PAtîfc R «ÜB ASHLAND D A Ítf T ih e ä ä H** Thursday, October 23, , A S ftL A x h DISTRICT PRODUCTS ’ plus b u tter is notoriously of poor the sort in the state. This asso-’ The county officers of the Sun- P ttA iS E h BY PORTLAND MAN grade, as compared with a large ciatlon has done and £ d o in g 1 To E n tertain P a s t o r s - bocal • Personal flotes * A D aily Chronic th e nastoZ » o f ° UnCthA of th ose w ho com e and g o , and even ts o f local in terest » On Sick List— In Town— Bert Freem an, city mail carrier, A. W. Moon of the Moon Lum- is confined to his home today on her company of H ilt was in town account of sickness.. today on business. Vn the pastors of southern Oregon to take dinner with 41---- them -* at the F ranklin Cafe in the new Cooley building in Medford Friday eve- ning at 6:30. All local pastors are urged to attend. We deliver the goods- -Detricks 94-tf Yes, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual­ Bhckeyebread, the only bread. Values in clothes th at will open ity Bread, from th e oveu over We put up lunches for travelers. your eyes a t P aulserud’s. 43— tf the counter, 8 and 12c. 31— 6 B utler, The Buckeye. 41— 12 Big dance Fri. nite. Memorial E xplains O pportunities— Don’t miss the Big Dance Fri., Hall. 45— g Industrial opportunities of Ore- nite. 4 5— 2 _ ,w. gon and the northw est country i O P llO fU liY — are being explained to business Moved to Ashland— ail Loveland made a trip t o . nien of a number of eastern in- Curtis Lusk of Surprise Valley Talent, Phoenix and Medford to­ has moved to Ashland and is liv­ day on business. Mr. Loveland is dustrial centers by I. E . Vining of Ashland, president of the state ing on C entral avenue. conducting classes in these cities. cham ber bf commerce. Vining went east several weeks ago to W atch Jackson Hot Springs for Highland JJn en Box Station- deliver the principal address be­ Hallowe’en Friday, Oct. 31. Big­ ery, 50c. McNair Bros. fore a Pennsylvania cham ber of gest event In dance history. 44-3 commerce m eeting in Pittsburg. R eturns Home — Following this engagem ent he M entho-Sulphur Ointment. 60c. Mrs. Phil W olcott returned wa3 taken by Alba Johnson, form ­ McNair Bros. home last evening after spend­ er president of the Baldwin Lo­ ing several weeks in Los Angeles comotive works, on a tour of a H ere from M edford— visiting with friends and doing num ber of eastern cities. Since A. J. Vance of the Home Tele shopping. th a t time Vinings has been in de­ phone and Telegraph company of mand by business* organizations. Medford was in Ashland this Complete Hue of Ashland Can­ — Mail-Tribune. m orning on business. ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf Are you all set for the Hal­ lowe’en M asquerade and Hard Time Ball Friday at Jackson Hot Springs. Bulowski Orchestra. 53— 3 • Cliff boards. Payne makes sleeve R eturned H ouk *— Mrs. Jlan e r of Tacoma, who has been visiting at the R. P. Porter home for several weeks re tu rn ­ ed to her home Tuesday evening. Best m ilk— Lininger's Dairy, 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. 26— tf F ro m P a trick ’s Creek— Charles M arshall of P atrick ’s Creek is in Ashland and intends to rem ain for a couple of weeks visiting with friends. No agent In Southern Oregon can w rite better A uto insurance or at low er rates than th e Staples A gency. Special Auto Accident Policy To Dunsm uir— for $5.00 a year. Phone 21: Yeo Mr. and Mrs. Emil Pell, Miss of course. 24-tf Lydia McCall and Mrs. E lla Mills left this morning for Dunsmuir Schedule Announced— where they will make a short Miss Murdock, who is conduct­ visit. ing a dem onstration of the Uni­ versal Electric Range at th e Ash­ 100 boxes large Spltzenburg and land Eleetric Shop has announc­ Newtown cull apples, 50 cents. ed her program for the rem ain­ Bring your box or sack. F ru it As­ sociation. 44__g der of the week. Yesterday Miss Murdock baked a delicious devil’s food cake and today she will bake Big dance Fri. ntte. Memorial lea rings. A “ Moonshine” cake, Hall. * 45— 2 whi'sch is very popular will be baked tomorrow. Everyone is in­ From M e d f o rd - vited to come in and sample Miss Mr. Baugh, form erly of the Good Eats Cafe of Ashland was in Murdock's work and she will give town today from Medford, where recipes and methods of baking. On Saturday she will give recipes he is now living. for a new loaf cake w ith frosting 100 boxes large Spltzenburg and and will devote her time to ans­ Newtown cull apples, 50 cents. wering questions and giving re­ She will leave Saturday Bring your box or sack. F ru it As­ cipes. sociation. 