A Wednesday, October ¿si, ASH LAND D A IL Y T ID IN G S tbs first of the yea? from Cali­ fornia and more are coming in each day, many of these coming from tourists after their retu rn home. (Established in l«7fl) P u b lish ed E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. B ert R. Greer ...,v............... >..................................................................Editor George Madden Green ................................................. Business Manager INCOME TAX REPEAL another hour from any >M4 pain, soreness or distress arising: from Expert Greasing SERVICE Auto Accessories Hemorrhoids of Piles now that this w onderful prescription known as MOAVA SUPPOSITORIES can be obtained for a m oderate price at any first class drug store on the money back if dissatisfied plan. You'll be amazed to see how quickly it acts. Blessed relief often comes in an hour; even in ! cases of long standing with pro- i fuse bleeding, really w onderful j results have been accomplished. Remember the name, MOAVA SUPPOSITORIES, and be sure to follow the simple directions t h a t ! come in each box. E ast Side Pharm acy. Mail orders accepted. I Foreign Exchange CALENDAR OF EVENTS Saturday, October 25, P. E. O. OFFICIAL CITY J? A PER ....... .........................................Telephone 39 E ntered a t th e A shland, O regon P o sto ffice as Second C lass Mail M atter will meet at the home of Mrs. Ada : Shoudy. Subscription Price, Delivered in City • Monday, October 27. Ashland Ona Month ........................................................................................... $ .65 SHELL GASOLINE and OILS r^OREIGN exchanges are often Three Months ....................................................................................... 1.95 Music Study Club will meet. The Tested Products Vigorous state-wide denuncia­ Six Months ................................... ........................................................ 3.75 Monday, October 27. The W. R. * very complicated and yet Ona Year ........................................................................................ ....... 7.50 C. club will meet at the home of tion of the state income tax law, coupled with a demand for its re­ people sometimes must use them. • By Mail and Rural Routes One Month ........ ...... »......................................... ................................. $ .65 Mrs. F. H. W alker, 419 Liberty ’ peal at the forthcom ing November Ibis hank is prepared to transact Three Months .................. _................................................... :............. 1.95 street. election, is evidenced by the dis­ all business wtili foreign countries • • • Six Months .........................................*.................................................. 3.50 play in the P o rtlan d Cham ber of Ona Year ............................................................................................... 6.50 Boone-Ladu M arriage— and to give you accurate advice. Commerce Clubrooms showing BOULEVARD and SHERMAN Thomas E. Boone and Eliza­ DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES more than 200- gnti-income tax Single insertion, per inch ............................................................ $ .30 beth Ladu, both of Talent, were clippings from 125 different news- j Y early C ontracts m arried by County Judge Gard­ papers of the state, all outside of Ona insertion a week ................................................................... .27 % ner a t the Jacksonville court Portland. Two insertions a week ................................................................... .25 house Tuesday morning. The Dally insertion ........ *............. :........................................................ • .20 This display includes hut a couple are well known In Talent small num ber of sim ilar clippings R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. I .10 and expect to make th eir home obtained by C. C, Chapman, e d i-. Ashland, Oregon Each subsequent Insertion, 8 point line ................................. .05 there after a short trip. to r of the Oregon Voter, who. | Card of Thanks .................................... ............................................ 