ASHLAND climate Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News W ire Service) VOL. X L 7III. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. FIVEHANGED FORMURDER ATMONTREAL PH IL IPIX O ’S CLAIM NEW DANCE RECORD 8 8 MANILA, Oct. 24. — A 8 m arathon dance contest at 8 Lerma park cabaret which 8 started Saturday night 8 ended this m orning after 8 one Filipino couple had 8 completed 78 hours and 8 25 m inutes of dancing, de- 8 d a re d locally to be a Thousands Fight to Get In- 8 w orld’s record. side Prison Walls to Wit- « The couple danced in ness Hanging » four-hour periods with 15- -------- 8 niinute interm issions. The ONE MAN REPRIEVED » couple winning second -------- | 8 prize dropped out of the E xtra P o lice Ih-essed into Service 8 contest at the end of the to Hold Crow dot 2 0 .0 0 0 in j 8 76 hours and 15 minutes. Check O utside Prison W alls 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 n » MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1924 DIGESTPOLL SHOWS DAVIS NOW GAINING A Youthful Champion NO. 4(5 (ONTARIO TO REMAIN DRY VOTERS SAY MAIL IS MAIL BUT MALE WOULD BE MAIL 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Temperance Measure Wins » on Canadian Ticket by » Big- Majority :: n COLLINS PAL SURE GUN IS SAME WEAPON SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. n 8 24. — Postal authorities 8 8 here were in a quandary 8 I 8 today following receipt of 8 8 the application of a local 8 8 citizen asking th a t he be »I 8 transported as airplane 81 8 mail from San Francisco 8 _____ 8 to New York. 8 ---------- « Late Returns Put Democrat- Chester N. Weaver, the 8 Says Pistol Found Near Vic- «, ic Candidate Even With applicant, in making w rit­ 8 tim to be Same One Own­ Progressive ten request for transporta­ tt ed by Collins _______ 8 tion th at he weighed 184 8 » FINALS N E X T WEEK FARMERS SWING VOTE » pounds, postage for which » SHERIFF INVESTIGATES 8 -. ____ . -------------------------- 8 at air rate should total 8 ---------- - 8 O h^ nn G ives M ore Than F ifty i Majority Two Years Ago on Same H >718.08. He said he was 8 Bandit May lx* Taken to Salt Lake 8 j P er Cent, of V ote in P o ll to Dry Measure Was 400,000, » prepared to deliver himself 8 to be Used as W itness in Col- • 1 P resid en t C oolidge Now Reduced to 4 0 ,0 0 0 H at the nearest air mall 8 Uns’ Prelim inary H earing -------- 8 box within a few days. 8! ------- -- MONTREAL, Oct. 24.— Amidst According to figures compiled Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 24. — Rv i 8 Becrecy, while a crowd of over By a « 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ■» CHICO, Cal., Oct. 24.— Sheriff from the latest retu rn s in the m ajority of more than 40,000 20,000 people fought with police Benjamin R. H arris of Salt Lake L iterary .Digest straw vote, John votes, Ontario today Indicated guards w atching over the con­ City, who is conducting an in­ W. Davis, Democratic candidate th a t it had sustained its tem per­ demned men, four m urders of a vestigation inlo the m urder charge for the presidency has gradually ance act which was voted on at bank messenger, during a robbery brought against Mark Collins and crept up on Senator La Follette, the election here yesterday. T h e7 in which >142,000 was stolen from his wife, formerly of Chico, last Independent candidate for the vote, unofficial returns from the Hochelga Bank near here night expressed himself as coni- same office, . until the two are which are now in, stood, for gov- i several m onths ago were hang­ ' pletely satisfied witli the evidence practically on even term s. While ernm ental control of liquor sales, J ed today in the prison in this j uncovered in Chico th at Collins J. J. McMahon S tates D eputies and Davis was overtaking La Follette city. 450,000, and for the continuance ’ owned the gun used in the mtir- President Coolidge has increased Sh eriff Should lx* A ble to of the temperance order noiy in The four men who met their ! der in Utah of C. S. McQuown. his lead over his two rivals by H andle All Law V iolations H eadquarters for C andidates and effect, 491.000. death on the gallows were, Gius­ In Oroville Sheriff H arris in­ a fraction of one per cent. M embers Now Ready for Coin­ The cities in the* province vot­ eppe