t FAO» Classified Column Classified Column Kates One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, the word each time. ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS’ PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS Republican Ticket and Platform OR. HAWLEY—Above Tidings The Jackson County Republican office. Phone 91. * organization is composed of fifty- six precinct committeemen, an DR. C. W. HANSON executive committee of eleven Dentist 1 members, a women's advisory committee of eleven members, one Special attention given to pyor­ woman member of the state execu rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver (jve committee, a state committee- FOR RENT Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. man, a congressional committee- ._______ : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j man, making a total of elghty- FOR RENT: — Unfurnished OR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac- one members who are the law- 46— 3 tice limited to eye, ear, nose ana fully constituted representatives house at 928 B St. of the republican party in Jack- throat—X-ray Including teeth. son county. These men and wo­ FOR RENT: — Six-room fur­ nished house at 57 Fifth street. ' Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc men believe in party government, 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, party responsibiltty, and party Inquire at Icenhower's New and discipline, for no political organi­ Ore. Second hand store, 389 E. Main zation can long endure, nor can street. 45— 3 it be of any great force or effect DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic in elevating our standards of pub­ FOR RENT:—The Jarvis place ! and Electro-Therapy. Office lic service unless It is willing to on Helman street, or will lease to phone 48; residence 142. First assume full responsibility for its acts and stands ready to enforce responsible party. Income from ! National Bank building. discipline and demand loyalty place will pay the rent. Inquirej when the majority speaks. The at 423 Helman street. 45— 3 , ~THE SOUTHERN OREGON organization is in politics only CLINIC from the standpoint of better gov­ 1st National Bank Bldg. FOR RENT—Furnished house, M edical ernment. Surgical O bstetrical The following resolution was 478 Boulevard. 36—lmo D iagnostic X-ray . unanimously adopted at our meet- Stearns, M. D. | ing on October 7th. It is both a FOR RENT—Completely fur­ R. W. R. E. Green, M. D. l pledge-and a platform: nished apartment. 75 Bush St. R. W. Sleeter, M. D. Under the election laws of the Office hours 2-5 p. in. 37—tf ; state of Oregon, a county com- Phone 238-R i mittee Is elected by the people at ~ fob ' sale the primary at the same time the MONUMENTS candidates are nominated, and this FOR SALE: — Rabbitts and committee Is given full authority ASHLAND GRANITE to take charge of the campaign hutches. 928 B. St. 46—3* MONUMENTS for election. This committee is made res­ FOR SAIAS: — $165 Bruns­ Blair Granite Co. , ponsible for the conduct of the wick talking machine $90, $5 S. PENNISTON, Manager campaign; it is empowered to levy down, balance terms. Party leav­ Office 175 E, Main assessments on the candidates and ing town. Phone 370J. 46—4* Res. Phone 444-Y to otherwise raise funds for prop­ er and legitimate campaign ex­ FOR SALE— 6 room house, f N I GIRL IN TROUBLE— May penses. The powers of this com­ first class condition, Garage and communicate with Ensign Lee mittee given both by law and by Implication are almost unlimit­ woodshed. Lot 50x145. Fruit of the Salvation Army i t the ed. Therefore, be it trees, berries. Includes $700 WhlteShield Home, 565 May- Resolved, that the Jackson worth of furniture, fruit jars, County Republican Central Com­ fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. mittee exercise in every just and garden tools, etc. Reasonable for PLANIN (TMlLL reasonable way in this campaign quick sale. Call 132 5th St. the full powers given them by 48— 6 TORDON’S SASH AND CABINET law. Believing in party government WORKS, Cor. Helman and and party responsibility, we there­ FOR SALE: — 12-lnch body Van Ness. 194tf fore pledge to the people of Jack- fir, $3.50 per tier. Address W. R. son county that if they see fit to Williams, Rt. 1, ABhland. 