—i ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Loading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ■TM.fignn m J MALARIA GERMS. Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1924 NO. 47 IRRIGATION DISTRICT DAM COMPLETED H E R E ’S A FELLOW WHO APPRECIATES BALLOT ---------- tt tt SACRAMENTO. Oct. 25. tt tt « — A plea of a prisoner at tt tt the county jail th a t he be tt » liberated in time to cast a tt tt ballot at the coming presi­ tt » dential election on No­ tt » vember 4th to keep up his tt » record of fifty-one years of tt tt steady voting was received tt Former Leader Sent as Head tt yesterday by Ja ilo r Ed tt San Matean Dead Following : Testhnnoy Given to Senate tt of Government in W aste tt Brady. Death of Step-Daughter New Dam Will be Subject for Study by Prominent Body Investigation Body Gause And Brady says the pris­ tt tt by Own Hand Land of Battle of Engineers. Dam Is on Arch Type, Not Now in Com­ » oner’s wish may come true tt mon Use Because of Difficulty of Construction. ARMY IS DISBANDED tt despite the fact his 100- tt DIVORCED FROM WIFE » d ajr sentence on a charge tt Will be Able to Impound 8,000 Acre Feet of W ater. CLASH LASTS A DAY C hristian General Threatens W ith­ » of having liquor in his pos­ tt Jealousy of Wife Caused Daughter Trial of Oil Magnate for Fraud in tt session does not expire u n ­ tt to Commit Suicide. Brood­ draw al of Troops Unless Gov­ Const ruction of the Emigrant Creek dam, eight miles Obtaining Rights to Elk Hills tt til November 9th, five days tt ing Results in Reath ernm ent Trys to Stop W ar Lease Aired in L. A. southeast of this city, has been completed and within two » a fte r the election. tt The prisoner has w ork­ tt san mateo , Cal., Oct. 25.— weeks the impounding of water in the giant reservoir PEKING, Oct. 25— Wu Fu, m il­ tt LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 25. 8 ed faithfuly at intervals at 8 A verdict of suicide, returned by itary backer of the centrai Chi­ between this huge dam and the Pacific highway, an area — Testimony given by E. L. Do­ nese governm ent, and until this 8 th e jail as a tru sty and 8 a coroner’s jury here today is of 240 acres, will be started, according to engineers of heny, bead of the Pan-American week the most powerful figure in tt five extra days a month tt expected to bring to a close a Petroleum interests, before the all China, was virtually banished tt are ¿oming to him as tt tragic chapter of life which in­ The Talent Irrigation District. senate investigating committee The houses on the Dodge, Tucker and other ranches last January relative to the $100,- to Chinese T urkestan today, fol­ tt. good tim e” . Brady said he tt volved the suicide of a daughter will confer with Sheriff tt and h er father. lowing a presidential m andate in I » in the canyon and valley which will form the reservoir 000 personal lone note given to Ellis Jones regarding the tt .Two weeks ago, beautiful Mar- which President Tso Kun declared !» tt P riso n er’s plea. He de­ tt ilouise Chambers, 17, shot and have been torn down and everything is ready for the Doheny by ex-Secretary of the the w ar against Chang Lin ended, tt clined to disclose the name tt killed herself here, because of storing of the 8,000 acre feet of water, the capacity of Interior Fall, was the cause to­ abolished the standing arm y now day of the first heated clash be­ tt tt of the man. being used for the suppression of tt t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t tt jealously for her step-m other. Last the reservoir, wlicili the engineers estimate will not only tween opposing counsel at the night, F ran k Chambers, said to he absolute insurance against serious shortage in any rebels, and appointed Wu direct­ trial here of the governm ent’s be the son of a New ’Y ork million­ or of the waste lands of Turke­ suit for cancellation of leases held aire, shot and killed himself year, such as has been felt during the previous summer, stan. by the Pan - American in the Elk Chambers adm itted to the offic­ hut will provide water for the irrigation of 4,000 acres Hills naval oil reserve. This action, which will prac­ ials who were investigating the more than is included in the Talent Irrigation district Legal argum ents th a t follow­ tically end the fighting in the death of the girl, th a t he was not at present. » ed lasted from the latter part of Chinese Repuhlic was forced up- her