ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS ASH LA N D D A IL Y M onday, ò rto b er 27, 1024 T ID IN G S half billion dollars in question came chiefly from the pock These native sons were proud and, in their way, intelli- French schools m Turkey. Ameri- ; (E stab lish ed In 1 8 7 6 ) e.ts of individuals who could not-afford to speculate be­ gent. They were informed of how the countries east of can and Britlsh institutions were Hie Tiding'* Ads Bring Result* cause it were tragedy for them to lose. the Rocky mountains had been appropriated and the In- T T * ’ ? ut recently 80 many ob" P ub lished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by (hang gradually driven out. or onto reservations. Of all i ' A SH LA N D P R IN T IN G CO. A FA ST W ORKER tills they were not ignorant and naturally reasoned that sIon they will have to cease opera­ L R. Greer ......... ......._______________ 'Pditnr When General Feng seized Pekin, cut all communi- t e wedge was being driven by the home builder that tion sooner or later. U eorte Madden Qre< ..................................................... Business Manager OFFICIAL CITY P. » er ...............................................-...Telephone 8 9 |Cation and forced President Tsao K-un to fire General Wu, muSt, inevitably, result as it had elsewhere. w V a r o R ub O w r 1 7 M illian J a r , U h J a t th e A shk i, Oregon Post of flee a« second class Mali Matter h6 showed speed worthy of Napoleon in his prime. He Tidings Ads brings results. The Missionaries Came declaring their purpose to achieved what the French call a coup d ’etat. Possibly he Christianize the Indian; to teach him how to live, how to Subscription P rice, D elivered In City Mouth ... $ .66 acquired his speed when he became a Christian, being FMrss M onths build homes and how to enjoy life according to the pre­ 1.95 • b i Month« ... known as the Christian general.' Interest among Ameri­ 3.75 I brought a truck load o f bar­ cepts of the Holy Master. That sounded good, hut when Ou« Year ....... Simmon’s 7.50 cans centers in the fact that he has called ,off the war with gain counter good s from P ort By Mail and Rural R outes they found that their methods of life were to he changed Oua Month ... land la st w eek, nil o f w hich Bed Springs and $ .65 Chang Tao Lin, to whom Japan is decidedly partial, and and that instead of enjoying a free and untrammeled ex-i Three Month« w ill be sold accordingly. A uto 1.95 that he proposes to install the leader of the Anfu party, istence, they were required to work, till the ground and Six Month« ... Mattresses 3.50 Rohes, W ade D ragsaw , H alt­ One Year ....... 6.50 which is pro-Japanese, as president. If Cheng should be­ imitate the whites in building homes, and further when, ers, and. lots o f arm y goods. B uilt for Sleep come dominant at Pekin, we might expect a new deal in they found that white men with, their families were com-j , . . DISPLA Y ADVERTISING RATES Come in early w h ile they last. *• Insertion, per Inch ........................................... } .30 oriental politics that would revive Japanese influence in ing into the wake of the Missionary, assuming superior-! .T H E ASHLAND FU RNITUR E Yearly C ontracts Insertion a week ....................................... COMPANY •27% ( Ulina and to which soviet Russia .might become a party ity over them, they naturally became restless, drew aloof Two insertions a week PEIL’S CORNER 8 3 N. Main .25 Being the sponsor for the open door policy, the Unitec and finally begun war upon them. These missions and Mhily insertion .............. .................................................................. .20 __ .. , R atos for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising States could not be indiffereht to such a situation, for attended settlements were in the Willamette valley and F i m Insertion, per 8 point line ...............„ .......... j .10 there would be danger of obstructions in the doorway. along the banks of the Columbia. Most of the histories W«h subsequent insertion, 8 point line .05 Card o f T hanks ...................... ................................... •M W arles, per line ........................ I Z Z Z Z 7 L ™ . ............. deal chiefly with thesq communities and conditions; south • 02% The man who said there is always room on top never of the Calipooia mountains no missions were established, , W HAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING tried an upper berth __ 11 future events, where an admission charge is made or a and with the exception of mining industries, the settle­ «rtlsetion taken is Advertising. ments of Southern Oregon were exclusively of the home No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. Man has some advantages, but he can’t slip fourteen building type, a fact sufficient to arouse the full deter­ DONATIONS Ne donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ ounces of cloth over his head and call himself dressed. mination of the savages to drive them lienee. e r Jab printing— our eontrlbutions will be In cash. (To he.Continued) “ Is it right,” asks an indignant citizen, “ to fine peo OCTOBER 27 " w it h h o l d n o t g o o d : — w ithhold not good from them to ! p ie for making wine and arivinsr an occasional glass a large degree established by Bul­ whom it i »due, when it is in the power of thin hand' to do it o o GROUND GRIPPER SHOES are con- Proverbs 3:27. garian scholarship. Transferred to their friends?” Well, in the cast of most home made to Sofia, the colleges would attra ct stiueted to conform to Nature^s lines; wine, no penalty is too severe. ty iC K s Have Comfortable Feet PO L IT IC A L C H A F F AND GRAIN MAY LEAVE TURKEY an even g reater num ber of Bul­ garian students and still be able to draw students from surround­ SOFIA, Oct. 27.— Because of ing bulkan countries. The Angora Government has stringent regulations imposed upon them by the Turkish Gov­ closed all Greek, Armenian and ernm ent, trustees of Robert Col­ lege and the American College for girls in Constantinople are considering the advisaBility o f ! moving these two American col­ leges to Sofia. Leading B ulgarians have ex­ pressed approval of the plan, and is used in thousands of the Sofia Government has prom­ ised its patronage and co-opera­ homes today because of tion. its uniform wholesomeness It has been suggested th a t the two missionary schools in Bul­ and because the use of baker’s bread permits the garia should be merged with the Constantinople colleges, thus housewife more time for build ;ng up in Sofia the best and other duties. largest American university ou t­ side the United States. Bulgaria students have always been the best and most numerous of those attending the two Ameri­ can colleges in Constanople. The Home of reputation of the colleges was to < t That suggestion from British experts that ice-water The American voters have been, and are still being, treated to the usual fusilade of political arguments and packs worn on the head will grow hair could come only persuasions by the horde of candidates who seek to rep­ irom a country not afflicted with prohibition. resent the dear people during the next few years. In this whirlwind of poltical talk, there have been drafts of chaff as well as grain. The separation of the Pioneering in Southern Oregon good and the bad is the task which will confront the voter! by 0. B. Watson a week from tomorrow. The voter should take his choice Baker’s Bread and stamp his approval on the candidates in whom he has (Continued from October 18) the deepest confidence; but he should make this choice To reach the floor of the valley they had to descend with his eyes open and his brain functioning, not blindly and merely in response to any plea of prejudice and dis­ p . very steep and rocky ravine now known as Emigrant creek in memory of their coming. One familiar with this content or ribald hatred. * It is an easy matter for a politician to speak com­ mountain trail cannot well avoid a feeling of astonishment forting words to the wavering voter, who is only too re­ th a t it was accomplished without serious accident. The ceptive- for honeyed words which promise many reforms writer traveled this trail fifty-two years ago and saw the and caustic criticism of those who are actually accom­ marks of their enterprise not yet effaced after twenty- six years. He also at that time traversed the great forest plishing something. Do not let the politicians pity you and make you along the route traveled by them and marvelled at their Franklin Bakery think that your lot has been unfortunate and that certain accomplishment, compassed after many davs of strenuous effort. He also, made the trip from Klamath Falls to Ash­ office-seekers are responsible for your misfortunes and land, over the million dollar highway, a few months ago present position. S uperior B re a d ” Weigh the arguments and persuasions carefully be­ by automobile in two hours and fifteen minutes. It is fore election day and determine your vote, not on passion noted with satisfaction that a granite monument lias been Phone 199 and hatred, but on a just judgment of the men who are erected on the line of this trail, to the memory of these pathfinders, many of whom afterwards sought homes in seeking this vote. Full Cream this valley. This party was piloted through to the Willamette » >NEY AND MORALS Cheese valley by these intrepid men, but not without serious ad­ To find out Lvw the submerged live, 24 college girls took jobs in shops and factories in Chicago and Philadel­ ventures of various kinds. At what is known as the Ump­ 30c a lb. qua Canyon, through which the Pacific Highway now phia. As high as 30 applications had to he made sometimes passes, their troubles were greatest. Some of the teams before a job was secured. The 24 co-eds say, “ No one can had to be rested up there and great difficulty and hard­ Delicious apples lead a healthy, all-round clean life on the wages and under ship was suffered. This canyon was afterwards selected Cauliflower lor the stage road from Sacramento to Portland, and those the conditions we worked this summer.” Lettuce Morals in the factories, they say, ran from the highest of us who traveled by stage over this route twenty-five Quinces to the lowest—it was usually a question of money. As a oi thirty years after the passage of this emigrant train Celeiy rule, the better the wages the better the morals. The °’ur ^ ie’r courage and enterprise. I have devoted considerable space to this event, be­ and all other vegetables of young women go hack to their Colleges with all the sym­ the season cause I consider it to have been of tlie greatest moment pathy in the world for the industrial girl. Doctor’s hills, clothes, union dues, insurance, cannot in the settlement of Southern Oregon. It must he remem­ be met on a saving of $2.88 a week, earned from strictest bered that at the time this Southern route was sought tlie Plazg Market economy and denial. The factory girl wants good times, question as to whether the United States or Great Britain 61 N. Main being human, as all folks do, hut cannot afford them. The should hold supremicy over the Oregon territory, was not H . A. Stearns temptations of joy rides, pretty clothes, gifts of jewelry yet settled, though then in the throes of arbitriment. The and nights in cabarets are difficult to resist, the college Hudson Bay Company had a line of forts, or posts between girls aver. And so comes the factory girl’s exposure and Fort Hall and the Columbia river and derived quite a rev­ enue from the immigrants whose wants they supplied at possible fall to the wolves of society. Make it a gift In our own day’s routine, and under the spell of our their own prices. The route was excessively hard making ambitions and hopes and purposes, we all forget the for the frequency of wants to be supplied. There was What could be a Letter stony trails that the submerged travel. But in the quest much prejudice among the settlers against the company, gift to your family than a of the 24 girls, in the industrial probe of the ¥. W. C. A., though Dr. McLaughlin was their benefactor and friend, complete, modem bath­ there is brought home to us the cold understanding of other officers of the company were not in sympathy wifli room! Today’s knowledge his sentiments of generosity and mercy. These officers of personal hygiene calls th e part money plays in morals. and men, stationed at great distances from the headquart­ it the most important ers at Vancouver and, responding to ,the opposite feeling room in the house. Per­ ONE A M IN U TE of the higher ups, and in an effort to discourage settlement The estimate that $500,000,000 was extracted last lrom the United States in order to further the plans of manent health protection, year alone from small investors by obvious swindlers gives Great Britain, were charged with making the hardships and year ’round pleasure comes with a modem this point to the recent declaration of Federal Judge An of the immigrant greater, even to incitement of hostility MRhroom. Have us install derson that in his opinion there are large numbers of in­ by the natives. Be this as it may, these feelings prompted one now. dividuals who will never learn to guard their own sav them to engage in counter moves. ings. The swindler is but the product of conditions creat­ As I have before said, it is not my intention to re­ Jerry O’Neal ed by his victims. The latter are mulcted not because they write the intensely interesting accounts of the early immi­ a re unfamiliar with the complexities of finance but be­ grants to the Columbia and Willamette valleys, because PluBffbing H eating cause they disregard the simplest principles of investment. 