41— 10* elect our candidates on the 4th TRANSFER AND EXPRESS I - I. ... ■ I ■ ■ ■ - 6-ROOM Modern House, 2 Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. day of November, then this or­ ganization w’ill get behind these blocks from Hawthorne school for SERVICE. county officers and encourage and on paved street, well furnished. Experienced movers and pack support them In every way, so Lot 80x160. Party leaving town. ers of household goods. Deal­ long as they conduct their respec­ For quick sale $3250, on good ers in coal and wood. Phone tive offices In an able, economical and honest manner, and if they terms at 6 per cent. W. W. Robi­ 117. prove unw orthy.in the conduct son, 63 North Main St. 38—tf Office 89 Oak St. near of their office’s, and should charges of inefficiency or dishon­ Hotel Ashland Bungalows— Lots esty be preferred against any such I have some fine Bungalows, r. L. POWELL—— General Trans- officer and if upon investigation Houses and Building Lots in Ash­ fer—Good team and motor are found to be true, then this committee pledges the people of land for sale, will accept geod trucks. G >od service at a rea­ Jackson county that we will ask Bonds, Notes or Mortages on sonable price. Phone 83. for the resignation of any such officer, and, If necessary, take payments, and give easy terms on steps to femove him. balance. Se me before buying a FEHIGE-ROACH Further, If these candidates are home. Transfer — Express — Storage endorsed at the polls this fall, A. L. LAMB, 178 A St. Hauling — Dray work of all then this committee is resolved Box 422, Ashland. kinds. Quick motor service. Dry to see that harmony 13 brought 35—1 Mo. wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R into the court house at Jackson­ ville and that all of these officers 112-tf pull together for efficiency In our Buy better mil£. Phone 257-J 375 B. St. county government, to the end for It. 33— 1 mo.* that the burdens of the taxpayers may to as great an FOR SALE — or exchange for POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS extent be as relieved possible. $35,000.00. 160 acfes. 100 cult! We further pledge ourselves to G. W. Mifcun see that unnecessary deputies, vated, free water, lot9 of It. 20 Independent special police and other special head of large 9ize Registered Jer­ officers and any unnecessary mem­ Candidate for County School seys. the finest strain in Oregon. bers of the clerical force not ab­ Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ 30 head of registered Duroc pigs, solutely necessary for the effic­ tOO White Leghorn chickens, team ty, Oregon. iency conduct of county business, shall be cut off. of Registered Imported Perchon With this understanding and AN NOUNCEMENT mares 1900 lbs. each. About pledge we submit for the consid­ In announcing myself as an $3000.00 worth of farm equip­ eration of the voters of Jackson ments, modern house, large barn Independent candidate for Cor­ couhty our ticket nominated by and other buildings. Will take oner for Jackson county:—I do the republicans in the May pri­ Income property up to $20,000.00, so with the firm belief that the maries: For Representatives 8th District— long time on balance at 6 per cent.! people do not want minority rule. JOHN H. CARKIN It is proven that the direct Courtesy to brokers or agents. RALPH P. COWGILL J. J. Deakin. Phone 330, Ashland primaries are a failure, only 30 For. District Attorney— NEWTON C. CHANEY Oregon. 33—1 mo. per cent vote was cast at the spring primaries, which is not a For County Judge— W. J. HARTZELL voice of the people. In this elec­ For Cmintv Commissioner— MISCELLANEOUS tion all parties have the privilege VICTOR BITRSELL of voting for their choice. For Countv Clerk— RANCH WANTED PELTLIA STEVENS I need no introduction to the WANTED—To hear from own­ For Sheriff— people of Jackson county where er of good Ranch for sale. State . J. McMAHON I have lived for 15 years, and For .T Assessor— cash price, full particulars. D. F. given the best of my life, time J. B. COT,EMAN Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. and money for the upbuilding and For School Superintendent— 5-4 sat. betterment of the entire commun­ STTRANNE HOMES CARTER For Treasurer— STRAYED: — Red pig. weight ity. A. C WALKER I have been assistant to the p or qUrvpvor- about 40 pounds. Phone 440J. T. GRIFFITH COWGILL 46— 2 present coroner for eight years and understand every detail of For Coroner— H W. CONGER WANTED: — Nursing. Will the work, therefore I am compet­ Signed: consider house work. Am a post ent to handle the affairs of the .TAPTfRON COUNTY TtF. graduate of N. W. school of mas­ office. PVPT TCAN POMMT,’’TFY (Paid Adv.l d«?— sage and electro-therapeutics. Yours for clean, progressive Mrs. Leighton, 153 Granite or and efficient women and men in Phone 153. 33— 1 mo. office in Jackson county. NELLIE M. PERL. WANTED—.Work by competent experienced Janitor. All or part ANNOUNCEMENT A LARGE time. Will do anything. Refer­ County 'Coroner ences 218-Y. 32—tf In announcing my cand’dacy ASSORTMENT OF for the office of coroner, I feel Goats Bred by registered that I am no stranger among you, back, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, as I was duly .nominated at the low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 May primary on the republican miies south on Pacific Highway. ticket for which I am thankful. 14— 1 mo.