecessary deputies, and is used by thousands of folks better than payin’ board.” an eastern woman. special police and other special who are subject to u rinary dis­ INSURANCE COMPANY OF Finally he said he was going down to the Union sta­ One dem onstrator in Oregon officers and any unnecessary mem­ NORTH AMERICA of the clerical force not ab­ orders caused by acid irritation. tion and get ready to go hack to Illinois. I spends my and two in C alifornia are the bers “ The Oldest American F ire and Jad Salts causes no bad effects solutely necessary for the effic­ winters there and my summers out here, like the other only rePresentatives of this type iency conduct of county business, whatever. Marine Insurance Company” MOTOR be cut off. Founded 1793 rich,” he volunteered. “ Sure I rides the Pullmans, but of work ’’’ on the coast, she paid. shall Here you have a pleasant, ef­ W ith this understanding and OIL The work of th e visiting teacher, my sleeper ain’t no berth. The last time I came West it she explained is somewhat on the pledge we subm it for the consid­ fervescent lithia-w ater drink j » « it » O itra u c n v i su iF M c ce«e»ovN o«. eration of the voters of Jackson took me 15 days, and I had to go out of my way 800 miles, order of a consulting “social en­ county our ticket nom inated by Oregon’s wheat crop estim ated the republicans in the May p ri­ becuz the waterin’ tank five miles out of Omaha where I gineer.” at 15,720 bushels. m aries: figured to get aboard, tltere was three dicks watchin’ arid • W hat the principle of h e rility For R epresentatives 8tli District means to th e college student was JOHN H. CARKIN I had to take the Rock Island route. Oh, I have a good driven bome at convoc tlo„ „„ RALPH P. COWGILL were surprised at the ease time all light, hut it d be a little mite better if I still had President P en n in g to n ,^ whose For D istrict A ttorney— NEWTON C. CHANEY and perfection with which frank and direct way of speaking my front teeth to grab the hand-outs they give me.” F o r County Judge— our Universal Electric W. J. HARTZJ3LL Cackling at his own wit, and as unafraid of life as has made him a general favorite. A LARGE For County Commissioner— Delegates of th e convention were Range demonstrator cook­ any youngster who has never felt its hard knocks, the old special VICTOR BURSELL guests. ASSORTMENT OF ed all foods. Clerk— man tottered away. Perhaps it was his invincible cheer­ “ You can’t pick out your own For County ______ DELILIA STEVENS fulness, perhaps it was the hit of a feather flaunting in father but you can pick out vouri F o r Sheriff J- McMAHON his hat, but the salesmen called him back and each gave son’s father. You can’t pick o u t1 F o r J- Assessor— your own m other but you can pick him a coin that they had no assurance would be spent for J. B. COLEMAN out your son's mother,*’ he de­ For School Superintendent— food. clared. “ If you. young woman, SUSANNE HOMES CARTER is always felt when cook­ and In your pity, can you conceive of a more powerful could get the kind of insight into For T reasurer— A. C. WALKER ing on an Universal Elec­ appeal for men to conserve their means, their morals and the ch aracter of the man who is F o r Surveyor— tric Range. paying attention to you th a t your T. G R IFFITH COWGILL their bodies? For Coroner— brother could get, you m ight do H. W. CONGER 25c and up one of two things— decide th a t Signed: AND IN THE 20TH CENTURY you woujd never speak to him JACKSON COUNTY R E ­ PUBLICAN COMMITTEE again as long as you lived or That if 1 per cent of the sum America pays for war (Paid Adv.) 45— 10 past and to come were spent in reclamation and other in­ thank the good Lord th a t it was 240 E ast Main S t leap year. ternal improvements vast public and private benefits “Are you boys going to pick Elgin — Federal aid will b e ' would be realized, was declared by Milton A. Miller in a out a girl with ju st a pretty fron­ given for Elgin-W eston road, 12 i miles of construction being as-I 't& x a Z l ßfttg Sforv « recent address. tispiece and not much above or sured by cooperation of counties Mr. Miller is right. Ninety per cen or more of the below or behind |t , — no head, no and forest service. heart, no am bition? You decide expenditures of the government go to pay war cost. on your son’s heridity— give him Ninety per cent of about $4,000,000,000 spent to pay a fair chance! ' for battleships, battle cruisers, battle airplanes, battle “ There is another side to th is' bombs, battle can ion, battle munitions and the other question— Young woman, you can ’ have still more to say about your ; costs of wars gout by and wars expected! son’s m other— aind «yon, young And this in the 20th century! This is an age that we fellow, w hat kind of a fath er are All sizes; made of Government khaki, 15 oz. Double call civilized! This by a people who call themselves you going to give your son?” filled canvas, just the thing for wagon covers and tflllWIWWIWgWilM Christian! As Mr. Miller says, if this were in primitive The visiting representatives of many other uses. times, it these were the days of the jungle and the war the state Parent-T eachbr associa­ tion were welcomed by Prsident club, then there might he excuse for wliat is going on. W. J. K err. Mrs. George J. Per-! Our great sale just closed more than met our expectations But here we are, neglecting reclamation, skimping in kins, president of the association, and satisfied hundreds of customers and made many new education, economizing in the development of waterways, responded in a short speech of Biggest Little Store in Town acquaintances and customers. driven almost frantic by the high cost of living caused thanks. “ The h eart of every p aren t here partly by the colossal war bills, all because we sit tight today is full of thankfulness th a t It has furnished space for new stocks, which are arriving and take no part in helping lead the world to agreements we have In Oregon a college of for peace. almost daily. We have decided to run a this type to which we may send If Mr. Miller is commissioned by the people of Or?-!or look forward to sending our gon to go to the senate, there will be one added citizen to boys and gir,s-’’^ id Mrs- Perkins, E FATAL . Coinverse Rubbers OVERLAND 7.14% Shoe Shop Our Furniture Buyer has Returned I HAVE PLENIVOF WATER Everybody Eats I. P. Dodge & Sons Litliia Bakery Leedom’s Tire House Insurance LEEDOM’S TIRE HOUSE Billings Agency MOTORNATE5 ra ' ö T cycol po m Ashland Women VANTINE’S Incense UNIVERSAL Satisfaction Sustained Quality Burners The Ashland Electric Shop McNair Brothers Associated Oil Company H oliday Gifts < TARPALLINS or COVERS . The Army Goods Store vote and work to put peace above war, and public im­ provements at home above battle abroad. “ A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer. Isn’t that so?” “ I cannot answer you. > 9 By some queer twist of our language, they are mak­ ing moonshine from Sunflower seed hack in Kansas. Mrs. Bragg—“ I can trace my ancestors hack to the Reformation.’’ Mrs. Bluff—“ That’s nothing, I can trace mine back years and years before they made any attempt to reform.” Special Holiday Sale! TWO ARE KILLED IN 225 FOOT TUMBLE GREENSBORO, N. C., Oct. 25. — Jam es W aycaster of Reidsville, N. C., steel w orker, and F ritz Die­ trick, South Richmond, Va., ap­ prentice bricklayer, was killed w’hen they fell 225 feet from the top of the sm okestack of the new heating p lan t of the N orth Caro­ lina College for women here. The men had volunteered to place a brass ornam ent on top of the newly completed stack. .-N e st l é s E v e r y DA* ¿M ilk th e ■wholesomness o f c o w ’s m ilk in. it’s rich er p u rity It’s Nestles ALPINE throughout the holiday season. Special prices on every item in the store. This sale rvill be for cash only and our prices and quality of merchaandise will be attractive. X • O. J-L Johnson