Serafina. Antony Frank, terviewed Leslie Meredith, who is Following is the Digest’s re­ J. J. McMahon, Republican can­ in g E leetion Campaign ed heavily for governmental con- ’ F rank Gambino, and Louis Mar- In jail charged with the hold-up m arks on th e poll. “ Democratic trol, but the farm district vote I ______ el. A fifth member of the gang, didate for sheriff in this county, ballots, flooding in as th e Digest's in conjunction with Collins of who was to be executed with his while in Ashland yesterday, sta t­ Presidential poll of the nation swung the lead hack in favor of j ’•’he Republican County Central three niep on thè night of Aug- comrades, according to a sentence ed to The Tiding th a t he* had reaches the final stages w ith a the tem perance measure. which Committee has secured rooms on j ust 31st near the Shai-ta Union the province has had in effect for the second floor of the Liberty School. Meredith positively iden­ passed over him, was given a re. only one idea as to w hat the duty total retu rn of more than 2,300,- Pictured above is Betty Nutball, E ngland’s fu tu re Lenglen who of the sheriff was— and th a t this the past eight years. bui’ding in Medford, and opened tified the .4 5 caliber army auto­ prieve by the cabinet at the 000 votes, have'broqght Mr. Davis rivals our own Helen Wills in winning tennis championships at an idea is “ for the sheriff to en­ eleventh hour. The vote this year shows a vast headquarters for the coming cam­ matic pistol, brought by Sheriff up to term s of practical equality early age. Miss N utha’l is officially known as “Junior Girl Champion change in sentim ent toward the paign candidates, members of the H arris from Utah for th at pur­ H undreds of extra police were force all the laws and not make w ith Senator La Follette. of the United Kingdom,” the title won in her first open tournam net An pressed into service in order to it necessary to have special en­ outstanding feature of th q Poll, when she was .but 13 years of age. In this tournam ent she defeated a tem perance m easure. A vote ta k ­ Central Committee and Repub­ pose, as one used by Collin3 in en two years ago, gave the dry licans generally are expected to the Chico hold-up. He also iden­ keep the immense crowd, which forcement squads to weed out the from the first published report of dozen of the best known women players in Britain. supporter» a m ajority of over report to the headquarters and tifies a belt and holster brought had assembled to watch the execu­ liquor violators or any other vio­ five weeks ago, has been the fact 400,000 votes.-while the m ajority assist in the work of the cam- by the sheriff as the property of tions, in line. Although the peo lators.” th a t W isconsin’s candidate ap­ McMahon, who is at present this year was but a little over a j Paign. which it is believed will Collins. He was unable, however, pie could see nothing but the peared to be stronger in most gray prison walls, they flocked highway traffic officer in this dis­ p arts of the country, than hi3 tenth of th a t m ajority. j he going in high gear from this to identify a .4 4 caliber Smith about the prison, attem pting to trict, and ajj efficient one accord­ Democratic rival. W ith this ta b ­ --------------------------- time on until the election is over and Wesson pistol found in Col­ get inside, and it was only after ing to records, hold3 th a t the ulation of returns, the total vote LITHIANS TO MEET ; and the votes are counted. lin's automobile. the police had been forced to use heavy expense which the county for second place stands 496,006 CAVEMEN IN DEBATE The first « « n ’of the local cam -' Meredith may be taken to Salt their clubs that the crowd was now bears in the enforcem ent of for La Follete to 487,782 for HERE MONDAY NIGHT paign will be fired Saturday Lake City to identify the articles the prohibition laws is unneces­ quieted. ---------- i evening, October 25, when a before the eourt at the prelim in­ Davis, a difference of only a few 1 sary and, in Mne with th e policy Word was received here today meeting will be held at the ary hearing of the m urder charge, m ore than 8,000 votes. Exprest A ttorney G eneral Says Trust Case Rear W indow Jim m ied by B urg by J. H. Fuller, secretary of the ’ grange hall