A shland ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service» VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43? « » » a FOR STABLE LEADERS ------- NO. 49 ' _ _ __ ENGLAND IS H O PEFUL RUSSIA, BRITAIN REPORTED TO a BE NEAR BREAK ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1924 a DAVIS S T A TES HONEY R U L ES REPUBLICANS 05493162 ST. LOUIS EASY FOR RAD CHECK PA SSER S 8 ----------- 8 8 ST. LOUIS, Oct. 28. — 8 8 This city and surrounding 8 8 towns are being flooded 8 8 with bad checks by an or­ 8 8 ganized gang of crooks, 8 8 according to A. R. Picker, 8 8 district m anager of a sure­ 8 8 ty company which writes 8 8 fraud insurance. 8 Picker says St. Louis is 8 Giant Autograph Book Ex­ Declares He Will be Return-’« ed to Office by Huge .« selected by the bad-check 8 hibited at Meeting in Majority » passers because it Is al­ 8 Civic Clubroom - ' ¡8 most impossible, under the 8 FIRST REAL TALKING » Missouri laws, to secure 8 PRESENTED WITH FLAG ---------- ! 8 convictions for passing 8 C laim s A ides H ave Swept, A side 8 w orthless checks. He 8 Pioneers W ho V oted for Lincoln O pposition Throughout Conn- ! 8 pointed out th a t the law 8 Are Present at M eeting and try, Sees Easy Victory « requires proof of the intent 8 Sign Giant Book ---------- 1« to defraud when a 8 Twins! Seven Sets oi ‘em LONDON, Oct. 28. — 8 ; England is hopeful that :: the present general elect­ 8 ; ion will result in a stable « »! a governm ent. a It is probable th a t the :: a election will result Tn the :: a fourth governm ent in two 8 ! ---------- ’ » 8Ì years. Lloyd George and his « Priviliged Few in Power in Zinovieff Declares Letter to « be an Impudent » Coalition Cabinet had a 8 G. O. P. Candidate Forgery | « run of 5 years and 316 8 Declares _____ : a days. 81i Bonar Law’s govern­ 8 RELATIONS ARE ACUTE « HAVE AN OLIGARCHY ------- , a m ent lasted 213 days. 8 Ire o f R u ssia D irected A gainst « Stanley Baldwin’s gov­ 8 New Y ork Speech Delayed by M acDonald foe A llow ing ,« ernm ent endured 24 5 days. 8 Cheers W hen Dem o. C andidate Ramsay MacDonald’s 8 Subordinate to Sign Letter I « M akes D eclaration s . ---------- * government quit after 260 8 MOSCOW, Oct. 28. — Russo - ; *• days. 8 WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. — « w orthless check is issued 8 The Coolidge - Dawes - Lincoln The next government, 8 British relations have reached an « President Coolidge predicted his « and also gives the draw er 8 caravan was welcomed in Ashland, NEW YORK, Oct. 28. — John acute phase over the publication { « unless it is a coalition, 8 own election here today. W ith « of the check five days in 8 their first stop In Oregon, this 1 Davis, Democratic nomintee for of the alleged Zinovieff l e t t e r / « probably-won’t last a year. 8 the campaign draw ing ta a clo se,’ « which to make the check :: morning a little before noon, by i the presidency, issued a statem ent which the soviet government 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Coolidge has dropped some of the « good „ before he can b<* tt a large gathering at the Civic ! here today in which he contend- brands as an im pudent forgery usual reserve th a t has character- ■ « prosecuted. 8 Im provem ent clubroom, despite i ed th at, “ the suprem e issue of and an election campaign m an­ Picker exhibited a list of ized hi3 utterance in the past. « 8 the downpour of rain. ¡this campaign is, shall the attitu d e euver, designed to destroy the anent the presidential race, and « more than 40 Individuals « ! of the mind of the national ad- The caravan, which was sched­ Anglo-Russian treaty and imperil told callers at the W hite H ouse, « who are known to have 8 uled to arrive at 10 o’clock had ! m inistration be one of liberalism the present friendly relations be­ th a t he fully expected to be a « passed bad check«, hut 8 the m isfortune to get behind a l or reaction.” Davis also stated tween the two governments. resident there four years more. j « who have never been 8 road-working crew north of Yreka i another issue of the campaign to Maxln LltvInofT, assistant com­ In the past. President Coolidge « prosecuted. 