PAGfc R»ÜB O B L A O BÀttA » M M » To Klamath Falls— x Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Clift Monday, October âf, Jt>â4 i Pew* &h Inffl&to 3f the Broome’ County Home, who a score of TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY .................. WANTED:— Good young horse; weteh t about 1500 lbs., to work stfigte. Also one horse Wagon and harness. M. E. Bond, Ashland, ®re ^on- Mr. Hartzell, more than to any wishes of his oonstitueneey. , of his office is and should be other one man, is due the suc-| ‘'However It should, be distinct- squarely placed on the sheriff, neyed to K lam ath Falls yesterday tim es has been deep in "the valley cess of .the project. He has been ly understood th a t a t no time If deputies are necessary they and spent the day w ith friends, of the shadow of death," and who on the job a lb the time. There should the county judge surren- should be given him. If he falls ______ ' today came back from the bordler- have been a good many difficul- der any of either the duties or re- to function, the people have their A Dally Chronicle of those who come and go, and event« of Complete line of Ashland Can-' land of the other world. ties to overcome, but the work has sponsibilities of his office.” rem edy” . local interest 94-tf In a huge old leather bound ned Goods at Detricks. progressed steadily. There has The n ^ re 1 rea(j that tke ^ t . Mr. H artzell’s taxes for 1923 book of records, a reporter today FOR SALE CH EA P:— Horse, been no graft, th e district has te r I like Mr. H artzell’s a ttitu d e .1 were $2715.39. He is a heavy In Town— found the proof of Miss Connor’s , wagon and harness; also Edison the be3t financial standing of W illing to take advice, but sur- taxpayer. He is not a tax dodger, To Idillio— Duck H u n tin g - A rthur Fern of Portland was in entry at the County Home. It is Phonograph and other articles, any irrigation project in Oregon; . rendering none of the responsibil- He is interested in reducing taxes Mrs. C. M. W iltr i left Satur- Gene H astings and Andy Mc- Ashland today attending to busi­ dated 1854 and says, “ Celia inquire 1116 Oak St. 48— 2 and I believe we have the w ater ¡t jeg oi tke Offjce 1 jjke Mr. r ttr t- and in case he is elected county day evening for Ida o where she Gee spent the week-end in the ness interests. Connors, thirty-three years old.” i — for as low a cost as was possible. zen>s stand on another m atter, judge and it is possible to reduce will visit relatives f some time. Klam ath d istrict hunting. --------- ' ¡From th a t date until this "L ittle FOR SALE: — Fresh Cow. Perhaps I am prejudiced In favor pje sayS: taxes, I believe he will do so. Some think the coroners office ; Celia,” as she has been known Phone 14F21, Rosa P etit, East of Mr. Hartzell by reason of w hat ,.T „ ,, ... , , I am a firm believer in law Knowing him as a neighbor, as Make the little ones happy with Orres will dye for you. ^8- 5* • I know of his work in this con­ should not continue for the fifth down through" the decades, has\ ^ a^n " enforcem ent and am in sympathy a private citizen, as a business toys or a childs mask from Tref- 48- -1* term w ithout a change. Vote for been a sunbeam in the bleak - FOR SA LE:— One Boar Hog, nection, but I think I have a right with the present prohibition laws. ren ’s 4th St. Store. 48— 1 man, and as a public official, I Conger. 48— 1 house over the hill. one a nd iiajf years old. Register- to be. * • V isitin g P arents— They will at all. times receive my believe if we elect Mr. Hartzell Last spring I was associated At thirty-three she had no^ ed. o . j. q . inquire of W. K. Mc- On Jury Duty— hearty support. However, I am county judge we will be putting Henry Van Poyne of Scenic At Ijakc— with a num ber of others in or­ opposed to special prohibition tm -j the right man in the right place, friends or relatives able to aid Clay. One mile N. E. of Talent. H arry H arrison is spending th e 'D riv e is visiting his parents in Henry Enders and Fred Neil her after a nervous breakdown, I 48__6* ganization a Tax Payers Anti- ployees working in