T s rìy e i ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. Thig is a proven fact, . ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. ( International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVIII. ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1924 Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. LABOR LEADERS STAND AGAINST SEATTLE MAYOR VAIN ROOSTER ATTACKS H ENH O USE W EA TH ER VANE 8 ----------- a 8 a a a a a a i$t -------- > a Say Appoinment of Bolton a Was Made Against a Their Wish a _____ a PROMISED TO CONFER « -------- ja L eaders Say B olton O ffered to » P ut D ism issed D etective in O ffice for P ee o f $ 5 0 0 WEST AMBOY, N. Y„ Oct. 27. — Perley Bobb, a poultrym an of this place has the champion fighting rooster of the town. Mr. Bobb placed a metal rooster w eather vane on his henhouse. For an hour his white W yandotte rooster walked around the henyard eyeing the weath- er vane. Ju st before noon Bobb went to the henhouse and was surprised to see the rooster on the roof fighting the w eather vane, a a a a a a a a i SHAKEUP MADE BY ATTORNEY GENERAL STONE Princess Mafalda Surrenders 8j a District Attorney Fired Fol­ a lowing Investigation Into a Laxity of Actions a a LETTER a a a a a a a a a a a a a a RESPONSIBLE P h ilad elp h ia W om an Stirs Up E n­ forcem ent H ead by C harging Incom peteney o f A ttorn eys BASEBALL PLAYERS PLEAD GUILTY Ï0 NO. 4S RIISH TAKE CO FFINS ON PILGRIMAGE TR IP a ----------- 8 u DNBLIN, Oct. 27. — 8 8 The thoroughness of the 8 » Irish was shown recently 8 » w’hen a pilgrim ship left 8 » Dublin for Lourdes, the 8 « famous French shrine for 8 « cripples. 8 8 Coffins were taken 8 ' 8 aboard the ship as a pre­ 8 Unique Caravan to Visit » caution against any of 8 Results Obtained Through Ashland on Tour of « the pilgrim s — many of 8 Trip Gratify Leaders in 8 whom were in very deli­ 8 Country Affairs of Portland ' » cate health — dying on 8 8 IS AN ANNUAL EVENT HERE AT 10 O’CLOCK « the voyage. 8 8 .8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 P eop le W ho K new , or V oted for Members of Excursion Pledge Lincoln A sked to Sign G iant T hem selves to Make Trip • 1 • Rook o f Caravan A nnual E vent LINCOLN-DAWES COOLIDGE BODY HERE TUESDAY BUSINESS MEN CLAIM 0 REGON IS IN U N IT Y WASHINGTON, Oct. 27— Six SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 27. — The Coolidge - Dawes - Lincoln PORTLAND, Oct. 27. — The district attorneys have resigned, T. H. Bolton, Seattle civil service autom obile caravan will reach | strikingly big impression that commissioner, now under suspic­ and four more have been asked Ashland at 10 o’clock Tuesday ! members of the Portland Cham­ ion in connection with an alleg­ to resign in the past three months, morning and everyone has been ' ber of Commerce goodwill excur­ invited to be present at the short I ed offer made to John Majewski, A ttorney General Stone revealed sion to southern Oregon and Coos m eeting which will be held at the ' dismissed detective, of reinstate­ today in declaring there has been bay brought back with them was Non-Support. Charge R esu lts in that of the new spirit of unity— ment for J 500, was appointed by Plaza a t 10 o’clock. a “ general cleanup* in the law Mayor Brown against the recom­ Everyw here the caravan has i F inding o f Man W anted for enforcem ent branch of the gov­ of all Oregonians for Oregon and K illin g Long Ago m endation of Seattle labor lead­ Brooklyn Club M embers P ay F in es ernm ent since last July. stopped, they have attracted large ' Oregon for all— that prevades the and D am ages F ollow in g B eat­ ers, according to testimony of sev­ crowds and have created a great ______ The names of the district a t­ sections visited. deal of interest. Oregon is the! PORTLAND, Oct. 27. — King in g Given B ellboy eral of them a t this m orning's torneys who have resigned, and “ T h ij new spirit,” said O. W. CBQjpy PRINCE XgQgCWLf session of the city council inves­ 14th state through which they Storey, 42, alias Kenneth McLeod, Mielke, chairman of the excursion those who have been asked to re- tigating committee. .WENATCHEE, Wash., Oct. 27. sign, were not disclosed, bu t Stone have toured. i will be taken to Georgia to ans- executive committee, ‘ is so well Princess Mafalda, daughter of the King and Queen of Italy, has Charles Doyle; executive secre­ — Barney Neiss, Johnny Mitchell, j stated th a t “ great progress” had The caravan consists of e ig h t, wer a m urder charge instead