8 and were help up for two hours i he, "shall our national policies m issar for foreign affairs, has sent 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 has characterized the reports of :: while a giant derrick was lifting be fram ed with a prim ary regard a strong denial to M. Rakovsky, his Republican managers, who are to the interests of a few, or shall rocks from the Pacific highway the charge d'affaires in London, carrying on his campaign for him, they be framed in such a m anner Many of the autoists who baa and M. Zinovieff has denounced «Arguments of B oth Team s D eelar as "encouraging,” and seldom as to prom ote the w elfare of all gone to the end of the Boulevard (‘<1 to be W rong, and Judges the whole affair in no uncertain talked about his election pub­ concerned in the country. to greet the caravan left, but came R efu se to R ender Verdict term s to the British trade union licly, but in press conference to­ Cheers held up Davis’ speech for to the meeting when the sirens i congress, characterizing the docu­ day. it was evident th a t lie* co n -( several m inutes following his on the visiting cars were blown. Thirty-one cavemen, dressed in! m ent as a “ gross falsification»” sidered the race already over. statem ent th a t the “ Democratic The meeting was opened by Soviet officials here take grave the conventional garb of civiliza-1 He told inquireres th a t he c o n -’ party stands for the utm ost pos­ Mrs. Louise Perozzi, of this city exception to the severe language tion, and flying the white flag, ' sidered his position to have been ! sible in democracv in industry. who is state Republican chair­ * employed in the British note and to show their desire for DPRPP adequately stated on every o u t- ; , I while the Republicans always have woman. She welcomed the cara­ also resent the signing of the note with the people of Ashland, in stanuing issue in the campaign, Jackson County R anks Seventh van as the bringer of good luck— , and still do stand for a glorified by Mr. Gregory, an under-official vaded this city last night, the W ith Total o f ll,ti8 K Voters and th a t his aides had swept all , oligarchy, with the rich m inority the splendid rain which was fall­ instead of Prem ier MacDonald, guests of the IJth ian Club at a • A lready on R egister opposition before them in their , over ruling the poorer m ajority ing— and in the name of Oregon which they regard as an affront dinner given at the Nelda Cafe. campaign efforts in his behalf. in every case in which the privil- Republicans welcomed the eastern to the dignity of the soviet re­ The desire of the m embers of SALEM, Oct. 28. — A total of visitors with the presentation of a This is the first real public i eges of the rich are at stake.” Public school No. 77 of Brooklyn, New Y ork City, boasts seven public. They are especially ir­ the two clubs for co-operation, Davis declared the Republicans sets of twins on its roster. They range from six to twelve years of utterance pertaining to one of 371,169 voters in Oregon have beautiful Oregon state flag, which ritated a t the sentence in the with both working for the mu­ had failed to live up to th eir pre­ age. Beginning with the youngest pair, they are: John and Anthonv his election campaign? ever made registered for the general election the speaker baler stated would bo British note: “ The soviet govern­ tual benefit fo Oregon was m ani­ election promises of the last cam­ Venezia, M argaret and Josephine Basso, Michael and Raffael Elardo. by the President. While a can- to he held November 4, according treasured by the caravan mem­ m ent must say definitely w hether fested from the time Grand High paign, and pointed out w hat he Helen and Elora Dente, Jennie and Vincent Di Marco, Helen and didate for Mayor of Boston. Coo- ! t0 a compilation completed here bers and which would be “ one of Florence Ffeier, and Ethel and Dorothy Bremer. it ha8 or has not the power to Fizz Miller introduced Chief Big­ lidge never expressed his opinion ! today by Sam A. Kozer, secretary the banners in the giant parade alleged to be several Instances stop such propaganda of organi­ horn Chinook of the Cavemen, on the iutcome of the election. ! °f state. The registration prior up Pennsylvania avenue In W ash, where the scandals m entioned in zations over which it cannot ex­ until the judges of the debate, the the Republican party had been and later, while a running m ate to the general election in Novem- ington when Calvin Coolidge is ercise control.” with the late President Harding, j her. 1922, was 333,056 showing inaugurated president.” main event of the evening, ren ­ instigated by the monied in ter­ he failed to maka a public state- ' an increase of nearly 40,000 vot- derà their decision. ests