conflict with S. A. NYE, week in Jacksonville on ju ry duty. Cresswell, Oregon, this week. are at the Lake of the Woods on and she was sent to the County Paving committee. W e were in­ the sheriff’s office. The respon- Talent, Ore., Oct. 25. a short hunting trip . Mr. Endiers FOR SALE:— Late Ford Road­ terested in lowering taxes and, (Paid Adv.) Special Auto Accident Policy 100 boxes large Spltzenburg and is closing his cabin there for the Home. She wept there apparent­ ster, fine condition. Robison’s with th a t in view, suggested to sibility for perform ing the duties ly doomed to early death. for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo Newtown cull apples, 60 cents. winter. 48— tf the eounty court th at a committee From the slough of despon­ garage. of course. 24-tf Bring your box or sack. F ru it As­ .be appointed by the court or elec- •' * < dency she arose by sheer strength sociation. 44-6 FOR RENT:— G arag e, new an d ted (one member from each road Canadian Serges in 16-18 and of spirit, and th a t queer, alm ost F ish in g— 48— tf district) to sit with the court in 20 ounce W eight can be had a t uncanny, inner power has kept excessable. 42 3rd St. N. H. H arrison made a fishing In Town— all vital m atters concerning road Orres tailo r shop at special prices. her active of mind and body until Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Peachy are trip to Rogue River Sunday and We have a good job printing de­ work. We believed th at such a 48— 1* today. in town for several weeks. Mr. returned with some large fish. partm ent. tf com m ittee would largely do away H undreds have come to the Peachy is a fire warden. They ex­ At Klamath Falls— with unnecessary expenditures of County Farm since "L ittle Celia” pect to .leave in a short time lo r For pleating see Orres. county money on roads and re­ Mrs. John Enders left Saturday came. H undreds have come over 48— 1* California to spend the winter. sult in a more equitable distribu­ for K lam ath Falls where she will the hill; stayed a while and then tion of the funds. spend the w’eek w ith relatives. been carried* slowly out to the V isit R elatives— Best milk— Lininger’s Dairy, Here is w hat Mr. H artzell said My acquaintance with Mr. IIE depositors are. the real still w hite cem etery beyond. But Mrs. H. H. E lhart, Mrs. Harvey 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. At, P ortland— when the plan was subm itted to « H artzell, the Republican candi­ Celia’s spirit has never wavered. .* builders of this bank. They and Miss Opal Harvey spent yes­ 26—tf him: A. M. Beaver is spending the date for county judge, dates back Pneum onia, fever, serious bone terday at Gold Hill visiting with I “ Such a plan, in case I should make the hank possible and there w’eek in Portland attending to D riving Truck— - fractures— many, many ills of alm ost to the time when he came ' i be elected, would meet with my relatives. business intreests. is no success for this hank which to Jackson county, fifteen y e a r s , Christian Anderson, who a r­ the flesh Celi^ has suffered. But entire approval. By such a method ago, to take charge of the Three does not depend upon the success each time she has come back with a ju st distribution could more Beautify your home. Now. is rived here recently with his fam­ Orres cleans, remodels and re ­ Oaks O rchard, which is located of its depositors. nearly be reached as to expendi­ the same queer little smile, the the time to plant all kinds of ily from eastern Oregon has tak ­ pairs garm ents. Phone 64. about a mile west of Phoenix. He N ursery stock. See S. Penniston, en a position as truck driver foir 48— 1* same odd flicker in her deep blue had some alfaifa land, and some tures and more efficient, satis­ factory and equitable esults ren­ 175 E. Main. 48— tf the Carson-Fowler Lum ber Co. eyes. grain land, but most of the prop­ The old-tim ers around the erty was planted to young o r­ dered the citizens of the whole At Salem — country. R eturn T h u r s d a y - New Tints Highland Linen Box H arry Silver of the N atural County Home w hisper about