of defined now that, without ques­ bowed to her parents’ wishes, according to the best informed court tary of the central labor council. Elm er Brown and Milton Stock, • been made in disposing of pro- circles. automobiles, filled with boyhood being prosecuted here for non­ tion, the Portland cham ber’s ef­ declared Brown had promised to members of the Brooklyn National hibition cases since Mrs. W alker As a result her engagem ent to the youthful Duke of Brabant, friends and neighbors of Presi- support. forts to bring all parts of the confer with labor leaders before League baseball club, which has W ildebrand wrote her le tte r for Leopold, Crown Prince of the Belgians, will be announced officially dent Coolidge. W. A. Jeffries For 18 years Storey has been state closer together are getting m aking any appointm ents and re c en tly . been touring the Pacific the Law Enforcem ent League of on either November 4, or November 11, the latter being the birth­ of Nebraska, who nominated a fugitive from the southern results.” th a t he kept his word until he Coast states, were free today, Philadelphia, in which she blam­ day of her father, King Victor Em anual. General Dawes, the Republican state, living at numerous points in The excursionists returned yes­ It has long been reported th a t Mafalda had refused to follow came to Bolton. Labor leaders after pleading guilty to charges ed indolent district attorneys for the choice of her parents, since qhe was desperately in love with vice-presidential candidate, and the northw est, according to a terday morning after a week's trip protested, but Brown said he of disorderly conduct and assault, laxity in prosecuting liquor charge Prince Nicholas of R um ania and demanded the rig h t to m arry the H erbert C. Moore, a close personal statem ent of John Mowry, deputy in a special train over the South­ man of her choice, as did her elder sister, now the wife of an Italian friend of ex-President Roosevelt district attorney. could “ use him ” and th a t Bolton growing out of an alleged beat­ cases. ern Pacific, represented aboard would do what he told him to, ing they adm inistered to William are with the caravan and both Storey, his wife and eight chil­ by J. A. Ormandy, general pas­ Mrs. W ildebrand’s letter stirred cavalry officer. W eaver, bellboy at the Elman much action in official circles, Doyle testified. will speak at Ashland tomorrow dren, have been living under the senger agent. The excursionists William Short, president of the Hotel here on October 18. name of McLeod. According to visited Ashland, Medford. Grants morning. causing the removal and replace­ *ntate federation of labor, charged The players were fined $100 on m ent of several prohibition en- They are collecting autographs ' purported facts in hands of the Pass, Roseburg. North Rend. th a t Bolton was the choice of each charge, in addition to pay- • forcement officials, and the pub- of women who personally were prosecutor, he assumed the alias Marshfield. Powers. Myrtle Point. Stone & W ebster interests and ing the hotel $200 for damages lie reprim anding pf several acquainted with Abraham Lincoln on fleeing from Coffee county, Coquille, Bandon, Reedsport and th a t he was an intim ate of R o b -' sustained in the fight, and p a y -! others, in addition to the action and of men who voted for him. Georgia, where he is said to have Eugene. e rt W hiting, a Puget Sound P o w e r, ing W eaver $750 for hospital bills ' taken on the cases of the district Every locality is furnishing names slain his cousin. John Storey. In every community, large or & Light company agent. and damages. The case was drop- attorneys mentioned for this unique document, which “ I guess I brought my poison small, w hether the stay was short This m orning’s hearing was to ped from the superior court after is to he presented to President with me in my own bosom.” slow­ or long, the welcome and recep­ try to establish a connection be­ the cash settlem ent had been Coolidge after the caravan com- ly m uttered Storey yesterday in tion to the Portland delegation PET PUPPY SAVES Land Board Formed on October Deserted by Husband, Young Wife pietes its tour. tween Brown and the so-called agreed upon out of court. ’ county jail, when confronted with were so enthusiastic as to convince Claims Child Would not Have LIFE OF YOUNG BOY IK, Is Announced on October power tru st, but no substantiation There are many interesting some of the alleged facts ascer- the visitors of its genuineness. 