PAÖfe Fb Ü R ♦ • ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ « •»+■♦■»»« » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ■ ♦ » ♦ y » » i > 4 îtLAND t iA it f T iÍ it W « tt. — » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ « ’ Spending Week-end— 4 8 w 4 Ltoeal ;• P e rs o n a l flo tes A D aily Chronic] of th ose w ho com e and go, and even ts of local in terest ’ Mrs Mrs. Chflrloo Charles Potaran Peterson of Marsh* field is spending the week-end at the home of her friend, Mrs. J. L7 Foster. MYRTLE C E K 65-0 In Town— 1G0 boxes large Spltzenburg and George Helms of the Moon Lum Newtown cull apples, 50 cents. her company near H ilt is spending Bring your box or sack. F ru it As­ 44-6 the week in town visiting with sociation. friends and relatives. Best m ilk— L ininger’s Dairy, 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. Dance Hot Springs Sat. Nite. 28— tf Mascabee dance Oct. 29 fo r' members and friends at Odd F e l- ; R eturns H om e— lows Hall. 47— 2 j Frank Merrill returned home yesterday from Sacram ento and Candidate W as Here— Oakland where he has been' Ralph Cowgill, Republican can-; spending the past two weeks with dldate for re-election to the leg-; his son and daughter, who are lslature, was In th e city F riday' working there. afternoon for a short visit among friends. Dance Hot Springs Sat. Nite. Smashing through the weak Myrtle Creek eleven, and scoring almost at will, the Ashland High School gridders yesterday hung a 65-0 defeat on the w arriors from the north in a Jussle staged at the high school field here. The Myrtle Creek gang seem­ Miss Grace Callahan lias accep-j ted a position as bookkeeper forj ed to lack everything which goes Enders Company and started to make up a football team, and the powerful Ashland line swept work the first of the week. their forw ards off their feet on alm ost every ^play, opening big In Town— Mr. and Mrs. Clay Myer, form ­ holes through which Gandee and er Ashland! residents now Jiving K astzer plunged for long gains. in Seattle are in Ashland for a Forw ard passes and end runs, few days with Mrs. Vining. They coupled with the line bucking activities of the Ashland backs are on th eir way south. resulted in long gains w'hich u lti­ mately resulted in touchdowns. L ift Q uarantine— The Myrtle Creek gang recent­ The quarantine has been lifted ! ly spanked the Roseburg High from Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Gru- eleven to th e tune of 7-0. elle and the Gruelle boys are able to be around town? They have been confined with scarlet fever. DENIES MONEY NOW D oing W ell— Come in, look them over, Paul- Let us fill your pall with Swifts Mr. Charles W imer, who has serud’s Suits. 43— tf Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than been confined to the Community shortening. Goes fa rth e r and Is Hospital for some time is rep o rt­ more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf AiTived Y esterday— ed to be doing nicely. An X-ray Mrs. D. Boone and Mrs. Chris-, taken showed th a t the broken H ere for Treatm ent— tensen and small son arrived in limb is healing rapidly. Mrs. Leo H. Taylor of H ilt is Ashland, yesterday from Y aquinaJ in the Community Hospital here Oregon, and expect to stay here Many Cars R egistered— fo r medcial treatm ent. for about a month hoping to bene-' Twenty-five out-of-state cars fit Mrs. Boone’s health. were registered a t th e local bu­ When our label is in your reau yesterday. The highest clothes, you are well dressed, 100 boxes large Spitzenburg and m ark was reached W ednesday, Pauleerud’s. 43— tf Newtown cull apples, 50 cents. when. 38 cars wei)3 registered. Bring your box or sack. F ru it As­ The average is around twenty. 