ASftUM» BAIL* «BIKOÎ. lumbago, scitica, 01? a stfftin, t«6 White Leghorn chickens, team and understand every detail of neutralise the âèids in thé sys­ by tem so they no lûhger cause irri­ and th e quickest relief is sooth­ Classified Column Claxnified Column Rates One cent the word each time. To run every Issue for one month or more, He the word each time. of Registered Im ported Perchon mares 1900 lbs. each. About 83000.00 w orth of farm equip­ ments, m odern hou9e, large barn and other buildings. Will take income property up to 820,000.00, long time on balance at 6 per cent. Courtesy to brokers or agents. J. J. Deakon, Phone 330, Ashland Oregon. 33— 1 mo. the work, therefore I am compet­ ent to handle' the affairs of the office. Yours for clean, progressive and efficient women and men in office in Jackson county. N E LL IE M. PERL. tation, thus often ïeiléviàg blad­ der disorders. ” « Jad Salts is inexpensive and can not in ju re; makes a delight­ fu l effervescent lithia-w ater drink, which everyone can take now and then to help keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby often preventing serious kidney complications. By all m eans have your physician examine your kid­ neys a t least twice, a year. ANNOUNCEMENT County Coroner In announcing my candidacy FOR RENT FOR SALE— Reed baby cart in! for the office of coroner. I feel FOR RENT— Furnished house, good condition; reasonably priced,' th a t I am no stranger am a^g you. 478 Boulevard. 36— Im o Phone 427-Y or call 733 Oak St. ag i w ls duly nominated a t th e 32— tf May prim ary on the republican FOR RENT-— Completely fu r­ ticket for which I am thankful nished apartm ent. 75 Bush St. MISCELLANEOUS And I hold out the same belief 37— tf now as then th a t the m ajority W ILL take on good Jersey cow FOB SALE Kidneys cause backache? No! should" and m ust rule and am at in m ilk for pasturage.. Talent, all times willing to strictly abide Listen! Your backache is caused Phone 8-F-5. 43— 2 by their decision. R egarding the FOR SALE: — Dodge Sedan Box 137. alm ost new. Mohair upholstered. WANTED__Plain and fancy office for wliifch I aspire, will say Many extras. Owner will guaran­ sewing, address 146 Central Ave. th a t I still hold out the belief tee same as new. Call E ast Side th at theooffice should not continue 42- Meat M arket. Phone 188. 44— 3 for the fifth term under the same Will m anagem ent however efficient it I WANTED: — Nursing. FOR SALE— 6 room house, ! consider house work. - Am a post may be, and should it be placed in first class condition, Garage and 1 graduate of N. W. school of mas- my charge I shall surely exercise woodshed. Lot 50x145. F ruit i sage and electro-therapeutics, the same judgm ent and efficiency trees, berries. Includes 8700 i Mrs. Leighton, 153 Granite or , which alone has brought about w orth of furniture, fruit jars, 33— 1 mo. my success as an undertaker. garden tools, etc. Reasonable for ' Phone 153. Trusting th a t by your voice at quick sale. Call 132 5th St. WANTED— W ork by corifpetent; the election polls I may be plac­ 43— 6 experienced janitor. All or part ed in a position to be of greater time. W ill do anything. Refer- service. FOR SALE— House and 2 lots, 32— tf ences 218-Y. I tru ly rem ain. I term s. Inquire 824 Beethman St., \ H. W. CONGER. Medford. 43— 3* Goats Bred by registered Medford, Ore. buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, ! FOR SALE— Few nice Wyan- Pd. Adv. Medford, Ore. low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 dott fryers; also two choice bar­ miies south on Pacific Highway. I red Rock cockerels. Phone 273-L 14— 1 mo.* I 43— 2 WANTED: — A reliable m ar­ FOR SALE: — 12-inch body ried man who’ understands gen­ fir, 83.50 per tier. Address W. R. eral farm work. Send full parti- W illiams, Rt. 1, Ashland. 41— 10* culars. P. O. "Box 368, Ashland. 44— 2t FOR SALE — Pigs, inquire W. L. Moore Belleview. Phone 10F4. Drink Quart of W ater if 40— 5* POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Your Back H urts or L ing, penetrating 3t. Jaftobs Oll.- Rub it right on your painful back, and instantly the soreness, stiff­ ness and lameness disappears. Don’t stay crippled! Get a small trial bottle of St. Jacobs Oil from your druggist and limber up. A moment a fte r it is applied you’ll wonder what became of the back­ ache or lumbago pain. Rub old, honest St. Jacobs Oil whenever you have sciatica, neu­ ralgia, rheum atism or sprains, a s ! it is absolutely harm less and doesn’t burn the skin. I W w h icilu ), October - Returns— i Return from Klam ath-» G. N. K ram er, station ageni for Mr. and Mrs. Alex Livingston th e Southern Pacific, returned and Mr. and Mrs. Jame3 Mc- yesterday morning from a several Donough returned yesterday from days’ "trip to Dunsmuir and Red- the K lam ath district, where the ding. He attneded a committee men have been working on the meeting on Tuesday at Dunsmuir. Natron cut-off. * ->©th locul ard internal, ar.d has be. successful in the treatment of Catan n •oruv;.