* And I hold out the same belief now as then that the majority and should and must rule and am at all times willing to strictly abide by their decision. Regarding the office for which I aspire, will say 25c and up that I still hold out the belief that the office should not continue St. Jacobs Oil stops any pain, for the fifth term under the same management however efficient it and rheumatism is pain only. Not one case in fifty requires may be, and should it be placed in internal treatment. Stop drug­ my charge I shall surely exercise ging! Rub soothing, penetrating the same judgment and efficiency St. Jacobs Oil right into your which alone has brought about sore, stiff, aching joints, and re­ ray success as an undertaker. Trusting that by your voice at lief comes Instantly. St, Jacobs Oil is a harmless rheumatism the election polls I may be plac-j liniment, which never disappoints, ed in a position to be of greater , service. and cannot burn the skin. I truly remain, Limber up! Quit complaining! H. W. CONGER. Get a small trial bottle of old, Medford, O re.! honest, St. Jacobs Oil at any drug Pd. Adv. Medford, Ore. ! store, and in just a moment you’ll — OREGON POWER he free from rheumatic pain, sore-' Letterheads, statements, t o ' ness and stiffness. Don’t suffer’ ; your order at the Tidings Office, i COMPANY Relief awaits you. St. Jacobs 0:1 'Preferred Stoék is just as good for sciatica, neu- i ralgia, l u m b a g o , backache, i BE-. J S m----- is a Combine? ! sprains. a — - - - - - - VANTINE’S Incense Burners • McNair Brothers Gïfit CALIFORNIA Hall’s Catarrh M C O td fa © Roseburg — Forest Service to work all winter opening new trail to Diamond Lake. T r e a tm en i both local and internal, and has bee: successful in the treatment of Catcrrl for ov r 40 yeers. Gold by all druggist F. J. CHENEY CO.. T oled o. O h : CALENDAR OF EVENTS Monday, October 27. Ashland Music Club will meet at the Li­ brary at 7:45. Monday, October 27. Upper Valley Community Club will meet at the Belleview school house. Mrs. 'Perozzi will speak. . Tuesday, October 28. Civic Im­ provement Club will give card club in the evening at 8 o’clock. Bridge, and Five Hundred. Tuesday, October 28. W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Davis on Allison street. Review of state convention will be given. * * « Dinner Party-— Mr. Dan Kay and Miss Aileen Walker were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam McNair Thursday evening. A delicious goose dinner was served which was enjoyed very much. The table was beautifully decoYated with flowers and autumn leaves, making a fitting background for the meal that was served. The evening was spent in pleasant con­ versation. Mrs. Waldo Gill was also a guest of the evening. « « * W. C. T. U. Meeting— The W. C. T. U. will meet Tues­ day at the home of Mrs. Davis on Allison street'. The meeting is in the nature of a combined busi­ ness and social session. Mrs. S. L. Leonard, county president and Mrs Bryant, Medford president will be present and Mrs. Leonard will give a report of the state convention. SeVeral other Med­ ford ladies are also planning to be present. • « * Auxiliary Meeting— The Auxiliary to the American Legion will have their regular meeting at* eight o'clock at the club room in the Armory Monday evening. The auxiliary has been requested to send boxes of cloth­ ing for children from the ages of two to six to Portland for the families of the disabled veterans there. Any persons who have any clothing for . children between these ages are asked to bring them to the club room at the Armory or notify some of the Auxiliary members. * « « Ashland Music Club— The Ashland Music Club will hold its second meetiug Monday evening at 7:45 at the Library. The regular business meeting will be held, followed by the program. A review of the book, “ Musical Progress” by Finck will be given. Miss Imogene Wallace has charge of the program for the evening. This is the first program that has been given this year, as the last meeting was entirely devoted to business. Everyone interested is asked to be present. * * * Civic Club Party— The party planned by the Civic Improvement Club for Tuesday evening promises to be a very de­ lightful affair. Hostesses will be at the club house to receive the guests. Both bridge and five hundred will be played by those especially enjoying those games and for others plans for enter­ tainment are being made. Those wishing to spend a most enjoy­ able evening will be cordially welcomed. A number have already signified their intention to be present. Refreshments wilt be served during social hours. All members and their friends are invited to be present. * « « Reed-Book Marriage— A pretty wedding was solemn­ ized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Reed on Avery street Monday, October 20 at 6.30 when their daughter, Miss Lillian K. Reed was united in marriage to Mr. Lawrence B. Book of Glen­ dale, California. 