father, and th a t he had di­ the morning session until nearly on governm ent by the Christ- vorced his first wife, the m other The reservoir when filled will the cióse of court, when Federal I ian general, Feng Siang. with a of the girl, in Portland, Oregon, present a beautiful site to those tiudge McCormick ruled in favor th reat of the w ithdraw al of his last year. i traveling the Pacific Highway, as of the government. troops whiclf have been support­ It developed at the inquest th a t i the w ater will extend even up The clash occurred when the ing the government. Should Feng Agrees That Prohibition W ork Miss Chambers was addicted to and under the bridge across the prosecution, in the unavailability w ithdraw his troops, it is cer­ Should be Consolidated in drugs. Chambers, following her ■ Pacific highway at th a t point. A of Mr. Doheny as a witness, he tain th a t the governm ent would Sheriff’s Office W ithout Aid to Los Angeles, closed his fine road, above the w ater level from having refused to testify earlier be overthrow n by the rebels who home here; and moved into the the highway to the dam site, has in the day, offered in evidence have bobbed up time and again. Newton C. Chaney, Republican {-apartment of Miss Chambers. been constructed. testimony given by the oil m ag­ The banishm ent of Wu was one candidate for district attorney at Chambers brooded much over ---------- j This dam, because of its pe- nate before the senate investigat­ of the biggest surprises of th e en-; the general election November 4, the death of the girl. The girl E. K. Hall F irst to R egister for culiar construction, lias been se- ing committee, both about Fall's tire m andate. It was expected was in Ashland Friday afternoon left a note address to “ dearest Uoolidge-Dawes-Lincoln Car- , lected by The Enginering Foun- note and proposed changes In the th a t the form er leader in Chinese, and stated he expected to win by F ra n k ,” saying “you have done ■ avan A utograph Book dation, a body of affiliated en- leases. affairs would begiven a political a good m ajority. all for me. except to d efin ite ly ; ______ gineeriijg societies, as a subject The defense immediately pro­ position in one of the better Chi- Chaney said th a t one of the ta k e a stand between Bea and " I not only voted for Abraham For study. The dam is the arch tested vigorously on the ground nese provinces in recognition of most Im portant points brought myself.’’ “ F love you only.” 1 Lincoln, but I had the p le asu re ' type and, since there is very ’hat Mr. Doheny, in testifying be­ his work in assisting the govern-i °n t *n the present campaign i? Chambers form erly lived ' of sleeping with him one n ight,” ) Uttle inform ation available and fore the senate committee, was ment, but instead he was banish- the policy of. the Republican can­ Olympia. W ashington, and in E. K. Hall, of 564 Liberty street engineers have had only meagre acting merely as an agent, and ed to the worst province w ithin didates to elim inate unnecessary Portland, Oregon. of this city, stated Friday after- experience in the construction of that the court did not have re­ the jurisdiction of the Chinese deputies and clerks in the court noon in registering for the L in -; a « ch dams, the Engineering Foua- cords to show that the oil mag­ house and to reduce the expenses government. coln A utograph book which is be-1 dation saw its opportunity to nate held the controlling interest of operating the county govern­ ing prepared by the Coolidge- ^ain th^ data which the profes­ in the Pan American company. ment. Dawes-Lincoln caravan which will sion reeds in the construction of Judge McCormick he'd that ap­ He stated he was heartily In this dam: therefore, a research parently Mr. Doheny had absolute be in Ashland next Tuesday. i sym pathy with the idea of Can- ' “ My father kept a wayside inn fund was raised, the contractors authority in negotiating with the ! didate J. J. McMahon to con- along the W abash river and when being the State of Oregon, the En- government on behalf of the Pan- ! solite the work of the sheriff’s MEXICO CITY, Oct. 25.