44.6 evening for Bend to conduct a dem onstration there. From Port hind— Save $10.00, walk upstairs to Mr. Davies division engineer of Orres tailor shop. 17— tf the Pacific Telephone and Tele­ Don’t miss the Big Dance Fri., graph company was in Ashland Every ad has a message. nite. 45— 2 today from Portland visiting the local office. H ere Y esterday— You are welcome to compare W estern Mr. Nichols of tl my Automobile rates w ith any Electric company was ú Ashland o tte r rates in Jackson or Jose­ yesterday on business. phine Counties: you can be the Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. H. W. Conger, caudidate for 30— tf Coroner has som ething to say un­ der the head of political “An­ nouncem ents” elsewhere in thi3 H ears F araw ay City— Issue. Read it. 42-4* W hile listening in on the radio several nights ago Otis Johnson W hen our label is in your heard the W estinghouse broad- clothes, you are well dressed, casting station WBZ at Spring- Paulesrud's. 43— tf, held, M assachusetts. Mr. Jo h n ­ son reported th a t the program came in very clear and distinct. On B u siness— Mr. G ilbert of the M arshall- W ells company was in Ashland to­ Many People Here— day on business. Many people are coming to Ash­ land aud locating in order to work MARCEL AND CURL LAST on the new tourist hotel. Six dif­ LONGER after a Golden Glint ferent families were reported by Shampoo. one firm to be in Ashland with the intention of locating. Some O ut of Q uarantine— of them are bringing th eir fam il­ Miss Nancy Lou Gill, who has ies and will locate here perm an­ been confined to her home for ently. some tim e with scarlet fever, has recovered and is able to be about. Come in, look them over, Paul- •e ru d ’a Suits. 43— tf T o G rants P ass— H arry Silver of the N atural Carbonic Company made a trip to G rants Pass today on bustpess. Sweet cream for whipping and coffee— also fresh milk, always •> ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf L ocates H en — Mr. H eard of Surprise Valley has located in Ashland and is living on the Moore place on Hel m an street. Holland Bulbs Our Holland Bulbs are here. We have the Sacred Chinese Uly— H yacinths in all shades and choice. V arieties of Tul­ ips, and the Paper W hite Nar- clssis. Daffodils and Jonquils. • L. R. HATCHER, F lo rist Cor. Blod & Palm Ave. P hon e 118 W e D eliver Let ns fill yonr pall with Swifts Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than shortening. Goes fa rth e r and is m ore nutritious. D etricks. 94-tf PHONOGRAPH MEN— N ation­ ally known concern desires to get in touch with experienced phono­ graph salesmen and m anagers— offer splendid proposition to man who qualifies— Address Box BL, care of Tidings, giving age, ex­ perience, past record in first let­ ter. 45— 1 FOR nished Inquire Second street. RENT: — Six-room fu r­ house at 57 Fifth street. a t Icenhow er’s New and hand store, 389 E. Main 45— 3 FOR REN T:—-The Jarvis place on Helman street,, or will lease to responsible party. Income from place will pay the rent. Inquire a t 423 Helman street. 45— 3 in a ll sizes. One or tw o around th e h o u se en tran ces w ill save your carpets. THH ASH LAND FU R N IT U R E COMPANY 8 3 N. Main Y o u can’t blame them, either, when you realize they’re out for the cash— according to their lights, they “ have to eat, too.” • . - -I T h at’s why it’s a m istake to keep bonds or other securities or jewelry, around where thieves can get them. Is it worth taking the chance,, when you can get a Safe Deposit Box in our vault for so reasonable a rental? First National Bank Ashland, PEBL’S CORNER Ironing Day A Pleasure! The “SEA HAWK” $3.00 Matinee ................... l :30 Evening ................. 