'The Reverend J. C. Mergler of the Presbyterian Church officiated. Wesley E. Reed, was the best man and the bridesmaid was Miss Book, sister of the groom. Mrs. Oeder and Mrs. J. C. Mergler were the guests present. Following the ceremony a delightful wedding supper was served. The bride and groom left Tuesday A. M. for things are being planned for the. Astoria — City budget for 19251 • Jacksonville — Jackson county Glendale, California,' where they fall and winter work. .calls for $416,614, increases of board cuts tillable land assens- will make their home. Next Lords Day at the morn-J $126.371 over 1924. ‘ ment 25 per eefct. Mrs. Book has liv$d in Ashland ing service the minister will use J I__ for some time and taught in the as his subject, ‘‘The Biggest Work public schools here lust year. She | in The World.” Baptismal service has been prominent in. church and to follow. About 40 were, pres­ social circles. Book is a busi­ ent at Christian Endeavor service ness man of Glendale arid is in last Sunday. The aim is 50 mem­ the automobile business. bers by Christmas. * * * * The evening message at 7:30 * M ack-Chitwood W edding— will be “The New Birth.” Come Word has been received here and hear the truth of this much of the marriage of Miss Lois Chit­ misunderstood subject. Bring wood to Reverand James Mack your Bible. Williams, both of Portland, Sun­ day, October 12. Miss Chitwood Trinity Episcopal Church - i& well known here, as her par­ Vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond ents were former residents and Holy Communion at 8 a. m she attended school here. She Church School at 9:45. Morning is the niece of C. B. Watson of Service and Sermon at 11. Even-!| this city. Mr. and Mrs. Williams ing Service and Sermon at 7:30. will make their home in Port­ Interesting service and everyone ! cordially welcomed. land. ♦ * * Every indication shows overwhelming sentiment for B aptist Church Cooldge. The Literary Digest straw vote, both in this state Ladies Elks Club— and the nation, shows him at this writing leading his nearest The Ladies Elks Club riiet at “The World’s Need” the theme opponent by more than two to one. the club rooms Thursday after­ for the morning sermon l»y the noon and held election of officers. pastor Sunday morning. Even­ In urging votes for Coolidge, we ask Oregon citizens to Mrs. Bud Storm was elected presi­ ing services evangelistic. The elect to the congress men *who will aid the President in carry­ dent and Mrs. Coste’le vice-presi­ morning service will be especial­ ing out his policies, men who acknowledge party responsibility, Don’t miss it. dent. Mrs. Klamer is the retir­ ly instructive. men who will keep faitli with the people in carrying out (lie platform pledges. ing president. A good crowd was Bible school 9:45 a. m., B. Y. P. U. junior, intermediate and sen­ present and Mesdames Perl Hub­ bard -and Webstgr were up from ior 6:15 p. m. It is the church qn YOU WILL FIND THOSE MEN ON THE Medford. Mrs. Webster of Med­ the Hill. B. C. Miller, Pastor ford won the prize. Delicious re­ REPUBLICAN TICKET freshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Fred Homes and First Church of Christ Scientist Senator McNary deserves reelection. He has accomplish­ Pioneer Ave., South Mrs. Ed. Thornton. ed much for Oregon. Congressmen Hawley and binnott • • • Sunday service at 11 o’clock. should be returned because of service to their state. Maurice Subject of lesson, “Probation Beautiful Show er- E. Srumpacker, candidate for the seat of the democratic in­ One of the prettiest showers of After Death.” Sunday School at cumbent in tlie third district, should receive the votes of all republicans. the season was given by Mrs. 10 o’clock. Wednesday evening Shelby and Mrs. F. C. Stevens at meeting at 8 o’clock. Reading Room open daily from the Shelby home last evening in RESTORE THIS STATE TO CONTROL OF 2 until 5 m., excepting Sun­ honor of Miss Roberta Ward, whose engagement to, Mr. Roy days and holidays. THE DOMINANT PARTY Bebb has been announced. A de­ Methodist Episcopal Church lightful evening was spent in con­ It is important that all good citizens vote for Sam A. S. J. Chaney, Minister versation. The tables were beau­ Kozer, candidate for reelection as secretary of state, and The Sunday School will meet at tifully decorated with flowers and Thomas B. Kay, candidate for state treasurer, because their vines and a lovely two-course 9:45. Classes are provided for election will restore the affairs of Oregon, a strongly repub­ luncheon was served by the hos­ all ages and all are welcome. lican state, to republican control. tesses. Miss Ward received many “The Supreme Demand Made Upon Christ” is the subject for the beautiful gifts. Through the accident of death, the