44__6 Foleys Honey & Tar. McNair sociation. Bros. III at H n m f ^ Choice Holland bulbs, Darwin Mrs. A. G. McCarthy, who has To Medford— tulips, best standard varieties, been ill at her home on Maple Mrs. Inez Bryant, who is spend­ 75c dozen; daffodils 75c dozen; ing the week-end in Ashland from narcissus 40c dozen; jonquils 40c stre t foa several weeks is im­ her school in the Dead Indian dozen; hyancinths, all colors, 10c proving rapidly. country made a trip to Medford each; Chinese lillies, 15c each. Ashland Greenhouse. Phone 120. R eturns H o r n e - thia morning on business. Mrs. Ira Johnson, who has been 47— 4 in Los Angeles and Turlock vis­ Sweet cream for whipping and H e r e - iting her sons for two months, coffee—also fresh milk, always Dean Smith of Corvallis was in has returned to her home in Ash­ e a ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf Ashland this morning. The D ean’ land. Biggest in life’s time Hallow­ understood th a t the teachers’ in­ e ’en M asquerade and hard time stitu te would be given in Ashland V isit H ere— Ball a t Jackson Hot Springs F ri­ and for th a t reason made the R. R. Robley and wife passed day, Oct. 31. W ear either mas­ trip here. through Ashland yesterday and querade or hard time clothes. 6 visited w ith Mrs. Elsie C hurch­ No agen t in Southern Oregon man and Mrs. Mitchell. They are prizes 6. Bulowski's Californians. Nuf sed. 47— 3 can w rite b etter A uto insurance on th e ir way from Pasadena to or a t low er rates than th e Staples Portland. Agency. The October issue )f The P a ­ cific Telephone Magp ne pictures the float entered in t F ourth of Ju ly parade here, with Manager and Chief O perator Miss M yrta E. O tterdale at the wheel and sev­ eral operators in the rear seat. To G ive R ecipes— To Speak— Doyle Holling of Rosalia, W ashington, who was h u rt sev­ eral weeks ago in a motorcycle acident is improving rapidly but will probably have to stay in the hospital for another two weeks. Mrs. D. Perozzi will address the ladies of Phoenix at the Clyde K ills M any C oyotes— During September, M. P. Cal- hall at two o’clock next W ednes­ arneau, trapped for the United day afternoon on the measures States Biological Survey, in dif­ to be voted on a t th e coming elec­ ferent section of K lam ath coun­ tion. Mrs. Perozzi has given sev­ ty killed 22 coyotes and one bob­ eral addresses to groups of wom­ cat, according to a m onthly re­ F ootb all Game— en on this subject and is well port received from the federal de­ Today G rants Pass and Medford qualified to speak. partm ent. The highest m ark for will mix on the Medford field. the state was set by W. C. Snyder, Indications point tow ard a game Special Auto Accident Polioy of Harney county who killed 25 th a t wjll be hard ta u g h t and ta r >5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo 1 coyotes and six bobcats, a total 24-tf of 31 anim als.— K lam ath Falls close, and will probably decide of course. which high school will carry off Herald. th e southern Oregon trophy in Leaves F o r L os A n geles— Miss Constance McWilliams is M any a t D ance— football which has been circulat­ ing between the three schools. A leaving today for Los Angeles, A large crowd attended the large num ber of Ashland people where she will make her fu tu re dance which was held a t 1 the will attend the game, which prom­ home. Miss McWilliams is well- Memorial Hall last evening. The ises to be a hard fought one from known here through h er dancing M yrtle Creek football team was and will probably tak e dancing beginning to end. present and several carloads from lessons in the south. Her many Medford' attended. Everyone re­ friends are very sorry to have ported th a t they had an excellent her leave Ashland. time. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER OCTOBER 2 6 , 1924 75c F ru it Cocktail RELISH Celery Olives SALAD Shrimp CHOICE O F :— * Roast Oregon Turkey, Cranberry Sauce Baked Chicken, Oyst« r dressing Young Fried Cl cken, Southern Stj e R oast Leg of i ork Apple Sauce Snow Flake Potatoes Creamed Cauliflower DESSERT C hoice o f:— Pineapple Tapioca Cream, Whipped) Cream Cocoanut Cake, A La Mode COFFEE TEA MILK The PLAZA FROM 12 NOON to 9 P . M. SPENT TO DEFEAT MONTANA SENATOR WASHINGTON, Oct. 25. — A denial th a t large sums of money were being spent in Montana in addition to the money being used by the Republican organization in an attem pt to defeat Senator Thomas W alsh, Democrat, reach­ ed the Borah Investigating com­ m ittee here today from J. Ander­ son, state chairm an of the F arm ­ er-Labor party in Montana. PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ELECTION RALLY Notre Dame 6, Princeton (end of third q u a rte r). 