in order to gain their ends. At. the end of the meeting the The British note as published in • The organization of the two ment on how he believed the out­ ers for the election to be held Lincoln autograph book, in which London does not contain the fore­ clubs, th eir personel, and their i WATER NOW BEING come of the election would effect next month. already more than 1,000 pioneers going sentence in the form quoted, methods in boosting their home his party. • The registration statem ent com­ who voted for Abraham Lincoln STORED BACK OF DAM but tells the soviet government cities were explained by the high pleted by the secretary of state had w ritten their autographs, was th a t if it has the power to carry officers of each club, Chief Big-1 A statem ent carried in a des- 1 VESSELS DAMAGED j today was based on actual re displayed. This book will be la t­ out agreem ents it ought to do so horn Chinook and Grand High ' cription of the Em m igrant Creek IN RIVER SMASH turns received from 28 countia- ter presented to President Coo- and if it has not the power, and Fizz Millf^r. Each speaker urged dam, in the Tidings several days Portland G ang W ill Probably be Cruise a t “D aughter o f S k ies” ---------- ' and estim ated returns from eight 'idge. H eld Over to Superior Court P roves B ig Sum s for M ooring If the responsibilities which be­ a closer affiliation of the c lu b s.; ago, was misleading, ■giving some PORTLAND, Oct 28— W ith a counties compiled from the week- The Ashland men who bad vot­ By Grand Jury. P laces U nnecessary long to the state in other coun­ in order th a t Southern Oregon and people the idea th a t the type of hole 30 feet long torn in her star-' ly reports of the county clerks ed for Lincoln and who signed the tries, are in Russia in the keeping the entire state m ight be b e tte r! dam constructed here was some- board bow, the shipping board received at the state departm ent, book were E. K. Hall, G. W. PORTLAND, Oct. 28.— Police LAKEHURST, N. J., Oct. 28.— steam er W est Keats of the Ore-! The secretary of state said th t of private and irresponsible benefitted by their w’ork. Benedict, S. S. Wilcox. G. A. Van i what of an experiment. have begun to m arshal the evid­ America’s two great dirigibles, the bodies, the soviet government gon O riental line, returned to figures were substantially cor- N atta, Francis W. Shaw, R. Bes- Following the exchange of! The arch type of stru ctu re was ence they had accum ulated in Shenandoah and the ZR-3, berth ­ Portland harbor yesterday fol-, re c t- and th at the final totals ought not to make agreem ents greetings by the club officials, th e 1 first used by th e Ancient Egypt- wick and Albert Johnson. A. C. connection with the operations of ed together in a hanger th a t could which it knows it cannot carry lowing a collision with the J a p -! would not var> ' niore than a few Spencer, a local pioneer, exhibit­ social events of the evening got »ans and Romans, and has been the gang of fu rn itu re thieves th at out. accommodate a th ird big airship, an. esc steam er Boston Maru Ijp, hundred either way. ed a framed ballot of the Union under way. A bubble blowing Proved in la tte r years to be the it m ight he presented to the Mult­ were seen today by more than 50,- the Columbia river below St. Hel-| The compilation for the 1921 ticket of 1861, which bis family contest, representing the fizz and 1 strongest type of dam possib’.e to nomah county grand jury the first 000 visitors. The Shenandoah re ­ ens at 2 a. in general election 3hows a total of used in the second election c effervescense of the L ith ian s,! construct. GASOLINE PRICE ON of next week. turned to her hangar early today 254,014 republicans registered, Abraham Lincoln, who bad Ar COAST IS SLASHED was won by Pete Allen, C avem an.! The difficulty in constructing a There were no new arrests, al- < after a trip of 9000 miles to the A portion of the railing was i The democrats registered number drew Jackson as his running m ate I A straw vote on the presidential dam of this type has stopped a though one was contem plated. j Pacific coast and back. Comman- torn from the stern of the Ja p ­ 99.586, while the miscellaneous Spencer said he valued this bal. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 28— A election indicated th at President &eneral use of such dams, jind the One man, said to be “chief of j der Zachary Lansdowne, a t his anese vessel and was still hang­ registrations, including socialists iot above everything. It wa. general reduction in the price of : Coolidge would be returned to o f-!OUp here is t0 be 3tudied by a staff,” and who was thought to I home this afternoon, said the con- ing from the bow of the West prohibitionists and progressives, characterized as an inspiration gasoline over the Pacific Coast fice with * a «rn.Mrt.M-» com fortable m a jo rity ,, i 6rouP of well known engineers. have obtained num erous valuable tinental cruise proved th at expen­ Keats when she arrived here. aggregate 17,569. for the voter next Tuesday to vot* A rum or has been circulated The W est Keats was dropping has been announced here, follow- the President leading his nearest articles of m erchandise stolen ditu re of large sums for hangars Prior to the general election in for Calvin Coolidge, whom the th at no w ater is to be stored in ing the action of the Standard Oil com petitor, Andy "Gump, 31 votes - from the Ira F. Powers F u rn itu re was unnecessary. They are no down the river en route for Dar- ■ 1920 a total of 364,469 voters speaker said had more character­ Ctompany of California in cutting to 10. Cyrus Noble and John W .1 the dam until spring. Such is not • company, was being sought. more to an airship than a dry- ien and way ports at the time of were registered. Of this number istics of Abraham Lincoln than the Bos- th e price in California two cents, Davis each received eight votes, the ease, according to F. E. Dil­ Storage houses of the city were dock is to a steamship, he said, the collision. She struck . 247,899 cast their ballots at thè any other leader he knew. lard, Engineer of the Talent Ir- and in the northw estern territory Mr. Rosenbaum six, La Follette investigated by Inspectors Hally- being merely places to go for ton Maru on the starboard quarter election ()ut of 33 >056 voter3 Mrs. Perozzi, in presenting the th ree cents. These cuts gave Cal­ five. Chief Bighorn Chinook four, rigation district, who states th a t j l er and M allett yesterday and their overhauling and repair». The suc­ as the Japanese vessel was at an- registered for the geIleral elec. flag to the speaker, reminded him the storing of w ater began at ifornia eighteen cent gas, includ­ and Colonel Robie and Eugene V. 1922 a to ta , of 241 267 ' investigation will be continued, cessful use of mooring masts chor below St. Helens waiting to tloQ th at Oregon was the only state 4:00 p. m. Saturday, and will ing a two cent state tax. A large Debs one each, j “ There are several la rg e stor- shows th at a dirigible can be away berth at the dock at St. Helens votes were ca9t west of the Rocky Mountains continue w ithout interruption surplus stock was given as th e ! The debate on th^ question,' iw 1 age houses in the city where mem­ from home as long as she must, and complete a cargo of lumber tn tbe dam Jg filled- Probably the largest percent­ reason for the price reduction. bers of this gang have conceal­ he continued, expressing also his for Sydney. (Continuò on page Four) “ Resolved th a t Ashland Lithia age of gain in this year's regis­ ed loot,” said Detective Hellyer. opinion th a t a second hangar on w ater is m ore conducive to the! tration was in Multnomah coun­ “ It will be a slow and laborious the Pacific coast would »be suffi­ ^ development of a good football ’ ty. Figures received at the state task to check through each of cient for all needs. team than G rants Pass grape ’ departm ent show th a t 128.974 the many thousands of persons Captain Anton Heinen. Zeppe­ juice,” was called no contest by. voters have ¡registered fot the who have goods stored in these lin expert, who was employed "by election on November 4. as against Judges Rosenbaum, M artin and Î places, but it will uncover, I think, J tlfe navy during the first months , 99,235 registrations prior to the Hoilmes, who declared * neither side i — j several thousand dollars worth of j of the operation of the American ---------- ■ general election in 1922. 'h a d alligned itself with thé ques-j PARIS, Oct. 2 8 — Announce-j joot we so far have been u n a b le . designed and constructed. Shenan- D. E. Anderson, connected with Jackson ranks seventh in the tion. Rem arks anent lead pencils,) ment was made today by the F o r­ to find. doah, today inspected the returned the Standard Oil Company of Se-1 state in re g i-,tration, with a total fountain pens and cham bers of eign Office, th a t a French note, "The principal members of the airship- and declared th at Com- attle, was arrested by Traffic O f-!