1.00 Red Pepper Rub takes the • • • after thorough investigation, h e } Obituaries, per line .............................. „ ............ . ........................ .02% “ouch” from sore, stiff, a c h in g , Civic Club M eets— • * * * * * * * * * ♦ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f r » 11 « i > > declared yesterday, came to the Overland 9 0 -............$150 joints. It cannot h u rt you, and WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING it certainly stops th a t old rheu- i The Civic Club m et a t the club conclusion th a t many investm ents "All future events, where an admission charge is made or a house Tuesday afternoon with a had "been reduced, suspended or Mitchell Touring ...$ 75 matism to rtu re at once. collection taken is Advertising. When you are suffering so you large crowd in attendance. Mrs. w ithdraw n entirely and th a t the No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. can hardly get around, ju st try (Paid A dvertisem ent) Perozzi was the main speaker on state was losing millions of dol­ Reo Speed Wagon ..$350 Red Pepper Rub and you will DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise will be made In advertls- the program , talking on “ The Wo­ lars because of the income tax Ford Coupe ............. $375 have the quickest relief known N othing has such concentrated, man V oter.” Mrs. Perozzi told of law. lM or Job printing— our contributions will be In eash. penetrating heat as red peppers. the m easures to be voted upon at Mr. Chapman, with a committee Ford Roadster ........ $225 J u st as soon as you apply Red WHO IS TO BLAME the coming election and explained of the Portland Chamber of Com­ Pepper Rub you will feel the ting­ A recent news note tells us of liow a gang of young in detail the work of every vot­ merce, is leading the fight to re ­ Ford Touring ..........$115 ling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and A short business session was peal the income tax statu te. Other W ashington................. NO Income Tax boys, playing with firearms fired a bullet into the home of er. , through. Pain and soreness are held and the report of commit­ evidence showing general state ­ O regon........................... INCOME TAX a resident of this city. That serious injury or even death tees in charge of the Rummage wide antipathy to the law wa3 Quick Service on R aybestos gone. Ask any good druggist for a California .................. NO Income Tax did not result from this carelessness was through the will Sale made. A short social hour the receipt of sm all anti-income B rah e L ining ja r of Rowles Red Pepper Rub. Be sure to get the genuine, with , AVE HAVE EXAMINED copies of the documentary of the Lord himself, for the room into which the bullet followed. Delicious refreshm ents tax campaign contributions from the name Rowles on each pack­ were served w ith Mesdames E. D. more th a n 1500 persons th ro u g h ­ evidence as to the effect of a state income tax upon Ore­ crashed was one of those in greatest use in the home. age. Briggs, Homer Billings and Ed out the state. gon. V e are satisfied as to the genuineness of the docu­ Probably the first intimation that they have done any B arron presiding at th e tea tables. ments. • e e damage will reach these boys through the news columns IE W. & N. Service Station GAR BARGAINS RED PEPPERS WILL HEAT AWAY PAINS OE ■ ■ The Citizens Bank of Ashland Which State WUI Grow? Automotive Shop C hevrolet and D odge Sales and Service of the Tidings. And maybe, even after they read the M issionary M eets — The W oman’s Synodical Mis­ article concernin; their deed, they will not realize the sionary Society la m eeting Wed­ seriousness of it. For, according to the man whose home nesday, Thursday and Friday at was damaged, the boys were too young to realize the dan­ the Bethany Presbyterian Church iu G rants Pass. A large delega­ ger in which they placed that family. tion from Ashland are attending, Although we may censure these boys, and accuse among them Mrs. Grace