at W imer, when the of the Republican candidates, has against Collins. in percentages, Davis stands at D ecision W rong, Ju d ges Should pledged himself to prune off this lars W ho R em ove Checks and Ashland Chamber of Commerce ' speakers will be C. E. Gates and Sheriff H arris left for Salt Lake 21.20 and L aFollette 21.57. Last R everse T heir D ecision expense, which is 's a id to am ount W eek’s totals gave La Follette Cash from D esk in Shop th a t the G rants Pass C avem en' County Assessor Coleman. The last night. to thousands of dollar» each year, 432,660 and Davis 384,205, a dif­ had accepted the Lithian Club’s I la tte r will devote particular at- if he is elected. ST. PAUL, Oct. 24. — “ Effect­ invitation to a dinner to be given tention to the m atter of county Breaking into the establishm ent ference of more than 48,000. Thia He stated yesterday th at it he 1» | a trik in g ; ec'en't' ga¡ 7 o ( 7tlle Demo' ive dissolution” of the In tern a­ through a rear window, thieves here Monday night. Wing F e a th -! taxation, a subject in which all elected, it will not be necessary tional H arvester Company’s alleg­ last night entered the Plaza' Con- er, scribe of the Cavemen stated are vitally interested, no m atter j cratic candidate recalls the fre­ for the county commissioners to quent claim oi Mr. Davis’ cham- ed monopoly of th e farm m achin­ 1 fectionary and departed with be­ th a t about 30 members of the what their political affiliations j appoint special deputies to enforce ions th at the Democratic campaign e ry business is sought by A ttor­ tween >200 and >300 in cash and G rants Pass organization would may be. The Republican county I PORTLAND, Oct. 24. — The the prohibition laws, but th a t he ney General Stone, in a brief fil­ checks totalling several tim es th at be present at the dinner. and legislative cand'dates will be throughout the country was late a rre st of three more men last and his deputies will handle the in getting started, and may be ed in his behalf in the federal am ount. The challenge to a debate,, to present at this meeting. night, m aking six in all, and seiz­ work, thus elim inating the pres­ expected to develop its full court here today by the United Other m eeting in the county Entrance was. made by jim m y­ be given th a t night, flung by the ure of additional look which ent heavy expense. States attorney, in proceedings are being arranged, the time, Lithians, has also been accepted, ing the window, which Chief of strength only on the eve of the Those supporting McMahon in election. The latest votes tabu­ supplem ental to the consent de­ Police McNabb, who is working according to Fuller. Three man place and speakers to be announ- brought the total to more than WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.— The >15,000, according to detectives, his candidacy for the sheriff’s of­ lated in this Issue were received gree in dissolution entered in the on the case, declared was held in team s will debate on the subject, ■ ced later. p u b l i c a t i o n by newspapers featured developments in P o rt­ fice al3o state th a t while he was between October 6 and 13, when, same court in 1918. place only by several small screws. “ Resolved th a t Ashland Litliia ; S. A. Nye of Talent is in im- throughout the country of the to­ deputy sheriff several years ago, according to num erous Democratic land's th eft ring case. Stone contends th a t greater The money was contained in the w ater is more conductive to the mediate charge of headquarters, tal of the Federal taxes psiyed by Fred Stuckel, 30, living at he did every effective wrork in the publicists, the Davis campaign competitive conditions in the cash draw er in a desk in the place, development of good football p la y -’ and the publicity work being car­ wealthy individuals, in what the 1564 East Flanders street, and enforcem ent of th e prohibition was ju st getting into its stride. ; farm m achinery trade should be together with the checks. ers than G rants Pas3 grape ried on. He will be glad to ans United States treasury departm ent an employe of W adhams & K err, laws and predict th a t if elected, afforded. The consent decree did juice.” wer any questions relating to the considered a violation of the law, Discovery of the