Ma m m ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS feawnijHiM .i„ffla a Mg> Classified Column C la d d e d Column Rates One cent the word each time. PROFESSIONAL I Republican Ticket PHYSICIANS and Platform richness they have, never surpassed. been GIRL POISONS SELF ’ next day to W. R. Butler, poeealy self-administered.' QN EVE OF WEDDING *n a room in her home, sur-; The scraps of the letter dhtfos- Perforated kid is one of the j rounded by the preparations for cd that seme person had written smartest materials in Paris this season. It serves to make whole dresses, blouses and tunics. A de­ sign picked out with the perfora­ tions will show a brilliantly col­ CALENDAR OF EVENTS ored lining beneath the kid. Col­ Monday, October 27. Ashland lars and cuffs of kid are perfor­ Music Club will meet at the Li­ ated to form designs that recall brary at 7:35. the rich, heavy patterns of Vene­ Monday, October 27,. Upper tian and Colbert laces. London Valley Community Club will meet started the chamois and kid at eight o’clock at the Belleview dresses In solid leather. Paris school house. Mrs. Perozzi will caught the perforation Idea, which speak on measures to be brought makes the garment much lighter tip at election. and softer. For soft texture and Tuesday, October 28. Civic Im­ drapabillty are are the character­ provement Club will give card istics sought for this year — a party in the evening at eight o’­ softness which moulds the figure clock. Bridge and five hundred. and lends supple grace to the mov- Every member and friend is in­ ments in walking. vited. Ladies and gentlemen. Among daytime cloths, kasha Tuesday, October 28. W. C. T. is the most popular, being made U. will meet at the home of Mrs. of the soft hair of the Cashmere Davis on Allison street. Review goat, as pleasant to touch as to of state convention will be given. look at.« For warm outdoor wear • * * there Is a handsome woolen cloth Civic Club Party— which resembles Ottoman silk in The Civic Improvement Club its thick rib. Curious wool vel­ will give a card party at the club vets are also being used; one kind house ai eight o’clock Tuesday Is crossstrlped In bands of color evening for ladies and gentlemen. which recall the beautiful Ro­ The committees are working hard man scarfs. Another Is a new and there will be cards for those make of woolbacked velvet, with who wish tq play and entertain­ a lovely, silky reflection, nia’de ment for others. A large number in rich new shades of green, rose have signified their intention to and chestnut. come and it is hoped that a large Creep satin is one of the suc­ crowd will be present. Anyone in­ cesses of the season, as are also terested is invited to attend. the heavily corded silks called • • • •‘Ottomans,” which have long Will Go To Klamath— been associated .with aristocratic The Alpha Chapter, No. 1. O. old ladies. This silk is ideal for E. S. has accepted an invitation sheath gowns and is seen In many from Aloha Chapter, O. E. S. of street coats and three-piece cos­ Klamath Falls to exemplify the tumes. One charming model in initiatory work Tuesday evening green has a comfy lining of paler in their chapter rooms at Klam­ green wool. There is a rich band­ ath Fall",! A large number of ing of fur that curves up the side people are planning to attend and gives a slenderizing line. A from Ashland. narrow belt of silk has three small • ♦ ♦ jade buckles to fasten it on the side. Have Supper— The new velvets, with their The trustees of the Congrega­ glossy pile of artificial silk, often tional Church entertained at the sleeked down in panne velvet ef­ church for all of the members and fect, are also a great source of friends Friday evening. A delic­ beauty in the hands of the grande ious dinner consisting of wild goose and salmon, witji the things coutouriers. Yteb is showing a that go with these, was serv­ number of hand-dyed crepe dresses ed and greatly enjoyed by all. The that form an interesting feature jvening was spent In pleasant con­ of Autumn styles. The background versation and the children play­ is white crepe de Chine, out of ed gamsp. Miss Mary Galey play­ which the artist makes a figured ed several selections on the piano material which does not resemble and Reverend Oldfield recited batik, but is full of zig-zag Hues, some well-known poems in Swed­ indefinite and delicately colored. ish dialect. About sixty were The result is an irregular pattern present and all reported a good of grays, browns, blues