Celia chard, unproductive and a source Master Jam ie McNair, who has Paper, 50c. McNair Bros, Carbonic company left this m orn­ Some say they can’t explain her of expense for twelve month in "Any county judge should wel­ been touring tbe E ast with his ing for Salem where he will spend power over the Grim Reaper. the year. He has stuck to his come the assistance of -such a com­ father and m other, Mr. and Mrs. Returns Home— O ther* say they can explain It. job, year in, year out, several days on business. and m ittee, in determ ining some of Mrs. Mary A .. Lewis of Third W. H. McNair will arrive home im portant questions concern­ They whisper th a t she is immor­ brought the property to a ¿oint J ‘ the Ashland, Oregon J street has returned home afterj Thursday. ing roads. Through this course tal; th a t h er sunny ways, her light where it ia financially profitable. All Wool Suits with extra tro u s­ visiting for several weeks w ith 1 ers tailored to your m easure at heart, her love, th a t has been As I look back, and rem em ber the county judge is kept in con­ Let us fill your pall with Swifts relatives in Californie,. children to ' the people who have failed to suc- stant touch with the needs and $31.00 for a short time only a t transferred from Silver Leai lard. Costs less than everybody around her, m ake her Ceed w ith sim ilar undertakings Orres Tailor Shop, upstairs. shortening. Goes farther and is Halloween Novelties and Masks ♦ tM M M ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 48— 1* indespensable a t the home. T h e y ' 1 know th a t he has persistence, I more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf a t T refren's 4th St. News Stand. say she will be th ere as long as good judgm ent and business abil- j 48— 1 To E u g e n e - ity. He couldn’t have made the the brick walls stand. M oves— B A R TL E T T , the F u rrie r Mr. and Mrs. Don Stevens leave They have many ways of prov- grade otherwise. La Vonne Colvig and wife have To Burbank— W hen the Talent Irrigation Dis­ tonight fo r Eugene w here they j ing it. They point to the tim e New Theater Building « moved from the L ithia A partm ents B. R. Greer left this morning will spend the week. They plan when “ Little Celia” lost her trict was organized. M r."H artzell to a home a t 237 B street. Mr. for B urbank, California, w here he to attend Homecoming a t Eugene, j speech, and to the tim e when she was elected director and has serv­ M edford, Oregon Colvig Is connected with the Sky­ wil make an indefinite visit with witness the O regon-W ashington1 lost her hearing, and when she ed as president of the hoard ever relatives. line Mine. game and the O.A.C.-Idaho game. I lost her sight. Then they ask since. I live in th a t district, and ---------- • i w hether she can speak and hear I know something of the difficul-' 100 boxes large Spitzenburg and Stopped O ver— NOTICE j and see now. And they can tell ties th a t have been overcome and • of the work which has been ac- ] Preaching every evening at Newtown cull apples, 50 cents. Mr. and Mrs. W ard Henry- you th a t she surely can. Each Bring your box or sack. F ru it As­ 7:30 p. m., a t Lyric theatre, by complished, and I believe th a t to I 44— 6 stopped in Ashland this morning tim e she has been so near death Eld. T. F. G riffith, Missionary sociation. and visited John Enders, who is th a t a quiver would hâve ta k es B ap th t.— Public Invited. 48— 3* an old schoql m ate of Mr. Henry. her over, and each tim e she has M oves to M edford— R ichard B arthelm ess F. E. W atson, oia resident of' They are on th eir way home from returned the same appealing R eturn Horn«'— IN I Seattle. "L ittle Celia.” Fred Taylor and H arry Mc­ this city, has rented; his home N air returned home Saturday here and is moving to Medford, noon from a week’s hunting trip. where he will m ake his future home. They returned wjth a deer. B U SIN E SS M EN CLAIM OREGON IS IN U N ITY -o— o We deliver the goods -Detricks Sweet cream for whipping and to rem em ber th a t cars TU ESD A Y (Continued from page I.) coffee— also fresh Ilk, always 94-tf s ta rt h a rd e r and are more W ED N ESD A Y ea Ice at the Plaza. 