robbery was As Mr. Davis, goes up, Mr. Coo­ wholesale grocers, wras arrested he will be able to handle this lidge also gains a fraction of a not go far enough, he said, de- made this morning when the campaign and the part to be play­ may become the subject of in­ by Inspectors Hellyer and Mallett part of law enforcem ent work per cent over his last w eek’s aver­ m anding th a t action be taken to j owners opened the place for busi­ ed in it by the committee. vestigation by the Departm ent of a fte r he had confessed, the detec- satisfactorily w ithout the creation age, and Mr. La Follette falls off. give“ proper protection to the fa r­ ness. When they went to get the Justice, it was announced here ers d e c la re ^ to stealing canned of additional expense. mers and land owners who are money from the desk, the rob­ On November 1, the final re- McMahon’s record as a traffic , tu rn s in the poll will be presen ( dependent upon ag ricultural ma­ bery was discovered, and fu rth er goods, c ig a r^ a n d cigarettes from Secretary of the Treasury Mel­ his firm to trade to W illard Oakes, officer i . also held up as proof; „„ together w lth . 8„ mml chinery and implements obtainable inspection disclosed the means lon regards the publication of alleged leader of the clique, for by his supporters th a t he will j the percenlages In the mean at reasonable prices.” of entry into the building. these figures in newspapers and “One of two things ought to fu rn itu re and other household carry out this promise. He is tirtie. it may be interesting to Committee authorization of Nothing else in the place was periodicals a violation of the law. said to have enforced '■the traffic j point out that, if this poll is a n y ! be done’ tke attorney general disturbed, and according to Chief plans to get out the highest per goods. but a number of legal experts ot on »oraoto * * R j t H OT ♦ the great _ • »-> •. — - . O ther arrests made yesterday regulations in this region during , indication,'"president’ Coolidge” is ’ sngge8ts of Police McNabb, someone ac­ centage of voters possible for the C. B. Crisler, president of the the Internal Revenue Bureau take were Stanley Hibbs, 31, an em­ his tenture of office w ithout f e a r , likely n o receiye conslderably judges who decided this case quainted with the methods of coming election, and discussion Ewauna Box Company, one of opposite views, stating the guar­ ploye of the Seiberling-Lucas or favor, thus reducing the haz- more tban a 8ufficient num ber of ought to be reversed upon the handling the money at the Plaza of means of improving the ac- Klam ath Falls' largest industrial antee of the freedom of the press Music company, who lives a t 28 ard of driving on the Pacific Jiig h - I votes in tbe Electorial College to ground th a t their decision was is responsible for the theft. couatics and heating the C hautau­ enterprises, was in Ashland to­ gives these papers the unqualified W illis boulevard, and Clarence way and other roads in this dis­ insure his election to succeed him­ wholly erroneous, or else an ef­ McNabb states he has several qua building were the main top­ day, accompanied by Mrs. Cris- privilege of publishing these fig­ fective dissolution should de­ Hughes, clerk at the Ira F. Pow­ trict to a minimum. good clues to the identity of the ics of business transacted at the ler, who visited with Ashland ures w ithout fear of disastrous self as the next President of the creed.” ers F u rn itu re company, living a t thieves, and believes he will have weekly luncheon of the K iw anis; relativeB whi!e M r Cr,3ler was 0B consequences. United States, Kentucky, since The consent decree failed to 885 C arruthers street. According them in custody within two or Club in the Hotel Ashland today. a business visit to Sacramento. last week, has switched from the to confessions which police said Stickers, to be placed on m er­ Republican to the Democratic effect “ any substantial competi­ three days.