ASH LAND D A ILY T ID IN G S (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 0 ) P ublished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. M UCH IS S P E N T A th e n a — S ev eral d is tr ic t jo in O TTA W A , Oct. 24. — B u ild in g in union h ig h school d is tric t. c o n s tru c tio n in C an ad a has a m o u n te d in vo lu m e to m o re th a n M edford — A m o u n t of new a b illion d o lla rs in th e la s t fo u r b u ild in g in d ic a te s b e st p erio d in 1 y e a rs, a c co rd in g ^o a b u lle tin r e ­ c ity ’s g ro w th .. lea se d by th e D om inion B u re a u O F F IC IA L C ITY P ? E R ...........................................................T elep h o n e 39 j E n tered a t th e Aahland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second Class M all M atter S n b sc rip tio n P ric e , D eliv ered in C ity O b » Month ......... ...............................- ........................................... -....... T h re e M onth» „ ............................................................................................. Six M o n th s ........... ......................................................................... - ............ On» Y e a r ......................... .............................................................................. lly M ail a n d R u ra l R o u te s O n e M onth . . . - ......... ............ ...................................................... -................. T h re e M onths ................................................................................................ Six M onths ..................................................................................................... O ne Y e a r .......................................................................................................... Your Boy will P o r tla n d — F o r tn ig h tly sa ilin g of r e frig e ra te d sh ip s p ro m ised fo r $ .65 P o rtla n d p o rt. 1.95 ___________________ 3.75; 7.50 I .65 1.95 3.50 6.50 DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES ■ iagl» In se rtio n , p e r Inch .................................................................. $ -30 Y early C ontracts O n» in se rtio n a w eek .......................................................................... .2 7 % Tw o In se rtio n s a w eek ......................................... ................................ -25 D ally in s e rtio n ....................................................................................................20 R ate» for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising F i r s t In se rtio n , p e r 8 p o in t lin e ...................................................... 3 -I® E a c h s u b s e q u e n t in s e rtio n , 8 p o in t lin e .................................... -05 C a rd o f T h a n k s ......................................................................................... 100 .0 2 % O h ltn a rle s , p e r lin e FIERY, ITCHING SKIN IS QUICKLY SOOTHED BIB Overalls Tl 'MADE ESPECIALLY M e n th o -S u lp h u r, a p le a s a n t j cre a m , w ill so o th e a n d h e a l sk in ; th a t is ir r ita te d o r b ro k en o u t; A N E y/ ¿F THEY, w ith eczem a; th a t is covered w i t h 1 P A IR < R IP ugly ra s h o r p im ples, o r is ro u g h I o r d ry . N o th in g su b d u e s f i e r y ' sk in e ru p tio n s so q u ick ly , s a y s a n o ted sk in sp e cia list. W H AT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING T he m o m e n t th is s u lp h u r p re ­ "A ll f u tu r e e v e n ts, w h e re a n a d m issio n c h a rg e is m ad e o r a | p a ra tio n is a p p lie d th e itc h in g i c o lle ctio n ta k e n Is A d v e rtisin g . sto p s a n d a f te r tw o o r th re e a p - ; No d isc o u n t w ill be a llo w e d R e lig io u s o r B e n e v o le n t o rd ers. p lic a tio n s, th e eczem a is gone an d DONATIONS M A D