0 far and wide even then as a fam­ 1916 and has from year to year ous character,” Mr. Hall stated. added to its district lands and its He said he had voted the Re- w ater supply until it now covers I publican ticket continuously since a gross area of 16,000 acres, ASHLAND MAN ONCE SLEPT 1 the first time he stepped up to which lies on both sides of Bear W ITH A B E LINCOLN the jiolls, and added th at he in- Creek, a trib u tary of the Roguq ! tended to continue voting the Re- river, reaching from south of Ash­ Continued fronf page One 1 publican ticket as long as he was land to within a few miles of er told him th a t every bed in the able to go to the polls. Mr. Hall Medford. house was being occupied. He will autograph the Lincoln book The observations at Em igrant turned tow ard men and, smiling, next Tuesday, which will be pre­ Creek dam by th e.research com­ said he guess he could crawl up sented by the caravan to President m ittee appointed by The En­ into the attic and sleep with me, Coolidge. gineering Foundation, will deal which he did.” with characteristics of the con­ “ I did not know then th a t I crete, concrete tem peratures a t EMMIGRANT DAM IS was sleeping with a future presi­ various depths from the surface, READY" FOR W A TER 1 deflections under changes of tem ­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY perature and of water loading and (Continued from page 1) local stresses at selected portions FOR RENT: Cozy 2-room of concrete and 70 tons of rein­ of the dam. The series of meas­ furnished apartm ent with kitch­ forcing steel. urem ents will probably extend enette and private bath. 357 j Bent B rothers of Los Angeles over more than one year, and the Vista street. Phone 122. 47— tf are the contractors and work of results may prove beneficial in building camp at the dam site was influencing the engineering pro­ FOR SALE: — Term inal Cafe begun on April 15, 1924. The fession to recommend the arched in Stage Terminal Hotel. O w ner, first concrete was placed on July radius dam instead of the types returning to Alaska. P. O. Box; 7th, and it is now complete. which have been used. 766, Roseburg. 47— C* The Forensic society will hold a non-partisan election rally a t the high school October 28. There will be two separate rallies for the Republican candidates, two for the Democrats and two for the Progressive. Judges will decide which of the two rallies is better. The decis­ ions will go to determ ine of the two divisions of the society is to entertain the other at the end of the semester. Short reports will be given on the lives of Coo­ lidge. Dawes, Davis, Bryan, La- Follette and W heeler. The s tu ­ dents are . working hard to get the much coveted decision of the judges. FOR R EN T:— Furnished front The public is invited to this rally and anyone interested is urg­ room apartm ent. 349 E ast Main 47— 6 St. ed to attend. — —O------- ELECT YE LL LE A D ER WANTED: — Tractor plowing and harrow ing by day or acre.— Leroy Gandee was elected yell Henry Gibson, Rt. 1, Box 133, leader in the election which was Ashland, Ore. 47— 3-Sat. held the first two periods of Wed­ nesday afternoon. SW ENNING & GEAR The candidates were Gandee, Dependable Contracting P ainters Roland P ark s and Milton F ran k ­ and Decorators. Phone 408J. lin. 47— 2-Sat. Tues. Orville Hall, form er yell lead­ FOR SALE CHEAP: —- Light er did not feel th a t he had time delivery Chevrolet ju st over-! to undertake the work this year. REPUBLICAN WOMEN His whole hearted services last hauled and in good shape. Alsoi VISIT THREE TOWNS year is much appreciated by