\ Finger prints have Mr. Crisler is a form er Ashland- McMAHON LEAVES TO tion,” the brief adds, during a been found around the scene of chandise, the use of a telephone they obtained, Hughes had assist­ column, and W est Virginia con- er and while reminiscing today DELIVER AUTOMOBILE ed Hibbs to carry hundreds of dol­ ! tlnues to show such an even bal- te9t period which ended eighteen the robbers, and McNabb is now exchange to call tardy voters and with some of his old acquaint­ lars w orth of furnishings frofh I ance betwen Coolidge and Davis m onths after the declaration of endeavoring to connect these up publicity, were the means de­ ances recalled the fact th a t when J. J. McMahon, state traffic of­ th e Powers 3tore. The two men , th a t it may be put in the doiibt- peace. On the contrary, it says with prints of the men suspected. cided upon by the committee in he left here twenty-five years ago ficer. left yesterday afternoon for eight of the harvester company’s were in league with Oakes, police charge of the planning. , with all his belongings and three Portland, taking wHh him the a u ­ WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 — Sena­ ! ful column. California with its com petitors went out of business charged. Several methods of improving team s Of horses to locate upon a tomobile owned by Mr. and Mrs. | present vote of 76,049 for Coo- to r W illiam Borah. Republican, the C hautauqua building were i homestead ln the viclnlty of Port G. W. Hfirris. parents of the tra f­ i lidge to 65.050 for La Follette in th a t tim e and the defendant of Idaho, chairm an of th e Senate company’s percentage of the to­ discussed, but because of the K lam ath, it took his outfit seven fic officer who was murdered in I may also, to avoid igum ent, be GUARD IS PLACED campaign fund investigating com­ tal business actually increased in limited time allowed, and t*16 j days to make the trip over the , attem pting to stop holdup men OVER GOLD HOARD m ittee received >2500 from the I considered doubtful. 1922 — the last selling season pressure of added business, t h e , Green Spring mountain road from at Lewiston, Idaho a few days i Oregon continues to give Pre-31- Republican Senatorial committee under the test period, which wa9 WINCHESTER. Pa., Oct. ¿4.— ' m atter was laid on the table. j Ashland to Klamath F al’s. and ' ago. i to be used in his campaign for re- (Continued on Page Two) established to perm it «n acurate A bonded caretaker has tyeen “ Posy Campbell closed the strenuous days at that, for it w a s , McMahon helped Chief of Po- YREKA, Oct. 24. — An in­ election, according to a report fil survey of the results of tfre con­ m eeting with a reading of two »n March and the old read was I*°® McNabb in locating the placed on guard at the residence f j - ^7 stan ce'o f one man selling an en­ ____ x- ___ ( ed here today. According to the sent decree under peace-time con­ of his poems, one The man who a y bu^ impassible. H arrises when they were driving of Miss M artha Shumate, wealthy! tire Siskiyou county town has report, filed with the secretary ditions. spinster, who died last week leav­ Now Mr. Crisler take®, just two through Ashland en route to their ju st developed. * refuses to vote and the other t of the Senate, Borah reported "T hat old baseball team. These jand a qUarter hours f o r a leisure-' home in Aberdeen, and after ing a hoarded fortune stuffed and th at >500 of the total am ount H. J. Barton, who lias been readings were enthusiastically re- jy t r ip.on the new Ashland-Kldm- transferring them to the train, cram m ed . in nearly every nook mayor and postm aster of Oak Bar, was turned back to the doners, ceived by the more than fifty a|,, p a n 8 s ta te Highway over the took charge of their car. and cranny of the house. TURKEY SHOOTS ARE „„ on the Klam ath River, since 1872 since is was not needed in his members present. same m ountains with his auto Much of the gold coin is said to campaign. EXPENSIVE PASTIME | transferred his The ladies night, planned for ; mobjie. be of old m intage, many pieces, HUNTER DISCOVERS tin ajjd associates of Cervallis this J. H. Fuller, secretary of the MYSTERY OF HEADS election night, wa3 announced by _________________ being from the California m int, Rpturn Hom ______ I week. local cham ber of commerce an- IN SACK SOLVED JÎTBILEE coined while the gold rush was Oak Bar was one of the noted Henry Enders, president of the Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pierce and nonneed today th a t the dates for Speaking of hunting accidents, i clnb. Election returns will be re- CONVENTION WILL a t its height. H. S. H arrison returned yesterday the annual W inter F air poultry they are telling one th at happen- i gold mining sites of the early ceived over the radio, during the DIXON, 111., 24.