Andrews, them of extreme carelessness, they should not bear all the Reverend and Mrs. Mergler, Mrs. blame. Not even half, for it is the parents of these young­ J . W. McCoy and Mrs. S. D. Tay­ sters, who furnish them firearms before the children are lor. old enough to realize the danger of their guns, who should CALIFORNIANS NOW hear most of the blame. INQUIRE IN STATE Hunting, with all that goes with it, the great outdoors and a touch of nature, is a splendid thing, and something A representative of the Land Settlem ent Committee of the which every youngster should be allowed to enjoy. But P ortland Cham ber of Commerce his enjoyment should be under the supervision of older will be sent to California to s u r­ people, until he can come to the realization of the respon­ vey the field th ere w ith the ob­ c t of opening an Oregon infor­ sibility he takes every time he handles a firearm. Then, je m ation bureau in Los Angeles. and then only will the accidents such as the one which This is made necessary by the occured here cease. hundreds of inquiries being re­ OUR RAILROADS Complex» statistics of the- Interstate Commerce Com­ mission of the Class 1—that is, the large—railroads of the country for the year 1923 having recently become avail­ able, the Railway Age publishes in its current issue an analysis of these statistics to show just what happened to the railroads during the decade that included the period of the great war. It uses as its basis the figures for each average mile of railroad. These statistic« disclose some striking facts. They show, for example, that the increase in the total earnings of the railways was $13,222 per mile while the increase in their net return available for paying interest and divi­ dends was only $380 per mile and that, therefore, the security owners received directly and indirectly only one- thirty-fifth of the total increase in earnings. They also show that the increase in operating expenses per mile was $10,180, and of this amount $7,170, or almost 70 per cent, was paid out in increased wages. They show also that of all changes that occuired on the railways the increase in taxes was relatively much the greatest. “ The investment in railway property,” the Railway Age says, “ increased from $65,700 to $86,147 a mile or 31 per cent. The increase in net capitalization per mile was only $5,465 while the increase in property investment was $20,447. The wide difference* in these figures is chiefely due to the fact that a large part of the investment in property was made from earnings of some companies which paid no dividends but invested in their properties all the earnings they had left after paying interest on their debts. “ The increase in the average tractive power of loco­ motives for each mile of line operated was 28 per cent and the increase of fn iglit ear capacity per mile of line was 16 per cent. “ The increase in the number of employees per mile operated was only 5 per cent while the increase in the wages paid on each mile of line operated was 125 per cent. With these increases in the capacity of equipment and in the number of employees the railways handled 36 per cent more freight business and almost nine per cent more pass­ enger business per mile of line operated. GOVERNMENT IN SECRET? Why this concerted effort to keep secret certain past goings-on in the Oregon state house? Why try to cover up school fund shortages, compensation fund shrinkages and foreclosures of soldiers’ bonus loans and like short­ comings of public officials? AVhat about the following: The owner of a 320-acre dry farm in Harney county offered it for sale for $700 .Unable to get a buyer at that figure, he tried to sell it for $600. Failing in this, lie ap­ plied to the state for public school money and was given a loan of $1200. Then he abandoned the farm, left the country, and has never returned. Of course, the state had to foreclose and take over the farm that the owner was unable to sell for $600. The loan of $1200 of school money was made August 30, 1910. Not a penny of interest has ever been paid. Besides the $1200 thus taken out of the principal of the irreducible