239— tf merce calendar, so th a t it m ight costly to operate in w in­ TH URSD A Y Deserving of their popularity. demand advance . attention th a t te r th a n in summ er. F o r San D iego— W ith well dressed men are these Adolph Zukor .- 4 J o te L U « ? will allow for thorough prepara­ Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Barnthouse newest models in suits. Paulser- tion and widely distributed busi­ If your ignition system is 48— tf ' LONDON, Oct. 24. — Electric and Cleo Mast left this morning uds. batteries th a t will last thousands ness representation in its person­ put in first class condi­ for San Diego where they will tion, your battery will give of years before running down nel. visit relatives and frieads for G,,e8ts a t Medford— Of the significance of the spirit less trouble and your ex­ Mrs. May Greene, Mrs. Lizzie are a Possibility of the near fu- •b o u t three weeks. of the state as encountered on the pense this winter will be M erritt and son, Jack, were din­ ture, according to th e claims of trip last week, Mr. Mielke said: less. Biggest in life’s tim e Hallow­ ner guests at the Berneburg home a Birmingham scientist, J. B. “ It has been most gratifying t o ' K ram er, who claims to have dis­ e'en M asquerade and hard time in Medford yesterday. covered a new generative source find in southern Oregon and in Let us tell you how little Ball at Jackson Hot Springs F ri­ the -Coos bay country th a t th e Choice Holland bulbs, Darwin of electricity by which energy feeling there tow ard P ortland is it will cost to put your car day, Oct. 31. W ear either mas­ will be drawn in lim itless quanti­ in shape for pleasant mo­ S terling C oats querade or hard tim e clothes. 6 tulips, best standard varieties, no longer antagonistic or even ties from vast n atu ral resources toring this winter. prizes 6. Bulowski’s Californians. 75c dozen; daffodils 75c dozen; apathetic, but th at, on the other Nuf sed. 47— 3 narcissus 40c dozen; jonquils 40c of radio-active substances and hand, it is neighborly and friend­ dozen; hyancinths, all colors, 10c harnessed to the services of the ly. W hen in need ôf a b attery , each; Chinese lillies, 15c each. world. Fuel and chemicals are Leaves for Ohio— "T hat this is tru e m ust have do n o t forg et the w onder­ not needed, he states. Miss Florence Dowger wlll Ashland Greenhouse. Phone 120. been very evident to anyone w h o ' fu l new "The principal on which my 47— 4 leave this week for Ohio to visit made this trip. discovery is based is a perfectly her mothen-. Miss Dowger has T H IR T E E N -P L A T E natural process and is so notice­ Is Home— been in Ashland for about a year FO R D -B U ILT B A TTER Y O. O. Van N a tta has re tu rn e d ' able and elem entary th a t scien- and likes it so well here th at she a t only hopes to bring her m other to Ash home from Los Angeles w here he t,8ts appear to have overlooked has been visiting. Mr. Van N atta ’ E ram er said in an interview, land. was injured in an autom obile ac- “ B rlafly, it consists of placing cident while there and has b e e n ' radio' active . m ater,al between In stalled ' Get your masks for the big ball under medical treatm ent since th a t plates different metals, such a t T refren’s 4th St. Store. 48— 1 time. H e is confined to his home. as copper and alum inum , which DWAN PRODUCTION by virtue of their differences have — 1 ■■■ Save $10.00, walk upstairs to a discrim inating quality between H A R R IS O N Cliff Payne makes brackets. Sli! Don’t tell a soul Orres tailor shop. 17— tf the positive and negative ele­ AND B rothers, G arage what happened to Mar­ m ents of the radio-activity, and Styleplus Clothes, America’s F rom Portland— Ford, Lincoln, Fordson D ealers storing them up in a charge of jorie Colbert. I t ’s “ A So­ E. F. W olcott arrived Satur­ foremost style line of Suits and electricity, which can be drawn ciety Scandal!” day afternoon from Portland Over Coats a t Paulseruds. 