207 E. Main that lias been eloquently and at great labor and expense Phon® 188 Secretary Mellon has taken the trouble to set down given in the excellent publications and histories already a few rules which, if they were universally observed, extensively distributed. My excuse for this writing is would save most of the half billion liard-earned dollars that the settlement of all that country south of the Willa­ that small investors have lost. The fact is, however, that mette valley was made under circumstances entirely dif­ the result could be accomplished by faithfully following a ferent from that further north. It was not done by Mis­ single one of them. This, in substance, is the rule: A f t e r E v e ry M e a l sionaries nor trappers and hunters and being at a distance “ Special inducements should always inspire caution. from the great communities of the Willamette has not, it It ’s thè longest-lasting Such offers may be traps. Take time to sleep over in­ seems to me, received the attention that the magnitude confection yon can boy I CALIFORNIA OREGON] vestments. The swindler wants quick action, for he fears — and it»£ a help to di­ POWER. CO M PA N Y , and importance of this great area is entitled to. It is not investigation. The buyer seldom has anything to lose hv gestion and a cleanser d e la y .” J my intention to criticise, or to complain but rather to sup­ fo r the month plement and extend to the world information of that por­ and teeth. Something for nothing is always an incitement to re tion of Oregon south of the Callipooia mountains. From W r f g l e y ’s m e a n s flection, or ought to be. It ought not to require profound b e n e fit a s w e l l a s what has already been §aid, it will be understood that the p le a s u re . understanding of the laws of investment to make it plain Hudson Bay Company operated among the Indians in a that schemes pron ising enormous and speedy returns do not require peddli g among buyers of small means, that manner not to arouse their suspicions. They did not want if they were genuine they would be snapped up at once. the Indian lands nor did they assume to build up exclusive This is the lesson which it seems impossible to teach thor­ communities which required the land for tillage and home­ building, the very fact of which necessarily encrouched oughly and the fact that blue sky laws largely fail of their JOUR PARTNERS upon what Indians claimed to be their inalienable rights. IN PROGRESS purpose is due, not to failure to administer them so much The trappers assimilated with the Indians, married* In­ as to the cupidity of the buyer in the first instance. The Ask any member dian-women and lived the. same kind of life they did. person who frankly speculates and pretense that o f our organization But it ,vas not so with the white settler who came accom­ he is “ investing” is in a different category. But it is panied with his own family, settled on a piece of land, not on this kind that the get-rich-quick gentrv fatten. The, called it his own and refused association w tihthe red men’. — o r mail this coupon — today! straight inside line—room for all toes —flexible—to permit the flexing of your feet, in every part, at every step. If you suffer from foot trouble Ground Gripper Shoes offei you relief that you will appreciate. For normal feet they offer unequalled pro­ tection. NOTICE—For the purpose of demonstrating and fitting of Ground Gripper Shoes, our representative will be in Ashland, at Ashland Hotel, Room 103 one day only Tuesday, Oct. 28 Come in and let him make an impression of your feet and show you the way to have or to insure com­ fortable feet. No obligation. Ground Gripper Shoe Store 372 M orrison S treet PORTLA N D OREGON EACH SHARE i A is a diversified investment • L arg e in v esto rs look . fo r a diversified field W h a t a b o u t th e s m a lle r in v e sto r— th e m a n o r w o m a n w h o seeks th e sa m e sa fe ty for a few h u n ­ dred dollars in idle cash, o r from five to fifty dollars a m onth? 7.14% WRIGLETS POWER T h e C alifornia O re g o n P o w e r C o m p an y 7% P r e ferred Stock (yielding 7.14% a t its p rese n t price o f $98 a sh a re ) e a rn s its dividends from w i d e l y d i­ v e r s ifie d so u rc e s. Its incom e o f n e a rly a m illion an d a h a lf a y e a r com es from m a n y th o u sa n d h om es a n d establish­ m e n ts in O reg o n an d California. H y d ro -e le c tric p o w e r fro m its 9 p o w e r plants supplies th e needs o f mills, m ines, farm s, factories, industries a n d sto res o f e v e ry kind. Copco electricity lig h ts tiie lam p s o f y o u r hom e, o f y o u r n eig h b o r’s, a n d o f th o u san d s o f o th e r h om es y o u ’v e n e v e r seen. W h e th e r y o u o w n one sh a re o r a hun d red , e a c h s in g le s h a r e o f Copco P re fe rre d Stock is a th o r­ o u g h ly diversified investm ent. 19 MONTHS to PAY For information as to how you can buy Copco 7% Preferred Stock on payments as low as ¿5 a month, ask any member o f our organization, or clip and mail this coupon—today. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY O ffic e s : D oseburg . OREGON Medford Grants Pass Yreka Klamath Falls CALIFO RNIA Dunsmuir T H E CALIFO RNIA OREGON P O W E R COM PANY MEDFORD. OREGON c.£jLaSe^#end me btformatjon about your 7% Preferred Stock and special partial paym ent plan. Name. * ' Preferred