school fund, the public schools have lost the interest on the loan for a period of 14 years, one month and 18 days. Interest on the loan at 6 per cent compounded semi-an­ nually would amount to about $1565. In addition to loss of a part of the principal and the loss of interest, the state has lost the taxes on the property since it was taken over. Republican Ticket and Platform AVe find that this evidence substantiates the claim that many millions of dollars have been diverted from in­ vestment in Oregon industries that would provide a home market for Oregon agricultural products. A\ e find the damage is so serious and of such extent that we appeal to our neighbors and to voters in all parts of Oregon to vote tor the repeal of the present income tax and to oppose the enactment o f any new state income tax bill, at least until such time as the other Pacific Coast The Jackson County Republican organization is composed of fifty- i ix precinct committeemen, an executive committee of eleven members, a women’s advisory committee of eleven members, one a ll food, b etter, v, oman member of the state execu­ tive committee, a state committee­ foNestla» ALPINE man, a congressional com m ittee­ man, making a total of eighty- one members who are the law­ have enacted similar legislation so they cannot fully constituted representatives of the republican party in Jack- grow at Oregon’s expense. son county. These men and wo­ AA e do not object to paying a state income lax, hut men believe in party government, party responsibility, and party we do object to imposing a tax that keeps capital out of discipline, for no political organi­ our state, retards state development and tends to leave zation can long endure, nor can it be of any great force or effect our farmers dependent upon distant markets. in elevating our standards of pub- AVe resent the tendency to give Oregon the reputa­ ■ lie service unless it is willing to assume full responsibility for its tion of being a “ backward state.” Oregon’s resources i acts and stands ready to enforce discipline and demand loyalty and the courage and enterprise of her pioneer people en­ 1 when the m ajority speaks. The title her to a great destiny. Let us all join hands to rid organization is in politics only ceived from residents of Califor­ from the standpoint of better gov­ Oregon of legislation that handicaps Oregon development. ernm ent. nia, particularly in the vicinity READ THE NAMES OF THESE SIGNERS: The following resolution was of Los Angeles, requesting infor­ unanim ously adopted at our m eet­ m ation as to Oregon and its re­ River ing 01} October 7th. It is both a J. O. Isaacson, Central Charles Ray, Clover­ sources. Over four hundred in­ Point Charles Hall, M arsh­ pledge and a platform : dale field quiries have been received 3ince Under the election laws of the W. C. Leever, Central G. M. Rice, Pendleton Point S. P. Peirce, Sixes state of Oregon, a county com­ Frank Branch Riley, m ittee is elected by the people at Louis A. Salade, Cen­ J. C. Perry, Salem Portland tra l Point Patsy Daly, Prairie the prim ary a t the same time the A. B. Robertson, Con­ candidates are nominated, and this C. C. Chitwood, Jack­ City don sonville Robert W. Sawyer, committee is given full authority MANY WHO WANT J. E. Roman, Astoria Bend to taae take chs charge of the campaign Blanche Cook, Jack -i /--i 10 E. C. Sammons, P o rt­ •sonville Joseph J. Keber, Mt. land for election _ £ 1 This con committee is made res­ A. C. W alker, Jack­ Angel Chas. J. Shelton, Bak­ sonville Alta B. Smith, Pilot ponsible for the conduct of the er i campaign; it is empowered to levy D. C. McClure, Tang­ Rock A. A. Smith, Baker ent W. C. McKinney, Mil­ Dan P. Smythe, Pen­ ' assessm ents on the candidates and ! to otherwise raise funds for prop- E. D. Briggs, Ashland ton dleton er and legitim ate campaign ex- Wm. M. Briggs, Ash­ D. H. Robbins, Molalla Conrad Stafrin, Dallas land Charles T. Bennett, 1 penses. The powers of this com- Geo. W. Steelhammer, H. G. Enders, Jr. Ash­ Mosier 4 m ittee given both by law and by Silverton land V. L. Lundy. Myrtle implication are alm ost unlim