and all the shades in between, which is time. quite delightful. * * * DR. HAWLEY—Above Tidings The Jackson County Republican office. Phone 91. organization is composed of fifty- * - ■ - - - - six precinct committeemen, an To run every Issue lor one DR. C. W. HANSON ' executive committee of eleven month or more. 14 c the word ’ members, a women's advisory . Dentist each time. of eleven members, one Special attention given to pyor­ (.committee • woman member of the state execu- rh o ea. Office upstairs in Beaver • tive committee, a stats committee­ FOR RENT Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. man, a congressional committee­ - man, making a total of eighty- FOR RENT:—Furnished front DR; ERNEST A. WOODS—Prac­ one members who are the law­ room apartment. 349 East Main tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano fully constituted representatives of the republican party in Jack- St. 47— 6 throat—X- ray including teeth. j son county. These men and wo­ Office hours, FOR RENT: — Cozy 2-room ♦ 10 to 12 and 2 tc men believe in party government, 6, Swedenhurg Bldg., Ashland, party responsibility* and party furnished apartment with kitch­ discipline, for no political organi­ Ore. enette and private bath. 357 zation can long endure, nor can Vista street. Phone 122. 47—tf it be of any great force or effect DU. E. B. ANGELL—Chiropractic in elevating our standards of pub­ and Electro-Therapy. Office lic service unless It is willing to FOR RENT—Furnished house. phone 48; residence 142. First assume full responsibility -for its 478 Boulevard. 36— lmo acts and stands ready to enforce National Bank building. discipline and demand loyalty FOB SALE when the majority speaks. The THE SOUTHERN OREGON organization is in politics only HEED OF ALL KINDS— We CLINIC from the standpoint of better gov­ 1st National Bank Bldg. are wholesale dealers la all ernment. Surgical Obstetrical i The following resolution was kinds of seed, including all kinds Medical Diagnostic X-ray unanimously adopted at our meet­ of vetch, pasture mixture, clover R. W. Stearns, M. D. ing on October 7th. It is both a seed and all field seeds, cheat and R. E. Green, M. D. pledge and a platform: R. W. Sleeter, M. D. Tangier peas. Oregon Seed Co., Under the election laws of the Office hours 2-5 p. m. Junction City, Ore. 30— 4 mon. state of Oregon, a county com­ Phone 238-R mittee is elected by the people at the primary at the same time the FOR SALE: — Dry pine and MONUMENTS candidates are nominated, and this oak wood. Phone 447L. 47—4* committee is given full authority ASHLAND GRANITE to take charge of the campaign FOR SALE: — 14 inch hard MONUMENTS for election. wood. |4.40 tier delivered. Oeo. This committee is made res­ Blair Granite Co. Yockel. Box 95 B. 47— J • ponsible for the conduct of the S. PENNISTON. Manager campaign; it is empowered to levy Office 17S E. Main FOR SALE: — Terminal Cafe assessments on the candidates and Res. ✓ Phone 444-Y to otherwise raise funds for prop­ in Stage Terminal Hotel. Owner er and legitimate campaign ex­ returning to Alaska. P. O. Box TNI GIRL IN TROLBLE— May penses. The powers of this com­ 766, Roseburg. 47— 6* communicate with Ensign Lee mittee given both by law and by of the Salvation Army, at the Implication are almost unlimit­ FOR SALE: — Rabbltts and ed. Therefore, be it WhlteShleld Home, 565 May- hutches. 928 B. St. 46— 3* Resolved, that the Jackson fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. County Republican Central Com­ FOR SALE— 6 room house, mittee exercise In every just and PLANING MILL reasonable way in this campaign first class condition, Garage and the full powers given them by woodshed. Lot 50x145. Fruit law. trees, berries. Includes >700 JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET in party government WORKS, Cor. Helman - and and Believing worth of furniture, fruit Jars, party responsibility, there­ Van Ness. 19^tf fore pledge to the people we of Jack- garden tools, etc. Reasonable for son county that if they see fit to quick sale. Call 132 5th St. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS elect our candidates on the 4th 43— 6 Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. day of November, then this or­ ganization will get behind these for SERVICE. FOR SALE: — 12-inch body county and encourage and Experienced movers and pack­ support officers fir, 83.60 per tier. Address W . R. them in every way, so ers of household goods. Deal­ long as they conduct their respec­ Williams, Rt. 1, Ashland. 