48— tf off in the usual way. where he has been spending the “ The world is full of radio­ past two weeks assisting C. H. Snow at Lake— active substance, and there are It was snowing at C rater Lake Nickerson of Ashland, who is countless millions of tons avail­ national park Saturday and prob­ building a home for his daughter. able. ably continued to snow all night “ There is a species of sand on I Big stock of Masks and Hallo­ and yesterday, but the snow was the shore's of India and elsewhere ween toys at T refren’s 4th St. melting fast and th e last rep o rt which is radio-active, and upward Store. 48— 1 received from th e lake a t noon of tw enty different m inerals have was th a t the road through the sim ilar properties. Most of these the national park to the lodge was substances endure for thousands Spend E vening H ere—— Miss C lara Costley, form er still open.— Medford Sun. of years, and th e energy would lias a big exchange value Ashland girl, now living in Talent, _be good for th e whole of th a t Vicks Vapo Rub, 35c. McNair time. will be in Ashland this evening if you buy a new beater j Bros. if im n iitK iiiT ii “ Thia radio-activity is a n a tu r­ and spend the time with some of al process. I t goes on incessant­ her friends. or range here. Trade in You are welcome to compare ly, and it rem ains only for man my Automobile rates with any to devise some means of storing razier on your old one for a Te», U, Tel, Um, Kistlers Qual­ other rates in Jackson or Jose­ it and tu rn in g it into electrical ity Bread, from tho oven over the counter, 8 and 12c. 31— 6 phine Counties; you can be the energy.” Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. K ram er confidently believes 3 0— tf th a t he has solved this problem. Good Potatoes, per cwt. $2.00 R rturn H om e— W ith his apparatus he claims to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peil, Mrs. Good Coffee 40 and 43c lb. have succeeded in driving a small R eporters on S taff— We have several second­ Ella Mills and Miss Lydia McCall The Mail Tribune and. Sun engine, which, he says, he wil! Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs for 23c returned home last evening from hand ranges and heaters— dem onstrate shortly. Good Brooms 50c, 75c, $1.00 a week’s trip to Dunsm uir and staff is all puffed up over the all in good condition— the surrounding country. They fact th at tw o of their form er val­ Molasses Dairy Feed, 75 ued reporters are on the news­ which we will sell at rea­ reported th a t they enjoyed a won­ pound sack .................. $1.80 papers of the leading educational sonable prices, giving you derful trip. institutions of this state and Hog Feed, 80 lb. sack ....$2.25 a real value. showing them in which way "they 80 lbs. Mill R un...............$1.65 From C orvallis— should go. Miss Peggy Gould is Mr. andi Mrs. A. N Humphrey, a member of the reportorial staff Cherro Flour, 49 lb. sack $2.25 Mrs. E. M. Berg, M s. Huxley of the O. A. C. Dally Barom eter, Picket Flour, 49 lb. sack $2.25 and Mrs. J. A. Ruger returned and Ned French is on th e staff PALACE UNIVERSAL’ homo Saturday night .from Cor­ of the U. of O. Daily Em erald. vallis where they attended the BINGHAMPTON, N. Y., Oct. 22 Parent-T eachers ....C o n v e ntlon, No agent In Southern Oregon — “ She bears a charm ed li^e.” which was held there last week. can w rite better A uto Insurance T hat is the explanation made to­ razier on ‘‘The Q uality Store" They reported a fine trip and an or a t low er rates than th e Staple« day by friends of Miss Celia Con­ Phone 214— 858 B. Main St. Interesting convention. 1 Agency. nors, 103 years old, for seventy L io e a l * P e r s o n a l f l o t e s The Depositors COMMENDS HARTZELL rp The Citizens Bank of Ashland Tonight NOW Is the Time 21 99 ELECTRIC BATTERIES OF UNLIMITED LIFE G loria OCTOBER COAT SALE A few models of now on sale at $16.50 'A Society Scandal' MONTH END Dollar Day Sale! Andirons Fire Screens Simpson’s Hardware Your Old Range or Old Heater Winchester Store F & S New Universal YOUR DOLLAR IS WORTH MORE HERE DIRE FROM DEATH HALF HUNDRED TIMES Bargains Galore BUY NOW F & S SWENSON-PEEBLER Furniture Company E. R. ISAAC & CO