E O f T E S T E D D E N IM th e sk in is d e lig h tfu lly c le a r and No d o n a tio n s to c h a ritie s o r o th e rw ise w ill be m ade In a d v e rtls - sm o o th . S u lp h u r is so p rec io u s as ¿ C U T F U L L .P L E N T Y OF 1W • r Job p rin tin g — o u r c o n trib u tio n s w ill be in cash. S W IN G IN G P O C K E T 5 a sk in re m e d y b e c au se it d e stro y s OCTOBER 24 ^ H T T O N 5 R IVETED th e p a ra s ite s th a t ca u se th e b u r n ­ H E R E D E E M S AND C R O W N S :— B less th e L o rd , O m y soul, a n d ing, itc h in g o r d isfig u re m e n t. fo rg e t n o t a ll h is b e n e fits: w ho re d e e m e th th y life fro m d e s tru c tio n : alw ay s h e a ls w h o c ro w n e th th e e w ith lo ving k in d n e ss a n d te n d e r m ercies.— M e n th o -S u lp h u r ALSO MAKERS OF P s a lm 1 0 3 :1 , 4. eczem a rig h t up. -H O RSE Brand Bib Overalls A sm all j a r of R ow les M entho- S u lp h u r m ay be h a d a t a n y good NOT ON THE MAP d ru g sto re . FOR CROWING BOYS WO-HORSE BRAND rtf When the world fliers started on their marvelous journey Portland was not on the itinerary. When they returned to their destination Portland was not on the itinerary. It was no fault of the fliers. When Portland planned a reception immediately after conclusion of the epochal trip, Portland saw nothing of ■ U U i V I U the fliers until they had gone East and returned. When the Shenandoah returned from Camp Lewis to California Portland was not in the path of the flight. Perhaps the lack of a proper landing field accounts for the failure to include that city in matters aeronautical But there is an airplane field at Vancouver. Perhaps time and scientific reasons were responsible for Portland’s failure to get a glimpse of the Shenandoah Nothing prevented her from cruising leisurely over Seattle and Tacoma. Perhaps there were other good and sufficient reasons for leaving the city off the course. But those who are wondering if the departments at Washington are unnecessarily slighting Portland have cause for their skepticism. Portland for some reason has failed to get on the aeronautic map, even in spite of aj radiogram sent from Portland by an eminent Republican to a friend on the Shenandoah at Camp Lewis, as follows: “ Do everyth g in your power to influence the com­ mander of the Sh tandoah to return south over Portland. 1 fear the effect on the administration should the Shen­ andoah fail to visit this city.” SHALL WE CARRY ON? The Tidings yesterday carried an article, an inter­ view with R. R. Howard, head of the Marketing and Land Settlement departments of the Portland Chamber of Com­ merce, in which high praise is given one of Ashland’s co­ operative marketing organizations. This praise, coming from an expert in that line, is double welcome. But the question in our minds, and in the mind of Mr. Howard, is, have we carried this co-operation far enough? Have we carried it to such a degree, that our prosperity, as well as the prosperity of the organization will he radically affected. That co-operative marketing organizations, on a scale larger than was dreamed possible ten years ago, have been and are successes, is proven by a study of the co-operative organizations of California, the California Associated Raisin Growers, the Associated Raisin growers, the almond growers, and the walnut growers. Each of these organ­ izations have proven conclusively that combined market­ ing can, and is being carried on .with the greatest of success. Probably the most successful of these organizations is the California Associated Raisin Growers, a group of 18,000 raisin growers in the San Joaquin Valley, banded together to market their products. Before the organiza­ tion of this association,’the growers were receiving from two to three cents per pound for their raisins, and their markets were badly shattered. With the