PAÖfc Fbü» iiii— M traii »4 » » 4 ÂBHlAîm D A ttf ï î î t i O -w - »i b o c a l» P ersonal fiotes ; ,» i i * <» A Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and erents of < > local interest Values in clothes th at will open Calvin McClelland left this ’ your eyes at P aulserud’s. 43— tf m orning on a week’s unting trip in eastern Oregon. Big dance Fri. nite. Memorial Hall. 45— 2 Cliff Payne makes Book stands. Complete line of Ashland Can­ Don’t miss the Big Dance Fri., ned Goods at Detricks. »4-tf nite. 45— 2 T o E astern Oregon— In A shland— In Ashland— Mr. Myers of Needles, Califor­ Joe Jacobs of the S. H. Frank nia, arrived in Ashland this m orn­ Company of San Francisco was ing and expects to remain here in Ashland today on business. for a short time. Dance Hot Springs Sat. Nite. Big dance Fri. nite. Memorial Hall. 45— 2 I o Buckeyebread, the only bread. We put up lunches for travelers. W atch Jackson Hot Springs for B utler, The Buckeye. 41— 12 Hallowe’en Friday, Oct. 31. Big­ gest event in dance history. 44-3 Moving— C. D. Dayhoff is moving from Special Auto Accident Policy his form er home a t 129 Laurel for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo street to his new home on Nob of course. 24-tf Hill. We deliver the goods— Detricks Let us fill your pall with Swiftfc 94-tf «ilvor Leai lard. Costs less than shortening. Goes farther and is Yes, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual­ more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf ity Bread, from tho oven over Halowe’en goods at E lh a rt’s. 4 6— 1 Move»—- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moses have moved from the J. M. W agner place on Oak street to the Col­ umbia Hotel, where they will make their future home. the counter, 8 and 12c. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY „ Hew ftgtehdfi}*» Yeo are welcome to compare Defi't ©Ú» $ e B it Dance Fri., H, A. Culp, assistant superin- my Automobile rates w ith any nite. 45— T idings olflssified do the, business. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER HOWDY, NEIGHBOR FOR RENT: «— 1 “ furnished t6ndent fur home For School Superintendent— m ade loaves are bo i delicious SITSANNE HOMES CARTER and nutritious, and our rolls, For T reasurer— A. C WALKER biscuits and breadstuffs gener­ For Survevor— ally are tem pting and in every T. G RIFFITH COWGILL For Coroner— way superior when made a t H. W. CONGER Signed: JACKSON COUNTY R E ­ PUBLICAN COMMITTEE. (Paid A d r ) 45— 10 Lithia Bakery IM4ay, October 84, 1984 Any Feminine Member of the Family.