-40years. Gold by all druggis • F. J. CHENEY CO .. T oledo. Oh The old fashioned belief in the hard lot of the country woman has been swept away by this modern Perfection oil range. She can now have gas stove service with k ero sen e- quick heat, clean heat, abundant heat, instantly regulated and always dependable. She can also enjoy the additional cook stove conveniences that city women have—ample size, plenty of shelf space, a beautiful stove, and one which is simple to operate. IF KIDNEYS BOTHER Besides the price is $35.00 in­ TRY DOS OF SALTS around stead of $50.00, the No man or woman can make a m istake by fluishing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Too much rich food creates acids which clog the kid­ ney pores so th a t they sluggish­ ly filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the blood. Then you get sick. Rheum atism, headaches, liver trouble, nervous­ ness, constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders often come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys hr your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedim ent, irreg u ­ lar of passage, or attended by a sensation of scalding, begin to drink soft w ater in quantities: also get about four o u n c e s of .Tad Salts from any reliable pharm ­ acy and take a tablespoonful in a glass of w ater before breakfast for a few davs and your kidneys mav then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon iuice. combined with lithia, and has been used for years t o hnln flush clogged kidneys and stim u­ late them to- activity, also to help Halt's Catarri! Medicine”!™ A New Day in Rural Kitchens It’s the smart style, the good fit, the rich woolens and the fine n e e d le w o r k th a t appeal to c o lle g e youths. Bladder Troubles ifcM Visiting Here — Mrs. Will Weeden of Klam ath Falls was in Ashland yesterday vifiting her mother, Mrs. M. J. I McCallister. the campus, at the dance, when* ever and wherever good c lo t h e s are worn, Clothes Tailor* ed to M easure by B orn play a very prominent part. 6-ROOM Modern House, 2 G. W. Milam blocks from H aw thorne school Independent on paved street, well furnished. Candidate for County School Lot 80x160. P arty leaving town. Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ F o r quick sale 83250, on good ty, Oregon. term s at 6 per cent. W. W. Robi­ son, 63 North- Main St. 38— tf ANNOUNCEMENT In announcing myself as an Bungalows— Lots Independent candidate for Cor­ I have some fine Bungalows. oner for Jackson county:— I do Houses and Building Lots in Ash­ so with the firm belief th a t the land for sale, will accept good people do not w ant m inority rule. Bonds, Notes or Mortages on It is proven th a t the direct payments, and give easy term s on prim aries are a failure, only 30 balance. Se me before buying a per cent vote was cast at the home. spring prim aries, which is not a A. L. LAMB, 178 A St.. voice of the people. In this elec­ Box 422, Ashland. tion all parties have the privilege 35— 1 Mo. of voting for th eir choice. I need no introduction to the Buy better milk. Phone 257-J people of Jackson county where for it. 33— 1 mo.* I have lived for 15 years, and FO R SALE — or exchange for given the best of my life, time 836,000.«®. 160 acres. 100 culti­ and money for the upbuilding and vated, free w ater, lots of It. 20 betterm ent of the entire commun­ head of large else Registered J e r­ ity. I have been assistant to the seys. the finest strain In Oregon. 30 head of registered Duroc pigs, present coroner for eight year? dtf, The introduction of this finer Perfection oil range has brought the year ’round ease of city cooking to the rural kitchen and lifted from woman’s shoulders the hard work of chopping kindling, carrying coal and cleaning out the ashes. price others ask for th e sa m e q u a lity . W hy n ot save the difference? T he C leveland M etal P roducts C o . Oakland Branch, 4S>k ana Hollis Streets Paulserud’s See y o u r d ea ler today. H e carries all styles and sixes o f Perfections and will be glad to demonstrate. /r Travel By Motor Stage Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably From Ashland Daily to Portland .. ........................7:00 A. M- Daily to E u g e n e ............................... 12.00 Noon Daily to R o seb u rg ............................... 4:15 P.M. 12:00 noon and 4:15 p. m. Stages connects to Portland following morning. We take passengers for all way points; for fu rth er inform ation and tickets call Hotel Ashland office phone 47. „ FARE ASHLAND—PORTLAND $8.20 pot qr:. e warmth, whenever an d wherever , the Im proved Perfection O il Heater. For best results use Perfection Ovens on Perfection Stoves. A ll styles an d sizes. Jr For quick, abundant hot water without gas, gel a Perfecliou Kerosene Water H ^ te r . PERFECTION Oil Cook Stoves and Ovens f An Experienced, Efficient, Courteous Officer He resigned as Sheriff to enlist In defense of his country. We have generally tried to return to these soldiers, the positions which they gave up. His qualifications entitle him to our support. - • (Paid Advertisement)