association in effect, and the independent packers out of the way, the growers receive from twelve to fifteen cents per pound for their products, with a market as stable as the wheat market. The association has an investment in packing plants of approximately $27,000,000, with one plant in the city of Fresno, representing an investment of $6,000,000. What these organizations have done, we can do here. Shall we carry no with the work, or shall we fall back into the old way of things, dooming the prosperity of this section? IV a iiy C Ul V IU or range here. Good C offee 4 0 a n d 45c lb. Sw eet P o ta to e s. 3 lbs fo r 25c Good, B ro o m s 5Oc, 75c, $ 1 .0 0 M olasse3 D airy F eed , 75 p o u n d sack ..................... $ 1 ,8 0 — V H og F eed , 80 lb. sack ... $ 2 .2 5 PO TA TO ES 80 lbs. M ill R u n ................. $ 1 .6 5 C h e rro F lo u r, 49 lb. sack $ 2 .2 5 P ic k e t F lo u r, 49 lb. sack $ 2 .2 5 Plaza Market F razier & S on P h on e 2 1 4 — 3 5 3 E . Main St. Summary of Digest Poll g iv in g m o re th a n fifty p er cent of h e r v o tes to th e P re s id e n t. ; T o ta l v o tes .............. 1,293,378 487,782 496,006 2,300,484 Trade in your old one for a # New U niversal We have several second­ hand ranges and heaters— all in good condition— which we will sell at rea­ sonable prices, giving you a real value. SWENSON-PEEBLER Furniture Company Month-End Dollar Day Sale Starts Saturday. Bargains Galo/e-Thafs what Ypu’ll say when You come here! BATH TOWELS *3 for .................... 72” BLEACHED SHEETING 2 yards f o r ........................... .00 “ A u ro ra ” S h e e tin g , fin e re g u la rly a t 65c y a rd . L a rg e Size B a th T ow els, heavy­ w e ig h t; sold re g u la rly a t 39c each. PILLOW CASES 3 f o r .................. $1^ TODAY and TOMORROW WILLIAM FARNU Ä o ngh« Alone OUTING FLANNEL 4 yards for . . . . . . $1 heav y $1 q u a lity ; .00 sold 3 lb. COMFORT size BATTING £ 4 .00 each ...................................... , F u ll size 72x90, w ill m ak e c o m p lete c o m fo rte r, $1.25 v alu e. 42 a n d 45 D aisy P illow C ases; sold r e g u la rly a t 39c y a rd . 36” DAISY MUSLIN I) yards f o r ................ F in e q u a lity , b lea c h e d ; y ard .00 $1 $1 .00 OUTING FLANNEL 3 vards for $1 .00 RAIN PROOF UMBRELLAS each .............7.................. 36 inch B e lm o n t P e rc a le s, 50 new p a tte r n s to select. B uy now fo r X m as G ifts; sold re g u la rly a t 22c yd. $1 S teele P a ra g o n fra m e , w ith s'even rib s; cord on h a n d le ; $1.25 value. $1 .00 3 6 inch, heavy q u a lity in new s trip e p a tte rn s ; re g u la r v a lu e 39c yard. CHALLIES 51/!» yards for ... 00 $1. All new p a tte rn s , y ard w ide, triiTi to m ak e c o m fo rts. B uy now, p a tte rn s to select-fro m , fin e fo r d ra p e rie s a n d c o m fo rt co v ers; sold re g u la rly a t y a rd . PERCALES ’ 5 yards f o r ....... $1 .00 Size 18x34 fin e q u a lity fo r fam ily u se ; sold re g u la rly a t 20c each. .00 sold re g u la rly a t 19ç r 36” COLONIAL CRETONNE 5 vards for ......................... 36 in ch es w ide in lig h t colored p a t te r n s ; sold re g u la rly a t 29c y a rd . DUCK TOWELS 6 f o r .................. OUTING FLANNEL £ 4 .0 0 6 yards for ......... ■ .00 27 inches w ide, com e in fan cy s trip e s a n d p la in w h ite; sold re g u la rly a t 22c y ard . Silk WITH LOIS WILSON WALLACE WORSLEY N tK M M Tf» BY A B O tM Z U B M AM» J I M I LUMMY <2 Qanmoml Qidvn The two fisted star of the outdoors in and happiness screened against a back­ ground of the picturesque Yosemite Valley The Comedy Is— “STAY SIN G L E ” ? Regular Prices- —Regular Time Y our D ollar is w orth m ore 'here. B uy and Save D ollar Day is like a G ift Day. B uy here D ollar Days .00 Fancy Bath Towels £ 4 .00 3 f o r ....... .................. I Good Soft' S pun B ath T ow els, m ad e w ith colored J o q u a rd b o rd e r in pink an d blu e, 39c each re g u la rly . .00 Curtain Scrim £ 4 .00 6 yards for . . . *............. ■ B a th Towtels in fan cy plaid p a tte rn s in p in k , blu e a n d gold. 59c .each re g u la rly . 