Pace Two ASH LA N D ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS D A IL Y Batiirday, October 2 5 , 1024 T ID IN G S A pet bear was recently shot in Hollywood, which!1912« when women were denied ’ offer prizes to their local winners . (Established in 187«) * proves that the wild wood at the height of the open sea-; an average, °f 94 per ’ and the U. S. Q, A. will give a c6nt of those registered later ex. prize tp the national winner.. In --------¡son is a much safer place for man and beast. P ub lished E very EviAiing Except Sunday by 1 I excised the right of suffrage. case of tie scores, duplicate prizes THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. ~ | Equal suffrage was granted in th 3 will be awarded. It is said to have been an Irishman who, when asked election of N orem ber 5, 1912, and Golfers who may be playing at oZTrge Madden G r e e n '^ Z i Z Z Z l Z Z Z U Z U U B u s i n ^ s ' m ^ he liked Princeton. replied: “ I t ’s a dam sight better in 1914 as a result the num ber another club on the day of the of voters who registered and who tournam ent will use their home official city r , ' D pn ™ • ■ — ¡than no liquor at all. voted was increased by more than club handicap against par on the k. . PAPER ..................................................... Telephone 39 luatored a t the A shland, Oregon P ostoffice as Second Class Mail M atter 100,000. Of those registered 85 per cent voted th a t year. In the The old fashioned girl used to get a shingle once in Subscription P rice, D elivered in C ity O b « Month ...................................................................... ’ ? .65; while, the same as the modem flapper, hut the shingle 1916 election it was 88 p er cent Three Months ................................. i and in 1918 50 per cent, the low 195 Six Months .......................... ........................................................... q 7K was generally made of wood. m ark. One Year .....................................1~"“ I ............................................... 7.50 Since 1918 the percentage of B y Mail and R ural R outes Ona Month ................................................... . those registered who vote has Here’s a man who says that he was promised $10,000 $ .65 Three Months ...................................... ............... been increasing, not as rapidly as Six Months ................................ ” " ” " " " " 1 ..................................... " i 1.95 ka lor saying sober ten«years and thé court won’t help him the decrease from 1914 to 1918, On« Year .............................................. 6.50!collect, it Nevertheless, he is ahead of the game. but gradually. The table prepared by Mrs. DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES Sinfl« insertion, per inch ...................................................... 5 .30 Mrs. Coolidge is going to cast her vote in the old home P roctor' follows: _ Y early C ontracts No. Reg. No. Votes Pc.t On« insertion a week ......................................... 27% town. One need not he surprised if some of these up- istered Cast Voting Two insertions a week ................................ .25 istage society politicians remark, “ How quaint!’’ Bally insertion ........ ............... ........................................................ 1908 ........ 122,095 116,514 95 .20 1910 ........ 122,742 120,248 97 R ate« for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising » / F irst insertion, per 8 point line ............„ ...... ........................ . 5 .10 1912 ........ 159,888 144.113 90 >aeh subsequent insertion, 8 point line VETERANS REFUSED .05 Average for 1908 to 1912, 94. Card of Thanks ................................ ................................. oo LICENSE TO PEDDLE 1914 ........ 304,730 O bituaries, per line ......................... 259,868 85 •02 % 0N PORTLAND STREET 1916 ......... 302,697 269,057 88 WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING 1918 .........315,410 157.964 50 All future events, where an admission charge is made or a The application of three vet- 1920 .........364,469 247,899 68 celleetion taken Is Advertising. j erans who were here in a loco- 1922 .........333,055 No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. 241,267 72 ______ __ __ ______________________ ____________ i motive-automobile recently, sell- UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Average for 1914 to 1922, 73. DONATIONS ( ing cards on the street were re- Eugene, Oct. 23. — W ith Home­ No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis-, fused a license-to sell on the coming less than two weeks away, P o rtlan d . accordIng tM . r ].b prtQtlpg— ou,- c n .r l b u t tou , win b, CMb,__________ I slree, 8 work on the preparation for one OCTOBER 2 5 < the recommendation of the Port- of the largest homecoming crowds THL PRINCE OF PEA CE:— For unto us a child is born: and land American Legion post, as in the history of the University ia.nAd°VThnnprinn8hal/ Up° n Thi? and his nam e shall be! explained in this article from The has begun in earnest on the part called, The Prince of Peace.— Isaiah 9:6. ~ Portland Oregon: of the committee members. Mayor Baker was advised b y , According to Chairm an Hal OCTOBER New York, Oct. 23.— A novel GREAT POWER FROM GOD:— Behold, I give unto you power! the executive committee of Port- ■ Lundberg, of the committee on golf tournam ent, intended p ri­ to tread on serpents and scorpious, and over ail t hepower of an land post No. 1 th a t the Ameri- , rooms and accommodations, more m arily to arouse interest in the enemy; and nothing shadl by any means h u rt you.— Luke 10:19. can Legion opposes the g ra n tin g ! than 250 rooms have been re- of golf courses of perm its to veterans to sell pic- served for the retu rn in g grads, betterm ent through the world of the Greens tu ies on the streets, even if those These rooms are in addition to the THREE COMMENDABLE POLICIES veterans are "disabled wKich are avail­ Section, United States Golf As­ Loyal and partisan only as long as the officers de­ The stand of the post was ta k ­ accommodations able to the fratern ity men and sociation, has ju s t been announ­ en when Mayor Baker referred serve loyalty and support is a policy which The Daily women among the alum ni who ced by President W. D. V ander­ Tidings can endorse regardless of which political party the application of three disabled will retu rn to th eir respective pool, of th a t association. The tournam ent will take place veterans who were traveling about chapters. puts forward this kind of a policy. on October 25. It will be an 18- in a car designed like a locomo­ plans are being made In the current issues of The Tidings is an advertise­ tive which has attracted consid- by Extensive hole afTalr, the w inner being the the active members of the player who, on th a t day, playing ment which is signed by the Republican candidates and i erabie attention. The veterans Order of the “ O” to fete the re­ his home club handicap, makes the Republican