24 by Governor of State Chance in World was given Nichols’ efforts other ULSTER FIGHTING stories brought out in Ashland in tained about him. It was not a trade excursion. EUGENE, Oct. 27.— The fact than this testimony. connection with the caravan’s j Asked what he m eant by his Its purpose was to bind upstate BORDER COMMISSION th at his little pet, a puppy, was SALEM, Oct. 27. — More »1-1 WOOSTER, Ohio, Oct. 27.— “ I visit by old-time neighbors pmd rem ark the man said it was evi- cornnunities closer to Portland, Nichols is executive secretary of the super-power league, the BELFAST, Oct. 27. — Ulster with him perhaps saved the life leged political trickery on the part* didn’t think the baby would have supporters of Lincoln. Both Mr. I dent th a t his wife had “ been talk- to give Portland men an oppor­ organization sponsoring the B o n e. Unionists are vigorously continu­ of H alford, 3-year-old son of Mr. of Governor Pierce and State a fair chance, so I killed it,” and Mrs. A lbert Johnson were a c -! ing.” It is understood that the tunity to see at first hand what a l- | ing tKeir campaign against the ’ and Mr3' Ed Jackson of Meredith, T reasurer Myers, m ajority mem-; Mrs. Homer Tobias,’ meek little ¡q u a in te d with him. Mr. Johnson j tip regarding the prisoner’s re- development is taking place in the The specific charge against Bol-i set tlng up of tbe Boundary Com-' who wandered away from home bers of the state land board came woman, 21 years of age, confessed! has been a Republican voter since cord came from the wife. 8ha southern and southwestern dis­ ton was th a t he accepted >1000 ' mission. as provided by the last F rid ay afternoon and rem ained i n ! to the light here Friday, when to the police here today, after he cast his vote for Lincoln in was reported to have said. Just tricts. to tell the men in those from R obert W hiting while a citT hijl passed by Parliam ent before the m ountains all night during a these officials held a brief session Dr. R. Paul disclosed the discov-, 1864. before entering the grand jury districts what Port'and Is doing councilman to vote for the pur- dissolution. hard rain storm - Tbe child f ®d and went through th e form ality ery of finger m arks on the t h r o a t, Mr. Oliver G. Howard is an- room to give her side of the non­ for them, to learn something of chase of the street car lines byj The firg*t Qf a series of coun - ' dog slept buddled together b e -' of ratifying the appointm ent of a J of her two weeks old son, who J other staunch Republican who support m atter, th at she was “ go- their problems and In a general the city. Mayor Brown said t b a t ' tfy-wide protest dem onstrations neath a fir tree and when they j so-called non-partisan co m m ittee' died Saturday. I voted for Lincoln in two e le c t-! ing to tell the tru th .” Question- way to further the idea that co­ had been explained satisfactorily . wag recently held at Enniskillen, j were found at 8:30 Saturday ! to investigate the school fund According to her story, the wo- j jons. g . K. Hall knew him in ing following this rem ark, said operation among cities and coun­ and th a t although he knew Bol- when prom inent U lster and Eng- morning, three miles from home, loans in M alheur-county. Members j man quarreled with her husband his boyhood days. G. W. Bene- I to have brought to light the con ties and communities of the state ton Was accused he “ m ight have Ugh gpokegmen addressed an im- the b°y was apparently no w orse' of the committee are W. L. Gib-' some tim e back, he alleging th a t dlct of 219 Mountain avenue knew cea’ed identity and enough of the is what is going to put Oregon wanted to secure evidence from n,.ense g athering of Ferm anagh for the experience, although he son, Charles L. Thompson a n d : the baby, not yet born, wns not h im and voted for him and Jef-1 other facts to make this investl- over and with it the envy of the ixi I men. .............. - chilled. ........... Jam es A. Lackey, all residents of his. The husband deserted the ferson Gow, who was a. member gation of recent days effective, him to aid his proposed suit was pretty badly rest of the country. against the form er ownerers of The campalgn will wind up with Searchers spent the night in Vale. young wife following this quarrel, of the Union army, having enlis-| --------------------------- The excursion was so success­ Following F riday’s m eeting and no word has been received ted at L ittle Rock, Ark., voted for , LAUNDRIES PLAN TO the car lines,” and appointed him ft hnge m eetin^ in u lste r Hall in the m ountains and passed several ful in its purposes that before times along the road near where Governor Pierce reluctantly in-! from him since. for th a t reason. Lincoln. G. W. Noble voted for this city. OBSERVE VISITORS’ the men left the train they had rum ored to Bolton was also At all meetings a resolution re- the child and P«PPy were sleeping formed newspaper men th a t the! A charge of first degree m urder Lincoln in both elections in which WEEK NEXT 6 DAYS pledged themselves not only to he the civil service commissioner affjrm jng u ls te r's determ ination to but the b°y failed to bear tbem * committee was appointed last Sat- was placed against the woman he was a candidate. make some such excursion u n d er­ * *■* g^and by tbe Government of Ire urday, but th a t the personnel wa3 immediately following her confes- who 3ent agents to John '* Majewski Aden C. Spencer knew Lincoln An ancient custom was to wel­ taking an annual event but to offering reinstatem ent for $500 land Act of 1920— in which the not announced at th a t time. The sion, and she was lodged in jail and voted for him. F u rth er, he come celebrities by turning over place it high up in importance Oh ..„„. DAWES BRANDS BOB executive refused to give any ex- here, aw aiting the next session of bag one of tbe ballots used in the to them the keys to the city. This the Portland Chamber of Com- six-county area now , , ... . . Ill’,>”te i LA FOLLETTE BED planation as to wKy the names of the grand jury, when it is believed election of 1864, in which Lin­ was given to U lster — is being week, which is being celebrated (Continuò on page Four) the committee were not announ- an indictm ent will be obtained coln was a candidate, and wilt passed. throughout the fiation as V isitor's SYRACUSE, N. Y„ Oct. 27. - ced, but la te r adm itted th a t the against her. have the ballot at the meeting to­ week by the laundries, in which Next week’s elections are to b e ' report of the committee a lre a d y ' morrow morning, where it wiW be the Ashland Laundry is partici­ ASTORIA ROAD IS fought on the question of w hether had been filed in his offices and 1 AMERICANS REVIVE placed on exhibition. pating, keys to the local laund­ COVERED BY WATER the United States is to go radical, had been sent to a Portland, news­ PLUG HAT FASHION The committee in charge of the ry are being handed to the visit­ I ---------- j under the red flag of the Bolshe- paper for exploitation on behalf reception for the caravan request ors. There ia a close personal ASTORI4, Oct. 27— Reports vlki, or is to continue on a rock of Mr. Myers. ' LONDON, Oct. 27. — The th a t all of those who are inter- touch between the housewives and I reaching here from Seaside last foundation m eant for it by its The. m inutes of last Saturday’s “ plug” hat, relic of a past gener-I egted take their cars and meet night indicated th a t the road be- founders, and under the leader- m eeting of the state land board ation in English social life, is tbe caravan at the junction of the laundry; yet, very few house- , « 1 wives ever visit a laundry. In or- WASHINGTON. Oct. 27. — Ex­ tween th a t city and Tillamook ship of Calvin Coolidge, under the make no reference to the appoint- again coming Into favor. the Pacific highway and the Boa- , dpr t(j encourage a cloaer con. employes of the Santa Fe system was covered with a foot of w ater! flag of the United States, Briga- m ent of the M alheur county com- Strange to relate, Its revival Is levard at 9 .4 j A. u< M a' tact the laundries have Instltut- who were convicted of a criminal in some spots. Traffic had not ’ dier General Dawes, Republican m ittee, but w ere confined to the due in no small measure to the The voters will be escorted to t h e ! Vigitorg, Week HOOD RIVER, Oct. 27— Gov­ conspiracy to obstruct mail a n d ; been a ffected, It was saidk vice-presidential candidate told selection of the so-called Harney ‘ 'American “ invasion” to England p iaza where short addresses will 1 ernor Pierce and C. C. Chapman, Interfere with Interstate com- J __________________ a crowd of 2500 persons here this county arid routine business. T h e ' this Summer and Fall, be given in the interest of the i editor of the Oregon Voter, met report of the H arney county com-I The visit of the American ad- Republican ticket. If the w e a th e r! afternoon. in debate at Pine Grove grange m ittee, the records show, was