8:00 A LARGE Miss Johnson will he with us Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 23-24-25, and we will he glad to have you visit our store during these davs. Jordan Electric Co. O u r P h o n e 82 VANTINE’S Incense Miss Johnson, demonstrator for that won­ derful Electric Ironer, The SIMPLEX JUNIOR is here and we know you will enjoy meeting her. Murphy Elec. Co. JU S T ONE SH OW Ashland Main - P la z a A SSO RTM EN T OE Did you see our ad in the Tuesday issue of this paper? F R ID A Y a n d SA TU RDAY ' E a s tm a n K odaks F ilm s and S u p p lie s and Burners E ast P R E S S C id e P h a rm a c y R IP T IO N D R U G G IS T S W e S ell I t F o r L ess P h o n e 51 25c a n d u p M o o re ’s F o u n ta in P en s and P e n c ils FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS McNair Brothers DRUGS Orug sfo ro ( A M t m i U K O R AHO J l t f t t l.L A S K V P ftlitH T WILLIAM FARNUM fth e Man Who Fights Alone" ¡D ™ L O IS W IL S O N ! Protection Insurance cannot save you from the inconvenience caused by fire, accident or theft. But it can save you what is usually the greatest factor in th a t inconvenience— the finan­ cial loss. Come in and let us show you how to get maximum protec­ tion a t minimum cost. Estab. IS 83 A d m issio n R epresenting th e M atinee...........l()c & 25c Evening ......... 40c & 35c OF A ro m a tic C a s to r O il ................. 15c S e n n a L e a v e s ...............................15c A lu m P o w d e r ...............................15C S u l p h u r ............................................ 15C E p so m S a lts .................................15c M o th B a lls ......................................15C B o ttle L im e W a te r T a b le ts . ,29c B o ttle C a sc a ra T a b l e t s ............ 29c E u c a ly p tu s S a lv e ........................29c 50c B o x P a p e r ....................................29c 60c I r i s h L a w n P o u n d P a p e r Ever-Ready Flashlights and Batteries Yon won’t grope in the dark when yon carry an E rcr-R eady Spotlight. S t a r ts U30 ‘‘The Oldest American Fire and Marine Insurance Company” 7:15 .9:00 2634 Founded 1792 24 c a rd s —24 en v elo p es, sp e c ia l 19c Toilet Goods 25c P o w d e r P u f f .................................16c 25c L ip S tic k ........................................16c 25c E y e b ro w P e n c il .......................... 16c 25c L iq u id R o u g e ...............................16c 50c L u x o r C old C r e a m ..................... 33c SOAP 50c Cocoa B u tte r C re am .................33c- 10c c a k e P a lm O liv e. . . . . . . 2 fo r 11c 10c C re am O il S o a p ..............2 fo r 11c 25c H e rp ic id e S h a m p o o S o a p 2 f o r 25c FOOTBALL 33c 35c C o rre s p o n d in g C a rd s WALLACE WORSLEY i Billings Agency INSURANCE COMPANY NORTH AMERICA 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 50c 50c 50c STATIONERY 50c L u x o r R o u g e ........... 33c $1.00 L u x o r C o m p a c ts .................... 69c WE DO NOT DELIVER SAIT GOODS V^e a re a g e n ts fo r M ac S to m a c h -to n e ,A lle n rh u . M o a v a S u p p o s ito rie s , G lau d o g - en n e rv e to n ic a n d B a l-S a M e-A C ough S y ru p . • ♦.( " ♦ ♦ ♦ « » » M i t» vs. Ashland Specials in Corsets and Brassiers for Comfort H ig h School A th le tic F ie ld Friday, October 24—3:30 p. m. Vv e have a new shipment of new models in various styles of corsets that will surely appeal to you once you see them and wear them. Tiie line embraces the athletic w rap-around type — the girdle—the front clasp and the step-in type. A d m issio n —50 c e n ts a t g a te Tickets purchased before game 35c M y rtle C re ek h a s a f a s t te a m , h a v in g d e fe a te d R o s e b u rg 6-0, tw o w e e k s ago. The quality of materials arc Coutil, Italian brocade and surgical web. These garments carry the best supporters obtainable for any corset. FOOTBALL! ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ Now, look at the price.' : The Athletic Type Girdle is Special at $1.00 Oregon The Coutil Insets V/rap-around type is A tire, carburetor, windshield wiper, chains, or any . other auto part, for any automobile, YOU CAN G E T IT A T L eed om ’s T ire H o u se J U S T R E C E IV E D , I brought a truck load of bar­ gain counter good s from P ort land la st w eek, all o f w hich w ill b e sold accord ingly. Auto R obes, W ade D ragsaw , H a lt­ ers, and lo ts o f arm y goods. Com e in early w h ile th ey last. Silver' Beam . Myrtle Creek T h ie v e s W a n t O n ly J e w e ls a n d P a p e r s of R e a l V alu e -♦-» ♦ » Old Standard TOO LA TE TO CLASSIFY No Matter What It Is, Cocoa Door Mats (Continued From Page 1) . p art 9,f California butter. Improv- j much toward standardizing uie i ____________________ J ed m ark ets for b u tter will aid in production and broadening the ' — » — berries, and - vegetables. The A sh -, , 1 attractin e g > ‘ the-new uaii dairym en uct-tl- need- m arkets for all local fru it and ------, i ue xxsu- . liiriL land d istrict especially is adopt- e