°f 11688 voters registered. Of commerce flew thick and fast, j VANCOUVER, B. C. Oct. 28.— recognizing Russian Soviet Gov­ gang— seven in num ber — have m ander Lansdowne had proved JERSEY CITY, Oct. 28.— Sena­ but no mention was made of a ernm ent, will be sent to- Moscow been rounded up. There are num- himself to be one of the greatest fleer McMahon this c o rn in g and this num ber 7,532 are registered Rum running from this port to turned over to Judge Gowdy of Republican, 3,411 are registered to r La Follette, Progressive can­ football team. within a very short while. The erous otYiers, perhaps half a doz­ airship pilots of today. Of the the justice court on two charges. Democratic, and ¿39 are register- longitudes and latitudes perilously The members of the two teams didate for the presidency today close to the United States 12-mlle Petit Journal said the action en, with criminal knowledge of Shenandoah’s 9000-mile cruise. Anderson, McM&hon alleged was ed under the rem aining political limit has had a severe blow of turned his guns on both the old were. Cavemen, M. L. Updyke, A.! plaeed France in a position from the operations of Oakes and his j Captain Heinen em phatically de- parties for “soliciting large con- K. Cass and L. M. Mitchell; Lith- which it will be possible to dis-! fellow thieves, but this knowledge j d a re d it th e most rem arkable test driving at the rate of thirty- catagories. The counties which late from both the United States titbu tio n s from beneficiaries of ians, William Briggs, J. H. Ful-' cuss the debt which Russia owes is-insufficient to w arran t a rre st.” | ever made. eight miles an hour on the wet outrank Jackson are: Clackamas, and Canadian authorities. 17,489, Lane. 21,668, Marlon, special privilege.” He said Kis 1er and H arry Tomilson. France. ‘ I * Detectives have agreed that- the j Commander Lansdowne claimed ' Pavem ent- He was also charged 23.795, Multnomah. 128,974, Um­ The seizure of the Quadra, a campaign was being financed by The decision to recognize th e 'to ta l value of the loot will ex- responsibility for the girder which ( ^ ith notj h a v in g rie8iste£ed 11,3 car atilla large steam er with a half-a-mil- 12.201, and W ashington. th e “ great masses of people,” and ! was cracked and which was re-1 He Plea:le w e|, Oct. known vere blow. This was followed the mishap was his fault, through! Ju d e e Gowdy fined him twenty- president will take the oath o t m e m b e r ot th e Ore- ed officials of the French gov- ’JOY SPEAKS BEFORE having made a poor landing. ¡dollars on the speeding charge* shortly after by the Commercial em inent, since Prem ier HerriotU MEDFORD KIWANIS office with no outstanding obli- and ten dollars for non-registra­ Cable company attaching the gon Legislature and Republican hag m aintained 9teadily since u k ? ON OLEO MEASURE gâtions to the special privilege tion, but due to the fact th a t lie steam er Prince Albert, another nominee for the lower house of ing office th a t pro. Russlan MOVIE PARTY IS classes or corporations. could not get the money with 1 ship in the trade, and while the legislature from Multnomah conn- poHcy by Prance> wou,d bg the CAUGHT- IN STORM which to pay his fines he is being A lbert C. Joy, president of the action is a civil one, in which the ty, died here today following a only means by which the d e b t'Ja c k so n County Farm Bureau, i cable company claimed the rum TACOMA, Oct. 28— Cecil De-' held here and bis car has been long illness. NEW STEAM TABLE could be collected from t h e ' Monday spoke to the Medford Ki- j runner cut a cable off San Fran- wauis club on the bill known as Mille, motion picture director, and taken from him. INSTALLED AT PLAZA Russians. Discussion of several m easu res. cj3co more than a year ago, never­ a party of forty actors and act-! I F - A- W inkler was also arrest- on thp the oleo” m easure, which will in e * ■ “ oieo w h ic h win for flip onmincr p I p p theless the plastering of the ship be decided a t the election- n e x t' " » « . caught in a terrific ed by McMahon teat eyenrng tor » ........ « A m odem , first class electric tion by members of the body, an has caused the company much in­ COLLEGE GIRL HURT blizzard on Nisqually Glacier in ¡driving forty miles an hour on steam tattle is being installed in explanation of the construction of convenience. WHEN AUTO CRASHES Tuesday Joy stated th a t the moral s i d e 'Mount R ainier N ational P ark h e re 1 the Pacific Highway west of Tai- th e Plaza Confectionery today. ^ Canadian customs officials SALEM, Oct. 28. — Miss Eva ’ of this m easure should alone de-1 yesterday, and narrow ly escaped cnt. He was fined $ 2 ^ by Judge e new E m igrant Creek dam by The table i& for the purpose of u aiune ue- t \ . City Engineer W alker were the 8eized B ,hp American mm runner Snyder, a student of Oregon A g -lfe a t it, w ithout any thought of ¡w ith th eir lives, after abandon-1 Gowdy, but due to the fact th a t cQnsidered ftt the week,y ¿ t ^ m cases ^ f Iq u o i keeping food warm and adds a ^ c u ltu ra l c o l l e g e r s injured in - the economic side of the question, ing equipm ent valued at $20.000 he had only $2° the judge took pQrum luncheon Qf the cham ber gevera] we”kg constituti2g a much needed factor to th e equip­ CHICAGO, Oct. 28. — No re­ an automobile accident on the Joy was emphatic in stating th a t on location. De MiRe reported th a t instead of confining him to m ent, m aking the kitchen very of Commerce, held at the Hotel loss of the owners of about $50,- spite from the monotony of pris- Pacific Highway ju st south of (Meo would underm ine the health i upon retu rn in g here today with jaU. complete and up-to-date. Ashland today. | 000. This boat was alleged to on life will come to Richard Loeb - Brooks late this afternoon. She of the children and told of the the party th a t the women w e r e ) --------------------------- The ballot m easures discussed have had bonded liquor on board through the death of his father. was removed to the Salem hospi­ dem onstration at the Jackson carried to safety by the men, led PORTLAND STANDARD were, the Income Tax m easure. th at broken in Canadian This became known today when tal, suffering from a broken leg county fairgrounds, where rats by three guides. The party left for I OIL STATIONS SELL ADDRESSES S. P. MEN the W orkm an's Compensation waters w ithout the duty being ON EXPLOSIVES! Jacob Loeb, uncle of the slayer of and minor injuries. which had eaten pure b u tter a n d , Hollywood this morning, I GAS AT 19 CENTS measure and the Oleom argarine paid. ------- i Bobby Franks, brought the news The automobile, bearing stu ­ oleo were shown. The form er m easure. A nother seizure made by the MARINES LANDED H. B. Eyde, inspector of t h e ' of the death to Richard. Jacob dents of the agricultural college, were much healthier than the la t­ PORTLAND, Oct. 28. — Gaso­ AAalker explained to the mem- Canadian customs was the Iinpala. TIEN TSIN, Oct. 28—Two hun­ line here b being sold at 19 cents bureau of explosives was in Ash- ‘ Loeb told W arden W hitm an th at was driven by Elm er Timmerman ter, he stated. bers present the type of construe- a Canadian boat charged with hav- dred additional Marines landed to- a gallon at the Standard land yesterday. He gave an in- no request th a t the boy be per- of Alsea. Other occupants were oil tion of the dam, th e am ount of . jng broken cargo aboard, and an terestlng lecture to the em ployes, niltted to attend the services, will Miss Gladys Snyder, sister of the the U. S. Huron to a s? 8tatiOns which includes a 3 cent! ¿ « / J ♦.------- « 7 ? ,7 g nrOKen carg0 aboard- and an Albany — Pickle season7 ends, day . from .. . . . ... . . I stai,ons> m ciuaes a 3 c e n t i wate r the reservoir would hold, investigation is beinc held to as­ of th e Southern Pacific re la tiv e , be made. sist in the defense of the foreign I state tax Seattle m otorists are ona . ,x ik j u o h is nt m g neia 10 ns injured girl, and W ilbur Fausen. with factory showing good record state lax. s e a u ie m otorists are and the ways In which It would certain w hether this liquor is the to explosives and rules for them I Loeb’s death is not a surprise The machine skidded from the for this its first year. Factory, settlement threatened by China’s 1 paying 18 cents, including a sta te ' effect the water supply of the city same as th a t which left this port to follow. as he has been 111 for two years. paveipent into a ditch. likely to be enlarged for 1926. latest elvll war. tax of two cents. ' Of Ashland. on the boat’s manifest. SAYS ELECTION ALREADY OVER DEBATE LAST NIGHT 371.169VÜTERSARE E IN, ART ZR-MND SISTER SHIP THEFT RING NOW T F SMACK A l OLD LINES IN JERSEY ADDRESS FATHER’S DEATH TO ''BREAKING SPEED LAW ■ RUNNERS FROM CANADA HARD HIT