the get your w inter apples, orchard run at 500 Terrace St. 47— 1* student body. LA GRANDE, Oct. 25. — Near­ ------ O------ - W ANTED:— Good young horse; ly 200 members of the women’s JUNIORS SE LL BADGES weight about 1500 lbs., to work republican club of this county con­ The Ju n io r class has fallen single. Also one horse wagon and ducted a to u r of the east and 47— 3* north p arts of Union cov.r.ty yes­ upon a unique and quite original harness. idea for obtaining more money te rd a y , visiting N orth Powder, FO R SALE: —- Dry pine and Cove and Union in the interests for the class. They are now en­ oak wood. Phone 447L. 47— 4* of President Coolidge and Charles gaged in selling badges, for quite a nominal fee, to the many stu ­ G. Dawes. FOR SALE: — 14 inch hard They received a splendid recep­ dents and some town people, wood, >4.40 tier delivered. Geo. tion at all three town. Mrs. Nor­ the badge is very clever and Yockel. Box 95 B. 47— 3* man Frees of La Grande spoke at new around the school. The b u t­ N orth Powder. A t Union lunch­ ton has the letters A. H. S. upon . eon was served in the Union ho­ it In red and white. The ribbon 1 tel. At Cove, although th e crowd I of the tam e color suspends a foot- j gathered long before they arriv ­ ball of proportional size. It is ed, the interest wras at a high hoped th a t this will tend to add to the “ pep” and “ sp irit” ’ in our point. coming athletic contests. The women plan another sim­ REPLACEMENTS ilar to u r la te r this month Eugene — Moose lodge votes For Every Car to choose site and build three- SHOT BY HUSBAND FILES FOR DIVORCE story lodge home. Leedom’s Tire House RENO, Nev„ Oct. 25— Mrs. Isi­ dore Diaz, shot her husband in a wild shooting affray in Com­ mercial Row last spring, has filed suit for divorce against Tony Diaz. She charges extreme cruelty, states Diaz has an insanely jeal­ ous disposition, and several times threatened her life. Diaz is serving a term in the Nevada penitentiary for shooting his wife. He pursued her through crowded streets, wounded a by­ stander a n d ,tu rn e d the gun on himself after his wife fell, in­ flicting a superficial wound. C T C Cords A shland Hotel 12 to 2— O to S S u n d a y D inner Kelly Cords Farran-Oid Fan Belts Strömberg Carburetors OCTOBER 26, 1921 American Ham­ mered Piston Rings $1.00 Shrimp Cocktail Roseburg — Forest Service to work all w inter opening new to Diamond Lake. E very ad has a m essage. An Invitation to “ Make yourself at home” “ At home” in a laundry? Unusual we admit, but perfectly appropriate as you’ll agree when we tell it all. Y ou entrust to us your choicest linen and apparel and we think you’d find it interesting to know just how they are eared for. Hence our plans for a Visitors’ Week— we’d like to have you call and see exactly how a modern laundry is conducted. We will show you every careful process— answer all your questions—and do our best to make v o n feel at home during every minute of your stay. SOUP C h ic k e n C onsom m e R ELISH Olives COMMISSION STILL HAS $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 IN FU NDS Celery Strömberg Electric Combination Salad WINDSHIELD WIPERS Roast Turkey, Celery Dressing Cranberry Sauce and or Fried Chicken (Continued from page 1) Gherkins and Uome—and bring your friends. Substantial souvenirs will be given the housewives The Ashland Laundry Send it VISITORS’ WEEK Oct. 27 to Nov. 1 Sudden Service Country Gravy of unexpended appropriation to retu rn to the state a t the end of Fhicken Fricasee and Hot Biscuits the biennial period, December 31, Mashed P otatoes 1924. A^ fa r as we are advised., String Beans this is the only departm ent of the H ot Biscuits state th a t has functioned success­ PIE fully, leaving an unexpended bal­ Heinz Mince ance of its appropriation for the same period.” C offee Why take the risk? B u y P rotected T ires WE ISSUE A FREE PROTECTION POLICY Through the Tire Replacement Corporation of California with each Arrived Home— G. D. Mason arrived Thursday