— Mex- I was about 7 years of age. Abe S neering Foundation. The Talent American company for the grant­ ' office and the prohibition enforce­ ico City cut off commercial re la -! Lincoln often came to our place, Irrigation District and The Cali- ing of the leases, or for an alter­ m ent activities. This can be tions with England today. The riding his old horse with his sad- forn,a - Oregon Power Company, ation or revision of them. With done, Chaney stated, and he pledg- order does not say w hether all dlebags crammed with law books Every phase of the work has been the ruling, court adjourned. , ed himself to cooperate with Mc- which he read when he stopped studied and a record made for During the hours of the h e at­ the B ritish empire is affected, or riding, Mr. Hall continued. comparison with other methods of ed legal argum ent Mr. Doheny. The County Medical Society has : Mahon to the lim it in enforcing onlv England. | the prohibition violators and invited Dr. Dillehunt. bone spec­ Ths drastic action of th é Mex­ “ One night when the itinerant construction. This study will be sitting in his usual place behind ; bringing them to justice. Chaney ialist and Dr. Selling, nerve spec­ ican government is exnectod »n lawyer came to our inn, my fa th - ; continued after the w ater is im- the table around which his corps ialist, both of Portland, to hold a ; stated th a t H artzell, Republican have the effect of paralyzing the ___. ________________ ____ pounded to test the strength and of attorneys were seated, listen­ (Continud on page Four) w orkability of this new type of ed atentive’.y but never changed free clinic for crippled childred, candidate for county judge, 'was trad e and overseas passerfger tra f­ pledged to this policy and th a t dam. November 5 at the F irst Baptist words with bis lawyers. Doheny with the three of them elected fic from England to this country. If this method, which is much Jr., sitting next to his father, as­ church in Medford. This is a diag-j The persistent failure of the and working together, McMahon, cheaper, is feasible, this arch sumed a sim ilar attitude, and few nostic clinic and for children from ; sheriff, H artzell, county judge, B ritish Government to recognize I type of construction will mean words went between them . The 2-16 years of age. i and Chaney, district attorney, the the existing governm ent of Mexico i the saving of large sums in the serious m editative expression on The county is able to have th e ; ' trio shou’d be able to do effective is responsible for the breaking i construction of power sites and ♦ heir faces remained unchanged services of these specialties work in stam ping out prohibition of commercial relations between dams in this state, as well as in while counsel were thrashing out through the extension service of violators and in reducing the ex­ the two countries. other Pacific Coast states where legal technicalities. the University of Oregon Medical penses of county government. future development of w ater School. FOOTBAI.T. PLAYER power sites will require the con- CHILD IS SWEPT IN Dr. Dillehunt and Dr. Selling, OF MYRTLE CREEK ---------- struction of many huge dams. FRONT OF BIG TRUER give a large part of their time —— ! IS HURT IN BACK to the treatm en t of children un­ PORTLAND, Oct. 2 5. — Vern The dam site is formed by two SEATTLE. W ash., Oct, 25. — NEW YORK. Oct. 25. — Rose F. Kelly, 4912 T hirty-third ave- sandstone hills, which provide der the Crippled Childrens Act. Mayor Edwin J. Brown, who testi­ Gerald A usm uth, Myrtle Creek Pantoliano, five years old, was nue, an ex-employe a’t Roberts solid rock abutm ents for the dam. This act entitled any child with j fied today th at it was not profit, football player was injured in the knocked down and washed into ■ B rothers’ store, was arrested last which is technically known as a a crippling defect which might j b u t desire to be governor of W ash­ back yesterday during th? Ash­ the street by a stream from a fire night by Detectives Hellyer and variable radius arch dam. A rock be improved, to free treatm ent ington or United States senator land and Myrtle Creek football hydrant at Tenth Avenue ■ M allett and. jailed on a larceny bench at the top of a bluff, on , under the supervision of the Uni­ th a t caused him to seek to res­ game. He was rushed immediate­ WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 5 — A; and T hirty-ninth street which one J charge arising out of his posses- the west abutm ent and 70 feet versity of Oregon Medical School cind a $15,000,000 street car con­ ly to the hospital and an X-ray corporation has a perfect rig h t to of the children who she was play-! sion of household furniture said above the