it­ Mark N. Tisdale, Suth­ Fred C. Homes, Ash­ Point are disappointed e a c h ed. Therefore, be it erlin F. H. Churchill, Rose­ land Resolved, th a t the Jackson N. G. Wallace, Prine­ week because they delay County Republican Central Com­ D. H. Jackson, Ash­ burg land Fred H. Hopkins, Med­ ville ordering. Phone us for m ittee exercise in every ju st and Carl G. W ashburno, ford reasonable way in this campaign J. W. McCoy,» Ashland Eugene your Friday Fish. the full powers given them by V. O. N. Smith, Ash­ Wm. J. Liljequist, T. C. W heeler, Cottage land McMinnville Expert Cook, who has . law. Grove i Believing in party government F. F. W hittle, Ashland S. L. Parretfe. Newberg J. L. Gault, Corvallis made Universal Electric C. W. Ashpole, Med­ H. G. Enders, Jr. - , and party responsibility, we there- Ashland R a n g e Demonstrations 1 fore pledge to the people of Jack- W ford alter Bowne, Med­ Fred H illister, North N. Main P h on e 107 ! son county th a t if they see fit to ford Bend here several times, will : elect our candidates on the 4th Brackinreed, H. Wayne Stanard, day of November, then this or- Alan demonstrate this range at Medford I ganization w'ill ge behind these T. E. Daniels, Medford J. Brownsville Burns this store for a week, be­ ■ county officers and encourage and C. E. Gates, Medford W. J. C. Donegan, Leever, Central ' support them in every way, so W. H. Gore, Medford ginning Monday, October long as they conduct their respec­ B. E. H arder, Med­ H. Point W. Young, Coquille 20th. She will again give tive offices in an able, economical ford C. E. Ingalls, Corval­ i and honest m anner, and if they George G. Hewitt, Ashland housewives her lis prove unw orthy in the conduct Medford L. D. Scarborough, L. Barnum, The Dal­ of their offices, and should Fred wonderful recipes. IS HERE H. Hopkins, Creswell les i charges of inefficiency or dishon­ Medford J. J: Roberts, Red­ L. J. Chapin, Salem esty be preferred against any such Let 'us talk with vou mond E. G. Favill, Lake- Mr. Jam es H. Allen, of 26 officer and if upon investigation William F. Isaacs, Medford M . G. Hope, Vale view about Fordson farming. are found to be true, then this Forbes St., Rochester, N. Y., suf­ John W. Johnson, W. L. Thompson August J. Stange, La fered for years with rheum atism . committee pledges the people .of M ediford A. W right. Union We will be glad to demon­ Grande Jackson county th a t we will ask John C. Mann, Med­ L. Mrs. Lewis A. McAr­ E. J. K uratli, H ills­ Many times this terrible disease for the resignation of any such strate the Fordson to pros­ ford thur, Portland boro left him helpless and unable to officer, and, if necessary, take Porter J. Neff, Med­ Mrs. C. E. McDowell, Jess R. Lasswell, Oak­ pective power farmers. steps to remove him. work. 240 E ast Main St. ford Prineville land F u rther, if these candidates are John S. Orth, Med­ Miss R. M. Steiwer, He finally decided, after years II. J. Hendricks, Sa­ Call or come to our office endorsed a t the polls this fall, ford Spray lem of ceaseless study, th a t no one then this committee is resolved Jam es H. Owen, Med F. L. Meyers, La to make arrangements for Hal E. Hose, Oregon to see th a t harm ony is brought can be free from rheum atism ford For a smooth shave Grande City into the court house a t Jackson­ B. W. Paul, Medford your demonstration. until the accumulated im purities, M. Thornton, Wm. H. Daugherty, and quick service go ville and th a t all of these officers C. M. Sims, Medforc Kathleen Lakeview Echo p U U v u ftv v u ci iu i v efficiency u iv iv u v j iu v u i together for in our to the Shell Barber commonly called uric acid depos-' pull John R. Tomlin, Med­ Nellie May Hill, Lex­ Phone 50 its, were dissolved in the joints! county government, to the end ford Shop. Ladies and and muscles and expelled from th at the burdens of the taxpayers V. I. Vawter, Medford M. ington L. Boyd, Dallas children get your hair may be relieved to a3 great an Gordon Vorhies, Med­ the body. )scar H ayter, Dallas bobbed and marcel­ extent as possible. ford W ith this idea in mind he con­ H A R R IS O N We fu rth er pledge ourselves