41— 10* e rs In coal and wood. Phone tive offices in an able, economical and honest manner, and if they «-ROOM Modern House, 2 117. prove unworthy in the conduct blocks from Hawthorne school Office 89 Oak St. near of their 'Offices, and should on paved street, well furnished. Hotel Ashland charges of inefficiency or dishon­ Lot 80x160. Party leaving town. esty be preferred against any such For quick sale 83250, on good T. L. POWELL—General Trans­ officer and if upon investigation fer—Good team and motor are found to he true, then this terms at 6 per cent. W. W. Robi­ pleflges the people of son, 63 North Main St. 38—tf trucks. Q >od service at a rea­ committee Jackson county that we will ask sonable price. Phone 83. for the resignation of any such Bungalows— Lots officer, and, if necessary, take steps to remove him. I have some fine Bungalows, FEHIGE-ROACH Further, if these candidates are Houses and Building Lots in Ash­ Transfer — Express — Storage endorsed at the polls this fall, land for sale, will accept good Hauling — Dray work of all then this committee is resolved Bonds, Notes of Mortages on hinds. Quick motor service. Dry to see that harmony Is brought payments, and give easy terms on wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R into the court house at Jackson­ ville and that all of these officers balance. Se me before buying a 375 B. St. 112-tf pull together for efficiency in our w homo. county government, to the end Rural 1-Conklin W e d d in g - A. L. LAMB, 178 A St. that the burdens of the taxpayers Word has been received here Box 422, Ashland. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS may be relieved to as great an of the wedding of Mr. F. P. Bur- extent as possible. 35— 1 Mo. We further pledge ourselves to rail to Miss Margaret Elizabeth G. W. Milam see that unnecessary deputies, Conklin, October 1st, at the home Buy better milk. Phone 257-J Independent special police and other special of the bride’s parents in Mar­ for it. 33—1 mo.* Candidate for County School officers and any unnecessary mem­ quette, Michigan. bers of the clerical force not ab­ FOR SALE — or exchange for Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ solutely necessary Many friends will remember for the effic­ 836.000.00. 160 acres. 100 culti­ ty, Oregon. iency conduct of county business, Mr. Borrall. who was formerly of vated, free water, lota of it. 20 shall be cut off. Ashland, and is a mining engin­ ANNOUNCEMENT With this understanding and eer. Congratulations and best head of large size Registered Jer­ In announcing myself as an pledge we submit for the consid­ Individual garages for rent seys, the finest strain in Oregon. Independent candidate for Cor­ eration of the voters of Jackson wishes are extended to the happy by week or month 30 bead of registered Duroc pigs. county our ticket nominated by couple from his old friends here. oner for Jackson county;—I do 200 White Leghorn chickens, team the republicans in the May pri­ Mr. and Mrs. Burrall will be A good and safe place to keep your car by day and night of Registered Imported PercKon so with the firm belief that the maries: at home In Marquette on October people do not want minority rule. For Representatives 8th Dlstr^pt— mares 1900 lbs. each. About 25th? JOHN H. CARKIN It is proven that the direct 13000.00 worth of farm equip­ * * * RALPH P. COWGILL ments^ modern house, large barn primaries are a failure» only 30 For District Attorney— Paris Style Hint-— Genuine WEED CHAINS NEWTON C. CHANEY ' and other buildings. Will take per cent vote was cast at the PARIS, Oct. 25.—Fashionable spring primaries, which is not a For County Judge— income property up to 820,000.00, fabrics for the Winter are ex­ W. J. HARTZELL long time on balance at 6 per cent. voice of the people. In this elec­ For Countv Commis°ioner—• tremely soft, and for beauty and Courtesy to brokers or agents. tion all parties have the privilege VICTOR BURSELL of voting for their choice. For County Clerk— Firestone Tires & Tubes J. J. Deakin. Phone 330. Ashland I need no Introduction to the DELTLIA STEVENS Oregon. 