lowest part of the dam. in Portland. The doctors give tra c t today, later related on the of his back was taken this m orn­ carry on a campaign of education ing with had turned on. j to have been stolen from the Ira makes it possible to use an aux- SALEM, Oct. 25. — The public free service and the county pays stand th a t he showed evidence ing. He is resting comfortably the hospital biils. The m ajority with regard to a group of political Before she could scramble to F. Powers F u rn itu re company, n a r y arch and thereby reduce the service commission will turn back obtained to up3et the contract to at the present time. or any other m atter,. h er feet a m otor truck ' killed Kelly, it is said, made a complete r.adius of the main arch, there- to the state at the end of the of cases sent up for treatm ent are candidates R. T. W hiting, an investigator General A tterbury, vice-president ^er. Reuben Glassman, Brook- confession and even adm itted to fore reducing the thickness four- present biennium approximately orthopaedic cases and a large per­ for a concern subsidiary to Stone of th e Pennsylvania railroad de- driver of the truck, was ar- the officers th a t the $250 furnace teen per cent of th at obtainable $15,000 of its appropriation, ac­ centage of these are deform ities & W ebster or Boston, hoping in the basement of bis home had without the auxiliary arch, cording to a letter prepared today from Infantile Paralysis. On the d a re d today before the Borah re8ted W hiting would verify the docu­ been stolen from the Powers store. The dam will have a bottom by H. H. Corey, chairm an of the other hand, alm ost every kind of Campaign fund investigating com­ m ent. The contract is with this This and the admission by po- iength of 180 feet, top length of commission, in reply to a request malady has come under the ob- mittee. concern. i lice officials th at a large num ber 430 feet, a maximum height of th at he furnish the executive de­ j servation of the Medical Staff A tterbury freely adm itted the 1 The mayor eaid on the stand of persons who have not yet been 137 feet, a maximum thickness partm ent with a complete state­ through this channel .such as: Pennsylvania road was “ against before a committee of the city WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 'Sec- ' severe burns with resulting dis- arrested and whose names have cf 04 feet and the width at the ment of the salaries and expenses La Follette.” council investigating the “ effici­ rotary of A griculture W allace died figuremenC badly not been mentioned in connect- top is five feet The foundation of the departm ent for 1923 and bowed legs The total contributions to the ency” of the municipal govern­ at the naval hospital here at four from richits, tuberculosis in the ion with the operations of the js 8Ojjd sandstone, which is 16 1924. m ent, th a t though he considered o’clock this afternoon, follow- bones, spinal conditions, impe- Democratic war cheet th u s far gang of store thieves will prob- feet below the bed of the creek The governor’s request was bas­ reported total $502,575. Chair­ W hiting a power company repre­ W EEHAW KER, N. J., Oct. .25. ably be indicted when the police jn ^he deepest place. A straight ed on a telegram received from ing an operation perform ed a few aim ent in speech and bad eye con- man B'orah wired Senator W alsh sentative, he knew if the docu­ •A demand th a t Secretary of the fay all facts before the grand-gravity section for this dam would Jam es Johns of Pendleton, demo- 1 <*«>•» ago. j ditions. m ent was not verified, it would of Montana this morning th a t bis T reasury Mellon and David Blain, j u ry, next week, were yesterday’s bave requjred a thickness of 80 cratic candidate for public service ---------- It is desired th a t children with he no good. ♦ v committee would act vigorously commissioner of Internal revenue, developments in the case. feet at the base for equal 8tabil- commissioner from the eastern w i . m oia WASHINGTON, Oct. 25— Sec- just such conditions come to the and prom ptly if proof was discov- be summoned before th e Senate g. A. Dorsey, assistant depart- |ty A syphoon spillway is con- Oregon district, who desired the 8 J * a " l e . . * ' retary of A griculture W allace is Medford clinic for help. P arents ered of the tru th of W alsh’s committee invstigating bureau to ment m anager of the m en’s and structed with a discharge of 4,000 