to Jay H. Dobbin, Joseph Sugene H ayter, Dallas • led. sulted physicians, made experi­ see th a t unnecessary deputies, Sam Litch, E nterprise Louis E. Bean, Eugene W. C. Dalton, Klam­ Brothers, Garage H. H. Hendricks, Fos­ ath Falls w . A. SHELL, Prop. m ents and finally compounded a special police and other special P orter J. Neff, Med­ sil P. F. Chandler, Can­ and any unnecessary mem­ Fond, Lincoln, Fordson Dealers ford S82 Ai St. Ashland, Ore prescription th a t quickly and officers bers of the clerical force not ab­ A. L. Mills, Portland A. J. Egan, Gervais yon City Homer W. Egan, Ger­ W. C. Stew art, Day­ completely banished every sign solutely necessary for the effic­ Frank E. Andrews, vais ville and symptom of rheum atism from iency conduct of county business, Portland W. Lloyd, Halfway W. S. Ferguson, Ath­ shall be cut off. H. D. Norton, Grants W. E. h 's system. Woodson, Hep­ ena W ith this understanding and Pass He freely gave his discovery, pledge we subm it for the consid­ pner John S. Orth, Medford Ferd Groner, H ills­ H. W. Gard. Madras which he called A llenrhu, to oth­ eration of the voters of Jackson Jam es Pelton, F ort F. S. Butt, Huutington boro F. H. Gaulke, Joseph ers who took it, with w hat might county our ticket nominated by Klam ath Blanche Cook, Jack ­ C. P.. Bishop, Salem the republicans in the May pri­ C. C. Clark, Arlington be called m arvelous success. Aft­ maries: sonville Elbert Bede, Cottage P. A. Frakes, Scap­ er years of urging he decided to For Representatives 8 th D istrict— D. D. Joslyn, Jordan Grove poose Valley JOHN H. CARKIN let sufferers everywhere know W. F. Homans, On­ Charles W. Ellis, G. W. Marvin, Silver tario about his discovery through the RALPH P. COWGILL Burns Lake _ For D istrict A ttorney George W. Hubbs, Sil­ B. II. Drager, Salem newspapers. NEWTON C. CHANEY C. B. Teats, Rickreall I. W. Hoech, The Dal­ verton “ The blessed relief this mar- For County Judge— les C. E. Inga'lls, Corval­ Charles E. Gates, Nothing would delight the youngsters more than a Kiddie H E . S. Brim hall, Tilla ' velous prescription quickly gives W. J. HARTZELL lis Medford mook has made for it thousands o f tF o r A. L. Leavitt, Klam­ A rthur M. Churchill, Kar, Tricycle or other childish vehicle which will permit them C. D. Rorer, Eugene ath Falls Portland friends,’ ’says E ast Side Phar- Por County C l e r k - H. W. Collins, Pendle­ 3. C. Miller, Dillard F. D. McCully, Joseph to enjoy the outdoors and get the exercise they need,. macy, who has been appointed DELILIA STEVENS J. Frank Adams, Mer­ Lena Miller, Newport ton rill Fox Sheriff— O. S. Blanchard, agent in your city. It is Mr. Al­ Will M. Peterson, Pen­ J. J. McMAHON Fred W Falconer, G rants Pass dleton len’s own discovery. • For Assessor— Portland Thomas Gavin, Shan­ Paul E. Pollman, Bak­ J. B. COLEMAN Mack Hoke, Pendleton iko er For School Superintendent— R. M. Fox, Portland C. O. Portwood, Fos­ Charles H. Stewart, SUSANNE HOMES CARTER Jay Gibson, Gaston Portland sil For T reasurer— J. W. Mayo, Stayton G ertrude C. Glover, Keith Powell, Wood­ A. C, WALKER Phil Metschan, P ort­ Klam ath Falls burn For Surveyor— land Charles H. Castner, George Putnam, Sa­ T. G R IFF IT H COWGILL A. D. Moe, Hood Hood River lem For Coroner— H. W. CONGER «00 MORE signers of above appeal; more than 1,500 contributors to Wall Paper and- Paint. Bring your Window Sash Doctor discovers real remedy Signed: expense of getting facts before voters; signers and contributors live that actually heals Toiles and ab­ * Glazing done free. JACKSON COUNTY R E ­ in all parts of Oregon; this advertisem ent issued by C. C. Chapman, sorbs them never to return. PUBLICAN COMMITTEE. Editor of Oregon Aoter, initiator of repeal m easure; residence 169 No man or woman need suffer (Paid Adv.) 45— 10 Lownsdaie St., Portland, Oregon. SEE US for C O L O N IA L Pipeless FURNACES Simpson’s Hardware Winchester Store Says Allenrhu surety Conquers, Fish Miss Murdock Eagle Market VOTE For Repeal Fall Plowing Time The Ashland Electric Shop 312 X Yes GIVE THE KIDDIES a Chance io Play SWENSON-PEEBLER Furniture Company PILE SUFFERERS K T QUICK BELIEF!