33—1 mo. people of Jackson county where For Sheriff— J. J. McMAHON Miller Tires & Tubes I have lived for 15 years, and For Assessor-— MISCELLANEOUS given the best of my life, time J. B. COLEMAN - and money for the upbuilding and For School Superintendent— WANTED:—Good young horse; SITSANNE HOMES CARTER betterment of the entire commun­ weight about 1500 lbs., to work For Treasurer— Free Crank-case Service on cold mornings, replace your single. Also one horse wagon and ity.I have been assistant to the A. C WALKER old Spark Plugs, with a set of harness. *1— 3* present coroner for eight years For Surveyor— Valvoline Oil & Greases new A. C. or Cliamplon Plugs, T. GRIFFITH COWGILL they will sail« your battery. and understand every detail o f ’ For Coroner— WANTED: — Nursing. Will H. CONGER consider house work. Am a post the work, therefore I am compet­ Signed: Milwaukee Timers, graduate of N. W. school of mas­ ent to handle the affairs of the JACKSON COUNTY RE­ K-W Coil Points Associated Gas, Oils and sage and electro-therapeutics. office. PUBLICAN COMMITTED installed free Yours for clean, progressive (Paid Adv.) 45— 10 Mrs. Leighton, 153 Granite or Greases Phone 153. 33— 1 mo. and efficient women and men in office in Jackson county. Pennzoil WANTED—Work by ¿ompetent NELLIE M. PERL. experienced janitor; All or part ANNOUNCEMENT time. Will do anything. Refer­ County Coroner ences 218-Y. 32 tf DR. OS8ER & SON BOULEVARD and SHERMAN In announcing my candidacy Goats Bred by registered for the office of coroner, I feel buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk straia, that I am no stranger among you, low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 as I was duly nominated at the miles south on Pacific Highway. May primary on the republican She mixed Sulphur with it' 14— 1 mo? ticket for which I am thankful. to Restore Color, Gloss, And I hold out the same belief I Youthfulness now as then that the majority should and must rule and am at I Common garden sage brewed all times willing to strictly abide into a heavy tea with sulphur. will appear in person In by their decision. Regarding the added, will turn gray, streaked office for which I aspire, will sav and faded hair beautifully dark that I still hold out the belief and luxufiant. Just a few ap­ that the office should not continue plications will prove a revelation at the • Clogged Air Passages Open for the fifth term under the same if your hair is fading, streaked j management however efficient It or gray. Mixing the Sage Tea ( at Once—Nostrils may be, and should it be placed in and Sulphur recipe at home, • r x Cleared my charge I shall surely exercise though, is troublesome. An easier with his company under the auspices of ANDREWS BROTH­ the same judgment and efficiency way is to get a bottle of Wyeth’s' ERS In his great spiritualistic lecture: “Can the Dead Speak If your nostrils are clogged and which alone has brought about Sage and Sulphur Compound a t • to the Living?” He will demonstrate many of the phenomea your head stuffed because of cat­ my success as an undertaker. treated of in his Oregonian articles. any drug store all ready for use.: arrh or a cold, get Ely’s Cream I Trusting that by your voice at This is the old-time recipe Improv­ HOUDINI AND HIS EXPERIMENTS IN SPIRITUALISM Balm at any drug store. Apply a the election polls I may be plac­ ed by the addition of other in­ Houdinl, master of magic, has long contended, that given little of this pure, antiseptic, germ ed In a position to be of greater gredients. equal opportunity he will duplicate any phenomenon of the service. destroying cream into your nos­ While wispy, gray, faded hair is spiritualistic medium. For many years he has been an in­ I truly remain, trils and let it penetrate through not sinful, we all desire to retain dependent investigator at seances, and only a few weeks ago H. W. CONGER. How good it feels. Your head j our youthful appearance and at­ was in the news as having prevented a celebrated medium Medford, Ore. I tractiveness. By darkening your and membranes. Instant relief. from grasping the Scientific American award. Beginning in the next issue of The Sunday Oregonian Medford, Ore. ' hair with Wyeth’s Sage and Sul­ How good it feels. Your read Pd. Adv. and continuing for several weeks Houdini will give an im­ is clear. Your nostrils are open. phur Compound, bo one can tell, partial analysis of spiritualism, covering a complete study of You breathe freely. No more haw­ Portland — Since January 1,' because it does it so naturally,I many spiritualistic phenomena, from the famous Fox sisters king or snuffling. Head colds and 1921, 13,000 homes costing $60,- ! so evenly. You just dampen a to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In these articles he shows sincere catarrh yield like magic. Don’t , 000,000 have beqn built in Port-: sponge or soft brush with it and respect for honest belief and utter contempt for deliberate fraud'. Whatever your views are on the spiritualistic contro­ stay stuffed up, choked up and land. Four years preceding 1921 i draw this through your hair, tak­ versy you cannot afford to miss a single article In this in­ miserable. Relief is sure. showed 3000 houses, costing 89,- ing one small strand at a time; structive and novel series.