36 inch Scrim in w hite a n d c re a m , m ad e w ith fan c y h e m s titc h e d b o rd e r; 20c y ard re g u la rly . Linen T ow eling............ 4 yards f o r .................. In Your Favorite Recipe Use THE WORLD'S G REATEST You Will Notice a Big Difference a */, t im i » those o r amt other br a n d $1 B leach ed L in e n C rash T ow eling, heav y w eig h t, 29c y a rd re g u la rly . Fancy Bath Towels 2 f o r ..................... $1 Homestead Sheets * Each .................... $1 Colored Voile Handkerc’fs £ 4 -0 0 3 for .................. : ........ ■ * .00 72x90 S h eets, B leached, a t $1.25 each. Sold re g u la rly AU th e new b rig h t co lo rs w ith e m b ro id ery in c o rn e r; se v e ra l sty le s to choose from . Women’s Woo! Hose pair ................ .00 Frinted Plisse Crepe £ 4 .00 3 yards l o r .................... ■ in 30 in ch es w ide, com es in sm all p rin te d p a tte rn s in p in k , blue, o rch id and m ais; 39c re g u la rly . .00 Colored Linen Handkerc’fs £ 4 .00 6 for ............................. ■ im p o rte d E n g lish all B row n H e a th e r. BAKING POWDEP We Deliver Good P o ta to e s , p e r cw t. $ 2 .0 0 T o ta l fo r s ta te 18,054 8,441 18 258 153,297 30,118 26,515 4,499 7,419 17,607 24,164 10,953 157,465 88,549 75,983 49,096 30,882 12,992 20,658 24,801 97,5 3 4 101,878 63,561 13,588 88,627 13,976 38,775 2,355 11.558 61,892 6,212 243,719 29,253 13,548 140,1 I t 45,290 32,44 1 129.128 13,169 13,967 14.204 29,111 73,064 9,313 9,663 36,239 47,133 29,726 74,125 5,601 31,917 if you buy a new heater We have fresh condiments o£ all kinds for sale. Spices, ground, whole, pickling seeds. Also Tohasco, Pepper Sauce, Chile Sauce, Cat- '• sup, Cocktail Oyster Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce, Ü Vinegar, Pimentoes, Hot Peppers. Special T his W eek La F o lle tte 1.486 < 2,220 1,891 65,050 6,072 3,662 340 1,499 2.086 2,430 3,540 38,664 11,396 21,163 8,728 2,954 1,919 1,589 4,777 14,082 21,653 20,382 902 10,584 4,460 8,771 865 996 9,505 1,610 54,461 1,383 4,737 29.380 5,660 8,640 25,146 1,298 668 5,237 2,066 8.687 2.378 913 3,305 16,052 2,108 38,902 1,504 8,255 has a big exchange value 201 Main St. Phone 155 F razier & S on D avis 11,177 1,950 10,765 10,155 4,663 2,982 1,333 1,412 8,761 16,393 I, 499 19.291 20,217 9,830 8,744 13,853 6,526 2,735 8,309 9,479 8,402 5,582 10,472 30.991 1,773 8,832 332 1,778 8,241 1,748 33,812 17,117 1,414 22,616 17,929 5,186 17,733 1,361 I I , 793 1,585 15,304 39,289 1,916 766 20,432 4,630 12.040 5,003 716 • 8,906 liC U Iv l CAUJMiT ;; SC H U E 1M A N G R O C E R Y C oolidge A la b a m a ........... * ........ . 5,206 A rizo n a ........................... 4,188 A rk a n s a s ..................... 5,494 C a lifo rn ia ..................... 76,049 C olorado ...................... 19,014 C o n n e c tic u t .............. 19,706 j D elaw are : ................. 2,799 I D ist. C o lum bia 4.462 : F lo rid a ......... .............. 6.417 ' G e o rg ia ........................ 5,268 Id a h o .......................... 5,777 Illin o is ........................ 97,871 In d ia n a ..................... 56,207 Iow a ............................. 44,187 K a n sa s ..................... .. 30,910 K e n tu c k y ................... 13,834 L o u is ia n a ................... 4,429 M aine ........................... 16,217 M a ry lan d ................... 11,423 Full Cream Cheese M a ssa c h u se tts ......... 7 3,217 M ichigan ...................... 70,822 30c a Lb. i M in n eso ta ................. 36,755 28c by the whole cheese M ississippi ................... 2,150 M issouri ...................... 46,361 M o n ta n a ...................... 