— The mystery BE HELD IN CHI. over the discovery of parts of two HOWLING GALE RAGES afternoon from San Francisco and show had been changed to Decem­ ed to an enthflsiastic gunman i day’ ° Sl8kiy°« c°°nty. a °d in conrse of the dinner, according; town who hied himself t o - | ° ne da,y ’ with pick and 9hove1’ a to Enders. human heads in a gunnysack un­ ON COLUMBIA RIVER' k ° s Angeles where they have been ber 9-10-11-12. The original from Pageantry pictures of fifty ward the southern and easterly I " ew ° ! m*"„took ’ 3.’000 in g0,d spending several weeks on a vaca­ dates set were December 2-3-4. der a bridge Monday was solved K L A M A T H TNDIAMCJ years will be one of the special today. tion. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. H arri- e 8 n e ar The reason for th is change. suburbs the other day and wan-1 r<^ n PORTLAND. Oct. 24. a x > w T>rkT> o a a t T T \r» T ? features of the woman’s Christian howling gale, blowing a t the rate son made the trip to Los A ngeles' Fuller explained, was th a t the dered around fruitlessly until he i ®aJ to n ’ , b° Ught the Pr °P®r ty Dr. S. A. McNicholas, a spec­ ARE FOR COOLIDGE Temperance UnIon Goiden Ju b i. , , . . , . ' , i which includes a store, hotel, of 76 miles per hour was re p o rt-’ 10 attend the wedding of M iss. W ashington State Poultry Asso- ventured inside a farm er » en- ialist, and Carl Hess, to whom he . , . KLAMATH FALLS, Oct. 24.— lee Convention to be held in Chi- , . I school house and several bulid- ed off the m outh of the Columbia ( Hiland Reeder, form er Ashland j elation had scheduled their an ­ closure. ( had given the heads some time i Ings in 1872. He was appointed Most of the chiefs and leaders cago November 14-i9 at Medinah River by the N orth Head w eather girl a «d daughter of Mr. Reed nual show for the original dates ago for disposal, told the a u th o r­ Beating the open fields lie soon postm aster shortly afterw ard and °f fhe newly enfranchised K la c Temple. station today. All shipping was j e r’ -congressman from Kansas, set tfiere. Not wishipg to compete came upon w hat he says he mia- ities the bits were rem nants of has retained his office ever sin ce .' atl1 an together witl\ in obtaining Collier's services, chase. A fter a long pull and with COPENHAGEN, Oct. 24 — The M ajor C. H. Gios of Portland, social m orality. | tqday * COLLEGE. Corvallis, Oct. 24. the la tte r’s house guests, Mrs. since his presence will give the the assistance of a neighbor he general condition and strength of , . , - speaking on behalf of th e repub- Delegates from every state and Scores of noinis tbron^hont Cleon Caldwell of Ashland has Anna W illits of P ortland and Mrs. show greater -Drestige than it has goe™ a fte r “ coM idtrable ’ a n d ' ma7k ^ h o ^ h ^ i r * " ” ' h **“ C ° m m ittee’ de' te rrito ry wlU a tte n d this conven. Michigan. Wisconsin and Iowa re- been pledged to the Sigma Phi W. W. W ilits of Persist, Oregon, ever before enjoyed. goes, after considerable and m ark, who has been ill some tim e ., livered the principal address to tion and there will be foreign ported 30 and 32 degrees At Sigma fratern ity a t the college. made up a m otoring party which heated discussion the gunman "’“" 'a r e less satisfactory, it was of- the new citizens here, who num- visitors representing some of t h e ’ Chicago the 7 o’clock readm e Mr. Caldwell is a freshm an in the visited K lam ath Falls and the Brownsville —- Woolen mills, concluded he was luoky to get ficially stated today. j ber between 500 and 600 of vot- -•* * B fifty-two nations now enrolled was 47. Frosts were reported over school of commerce. Intervening territo ry today. shut down since July, to reopen' off with a >35 bill of damages. Her respiration is weaker. ing age. in the W orld’s W. C. T. U. the region last night. SHERIFF CANDIDATE SAYS LIOUOR FORCE COMMITTEE OPENS MEDFORD DFFICES ! ROBBERY OF PLAZA E NETS THIEVES HAUL L OF ART NETS 3 NEW MEN LI ERSWHI KIWANIANS PLAN TO ORGE MORE VOTING FORMER ASHLANOER RECALLS EARLY DAY E WHOLE SISKIYOU CITY WINTER FAIR DATE