governor has named his own s’ate treasurer. This is an elective office and the The invited guests were Misses pastor’s sermon at the morning people had elected a republican trasurer. By the appoint­ Marguerite Hammond, Browning church service. There will be ment, Governor Pierce seized power not bis by light and there­ Purdin, Ruth Natwick, Orbie Nat- special music by the chorus choir by dominates the state board of control. The balance will wlck, all of Medford, Victoria. The young people will meet for be restored by election of Kozer and Kay. Taverner, Mary Bebb, Georgie their devotional meeting at 6:15 Coffee and Mesdames P. K. Ham­ Sunday evening. There will be mond, Horace Bromley of Med­ no evening church service at the OTHER CANDIDATES, TOO, ARE WORTHY ford, Natwick of Medford. Elbert Methodist church on account of OF VOTERS’ SUPPORT Farlow, Stanley Robinette, Char­ the union service at the Presby­ les Bourne, Frank Dillard, White terian church Miss Margaret E. of Medford, Madame Tracy-Young Hodge will be the speaker of this Judge Harry II. Belt, of Polk county, and Judge Percy R Kelly, of Linn countj. are both able juris , and candidates and the dainty hostesses. Mrs. service. of the party for justices of the supreme court. Judge Kelly Frank Stevens and Mrs. A. Shel­ being a candidate to succeed tlte late John McCourt. Both are Baker City — Wagon road to by. , • eminently qualified. be built to Homestead from Red Lodge mine. 1. H. VanWinkle, candidate for reelcctl n. a attorney- general; II. H. Corey, oandidat* for reflection as public service commissioner; Edward Osfander, candidate for public service commissioner; and J. D. Mickle, candidate for se lec ­ tion as state* dairy and food commissioner, as well as the complete legislative and full county tickets, vouched for by I the republican party, are worthy of support and ties; rvc your votes. THIS IS REPUBLICAN YEAR Support the Entire Party Ticket IT’S COOLIDGE— Make It Unanimous ‘Sally Aim” the famous bread which First Congregational Church W. Judson Oldfield, Minister will make vour meals more Boulevard and Main street. enjoyable. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with classes for all grades and ages. Bring your Bible. Morning service at 11; subject. “Making Suggest­ ions to Christ.” Junior Christian Endeavor at 4 p. m. Christian En­ deavor at 6:30. There will be no evening service. We, with other of the churches will attend the missionary meeting at the Pres­ byterian church, at which the message of the evening will be delivered by the vice president J of the Presbyterian Board of For- j eign Missions. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30. The subject for next week it “The Presence of the Father. Son, and Spirit Through Obedience to The Commands of Christ.” The public is cordially invited to all these services. Make Sure You Vote Nov. 4th .R ep u b lican S ta te C e n tra l C o m m ittee; Jo h n W . C o ch ran , S e c re tary . (P a id A dv.) Litliia Bakery I. L. Battei son, C h a irm a n -1 See the Champions a t Pacific International Livestock Exposition Church of Christ Corner Second and B • , Interest is growing constantly a9 is shown by the increasing au­ diences, and fouls added to the Church every Lords Day. Great I brought • truck load of bar­ gain counter goods from Port land last week, all of which will be sold accordingly. Auto Robes, Wade Dragsaw, Halt- ! era, and lots of army goods. ' Come In early while they last. PEIL’S CORNER A Great New Exposition Palace and Amphitheatre - T he Greatest Combined Exhibit o f Pure Bred Live Stock Under One R oof in America - $ 9 0 ,0 0 0 in P r e m iu m s The 14th annual Pacific International Live Stock Exposition, Portland, Nov. 1st to 8th, will be bigger and better than ever before. The new and ei tlarged exposition palace and amphitheatre will fea­ ture the greatest combined exhibit of pure bred and fanev live stock in America—over 4,000 prize animals o f many kinds and almost all breeds- Beef and Dairy Cattle,Swine, Horses, Sheep, Goars; also Poultry Show, Land and Industrial Products and the world’s greatest Night Horse Show. AU combined—Great Lire Stock Exposition; Land and Industrial Prod acta Show; Northwest Hay and Grain Show; W estern W in te r P o u ltry Show; Fancy and G&ited Horae Show. D A IL Y A U C TIO N D A IR Y and BEEF BREEDS Judgea of International Reputation REDUCED FARES ON ALL RAILROADS Portland*-Nov. 1*8 Foreign Exchange OREIGN exchanges are often very complicated and yet people sometimes must use them. This bank is prepared to transact all business wtih foreign countries and to give you accurate advice.” F L"V ¿’V" y?*»« yields 7.14% The Citizens Bank of Ashland ask any member etc our Ashland, Oregon organization Saturday, October 25, 1024 Largest Livestock Show in the World -1 0 acres under one roof