itfformatlon for campaign pur- e arn e e a " .desperately ill in a W ashington and relatives interested should jharge th a t $100,000 was sent explain, “ by w hat authority they boys’ suit division of the Meier & cubic feet per aecond w ithout poses,- an attorney n i ew or : sanitarium today with toxemia register th eir children before No- arning store, was brought to head- overtopping overtOpPing the dam. dam. A 150-foot “ Answering your inquiry of this Ca9P’ ..JL* ec are ( e poisoning, following an operation vember 1 with the County Nurse into Montana in an effort to de- , Issued -----__ _ a w ------- «-= threatening --------- „ _ Frank ------------------------------ was "th e e peop.e people's s Dusmess and jn which | be gajj bladder and ap- at the Court House in Jackson- feat him ia his attem pt a t re* newspapers with a fine and im- quarters yesterday morning and spij:way js a i8O constructed over date relative to am ount of sal­ u. nes he would not tell it. He said he prlsonm ent, if they published lists questioned concerning a $65 mat- tbe main portion O( tb e dam, aries and expenses of the public pendix were removed here a few ville or telephone 491 Jackson- election. didn’t believe the company had of taxpayers and the income taxes tress which W illiard Oakes, alleg- wh«ch wiu be u8ed onjy ¡„ ca8e of service commission for 1923 and days ago. The. secretary lost ville, giving the childs’ name and knowledge of the city's case and paid by them ,” was made here ed jingleader of the crime gang, • eniergencjes. The whole dam can 1924.” said Mr. Corey's letter to much ground during the n ig h t,1 address and state w hat the defect added th a t he was working at PRINCE OP WALES IS today by Senator La F ollette^ Pro- had stolen from the Powers store bp overtopped w ithout doing any the governor, "please be advised' present on some lines tb a fn e ith e r ‘ and his condition is described as is. ON WAY BACK HOME gresslve candidate for the Presi- and which had lnen found in his damage. th a t the total am ount of the ap- I, •dency, who Is carrying on his cam- W hiting nor Ralph Nichols, chair- extrem ely critical by attending home. Dorsey claimed that be had The outlet for the w ater from 1 propriation for the two years was man of the committee, knew any- physicians. HOME IS BURNED, new y o r k , Oct. 25. -Look- palgn here today, bought -the m attress. from Oakes ^be reservojr j8 Provided by a con- $140,000, or $70,000 a year. The thing about. Dr. Boone, head of the staff of MAN KILLS SELF/ ing tired as the result of his | To prevent publication of these *at a discount” and th a t he in crete lined tunnel under the east j total expenditures for 1923 were W hite House physicians, who re­ strenuous th ree m ouths vacation lists would “ subvert th e will of turn had sold Oakes a suit of abutm ent. The tunnel is of the $57,559.92 and the total expen- mained at W allace’s bedside dur- Here Today— SPOKANE, Oct. 25. — H. W. in America and Canada, but de­ Congress,” La Follette charged. clothes and an overcoat from the (borseshoe tvpe, being 5 feet in dla- ditures for the first nine months Andrew Anderson of Milwau- ing the night, stated this m o rn -: W agner, aged 68, a candym aker, claring. him self fit, and regretful He said th a t Congress had pass­ Me«er & Frank store “at a dis- mpter ftnd haylng & o p a c ity of of 1924 were $49,100.96. kee, W isconsin, was in Ashland) ing th a t the toxemia condition aet j ire to his home here today, of departure, David W indsor, the ed a publicity am endm ent to the count.” No charge was placed 125 cubic feet per second. The “ We were endeavoring and ex­ today attending to business inter- had spread throughout the Secre- tOok a dose of poison and then Prince of W ales sailed today la st revenue bill so the “ public against Dorsey, but the police laid dam contains 15,000 cubic yards pect to have a balance of $15.000 ests. Mr. Anderson is in the shoe; tary 's body, and th a t little chance banged himself to a tree in his aboard the Steamship Olympic for would know who was paying the th e facts before the m anagem ent (Continued on page 4) Southham pton and London. business. ; of recovery rem ained. yard, police said. (Continued on Page F o u r) taxes, and how much they paid.” of the Meier & Frank store. TOO BAD, POOR HOUSE HARBORS NO JITNEYS tt ---------- a LOS ANGELES, Oct. 25. tt :: — George Harman is not tt 8 an inm ate of the Los tt :: Angeles County Poor Farm tt « today, and the reason is tt n simple and clear. tt « There was no place to tt * tt It park his car. :: H arm an had proved to tt Union Pacific Claims New « the satisfaction of every- tt Line from Bend to Lake- « one concerned th a t he was tt tt indigent and was about to tt view too Expensive tt be adm itted when he ask- tt BE ANOTHER TANGLÊ tt- ed: “ W here do I put my tt R tt car?’’ When it was explained tt Line Would t o s t About SS,OOO,OOO tt to Construct, Say Officials of i 8 to him th a t the county tt 8 did not provide garage ac- tt Union Pacific » commodations for its indi- tt WASHINGTON. D. C. Oct. 25. tt gent guests, he withdrew tt — A contest equal in heat and tt his application and mo- tt bitterness to the struggle by the ¡tt tored away in a small se- tt Southern Pacific and Central Pa­ ! tt dan of popular make, the tt cific on the one hand and the j tt presence of which had tt Union Pacific over the proposed !» hitherto not been noted tt by his questioners. tt unscram bling of the two form er Itt tttttttttttttttttttttttt roads is in sight as the result of yesterday's report to the in ter­ s ta te commerce commission by C. E. K eppart. examiner, in which he made several far-reaching rec­ ommendations regarding the rail­ road situation in .central and w estern Oregon. The examiner had before him several proposals from the Ore­ gon public service commission asking th a t railroads traversing New Hoist Being Constructed, an d ' Well Is Being Drilled to G uar­ central Oregon, more specifically antee Supply of W ater the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific, be required to extend and The Skyline mine, located six construct a railroad from Crane westward to Oakridge, to connect miles west of her in the hills, with the Central Pacific's Natron has been forced to practically sus­ cut-off, thus to connect with roads pend operations due to the fact affording a m arket outlet to w est­ th a t a spring which was supply­ ern Oregon and California; also ing the w ater for th eir mill to to construct a connection between wash the gold ore has ceased flow- railroad term inals at Bend and ing A pump is now being installed K irk and a branch line to Lake- and in about a week or ten days view. • the diggers will reach the 120- The exam iner’s report is in some respects vague and involved foot level where tfiey expect to and goes Into the survey of the strike w ater. Mill operations railroad situation in such m anner will then be resumed. The mine is putting in a hoist, In w estern and central Oregon and later a cage will be installed, th a t it is difficult at times to in ­ te rp re t his analysis. But it is which will expedite the tran sfer clear th a t if the commission up­ of ore to the mill.. A five-foot vein holds his recommendation the which is running gold ore to the Union Pacific railroad will be or­ value of from $800 to $2,000 a dered to construct a line 140 to ton has ju st been opened, accord­ 150 miles long from Bend by way ing to E. J. B arrett, who is inter­ of Odell to Lakeview, at an esti­ ested in the mine. The company’s sawmill is now mated cost of $8,000,000. Con­ cutting about 5,000 feet of tim ­ siderable is said about the need ber daily, which is being used to for cross-state lines, but the im­ build houses so th a t the operat­ practicability of their construc­ tion is noted because of the ions can be continued despite the ownership of present lines in west­ heavy w inter snows and so that ern Oregon and this problem the men can be com fortable d u r­ would be solved by detaching cer­ ing the w intry spells. Nine house? tain Southern Pacific lines in have already been constructed at w estern Oregon to serve as cross- the mine site and all the mill buildings are being covered. state feeders. The mine has about 400 tons of ore on the dump. An improv­ ed ball mill is being installed and the company expects to operate on a large scale in the near fu ­ ture. FIG H T STARTS n OVER LINES IN EASTERN ORE. ' MAN S U I CIDES AFTER D E A TH OF RELATIVE W U 1SE X IL E D TO T D RKESTAN BY PRESIDENT E MINE BY LOW T O SUPPLY S READY FOR WATER GOVERNMENT IS VICTOR IN BIG DOHENY CLASH o ra c i » n o w W ITHJ.J.M ’MÂHON E SEEPT IN SAME BED ,E FREE CLINIC FOR TO BE T ING POINT F OF GOODS SIDIEN BY GANG OF THUGS PLAYEO POLITICS I F OF YEAR'S BUDGET SPEAKS HIS MIND SECRETARY WALLACE LA FOLLETTEPOPS OFF ON TAX MOVE