from Portland with a four pas­ senger Nash Brougham, the lat­ est product of the Nash Company, which is the property of Mrs. G. D. Mason, she having turned in two enclosed cars on the deal. Dan Kay ef the Automotive Shop acted as agent In the transfer, Mrs. Mason taking delivery at Portland instead of Los Angeles. Mrs. Mason will arrive in Ashland from Los Angeles Tuesday a fte r­ noon. Fi8k or Goodrich tire purchased, protecting you for one year against To Speak— accidents, negligence, blowouts, cuts, under-inflation, bruises, rim-cuts, Sunday evening a t 7:30 a t the Presbyteirlan church Miss Mar­ garet E. Hodge, vice-president of the Presbyterian h o a rd of F or­ eign Missions will be in Ashland and give aji address to the pub­ lic. Miss Hodge has been all over th e world and is well acquainted with conditions in the missionary field'. She is an excellent speak­ er and the public is invited to come to the church to hear her. defects or anv road hazards which may render ike tire useless. ? S3 A /. Have You Been Duck Hunting Yet? You’ll forget your age with the lilting of youth. Come, live again the glorious adventures, the mad­ cap scrapes of-life with the joy and zest of 21. Remember tlie Remington heavy buck load is the very best that »money and brains can devise. We have them. TONIGHT The Army Goods Store Biggest Little Store in Town * lú‘¿4 FOOTBALL RESULTS dent of the United States, but I The Talent Irrigation District, W est Virginia 13, Centre Col­ was elated a t being able to sleep for which association the dam tra4 lege 6 (final). with Abe Lincoln who was known constructed, was organized in t To K lam ath F alls— This afternoon Miss Mur­ Mrs. *C. F. Cole of San F ran ­ cisco, who is visiting in Ashland, dock will give the recipes for de­ left today for K lam ath Falls licious n u t drop cookies a t the where she will spend several days Ashland Electric Shop where she with her sister, Mrs. H arry Ack-I is dem onstrating the Universal ley. Mrs. Cole expects to retu rn Electric Range. She will also give Dance Hot Springs Sat. Nite. to Ashland before ahe goes to her a recipe for a lemon pie which is a great tim e-saver for the house­ home. wife. Kotex, 65c— McNair Bros. Values in clothes th a t will open W e deliver th e goods -Detricks H as R eturned— your eyes a t P aulserud’s. 43— tf 94-tf Mrs. H. Schoenfeld, who has been confined to the hospital here Many A ttend Supper—- Many To C onference— ta r some tim e has returned to her W. W. Robison, Rev. J. C. A large num ber of people made home in Klam ath Falls. She was M ergler and S. D. Taylor journey­ a trip to Medford Thursday even­ accompanied by Mrs. H attie Tru- ed to Medford last evening to a t­ ing to attend a conference a t the meuan. tend the dinner which was given! C hristian Church there. Among to the pastors of Jackson county' those who journeyed from Ashland Save >10.00, walk upstairs to by the Sunday school officers. A 1 w’ere Mr. and Mrs. O. H. John­ O rres tailor shop. 17— tf good crowd was present and m any' son and Rev. and Mrs. V. K. Alli­ plans for the year’s work made son. The missionary w ork for Yes, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual­ the year was discussed and other ity Bread, from tho oven over Complete line of Ashland Can­ plans ta r the years w’ork made. th e counter, 8 and 12c. 31— 6 oed Goods at Detricka. 94-tf Cliff Payne m akes shelving. Im proving— These notes are w ritten for this paper by m em bers of the journalism class at th e local high school H ere Today— Howard P. Boardman of P o rt­ land, special agent ta r Fred S. C onvalescing— In Medford— Jones & Company was in Ashland A. Poole, who was taken to th e ’ Mrs. Elsie K arburg of this city. today on business. Community Hospital recently is was a business visitor in Medford yesterday." doing nicely. New B ookkeeper— P ictu res P h on e F lo e I— Ashland Hi Notes S&tuHhiy, October if», É tti WILLIAM FARNUM in hThe Man Who Fights Alone” R ide o n Protected Tires! Kruggte Bros, Tire Shop