7,607 N e b ra sk a ................... 20,693 N evada ........................ 1,152 New H a m p sh ire .. 8,687 New J e rs e y .............. 43,860 New M exico .............. 2,818 New Y ork ................. 153,771 No. 2, hut good N o rth C a ro lin a ......... 10,675 N o rth D a k o ta ............ 7,274 $2.00 per 100 lbs. O hio ............................. 86,359 O k la h o m a ................... 21,378 O regon ........................ 1S.224 P e n n s y lv a n ia ............ 83,471 R h o d e Isla n d ............ 10,418 S o u th C a ro lin a ........ 1,447 S o u th D a k o ta ..... ” ... 7,210 H. A. Stearns 61 N. Main T e n n e sse e ................... 11,566 T exas ........................... 24,577 U tah ............................. 4,986 _________;________________________ ,. j V e rm o n t ...................... 7 ,9 2 1 V irg in ia ..................... 12,200 d e n t C oolidge a c o m fo rta b le lead W a sh in g to n .............. 25,680 in th e poll, re g is te r in g 18,224 W est V irg in ia ......... 15,352 fo r D avis. T h u s, w ith a to ta l of W isconsin ................... 29,659 32,444 vo tes c a st, O regon is now W yom ing ................... v o tes fo r th e P re s id e n t as a g a in s t 8,640 fo r L a F o lle tte a n d 5,186 /IF Sum m ary of Digest P oll A cco rd in g to a re c e n t new’s p a p e r 30 n e c e ssa ry to p h y sical en e rg y d isp a tc h , th e v ig o rs of y o u th h a v e an d p e rfec t h e a lth . been r e tu r n e d to m en of m a tu re G lan d o g en , th e new sc ie n tific age. th ro u g h th e b en eficial re- g lan d to n ic , p re p a re d in ta b le t s u its receiv ed fro m g l a n d u l a r , f orm p ro v id e s a sim p le m eth o d tre a tm e n t. T h is re m a rk a b le J Of ta k in g g la n d u la r tre a tm e n t. sc ie n tific w o rk h a s been accom -j G lan d o g en , fo r m en a n d w om en. p lish e d by th e h e a d p h y sician E a s t Side P h a rm a c y w ill su p p ly a n d s u rg e o n of one of C a lifo r­ you. M ail o rd e rs accepted. n ia ’s S ta te I n s titu tio n s . T h e o b je c t of g la n d u la r tr e a t- (C o n tin u e d F ro m P a g e 1) We understand the Chinese are fighting over a Mali agg score. Some fellows are-like a postage stamp, they are all •ough after they have been licked once. MMMMi RESTORE HEALTH BY i m en t is to b u ild up th e d e v ita liz - ed g la n d s so th e y m ay c o n tin u e GLAND TREATMENT I th e ir n o rm a l J u n c tio n of suppiy- SAYS SCIENCE , ing th e v ita l g la n d u la r se cre tio n s B e r t R. G r e e r ................................................................. - .............................. E d ito r G eo rg e M adden G ree ...........................................................B u sin e ss M an ag er of h ta tts tic s 4 I < ► P i iday, October 2 4 , 1024 ÁSÜLAÑt) DAILY TÎDtNGâ Pate ftfò w ool Silk Tubing Vesting y a r d ........................... $1 H ose $1 AP P u r e L inen in sev eral colors, m ade w ith e m b ro id e ry in c o rn e r, 20c each re g u la rly . B uy new fo r X m as g ifts. Com ? in all th e w a n te d co lo rs fo r L in g e rie, $1.25 re g u la rly Mercerised Damask yard $1.00 Crash Toweling 7 yards for $l;00 Percales 6 yards for $1.00 Mercerized Damask 2 yards for $1.00 64 in ch e s w ide, m ad e w ith co lo red b o rd e r in p in k an d blu e, $1 .25 y a rd re g u la rly B leached L inen F in is h C rash T ow eling. Sold re g u la rly 18c y a rd . 36 in ch es w ide, ccm e in lig h t a n d d a rk p a tte rn s . R e g u la rly 20c y a rd . F in e q u a lity fo r fam ily use. Sold re g u la rly a t 65c y ard . CURTAIN NETS 3 yds. for $1.00 New C u rta in N ets in w h ite a n d cream V alu es to 45c y a rd . E. R. ISAAC & CO ‘The Q uality Store” BABY CRIB BLANKETS $1.00 Com e in p in k a n d blu e, size S o ft a s R a b b it’s sk in . 30x4 0.