fil- , vertisers and the American Bar should be inclement, the m eeting hall Friday night, taking the bill ed in the office of th e state land . Association to England entailed a • wjh be beid ¡n the Civic Improve- for the repeal of the state in­ NFW DAM IS TO BF. whose petition for a hearing be­ board under the date of October huge round of social activities. ment clubhouse. come tax for th eir subject. TOPIC FOR CHAMBER 17, or 24 hours before the meet- Many of the American visitors, fore the supreme court was den­ In view of the governor’s re­ ied October 13, Saturday filed an FORUM LUNCHEON j ng t0 seiect the committee was under th e impression th a t the ported, recent connivance with the TIEN TSIN, China, Oct. 27.— ---------- . application urging the court to held. !£> j “ plug” h a t was still universally FRANCE PLANNING WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.— The throw his influence to La Follette China’s civil war is not over. Wu The Em igrant Creek dam, FOR $150,000,000 reconsider its refusal to review --------------------- j worn here a t all social functions, wheels of the governm ent slow- which was recently completed, F11, form er commander of the Oregon progressive party to the case. i wore them on all occasions, with PARIS. Oct. 27. — Tentative Chihli army, which has been bat- in return for votes for Jefferson I "their petition the men con- j ed down and stopped here today, win be de9cribed to the members GOLDEN WATF.B WELT, IS FILLED UP AGAIN the re9ult that English arrangem ents were made today tling the invading M anchurian Myers for state treasurer, one of tended th a t should their convict- as a m ark °f respect of the late O{ t be Chamber of Commerce at ' “ HMtórs report an Increasing d e -' 'o r ! ,'™ y s' a“ 'd “ pon hls a r r l,a ’ here the most interesting incidents of ■L L nerm itted to stand it would . Secretary of A griculture Wallace, their weekly Forum luncheon to- TOKIO, Oct. 27. The mys-l nullify the rights conferred by , ^ h o died Saturday, following an niorrow, according to J. H. F uller, „ and d i state U t e 'tw | l wWu ---- ----------- - - - ------- e e n $100,000,000 and $150,-; today from the war areas. the debate came when the gover­ ♦he Clavton act upon “ m illio n s! operation for appendicitis. ! gecretary of the local booster tery concerning the s u lle n dry- _tay ^ 0 0 ,^ Wu said th a t while he had been nor digressed to pay a tribute to the C y _____ fh o e n u n - 1 Services were held from the body j ing up of the Golden W ater W ell,; tb »* ta definitely______ y- p Morgan held a conference hard hit by the alleged treach- La Follette and grow tearful over of employes throughout the coun W hite House at 11 o’clock or F jj W alker, who was in full In the compound of the Im perial with Finance Minister elem ental. | ery of Feng* Hsiang, China’s the alleged loss of Oregon’s irre­ try ,” particularly those engaged Wallace. The President and Mrs. charge of the construction w o rk , Palace, has been cleared up. j T ATTp A JEAN LIBBEY France w ants the money to sta- Christian general, who recently ducible school fund. upon the railroads. Quoting eec- The third party presidential tlon 20 of the act, the petition de- Coolidge, high government offic- on the big dam wjn be on hand j The well dried up early in A a -( - p j g g IN NEW YORK billze French currency and to abandoned Wu and marched upon 1 a »hat “ it would be difficult ial® of foreign nations represent- to explain the peculiar construct- gust for the first tim e since the Peking, he would continue to candidate was not mentioned by take up m aturing bonds. ÎiT o tc e W e plainer language spe- • *d a * the capital and dignitaries ion of the dam . | establishm ent of the old Edo Cas- fight as long as the Manchurian name. Governor Pierce made his NEW YORK, Oct. 27— Laura outlining the legal rights the various churches were in Tn ation. relative to the t h e | , tie on th a t site, and >m-‘ ^ In form ation, ano was thought tnougni JeaQ LIbbey wideiy-known wom- army endeavored to invade the digression in this fashion: He clficauy o b(>- attendance. ; m easures on th e ballot in the by experts to have some sinister aQ difid 4 o>clock to -’ Chinese Republic. of employes In any dispute ne-, __________________ was enum erating high incomes, coming election will be given in a , foreboding, as the phenomenon day h er Brooklyn home. She She' — — - -------------------- tween them and their em ployers, TmW TAM « nPRATT? CITY DETECTIVE ! ben