—Sunday Oregonian. 000,000. by morning all gray hairs have disappeared, and after another ap­ Tickets will be on sale Monday, October 27th, at Palmer’s Medford* —Modern fire-proof plication or two, your hair be­ Music Store. Prices 75c, 81.00, 81.50, war tax extra. cafeteria building, 35x63, being . Vernonia—New sewer system comes beautifully dark, glossy, almost ready for use. b uilt. i soft and luxuriant. O E S E R ’ S Ashland Service Station For Quick Starting GRANDMA USED SAGE TEA TO DARKEN HAIR END C « l w in THIS HEALING CREAM W. & N. Service Station HOUDINI Medford Armory, November 1 DANVILLE, Va., Oct. 25—Be- har wedding, her lifeless body was to her fiance attacking her char- hind a few torn scraps of a letter, found by members of her family, acter. The police tire investigat lurked a tragedy that cost the life Death was poison, sup- ing. of Miss Blanche Long, 22, who ^ ^ ----- -1-1 " - - ------------ 1 .'- il .-"... j .« _____ ¡u ________ was to have been married the I Many leading authorities aud scientists have proved by actual tests, that the benefits of gland transplantation may be obtained by giving the patient gland sub­ stance to be taken internally, rather than by operation. Dr. Arnold Lorand says in his book, “Old Age Deferred,” in speaking of the glands: “We must insist upon the enforcement of their functions, if changed by age or disease, by means of ex­ tracts obtained from ¿he similar organs of healthy young animals.” Glandogen, the new scientific gland tonic, prepared In tablet form provides a simple method of taking glandular treatment. Glandogen, for men and women. East Side Pharmacy will supply you—Mail orders accepted. For a smooth shave and quick service go to the Shell Barber Shop. Ladles and children get your hair bobbed and marcel­ led. W. A. SHELL, Prop *32 A. St. Ashland, Or. Materials in this shingle tested by the ages ^ T 'H E base on wliich this shingle is built, Asbestos rock, is taken , ‘roip mines where it lay for countless centuries unaffected by destroying forces. W hether you are building a home or simply remodeling, the Carey Asbestos Slate Shingle offers you more roof value for your investment. Three natural colors: Blue-black, sage green or Indian red. Carey Asbestos Slate Shingles are approved by Underwriters’ L ab­ oratories and carry the Class B Underwriters’ label, thus meeting the requirements of strict building codes. D E A L E R ’S N A M E ,,.F ’ ASBESTO SLATE SHINGLES Ashland Lumber Co. A cereal achievement New Style H’O * | "MIE only oats that cook into granular oatmeal. A Nothing else like it. Meaty granules stimulate digestion. Never cook sticky or pasty. Wonderful flavor. More than a new oatmeal—a n ew cereal. Energy-building corbohydrates, tissue-building pro­ teins, a wealth of vital minerals. And New Style H-O takes only 2 to 3 short m inutes to cook —the quickest cooking cereal—quick a s a flash ! ] R egu lar H-O O ats k in d s |g S -Ï I New Sty,e H’° Oat8 fO u lck ) OATS Cookin 2 to 3 minutes S tan d ard fu ll siz e an d w eig h t p k g.— w eig h t, 1 lb . 4 oz. . ■ They Say He Treats ’em Rough The Road Hogs, the Speed Fiends, the Drunken Drivers, the Law Breakers, of high or low degree. But he treats them all alike. They Say He Treats ‘cm Rough But he is a go-getter, active, courageous, and on, the job both day and night. They Say He Treats ‘em Rough But the blind pigger with a $4000 car or the poor little devil with a bottle of moonshine in his pocket would all look alike to Joe. And if he was on the job it would­ n’t cost the county $1000 a month for special officers. They Say He Treats ‘em Rough That is what the lawbreakers say. But the roads are safe for women and children with Joe McMahon on thé job. And he doesn’t treat them rough. No oné who / obeys the law says he treats ’em rough. The man with a flivver and the man with a limousine all look alike to Joe. THEN VOTE FOR J o e M cM ah o n F or Sheriff BECASE HE TREATS THEM ALL ALIKE. % (Paid Adv.. Republican County Central Committee)